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03-28-2006, 11:44 PM
Dusk faded over the landscape. Makoin and Gimli walked along the road north, under the foothills of the Misty Mountains. The air was cold, and they were nearly shivering. A bird called somewhere, as their feet crushed the dirt underneath them. Dusk still faded.

"We should get a fire going," Gimli told his companion. "We'll stop here for the night."

"All right, then. How long until we're back at the Iron Hills?" asked Makoin.

"Oh, a week's journey, maybe two. Something smells of adventure, though. Nah...I've had enough adventure for now."

"Look! What's-that?"

It was a lump next to the road, nestled in by a rocky outcrop. The dwarves ran closer. As they approached, they saw it was a body. A dwarf body. They both stopped, and crept closer, taking their axes out. When they got within ten feet, the body rolled over. Makoin gasped.

"Nakoin!" he shouted.

Nakoin opened his mouth, but fell back. A trickle of blood flowed out of it. Makoin fell to his knees as Gimli ran up. He carefully closed the dead dwarf's mouth and eyes, whispering the words of the ancient Dwarven burial rituals.

"Nakoin!" cried Makoin.

Gimli watched and waited. They would stay the night...stay and watch the body. In the morning, they could bury the dwarf. Gimli took another look at him, and saw something clutched in his battered hand. It shone with a pale silver light. Gimli opened his eyes wide, and took it carefully away.

He knew what it was.

The Mithrilstone.

Lady Willow Rose
03-29-2006, 12:46 AM
Elrohir Nénharma diligently cleaned the blood from his sword. Goblin blood was by far the worst when it came to stains. He glanced over at the woman lying beside his campfire, bound painfully tight.

Not a woman, he reminded himself. It was an Elf. Elrohir hadn't killed her quite yet. No, she was supposed to be rather important around these parts. He'd toy with her and her loved ones a bit before finally slitting her throat.

He cast a bored eye over the surrounding area. The lake which was rumored to hold some sort of fierce beast was disappointingly still. Clouds covered the moon and thus he was stuck sitting in front of the door into Moria until they cleared.

Elrohir carefully chose a rock and then launched it at the Elf scum's head. It cried out. He sneered. "Queens do not handle pain very well," he noted rudely.

"Please," it whimpered. "My husband is King Elessar. He could pay you whatever you wish." Elrohir rolled his eyes.

"I don't do this for pay, soft head. I do it for amusement."

rohirrim TR
03-29-2006, 11:28 AM
As Alatar set out for Rivendell he procured a horse from the "Pony", and made it to Amon-Sul that night. As he slept his dreams made him toss and turn until suddenly Narya flamed, flashing like a mirror caught in the sunlight, as hot as a glede. The wizard awoke with a start. saddled his horse and rode north towards the Misty Mountains. All thoughts of a peacful stay in rivendell and a ship to the west forgotten.

03-29-2006, 10:40 PM
Lady Willow tossed and turned on her bed in Rivendell. It should have been peaceful, yet was far from it. Darkness...darkness and terror had been haunting her.

A dark pit, filled with evil. Seeping out towards her...seeping...and she tried to move-stuck! IT came. Reaching...grabbing for her...Dark Terror of...consuming...need..."I want..."..."You cannot have it"..."Want..."..."NO!"..."Want!!" Reaching for her...reaching...reaching-she shuddered...it touched her-

With a shriek, she woke, sitting upright in her bed, shouting, "You cannot take it!"

Slowly breathing, she sat back against the headboard. And did not dare go back to sleep. She needed to get moving. Soon. Danger was coming.

Lady Willow Rose
03-29-2006, 10:55 PM
Lady Willow swung up on her white mare. She only spared Rivendell a quick glance before cantering off into the wilderness. It was no longer the Elven haven it had once been. The place was trapped in winter, as it probably always would be.

Her mind, as usual, was partly on Aragorn. She had neither seen nor spoken to him since the end of her quest. But she had thought of him constantly.

The woods seemed to move past her in a blur. The sun had been young at the beginning of her journey. Now, as mountains rose up above her, it faded into the west.

"Where are you, my love?" she asked the air. "And how do you fair?"

rohirrim TR
03-30-2006, 12:23 PM
"your brother will ever be held in much honor Makoin, he has brought the answer to our most painful dilemma" said Gimli after they had finished entombing Nakoin's body.

"the stone of that blasted war, how does it help us? it looks as though it was the death of him" his friend replied bitterly.

"perhaps...perhaps" Gimli stroked his beard and looked towards the mountains with a glint in his eye.

Lady Willow Rose
03-31-2006, 05:53 PM
It took Willow some time before she realized she was heading for Moria. That is when she knew her brief time of rest was over. She could almost smell another adventure in the air. More danger, more secrets and more unkown powers.

Her horse gradually slowed from a gallop to a slow, loping canter. Willow raised her face to the sky and took in the air. There was a faint scent. Camp fire, well-worn clothes, steel. Her lips curved upward.


03-31-2006, 08:19 PM
Gimli abruptly stopped, turning his head slightly. He shut his eyes.

"What is it?" asked Makoin.

The other dwarf replied, "Something is coming. I can hear it. Get ready."

Nodding, Makoin looked up and slowly removed his handaxe. Gimli turned towards the direction where the sound was coming from, and lifted his battleaxe. He could hear the distant footsteps, coming closer...heavy footsteps. Advancing onwards...

They paused. Gimli nodded to Makoin.

"Baruk Khazad!" yelled the dwarves. "Khazad amenieu!"

Running, they charged at the figure who stood before them. It started shouting in a deep voice as they approached.

"Ho! Stop that! Don't hurt me!" it shouted.

Gimli jerked to a halt. It was a dwarf's voice. He called out, "Who are you, and who is your master?"

"Don't be too pushy, now. Can't a dwarf get some rest around here without his fellows jumping all over him? They call me Tarkhal...Tarkhal Treehelm. I come from the Iron Hills."

"Is that so?" Gimli asked. "That is near where I grew up. Then you are a friend-welcome. What are you doing here?"

"Hmm, well, you might call me a bit of a wanderer. I don't like staying in one place...gets a bit dull, don't you think? Anyway, what are you doing around these parts?"

Lady Willow Rose
04-02-2006, 12:46 AM
Elrohir opened his eyes and felt the presence of something beyond description. She wasn't near, he knew that. But she was close. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the air.

Her power tingled along his spine. He could almost see how her blood would run. Smooth and clean over his sword, shining like silver in moonlight.

He would have this being. Her life would become pain, and the pain would be at his command.

04-02-2006, 04:09 PM
Something else also felt the presence of the being. Something deep in the depths of the Black Pit. Something ageless beyond age...dark and evil it was. Evil...in the depths. It felt her, like a taint upon the surface of the sea. Sliding over him...sickening...

The Firstborn snarled, feeling the presence. He fixated its gaze on the goblin trembling before him. And then the Firstborn struck.

"Mercy, my-" were the last words the orc-scum uttered.

Lady Willow Rose
04-02-2006, 07:52 PM
Lady Willow froze the moment her feet touched the earth. Something hummed and pulsed beneath the surface. And it was vile.

Flashes of her nightmare rose up in her waking eyes. A presence seemed to crawl under her skin, sick and twisted. Deep, dark and ancient. As old as she herself was, and Willow had never met a being of her age save Alatariel.

Cautiously, she crouched down low and pressed a hand to the earth. The throb of... something, was still present. "Amin sinta lle?" she murmured questioningly.

The creeping feeling under her skin intensified and quickly both hands were pressed to the dirt as though chains held them there. Willow panted, trying in vain to free herself. A voice filled her ears, something between a rumble and a hiss.

"Fear me, for I can crush you with a thought and will not hesitate to do so if you bother me." Willow's eyes flashed silver and she sent a wave of power down her arms, into the earthy home of this foe.

"You are not the only ancient one in Middle-Earth," she said stiffly. Without another word she mounted her horse and cantered away.

*Do I know you?

rohirrim TR
04-03-2006, 10:41 AM
"Gimli riders approaching" said Makoin drawing his bow and melting into the shadow on the side of the road.

"Peace friend" came a clear ringing voice.

Gimli stepped out chuckling "Legolas well met good elf, what excellent timing, but you're coming from the north how did you get over there, when I left you in fangorn?"

" I heard of war in Gondor so I rode to Minas Tirith with an eored, I had expected you to be there but Aragorn related that you had gone to Erebor on some request so I thoght to ride down through Mirkwood and Esgaroth and see your Lonely Mountain, but twas not necessary for I met several rangers going south who said they had parted with you in bree, and then I met this Wizard who I find is known to you also. that at least is the short of my story and now it your turn to fill me in on news."

"ahh yes good legolas my heart is glad to find someone I can confide in, come I need to show you something"

they walked towards the trees and gimli brought out a small leathern bag in it Legolas could see a crystal with the imperishable gold of Galadriel and a silver stone with runes carved on its surface.

"the stone of Daeron?" asked legolas visibly disturbed

"daeron? perhaps he wrought it, I don't know, the story of its maker has been lost to us dwarves at least, but its power has not I."

