View Full Version : Unfinished Tales Discussion Project
09-18-2009, 03:38 PM
Last Updated 2012: On indefinite hiatus due to insufficient interest
For those who haven’t been able to participate in the previous chapter-discussions, the idea of this discussion is for everyone to re-read the chapter before stepping into the discussion. People will post an intro to a previously chosen chapter, after which the discussion is opened for everyone. A bit like a book-club, really. But as this is a book-discussion, keep references to the movies to an absolute minimum. The movies have their own forum after all!
How you decide to write your chapter-intro is entirely up to you. [edit: Please include 'UT discussion' in the thread title] You do not have to focus too much energy on the intro itself, as long as you get enough together to get a good discussion started. If you’re entirely clueless how to start, let me give you some suggestions that might get you a bit further. This is how the other chapter discussions were run but this method isn’t always applicable for all the UT chapters as they do not always form one narrative.
You can start by giving us a short description what the chapter is about. What are the main events, interesting twists, etc..
Tell us what you liked about the chapters, what were your favourite part, scenes that were particularly funny, scary, descriptive, what stands out to you in the chapter.
Tell what, if anything, you disliked or think could have been different, criticisms of Tolkien’s writing, as well as what might have gone differently in the story (there are always some good “what ifs” to spark discussion).
You can list some ‘additional reading’: other instances of Tolkien’s writings in which the topic of the discussion occurs. The focus of the discussion, however, should naturally lie on the texts from UT. Pictures or maps that can help enlighten and/or broaden the discussion are of course also welcome.
Finally, list some questions or comments for discussion, content-based or otherwise.
[NOTE on the dates: The dates are guestimates, so the actual dates may fall later.]
1. Of Tuor and his Coming to Gondolin ( by Varnafindë
[The Túrin chapters 2, 3 & 4 will be skipped. They can be referenced if we ever do a Children of Húrin chapter discussion.]
5. A Description of the Island of Númenor ( by Voronwen
6. Aldarion and Erendis ( by Eärniel
7. The Lines of Elros: Kings of Númenor ( by hectorberlioz
8. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn by jammi567
Tentative deadline: 7th of June 2010
9. The Disaster of the Gladden Fields by Valandil
Tentative deadline: 21th of June 2010
10. Cirion and Eorl and the Friendship of Gondor and Rohan by…
Tentative deadline: 5th of July 2010
11. The Quest of Erebor by Coffeehouse
Tentative deadline: 19th of July 2010
12. The Hunt for the Ring by Gordis
Tentative deadline: 2nd of August 2010
13. The Battles of the Fords of Isen by…
Tentative deadline: 16th of August 2010
14. The Drúedain by Eärniel (unless others would like to do this chapter)
Tentative deadline: 30th of August 2010
15. The Istari by hectorberlioz
Tentative deadline: 13th of September 2010
16. The PalantÃ*ri by…
Tentative deadline: 27th of September 2010
Do not forget to look at and include the material in the introduction, notes or appendices attached to your chapter!
You can go ahead and now request what chapters you want to intro. [EDIT 1/12/2009: People can now do more than one chapter-intro]. It will be first ask, first pick. Some of you have already shown an interest in a specific chapter, but I'd like you now to confirm that choice, if you please.
Usually chapter discussion last between 2 through 3 weeks to give anyone the opportunity to participate. The longer chapters such as Tuor or Aldarion & Erendis have so far been given 3 weeks, the other two. I’ve given tentative deadlines dates. These dates, naturally are open for change in case of delays and such.
If you know in advance that you will be unable to do your chapter, please post that here or PM me, so that we can reassign it. If you decide to leave/ take a break from Entmoot, please show us the courtesy of letting us know you won’t be here to put up your chapter.
Obviously a lot of what we discuss will have been discussed in other threads. That's okay. This is a separate project, and the other threads are for going into greater depth for a particular aspect of the books. Repetition is okay here.
