View Full Version : I'm a hobbit?

04-05-2009, 04:53 PM
Question: When I post something, on the the left hand side of my post under my name is the word "Hobbit" under other people's names are things like Fëanáro's Fire Mistress, The Shrike, Equilibrium, etc. just to name a few. Can I change what it says under my name? What is the significance of "Hobbit"? :confused:

04-05-2009, 06:08 PM
As can be found in the FAQ (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/faq.php?faq=vb_user_maintain#faq_user_titles)'s:

This text is called a title. The standard titles have Middle-earth themes and change based on how many posts you have. The titles are just for fun and have no impact on your user privileges or status. Here are the titles:

* Sapling: 0-2 posts
* Hobbit: 3-49 posts
* Enting: 50-99 posts
* Elven Warrior: 100-499 posts
* Elf Lord: 500+ posts

The default titles for moderators and administrators are "Huorn" and "Ent," respectively. Staff Members and Elf Lords often have custom titles. Staff members will always keep "Administrator" or "Moderator" in their titles, however, for easy identification. In some situations, the title "Smelly Orc" is given to spammers.

Once you reach the 500 posts, you become Elf Lord, but from then on you also have the opportunity to chose your own custom title that the admins will set for you.

Moving to Feedback Forum.