" you aren't thinking of using it? legend said only a ring of power could master the stone and all are now gone."

"in Moria there lies a dwarf ring wrought of mithril with runes that match this stone" said Gimli quietly "the master of the stone lies in Moria; you are one of the few that know of Moria Legolas, will you help me on this quest?"

"aye but let us see if this wizard will join us, he knows more of your mind than you do I believe, he told me what you dwarves were up to on our way here.. but do not be troubled he is a friend; why I believe Gandalf himself would choose him as our companion." legolas replied with a chuckle.

04-10-2006, 07:56 PM
Colomir left Minas Tirith as soon as he found Acalewia. Now they were riding North. After an intruder that had taken something precious to the King. Colomir felt it was his duty to get her back, yet he had never been north before. Acalewia was from the North and knew it in her sleep.
"Keep up, son of Faramir!" the elf called over her shoulder. Colomir noticed she had her horse at a gallop. A wood was before them. "We rest in Lothloren tonight."

Lady Willow Rose
04-12-2006, 01:41 PM
Lady Willow decided to avoid the mines for a short time. She rode hard and long for the rest of the day until she reached the forest of Lothlorien. It had been struck with the same ailment as Rivendell. All the trees were bare and the forest itself was chill with winter.

She dismounted and led her tired mare into the forest. With any luck, she would find an abandoned Elven shelter.

04-12-2006, 08:21 PM
It had been some time since Acalewia had set foot in Loren. It had not been the same since the departure of Galadriel. She and Colomir led their horses deep into the forest looking for a place to rest.

Lady Willow Rose
04-12-2006, 09:59 PM
Willow had just unsaddled her horse when she felt a familiar tingle of power down her back. A smile stretched across her face. She swung around the tree and startled the two other travelers to death.

"Aaye, Acelwia! Aaye, Colomir!" she exclaimed happily. "Nae saian luume'."

*It has been too long

04-12-2006, 11:08 PM
"An elf, what else?" Tarkhal mumbled to himself.

Legolas turned on his heel. "What was that?"

"Nothing, good elf..." replied the dwarf, humming to himself. "Is someone serving food up yet? It's getting late, after all. Either that, or how about setting up camp?"

"Aye, that we could do!" agreed Gimli. "Let's just sit and wait for the wizard to show up, then! Maybe we'll even get some more company into the bargain as well, eh?"

Legolas surpressed a smile at the words of his friend, but he nodded.

"I'll take first watch, after we get the campsite made," Tarkhal told them. "I've spent many long nights in the wilds before. You won't have to worry a bit. You've got Tarkhal Treehelm with you!"


"Positions, scum!" Lazhur roared after the goblins under his command. "Where's that filth Grishag, and his nice little troll? The dwarves are attacking again!"

He turned, and watched his swarming goblins scurry across the floors of Moria. Their cries echoed across the walls, mixing with shouts of "Baruk Khazad!" The beseiged dwarves were trying to turn the tables on them. Lazhur cursed, and ran towards the thick of the battle.

04-13-2006, 02:21 PM
"Willow!" Acalewia cried. "I must be losing my touch." she grined. Colomir was still fighting to regulate his heartbeat and breathing. "I thought you would still be in Rivendell. What brings you here?"

Lady Willow Rose
04-13-2006, 04:25 PM
Willow's smile faded just a bit. "There's something stirring, a power deep in the earth." Acalewia stared at her intently.

"Lle tyava quel?" she asked gently, laying a hand on her cheek. Willow laughed.

"My friend, I know very well how pale I appear. I haven't felt well since Alatariel... Well, things haven't been the same." She looked down at her hands. They were thin and very long. Willow knew something was happening to her.

And she was afraid.

*Do you feel well?

04-14-2006, 08:04 PM
Acalewia frowned.
"An evil has arisen in Moria once more. Have you felt it as well?" She put a hand on Willow's shoulder. "Avo 'osto, mellon." She nodded at Colomir. "We must rest. We know not what lies ahead of us"

*Fear not, friend.

Lady Willow Rose
04-18-2006, 02:36 PM
Willow smiled at Acalewia but it was hollow. "There is most certainly an evil in Moria. We had a bit of an argument." She pulled her coat a little closer around her. "What news from Gondor?"

04-19-2006, 01:11 PM
Colomir glanced at Acalewia.
"Cumaar's escort started their journey before we left." she said. "An intruder has taken the Queen and we have followed it this far. I believe it may be taking her to Moria." Acalewia sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "How he got past us and into the White Tower is beyond me"

Lady Willow Rose
04-19-2006, 01:28 PM
Willow's eyes widened. "Sweet Valar, Queen Arwen was taken? What of Aragorn, how fares he?"

"He is doing well enough," Acalewia assured her. "Though he is, of course, distressed." Willow nodded and closed her eyes.

"Does he... Does he speak of me?"

04-20-2006, 12:09 AM
Darkness...twisted threads of evil. Sickness...like the moon so pale. Descending on the elven light... snarled the Firstborn, enclosed in the shadows of Moria's abyss. Strike the maiden...slay her slowly...cover her in freezing death...

The poisoned words drifted through the musty passages of Moria, travelling many leagues, until they settled upon the body of Acalewia. Neither her nor Willow could feel the dark curse, for its power was ancient, before that of any elf that walked the earth.

Lady Willow Rose
04-20-2006, 12:25 AM
Willow suffered from nightmares. It was not always darkness that brought the terror, but a light so sharp and bright that it revealed what she was to all she knew. And they feared her.

Something moved along her spine. The knowledge of all was gone from her on this earth, but she always knew when she was supposed to know. An infuriating sensation, to say the least.

She reached out to touch Acalewia's shoulder for a reason unknown to her when she saw her very own hand. The fingers were so long that a new joint had formed, the grace of it too perfect to belong to this world. Willow stiffled a surprised shriek.

Her hand returned to the natural human shape and, eventually, she regained the haven of sleep. Yet the occurrence shook her deeply and all her nightmares revolved around the light from then on. The light which would take her away from Middle-Earth, and her love.

04-21-2006, 01:41 PM
Figures moved. Acalewia couldn't see them clearly. They darted. They became mists. Suddenly, a man stood before her.
"Go back!" he cried. His features were blurry. Two more men joined the first.
"You do not belong here!" the newcomers cried. Their features came into focus. Acalewia gasped.
"Father! Ramen! Remen!" Elmar pointed behind her. She turned and saw Colomir. Anger on his face.
"Go back! It is not your time."
"What do you mean, Father?" Acalewia's father and brothers drew on her.
"Flee!" they attacked.

Acalewia bolted upright. She wiped a hand across her brow, sweat covered it.
What was that about?she wondered.

Lady Willow Rose
04-21-2006, 02:10 PM
Lady Willow woke that morning feeling ill at ease. She turned to Acalewia and saw that she too looked shaken.

"I see that my dreams were not the only troubled ones," she said quietly. The Elf nodded, massaging her neck absently.

"We should continue on our way." Willow rose.

"Let Colomir rest a while longer. At least he has found comfort in his sleep."

rohirrim TR
04-21-2006, 06:17 PM
"so" Gimli went on "with that shortcut Legolas and myself discovered on one of our errands to Celeborn theres this small pass through the mountains that will pop us out right above the dimrill gate and we can enter in the east side, there ought to be a dwarf colony pretty well established by now although I don't know who all decided to retake the place do you Makoin?.

"aye" he replied

"oh yes there was that strange ong doogin or daggin or"

"dalgin" Makoin said roughly and then walked on in silence

"I say there he don't talk much do he mate?" said Tarkhal with a laugh

"no he don't, he's been grieving for his brother ever since we found the body" Gimli replied sadly.

"dwarf we are leaving the pass, where is the Dimrill Gate?" asked Alatar interupting them gruffly

"ah right down..ah let me see over there," Gimli said gesturing downward," hiy there, Legolas there can you see anything we can't?

"yes quickly war is at hand and I fear we didn't bring a large enough army even if three dwarves do eat like an army"

rohirrim TR
04-21-2006, 06:26 PM
Grisha Lug laughed cruelly, he was old for an orc and much more experience than Lazhur though he was not a powerful a warrior he had a devilish cunning as many goblin chieftains could have told Lazhur, had those chieftains been alive that is. he laughed again he found it quite amusing making a treaty with Lazhur to attack the dwarves just to have the pleasure of watching both enemies kill each other for him.

"hey there Snaga, wheres the scouts how does the battle go on up there" he roared at an underling/

"there aint no scouts theres archers and trolls and troll keepers, there aint no scouts and there never was any" the little goblin snivvelled

"oh yeah, you look like a scout to me now get to it"


Suddenly the little goblin had the very uncomfortable feeling that one gets when an daggers are pinching ones neck.

"oh your not are you, I say you are, you have a choice of course and its obvious what it is, now get scouting after you report the battle go down to the lower chambers and keep an eye on the balrog or whatever it is hiding down there can scares trolls"

Snaga crawled away whimpering and cursing his captain, but he did get to scouting.

Lady Willow Rose
04-22-2006, 12:30 AM
Willow was saddling her horse when it happened. Something cold swept over her skin, a light blinded her eyes. It was terrifyingly brilliant and she was familiar with that painful awe.

