View Full Version : Moooore

12-17-2006, 07:22 PM
Dont you ever want more middle earth books? Do you think that someday the tolkien estate might let modern authors continue the story? Maybe turn it into a much bigger thing? I mean its already big and great, but I still want more...

12-17-2006, 10:11 PM
Dont you ever want more middle earth books? Do you think that someday the tolkien estate might let modern authors continue the story? Maybe turn it into a much bigger thing? I mean its already big and great, but I still want more...

I know a few books, one,actually, a trilogy, but all of them on froreign language. :(

12-17-2006, 10:22 PM
You mean there are more LOTR books not by the Tolkiens?

12-18-2006, 01:51 AM
O, yeah. And I would say a good one.
Actually, my nick Olmer is taken from that trilogy, which continues Tolkien's idea about Gondorians turning to self-destruction: kinstrives, wars with bordering lands, separation with Rohan and so on... Meantime, Olmer, a charismatic hunter from Dale, the heir of Boromir, is gathering together everyone, who were not happy with their lives under Gondor's governing.
He reunited orcs, people and dwarves, but, unfortunately, he found the way to acquire the lost ring of the Witch-King and, in spite of knowing that because of this Ring his destiny would be ghastly, he decided to use it for good cause, trying to curb evergrowing appetite of Gondor's Empire. So, here comes troubles for Minas-Tirith. :eek:

My favorite book is about Uruk-hai and a hobbit, who travelled with orc's squad on a spesial mission. :evil:

12-18-2006, 01:43 PM
Whats it called and where can I get a copy?

12-18-2006, 02:07 PM
You woun't find it on English. Sorry. :(

12-18-2006, 02:12 PM
Well what is it in? I would learn another lanuage just for more middle earth.

12-18-2006, 06:00 PM
Here is a little information for you.
About the trilogy (http://www.perumov.com/eng/books.shtml)

Another book, which I mentioned, I am translating for my friends. But I am still too far from finishing it. Maybe some day...:-)

12-18-2006, 06:31 PM
Here is a little information for you.
About the trilogy (http://www.perumov.com/eng/books.shtml)

Another book, which I mentioned, I am translating for my friends. But I am still too far from finishing it. Maybe some day...:-)

Interesting book Olmer. (too bad I cannot comprehend enough Russian to read the book. :()

FYI, When I went to view the page (from your link) my computer indicated that there was a VirusScan Alert (Exploit-IEPageSpoof).

I do not know if there is a legitimate problem or not, but I thought I would pass the warning to others.

(My computer is using McAfee VirusSan Enterprise 8.0.0)

12-18-2006, 06:44 PM
How long will it be til its transilated by u? And how long will it take me to learn russian? :P

12-18-2006, 06:51 PM
Why not just post the transilation as you go along? And whats the name of it?

12-18-2006, 08:15 PM
Thanks for warning, Anthony. I have Symantec and it did not show any alerts.
This is an official site of the author and he resides in North Carolina.
Seems yours detected a spyware, probably from one of many ads on the homepage.

nocom, if you will get the books, you don't have to learn language.You can use an online translator.Of course, it won't be a professional storytelling, but you will get the main idea.

The book I'm translating has 40 chapters. I did just two, and right now have so much work to do, so till February I even don't dream to come close to the book.

12-18-2006, 10:26 PM
Where can I get them? His web sites not working, and if he lives in North carolina why not make it in english?

12-18-2006, 10:41 PM
And are you sure these are legal? Did he get primission from the Tolkiens to write these?

12-18-2006, 11:08 PM
And are you sure these are legal? Did he get primission from the Tolkiens to write these?
Now he is asking! :evil:
They are legal, but not on English. Say a big "thank you" to a greedy Tolkien estate.
His website is working, just checked, but you woun't find the text over there.
I don't think you can find anywhere, exept in some russian stores in NY.

12-18-2006, 11:21 PM
Could you do me a big fav and get an email adress or something I can contact him at?

12-19-2006, 12:18 PM
Most authors have a contact thingy on their page, but I cant read most of his.

12-19-2006, 03:14 PM
Thanks to one of our Entmoot's friends I have got a link to the first part of the first book "The Elven Blade".
Unfortunately, the second part of the book is removed for whatever reasons. . :(

Oh, this is 13 chapters and takes time to load.

On the second thought I decided to put this two chapters of book for people judgement. See what they will say.
After all it's a plain fan-fiction. :-)
Uruk-hai, or the journey to there... (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?p=576166#post576166)

12-20-2006, 12:09 AM
Why wont he put it out in english anyway?