View Full Version : The Princess Bride
09-09-2000, 04:31 AM
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
09-09-2000, 05:21 AM
I think it was the last time the Géant Ferré (or André The Giant for the anglo) appeared in a movie (and maybe the first time also?). How don't remember how many months or years after that he died.
Billy Crystal up to his reputation also in it.
09-09-2000, 06:55 PM
I have the novel by William Goldman (screenwriter of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) and discovered that it was actually a shortening of a book of the same title by S. Morgenstern. Does anybody have any idea where I could find the original original?
Elbreth of Carhouth
09-09-2000, 07:54 PM
I love the Princess Bride. I read the actual original in grade three, but got it from the school library. I have no idea where it is now. I remember Wesley knocked on her door once, and when asked who it was replied "Wesley". "Wesley, Wesley? Oh! Farm Boy!"
"No more rhymes, now I mean it.
Anybody want a peanut?"
My family can quote for hours on end. And some of the voices are pretty close to the movie too.
Film Hobbit
09-11-2000, 02:13 AM
I've been looking for this too Iron Parrot, let me know if you find it. This is one of my all time favs.
Elbreth of Carhouth
09-11-2000, 07:35 PM
Did you guys notice that the names of the countries are actually the names of Dutch currency? I found that amusing.
09-11-2000, 11:28 PM
You're joking right? My mom loves this book, and she told me that there is no original, that was just a joke.
09-12-2000, 02:52 AM
That's what I used to think.
Slowly, over time, the people who believed it convinced me otherwise.
Also because until you just came along nobody ever agreed with me on this...
Film Hobbit
09-12-2000, 06:23 PM
Well I have seen a book, it was in my Library when I was in Junior High like 11 years ago. The question is which came first the book or the movie? I never got to read that book so I don't know and I haven't seen it since.
09-14-2000, 03:30 AM
The movie was constructed based on William Goldman's novel, which makes reference to a supposed earlier version from around World War I written by a certain S. Morgenstern, the existence of which is not to my knowledge...
09-24-2000, 08:18 PM
What a great little movie!
The duel between Wesley and Montoya is one of the best coreographed sword fights I've ever seen!
09-25-2000, 05:22 PM
I loved this movie!! The humor and sometimes dry wit is just wonderful. I dunno about the frame story part of the movie though. I got rather tired of seeing Fred Savage's character interrupt all the time with some twitty remark. I understand why the film was made this way, and I suppose it was a good way to work in a narrator, but I would have enjoyed the movie more without the frame story. Any thoughts on this?
09-25-2000, 09:04 PM
I enjoyed seeing Peter Falk shut the brat up!
09-29-2000, 03:19 AM
Okay. I'll admit it. I was fooled and fooled good. I don't think I've ever fallen for anything as gullibly in my entire life. (Except for the fact that for about an hour or two after watching Almost Famous, I was convinced Stillwater was real and wondered why I'd never heard of them.)
The thing is, one knows that it's Goldman's style of writing, but he does the Morgenstern thing so convincingly that I was really fooled...
09-30-2000, 01:07 AM
If you haven't read the book, get it ( It's hilarious. It is, of course, better than the movie.
Or maybe not. The book is remarkable similar to the movie. In fact, the movie of The Princess Bride is the most faithful adaptation of a fantasy (or otherwise) novel that I can think of. I can't imagine a better movie adaptation of the book. (And I am notoriously picky about such things.)
Somehow that's immensely reassuring. :D
Wouldn't it be amazingly fun if the Morgenstern version actually existed? I, for one, would love to hear about the Princess Noreena's hats. :rolleyes: :lol:
09-30-2000, 01:56 AM
Princess Noreena's hats? I have no clue what you'r talking about and now I'll have to buy the book to find out :p
09-30-2000, 08:53 PM
:evil: Gotcha! :lol:
(You won't regret it! It's completely worth reading, and it really does restore one's faith in the posibilty of a faithful movie adaptation of a fantasy novel.)
X Rogue
10-04-2000, 08:12 PM
Loved the movie and the book-I think this was the first time I liked both. Hysterical.
"Go away or I'll call the Brute Squad!" -Miracle Max
"I'm *on* the Brute Squad." -Fezzik
"You ARE the Brute Squad!!" -Miracle Max
10-12-2000, 09:59 PM
This is such a silly story! I liked both the book and the movie, and I was NEVER fooled by the Morgenstern thingy...I guess I've read enough abridgements to know that an abridger would never go off on his personal life like Goldman supposedly does. (is it even his personal life, or just made up?)