She wept silently, so silently that she would not have known but for the salty trails across her cheek. "Mankoi naa lle sinome?" she demanded.

"You have been among the living creatures too long. You forget your purpose." The voice was many and all. It was the voice of her masters, her mistresses, her parents.

"Forgive me, yaaraerea. Oio naa elealla alasse'."

"You are in danger, little one. Deep in the earth, older than any you have met in all Middle Earth. And now you charge into its clutches." Willow glared into the light.

"What do you suggest I do? I must help Acalewia find the Queen. She must be returned to Ara-" she stopped, took a deep breath. "She must be returned to Gondor."

"It is your heart that rules you in this matter, not your mind. Your power is waning in this world. We know you have felt it."

"I don't care!" she shouted. "Ed' i'ear ar' elenea! You sent me to this world. You told me that I would love. Why would you waken my heart only to have me bury it? No more!" Willow broke away from the light and the power. She buried her face into her horse's mane, finally easing her tears.

All was silent till a quiet wind stroked through her hair. "Quel fara." And then she was alone.

*Why are you here?
*Ancient ones
*Ever is thy sight a joy
*By the sea and stars
*Good hunting

04-23-2006, 07:24 PM
Two goblins fell together.
"You're improving, sister" The she dwarf beheaded another goblin.
"Shut up, Renus! and try to keep you head. Run off again and I might just leave you out there!" Renus mimicked his sister. She was the younger of the two, but he found listening to her was a good idea. The twin dwarves groaned as they saw more goblin scum heading their way.

04-25-2006, 08:08 PM
"What was that, master elf?" asked Tarkhal, broadly grinning. " 'Elves eat like an army' or something like that?"

Legolas, indignant, replied, "I said-"

"Look!" declared Alatar. "Here it is! A gate into Moria...much like the one that was broken by the Watcher in the Water when Gandalf passed. At least we won't find a Balrog within its gates now. My brother took good care of that."

He briefly stroked the gem that blazed quietly in Narya. "Now, to get it open...these dwarf-doors can be hard to get open..."

Legolas cast a glance at Gimli, and the dwarf rolled his eyes, then grinned slightly.

Lady Willow Rose
04-25-2006, 11:57 PM
Elrohir kept his hand over the elf creature's mouth as he watched the intruders study the door. She had squirmed at first but breaking her little finger put her in a calmer state of mind.

There were mud lovers there and one elf. He would not have minded the dwarves so very much. But the elf... Rage made his hand tighten on the elf scum's face. She whimpered slightly.

Elrohir ducked lower into the rocks. He didn't want this creature's elven brother to hear even a whisper.

Maybe if he got lucky, both elves would be dead before the day was through.

04-30-2006, 11:48 AM
"Baruk Khazad!" bellowed a voice, and a young dwarf pounded into the goblin horde.

Swinging both of his handaxes, Dalginn quickly gutted one of the Moriascum. He felt a goblin sword glance off of his armor, and he whipped around, delivering two very hard blows. Dwrka and Renus cast glances at each other. Dalginn was always the brash dwarf in the colony-that they knew.


The Firstborn hissed again as he looked down at the bones of an unlucky goblin. They got to be annoying after a time, although they were simple to kill. The dark shadow stared into the night of Moria, the Black Pit.

Where are you, little one? Elvish maiden...I will have you before the end...elven meat so sweet so sweet...

The hint of a deranged laugh came from the Firstborn's mouth.

Lady Willow Rose
04-30-2006, 12:51 PM
The hair on the back of Willow's neck rose up. She massaged her neck absently as she rode next to Acalewia and Colomir. Moria drew closer by the moment and it seemed that something was crawling under her skin.

The presence of black power was so obvious that even a rock could sense it.

05-01-2006, 06:18 PM
"C'mon," Renus called as he charged again.
"Fool!" Dwrka hissed as she followed her brother, cutting sown goblins as she went. "You both are idiots!"

Colomir had heard stories of Moria. Moria was invested with goblins he had heard. Fell creatures. He shuttered as a chill ran down his spine. A chill he couldn't put a finger on. Acalewia was frowning. She rubbed her arm as if she had taken chill.
"Saurar" she muttered. "Mankoi naa lle sinome?"

Foul one
Why are you here?

Lady Willow Rose
05-01-2006, 07:28 PM
Willow smiled grimly. "The Valar only knows, my friend." She rode ahead of the others and Colomir leaned close to Acalewia.

"Can we trust this lady?" he asked. Acalewia smirked.

"If we could not, do you think I would follow her?"

"My apologies," he murmured. "It is only... She is no elf and yet she has the same look in her eyes. As if she had lived too long and seen too much."

"Perhaps she has," she said quietly.

rohirrim TR
05-04-2006, 06:30 PM
"ahh night fall excellent now to enter and find your bretheren, Gimli" Alatar straightened up and seein the moon overcas by clouds he muttered something the other could not hear and the clouds parted as though two hands had pulled them apart like a curtain, and the Ithildin gates shined their brilliance upon the traveler.

"wait" said Legolas "theres something wrong I can feel the evil, not goblins worse than goblins"

"well we can't very well wait out here, we got to go in and face it laddie come on" replied Gimli, then remembering the gates were closed and seeing the wizard standing there trance like he said "mellon" the doors swung open and only Alatar heard Legolas say "I never said that it was inside"

Lady Willow Rose
05-04-2006, 07:17 PM
Elrohir very nearly laughed aloud. The fools had opened the door for him! He'd been trying to figure out just how to get into Moria for days.

"Luck seems to play on my side," he whispered to the night. His captive whimpered pitifully but Elrohir felt no pity. He drew his knife quietly. She saw the movement and began shrieking, though it was muffled by the gag. "I'd rather not have to drag you throughout Moria," he said conversationally. "Killing you would be most efficient and yet... I have a feeling something in Moria could come up with a far more interesting death." He cut the ropes binding her legs and dragged her up. The dwarves and their elven companion had already entered the mines.

It was time to follow their example.

05-04-2006, 09:13 PM
The Firstborn immediately felt the new presences. Two that felt...fair, fair enough to make him sick...and the third, one of the Sons of Stone...he snarled. There was another that entered. Seemingly fair, yet not. Tainted by a black stain...

A hollow laugh rang distantly through the abyss. The Firstborn began to reach out with dark tendrils. Reaching towards the mind. Taking hold of this being would be...amusing, to say the least. He would have the creature, after he had the others.

Lady Willow Rose
05-04-2006, 11:53 PM
Elrohir felt the ancient evil stirring and smiled grimly. "I'm sure I would find more amusement here than anywhere else at this time. Hope you don't mind me taking advantage."

rohirrim TR
05-13-2006, 04:46 PM
"ahh it pierces ones very heart" said Legolas putting his hand against the wall to steady himself.

"Courage elf not for naught did the valar bring me here my last task draws near, and yet despair dogs our footsteps" replied Alatar in a quiet dangerous tone.

"I say chaps not afraid of the dark are ye?" said Tarkhal feeling none of the heaviness that plauged Legolas.

05-13-2006, 07:57 PM
Acalewia rode up next to Willow.
"What say ye we do? We know not whether Arwen and her captor are inside Moria or without."

Lady Willow Rose
05-14-2006, 08:07 PM
Willow closed her eyes and concentrated. Ignoring the ancient presence, she focused in on the essence of something far more twisted.

"Elrohir..." her tongue unwillingly formed the sounds of his name. "He is within now. Eager and willing to kill."

05-14-2006, 09:03 PM
"Elrohir?" Acalewia gave Willow a puzzled look.

Lady Willow Rose
05-14-2006, 09:15 PM
"You know the history behind the Orcs, I assume." Acalewia nodded.

"Of course. They were once Elves. But they were tortured so harshly that they became Orcs."

"Indeed," Willow murmured. "Elrohir was one of the first to be so punished. And yet, he is not like the Orcs. Nor is he like Elves, for that matter. He seeks to punish both kinds for what was done to him. And now he has the Queen."

05-14-2006, 11:28 PM
Tilgun Ironbeard stood over a rough stone table, staring at a map of the ground level of Moria. He glanced over at his scouts, who were swiftly placing markers on the diagram, marking warriors. The dwarf furrowed his brow, and continued studying the map. He took a moment to clear his throat.

"So, we hold them off?" he asked.

A scout nodded. "Yes, Commander. They appear to be coming from two fronts, but we fare. Renus, Dwrka, and Dalginn have...gone too far, I am afraid. They've passed the safe point, and if they go too far-they will be cut off."

"Cut off? Too far for us to reach them?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Bothersome...why do they always have to throw a bent pick into the plan? Send a party to pull them back-and be quick about it! Any more news?"

"Yes...and I'm not sure what to make of it. There's been a party that entered through the rune door, just half a mile east of here. Scouts say it was five, and one other."

Tilgun turned away for a moment. Things had complicated themselves yet again.

