View Full Version : i'm back!

07-18-2000, 03:01 PM
egypt is the most incredible place - so much of the ancient art is still there! saw a lot of the old temples. if anyone gets the chance, i highly reccomend seeing the temple of Isis on Philae - beautiful. also went to luxor & karnak, and of course the pyramids (i got kicked off a pyramid! he he he!). there's this one little chapel at karnak that's lined with 8 statues of one of the pharaohs (sp?) & columns in between that just feels so Minas Tirithian... also at karnak, the paintings on some of the ceiling supports are PERFECTLY preserved - not even cracks. it's really incredible. also, we saw some of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, & the egyptian museum. we also hung out in Cairo, & rode camels (could i go to egypt & NOT have?). and contrary to popular belief, egypt isn't that hot. of course, this is said by a Leo, born in a heat wave, who has now endured 18 TX summers.

started Sil a few days ago - really cool, but kind of comfusing how all of Finwe's descendants have such similar names. galadriel rules. Men repeat names (denethor, boromir... anyone else notice this?).

gods, a lot has been going on here...

Anduin - i'm from dallas
Bmilder - what's Tolkien Trail?
Thrawn96 - FAMILY GUY GOT CANCELED? *pulls out AK-47 & a few throwing daggers* BY WHO?
IP & Thrawn96 - so the Canada Wars are over? gods, i leave for one week...
Death of the Endless - woo-hoo! Sandman fan! one of my friends got me hooked about 3 months ago. incredible. do you read poison elves? if not, you should.
Bmilder - so i have 6 or 7 posts before i become an elven warrior? alright!

anyway, everyone have fun on their respective vacations! and BTW, egyptair is actually a good although crowded airline.

aryne *

07-18-2000, 03:40 PM
Sounds like you had a good trip. Welcome back.

07-18-2000, 07:40 PM
Welcome back! TolkienTrail.com is the website we've been working on, and it's finally open! Go to www.tolkientrail.com (http://www.tolkientrail.com) to check it out! :)

Darth Tater
07-18-2000, 07:46 PM
Welcome back. Boy, sounds like you had a great time, even if you did miss all the tolkientrail hype ;)

07-19-2000, 02:57 AM
Did you notice what happened to me?

07-19-2000, 03:14 AM
Yay! Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great time. I can't think of a more exotic place to vacation than in Egypt. It would be like meeting a famous person or something......you just don't think it's real til you see it for yourself. And riding a camel....how very cool! Hope you got a picture of that. Maybe you could post it. :)

07-22-2000, 04:55 AM
it seems like the tolkientrail hype is still going on - was there more?

IP - if you're talking about becoming an admin, yes i noticed. congradulations! so which is harder, the walls of orthanc or an IronEnt? can you use IronEnts as battering rams?

ok, i'll stop now.

aryne *

07-22-2000, 03:00 PM
Looks like you're an Elven Warrior! Good job :)

captain Tarpols
07-22-2000, 03:12 PM
ya, congrats!!

07-22-2000, 11:05 PM
Elven Warriors rule!
I sure do envy you your trip...it sounds like it was wonderful. I agree with anduin, if you have any pictures, I am sure that we would love to see them.

I imagine that Egypt must have an almost magical feel to it, it is so very old and so much has happened there over the centuries:)

captain Tarpols
07-23-2000, 01:11 AM
Elven Warriors rule but Elven Lords are better! :p i want to be the first :) or second...or third...

07-23-2000, 02:37 AM
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07-23-2000, 05:06 AM


and egypt does have this incredible feel - sort of like floating-around remnants of old magic, if that makes any sense.

I'M AN ELF! LET THE PEOPLE REJOICE! ok, this is enough egotism.

aryne *

07-23-2000, 09:19 AM
Now I´m jealous. I have always wanted to go to Egypt but I have never got the chance to do so.

Anyway, I´m glad you had a good time. :)