View Full Version : A few ways to tell if you are obsessed with LOTR II
10-29-2005, 03:31 AM
The last thread passed the 1000 reply-limit and is closed. The first thread can be found here ( .
Thread starter is Pippin Took434.
Original post:
1. you get upset because you cant find the Misty Mountains or Mirkwood on a map. name a child or pet after a character
3. you throw your wedding ring into the fire to see the runes on it.
4. you are afraid of crows, black horses, and mines of any sort.
5(i got most of these off of the lord of the, but this is my fave) everytime you ride the merry go round, you find yourself screaming "what news of the north riders of rohan?"
trolls' bane
10-29-2005, 08:51 PM
10-30-2005, 07:43 PM
You know you're obsessesed with LOTR if:
1.You eat raw fish.
2.You eat hobbits.
3.You eat lembras.
4.You eat mushrooms just becoulse they did in the books.
5.This list makes you hungry.
trolls' bane
10-30-2005, 08:31 PM
You know you're obsessesed with LOTR if:
1.You eat raw fish.
2.You eat hobbits.
3.You eat lembras.
4.You eat mushrooms just becoulse they did in the books.
5.This list makes you hungry.
Mmm...Hobbit. Filet Bagend :D .
10-30-2005, 08:33 PM
I got a real kick out of the "What news from the North, Riders of Rohan" one. LOL! :D That was cute. That's something I would do, just for laughs, on a merry-go-round!
trolls' bane
10-30-2005, 08:47 PM
That is a great one!
You know you're obsessed when:
You are hiking with a walking stick and waiting to cross an intersection on a highway. The signal is about to change in your favor, and you bang the staff against the ground and say "You cannot pass," and then stroll across. :D
10-30-2005, 09:48 PM
if in your sleep you mutter, "i wish the ring had never come to me!" than your spouse starts asking questions...
11-04-2005, 08:26 PM
You know your famly is obsessed if:
1. Your dog is named Sam after the hobbit (we don't have a dog but it would likely be named Sam)
2. You're named after a caricter in LOTR.
3. Your last name has been changed to "Baggens".
4. Nothing but mushrooms for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and for you british: tea)
5. You live underground.
11-04-2005, 10:49 PM
You start fangirling the planet Venus when you see it in the sky.
I swear, I can't stop staring. :o
11-05-2005, 02:56 PM
And when your maths teacher takes the whole class out to watch Venus passing in front of the Sun since it's an occasion you shouldn't miss, you stare with a smile on your face, and in your very-deepest-most-secret thoughts you think "How amazing. Eärendil meets Arien". :o ;)
trolls' bane
11-05-2005, 02:57 PM
Why your math teacher? :confused:
11-05-2005, 03:01 PM
Because she was the only teacher to realize that if we stay in the school building the whole day, we won't be able to see it. LOVED her for that. ;)
trolls' bane
11-05-2005, 03:10 PM
Ha! When did this happen? I haven't chekced any star charts, calendars, nothing.
11-05-2005, 03:26 PM
Well, quite long ago, 'twas because of ElemmÃ*rë's post that it came into my mind... had to google it for the exact date, so: 8th June 2004. (was it that long ago? :eek: I was at 3rd grade in high school then...) I really don't know when it can be seen in other parts of the world, though... :o But it's a really rare occasion. Over here, the next time is 2247. (google again ;) )
11-06-2005, 10:18 PM
wow i was still in high school
1. Every time you see someone dressed as an elf in the mall you think "hey, where's the bow and quiver?!"
2. When you lose a gold ring your nephew gave you, you yell "Precious! Lost!" in the Gollum voice.
3. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a quote from LotR :D
4. You beg your parents to let you get the Evenstar necklace on the grounds you are an elf trapped in a mortal's body.
5. On a merry-go-round, you yell "Ride, Riders of Rohan! Ride to glory and to Death!"
trolls' bane
11-07-2005, 11:21 PM
wow i was still in high school
1. Every time you see someone dressed as an elf in the mall you think "hey, where's the bow and quiver?!"
2. When you lose a gold ring your nephew gave you, you yell "Precious! Lost!" in the Gollum voice.
3. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a quote from LotR :D
4. You beg your parents to let you get the Evenstar necklace on the grounds you are an elf trapped in a mortal's body.
5. On a merry-go-round, you yell "Ride, Riders of Rohan! Ride to glory and to Death!"
Ha! You know how those horses go up and down? "Arise! Riders of Theoden!"
11-08-2005, 01:27 PM
My Little sister wanted to post this:
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
you have a hobit wig (or in my case do your hair like Legolas)
you have a hobit hole birthday cake and wish for the one ring
you jump off a tower and hope you land on a egel
you make a dugout out of that hill (if you have a hill) and call it your hobit hole
you have a golam plushie ( i have been wanting one ever sens I saw it on *web site name that has been edited out by me9996*)
you named you're cat golam
you have posters of the lord of the rings carectors on your wall (im going to print out one soon)
you push you'er pet cat (golam) in'to the bath tub resighting the scean from
the movie
you diy yourpet cat green to look like golam
you call the tallest pirson in yout family Gandy
(I call my bro a gient hobit)
Thats it, I'll turn all my sisters words pink at a later time.
I have.
11-08-2005, 02:48 PM
your sister named her cat Gollum?! and died it green?! :eek: :D :p
11-08-2005, 03:56 PM
your sister named her cat Gollum?! and died it green?! :eek: :D :p
No she didn't, for one thing about half the people in my family are alrirgic to cats so we don't have one.
Second:She wouldn't, she likes cats too much.
11-08-2005, 04:01 PM
Another bunch of my little sisters ideas (this is getting annoying)
You know your obsessed with LOTR if you...
name your stuffed anymels after LOTRs carectors (thank goodnes one of the things I havent done )
if you.... call your best friend Sam
if you say my preshusssssssss more then two times a day(one time is enuff to freak me out)
you talk to the tree in you're back yard on how to plan an atack on the nabors . and you say "the closer you are to danger the farther away you are from harm its the least theyd exspect" (you must think im crazy by now :p )
you go to school with you're LOTR tee-shirt, you're LOTR note book, you're LOTR three ring binder, (sorry if I spell bad :( )you'er LOTR back pack, and efishel fan club hat :D
thats it boys and girls . I can't think of anything else sorry :p
Rosie Gamgee
11-08-2005, 07:54 PM
You know you're obsessed when:
You consider youself THE authority on Tolkien in your neighborhood. If friends or family bring it up, you MUST te the conversation to show how much you admire Tolkien.
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
You can't imagine life without it.
You keep a copy of the books in the bathroom with the Reader's Digest magazine (and you never pick up Reader's Digest).
You think anyone who likes LotR is your new best friend. They, however, often have other ideas about you.
Everything reminds you of something in Middle-Earth. "That ring SO looks like Narya!", "I could totally build a hobbit hole under that hill right there; it's perfect!", "You know, you guys fighting like that makes me think of the Kinslayings..."
trolls' bane
11-08-2005, 11:05 PM
your sister named her cat Gollum?! and died it green?! :eek: :D :p
Wow! I hope not! I'd never have my cat died green, but I'd dye it green :evil: .
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
Guilty. :p
11-09-2005, 11:39 AM
These involve AOE and AOE2
You know you're obsessed if:
1. Every time you you send calvary into battle you quote thoeden.
2. You build fortresses with 7 rings.
3. You've made a scenario of helms deep( :o I have)
4. You are annoyed there is no "Gondor" or "Rohan" Civ(hehehe)
5. You find yourself saying "It's the hosts of Mordor!" every time you see a large army.
6. You can think of a better quote for #5.
7. You build towers just to guard them and call the units guarding them "tower guards"
8. You find yourself thinking how much use you'd have for a troll in the game.
9. You want ensable stodios and microsoft to make a LOTR RTS (I want them to)
10. You call millitia units "Orcs".
11-09-2005, 03:22 PM
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
Guilty. :p
Guilty, too. :rolleyes: :p
11-09-2005, 03:26 PM
You consider youself THE authority on Tolkien in your neighborhood. If friends or family bring it up, you MUST te the conversation to show how much you admire Tolkien.
Consider? But I am THE Tolkien Authority in my neighbourhood! ;)
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
Even more so when you do it when you aren't watching the movies.
11-09-2005, 05:55 PM
You start fangirling the planet Venus when you see it in the sky.
I swear, I can't stop staring. :o
Oh my goodness, ElemmÃ*rë, I am SOOOO guilty of that one! :o
How about - when your copies of LOTR are held together with duct tape!
When you not only know the quotes in the quote game, you know what part of the page they're on in your favorite copy ("ah, Eowyn's challenge - lower left!")
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).Guilty three ... :o
11-10-2005, 02:28 PM
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
Guilty four.
Everytime you feel fabric, you stroke it and say "My Preiousssss" (sp)
Finrod Felagund
11-13-2005, 05:21 PM
You start quoting from the movie as part of regular conversation.
You like to tell your mom that you are hungry by quoting: "Merry, I'm hungry."
She used to just laugh, but now she says, "What would you like to eat, Pippin?"
You continually ask your parents for second breakfast.
All the staff at your local cinema knows you by your first name and even before you open your mouth to speak, they say "Ticket for 'Fellowship of The Ring?'"
You hate Burger King food, butyou ate nothing else for a month to get the toys.
You've crammed up your computer's memory by downloading every single screensaver from
You wander around the house in a knee length nightie, pyjama trousers and an unfastened dressing gown (to give you a train). You are trying to be an elf, and actually manage to forget that the nightie is blue with dolphins, the trousers have teddies on and the dressing gown is tartan.
Your Lord of the Rings shirt has not yet met the washing machine.
You don't have enough money to buy groceries for the next week before payday, yet you charge £50 on your credit card to get a three year charter membership in the official LOTR fan club. Who needs food anyway?
You refer to parts of your town as parts of Middle-Earth.
You wear hobbitish clothing as part of your normal wardrobe.
You sometimes let your hair go curly after a wash, and then run around the house in bare feet yelling "I'm a hobbit!"
You hate it when Elves are only thought of as 'Santa's little helpers' and have tried to explain the difference between Santa-elves and Sindarin Elves to your 5-year old cousins.
You speak in Quenya just to annoy your friends.
You can actually speak Quenya.
You refer to regular elephants as oliphaunts.
While buttering a piece of bread, you suddenly think of Bilbo (remember when he was talking to Gandalf about feeling tired) saying that he felt 'like butter spread over too much bread.'
You renamed your car the Wraith-mobile.
You have a replica of The One Ring.
You are beginning to resemble a panda due to the fact that you've stayed up until 2 am reading and re-reading the great books.
You actually managed to read the Silmarillion without being tempted to give up on this whole middle earth malarkey.
You now have a lifetime fear of black horses!
You haven't removed the soundtrack from your CD player since you bought it.
You have sssudenly developed a hisssing lisssp every time you sssay the letter ssss.
You have looked both on the net and in the phone book to see if archery and sword fighting lessions are offered in your area.
You have begun calling your husband / wife / girlfriend/ boyfriend / animal or kid my precioussss.
You happily traveled over an hour to the next town to see "it" because that theater has a better sound system than the one 5 minutes down the road.
You have called every theatrical or specialty makeup company in town looking for pointy ear or hairy feet prosthetics.
You've worn your plastic "one ring" that came on your Legolas bookmark so much the gold is completely worn off.
You've begun drafting a letter to the Webster's dictionary people requesting that they include "Ringers" in their next edition.
At Christmas time relatives find you chatting with the tree and sharing eggnog draughts
Single ads with the description," short plump and big hairy feet" seem much more appealing.
You know The LoTR history better then your family history.
You have a mouse named Frodo, a bird named Gollum, and a dog named Gandalf. And that cat that keeps coming around to be petted is Legolas.
You know Elvish better then English.
Whenever something goes wrong, it's Sauron's fault.
When you sing in the shower, it's always about Gil-Galad or hobbit walking songs...
You know everything about Middle Earth geography, but you can't get someone from your house to the ice cream parlor. Now the nearest movie theater, that is a different story.
You think the names of the 7 dwarves from Snow White are: Gimli, Gloin, Thorin, Gili, Nili, Ori, and Bambour.
You have developed your own special Tolkien handwriting. "A firm, flowing script..."
Words like "Yrch" make sense to you.
You've become strangely obsessed with mushrooms.
Whenever you close a door, you say "They have a cave troll!"
When you come to a dead end you're still convinced that the road goes ever on and on.
There's a sign on your door saying "Speak Friend and enter!"
Whenever you get a chance, you burst into song. Preferably one that has more than 20 verses.
You change your name by deed poll to a Tolkien character and seriously consider naming your children after LOTR characters.
Every time you see birds in the sky you have the urge to say "Fly you fools!"
When someone knocks on your door you grab them, pull them inside and ask "Are you frightend?... Not nearly frightend enough!"
Your computer's screensaver is a marquee reading, "Ennyn Durin atan Moria: pedo mellon a mino" and the password is actually "mellon".
You cannot see a beer without blurting out "It comes in pints? I'm getting one!"
You just can't keep yourself from saying "nobody tosses a Dwarf" at inappropriate moments.
A shadow and a threat is growing in your mind.
You now referring to your friends as your 'Fellowship' and insist that you have epic adventures.
You stand in the doorway and tell your cat that he 'Can not pass'.
You wash your face in the sink and expect to see things that are, that have been or that will be.
Your wedding band has started to weigh you down with it's evil powers.
Spending $35 at the grocery store seems expensive but its Perfectly fine to spend $70 on the Hardcover LOTR book with Alan Lee Illustrations.
You start keeping a LOTR Journal to write poems and inklings in.
You face every difficult decision with the thought "now what would Gandalf advise me to do?"
You know what Entmoot, Ent draught, or an Ent is for that matter
You've gained 20 pounds because you've started eating a "Second Breakfast"
A walking stick... you never leave home with out it.
You actually get these jokes and post them on Lord of the Rings Websites.
11-15-2005, 09:33 PM
Lets see, here are my top 5
1. Making a hobbit hole which you hang out with your friends in the middle of your back yard.
2. Reinacting Helm's Deep in the woods in your back yard.
3. Failing all your classes because you read LOTR during class to much.
4. Crying the first time read the part where Gandalf "dies."
5. Rocking back and forth rubbing your copy of LOTR in the dark adn whispering" my pressiousss..."
11-16-2005, 12:04 PM
You know you're obsessed if:
1.You avoid trees.
2.You eat raw fish that you catch with your bare hands.
3.You spend every wakeing hour reading LOTR or going around on LOTR web sites
4.You think your home town resembles hobbiton.
5.You go off looking for dragons to slay or steal from.
trolls' bane
11-16-2005, 11:14 PM
Lets see, here are my top 5
1. Making a hobbit hole which you hang out with your friends in the middle of your back yard.
2. Reinacting Helm's Deep in the woods in your back yard.
3. Failing all your classes because you read LOTR during class to much.
4. Crying the first time read the part where Gandalf "dies."
5. Rocking back and forth rubbing your copy of LOTR in the dark adn whispering" my pressiousss..."
No, but I did cry when Theoden died.
11-17-2005, 12:55 AM
You know you're obsessed when you start comparing Norman Bates and Gollum.
trolls' bane
11-17-2005, 01:05 AM
Who's Normon Bates? Is that like Catfish Bates (yep, that's his real name)? IT's amazing how many ways that name can be correctly interpreted. :rolleyes:
11-17-2005, 02:26 PM
You know its sad that I've done some of these things :eek: :D
11-17-2005, 05:25 PM
So have I. (actually quite a few :o )
11-17-2005, 07:45 PM
Me too. Here are some more:
Freaking out when you find out your brother's best friend's brother is named Rohan (his parents are Indian).
Freaking out when you find out the flowers in your yard are Lobelias, then sharing this information with everyone you meet.
Setting music to various songs from LotR and actually scoring them.
Calling members of your family by their LotR names (they each correspond to a member of the Fellowship).
11-17-2005, 07:48 PM
Yet more that popped into my head:
When mosquitos attack, you yell, "What do they eat when they can't get hobbit?"
Referring to all chirping insects as neekerbreekers.
Making fan art or fanfiction based on Lord of the Rings, and...