For those of you who have seen the movie but haven't read the book, I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but I'll tell you my opinion. They are quite different in some ways, but both wonderful: the movie has action, great visual appeal, and a lot more clarity in the storyline. The book has a lot more detail (it tells the background stories of Inigo and Fezzik, spends an inordinate amount of time describing the snow sand experience, and instead of the Pit of Despair there is the Zoo of Death, with lots of strange animals that Inigo and Fezzik have to defeat). In the movie my favorite characters were Buttercup, Inigo, and Max, while in the book my faves were Inigo, Yeste (Domingo Montoya's strange friend), and Fezzik. I liked all of Fezzik's rhyming. Funny how the movie smartened Buttercup up, isn't it? :p
Russa Nodrey
11-25-2000, 12:05 AM
Have you people seen the movie? It's good, but it skips alot of the beginning.
05-14-2001, 05:17 AM
I like both the movie and the book, too, but I have to say that if I had to choose one, it would be the book. Yes, the movie is faithful in a lot of ways, but I think the book was a work of genius. Sure, Goldman did both the book and the screenplay, but he originally envisioned the story as a novel, and you can tell. Of course, if you liked the movie more, you could argue that he wrote the screenplay later and therefore probably wrote what he thought was a better version of the story.
I think the backstory on all of the characters in the book is priceless, and the whole end with the Zoo of Death, and the cliffhanger ending.... If you haven't read the book, you've got to. Get the 25th Anniversary Edition if you can. It's even out in paperback now.
I hear they're working on a special edition of the movie on DVD for release in 2002. Apparently Rob Reiner is working on it in between other projects (as well as a special edition of A Few Good Men, another favorite of mine). I can't wait.
And no, there's no Morgenstern, and no, the stuff about Goldman's family isn't true, either. In real life he *was* married to an Ilene (who took a lot of photos of him that were on his books--now they're split up, BTW) and had two daughters (Jenny and I can't remember the other name off the top of my head), not like in the book where he was married to a genius shrink named Helen and a fat son named Jason.
His two daughters were actually his inspiration for the The Princess Bride. He asked them what they wanted him to write about. One said "A princess," and the other said "A bride."
Blah blah blah. I'll shut up now.
C.V. (
Lief Erikson
05-15-2001, 12:42 AM
I've seen the movie, but I've not read the book. Does the movie capture the basics of the book pretty well? Oh, and one other question I was thinking of. When the grandfather is reading in the movie, are the lines he usually reads real lines, or are they simply made up for the movie script?
X Rogue
05-15-2001, 12:30 PM
I think it captured the book pretty well. The ending is made happier and the Zoo of Death is dropped altogether. I think the grandfather's lines were from the book for the most part, but this is JMO, since I did'nt go back and do a line by line comparison.
Samwise of the shire
05-26-2001, 09:01 PM
It's my mom's favorite, I think it's kinda funky but cute.I read the movie book (I think)and I think it was interesting.Nothing will ever beat LOTR
01-04-2002, 09:13 AM
Its seems that I'm the only dissenter here. My comments are only based on the movie.
I didn't like the movie. I thought it was lite and full of fluff. Sorta like Titanic.
I thought the fight between Wesley and Montayo was cool when I saw it the first time BUT after I saw it again I was throughly disappointed.
However, I like a little more grim realism in my fantasy. That's why I like LOTR I guess.
01-04-2002, 09:27 AM
Its seems that I'm the only dissenter here. My comments are only based on the movie.
I didn't like the movie. I thought it was light and full of fluff. Sorta like Titanic.
I that the fight between Wesley and Montayo was cool when I saw the first time BUT after I saw it again I throughly disappointed.
However, I like a little more grim realism in my fantasy. That's why I like LOTR I guess.
01-04-2002, 11:01 PM
I haven't read the book, but I've seen the movie and loved it. The only part I don't like (and haven't seen all of for this reason) is the Pit of Depair, because I don't particularly enjoy watching people suffer. But the rest of the movie is hysterical! I like Westley and Inigo Montoya.
Westley: "Hand over the gate key."
Guard: "I have no gate key."
Westley: "Fezzik, break his arms!"
