View Full Version : Seriously need help! Arwen-related!

Noble Elf Lord
11-27-2008, 02:35 PM
Her'es the deal: I've painted Arwen's death, it's a part of my high school art diploma. Now, I'm supposed to write an essay about it where I should compare my painting and another, already existing work of art! The problem is this: I googled "Arwen's death", but there was NOTHING like it on the first page and, before you scold me for being an impatient brat, it is my experience that the google results get worse when you move to the next pages. :(

Help?......... :eek:

P.S.: it's should be ready on Monday... :o

11-27-2008, 04:05 PM
You want pictures of specifically Arwen's death, or would a work of a similar scene with another character work as well?

PS: Any chance of us later being able to see the painting? I'm curious. ;)

11-27-2008, 04:25 PM

Aragorn and Arwen Death

Arwen's DeathFILMS: ROTK ends with a voice-over closing statement by Galadriel and an epilogue depicting Aragorn's death in Gondor followed by Arwen's death in Lothlórien.

BOOKS: These events are told in the Appendices and are not told through dialog from Frodo.

PRO: These scenes help bring closure to Aragorn and Arwen's portion of the story.

CON: The script would require additional dialog written by the scriptwriters rather than by Tolkien.


* First FOTR Teaser Trailer 12/19/00 (first report, photographic evidence)
* Flaunt Magazine interview (3/20/01) (confirmation)
* Leonides Tolkien-Movies messageboard post 3/31/01 (confirmation)
* Jersey The One Ring messageboard post 4/13/01 (confirmation)
* TORN Preview Footage Review 9/5/01 (details)
* IGN Insider FOTR SE DVD Review (details)


Source (http://www.theonering.com/gallery/item.sd?iid=2745)

11-27-2008, 04:42 PM
You can be a bit more creative in your google search strings and look beyond the first page (trust me, sometimes it does pay) and you would have come up on these. ;) Searching fantasy art sites may also be a better approach, google looks awefully cluttered with movie images.

(found googling for arwen cerin amroth and searching Elfwood for combinations of arwen, cerin amroth and death)

Arwen on Cerin Amroth (http://www.elfenomeno.com/info/ver/16193/titulo/Arwen-en-Cerin-Amroth)
Arwen is dying (http://www.elfwood.com/art/h/a/hannahdanger/arwen.jpg.html)
Death Arwen in Lorien (http://www.elfwood.com/art/t/a/tanulka/arwenvlorienu.jpg.html)

There's more out there.

11-27-2008, 08:54 PM
Tintel "Arwen dying".

11-28-2008, 12:27 PM
Use the Elfwood search engine (http://www.elfwood.com/find.html) and see what you can find.

Noble Elf Lord
11-28-2008, 02:34 PM
I hate to say this, but your replies - for which I thank you immensely much - didn't help. :( I'll just have to choose a death scene from some other fantasy book. :confused:

11-29-2008, 11:04 PM
This is from the website Deviant Art (http://www.deviantart.com/):


The artist, shanith, comments (http://shanith.deviantart.com/art/Winter-comes-without-a-star-61147188), Arwen walks in the wood following the death of Aragorn until the weariness overcomes her and lies down and walks no more.I used the website search engine for "Arwen death".

Noble Elf Lord
11-30-2008, 05:28 AM
Thanks Alcuin, but I painted a scene where Arwen is already dead, and while I admit that I could never draw/paint anything that fine, I think that something more... official is required.

However, again, thank you all for your help. :)

11-30-2008, 11:31 AM
You presumably aren't meant to find an existing piece of art that's identical to yours, so there ARE meant to be differences. Even to work with the example of Shanith's posted just above, the choice of moment to depict is something worth discussing. And then there's use of colour, texture, detail vs impressionism etc.

If you're still searching, you might try the Death of Ophelia. There's a really famous one by Millais which could make for a very classy essay -- although you'd be comparing drowning with a dry death!
A wikipedia search on Ophelia shows her to have been a real favourite with the Pre-Raphaelites, and there are other less famous but drier depictions you could work with.

The style of the Pre-Raphaelite movement is often inspired by an idealised sense of the medieval, e.g. the myths of King Arthur etc., and would therefore be well-suited to Tolkien. I'm sure they informed the designs used in the film through Alan Lee and John Howe (whether directly acknowledged or not...).

Hope this is helpful.

P.S. Alcuin, I think we know one another from the old days of SF-Fandom...? Well met once more! :)

11-30-2008, 11:57 AM
If you want a dead Arven, so, what's wrong with the picture I gave to you?
An artist depicted Arwen on Cerin Amroth and grass already started to grow over her. She is definately dead.:evil:
Look at the picture, man, not on a title under. I put it on, not the artist. I might be wrong.:cool:

Jon S.
11-30-2008, 06:55 PM
[British accent] "That elf's not dead - she's just resting.


12-22-2008, 01:56 PM
So, do we ever get to see the infamous creation of yours, Noble? ;)

Noble Elf Lord
12-23-2008, 11:26 AM
We do, Mari. Once the school starts and I get the "creation" back. :eek:

Well, the essay is long written, thanks for helping and support. I didn't try to find an identical piece, but something that isn't so... fan-esque. Get me? :confused: