View Full Version : LOTR Scenario; opinions wanted

12-15-2005, 05:12 AM
Let's say somehow one member of the Fellowship made it all the way to the Sammath Naur with Frodo, and Gollum tagged along. So now Frodo's about to toss the Ring into the fire, and here comes Gollum and manages to get the two of them so tangled up it's impossible to tell one from the other. The Nazgul are making all speed to the Mountain; time's running out.

And the surviving member could be one of the following: Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf, or Sam.

What would you think they would have done?

12-15-2005, 01:20 PM
Gandalf, the his magic could be used to fry gollum, if that doesn't work I'd go with aragorn he could just slice them in two and then resist the ring enugh to toss it in.

rohirrim TR
12-15-2005, 04:47 PM
Boromir would just kill em both and take over the world.

I would think that gandalf could...fry em or..do like a summoning spell or something and throw the ring in himself.

aragorn would kill em both and kick the ring in the fire.

sam...well we already know what he would do. :D

12-15-2005, 05:40 PM
sam...well we already know what he would do. :D
Yeah, just stand there and watch in horror. :evil:

12-18-2005, 11:48 PM
Well if all the Nine Nazgul were coming I don't think anyone would have the chance to withstand them ("...even the Wise might fear to withstand them when they are gathered under their Fell Captain...") so the sensible thing to do would be to attempt to destroy the Ring. Quick.

Boromir might attempt to use the Ring (and of course fail).
Sam would throw himself on Gollum and they might all tumble in.
Aragorn might tear the two of them apart and get Frodo to throw the ring into the fire.
Gandalf might tell Frodo to hurry up and toss the Ring into the fire while he tries to delay the Nazgul.

12-19-2005, 12:00 AM
I think of all those four options you mention here, perhaps the most likely would be #3, where Aragorn would be the one who snaps to it and has the cool witted, quick-acting ability to grab the ring & toss it into the fire, THEN deal with the grappling hiobbits but what do I know. Gandalf couldn't do this, since he's not allowed to destroy it himself, just influence others to make the right decisions or whatever; Boromir's definitely a no-go because I think we all know he'd just pocket the ring and vamoose. Sam would be too preoccupied with protecting Frodo to think immediately of the Ring; his first thoughts are always on Frodo's well-being so he'd remember too late.

I guess it'd be Aragorn that would step to the plate and deal with the situation best, but like I said, what do I know. :rolleyes: If he hesitated even for a second, the Nine would have been on him like white on rice and it would have been all over... :evil:

King of The Istari
01-02-2006, 05:20 PM
I'd say Aragorn has the best bet, he can fight multiple nazgul for a short amount of time and don't you think the eight nazgul would be a little disorientated without Big W the witchking of Angmar, who of course is dead. after delaying the Nazgul he could simpily through the ring into the fire for he has renounced its power and probably wouldn't be corrupted. but if gandalf was the one there there'd be a problem, he can't throw the ring into the fire himself he can only help others so he would delay the nazgul, vaporise gollum and tell frodo to throw it into the fire and frodo who is corrupted by the ring at this point would as Lotesse put it Vamoose.

01-03-2006, 02:26 AM
The first time I read LotR, I fully expected it to end with the Ring refusing to leave Frodo's hand, although he was try to throw it in the lava, so Aragorn would have to take it from him and jump in, killing himself and the Ring. I still think things would have gone that way if Aragorn had been present. He wouldn't have waited for it to slide out of Frodo's hand; he's too readily valiant.

01-08-2006, 09:59 PM
Aragorn is probably the one who would finish off the Ring, because his strength of will is the greatest and anyway as we know Gandalf could not interfere directly with it, but he wouldn't 'vaporise' Gollum :p (he pities the poor fellow too much)

But don't forget Sam has plenty of common hobbit-sense and courage deep within him.