Guard: "Oh, you mean this gate key."
01-13-2002, 04:02 PM
I absolutely LOVE this movie!!!!!!! It's hilarious. I've only seen it twice, but I love it anyway. I like the swordfight between Wessley and Montoya, and the "mostly dead" part. Also the rhyming part, and especially the wedding.
"Mahwage is waat bwings aahs togethaah..."
Haven't read the book, but I guess I'll have to!
Eowyn, The Lioness
01-14-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by IronParrot
I have the novel by William Goldman (screenwriter of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) and discovered that it was actually a shortening of a book of the same title by S. Morgenstern. Does anybody have any idea where I could find the original original? No, I don't,but if you ever find out where, tell me! I've been looking for a copy for 2 years now!
01-14-2002, 08:06 PM
you people are silly....ITS A JOKE!!!!! There is no S. you read on you even see that IP admits to this defeat...but he was just being silly too. The 'good parts' version of the Princess Bride is the only thing..there was never an original......
01-17-2002, 09:16 PM
The movie just brings it all to life. Mandy P. plays a great part and it was Andre's last movie before he died. I've seen it at least eight times and enjoy it every time. Can't wait to see it again and DVD would be a def. plus.
01-21-2002, 11:38 AM
My favorite quote from the movie:
"Good bye! Have fun storming the castle!"-Miracle Max
"You think it'll work?"-Miracle Max (under his breath)
"It would take a miracle."-Miracle Max's Wife (under her breath)
:D Right up there with the brute-squad comment...
and the "To the pain" sequence :D :D :D
Starr Polish
01-27-2002, 10:28 PM
This is forever my favorite movie. I LOVE it. I haven't read the book yet, but my sister has the 25th Anniversary Edition, and I must steal it from her.
Am I going mad, or did I just hear the word 'think' escape your lips?
02-18-2002, 12:15 AM
Hey guys, I used to have a Princess Bride web page (Like 3 or 4 years ago). Soooo.... I did a search to see if I could find it anddd......
Appearently I was hosting the images off of which is gone... Sorry. But you might check it out.
Favorite quotes:
"I'm not a witch! I'm your WIFE!!"
"A deul then! To the death!"
"No!! To the pain!"
"I'm... not familiar with that"
[Wesley elaborates; I can't remember it all]
" that every woman and child will see your wretched body and say 'good gosh, what is that thing'" and so on... trust me, it was funny.
It's been a while since I've seen it... but those remain my favorites.
Just another uneducated post. Danke.
02-25-2002, 12:14 AM
Eowyn, The Lioness
02-25-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by HOBBIT
you people are silly....ITS A JOKE!!!!! There is no S. you read on you even see that IP admits to this defeat...but he was just being silly too. The 'good parts' version of the Princess Bride is the only thing..there was never an original......
Your kidding?! ROFL!!!!! Well, I'm an idiot! That's too funny! I almost fell off my chair! LOL!! Huh! I guess I can stop scouring the internet for a copy of that then! LOL!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D
02-25-2002, 09:47 PM
hey guys, I saw the DVD @ Wal Mart the other day for $15! Now I have to go get it!
*runs and begs her mom to drive her to the store* "But you need groceries,don't you?...."
02-26-2002, 10:52 AM
awwwwwwwww... dont say things like that. I have three other people to carry, he's got only himself.
I will not except excuses!!!
and so I can CLEARLY not choose the one that is infront of ME!
(still that has nothing on the court jester with the flagon with the dragon and the other two cups ;) )
Dwarven Sen
03-14-2002, 05:30 AM
i have not read the book but it is one of my favourite films i had to watch it when i was younger because my dad made me watch labyrinth and it scarred me for the rest of my life i had to watch TPB to recover. My mum jumped once when she was watching him chuck the rock at wes and spilt red wine down her white works dress
03-23-2002, 01:06 AM
I haven't read te book yet. But I've seen the movie a ton of times in school. I think it is one of my favorites.
One of these days I would like to read the book.:p
Eruviel Greenleaf
03-23-2002, 03:53 AM
I've read the book, seen the movie, both many, many times. The movie is just one of those things where I am at a birthday party or something and we always watch it and I'm not sick of it yet! I LOVE both the book and the movie. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I can still quote from it and stuff. I even started going around saying "I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." in Spanish. There is some incredible fight choreography in there, not just the amazing scene on the top of the cliffs of insanity.
