View Full Version : Gondor Presidential Debates

10-03-2008, 10:07 AM
Well, I for one think that while Aragorn has some good ideas, he basically doesn't have the experience that someone like Denethor brings to the position.

Just look at the question of Fangorn. If we can't obtain reliable supplies of wood from our allies like Saruman, we'll be thrown into dependency on supplies from Mirkwood, which can be influenced by Sauron.

And this idea of providing amnesty for Dwarves who have settled illegally in the Glittering Caves? Send them back to Moria!

That being said, I'm really looking forward to the VP debates between Eowyn and Grima. While Eowyn has described herself as a "Warg with lipstick" I've got to give the edge on experience as a wise and safe counsellor to "Wormtongue", as he's affectionately nicknamed.

10-03-2008, 11:07 AM
What a shame that Galadriel didn't make it all the way, though!
Will she still be able to run next time, I wonder, or will people think she will be too old then?

I don't think I'll vote at all this time, when I cannot vote for her.

The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-03-2008, 01:05 PM
re: Eowyn

I'd hit it.


Willow Oran
10-03-2008, 04:09 PM
Well, I for one think that while Aragorn has some good ideas, he basically doesn't have the experience that someone like Denethor brings to the position.

New reports just in have revealed that Aragorn, previously assumed to be the less experienced candadite was actually an acclaimed war hero under the name Thorongil while Denethor was still in diapers!
This is clearly an outstanding development and it has yet to be seen whether the addition to his record will help or the secrecy surrounding it will hurt his campaign...


10-03-2008, 07:11 PM
Then there's the whole citizenship question. Will the Aragorn campaign ever present a legitimate birth certificate? :rolleyes:

And where do the candidates stand on:

* The 700 silver pence bailout plan?
* The continuing war in Khand?
* Actually finding, and capturing or killing the Mouth of Sauron?
* Drilling in the Ice Bay of Forochel? (and what would they be drilling for anyway? Lost Palantiri?)
* Publicly provided education for the masses?
* Publicly provided healthcare for the masses ("the hands of the King..." you know)?
* What is to be done with the "unwanted" babies of Minas Tirith? Can they simply be discarded, or must everyone keep them?

10-05-2008, 11:34 AM
* Drilling in the Ice Bay of Forochel? (and what would they be drilling for anyway? Lost Palantiri?)

And what exactly is the border situation in that area? What is claimed territory by the neighbouring countries - and are the candidates prepared to respect those claims? Could there be conflicts with those other countries?