View Full Version : LotR Characters
02-23-2008, 11:51 AM
If you could be any character in LotR, who would it be?
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
02-23-2008, 02:20 PM
Gimli or Gandalf
02-23-2008, 08:25 PM
Just a regular old hobbit girl. Hobbits seem to live very normal everyday lives; that is, except for those who go "adventuring." It would probably be easiest for me to be a hobbit. Now I DO love the elves, but I just don't think I have an elf personality. And I thought about the ents because they are just about my favorite characters, but don't think I would want to be one of the lost entwives.
02-23-2008, 09:10 PM
Aragorn first. Faramir would be OK.
Both of those guys survived. :p :D
And... look who they married! ;)
The Telcontarion
02-24-2008, 12:24 AM
Well what first came to my mind was Aragorn Elessar Arathornion Telcontar, however since my screen name here is The Telcontarion (and my user title could be shortened to simply be, The Tar Minyaturion), doubly the heir to the kings of old, I then am. As such, it would must be Eldarion Telcontar...I would have to be the scion of not just the striders but of the eldar as well.
And as king, no one here can or would ever no of my deeds, in story or in song (well, until some future, undisclosed time) so too no one can know of the deeds Of Eldarion, The Telcontarion: me.
"You owe me your fealty." For I am your king, it is written.
02-24-2008, 02:23 AM
After the end of the Third Age?
You get to be king, but you don't have to be High King of such a vast realm and all its attendant worries. In fact, surrounded on all sides by Gondor/Arnor, you don't even have to worry about defense.
You sit in your hall drinking mead and going out for a gallop now and then. With the expansion of settlements in Arnor plus the population growth in Gondor there's gonna be a huge increase in demand for sheep, cattle and horses, plus you're sitting on the main highway between them- lots of opportunities in the hostelry business- so your economy's booming.
And if you want some culture/warm weather you can pop down to visit Sis.
Then if things get too boring or the lads get restless, your old buddy the High King will always have a border war or two going on, just to keep your hand in.
or maybe a hobbit girl! an adventourous one like merry or pippin!
02-25-2008, 02:34 PM
I think I'd have to say that if i could be any character I would probably have to choose Bilbo Baggins. I always loved the Hobbit and it was definately my favorite of all of Tolkien's books. I also love that Bilbo managed to give up the ring despite his own temptations. He had a ton of fun adventuring in his life and proved that Hobbits can be instrumental in the shaping of the world. Also he eventually gets to go to the East and live eternally with the Elves. I think it'd be great to live as Bilbo.
03-26-2008, 03:17 PM
Also he eventually gets to go to the East and live eternally with the Elves.
This isn't what I understood...I remember reading a letter or an essay (I can't remember which, if someone knows what I'm talking about, I'd love a reference!) in which Tolkien spoke of Frodo and Bilbo going to Valinor for rest and peace - not for eternal life.
He went on to say that they were granted this gift by the Valar, but that the Valar did not have the right to change their ultimate fate, and being, in essence, men, Hobbits were granted the Gift of Men - that is death, and freedom from the confines of Arda...
But to answer the question at hand - I don't think I'd want to be anyone at the end of Lord of the Rings...nobody really has a good ending, for those who surivive, the world is changing and nothing will again be as it was, which is kind of sad and melancholy. But if I had to choose - I think I'd want to be one of the horses, and they were set for a rather peaceful time under Éomer Éadig!
The Dread Pirate Roberts
03-26-2008, 04:14 PM
Letter #154 To Naomi Mitchison may be what you are thinking of which says in part:
But in this story it is supposed that there may be certain rare exceptions or accommodations (legitimately supposed? there always seem to be exceptions); and so certain 'mortals', who have played some great part in Elvish affairs, may pass with the Elves to Elvenhome. Thus Frodo (by the express gift of Arwen) and Bilbo, and eventually Sam (as adumbrated by Frodo); and as a unique exception Gimli the Dwarf, as friend of Legolas and 'servant' of Galadriel.
I have said nothing about it in this book, but the mythical idea underlying is that for mortals, since their 'kind' cannot be changed for ever, this is strictly only a temporary reward: a healing and redress of suffering. They cannot abide for ever, and though they cannot return to mortal earth, they can and will 'die' – of free will, and leave the world. (In this setting the return of Arthur would be quite impossible, a vain imagining.)
