View Full Version : Recent SW Insiders

03-14-2001, 02:44 AM
After not recieving any for 6 months, (b/c they were getting put under new management or something) I have recieved 3 SW Insiders in less than 3 months. I just got the third one today, and it has "Supreme Chancellor" (that just sounds so cool) Palpatine in his episode II makeup and costume. He's a lot older looking than he was in episode one, and it starts to fill that gap between young senator Palpatine and old powerful Emperor Palpatine.

Lief Erikson
03-14-2001, 02:55 AM
I'm afraid that that's rather odd. I also had a long time without getting any, but I haven't got the Supreme Chancellor on the front of any of mine. :( Whatever could have happened?

03-15-2001, 11:13 PM
SW Insider is boring now, I think my subscription might be canceled, I'm not sure :p .

Lief Erikson
03-18-2001, 08:01 PM
What do you mean it's boring? Just the last magazine, or the whole thing?

Clarification, please.