09-18-2009, 03:38 PM
It's been a while since we did a chapter-by-chapter discussion of Tolkien's work, and there are still some books left to choose from. I'm wondering if anyone is still interesting in such a project.
If so, we have two good choices, I think. Either we can do The Hobbit, although it may be more interesting to do this closer to the expected movie-release. Or we can take on Unfinished Tales.
Is anyone interested or has suggestion/ options to share?
09-18-2009, 04:02 PM
I'd be interested in The Hobbit. I was planning on re-reading before the year is over anyway.
You've got a point though that the movie release is pretty far away (December 2011). But then it might take a long while for us to go through every chapter and it would be nice to be finished before the movie hits theaters, wouldn't it?
09-18-2009, 04:34 PM
Is anyone interested or has suggestion/ options to share?
The Lost Road :)
09-19-2009, 06:45 AM
You've got a point though that the movie release is pretty far away (December 2011). But then it might take a long while for us to go through every chapter and it would be nice to be finished before the movie hits theaters, wouldn't it?
There are 19 chapters in the Hobbit, if we take two weeks per chapter, then it would take us 38 weeks. So even if we'd start in January 2010, and even plan in a couple of weeks extra for unforseen delays, we'd still be finished over a year before the movie. If we take three weeks per chapter (which I think is a bit much for the Hobbit) it will still take us only a little more than a year. So even if we start it now, we end well before the movie-release. Considering that, what would be the best course?
The Lost Road :)
That's in HoME, right? I'm sort of doubting enough people can be found for a chapter-by-chapter discussion of that. Not many people own the series either. I'm thinking you just as well may start a thread on it, and not bother trying to fit it in a long chapter-by-chapter discussion. :)
09-19-2009, 12:34 PM
Okay, your calculations provide some good perspective.
Doing The Hobbit in connection to the movie release (say, 18 months from now) might indeed be more interesting than discussing the book already. One approach would be to wait and see whether enough mooters can be mustered for a discussion and then see how many would like to wait and how many would like to start right away.
Maybe it's possible to start with Unfinished Tales and then either finish it before taking on The Hobbit, take a break while discussing the other book, or do both parallelly.
09-19-2009, 12:58 PM
Maybe it's possible to start with Unfinished Tales and then either finish it before taking on The Hobbit, take a break while discussing the other book, or do both parallelly.
Sounds like a good idea to me. It's easy enough to take a break somewhere in UT if we haven't finished it before it's time to start on The Hobbit, since it's not one continuous story anyway.
09-19-2009, 03:44 PM
One approach would be to wait and see whether enough mooters can be mustered for a discussion and then see how many would like to wait and how many would like to start right away.Looks like a good plan. Although it will be difficult to tell in advance if any of us will still be here in a year, and that's not counting the new members who can join in that time period.
Maybe it's possible to start with Unfinished Tales and then either finish it before taking on The Hobbit, take a break while discussing the other book, or do both parallelly.
I've been thinking in that direction too. I haven't looked up the chapters yet, so I don't know how long it would take us, but you and Varna make an excellent point in that we can more easily pause the UT discussion as those chapters don't make a unified narrative.
Although, if not enough people can be found to take care of the UT-chapters, we might be better off if we spare ourselves the trouble then.
09-20-2009, 03:41 AM
I can take The Hunt for the Ring, I have already written a lot about it, made the time-shemes etc.;)
It would be great if Alcuin took the Palantiri chapter - he is an expert on the subject.
Voronwen with her love for Numenor could make a great job of the description of the island etc.
Yet those chapters are not exactly at the beginning. At the beginning there are those boring First age stories...:p Any takers?
09-20-2009, 10:14 AM
I am in for both Unfinished Tales and the Hobbit. Definitely the Hobbit though!!!:) Really can't wait... When do we begin?:):):)
09-20-2009, 10:17 AM
Voronwen with her love for Numenor could make a great job of the description of the island etc.
