View Full Version : The Sopranos

03-11-2006, 12:35 AM
I am not quite sure how many of my fellow mooters here are as into The Sopranos as I, and I've always gotten the feeling that I might not have as many fellow fans as would warrant creating a brand new thread for Sopranos only, but Thain/Meriadoc made one for Monk, why not me make one for Sopranos? Besides, the new season starts Sunday night, and if you are even marginally a diehard for this show like I am, you know what a long, long wait it has been since "Long-Term Parking" and "All Due Respect," the last 2 shows of the end of Season Five, which ended OVER A YEAR AGO@!!! FINally, it is back on.

A lot of speculation and predictions are swirling around out there about what will happen in this new season. Who will get whacked? Who might commit suicide? Was Adrianna actually whacked, or did something happen there between her and Silvio since we never were shown her actually getting shot - we only heard a shot, as the camera panned away? What's up with Christopher; does he feel remorse, re: his soulmate getting murdered because he said she was a rat, or does he get promoted - demoted - you know, I love Christopher; I had a boyfriend justy llike him once, looked like him, everything but WHAT a psycho! Total sociopath. I digress.

I bet come to find out, Little Anthony Jr. turns out to be gay! That would be cool, and what an interesting twist, too. Remember how most Italian families think of being gay; it's really not talked about. Watch; they gave all kinds of clues about A.J. toward the end there of last season - especially the wanting to be an event planner bit, and him losing all that weight all of a sudden.

I wonder if Meadow's fiancee gets killed by that disgusting fat turd who Finn saw giving that one guy a b.j. that morning at the construction site? I wonder what new total nutjob thing Janice Soprano will think of next to do? Will Furio come back on the scene, and then Tony erases him, since everyone knows Furio has the hots for Tony's wife Carmella?

Stuff like that.

FOCUS: Anybody else here have predictions and/or comments about what might happen with key characters and plotlines in the upcoming sixth, and last, season of The Sopranos? Anybody else here dig this show as much as I do?

03-11-2006, 12:50 AM
Here you guys, here is the official Sopranos website so you can brush up on some details of old shows, and see videos and cast photographs, and read predictions others have, and stuff like that. :)


Farimir Captain of Gondor
03-11-2006, 01:26 AM
Ive only seen one episode of The Sopranos. Back in 2002 I think. The one where Tony goes to Italy and has fantasies about one of the boss' wifes of daughters, I can't remember which. I don't have HBO :( . I have really thought about renting the DVD's but I'm afraid I'll get hooked, because I've heard nothing but good things about it, and then not be able to watch any of the new episodes. I do find Drea de Matteo so very sexy though and that might make it worth the agony of missing all the new ones. :D

03-11-2006, 01:34 AM
Drea de Matteo is AWESOME!! Have you seen Assault on Precinct 13? She's in that, too. What a cool hottie; I was so bummed she turned out to be a ratter (obviously, referring 2 the show and not Drea in RL :D ) and had to flip on her man & the family.

Adrianna La Serva was doing a bit 'o stuff herself there at the nightclub that Chrissy bought for her; so she got caught -she got caught slippin' JUST enough for the f.b.i. to have a legal excuse to target her to be flipped. She could have done her five years, probably definitely less time, (with a five year first-offender drug sentence usually the person gets 5 but is made only to serve 15 months, sometimes a bit more, depends on certain affecting variables and the state's laws in which that person gets busted) keeping her mouth shut the whole time, but NOOO, poor bitch gotta go & let herself get flipped by the f.b.i. They manipulated & falsely threatened her!! But she fell for it. Adrianna could have been stronger - and more aware of the big picture, and more aware of what Chris was all about.

Watch those shows, you'll see what I mean. Poor Adrianna, though! I hated seeing her get whacked, too, but it's not like it was any giant surprise - she ratted. That's generally what happens when you rat on the mob. But man, I'll sure miss Drea de Matteo in this upcoming season. What a cool treat she was!

Farimir, that episode to which you refer is definitely one of my very favourites, out of all the seasons' episodes. I loved that woman being an Italian mob boss 'cause her dad was senile, the power and savvy and voice she had! I loved the unvbearably gorgeous shots of Positano and the other places in Napoli. I thought it was hilarious how "american" Paulie was, and how the Italians there gave him the snub without him even being aware of it, poor Paulie!! :D :p :D

You know, never fear becoming a Sopranos junkie. One can always rent the season DVDs from Blockbuster & the like. Or own them, like I've resorted to! :D

03-12-2006, 11:08 PM
WHAT?! Uncle Junior shot Tony? What is going on?? I'll tell ya what it is; Junior's gonna claim senility for an attempt on Tony's life. Oh, the complicated webs. And I just caught the last fifteen minutes of the goddamn show; I cannot believe I didn't know it would air six o'clock here. I think they replay the same season-starter show at nine o'clock. It looked like Janice & Bobby Bacala had a baby, too.

The last sane person
03-12-2006, 11:22 PM
Hmm... I've only seen one episode, and that is the one with my quote in it. Love it.

03-26-2006, 02:29 PM
Tonight's the third episode. I cannot wait. Tony's laid up in the hospital right now, with a giant gaping open wound in his gut from Uncle Junior shooting him Jack Ruby style at close range. While he lays there, deep in a coma, his mind and spirit are busy dealing with a sort of taste of what purgatory could be like, and he's struggling to find himself and get some answers about who he is. The whole Kevin Finnerty lost identity/being stuck in a parallel what-if life of being a schmucky, rather pussy-ish yet successful traveling salesman, is dripping with endless symbolism and deliberate clues are placed everywhere by the brilliant David Chase for us to think about. So many clues!! So much symbolism!

A.J. (Robert Iler) cannot act. We all always knew this, but now it's not cute anymore, because he's all grown up. It's one thing when a kid can't act - I mean what does he have to be, just a spoiled, vacuous video-game-playing boy in the background, right? No strech. But now Robert Iler is all grown up, and it's difficult to deal with his flabberghastingly crazy-bad acting. Well, whatever. At least he's there; I'd hate to not be able to see his character throughout this last season. Even through the bad acting, I love his character, because well let's face it, he's a Soprano.

Carmella can act. I bet Edie Falco gets some kind of rewards and statuettes for this season's performance. If last week's episode is going to be any kind of indicator of her work for the rest of the season, then Carmella deserves the most prestigious statuette she can get in the world of thespianism.

Does anyone have any predictions or speculation to share here, or am I the only one in this forum who is such a Sopranos enthusiast? I have a terrible feeling I'm the only Mooter with a thing for The Sopranos. Please, someone join in the discussion! Anyone?


*crickets chirp. A pin drops.*