View Full Version : The Eagles!

01-10-2010, 11:06 PM
Did Tolkien ever write about the Eagles' lifespan? Whatever happened to Thorondor? In my guess, he passed into the West at some certain Age, and dwells with the heralds of the Valar, or maybe with Manwe himself. Where did Gwaihir come from? Are Eagles immortal? I'm guessing they aren't because (other than the first ones in history), they are beasts, and Eru didn't create quadripeds to be immortal, correct?

This is unorganized, so forgive the phrasing, but I'm typing this in a hurry.

Thoughts, ideas and references are much appreciated.

01-10-2010, 11:15 PM
In The War of the Jewels, volume XI of the History of Middle-earth, there is a short (2 page) essay by Tolkien entitled, “Of the Ents and the Eagles”. There are of course many other references throughout his works, particularly his later material.

01-10-2010, 11:30 PM
Anywhere to find the transcript online? I don't have the HoMe volumes.

01-11-2010, 01:49 PM
I don’t believe anyone can answer that, AndMorgothCame. The Tolkien Estate (http://tolkienestate.com/home/) is very protective of its copyrights, as it must be. Such things when they appear are quickly forced offline. Even old maps and pictures are often hard to find. The Rozolo Tolkien gallery might have been taken down (my Google search for a link to Rozolo says, “Do not follow this link, or your host will be blocked from this site.” I don’t think I’ll even try it), and there have been various legal conflicts with other sites and ISPs as well. It is a question best not asked.

Amazon is selling used copies of War of the Jewels (http://www.amazon.com/War-Jewels-Silmarillion-History-Middle-Earth/dp/0395710413/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1263231227&sr=1-1) today starting at US$ 7.83 (about £4.86 as I write, but if you read this a year from now, who knows?), and new hardback copies from $16 (about £10). There is a paperback edition, too.


Added later: broke link to Google search. If you want to try it, put in “rozolo” and search. No sense in having Entmoot blocked from Google links; but it is ironic that Google is not exactly “net neutral.”

01-24-2010, 08:03 PM
I believe the books are silent on what happened to Thorondor.

We can all have theories - I tend to think he was a Maia (not unlike the wizards) in eagle form and was, at some point, called back to the undying lands. He was certainly a servant of Manwe (which sort of implies that he was a Maia).

According to JRR, Gwaihir is descended from Thorondor.

11-02-2010, 05:47 PM
Actually I have that very book on my lap right now. I have just skimmed through it and there is no mention of anything concerning the fates of Eagle or Ents.