View Full Version : The Infamous Eccentric Tooks

03-24-2009, 12:00 PM
I've been putting a little bit of thought into Hildifons Took and Isingar Took, two of the Tooks that went off on hobbit adventures.

Ive been wondering exactly what their fates consisted of. I know their is no official information on this, but you guys seem to have a better grasp on the "big picture" of middle-earth. I was wondering if any one has brewed any theories. It seems most people think that these two had some dealing with Gandalf, which seems fairly logical to me.

From what I could find, Hildifons was born in third age 2844, but the date of his leaving the shire, and death are unknown. He never came back.

Isengar was born in third age, 2862. Died in 2960. It is said he went to sea in his youth. This is equally puzzeling.

Does anyone have any guesses on what their adventures consisted of? What major events could these two hobbits have been tied to? What in gods name would "going to sea" accomplish?

03-24-2009, 01:04 PM
Interesting thought. I had always considered those statements to be 'throw-away' ideas - just something JRRT tossed out to build the reputation of the Tooks in the readers' minds.

Still though - in the case of Isengar, who went to sea in his youth, who can say? For one, we could speculate where he went to sea from - and possibly to (although it could have just been a short trip - just out and back). Here are some ideas/thoughts in his case:

* It's very possible he sailed from Tharbad, because that city was still in existence until about 2912 - when Isengar would have turned 50. So - he would have been under 50 while Tharbad was still there - certainly considered 'in his youth'.
* Lindon would have been the other (likely) possibility in Eriador - but I can't see that as much as Tharbad.
* It's very doubtful to me that he sailed to Gondor - because Hobbits were such a wonder when Pippin first arrived in Minas Tirith - and even from the riddle in the dream of Boromir and Faramir.
* (unless rumor of Isengar had come to Minas Tirith - and Denethor suspected that the 'halfling' of the vision was connected to this halfling sailor from ~100 years before)
* Was he maybe sailing in hopes of finding the 'straight road' to Aman? Maybe even on his own - having heard wild stories about it from Gandalf in his boyhood, he takes some of his Took money, brings a few boys with him, hires a ship in Tharbad and goes looking. After sailing around for a bit, he returns and settles down back home - but with a reputation.
* Maybe he went looking for his big brother, Hildifons.
* Maybe he and Hildifons left together, and separated at some point. He returned - Hildifons did not.

There's not a lot recorded from the late 2800's.

Maybe there's also more to tell about Bandobras / "Bullroarer" Took! :)

03-24-2009, 01:10 PM
What in gods name would "going to sea" accomplish?That's how the jolly inn "Admiral Took" got its name.:D

The Dread Pirate Roberts
03-24-2009, 02:14 PM
Seeing as how the Hobbits often considered Hobbits just from other farthings within the Shire to be odd or uncouth, a Hobbit who went to sea on a mere fishing excursion would likely be considered insanely adventurous. I doubt any Hobbit ever had any adventures remotely approaching those of Bilbo and Frodo.