View Full Version : Special feature on JD's MB

04-10-2007, 10:44 PM
I signed into my AboutNewJersey.com account, and I was looking at the "Who's Online" there. Big deal, right?

Well, apperantly JD has some feature that Identifies where bots come from, i.e. "MSN Spider" "Yahoo bot" etc...

Wouldn't our battle against the bots be more effective if we had this to counter their strikes?

04-11-2007, 12:25 AM
We could probably set it so that everyone could see where the bots could come from on this version of vbulletin. Not sure - JD seems to have a slightly newer version.

Admins (and maybe mods?) can already see where the bots come from. We can see the IP Iddresses on "Who's Online." It is very clear by the IP addys where the bots come from.

This doesn't really help in preventing them. But they don't seem to do any harm.

04-11-2007, 04:29 AM
The bots visiting to index the site are no threat.

As for the spam bots, they come usually one at the time, and I doubt the software can indentify them as they're quite diverse.