Can anyone link me to a similar discussion so i can see what would need to be done?
09-20-2009, 11:31 AM
Check out the subforum in the Silmarillion forum (, as well as the one in the LotR forum (
09-20-2009, 12:37 PM
Thank you, Jonathan.
I don't know what to say, Gordis, except thank you for thinking i could do a good job. I suppose i could try. :)
09-21-2009, 04:29 AM
I don't know what to say, Gordis, except thank you for thinking i could do a good job. I suppose i could try. :)
Sure you could.:) But don't worry, Numenor chapters are in the middle of the list. You will have plenty of time to think on it.
09-21-2009, 05:19 AM
So we are decided then? First UT and then later The Hobbit to be finished before the movie release?
Yet those chapters are not exactly at the beginning. At the beginning there are those boring First age stories...:p Any takers?
I suppose some takers may be found if we start deviding the chapters in earnest. I can handle some of the last orphaned chapters if no takers come forward.
I've had a quick look, not all chapters are equal in length, such as the Narn, we might better cut that one in two for the discussion.
09-21-2009, 09:17 AM
I really ought to do Gondolin ... :)
09-21-2009, 10:48 AM
Sure you could.:) But don't worry, Numenor chapters are in the middle of the list. You will have plenty of time to think on it.
Well, i've never done anything remotely like this before and at first i was a little apprehensive at the thought, but think i'd feel bad if i didn't do this :) Thank you for the opportunity. I believe my love and reverence for the subject matter will get me through.
09-21-2009, 11:33 AM
So we are decided then? First UT and then later The Hobbit to be finished before the movie release?
Sounds fine to me. UT is my fav. book out there...:)
09-21-2009, 05:38 PM
I don't have the book though, but I guess I'll be fine since the University library has it (:cool: what awesome library that is!).
I was wondering if I could do the chapters Aldarion & Erendis from the 2nd Age and the Quest of Erebor. Hopefully, if nobody minds, I'd like to do both... :o
09-21-2009, 06:30 PM
Aldarion & Erendis
Wait..... this is part of the chapters on Numenor that Gordis intended for me to do... :confused: Or does she just want me to take care of the Description of Numenor and the Line of Elros chapters... :confused: I thought this all went together, but we'll see what she originally intended.
09-21-2009, 07:30 PM
I'll try and get a chapter division up soon. I would suggest though -for now- to limit everyone to one chapter each so everyone has an equal chance at reviewing chapters. At least in the beginning, if some chapters remain open, then naturally people can do more than one chapter.
09-21-2009, 09:18 PM
I would suggest though -for now- to limit everyone to one chapter each so everyone has an equal chance at reviewing chapters.
This is perfectly fair :) If i can do no other, i'd be most heartbroken if i couldn't do the Description of Numenor.
09-22-2009, 03:31 PM
There, I've listed the chapters in the first post of this thread, together with information. I think I have covered about everything. I've decided to split up the Narn I Nîn Húrin because it's far longer than all other chapters. Any other suggestions?
I haven't filled in any names yet, so if those who expressed an interest in a chapter could confirm them taking the chapter, I'll start adding the names.
09-22-2009, 03:40 PM
It's more than a little heart-breaking, but I'll take "Disaster of the Gladden" - unless someone else wants it in a bad way.
I notice you give some 3-week periods and some 2-week periods - and even a 1-week. Was that intentional?
09-22-2009, 03:43 PM
Earniel, i sent you a PM :)
09-22-2009, 03:52 PM
It's more than a little heart-breaking, but I'll take "Disaster of the Gladden" - unless someone else wants it in a bad way.
I'll put you up for it for now.
I notice you give some 3-week periods and some 2-week periods - and even a 1-week. Was that intentional?
Ah, the 1-week is a mistake, I should correct that. (Note to self: Buy a calendar!)