05-15-2006, 04:17 PM
Acalewia shook her head and glanced at Colomir.
"This will prove to our hardest mission yet" Colomir had joined the two.
"We have to bring her out alive. Do you know a way in?"
"I don't know if I would try it, but there is a door on this side. I remember a friend of mine telling me they fled through it when Gandalf fought the Balrog" Acalewia glanced at Willow. "What would you do?"

Lady Willow Rose
05-16-2006, 12:34 AM
Willow smiled bitterly. "In my full power, I would call the stones down on Elrohir's head. Unfortunately, we shall settle for the element of surprise." She galloped toward Moria at full speed with Acalewia and Colomir behind her.

05-16-2006, 01:27 PM
"Wouldn't expect anything less from an elf," came a grim voice from the corner of the room.
"Who goes there," said Legolas, fitting an arrow to his bow string.
"This is dwarven land elf. It should be me asking you questions," said the dwarf.
"Come now," said Alatar. "We are all friends here, or so I hopr. What is your name?"
"My name is Gundir. Who are you that are trespassing in dwarven lands," replied Gundir.
"You are not the only dwarf here," said Tarkhal, stepping out of the shadows. "What is your business here?"
"I am a bodyguard. I was hired to guard Tilgurn Ironbeard in his quest in Moria. I was sent out as a scout, but was attacked by small horde of goblins. I killed them but they wounded me."

05-16-2006, 01:35 PM
Renus cleaved another goblin head.
"Dalginn! Look out!" The dwarf turned as Dwrka cut the goblin down.
"Must you think with you axes! We need to fall back closer to the others!"
"Who are you? My mother?" Dalginn shot at her as he cut the legs out from under the goblin he was fighting.

rohirrim TR
05-18-2006, 06:16 PM
"ahh excellent I remember you Gundir my father spoke highly of you and Tilgun Ironbeard better and better well our friend Alater and can surely patch up any wound you have and then you should probably takes us to old Ironbeard" Gimli said recognizing the Dwarfs name.

Lady Willow Rose
05-29-2006, 06:19 PM
Willow stood outside the entrance to Moria. They had loosed their horses when the rocks became too dangerous. She missed the lovely mare. Maybe one day they would meet again. For now... her road was not for horses.

She touched the stone with cautious fingers, unsure of what she would feel. All that she felt was the cold rock.

"Willow?" Acalewia asked. "Do you sense something?"

"In the very pit of my stomach, a wave of illness crushes me every time I think of entering this place. It shall be difficult to take that first step over the border between the light and the dark." Her friend squeezed her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll be right behind you."

Willow's eyes lost their color for the briefest moment and she said so quietly that even Acalewia's Elven ears could not catch it: "What good does it do me to have a death-marked Elf at my back?"

The power and the moment passed. Willow shook herself and used the movement to plunge herself into the smothering dark of Moria.

05-30-2006, 05:06 PM
Acalewia took a deep breath and followed with Colomir behind her. She felt the vile evil of Moria the moment she steped inside. She placed a hand on the wall to steady herself.
"Acalewia?" Colomir asked.
"There is a heavyness of evil here" she wispered.

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 04:49 PM
Willow looked about the dark caverns and smiled wryly. "Alatariel would have liked this place," she mumbled.

06-02-2006, 04:58 PM
"I would I knew this place as well as I do the rest of the North" Acalewia said, pushing off the wall. "This place is crumbling due to the goblins. That is all I know of Moria, save we no longer have the Balrog to worry about" Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 05:08 PM
"I suppose we'll just have to follow instinct," Willow decided before following the stairs down. She whispered an Elvish word and a small orb of white light appeared in her hands.

"Good thinking," Acalewia noted.

"No sense to be stumbling about in darkness."

06-02-2006, 05:24 PM
Colomir couldn't see a thing until the small orb of light appeared.
"That won't attract any thing, will it?" Acalewia shook her head.
"No. The goblins will avoid light. The only thing that may be attracted are dwarfs. If there are any left alive here"

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 05:28 PM
"Might as well find out if there is any friendly life around." Willow closed her eyes and spread her magick far about her. It took only moments for her body to jolt. "Life!" she proclaimed. "Real, thriving life." Willow grinned. "Thank the Valar for small blessings."

06-02-2006, 06:04 PM
"Hopfully its friendly life" Colomir muttered. Acalewia gave him a hard look.

rohirrim TR
06-09-2006, 05:44 PM
Gimli and his allies entered a roughly hewn chamber at the end of it stood a very recognizable Dwarf. Gimli Greeted him formally.

"Lord Ironbeard, Greetings from the Lonely Mountain, myself you already know and Makoin, with us also are Tarkhal Treehelm, -a bit wooden headed but a good chap really- and Legolas Greenleaf and Alatar last of the wizards of middle earth, Well met brother"

"Well met, Gimli, strange companions you bring us, yet strangely my heart is glad to hear of a company so like the fellowship of old, for I fear there is an enemy rival to Durin's bane come we have much to speak of" the Dwarf lord replied.

"More than you know" replied Gimli grimly.

rohirrim TR
06-14-2006, 05:00 PM
It was time thought Grishag to himself he had nearly fifty full grown trolls and two Olog Hai trolls larger and smarter than the ordinary cave dwelling giants.


The marching drum echoed through out the mines reaching many ears.

Soon he would rule these mines, Grishag thought confidently to himself.

06-15-2006, 01:40 PM
Acalewia stopped.
"Listen!" The sounds of drums reached their ears. "I fear we have arrived in the middle of a battle" she said.
"Or the start of one" Colomir said.

Lady Willow Rose
06-15-2006, 06:43 PM
Willow sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "My luck," she noted, "is, as always, fantastic." She laid a hand on her sword hilt before charging toward the drums.

06-16-2006, 01:14 PM
"Willow!" Colomir cried. Acalewia drew her bow and nocked an arrow before following her. Colomir drew his sword and darted after them.

rohirrim TR
06-16-2006, 05:29 PM
Grishag knew he had problem when both Olog Hai bolted "%$#&"

"Snaga shut the damm drums up, and go to stalk march were runnin into that blasted lower hall ghost or something like it"

"aye there second squad take alternate path and keep quiet and stalky like you hear me matey?"

"aye LOrd Lug it'll be done" answered Fangnose a trusted lieutenant -if 'trusted' can be used to describe an orc-.

Grishag was at the tail of the columm when the flame came out the sixth level door; it sent the first two companys into a frenzy in all directions he could tell handler losses had been heavy.

"first squad through the door its been left unguarded NOW!" he sent the remnant of his battalion on through the sixth for now they had been ignored by Balrog or whatever it was that had been plauging Grishag for the last several months.

Unfortunately for Grishag the door wasn't actually unguarded, but unfortunately for Acalwecia and Colomir they were the only guards.

Grishag saw three of his men go down and knew something was very wrong, he could only see two warriors but knew there would be more. it was a
total ambush but he had good reflexes good instincs and knew more tunnels and secret passages than any living creature and he ducked slash from acalwecias blade and escaped, planning to go to the rendesvous and see how the battalion of Fangnose had fared.

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 01:12 AM
Willow's eyes had changed color from human hazel to ethereal silver. They glowed in the darkness and she spotted Grishag trying to escape. Her hand darted out, fingers already elongated, and gripped him by the throat.

"Going somewhere, Orc Lord?" she asked softly. Power was pumping through her veins. Willow tried to reign it in but she couldn't control it. Her fingers were tightening. If she held on any longer, the Orc would die.

She let go.

06-17-2006, 10:20 AM
Acalewia's blade was at the orc's throat.
"Doesn't seem you'll be going far does it, Yrch" She wanted to slit it's throat there, but she had a feeling he would be able to give them some helpful information. Of course how willingly would be up to the orc.

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 11:12 AM
Willow back up rapidly, her breathing erratic. The fingers on her right hand had yet to shift back. They were two long, an extra joint more than obvious.

"Acalewia!" she shouted. "Whatever you do, do not look at me! Neither of you should look at me."

"What?" The elven maiden instinctively began to turn but Willow hid behind a stone pillar.

"Do not look at me! Question the Orc." She closed her eyes and breathed more evenly.

Please, Valar, give me strength...

We did give you strength, the answer came. But the time we gave you is running out.

rohirrim TR
06-17-2006, 12:35 PM
Morgoths teeth Grishag thought to himself it was very strange they were capturing him? very strange he, but the ghost or demon or whatever was gone and he palmed oddly carved whistle and blew a piercing note upon it, the ground began to shake his Olog Hai was answering his call.

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 01:09 PM
Willow heard the sounds and felt the coming battle. Her form was too unstable. She could not be expected to fight and come out of this without exposing herself.

She looked at Acalewia and Colomir. There would be so many questions.

Her eyes glowed silver. She drew her sword and stepped in front of her companions.

"What you will see," she told them, her voice echoing with the sounds of the ancients, "will frighten you. Be assured that I, in any form, will never harm you."

Willow turned to watch the passageway all the sounds were coming from. Already, her bones were eager to change.

