View Full Version : How can I find something inside this Board by similar keywords ?

01-20-2006, 01:57 AM
I Can't figure out that How can I find something inside this Board by similar keywords instead of exact words.
I searched for similar keywords in http://www.google.com (http://www.google.com) and
http://www.boardexplorer.com (http://www.boardexplorer.com) and I found this Board.
but inside the web site I could not find any intelligent search. you must know exact words to find related topics
any recommendation?

Sister Golden Hair
01-20-2006, 09:44 AM
I Can't figure out that How can I find something inside this Board by similar keywords instead of exact words.
I searched for similar keywords in http://www.google.com (http://www.google.com) and
http://www.boardexplorer.com (http://www.boardexplorer.com) and I found this Board.
but inside the web site I could not find any intelligent search. you must know exact words to find related topics
any recommendation?I guess it would depend on what you are searching for. Entmoot has two search functions (regular search and advanced search) In the advanced search, you may find what you're looking for useing a keyword or by username. You may narrow your search perimeters by choosing to search in only a particular forum, or you may search all forums. Any search you do useing a keyword, will show you all threads with that word in it.

Might not be as good as Google, but it works. Hope this helps. :)