I had planned to give each chapter two weeks, and the three longer ones: Tuor in Gondolin, Aldarion & Erendis and Galadriel & Celeborn three weeks. I do believe we used two-weeks as standard in the other discussions. I don't know whether three weeks won't be too long, but those chapters do have more material. Or maybe I should rather put each chapter at two weeks, and just delay the next chapter if the discussion is still ongoing. It'll be easier, I suppose, to delay than to speed up. Decisions, decisions.... :p
09-22-2009, 04:10 PM
Thank you so much, Earniel! :)
I see but one tiny sticking point...
Tentative deadline: 21st December 2009
Is there any possibility of doing this a bit earlier, even just by a few days or a week?
I need to go away that week, as i'm in a wedding this holiday season. I leave on the 26th.
How does December 17th sound? :)
09-22-2009, 04:51 PM
Is the deadline for when the intro should be up so we can start discussing it - or for when we expect to have finished a section/chapter? If the latter, when do you need the Gondolin intro? I'm strongly considering doing it, but I need to reread it first ...
09-23-2009, 02:55 PM
Is there any possibility of doing this a bit earlier, even just by a few days or a week?
I need to go away that week, as i'm in a wedding this holiday season. I leave on the 26th.
How does December 17th sound? :)
Tentative deadline being tentative, means they're not set in stone. :) I've only put them up to give people an idea of when they might start with their chapter. At this point all dates are a guestimates, so we'll try and make sure your chapter does not fall too close to your trip.
Is the deadline for when the intro should be up so we can start discussing it - or for when we expect to have finished a section/chapter? If the latter, when do you need the Gondolin intro? I'm strongly considering doing it, but I need to reread it first ...
The deadlines are meant for the posting of the intro and the start of the discussion. The thread doesn't have to have a definite end, people are naturally allowed to continue discussing old chapters even when newer ones have been posted, or even when all chapters have been handled.
You have decided on Tuor in Gondolin? I'll put your name up. As for the start, as I said to Voronwen, the dates I gave so far are rather more suggestions then fixed dates. So basically, when do you think you can get it ready? I suggested half-way October but preferably (at least, I would prefer it so :p), all chapters should be assigned before we start. Or at the very least, Part One and Part Two.
09-23-2009, 03:07 PM
At this point all dates are a guestimates, so we'll try and make sure your chapter does not fall too close to your trip.
Thank you for this! :) My sister has gone and moved her May wedding date to the week of Christmas and New Year's :eek: which has made things crazy enough for all of us who are involved. Now that i have my chapter, i wouldn't want to give it up because of that! :o
The deadlines are meant for the posting of the intro and the start of the discussion. The thread doesn't have to have a definite end, people are naturally allowed to continue discussing old chapters even when newer ones have been posted, or even when all chapters have been handled.
So then technically, i could start mine even earlier? :)
09-23-2009, 03:08 PM
Well - so far we've got the 3 V's, covering the first assignment from each of the first Three Ages! :)
09-23-2009, 03:11 PM
Well - so far we've got the 3 V's
I noticed that! :p
covering the first assignment from each of the first Three Ages! :)
But i hadn't noticed this! :p Too funny!
09-23-2009, 03:48 PM
So then technically, i could start mine even earlier? :)
Technically, yes, but you understand that the timing for your chapter is partly dependant on previous chapters. So we'll try to avoid lumping your chapter in your holiday trip, but I can't give an exact date yet for when it will your turn.
Well - so far we've got the 3 V's, covering the first assignment from each of the first Three Ages! :)
Eh, fun!
09-23-2009, 03:58 PM
Technically, yes, but you understand that the timing for your chapter is partly dependant on previous chapters. So we'll try to avoid lumping your chapter in your holiday trip, but I can't give an exact date yet for when it will your turn.
