View Full Version : Movie titles released

05-31-2011, 12:09 PM
So the names of the two new movies have been released.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: There and Back Again.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13599286 (source)

It's at least nice to see There and Back Again being used.

05-31-2011, 09:14 PM
Interesting to hear. And... "An Unexpected Journey" clearly comes from "An Unexpected Party"! :)

The Gaffer
06-01-2011, 04:33 AM
Any word on which bits will be covered by which?

Will film 1 be The Hobbit and film 2 be entirely PJ's invention? I hope so, then I will know which one to go and see...

06-01-2011, 06:29 AM
Interesting to hear. And... "An Unexpected Journey" clearly comes from "An Unexpected Party"! :)
Heh, I hadn't noticed, you may be right. :)

Any word on which bits will be covered by which?No word on that as far as I have read. But I'm guessing the new bits will be so mixed in that you'd have to see both films to see the book in full.

05-11-2012, 11:43 PM
I thought we were posting somewhere projections on where in the story the break would come between movies. I'm thinking more and more it would be right around the captivity by the Wood Elves. Either just after they've been taken captive - and Bilbo slips inside but doesn't know what to do (cliffhanger ending, more or less) - or maybe just after they've made their escape in the barrels, and they're floating down the river (some amount of humor and relief to end with).

Here's what I would see for scenes, apart from whatever gets added to 'The Hobbit' itself, concerning the White Council, the backstory of the Dwarves, or whatever else gets invented along the way:

Movie 1: An Unexpected Journey
* Good Morning
* Party with Dwarves
* Dwarf Backstory
* Departure / Travel (through Eriador)
* Trolls
* Cave w/ swords & dagger
* Rivendell
* Misty Mountains
* Captured by Orcs (where there's a whip...)
* Escape and Flight
* Gollum
* Reunited
* Wolves & Trees
* Eagles
* Beorn I
* Beorn II
* Mirkwood - Don't go off the Path!
* Sleepy Creek
* Goes on Forever
* Feasting Fairies
* White Council Interlude I
* Spiders
* Hall of the Elvenking
* Uninvited Guest
* Escape Barrels

Movie 2: There and Back Again
* Down the River
* Laketown
* White Council Interlude II
* Local Heroes
* On to the Mountain
* Looking for the Door
* A Peak Inside
* Dragon Tails
* Dragon Fire on Laketown
* Crawling Out
* White Council Interlude III
* Remaking Erebor
* A Buzz in the Ashes
* March to the Mountain
* Standoff
* Thief Slips Out
* Exposure
* Dain Arrives
* Battle of Five Armies
* Passing of Thorin
* Voyage Home - the long way around Mirkwood
* A Hole, Spoons & Sackville-Bagginses
* Follow-up Visit

Now... how's that for an outline? :)

05-12-2012, 08:48 AM
Would make a movie (or two, of course) that I would be interested to see! :thumb:

Let's hope they don't deviate too much from what can be found in the book ...

05-12-2012, 12:48 PM
I just saw someone speculating on another site - that the movie would end with:
* First - the White Council - with an Elven Army - doing battle with Orcs, Trolls, Nazgul, etc - driving Sauron from Dol Guldor
* Then - Bilbo and the Dwarves making their barrel escape.

He pointed out that it follows PJ's pattern of ending a movie with a large battle, followed by a touching / emotional / positive moment.

I think it wouldn't be a bad way to go.

He even speculates on who we might see with the White Council Forces: Gandalf, Saruman, Elrond, Galadriel... Elrond's twin sons, maybe even Glorfindel. I think it'd be also cool to see Radagast. He wonders also if this is a good place for Legolas to be - leading an army of Mirkwood Elves.

Thoughts? :)

05-12-2012, 12:51 PM
Oh - and another bit of backstory which might be a cool addition - would be this.

Maybe when they find the swords and dagger in the troll cave - or even better, when Elrond reveals where they're from - we get a glimpse of the Gondolin backstory. Maybe even Glorfindel (who is standing right beside Elrond as he tells it - and then visible at the Dol Guldor affair) - fighting the Balrog in a flashback. It would be way cool - but possibly too expensive to add as a brief flashback.

But wouldn't that be a wonderful way to tie things back historically to the Gondolin past - in a visual way?

05-12-2012, 12:53 PM
It's slightly time-bending, but maybe we even see Gollum come out of the mountains after just a few weeks (instead of a couple years) and follow the band toward Laketown. Maybe he's in the bushes watching when Smaug lights up the place! :eek:

05-12-2012, 12:56 PM
Oh - and another bit of backstory which might be a cool addition - would be this.

Maybe when they find the swords and dagger in the troll cave - or even better, when Elrond reveals where they're from - we get a glimpse of the Gondolin backstory. Maybe even Glorfindel (who is standing right beside Elrond as he tells it - and then visible at the Dol Guldor affair) - fighting the Balrog in a flashback. It would be way cool - but possibly too expensive to add as a brief flashback.

But wouldn't that be a wonderful way to tie things back historically to the Gondolin past - in a visual way?

(sorry - but my ideas keep feeding each other)

And after Elrond tells it, maybe there's this mysterious 10-year-old boy, who suddenly asks Elrond if those swords are connected with HIS sword. Maybe that even comes first and prompts Elrond to explain where they're from. :D

05-13-2012, 06:37 AM
Heh, that last idea might have the fans in an uproar, considering Aragorn only learned his parentage and legacy another ten years later. :p