View Full Version : Top Ten movies NOT to see with your mother

09-23-2007, 05:12 PM
listen to the audio:p (Show #296).

The thing about this list: the titles of the movies themselves will/might attract/suggest to your mother that she will want to see them:p.

#10 Requiem for a Dream
#9 American Beauty
#8 The Last Picture Show
#7 The Magdalene Sisters
#6 All About My Mother
#5 Sideways
#4 Team America World Police
#3 Rent
#2 The Ladykillers
#1 The Aristocrats

this is the list from the show...my own pick would be The Hours, which I actually did see with my mom in the theaters:p. DO NOT DO THAT!

Miss Cassandra
09-23-2007, 05:55 PM
+1 for Requiem!
I watched it once with my dad, boy was that awkward! :o

Ladykillers? there's nothing wrong with that movie. Ive seen it with both my parents... they just thought it was funny.

There's so many taboo movies out there, a lot of them I like too! (but wouldn't watch with them...)

09-23-2007, 06:37 PM
Wings of a Dove :p

09-24-2007, 09:27 AM
Love Actually! But that's because I know my mother hates it even more than I do.

You could always watch the original Ladykillers - nothing objectionable in that, except all the killing ;)

Miss Cassandra
09-26-2007, 02:29 PM
You could always watch the original Ladykillers - nothing objectionable in that, except all the killing ;)

There is nothing wrong with killing!

Hostel, and the Saw series are the movies my mom will not watch, they scare her to death!

(And Ive seen all of them with her! Freaked her out lol)

10-22-2007, 10:39 AM
Come on folks, I can't be the only one to have this on my mind...

10-22-2007, 02:08 PM
Frankly you'll never get me and my mum to watch any movie together ...except perhaps an old b/w war movie on a lazy afternoon if i have gone to visit.....

in general i guess that would be a potentially long list ...but i guess it comes down more to your own relationship with your parents ...

other than the fact you would struggle to actually get me and my mum to watch the same movie ... i wouldn't have any qualms about much -

but you have to remember, this is the same dearheart who, as a family back in the day , we would sit down and watch say, Fawlty Towers and be in complete stitches ... me mum would just look and act like Queen Victoria ...

10-22-2007, 02:21 PM
Yeah, the John Cleese humor definitely goes over the heads of my parents as well;). Not that I even LET them watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or anything...:p

Miss Cassandra
10-23-2007, 09:40 AM
Frankly you'll never get me and my mum to watch any movie together ...except perhaps an old b/w war movie on a lazy afternoon if i have gone to visit.....

in general i guess that would be a potentially long list ...but i guess it comes down more to your own relationship with your parents ...

other than the fact you would struggle to actually get me and my mum to watch the same movie ... i wouldn't have any qualms about much -

but you have to remember, this is the same dearheart who, as a family back in the day , we would sit down and watch say, Fawlty Towers and be in complete stitches ... me mum would just look and act like Queen Victoria ...

Thats such a sad image. I lived with an older woman once (in a care home) and she only would watch movies from tcm, some of those are so old I cant bear them, they are so ancient! Although some, around the 40's are pretty cool.

I can watch whatever I want around my mom, she's too drunk to care and too waisted to notice Im even around!
Lol It's true She needs to stop drinking.

10-23-2007, 02:50 PM
Think I watched Requiem for a Dream with my mum some years ago, and while she didn't mind, I swore to myself never to watch that movie again. It's just the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, not all of it maybe, but the parts with the guys arm when he has placed to many needles there. Still freaks me ouy. Euyck.

Miss Cassandra
10-23-2007, 03:28 PM
That whole move is pretty wicked. I think its funny when the old lady freaks out because of her refrigerator. Crazy ass movie.

10-31-2007, 11:35 PM
The thing about this list: the titles of the movies themselves will/might attract/suggest to your mother that she will want to see them:p.
#4 Team America World Police

:confused: Explain?