"Because I know something you don't know."
"And what is that?"
"I am not left handed!"
It's great. :D Anytime somebody says some quote from it randomly I of course know what it is from and who said it and everything. You all can probably tell I really love this book/movie! :) I'll stop raving about it now! :D
Finrod Felagund
04-08-2002, 02:37 PM
I'd have to say it's one of my favourite movies, along with LoTR of course!
The sword fight is amazing!
"We'll never survive"-Buttercup
You're only saying that because no one ever has."-Westley
Dwarven Sen
04-11-2002, 05:44 AM
I've started to rhyme with people
-are there rocks ahead
-if there are we'll all be dead
that is an answer i use supprisingly alot
04-15-2002, 09:27 AM
So did anyone watch it last night? It was on cable. I watched it for the hundredth time.
04-15-2002, 08:29 PM
THe movie is cool, and I've read some of the books. Which ending do you like the most, the everyone lives happy ever after, everyone dies, or the everyone lives but mostly live in fear for the rest of their lives?:D
Lady of Darkness
04-22-2002, 08:35 PM
I have only seen the movie but my brother read the book.
"*bang* *bang*
Miricle Max: Go away! Can't you see we're closed?
Fesic: I'm looking for Miricle Max
Miricle Max: I'm him. Now go away before I call the brute squad
Fesic: I'm on the brute squad
Miricle Max takes a good look at him and says: you are the brute squad."
I love the movie. The best part is the fight between Inigo and the six-fingered man.
Eruviel Greenleaf
04-22-2002, 10:25 PM
Welcome to the moot, Lady of Darkness!
04-23-2002, 09:20 AM
"as you wish"
04-23-2002, 09:27 AM
Just watched it again, today, after being inspired by this thread, I made BF buy it for me... Ha, it's so funnee.... :cool:
Finrod Felagund
05-04-2002, 04:28 PM
:p :rolleyes:
*Finrod grins sheepishly when he realizes how loudly he's been yellin*
05-08-2002, 01:02 PM
05-09-2002, 10:04 PM
uhm the movie came after the book. By: William Goldman.
Although the book is called The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure (The 'Good Parts' Version).
05-12-2002, 01:40 AM
2 words: Good Movie!:D
05-12-2002, 01:54 AM
While I liked the movie a lot, and I saw it before I read the book it was based on, it holds no beans next to the book, I can tell you that.
Well, specifically, the grandpa reading to the Wonder Years kid just does not do justice to Goldman's narrative asides.
05-12-2002, 11:47 AM
I own [ed] both and I have to say I like the movie better. Mind you I only got to read the book once as I stupidly lent it to my best friend who now denys all knowledge of it and I haven't seen it since.
I adore this movie too. I think I said that already. Doesn't matter, is worth saying again. I love the Princess Bride although I do not get the title. I recon Morgenstein could've come up with something better if he tried.
Also I dunno if this has been answered already coz I only actually read the first page of posts but the origional book was written by S. Morgenstein which is what the grandpa told that boy in the story. Now my copy of the book [fuming over it's loss now] had a little introduction by William Goldburn. Basically he was that little boy and the guy reading it to him was his father. Then later on when he had his own son he sent the book to him for Christmas but the son soon got bored with it becuas of countless descriptions etc etc. So Goldburn wrote the adaptation I have and the movie which I taped off the tv [god this post is long]
I think I'm done now. I hope someone bothers to actually read all this.
Eruviel Greenleaf
05-12-2002, 06:58 PM
I read your post, Polkat. But I suggest you read the rest of the thread. . .S. Morgenstern didn't exist, as far as I know.
05-13-2002, 11:46 AM
I'm almost positive he did, I just wish I hadn't lent the book to my friend. But he was a genius with lanuages and translated his own book about 5 times into different lanuages. I hate people who are that clever.
I'd also like to apologise for embarressing myself by writing morgenstien twice. I show total lack of knowledge and deserve to be shunned [please don't by the way.]
My favourite line if I haven't said this already is:
" Hear this now. I will always come for you."
"But how can you be sure"
"This is true love. You think this happens everyday?"
Actually stole it off my friend, it's her fav line i do love it though. Mine is:
"We'll never survive"
"Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."
But i recon someone's written that already.
05-13-2002, 07:37 PM
No, he didn't. Of course, that fooled even me at first...