03-26-2008, 04:16 PM
Yes! That's it, thanks!
03-26-2008, 05:49 PM
I would have to say Eowyn, she is a strong woman who gets to fight, ends up marrying an amazing man, and on top of all of that, she is beautiful, and hey, who doesn't want that?
03-26-2008, 07:57 PM
I think I would be content with the simple, country life of the Shire. Hobbit food and lifestyle sounds alright by me. I'd end up a weird adventuresome hobbit lass though. :) I think I'd rather be a hobbit who was awed by the beauty and magic of the elves than be one myself- they're probably used to themselves, haha.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
03-26-2008, 08:41 PM
I forgot to say who I'd be. Probably Beregond. High enough rank to get some perks, low enough to not be responsible for an entire kingdom like the bigwigs.
The last sane person
03-26-2008, 09:41 PM
I'd probably be some mixed breed mutt wandering around East, and West and just about anywhere my legs, or those of a horse, could get me. I'm not a very settled person.
03-30-2008, 02:12 PM
I think I'd have to be Eowyn, cos she's so brave and stuff (ah). She gets to live in Ithilien with Faramir (ah again). OK, Faramir's not great, but he's the best one after Aragorn, and he's taken by that dimwitted elf (grr):mad:
03-30-2008, 02:27 PM
I think I'd have to be Eowyn, cos she's so brave and stuff (ah). She gets to live in Ithilien with Faramir (ah again). OK, Faramir's not great, but he's the best one after Aragorn, and he's taken by that dimwitted elf (grr):mad:
I see we agree on the same character. She kicks ass. :D
Sam, Tom or Treebeard, don't know which one. They all have amazing characters. :)
04-13-2008, 11:14 AM
I would be Eowyn because I'm a lot like her. She knows her place and she knows what she must do, but yet she is quick to stand up for what she believes in and defend those she loves.
04-13-2008, 11:26 AM
Rethinking my answer, Gildor, I think. :D
04-13-2008, 11:46 AM
LOL, Curufin. :D
I think I could definitely settle as Rosie: nice and quiet Shire-life, nobody minding the hair on my toes, sweet and brave husband who adores me. I'm not too sure about the dozen of kids, though...
04-13-2008, 11:53 AM
:eek: The dozen kids might be pushing it for me...unless there were a good reason I had a dozen kids...;)
Half a dozen would be nice... Perhaps if you get all twins you can get a dozen kids with only half a dozen of births! Oh my, did I just say that? >_<
04-16-2008, 02:40 AM
Letter #154 To Naomi Mitchison may be what you are thinking of which says in part:
Actually, I finally found the one I was really looking for. ;) It's from Letters, 246:
Frodo was sent or allowed to pass over the Sea to heal him – if that could be done, before he died. He would have eventually to ‘pass away’: no mortal could, or can, abide for ever on earth, or within Time. So he went both to a purgatory and to a reward, for a while: a period of reflection and peace and a gaining of a truer understanding of his position in littleness and in greatness, spent still in Time amid the natural beauty of ‘Arda Unmarred’, the Earth unspoiled by evil.
the insane one
08-13-2008, 07:22 AM
I would like to be Gandalf but after 'the war of the ring' and before he leaves the grey heavens. because then i would have both time ans power, and less responsibilites. as it would be much more fun to explore a peaceful world then one strewn with orcs!
08-13-2008, 09:11 AM
The world without us, bad guys, is just soo dull! :p
Jon S.
08-13-2008, 10:06 PM
All of you who said Eowyn are right, she is absolutely the best which is why I'll choose Faramir. ;)
09-24-2008, 02:36 PM
Though I admire all the great ones, Gandalf and Aragorn and Galadriel especially, I'm most like a hobbit. Probably I'm foolish enough in real life to be Pippin. However I think Merry with his friendly, playful, yet straightforward and somewhat practical nature, appeals to me a bit more. I'm often lonely in my real life. Merry of course in being a Brandybuck was probably never lonely.
That's very attractive to me right now.
09-24-2008, 03:34 PM
Aragorn, of course. Imrahil a close second.
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