View Full Version : Glorfindel

01-08-2008, 05:44 PM
There was a Glorfindel in Gondolin and there was one also that resided in Rivendell. I've heard from some sources that there were two elves by the same name, but I also heard from somewhere else that they were the same one. I heard Glorfindel was sent back when he perished in Gondolin and therefore he was the same one that dwelt in Rivendell. I would like to know for a fact so if anyone has the answer please let me know, were there two or just one.

Thank you

Willow Oran
01-08-2008, 05:57 PM
Originally the two Glorfindels resulted from random name re-use. Tolkien went back later and wrote a short essay addressing the problem of having two elves with such a unique name and finally decided on a singular, re-embodied Glorfindel. You can find the essay in the HoME volumn titled "Peoples of Middle Earth."