Eruviel Greenleaf
05-13-2002, 11:11 PM
I admit, he did fool me for a while, too. :)
05-14-2002, 01:54 PM
so am totally wrong then, yes?
just checking. oh well. maybe i should've made less righteous and angry posts before discovering the truth :(
still was very sure....
oh well [again]
[i should get more words or something. by the way does anyone know who the icon is i hav at the top of my page? i can't figure it out.
Lady of Darkness
05-16-2002, 07:55 PM
I think the thingamajigger at the top of your screen is another dwarf. I dunno. The Princess Bride is:HEHEHEHEHEHE
another favorite part is when the stupid dimheaded mole-headed prince tries to take Wesley away and Wesley pretends to have lived in the Fire-Swamp for a long time!!!:D :D HEHEHEHEHE
05-17-2002, 05:53 PM
i never laughed at that bit. didn't realise it was supposed to be funny. westly was just saying they knew the secrets of the fire swamp [another fav bit coming up]
"Westly, what about the R.O.U.S's?"
"Rodents of unusal size? I don't believe they exist..." as one jumps out of the nearby bushes.
he he he
luv that
Lady of Darkness
05-17-2002, 06:29 PM
It IS supposed to be funny! Wesley(i've always have thought Wellesley should be pronounced Wesley) is kinda mocking, kinda joking. I always thought that Wesley wuz kinda mean after he left to *says in deep voice*"make my fortune" or something like that
Prince Humperdink:To the death!
Wesley: no! to the pain!
Prince Humperdink, looking confused: I don't think I know that one.
Wesley says his really long speach about what he'll do and then........
Inigo, as Welsey"falls":Help him!
Buttercup(stupid name):whats wrong w/ wesley?
I could go on forever!!!
08-24-2002, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by afro-elf
Its seems that I'm the only dissenter here. My comments are only based on the movie.
I didn't like the movie. I thought it was light and full of fluff. Sorta like Titanic.
I that the fight between Wesley and Montayo was cool when I saw the first time BUT after I saw it again I throughly disappointed.
However, I like a little more grim realism in my fantasy. That's why I like LOTR I guess.
afro-elf, I share some of your opinions. I hated all the times when Wesely and Buttercup were together, and all the times when they said stuff like, 'I will live for true love'. I mean, the idea is good, but perhaps better lines?
I did however like the costumes and the sword-fights and Inigo Montoya. I liked the part when the Man in Black outwits Fexix and Montoya, but I didn't like him when I found out it was Wesley because then he went all mushy.
08-25-2002, 11:14 AM
P.B. and Willow are wonderful pieces of fluff. Personally I've seen each about twelve times and enjoyed each and every viewing. Sometimes you need a lite story with beautiful photography and lite dialogue while other times you need a brownie!
08-26-2002, 12:57 AM
You've commited the second deadly error. The first is never start a land war in Asia, but the second is never bet against a Cicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha h-
Dwarven Sen
02-04-2003, 07:14 AM
I read the book I read the book!!
Last night i actually started and finished it and i loved it.
It wasnt the real book, it was the abridged version, but it still rocks.
I love Inigo, and Westley.
The ending is.. unexpected after seeing the film.
02-04-2003, 07:46 AM
Sorry, there was no S.Morgenstern, it was just a puedonym for William Goldman. He made it up so he could tell you things.(i.e. he wanted to tell you there were ??? pages about the princesses packing without actually writing them):(
02-04-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Tessar
and so I can CLEARLY not choose the one that is infront of ME!
(still that has nothing on the court jester with the flagon with the dragon and the other two cups ;) )
Except my parents and my familiy you are the first one I ever met who knows the court jester!! It´s one of my all time favourites!
To whom do you hum?
02-04-2003, 07:44 PM
"So why do you wear a mask?"
"Oh, they're dreadfully comfortable. I predict everyone will be wearing them in the future."
Dwarven Sen
02-05-2003, 07:12 AM
I cant believe i managed to spell it wrong wether they exist or not.
I am confused.
I will let you get back to your quoting.
Gwaimir Windgem
02-05-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Yapaluna
Except my parents and my familiy you are the first one I ever met who knows the court jester!! It´s one of my all time favourites!
To whom do you hum?