06-18-2006, 06:17 PM
The orc knocked Acalewia away the moment Willow re-emerged and spoke.
"He's getting away!" Colomir shouted.
"Forget him! We have bigger trouble" In more ways than one. She heard the echos of her father's and brothers' warning in her mind. She shook her head to get them out.
Colomir took her arm to help her to her feet. Something wasn't right, Acalewia's arm felt like ice. Acalewia drew her bow once more.
"Willow, Hain ú-'rogle. No matter what form you will take! Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor. Gurth 'ni yrch!"
"Gurth 'ni yrch!" Colomir echoed.

I do not fear you
I know your strength in battle
Death to the orcs

Lady Willow Rose
06-18-2006, 06:40 PM
They were coming. Feet pounded against stone in the darkness of Moria. Drawing closer and closer to what they would think of at first as an easy battle. Two women and one man. What threat could they be?

Willow threw her head back and sighed. Her bones bent and stretched. Her hands became abnormally long. The Lady Willow became the creature that had been called many names. Skin and eyes glowed silver, her wings dusted with the color.

Acalewia stared up at the easily 11 foot tall being that was once her friend. "Oh, Valar," she whispered. "What are you?"

"Many things," her voice rumbled and chimed, holding too many things for one sound. "Simply know this form as Aranel Ar-Feiniel." Aranel, once Willow, held up the long and deadly blade she'd carried for untold centuries. "Orcs come."

06-18-2006, 07:38 PM
Neither Acalwia nor Colomir could believe the woman they had found in Minas Tirith that they called Willow was now a towering ... creature... called Aranel. Colomir trimbled.
"Avo 'osto!" Acalewia said, fighting her own fear. She nocked an arrow and drew a breath.

Fear not

Lady Willow Rose
06-18-2006, 08:21 PM
Aranel killed the first few Orcs merely by stepping on them. Five more were killed by one stroke from her sword.

As she fought and killed, Aranel remembered Alatariel, her shadow sister. "Killing Orcs is more like flicking ants off your arm. The effort is not even worth noticing."

She was right.

06-18-2006, 08:59 PM
Dwrka spun around. She could hear another battle raging.
"More behind us!" she shouted. Renus groaned.
"Great" he muttered. "Just great"

06-19-2006, 03:12 PM
Light. The very feel of it would have turned many goblins' stomachs inside out. But not the Firstborn. He hissed. Staring into the darkness before him. A silver speck shone in the darkness. The Firstborn approached it. A shadow overtook the cache of mithril.

I must...have strength...to deal with...her...a foe worthy of...my heritage...

The Firstborn laughed.

For it was my bloodline that would have slain Morgoth...


"Sound the retreat to the Fifth Level!" Lazhur growled to one of his orcs. "Let Grishag deal with it himself. We've got to stay alive."

He turned, and stopped. A shadow overtook his mind, and he stared, stricken.

I have need of you, goblin-scum. It is you who must slay the creature who enters here. Do not worry. I shall send you a dark warrior...one who will strike terror into the hearts of men and elves...

The voice fled. Lazhur stood, paler than ever.

rohirrim TR
06-19-2006, 05:58 PM
Grishag was having a lousy day, fire ashes and death my best olog hai he thought sorrowfully, but when he reached the sixth level he found Fangnose's batallion intact and was able to retreat to his lower tunnels with a sizable force. Garn, better to fight another day he thought, for an orc he had some wisdom for now his band was forgotten by all as the Firstborn mades his move and Lady Willow unveiled herself.

************************************************** ******

Alatar felt Arenel immediately, stupid fool, conserve your power, he tried to communicate with her but the blood and joy of battle drowned out his voice.

Legolas felt it also and wondered at the feeling of its power, like a wizard and not like, like a balrog yet not like one at all.

Lady Willow Rose
06-19-2006, 08:54 PM
Aranel felt Willow stir deep within. She wanted control, she wanted clear thought. This is not the time! Aranel grit her teeth.

It happened in a flash of light. Aranel vanished and an exhausted Lady Willow took her place. "Acalewia," she whispered, torn apart. "My time... I have so little left!"

The Lady collapsed, vulnerable to any and all attack.

06-20-2006, 01:04 PM
Acalewia released the arrow as she ran to Willow's side, not looking to see if she hit anything worthwhile.
"Colomir!" He reached her side just after Acalewia. He held his shield up, in an effort to protect all three of them.
"Can you do anything for her?" Acalewia shook her head.
"I am not my brother or Elrond. All we can do is either fight or flee" She drew her sword and felt that vile evil again. "Stay with her" with that she darted off to face the orcs.

Lady Willow Rose
06-20-2006, 07:46 PM
Elrohir, after desposing of his burdensome captive, traveled swiftly through the levels of Moria. He'd felt the power, the light. The creature capable of such power would be incredible to behold.

Unfortunately, when he reached the hall the only thing he saw was its pitiful human costume. He frowned.

What he wanted was to break her. Make her change forms and then take out her heart. To dominate, to rule. To, after thousands of years, wreak her vengeance upon the Fates.

06-20-2006, 11:55 PM
Lazhur felt the presence enter the room. He whirled around, and saw the thing before him...a shadow...in appearance like a wraith, but...bearing armor and a black blade. Its helm turned, and eyes of fire blazed at him. The goblin stepped backwards, and pushed a goblin forward at the thing.

The creature raised its sword, and a dark ray radiated from the blade tip. The goblin fell, choking, and died squirming. A trickle of black flowed from its gaping mouth. A hideous, otherworldy laugh emanated from the warrior. It walked-or glided?-towards Lazhur. The goblin trembled.

I have come...the figure hissed.

Lazhur gabbled, "What-what name shall I-"

Silence. I am known to you as the Hand of the Firstborn. Where is the creature who blinds my Master with unearthly light?

"Up-up a few levels...my scout will show-show you..."

A goblin, shrieking, ran before the Hand. The black figure followed it, upwards and onwards.

Lady Willow Rose
06-21-2006, 12:01 AM
Acalewia saw Elrohir approach and knew him for an Elf. At least, that he had once been an Elf. Something wrong twisted inside her as she looked at him. He was poisonously lovely. Deadly.

And he was heading for Lady Willow.

"Colomir!" she screamed, fighting through Orcs. "Run!" Too late she shouted it. Elrohir back-handed the man, easily knocking him unconscious. He then scooped Willow up into his arms and walked back into the darkness from whence he'd come. "Oh, no," she whispered. "Oh, Valar, no."

06-21-2006, 12:58 PM
Acalewia fought even harder. She somehow managed to break free of the orcs and ran. She had a choice to make. She couldn't leave Colomir, but she couldn't carry him either.
Use the gift all elves have an ancient sounding voice said. Of course. Acalewia closed her eyes. It was Willow's only chance.
We have need of aid! If you hear me, help us! We have need of aid! The thought settled in three nearby dwarfs and Alatar, Legolas and their compainions. Help us!

rohirrim TR
06-21-2006, 05:51 PM
"Come we need to get to the sixth hall" Alatar urged them on, Durgann and a small squad of 'Groundpounders' armed with spiked mallets throwing axes had come with them as they were not at all familiar with the terrain.

Legolas was positive that Alatar was almost pale, "what is wrong?" he asked.

"My greatest challenge is here in Moria, long it must have dwelt in the shadow of the fell Balrog awaiting its time of awakening until..." he whispered hoarsley to Legolas and then his words fell off as he mentally weighed himself and his opponent.

Lady Willow Rose
06-21-2006, 07:38 PM
Willow stirred uneasily. Voices sounded in her head, begging and pleading. Come home, brave one... come home to us... please, come home.

"No," she whispered. "I can't. Not without him. No."

"So you're finally coming around." She opened her eyes and stared up at the twisted thing she knew to be Elrohir.

But this was not the most terrifying of discoveries. No, Willow had found that all her power, all her magic was gone. Vanished.

She was mortal.

06-22-2006, 01:38 PM
Dwrka spun around to the two dwarfs.
"Did you hear that?"
"Yeah I heard. Wait how did you hear if i heard it in my head." They had all heard a woman's desperate call for help.
"Lets go!" the three Dwarfs abandoned their fight and ran in the direction they felt the call come from.

Lady Willow Rose
06-22-2006, 07:32 PM
Acalewia knew help was coming but it might be too late. There were too many Orcs for one Elf. She blocked a killing blow from one, kicked another and dropped down to avoid losing her head.

"Elendil!" The battle cry echoed around the hall and soon she heard the frightened screams of Orcs. Acalewia looked over to see a man, hooded and cloaked, slaughtering the sickening creatures.

"Who are you?" she shouted over the noises of battle. As he drew nearer she heard him reply,

"You may call me Huor!"

06-23-2006, 01:14 PM
"Hannon le!, Huor" She said, grateful for the aid, yet surprised at the speed it had come. Acalewia fought her way back to Colomir, who was still unconscious. Huor's blade cut down many orcs before they fled in fear.

Lady Willow Rose
06-23-2006, 07:27 PM
Willow was standing in snow. Her thin cloak wasn't nearly warm enough for the chill and she shivered.

"Rather unnerving, isn't it?" She turned around and looked at Alatariel.

"What are we doing here, sister?" The demonic lady shrugged.

"I suppose it is because you ignored the warnings of your precious Valar. I am here due to the fact that I died."