Visiting an online discussion board called Entmoot more or less regularly for six years!
11-17-2005, 08:44 PM
hehe, not exactly 6 years, buuuut.... ;)
trolls' bane
11-18-2005, 10:53 PM
Yay! I'm halfway there! Woot for Moot! :D
11-21-2005, 10:03 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:You only eat what they eat in the books.
2:You often go on rediculesly long trips on foot... WITH NO SHOES!!!
3:You always have hobbits on the brain.
4:Any time someone says anything the first thing that pops into your head is "Hobbit".
5:You like or dislike cats becoulse to you they seem like Gollum.
6:You can never go into most restrants becoulse of signs that say
"No shirt
No shoes
No service"
You don't were shoes as you are a hobbit!
7:You say "The black gates Mr. Frodo!" whenever you see a gate painted black.
8:You keep muttering stuff about the trees being so wild these days.
9:You talk like Gollum.
10:You after seeing the first LOTR movie you organised a boycot of the movie as Peter Jacktion messed it up.
11:You have decorated your house as [Insert faveorte town name here]
12:You've read LOTR all the way through 50+ times... And you're keeping track!
13:You eat raw fish(I know I've put this in before but...)
14:You don't swim as you think you're a hobbit.
15:You think yourself very respectable as you never do anything but read LOTR and the hobbit.
And my sister wanted to include this.
You know you're obsessed if:
1:you do a "Midevil war renactment of the lord of the rings"
2:You steal you sisters plastic ring and say it's your presous
3:You do what we say you do if you're obsessed with LOTR
4:You plant your feet in soil thinking they will grow faster(Editors note:What does that have to do with LOTR?)
11-21-2005, 04:20 PM
Making fan art or fanfiction based on Lord of the Rings, and...
Very very guilty. In fact i'm almost finished. :D
You develop characters that somehow fit in the hobbit and lotr. :o
11-25-2005, 09:13 AM
You start fangirling the planet Venus when you see it in the sky.
I swear, I can't stop staring. :o
Guilty. Very very guilty. I have even been known to escape outside from unwanted situations for the sole purpose of seeing Venus. It`s the only "star" I can usually see in the sky here. There`s the moon and then there`s Venus. "Sasuga..."
You know you're obsessesed with LOTR if:
1.You eat raw fish.
2.You eat hobbits.
3.You eat lembas.
4.You eat mushrooms just because they did in the books.
5.This list makes you hungry.
I eat raw fish because I am in Japan (it`s actually really good, I think). I eat mushrooms just because they did in the books.
Also, count me in for the "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" one.
*When your pin number has some Tolkien-related significance. For example, 7 for the seven sons of Feanor.
*Every once in a while when you hear a new song you think "This would be good to listen to while reading LotR."
(guilty to both)
trolls' bane
11-27-2005, 07:01 AM
Well, of course! You're obviously guilty if you posted them! :D
12-06-2005, 08:56 AM
You know you're obsessed if you can do a Gollum voice so good it creeps out friends and at least one sibling.(I creep out my little sister with it)
12-06-2005, 06:44 PM
I just realized that I truly am obsessed. I ordered the extended edition DVD's. I surrendered to the merchandise! :o
12-08-2005, 09:58 PM
i think i mentioned it once...i wrote a song about simbelmyne...all i can remember off the top of me head is "simbelmyne, simbelmyne, my father's grave, now cover mine, growing strong on those who die, simbelmyne"...i like that name...
12-09-2005, 02:12 PM
You know you're obsessed if you can do a Gollum voice so good it creeps out friends and at least one sibling.(I creep out my little sister with it)
and co workers :D
12-11-2005, 09:46 PM
and yourself...mirrors, gotta love em...
12-19-2005, 02:09 PM
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).
I say, "THAT'S not in the book!!" :D
12-20-2005, 09:47 AM
I tend to tell people what wasn't in the books and what they left out
trolls' bane
12-20-2005, 04:36 PM
I complain the most about the Two Towers because they made Helms Deep last for like half of the movie, plus they changed the Rohirrim's refugees destination from wherever they were going to H's Deep, and I never fail to point either out.