"The pellet with the paddly is the figit with the foozle...uh, just remember that." ;) A classic movie. Danny Kaye is hilarious :cool:
02-05-2003, 06:22 PM
i saw the movie... it was really funny.... hehehe
"HAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAHA-ha.... *cough* *splutter* *die*"
Gwaimir Windgem
02-05-2003, 06:44 PM
Or just skip straight from the HAHAHA to the die. ;)
02-09-2003, 01:27 AM
The Princess Bride was has been my favorite movie since I was 5 years old! I can quote almost every line.
02-18-2003, 12:39 PM
Read the book first, loved it, saw the movie and was very pleasantly surprised - wonderful adaptation!
Favorite line (that some people probably WON'T appreciate ;))
"I don't feel right about killing a girl."
"God does it all the time. It doesn't bother Him; don't let it bother you."
02-18-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
"The pellet with the paddly is the figit with the foozle...uh, just remember that." ;) A classic movie. Danny Kaye is hilarious :cool: The vessle with the pestle has the pellet with the poison. the flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true! Danny Kaye is always hilarious.
04-13-2003, 12:46 AM
I don't know if any one else noticed this, but on the back of the movie box (at least mine) they misspelt Westley and put Wesley. I found that quite annoying.
04-13-2003, 12:50 AM
"Haha. Your pig fiance is too late. In few minutes we will be safely in the fire swamp."
"We'll never survive!"
"Nonsense. Your'e only saying that because no one ever has."
"No more ryhmes now, I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut"
Gwaimir Windgem
04-13-2003, 01:17 AM
And of couse.
"Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us hewe togevah today."
04-13-2003, 08:17 AM
Wesley is so amazing in this film... No one else I know has seen it, and it's one of my favourite films! Is the book worth reading, I haven't ever seen it about.
Lady of Darkness
04-13-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Elvellyn
I don't know if any one else noticed this, but on the back of the movie box (at least mine) they misspelt Westley and put Wesley. I found that quite annoying.
Really? How dare they! How dreadful! we must punish them! They shall pay!!! *in a high squeeky voice* they shall pay! they shall payyyyyyy */ voice*
" Life is Pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Dread Pirate Roberts (but hey! we all know who he is...)
04-15-2003, 08:29 PM
My movie's on tape, so I dunno. I can't understand what Fezzic and Inigo are saying while they fight. I heard Inigo's story, but only little fragments of Fezzic's the 9billionth time I watched it. I know both stories from Goldman's book, but that's just cheating.
To all those who wish to read the origional-
The asides are cool, but that's all. They're hilarious comments by Morgentstern. One of Goldman's comments (at the start of chapter 2) reads
" This chapter is where my son Jason stopped reading, and there is simply no way of blaming him. For what Morgenstern has done is open this chapter with sixty-six pages of Florinese history. More accurately, it is the history if the Florisese crown. Dreary?Not to be believed." Goldman complains for a bit, then gets back to the story, but still. That is just one small example of all the static Goldman cut. I must say that Morgenstern is a good writer, but he falls to much in love with the place he writes about. In that sense, he and Tolkien are very much alike.
Gwaimir Windgem
04-15-2003, 10:41 PM
Actually, Goldman was the actual author. :) I believe the "S. Morgenstern" person does not exist.
04-15-2003, 11:12 PM
S. Morgenstern was real. William Goldberg talks about how his father read it to him when he was little, and then, when he read the origional, he found that his father had skipped huge chunks. After a while, he decided to edit the book to his "Good Parts Version" as he titles it.
By the way, this is the third "conversation" I know of between me and you. Weird.
Gwaimir Windgem
04-15-2003, 11:26 PM
I believe that S. Morgenstern was purely a literary tool.
04-16-2003, 12:55 AM
Yeah, I was reading some of the other posts, and saw that :o
:embarassed: That's what I get for being so gullible. I've been chewing a lot of shoe-leather online. :p *sigh*
Gwaimir Windgem
04-16-2003, 01:00 AM
Don't feel bad. :) I had no idea until I read this thread...:eek:
04-16-2003, 01:24 AM
I always feel stupid, but I get over it quickly, thank goodness! :) otherwise I'd be perpetually berating myself for being a big mouthed idiot. Which is what I am, but no sense in clobbering myself for it!;)
04-16-2003, 09:29 PM
Like I said before, I think he just used 'S. Morgenstern' to make up for all the things he couldn't say. i.e. He wanted to say there were a hundred and some pages abut the princesses packing without actually writing them.