"But I am not dead," Willow pointed out. Alatariel shrugged again.

"Your powers are. At least, they are until you finally do what you know you have to." Willow sighed deeply.

"I can't. I can't leave."

"Ha! You can, you just won't. I'm glad I never suffered from love. It is lethal to logical thought." Willow glared at her sister.

"For one reason or another, I was meant to love him."

"And leave him. You were supposed to know the mortal pain of a broken heart. Face it! The Valar wants you taken down a notch. Your powers were beginning to threaten theirs. That is why this is happening."

"I don't believe you!" Willow shouted. Alatariel grabbed the lady by the collar and jerked her forward.

"Then believe this. Aragorn will never love you. Better to leave now with your life than to die in the mortal realm." Willow shook her head.


Lady Willow woke from her vision chained to a wall. Elrohir stood before her with a jagged knife. "I should have stayed asleep," she mumbled.

06-24-2006, 10:29 AM
Huor joined Acalewia as she knelt next to Colomir. She quietly called his name before bending down to wisper in his ear.
"Awake. Awake, my friend. Friends are near. Awake." she wispered in Elvish. It was the same words she had wispered to Cumaar when they met. She placed a hand on his forehead. Colomir's eyes shot open.
Colomir could have swore he had cold water on his forehead. He gave Acalewia an odd look before noticing Huor behind her.
"We are still alive because of him" she said before he could say anything.
"Willow! Where's Willow?" Acalewia sighed.
"With the elf that backhanded you," Acalewia didn't want to say his name in front of Huor.
"Forgive me for being suspious, but who exactly are you, Huor?"

rohirrim TR
06-24-2006, 11:35 AM
"you there come out in the light" called Durgann roughly.

the two rangers and the elf stepped out wearily.

"Well, will you fancy meeting you here, what in mandos halls are you doing here?" Gimli asked.

Lady Willow Rose
06-24-2006, 01:48 PM
Huor smiled grimly. "I have come to Moria in search of Queen Arwen. That shall have to suffice."

06-26-2006, 08:30 PM
"We search for Queen Arwen as well." Acalewia said. "Yet we are in need of your help. Our companion has been taken by a creature of Shadow."

Lady Willow Rose
06-26-2006, 08:38 PM
"Your companion?" he asked. Acalewia sighed.

"She is small but unnaturally strong. Her eyes are hazel. We know her as - "

"Lady Willow!" he exclaimed. "She is here?" The Elf lady narrowed her eyes.

"You know the lady?"

"I..." he hesitated. "I know of her."

06-26-2006, 09:08 PM
Acalewia and Colomir glanced at each other.
"Would you be able to help us?"

Lady Willow Rose
06-26-2006, 11:42 PM
Huor nodded. "I will do all in my power to assist you."

rohirrim TR
06-28-2006, 05:11 PM
" OH wonderful , fine and dandy, but if we don't get back behind our lines we might not last long, anyway the Commander will wish to speak with you as well, you will all return with my Squad, thats an order" Durgann quickly got them moving, it was not wise to travel in such small groups and he was getting sick of finding tresspassers.

Lady Willow Rose
06-28-2006, 07:25 PM
In the meantime, Willow was in a very uncomfortable position. Elrohir was very close to her face, pressing his wicked knife to her cheek.

"I suppose I should be thankful you did not fall upon our company with a garrison of orcs and goblins," Willow said thoughtfully, pretending not to notice the knife gliding over her skin. Elrohir rolled his eyes.

"Really, how would I sneak up on you with a pack of ungainly creatures that smell like burned mud?" He applied more pressure to the blade and finally drew blood.

"I get your point."

06-29-2006, 01:43 PM
"Great" Colomir muttered as they were joined by three more dwarfs. "We won't find Willow trasping around with a battilon of dwarfs"
"Watch your tounge, Colomir" Acalewia said. Dwarfs and Elves were not the best of friends

Lady Willow Rose
06-29-2006, 11:26 PM
Huor was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid I agree with Colomir. The noise will attract far too much attention."

06-30-2006, 05:50 PM
Acalewia nodded before wrapping her cloak around her and seemingly disappearing. Colomir glanced towards the dwarves before doing the same.
Lets see if they can find us now

Lady Willow Rose
07-01-2006, 01:01 AM
Huor smirked, following Acalewia's lead. He desperately hoped that no harm had come to Lady Willow.


Willow grit her teeth to keep from moaning. Blood was flowing down her body like a river. Cuts, shallow and deep, covered her skin.

"It would be best if you gave in now," Elrohir said casually. "I may have to start breaking things." She swallowed hard.

"I will not change." He sighed.

"Ah, well." The impure Elf picked up a heavy stone, drew his arm back and then slammed it against Willow's wrist.

07-01-2006, 09:25 PM
Acalewia, Colomir and Huor waited until the dwarfs were out of sight before stepping out of the shadows. Acalewia rubbed her arm. From the time she had entered Moria, she had begun to feel colder. Colomir looked at her, his face unreadable. She knew he knew.
"Huor, do you know anything of Moria?" she asked.

Lady Willow Rose
07-01-2006, 10:41 PM
Huor chuckled. "I have been here before. A long time ago." Acalewia smiled.

"Then you know where we should go?" He shook his head.

"Not the slightest idea. There are many levels and Lady Willow could be anywhere. Can you not use your Elven magic to find her?"

07-02-2006, 08:31 PM
Acalewia bit her lip.
"Truthfully, I am half elf." She got a determined look on her face and closed her eyes.
Willow? She thought as she emptied her mind in an effort to sense her friend.

Lady Willow Rose
07-02-2006, 08:50 PM
Willow jerked, causing the broken bones in her legs to burn. But that was not the issue. Had she just heard...?


Acalewia! she shouted back mentally. Please, say you can hear me. Please!

I hear you, Willow. What has happened?

The worst thing imaginable. My limited time in Middle Earth is finally up. I'm mortal. Helpless. Willow bit her lip as Elrohir carefully peeled another strip of skin off her abdomen.

I feel your pain, my friend. What is happening?

Elrohir wants me to change form. Obviously that's not something I can do. He, however, does not know.

Why not tell him?

Because then he will just kill me. Willow would have clutched her fist at the pain but her fingers were broken and that would only make it worse. Can you track me?

07-02-2006, 09:24 PM
Yes, I believe I can Acalewia sent. She motioned for Colomir and Huor to follow her.
"This way. We must hurry before it's too late."

Lady Willow Rose
07-02-2006, 09:56 PM
Huor nodded and followed Acalewia at a run. The half-Elf concentrated hard on Willow's presence.

Valar forbid that they should come too late.

07-03-2006, 12:55 PM
The Darkshadow sucked the remaining life out of the goblin that had led him up. It could feel the festering elven presence now. Somewhere close. Somewhere very close. It lifted its blade, and glided forward.


Mithril. Very close. The Firstborn could feel it. A hunger blazed inside him. A great hunger. For the Mithril. He would devour it. He would devour it all.

Lady Willow Rose
07-03-2006, 01:28 PM
Willow counted the minutes since Acalewia had ceased speaking in her thoughts.


"You are more stubborn than I would have thought," her torturerer said thoughtfully.

"I've had a long time to perfect the art." She took slow breaths, trying to hold onto life.

"It is unfortunate that I could not develop the art of patience." Elrohir took up his sword and strode toward her purposefully. "I will simply kill you now and hope your body reverts to its original form once you breathe your last." He shoved the blade into her stomach.

Willow's mouth opened in a silent scream as light flashed before her eyes. There were only distorted sounds and images until everything was eaten up in shadow. Everything but a pair of blue-green eyes.

"Aragorn," she whispered. "My heart is yours but the power is mine..." With what little strength she had left, and what little magic, she clung to the thread of awareness that she had welded inside of her. The thread of Aragorn's life and thoughts.

"Forgive me." Willow closed her eyes and welcomed perfect blackness.


Huor froze for a moment. A sweet, hopeless voice had just whispered in his mind.

"Willow," he murmured. "Willow!" He knew where she was now and he ran hard into shadows, intent on finding her.

Before a perfect light was swallowed in the depths of Moria.

07-03-2006, 04:19 PM
"Huor!" Acalewia cried as a cold feeling settled in her stomach. She darted after him with Colomir behind her.

Lady Willow Rose
07-03-2006, 04:36 PM
Huor arrived to find Elrohir gone and Lady Willow chained to a wall, her body slumped lifelessly. "My lady," he whispered.

07-03-2006, 04:48 PM
"Willow!" Acalewia fell to her knees next to her. "O Willow!"
O Valar! How could I fail her!

Lady Willow Rose
07-03-2006, 05:05 PM
Huor undid the chains the bound her and gently took the lady into his arms. "She is so still," he murmured. "So very, very still."

"Willow, my friend," Acalewia whimpered. "How could this happen?" Huor sighed and pulled back the hood of his cloak. His blue-green eyes were fixed on Willow.

"I always felt her. She was with me in spirit whenever we parted. Her magic kept me bound to her but I would not have it any other way. I have begun to depend on her, as a friend and companion." Huor, which Acalewia now realized was not his real name, stroked the lady's cheek.