I'm also in a rage because the channel, TNT, keeps advertising FotR as "The movie that started it all." Started it all, my neurosurgeon's nerves! :mad:
12-29-2005, 02:03 PM
I say, "THAT'S not in the book!!" :D
Drives my parent's and others crazy when I do that.
You argue with your father over wheither Aragorn fell off a cliff in the book
You argue with anybody over the book vs. movie.
12-29-2005, 02:23 PM
*When your pin number has some Tolkien-related significance.
Guilty... Pretty useful, too, IMO. There are a couple of numbers and names I use for codes or passwords - it has happened that I forgot what my password was, but I said to myself 'no problem, it can be either this or that, as usual' and I got it right for the first try :rolleyes: :p
I complain the most about the Two Towers because they made Helms Deep last for like half of the movie, plus they changed the Rohirrim's refugees destination from wherever they were going to H's Deep, and I never fail to point either out.
Yeah. Guilty, too. That thing in the movies made me doubt my memory. :rolleyes: ("But.. they... didn't go THERE! DID THEY?") I really should dig out my notebook where I wrote my first impressions after watching TTT... mainly a shocked, mixed list of things I liked/didn't like.
I'm also in a rage because the channel, TNT, keeps advertising FotR as "The movie that started it all." Started it all, my neurosurgeon's nerves! :mad:
ack. :/ absolutely have to agree, TB.
12-30-2005, 12:59 AM
Listen to this: the other day, I was having trouble opening a 2 liter pop bottle. typical LOTR obsession form, I say, "Mellon" as I try to open it. :D
But here's the best part-it actually worked!!! :eek:
12-30-2005, 09:35 AM
:eek: :confused: :D :eek:
That about sums it up.
12-30-2005, 02:12 PM
Listen to this: the other day, I was having trouble opening a 2 liter pop bottle. typical LOTR obsession form, I say, "Mellon" as I try to open it. :D
But here's the best part-it actually worked!!! :eek:
Hmmm. Maybe I should try that :p
01-03-2006, 06:24 PM
Every time you watch the movies you keep going, "You know, in the books, it was sooo much cooler, because--" (at this point people tell you to shut up).I say, "THAT'S not in the book!!" :DGuilty--to both!!
You already got a LotR calendar for Christmas, then when you're in the store looking at all the calendars that are 50% off after Christmas, you buy ANOTHER LotR calendar, just because your first one doesn't have your 2nd favorite character in it, and this one does.
You watch all three movies in one day.
You eat mushrooms to stick to the theme, even though you don't like mushrooms.
You can come up with a LotR quote that applies to almost any situation imaginable.
01-04-2006, 02:16 PM
You already got a LotR calendar for Christmas, then when you're in the store looking at all the calendars that are 50% off after Christmas, you buy ANOTHER LotR calendar, just because your first one doesn't have your 2nd favorite character in it, and this one does.
You watch all three movies in one day.
You can come up with a LotR quote that applies to almost any situation imaginable.
I only found 1 lotr calender though
and i have done all of those atleast once.
King of The Istari
01-13-2006, 12:21 PM
Listen to this: the other day, I was having trouble opening a 2 liter pop bottle. typical LOTR obsession form, I say, "Mellon" as I try to open it. :D
But here's the best part-it actually worked!!! :eek:
very guilty
I end up doing it a lot with mayonaise jars...
and it works everytime
01-28-2006, 12:47 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1-You only eat potatos and raw fish.
2-You can recite all FOTR by heart.
3-Your car has something to do with LOTR.
4-You live in a hobbit hole(I think I've sayed this before)
5-You live in a tree.
6-You build simple treehouses everyware.
7-You go looking for dragons to kill and take their tresure.
8-You look for trolls in the forest.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-22-2006, 11:39 PM
You know you're obsessed if you...
-Put the pictures from your one-a-day picture LotR calendar in a specialized box with the Elvish writing on the Ring that you wrote yourself. (That took a while...)
-Memorized the whole "'Come not between the Nazgul and his prey, or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the Houses of Lamentation, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to Lidless Eye.' A sword rang as is was drawn." thing. Yes, that was from memory.
-Did a presentation on the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
-Are writing down in a notebook everything there possibly is about hobbits, etc.
