View Full Version : I'm sorry for being evil in an RPG.

09-16-2000, 04:35 AM
There's my official apology for being evil in the "blank" thread.
Can I have my original title back now, or at least change that "artificial sweetener" part to "sugar-free"?

09-16-2000, 10:44 AM
So what? Tater is being evil in my RPG...You can be too....

Darth Tater
09-16-2000, 01:47 PM
Nothing wrong with that. I will change the title back for ya though

Shanamir Duntak
09-16-2000, 04:00 PM
uh, and as you're talking about titles, can I have the custom title I designed for myself in the "welcome to the first lord" thread?

09-17-2000, 02:12 AM
I admit that I was being a bit sarcastic...

Tater can be evil in an RPG because he's a moderator.
Also because, if I'm not mistaken, the RPG that I was evil at was Entmoot's first one (besides the Hutt one, and that was a very primitive type of RPG) and wasn't supposed to be an RPG in the first place.

Oh, well. Thanks for changing my title back.

Elbreth of Carhouth
09-17-2000, 02:46 AM
Hi Nif, where've you been???
Come on over to my RPG, and you can be as evil as you like!!! ;)

Shanamir Duntak
09-17-2000, 02:04 PM
Yeah, I just didn't think of it as a RPG at that time...
But hey, come more often Niff, we missed you!

Elbreth of Carhouth
09-18-2000, 12:00 AM
No kidding....the last time you left, you were all hurt cause no one noticed you were gone. Now you left our game in mid air, and came back bigger than before! Ack!

Darth Tater
09-18-2000, 12:08 AM
Being a mod lets me be a villain? Wow, another person who thinks poorly of me! ;)

09-18-2000, 01:37 AM
;) :lol:

No, I wasn't offended at all the first time I was away... It may have looked like it, but I didn't really expect anyone to notice.

I see someone noticed this time, though... I'm surprised that there are only 10 Elf-Warriors...
Kind of flattering to be one of them out of 300+ members. http://smiliesgalaxy.homestead.com/files/biggrin.gif

09-18-2000, 04:34 PM
Now I am an evil RGP character!


Nyah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And not one of you goodie-two-shoes can stop me!

Elbreth of Carhouth
09-19-2000, 12:46 AM
We shall have to see about that....
*unreadable look in her eyes*

09-20-2000, 06:29 AM
I'm bad Ash... and you're good Ash! You're a goody little two shoes, goody little two shoes hahahahaha!


Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun :)

sorry that just sorta popped into my heaad at the end... anyways......