"King Elessar," she murmured. "How came you here?"

"I came to rescue my wife." He sighed. "Instead, I hold the dead body of a woman I would have loved had things been different."

07-03-2006, 05:24 PM
"I would I could heal death" Acalewia wispered, bitterly. She didn't even think Elnar could heal death. Colomir suddenly looked very uncomfortable.
"How could we have let this happen? How could I have let this happen?" he said.

Lady Willow Rose
07-03-2006, 05:37 PM
Willow jerked upward with a gasp. Her frantic eyes searched the room and what she discovered made little sense. Why was she in Rivendell?

"We thought it would be simpler this way." She turned to the door and looked at the tiny Elven boy that stood there.

"Valar," she whispered and reverently bowed her head. He sat next to her on the bed.

"No need for formalities. We aren't going to be speaking very long. It's just that we have a proposal for you."

"A proposal?"

"Yes. We can send you back to Moria, into life, but you'll be mortal. Or you can resume your place with us." Willow stared at him.

"You mean to say that I could live again?"


"But not as I was."

"No. You can't have it both ways, I'm afraid." She nodded and studied her hands.

"I love Aragorn but I was created for a purpose." Willow met the boy's eyes and murmured, "I will do my duty." He smiled.

"We knew you wouldn't fail us. Now, time to get you back to Moria."


"Well, there's a great evil to fight! Who else would we send in?" The boy's smile turned a bit wicked. "And there's a certain king whose heart is breaking over a little mortal girl who is dead in his arms."

There was a flash of blinding light and the next Willow knew, her eyes were open and staring up at Aragorn.

07-05-2006, 01:09 PM
"Willow!" Aragorn cried. Acalewia smiled a relieved smile.
"We thought we had lost you forever!"

Lady Willow Rose
07-05-2006, 08:30 PM
Willow smiled weakly. "Did you think it was that easy to get rid of me?" She stretched her fingers and found that the bones were mended. At least she wouldn't be limping around Moria. "We should get moving."

07-07-2006, 02:37 PM
"We should. But where?" Colomir asked. Acalewia and Aragorn glaced at each other. This would be like old times in a way.

Lady Willow Rose
07-07-2006, 09:40 PM
"Well," Willow began slowly, "that would all depend on where we want to go and what we want to do."

"Meaning?" Colomir encouraged.

"Meaning are we going to track down Arwen, track down Elrohir or help the dwarves save Moria from evil?"

"All of the above, I'm thinking," Acalewia mumbled.

07-10-2006, 04:51 PM
"I think the better question would be which do we do first" Acalewia said. She stood and staggered catching herself on the wall. Colomir steadied her.
"Does Moria have that effect on all Elves?" The half-elf gave Colomir a dirty look.
"It didn't have that effect on Legolas when I was here the first time" Aragorn said. "Unless a new evil has arisen" He placed a hand on Acalewia's forehead. She jerked back and gave him the same look she had been giving Colomir.
"Will the two of you stop that!"

Lady Willow Rose
07-10-2006, 08:11 PM
Willow stood up and placed a hand just over the air in front of Acalewia's body. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply. "Cold," she murmured. "So cold."

07-10-2006, 09:01 PM
"She's been this way since we entered Moria" Colomir said. "Do you think it could be something to do with the Evil here?"

Lady Willow Rose
07-10-2006, 11:00 PM
"I'd be surprised if it didn't," Willow said thoughtfully.

07-11-2006, 12:57 PM
Acalewia rolled her eyes.
"We can talk about this Evil and its effects on Elves later. If Elrohir hasn't done anything to Arwen yet, he may do it now that he thinks you're dead" Acalewia said, giving the two men glares. "Time may be running out for her"

07-19-2006, 01:32 PM
Down some distance in the darkness came the sound of creaking and scrabbling as if something was moving on multiple legs. Something like twigs was scraping up against the stone walls of Moria. The darkness seemed to deepen. Then out of it shone two yellow eyes like lanterns. After a moment the two lanterns went out. More scrabbling and wooden sounding creaking. There was a sound like a nut dropping on the stone floor. It rolled on the floor until it came to a stop near Lady Willow Rose' foot. It was a Walnut!

The creature creaked to itself. "They stole my plaything. I want it back!" The great shadow clung to the wall trying to make itself smaller.

Lady Willow Rose
07-19-2006, 06:43 PM
Willow picked up the walnut and frowned. "This looks familiar." She sniffed it thoughtfully before licking its shell. "Tastes familiar, too."

07-19-2006, 07:08 PM
The shadow eyed Willow Rose out of the darkness that concealed it. It was none other than Choke Root, a former owner of the stone. She had been trailing this company since it had picked up the stone from the slain dwarf.

Lady Willow Rose
07-21-2006, 07:05 PM
Willow pocketed the acorn, resolved to think on the matter at a later date. "I have an idea as to how we shall find the Lady Arwen. But I'll need Acalewia's help."

07-22-2006, 10:08 AM
Acalewia turned at the mention of her name. She had been trying to sense Arwen.
"What is your idea, Willow?"

Lady Willow Rose
07-22-2006, 11:19 AM
Willow picked up one of the smoother stones there on the floor and said, "I'm going to need some of your blood to coat this stone with. Like attracts like, you see? Arwen has Elvish blood, you have Elvish blood. I'm sure you understand the theory."

07-23-2006, 07:24 PM
"You are going to use a stone with my blood to find Arwen?" Acalewia asked. Willow nodded.
"It's worth the shot, Tracker" Aragorn said. Acalewia gave him yet another dirty look.
"The things I do for you, Strider, should have killed me a long time ago" she said as she drew one of the daggers from her boot and cut her palm. Willow handed her the stone and Acalewia covered it with the blood from the cut.
She's barely alive, Willow. I hope this works She handed the stone back to Willow.

07-23-2006, 09:52 PM
From the shadows, Choke Root watched as Acalewia slit the palm of her own hand and was handed a stone. Acalewia covered the stone in her own blood. This was an odd act. Kelvar people were strange folk. Choke Root wanted to shrink back. She would never diliberately cut her own bark and smear her sap on anything.

rohirrim TR
07-24-2006, 05:45 PM
"Aragorn, what is the meaning of your deception?" Legolas melted out of the darkness with Alatar and the dwarves.

"Legolas, I did not think I could fool you for very long nor you good Gimli, but it was necesarry, we need to make all the speed we can" Aragorn replied surprised that they had been tracked down so soon.

Alatar sighed "I agree time is short, but the way in which you try to speed things was foolish, the dwarves know this place as none other, and it will be much quicker if we have them guide us" he said quietly and he didn't even seem grumpy for a change.

"but where should we start at?" asked Acalwecia.

"the lower halls, all evil is being drawn there..." he was quiet for a moment "Lady Willow I need to speak to and Aragorn alone".

07-24-2006, 06:40 PM
Acalewia glanced over at Willow and Aragorn as she wrapped a cloth around her hand. Colomir relaxed after seeing it was Alatar and his compainions. Aragorn nodded and she and Colomir moved away from the three.
"It is good to see you, Greenleaf" Acalewia said, touching Legolas' arm. He was warm and no doubt he could feel her icy touch. It was not the evil of Moria; something had singled her out.

rohirrim TR
07-25-2006, 10:57 AM
"what is it?" Willow asked as the three of them moved away.

"The valar have spoken our fates our intertwined, all three of us" Alatar replied. "This enemy is older than the Balrog of Morgoth, older perhaps as Morgoth himself, I have been given narya, and the power of the greatest of Istar, but I cannot defeat this alone".

"what can we do? swords will be of little use" Aragorn asked

"I must ask you Aragorn once we find Arwen you need to lead all of them away, leave this battle to me and Willow thats all I ask" Alatar sighed and fingered the ring of fire.

Lady Willow Rose
07-25-2006, 10:17 PM
Willow watched Aragorn's reaction closely and when she saw that he was about to argue she quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of Arwen, I really do need to get started on that before the blood turns hard." She stepped away from the two men, holding the stone up high.

Elven blood...

Willow concentrated on the grace the Valar had bestowed upon the race of Elves.

Elven magic...

"What is she doing?" Alatar asked.


"She did not tell us," Aragorn replied quietly.


Willow opened her eyes and they glowed silver. She walked away from the group, into the shadows, still holding the stone.

07-26-2006, 12:24 AM
It was then that a shadow fell over the room. A shadow roughly the shape of a man, seeming to glide towards the group. It raised an empty hand, and pointed at Acalewia.

Feel the poison...succumb...

She fell back to the floor, feeling the sickness trying to take hold of her. The shadow let out a hollow laugh, and turned to the others. It raised a sword, a sword sheathed in a greenish light. The figure slowly glided forward. Darkness. And it felt the Mithrilstone.

Lady Willow Rose
07-26-2006, 12:57 AM
Willow freezed on her path to Arwen. She quickly memorized the path to the wounded Elf and ran back. The light that had once been in the small clearing had vanished. Willow stood very still and waiting for the dark creature to acknowledge her.