Yes, that's understandable. I just won't have daily access to a computer while i'm away, so i wouldn't want to start it too close to my departure date and then leave everyone hanging. :( Thanks for working with it, though. :)
09-23-2009, 06:52 PM
You have decided on Tuor in Gondolin? I'll put your name up. As for the start, as I said to Voronwen, the dates I gave so far are rather more suggestions then fixed dates. So basically, when do you think you can get it ready? I suggested half-way October but preferably (at least, I would prefer it so :p), all chapters should be assigned before we start. Or at the very least, Part One and Part Two.
I should be able to have something up by mid-October.
I'm rereading it now - hadn't read it for some years, and there are lots of things I had forgotten.
It's a shame that it stops before it gets to Gondolin proper, though. I think Christopher agrees ...
09-24-2009, 08:41 AM
I will try to do "The Hunt" :)
09-24-2009, 11:13 AM
the 3 V's
And there is a 4th V, my 'twin brother' Varokhar. Hopefully i can entice him to come out of the woodwork and do one of these for you. He's very good with this sort of thing!
**Runs, knowing brother-dear will chide her for volunteering him.** ;):p
10-01-2009, 03:22 PM
We will each start a new thread with our intro - should we choose some consistent way of naming our threads, to make it easier for people to find the right one when they join the project later?
10-01-2009, 04:59 PM
Starting a new thread for each chapter will be the easiest, I think. That is how the other discussions were done anyway.
The naming isn't much of a problem, I can always tweak them for consistency afterwards. But it might definitely help if we put 'UT Discussion' in beginning of the title.
10-05-2009, 08:16 PM
You have decided on Tuor in Gondolin? I'll put your name up. I can't believe you let someone take Tuor away from you!! :D
10-06-2009, 04:44 AM
I can't believe you let someone take Tuor away from you!! :D
I promise to give him back :D
10-06-2009, 04:54 AM
I can't believe you let someone take Tuor away from you!! :D
She's only borrowing him for a while. ;)
Why don't you join the chapter discussion, RÃ*an? We've got still many chapters to chose from. :)
EDIT: Note: we won't start with the discussion until at least the two remaining chapters from Part I have been filled.
10-06-2009, 05:48 PM
I'm pretty iffy in the next few months, what with another surgery coming up 'n all ... and I don't like Turin very much. Maybe I can jump in later...
10-06-2009, 07:21 PM
Yeah, Túrin's not my favourite character either (although if no one takes the chapter I may very well have to do it for the sake of the discussion project, something I will try to avoid nevertheless. :p).
But there are still other interesting chapters later in the project. If Túrin isn't your cup of tea, one of those might interest you? Why don't you have a look, I've listed them all in the first post. And you've got plenty of time to prepare for the later chapters. :)
10-07-2009, 11:46 AM
Where are all those Turin fangirls now? Can't hack a little writing assignment for your man?? :p;)
10-21-2009, 08:16 AM
Yes, interest is rather low at this moment. Does anyone have any bright ideas to get some more people interested and involved?
11-25-2009, 04:49 PM
Have the original deadline dates now been changed? Has everything been moved back due to lack of interest?
11-25-2009, 07:12 PM
Well, the deadlines were never official in the first place, just to give everyone an idea of how long this project could run. I was going to wait until the end of the month, until everyone was off NaNoWriMo and such to make an announcement to allow people to take double (and triple) chapters since it has become obvious by now people aren't fighting to get a chapter introduction :rolleyes: and we'll have chapters to spare.
I would really be grateful if someone could take those darned Turin-chapters of my hands though. :p Then we could at least get the show on the road. I'm willing to jump in for all other chapters and pick up the slack a bit myself, but just not them.
11-25-2009, 09:14 PM
I would be happy to take another of the Numenorean chapters if no one else steps up. Let me know if you need me. :)
11-26-2009, 04:32 PM
I would really be grateful if someone could take those darned Turin-chapters of my hands though. :p Then we could at least get the show on the road. I'm willing to jump in for all other chapters and pick up the slack a bit myself, but just not them.
I propose to skip the Turin-chapters and start with the Second Age.
