05-22-2001, 12:25 AM
If so then you should read Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. It is an excellent book. It is a sort of "prequel" to Episode I. I thought that would make the book rather lame but it wasn't. Even though you know what happens in TPM there are lots of surprises in this book. I like Boba Fett as a character much better but I will admit SHadow Hunter was much easier to read than the Bounty Hunter Wars and better quality as well. It manages to bring up some good plot lines, elaborate on loose ends and is a fun read. Also, this book manages to contain foreshadowing that is not overdone but actually makes you excited about what is yet to come. That was my biggest gripe about TPM was the totally cheesy and overdone foreshadowing. Again, if you're a Darth Maul fan you should read this book. You won't be disappointed! ;)