07-26-2006, 01:18 PM
Acalewia fought the posion trying to take over her.
I... will... not... succumb! she shouted in her mind. Her strength was waning.

Lady Willow Rose
07-29-2006, 07:13 PM
Willow, sensing Acalewia's decline, turned from the Shadow and sprinted toward her. "Fight with your human half!" she shouted. "That is your advantage here."

07-31-2006, 02:41 PM
Acalewia staggered to her feet, drawing her sword and on her human strength.
"Elendil!" she shouted, her voice echoing. She would have loved to see the look on that shadowy figure's face; Acalewia was sure he thought he had attacked a full elf.

Lady Willow Rose
07-31-2006, 06:47 PM
Willow smiled slowly, drawing her sword. Aragorn drew up beside her.

"What is your plan?" he asked.

"Light," she murmured. "Overwhelm him with light."

07-31-2006, 07:01 PM
"How do you propose to do that?" Colomir asked from the other side of Aragorn. "You and Acalewia are the only two that knows how to do anything of that nature."
"Wait." Aragorn said. "Acalewia, do you still have that elven blade?"
"Which one?"
"The mate to the one you lost to a Wraith"
"Yes, of course."
"I think now would be the time to use it" Colomir saw a bluish glow to his left the length of one of the half elf's long knives.
"Help me with this, Willow. My elvish side is too weak to make the light erupt"

Lady Willow Rose
07-31-2006, 08:05 PM
Willow smirked. "My pleasure." In a flash, the lady glowed with an overwhelmingly bright silver light. The blade Acalewia held erupted in light as well. "Much more better," she murmured.

07-31-2006, 10:59 PM
As the light filled the room, the Shadow shrieked, hiding its eyes. Deep within, it could feel the scream of the Firstborn. Calling it to slay. To destroy. Goading it onward. The scream stung, whipping its mind. The dark figure staggered, and then narrowed its eyes.

Kill the light! Twist it, take it...

The figure reached out through the Firstborn's spell, feeling for the sickness that dwelt in the half-elf. From her some of the light proceeded...as the shadow reached through it, twisting, tainting...seizing...

Lady Willow Rose
07-31-2006, 11:10 PM
"Willow, I can't!" Acalewia screamed. Lady Willow's silvery eyes turned to the half-Elf and nodded.

"Hold up for as long as you can." Willow stood in front of her friend and concentrated on shielding the afflicted Elf with her otherworldly light. A ball of pure light formed in her hand. "Shadow Creature!" she boomed, voice echoing ages of power. "Be gone or suffer further."

Willow hurled the light into the creature's stomach and watched it double over as the silverly power coursed through his being.

07-31-2006, 11:16 PM

The Firstborn's voice coursed through the shadow, snapping and burning. As it doubled over, feeling the elvish power. It stood, staggering, and rushed forward. Weakened by Willow, but pressed onward by the presence that possessed it. The creature let loose a hail of blows from its blade.


Lady Willow Rose
07-31-2006, 11:34 PM
Willow parried each blow from the Shadow's sword. Even as she fought the light about her stayed strong. Her own blade was filled with the same silver glow and when she slashed the creature's arm, it screamed.

If Willow had not been so experienced with terrible sounds, the sound would have chilled the marrow in her bones.

08-01-2006, 01:01 PM
Colomir shuddered as the creature screamed. He couldn't see Acalewia or Willow due to the blinding light surrounding the two of them.

Acalewia held on with all of her strength.
Fight it! You are the strongest of the four
I can't, Ada! I can't hold on any longer!
Fight it, Daughter! You can hold on! You will hold on! Acalewia suddenly felt her father's strength added to her own. You will hold on!

rohirrim TR
08-03-2006, 09:26 PM
Legolas was puzzled Alatar simply stood and watched as the shadow and the lights struggled, for it was obvious to his elvish eyes the Alatar had great light and power underneath his dull blue cloak.

Then he raised his hand and jet of blue flame shot out toward the combatants then it split into two and then three jets until and began to bind the creature not allowing to move forward or back...again it screamed so reminecsent of a nazgul thought Gimli as he watched stoically.

Lady Willow Rose
08-03-2006, 09:43 PM
Even as Willow projected the purest of light, a shadow crept up into her soul.


08-03-2006, 11:29 PM
The shadow felt the power stealing around it, binding it, forcing itself into its defenses. It let the sword melt, and threw its head back, screaming. All of its power, devoted to protecting itself...and then it paused.


The creature abandoned its defense, and immediately launched its darkest powers at the half-elf. In her moment of weakness. Not knowing the new strength she drew upon. And it was then that Alatar overcame him. The creature withered into a dying flame, and crashed in upon itself. And then it was no more.

The wave of its destruction struck as it fell into the void, and it lashed out with all of its power, directing it all at the one who the Firstborn had marked for death. The half-elf.

Lady Willow Rose
08-04-2006, 12:07 AM
Willow felt the descending black magic, as she was standing in front of Acalewia. With all her power she tried to create a shield to protect the half-elf.

The attack was too quick. She didn't have time for proper defence. Death seeped into Acalewia and Willow desperately tried to keep a hold of the power.

"Willow! What is happening?" Aragorn shouted.

"No... time," she bit out. "Last resort."

Willow breathed in a little of the dark magic and felt it swarm in her blood.

08-04-2006, 01:17 PM
Acalewia gritted her teeth.
Help us, Valar! The half elf felt some of the darkness leave her.
"NO!" She cried. She knew why it had left. "Willow! Don't!"

Lady Willow Rose
08-04-2006, 07:33 PM
Willow grasped her throat and began to choke on the blackness. But she couldn't stop breathing it in.

08-10-2006, 05:20 PM
The darkness surged through Lady Willow, striking her to the ground-and then only festered. It lingered, but was no longer increasing. The shadow had been destroyed. For now.
The Firstborn felt its destruction, shivering-and gloating. It had hurt the fellowship of warriors. For now, it was a victory. There was only one more thing to do-to unleash the ancient power that was approaching it. It hissed gladly, looking at the dwarven Ring that lay in the darkness under it. The Ring that matched the Mithrilstone.

Lady Willow Rose
08-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Willow coughed hard, shivering and shaking. "Acalewia," she whispered. "Are you all right?"

08-14-2006, 07:54 PM
Acalewia was on her knees breathing heavily. She still clutched the elven blade.
"For now" She wispered. "What of you, Willow?"
Colomir knelt next to the two women. He had hated not being able to do anything to help them.
"What was that thing?" He helped Acalewia to her feet as Aragorn helped Willow up.

Lady Willow Rose
08-14-2006, 10:17 PM
Willow let herself lean on Aragorn, pressing her face again his chest. Just a moment of weakness. She was entitled.

"The servant of something older and fouler than we have ever come again," Willow told Colomir weakly. "And we'd best start moving."

08-15-2006, 01:12 PM
"That may be best" Acalewia wispered. "At least for a little while" Colomir was having to support her and she hated it.
"A little while?" Acalewia sheathed her blade.
"He, or it, knows we're here. And at least one of us is marked. I believe"

Lady Willow Rose
08-16-2006, 06:50 PM
"At the very least," Willow agreed. She took a deep breath and stepped away from Aragorn. "Let's move."

08-21-2006, 04:17 PM
Acalewia and Colomir nodded. It took the she elf a moment before the weakness in her legs subsided. Colomir walked next to her.
"The faster we find Queen Arwen," he said. "The faster we can get her to safety"

Lady Willow Rose
08-21-2006, 07:18 PM
Willow snapped her fingers. "I nearly forgot. Let me just refresh..." She brought the trail of light before her eyes and grinned. "There we are."

08-29-2006, 10:31 AM
Alatar nodded.
"I'm going to assume you know exactly where Queen Arwen is" Acalewia glanced at the wizard.
"Did you expect anything less?"

08-29-2006, 09:29 PM
Alatar chuckled, and replied, "Well, allow me some time to think, and I'll give you a list of other tasks I expect of you..."

He straightened, and continued, "Shall we commence our search, then?"

He glanced down at the ring on his hand...gold, with a fiery ruby in its center. Narya, Gandalf's ring. Gifted to a hero to fight the evil of ice...

Lady Willow Rose
08-30-2006, 12:10 AM
Willow glanced at Alatar, smiled faintly and began to follow the trail of light. "Give it an hour," she told them. "We should come upon her in about that much time."

08-31-2006, 09:01 PM
Alatar's face darkened. "We may not have an hour."

And somewhere in the depths of Moria, the Firstborn waited.

Lady Willow Rose
09-01-2006, 12:08 AM
"Half an hour if we run," she said solemnly. "Do we have that much?"

09-10-2006, 08:22 PM
"We won't if we continue to stand here talking" Acalewia said, pushing off of Colomir. "And we should start now."

Lady Willow Rose
09-10-2006, 08:29 PM
Willow nodded once and began to sprint down the path of light she'd conjured.

09-11-2006, 03:55 PM
Acalewia sprinted after her, with the rest of the group behind her.

Lady Willow Rose
09-12-2006, 01:45 PM
Willow raced through the shadows and heard the company following her. Lady Arwen was so close by but the light... her light was fading.