View Full Version : can someone translate into elvish...

06-28-2007, 12:39 PM
Can someone translate "not all those that wander are lost" into elvish for me? Pref. sindarin.

If anyone has a source of elvish quotes from the books, please share.

I want to get a wristband tattoo with that and this dragon

curling around my wrist.

The dragon's wings will go up the tendons on the center underside of my wrist, and the tail will curl around the knobby bone on the top-side of my wrist. The elvish will go around the rest of my wrist.

Kevin McIntyre
06-28-2007, 10:40 PM
I found this online at : http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/riddle.htm

Pân i valt law thilia,
Law pain i reviar mistar aen;
Iaur i vell law thinnatha,
Law thynd dyfn na-niss rathar aen.
O lith naur echuiathar aen,
Calad od dúath thuiatha;
Adamminen i vagol vreithannen,
Pen-thôl ad echannen i aran.

07-03-2007, 05:53 PM
I am not sure about pronunciation. Can someone translate "Law pain i reviar mistar aen" into sindarin tengwar?

07-09-2007, 11:46 PM
Hmm...well, I'm assuming that there's no dipthongs in Sindar...so...I can draw out the Tengwar, and post a link to the picture here. Give me a bit, maybe a day or so...

09-14-2007, 12:59 AM
I don't know if this will help or not:

Pân i valt law thilia,
Law pain i reviar mistar aen;
Iaur i vell law thinnatha,
Law thynd dyfn na-niss rathar aen.
O lith naur echuiathar aen,
Calad od dúath thuiatha;
Adamminen i vagol vreithannen,
Pen-thôl ad echannen i aran.

Pronunciation: ('ae' is like the 'i' in 'mine' or 'fine' and has the same sound as 'eye.' 'Ch' is pronounced like it is in "Bach" not 'church')

Pahn ee vahlt lahw THEE-lyah
Lahw paen ee REV-yahr MEE-star aen
Ee-OWR ee vell lahw theen-AH-thah
Lahw thind dif'n nah-neehs RAH-thar aen
Oh leeth now-er ech-(OO)WEE-ah-thar aen
KAH-lahd owed DOO-ath TH(OO)WEE-ah-thah
Ah-dah-MEE-nen ee vahgol v(u)raeth-AH-nen
Pen- thowl ahd ech-AH-nen ee AH-ran.