04-16-2003, 10:20 PM
Whoa stupid me *smack self* I didn't even know this was a book! Duh! I have to go get it and read it now. Let ya know what I think when I'm done.
Loved the movie though!
04-17-2003, 12:01 AM
I loved the book - don't get me wrong- but I like the movie better. You should still read it, though.
"I have no key."
"Tear his arms off."
"Oh, you mean this key!"
And of course
"To the pain!"
05-08-2003, 05:31 PM
I didn't know that it was abook either! -runs to library-
05-11-2003, 02:03 PM
You mean he wrote the whole book? But he said his dad read it to him when he was little? And he said that Morgenstern left out bits that should be in??
05-12-2003, 08:37 AM
..."it's been so long since I fought just one man....."
Lady of Darkness
05-12-2003, 05:59 PM
My name is Inigo Montoya. you killed my father. prepare to die!
'nuff said
05-17-2003, 07:22 PM
*wanders in* Seth, are you in here? *shouts*
INCONCEIVABLE!!! *wanders out*
Lady of Darkness
05-18-2003, 08:32 AM
I am waiting for Vicini! He told me to go back to the beginning and this is the beginning. this is where we got the job. I am...Waiting....for...Vicini......*falls over drunk*
Fesic: so am i!
05-18-2003, 09:29 AM
"Get back witch!"
"I'm not a witch I'm your wife"
hehe lol love that
Lady of Darkness
05-18-2003, 09:38 PM
"you swore never to say that name!"
" what, Humperdink?"
"Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!"
"I'm not listening!!"
That scene rox my
05-21-2003, 07:37 PM
hehe, Billy Crystal is great.
"Bye, bye"
"Think it'll work?"
"It would take a miracle."
"Bye, bye"
I was just quoting this yesterday-
"You mocked my pain, never to it again!"
"Life is pain, highness, anyone who says otherwise is selling something."
The Ben
06-01-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by IronParrot
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
er, what are you trying to tell us? I don't get what this thread is about.
06-01-2003, 05:25 PM
If you read more you might find what the thread is about. We were expressing our opinions and appreciation for the book/movie.
06-02-2003, 11:00 PM
I wuv dis movie! but i was totally fooled by it for like, five years! When i first watched it at my uncles house, i loved it, but i thought it was a serious fantasy story, with funny bits thrown in. Four years later, i found out that we owned the movie, and watched it. I still loved it, except for the part where Westley is tortured. Then, a year after that, i was supposed to write a mivie report for school and i chose TPB. After writing the report, i took it to my mom and she read my report, which was written quite seriously. As she handed the report back to me she said, "You do know this is a spoof on fairy tales, right?". I was shocked, i hadn't even thought about it! was anyone else fooled by it, or am i the only one? :confused:
06-02-2003, 11:22 PM
:o No your not. I didn't think it was a spoof till just a few years ago.
Gwaimir Windgem
06-03-2003, 01:20 AM
Eep. I had no idea. How...embarassing...:o
Well, it must have been a dern good one! ;)
Lady of Darkness
06-03-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Elvengirl
"You mocked my pain, never to it again!"
"Life is pain, highness, anyone who says otherwise is selling something."
I always say that....i love's one of my favorite lines......
i don't care it's a spoof. it's just as good as Space Balls....but better....
06-09-2003, 08:47 PM
I was having yet another conversation about this movie today and of course we ended up quoting lines from the movie, which practically everyone seems to know. :D There are soo many great lines.
If I had one complaint about the movie it would be the kid who his grandfather is telling the story to. It annoys me how he interupts the story.
"See didn't I tell you she wouldn't marry that rotten Humperdink."
"Yes, yes, you're very smart. Shut Up." lol
Lady of Darkness
06-29-2003, 11:00 AM
but it;s FUNNY because the grandfather was like "SHUT UP OR DIEEEEE!!!" hehehehehhehe
The fencing club at my school is putting on the Princess Bride. one of my friends is Wesley ( A GIRL!!!) and another is the Albino....*snicker snicker*
06-29-2003, 06:06 PM
Hey, that's cool! I want to try fencing. Are they going to duplicate the movie? That scene has the most awesome swordfighting I have seen. :D
Lady of Darkness
06-29-2003, 08:05 PM
yea they are.....I can't wait!!!
Next year I'm gonna join the fencing club...It's after school on Thursdays....
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