View Full Version : Yummy!

03-26-2000, 02:16 AM
Well, if you remove a Hutt's bladder and their slime gland, they tase MUCH better (plus those two removed parts are wonderful as desert).

03-26-2000, 07:28 AM
hi Brewhaha. That sounds like a very good idea. I was thinking it's time for another feast. This has nothing to do with your topic, but my Internet Explorer finally works, so I'm using it for the first time. :) That makes me happy.

03-26-2000, 03:44 PM
I'm too am ready for another feast! :)

Jae the Hutt
03-26-2000, 04:58 PM
EAT ME!!!!

03-26-2000, 05:07 PM
Yeah, let´s party and have fun! It´s been too long since the last Hutt I ate ;) .

03-26-2000, 05:30 PM
Oh look...we have a volunteer... :)

Prepare to be roasted!!!

Jae the Hutt
03-26-2000, 06:24 PM
I must be brave...:eek:

03-26-2000, 07:17 PM
Zaa!! What'z Brewhaha doing here?! Where did he come from? Just don't give away all my preciouz Spathi secrets, my.. uh.. friend. I hope you underztand what I mean. Becauze if you don't, then I will be mightly mad wiz you next time I zee you...
Not zat I will be able to do anything of courze. But pleaze don't anyway.

Az for Jae ze hut, I am currently transporting a chunk off her through ze hunam internet connection....
yum. Good. A lot of fat. A lot of white, uncooked fat. Ze zkin iz a bit hard to bite through...
I zink we better cook our hutt volutier before we proceed.

03-27-2000, 01:55 AM
Excellent my good people, we shall start to garnish the hutt first!

03-27-2000, 06:55 AM
I´ve brought salt and pepper if need be. :)

03-27-2000, 10:46 PM
got some tabasco and BBQ sauce? I surprised Soah has not shown up yet...

03-28-2000, 02:59 AM
......this time he could be a roaster instead of a roastee. :p

03-28-2000, 03:27 AM
Hehe... perhaps. Hey mabye our volunteer Hutt has some slave dancers/musicians to entertain at the feast...

03-28-2000, 03:31 AM
Oh yeah, since I'm new, how do I change that little thingy beside my name?

03-28-2000, 03:45 AM
The icon? Go to the main page of the board, and click on "My Control Center." Then go to the tab that says "Personal" and click on "Edit Preferences." There should be a box that lets you type in the url of a 10 pixels by 10 pixels picture of your choice to be next to your name.

Again, enjoy your stay at Entmoot :)

03-28-2000, 04:12 AM
Hmm, SoaH hasn't been seen around these parts for weeks, if not months... (and to think that he was complaining the other day that I don't visit his board enough! :p )

03-28-2000, 01:05 PM

03-29-2000, 03:31 AM
Mmmm! Delicious! He can be the entree! :evil:

03-30-2000, 01:09 AM
Hey Elanor, do you have some edible flowers? they add that 'flare' to the meal...

03-30-2000, 01:28 AM
Hmmm, I was wonderin' if we could cook Jae alive... I mean freshness is everything right? Also, a ginsu knife works well on that tough skin. But, as always, our grill is too small! So I must resort to a greusome fate...
We have to hang him up like a pinata and beat the stuffing out. Then, we pre-boil him for five minutes. Let him dry a little out in the sun, then we shove his shrunken remains in the oven. Voila! Sun-dried pesto tomato sauce Hutt. What do ya' think? I have got some other recipies...

03-31-2000, 05:37 AM
Sounds like a raisin.

Oh, how horrid!
:p ;) As for the flowers, I'm sure I will have some dandelions soon that I won't want.

03-31-2000, 11:33 PM
Good connection! I think that a raisin suits Soah just fine...yummy.

04-01-2000, 01:07 AM
Yez, Brewhaha, zat iz a very fine rezipy.
I have anozer rezipy zat I have learned from Spathi szience. Use zis one on Jae.
Firzt, put Jae out in a zpecial container. Lower ze temperature to at leazt -50C. Jae should be frozen ztiff by now.
Take Jae out, and put Jae into a hot sauna. Az mozt of you know (or at leazt ze more well educated onez of you), if you try to unfreeze somezing frozen & make it alive again...
Zince most of hutt body iz made of water, when ze water freezez it gets larger as it turns into ice. onze it melts, and ze water returns to normal size, it leavez all zortz of tiny holez in ze hutt's body.
The insidez of ze hutt zen slowly ooze out of ze hutt, which leaves ze organs of ze hutt still inside. Dried hutt. Yum.
And of courze, ze bloody ztuff zat oozed out iz a wonderfull beverage.
Of course, ze hutt iz alive when all of zis happens. :mad: D

04-17-2000, 10:41 PM
The feast shall begin!!! Dig into Jae everyone!

04-19-2000, 10:03 PM
Delicious! Mmmmm, that bladder is wonderful! HEY!? WHO FORGOT TO CLEAN IT OUT!? EWWWWWWWWW!!!!

04-21-2000, 03:35 AM
*drinks a glass of wet hutt insides (see my previous reply)*
GULP GULP AAAAAHHH! Thiz ztuff iz delicious! I like wet, inzides of hutt!

*Jae: This hurts! Can't you kill me first?*

Oh, zhut up. *squeezes zome more inzides out of Jae*
Time to take out ze liverz! Nize and meaty...

04-21-2000, 03:59 PM
Jae is going to go rotten if more people don't join in and finish him quickly!!! C'mon people!! He is delicious! Bonus: we've got Solution Crumb as the ordeurves!

04-22-2000, 11:46 PM
(The Hutt table mysteriously goes on fire, destroying everything in it's wake. Brewhaha dissapears, leaving only a grin behind that is quickly covered by plumes of thick smoke)
See ya! I'll be back...