We can study all the Turiniana later - both UT and "The Children of Hurin". What do you think?
As for "TUOR AND HIS COMING TO GONDOLIN" I am not sure - any takers?
11-27-2009, 07:05 AM
As tempting as it is to skip Túrin, there seems to be little point in doing a chapter discussion when we will skipping a good deal of them. I guess I'll just have to bite through the sour apple myself at some point if I want to see them all done.
Although there is definitely something to be said for leaving Túrin to The Children of Húrin discussion. We'll need some input from Coffeehouse on this, since he already has chosen one of the Túrin chapters.
As for the Tuor chapter, that one has already been picked up by Varnafindë, and I for one would definitely like to see it discussed. The material is not found elsewhere to this degree.
11-30-2009, 04:45 PM
If the majority wants to skip forward I'll be happy to do so but I'd like to get a slot in another chapter then if that's alright.
I can also say that I won't be able to actually contribute here until early January, though perhaps now and then in the Xmas holidays.
12-01-2009, 04:30 PM
Very well. And of course you can pick another chapter, Coffeehouse, two even if you like.
As from now on, I'm removing the limit of one chapter per person, seeing that chapter shortage will not be an issue. (I'll be putting up an announcement on that shortly.)
So what does the rest of you say? Shall we skip Túrin and keep those parts for a possible Children of Húrin discussion, or is anyone really wanting to include them now?
01-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Earniel, do you have any idea at this point in time as to when this project will be underway?
01-07-2010, 04:10 PM
I was waiting just one more week to see whether one more member who expressed interest would pick a chapter. After that I was planning on just going ahead. So soonish, I guess. I hope.
01-12-2010, 01:20 PM
I have not read the Unfinished Tales yet and I would love in on this :D. Let me grab a copy today (if I can find one at Halfprice... they usually have them) and I'll see if a chapter catches my eye if that's okay. If not (considering I have not previously read the book) I understand, and I'll stick to participating in the discussion thread :D.
01-12-2010, 06:14 PM
If that's okay? If that's okay?! Get your ass to the book store, my young man, so I can sic chapters on you.
I mean of course, sure, we'd love for you to join us! :D
01-12-2010, 09:11 PM
If that's okay? If that's okay?! Get your ass to the book store, my young man, so I can sic chapters on you.
I mean of course, sure, we'd love for you to join us! :D
O-o-okay..... :D
01-25-2010, 01:02 PM
I have not read the Unfinished Tales yet and I would love in on this :D.
If you're the type (like me) who loves poking around in the Appendices behind LOTR, you will love the UT! :)
It would be nice to have you join us!
01-28-2010, 01:49 PM
I don't mind doing a Turin chapter on this. Although the interesting part of the tale has been taken (grumble...), I do like Turin, even if he can be a prick sometimes.
Basically, I'll be willing to do 1:2 (Narn I Hîn Húrin: The Childhood of Túrin – Túrin in Doriath).
I wish that I had joined this site much earlier, so I could do a Sil or LotR chapter, but, alas :(
01-30-2010, 12:08 PM
Very well, Jammi567, you are most welcome. :) I've added your name to the list. You can take more than one chapter, so if there's another one that appeals to you, feel free to claim it.
With two of the Túrin chapters taken, I guess I'll bite the bullet and take the middle one, that way the discussion can at least get under way.
New, tentative starting-date: 15th of February. I've updated the dates to reflect that.
01-30-2010, 12:22 PM
Hooray, hooray, we're under way! :D
01-30-2010, 02:02 PM
Argh, I'm still trying to find a used copy. I've been checking the halfprice bookstores whenever I end up on those sides of town, but they never have it. If I can't find it by the tenth, I'll just go buy one for full price. *grumble* :p
01-30-2010, 04:33 PM
There are paperbacks, which should not be too pricey - if you're just looking at hardbacks.
01-30-2010, 08:31 PM
Thanks, Eärniel. I'll make sure to do it before I go back to University.
