View Full Version : Is harry potter and the half blood prince made into 2 movies?

01-31-2011, 05:59 AM
basically, harry potter and the half blood prince comes out in cinemas in July 09. well apparently the movie is including harrypotter and the deathly hallows. is this true? so the movie will be twice as long because it includes the 2 novels by JK Rowling: harry potter and the half blood prince AND harry potter and the deathly hallows. Please answer i really need to know!

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01-31-2011, 09:09 PM
Half-blood prince came out last summer. The deathly hallows came out in November, I think. The last movie comes out this July, not July 09.

07-08-2011, 12:50 PM
Any truth to the rumour the studio is holding back the last sentence to extend it to three movies?

(Actually, just sick of seeing my post on soci-alism as the last one here)

So, will any of them make the transition from child actor?