Guilty of all charges. :D
Thain Peregrin Took I
02-23-2006, 12:29 AM
You know if you're obsessed if...
-You wonder if you can have 'Tolkien' as your liscence plate when you get a car
-When your friend asks if you'll stop being obsessed about since there isn't going to be any more movies, you look at her in horror and feel betrayed.
-If you're library doesn't have at least one copy of LotR, you think of it as incomplete and wonder why people even go there.
-Whenever you see a gold ring, you have a strong urge to call it 'your precious'.
-When you're meeting someone, after a bit of introductions you ask if they like LotR.
-You wonder why you're computer says many words from Tolkien books are misspelled.
Guilty. :D
-Are writing down in a notebook everything there possibly is about hobbits, etc.
Guilty, too.
trolls' bane
02-23-2006, 12:53 AM
You know if you're obsessed if...
-You wonder if you can have 'Tolkien' as your liscence plate when you get a car
-When your friend asks if you'll stop being obsessed about since there isn't going to be any more movies, you look at her in horror and feel betrayed.
-If you're library doesn't have at least one copy of LotR, you think of it as incomplete and wonder why people even go there.
-Whenever you see a gold ring, you have a strong urge to call it 'your precious'.
-When you're meeting someone, after a bit of introductions you ask if they like LotR.
-You wonder why you're computer says many words from Tolkien books are misspelled.
Guilty. :D
Guilty, too.
Wow, I'm not even that obsessed with it any more, and I fit every one of those. And if you're at a library, I'm the one who is complaining about it aloud, even though no one who cares can hear me.
That second one applies to much more than just LotR, unfortuneately. People are already getting bored with Star Wars, et. al.
02-26-2006, 11:52 PM
Ones I'm not guilty of(By the way, most of my ideas I'm didn't do):
1-You called your cat presous becouse of (You thought) Gollum-like behavior
2-You've used hair growth formula on your feet, becouse you think you're a hobbit and nobody beleaves you
3-The Hobbit gives you nightmares as you think this stuff's real ( :evil: )
4-Your favorite gas is Argon as it sounds like aragorn (my favorite gas is oxigen)
5-Your favorite food is "pop-tarts" with the filling removed
6-You try backfliping onto a horse... as a result you end up in the hospile alot
7-After your friend who tried backfliping onto a horse wakes up you tell him it's october 12th... in july!
8-You are constructing a balista to use Vs. dragons (as you think one's going to attack if you get to rich)
9-At your wedding after puting on the ring you walk out of the church thinking no one sees you
10-After getting home you toss the ring in the fire and scorch your hand takeing it out ( :evil: )
02-27-2006, 12:19 AM
You wonder why you're computer says many words from Tolkien books are misspelled.-You add to your spellcheck those words that your computer says are misspelled.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
03-02-2006, 05:01 PM
Your favorite gas is Argon as it sounds like aragorn
Your favorite city is Argon and your favorite river is the Brandywine River in Delaware (I think)!
You're rereading LotR for the... 3rd time, and enjoying every moment.
Guilty of all, including me9996's. :D
03-02-2006, 05:17 PM
Your favorite city is Argon and your favorite river is the Brandywine River in Delaware (I think)!
You're rereading LotR for the... 3rd time, and enjoying every moment.
Guilty of all, including me9996's. :D
All of them?
1-You called your cat presous becouse of (You thought) Gollum-like behavior
2-You've used hair growth formula on your feet, becouse you think you're a hobbit and nobody beleaves you
3-The Hobbit gives you nightmares as you think this stuff's real ( :evil: )
4-Your favorite gas is Argon as it sounds like aragorn (my favorite gas is oxigen)
5-Your favorite food is "pop-tarts" with the filling removed
6-You try backfliping onto a horse... as a result you end up in the hospile alot
7-After your friend who tried backfliping onto a horse wakes up you tell him it's october 12th... in july!
8-You are constructing a balista to use Vs. dragons (as you think one's going to attack if you get to rich)
9-At your wedding after puting on the ring you walk out of the church thinking no one sees you
10-After getting home you toss the ring in the fire and scorch your hand takeing it out ( :evil: )
Meriadoc Brandybuck
03-02-2006, 07:06 PM
All of them?