02-01-2010, 07:42 AM
Hooray, hooray, we're under way! :D
Well, we're trying to get it started, being under way may yet be a too optimistic statement. :p
Argh, I'm still trying to find a used copy. I've been checking the halfprice bookstores whenever I end up on those sides of town, but they never have it. If I can't find it by the tenth, I'll just go buy one for full price. *grumble* :p
It'll be a few weeks before we get to the first still unclaimed chapters, so you have a bit more time to look for a used copy.
Thanks, Eärniel. I'll make sure to do it before I go back to University.
Excellent. :)
02-06-2010, 08:23 AM
I see that my assignment isn't due until late June. But the first part is scheduled to be up in just over a week! Time to start re-reading that. :)
I wonder... would anyone be interested in taking on a little 'side job' for this project? It might be nice if someone who isn't doing writing assignments could do a little research and post artwork pertaining to each story, if possible. Any takers? :)
02-11-2010, 01:48 PM
I suggest, as we get these threads started - that the thread-starter make mention of what Christopher Tolkien says regarding their particular topic in the portion of his introduction where he deals with them. I was just re-reading the Introduction, and he points out how widely varied his source material was - some was more finished, some less so - some had multiple versions which contradicted, some did not, etc. I think that kind of information will be helpful in further discussion in each thread.
02-11-2010, 03:41 PM
I'm really sorry to disappoint everyone, but I have discovered that I won't be able to do the chapter I picked. Unfortunatly, university got in the way during the time that I was supposed to do it, and now that I am back at Uni, I won't have to the time or energy to disect the secion in the way it deserves.
Sorry everyone! :(
I will be keeping up with the discussions, of course, I just won't be able to do my bit.
02-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Well, it can't be helped, school takes precedent over fun times. I do hope we'll see you in the discussions then. :)
As for the rest: that leaves us one Túrin chapter short again. This guy really was cursed. :p But that also means we'll take Gordis' suggestion and skip the Túrin chapters. (I can stomach one Túrin chapter, but I'm not taking two!)
This will speed up everyone's chapters! I'll update the calendar immediately.
So, Voronwen, you'll be up next. I'll take the next chapter, Erendis and Aldarion, and hope we have more people to take up the remaining chapters by the time we get there. :rolleyes:
02-14-2010, 03:36 PM
I'm working on my thread - I think I'll finish all the intro to the first part of the chapter before starting on the second part. I define the first part as up to and including where Tuor meets with Voronwë. Thus we'll be able to start even though I might not have everything finished by tomorrow.
I see that the thread has been made sticky! :)
02-14-2010, 03:46 PM
Yes - I happened to see it soon after you posted, so I 'stuck' it. :) That's typically our practice for the current thread of a discussion project. Once the next one goes up, we move the previous into a sub-forum (which we have yet to create) and sticky the new one.
02-15-2010, 09:39 AM
The first part is up - and it's more than half the story.
I'll add the rest as soon as I can.
02-15-2010, 11:24 AM
Nice start, Varnafinde. I've been re-reading the story and am almost halfway through - Tuor is just about to come to the armor. I'll wait at least until you finish the rest, and maybe until I finish reading to post. I might finish reading today because I'm taking public transportation - when I always have time to get in lots of reading. :)
02-16-2010, 08:25 PM
Public transport is great for that - I must have read hundreds of books that way over the years.
Well, my intro is done - I assume that anything I want to add now, should rather go into the discussion.
02-17-2010, 08:59 AM
Looks great, Varnafinde! Wonderful start to our Discussion Project!
I didn't take my public transportation ride yesterday, but it looks like I will today. I'll try to get some posts up soon. :)
02-19-2010, 09:59 AM
Finished reading, but no time yet to post. I take a trip this weekend. Will plan to jump into the fray soon after I'm back.
03-02-2010, 06:36 AM
Voronwen needs a little more time for her chapter. We'll put a tentative date for the 15th of March.
03-02-2010, 01:22 PM
I've mostly finished reading the chapter but I'm swamped in assignments and rehearsals. I'll probably just end up discussing the next chapter after the opera :). I love reading the discussions though! Really lends a new interest to my reading.
03-02-2010, 07:59 PM
Ah, managed to find a used UT copy, then? We've still got plenty a chapter to spare if you want to try your hand at an intro. And most are still months away so you'd have some time to prepare.
03-02-2010, 08:45 PM
And I take it that discussions can go on in the old chapters as well.
Only the current chapter will be made sticky, but the old chapters will still be kept open - I believe even the old projects are still open, if anyone wants to reopen any of the discussions.
04-14-2010, 05:53 PM
Eärniel, please sign me up for:
11. The Quest of Erebor
Tentative deadline: 5th of July 2010
This'll be fun.
04-15-2010, 03:57 AM
Excellent! The chapter's yours. :)
04-26-2010, 09:02 AM
We really need someone to take care of the chapters 'The Line of Elros' and 'Galadriel and Celeborn' soon or we're going to stall big time. :(
Any takers?
04-26-2010, 04:38 PM
If it would be possible to extend the deadline by a week or so, then I would be happy to do the Galadriel chapter. I will have finished my exams by that point, and thus would have free time to do it to the detail that's required.
04-26-2010, 05:55 PM
Excellent! I'll extend the date and put your name up for that chapter. Thanks. :)
Anyone willing to do the Line of Elros chapter?
05-08-2010, 10:24 PM
I would like to take Chapter 15 - The Istari :)
And I would be willing to do my part as soon as next week! I have lots of time on my hands now ;-)
05-09-2010, 02:35 PM
Great! I've put your name on the list. You don't have to do your chapter yet, since we try to do them in chronological order so people can read the chapters successively. However, there is nothing that stops you working on your intro now when you've got the time, and just post it when your chapter is due. :)
05-17-2010, 10:12 AM
Hi, Earniel,
It seems nobody has volunteered for "the Line of Elros?"
I can try to take the chapter and post the intro around June 1. Will it be OK?
05-17-2010, 04:59 PM
Gordis, you're a sweetheart. :) But I have been talking to Hector and he thinks he can do this chapter soon. I just forgot to add his name to the list.
05-18-2010, 02:32 AM
Oh, it is wonderful! I am looking forward to Hector's intro.:):):)
08-24-2010, 04:28 PM
I see this sort of died while I was on holiday. Will look in getting it re-booted.
04-24-2011, 02:33 AM
Hey Earniel,
Is this project still running? I notice that there are a few chapters unattended in the list. It also says the deadline is past, but I'd thought Id ask anyway.
Currently traveling through New Zealand, just finished reading Unfinished Tales - and I'd like to get involved. Got a bit of spare time now!
04-24-2011, 09:43 AM
I guess that if a new chapter comes up, people might start discussing again - depending somewhat on which chapter, perhaps.
04-24-2011, 01:39 PM
It died last year while I was away, I'd love to see it re-booted but I didn't have time to badger everybody about it then so I left it as it was. Keeping it more or less on the back-burner of my mind, hoping that I could try a relaunch when traffic picked up. That hasn't really happened yet, but then again it might not ever before the new movie is out, which would be too late if we stick to the original planning.
So we could try again now anyway. But I'd have to see if jammi's still up to his chapter or reassign it before we can continue.
Until that, you can comment on the few chapters we did get done. They're linked in the first post.
12-17-2011, 08:23 AM
It looks like the next one to do is on Galadriel and Celeborn. Is that correct? Is jammi567 still around to take it, and still willing? If not, who else would like to start the discussion?
That chapter actually contains all sorts of nuggets of information pertaining to other characters and events. Lots of historical stuff there.
After that one, I'm up with Gladden Fields.
The question is... do we have someone willing to take on that Galadriel chapter? :)
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