Only #4, but I want to do #10.
03-09-2006, 04:23 AM
Your desk-paper used for scribblings is full of Tengwar and Tolkien-quotes. :p
You know you're obsessed if:
- when a teacher asks for an example of a personality disorder you say 'gollum'
- when meeting someone you say suilad instead of hello
- when meeting someone you ask them if they like lotr before asking their name
- when asked for favourite food you say lembas
- when someone holds up a picture of a gnome/goblin and says it's an elf you get very VERY angry
- you call whales orcs instead of orcas
- if you think the goblins in hp are orcs and shouldn't be trusted
- if you think of Norbert or the gringotts dragons from hp as smaug
- you think token and habit are pronounced tolkien and hobbit
- you have a sign on your door saying speak, friend, and enter
- you accidentally wrote some of your schoolwork in elvish
- you wrote class orc instead of classwork in your school book
- you manage to fit LOTR into every piece of schoolwork
- you always put your homecountry as somewhere in Middle Earth or Valinor
- you are so obsessed your aquanintaces think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your friends think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your FAMILY thinks your weird
- you get very VERY angry when people think that elves are like house-elves or the "imaginary" ones that work in the North Pole
- you quote at least one phrase from LotR a day
Guilty of all... :D
Farimir Captain of Gondor
03-12-2006, 09:22 AM
You know you're obsessed if:
- when a teacher asks for an example of a personality disorder you say 'gollum'
- when meeting someone you say suilad instead of hello
- when meeting someone you ask them if they like lotr before asking their name
- when asked for favourite food you say lembas
- when someone holds up a picture of a gnome/goblin and says it's an elf you get very VERY angry
- you call whales orcs instead of orcas
- if you think the goblins in hp are orcs and shouldn't be trusted
- if you think of Norbert or the gringotts dragons from hp as smaug
- you think token and habit are pronounced tolkien and hobbit
- you have a sign on your door saying speak, friend, and enter
- you accidentally wrote some of your schoolwork in elvish
- you wrote class orc instead of classwork in your school book
- you manage to fit LOTR into every piece of schoolwork
- you always put your homecountry as somewhere in Middle Earth or Valinor
- you are so obsessed your aquanintaces think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your friends think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your FAMILY thinks your weird
- you get very VERY angry when people think that elves are like house-elves or the "imaginary" ones that work in the North Pole
- you quote at least one phrase from LotR a day
Guilty of all... :D
LOL!!! :D :D The one I use the most is
-you quote at least one phrase from LotR a day
03-22-2006, 02:24 PM
- you are so obsessed your aquanintaces think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your friends think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your FAMILY thinks your weird
- you get very VERY angry when people think that elves are like house-elves or the "imaginary" ones that work in the North Pole
- you quote at least one phrase from LotR a day
Verrrry guilty.
When you and the only other person you work with thats a Tolkien Nut quote films lines in everyday conversation. :D
I do that every time I see her.
03-22-2006, 08:18 PM
You know you're obsessed if:
- when a teacher asks for an example of a personality disorder you say 'gollum'
- when meeting someone you say suilad instead of hello
- when meeting someone you ask them if they like lotr before asking their name
- when asked for favourite food you say lembas
- when someone holds up a picture of a gnome/goblin and says it's an elf you get very VERY angry
- you call whales orcs instead of orcas
- if you think the goblins in hp are orcs and shouldn't be trusted
- if you think of Norbert or the gringotts dragons from hp as smaug
- you think token and habit are pronounced tolkien and hobbit
- you have a sign on your door saying speak, friend, and enter
- you accidentally wrote some of your schoolwork in elvish
- you wrote class orc instead of classwork in your school book
- you manage to fit LOTR into every piece of schoolwork
- you always put your homecountry as somewhere in Middle Earth or Valinor
- you are so obsessed your aquanintaces think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your friends think you're weird
- you are so obsessed your FAMILY thinks your weird
- you get very VERY angry when people think that elves are like house-elves or the "imaginary" ones that work in the North Pole
- you quote at least one phrase from LotR a day
Guilty of all... :D
What is "HP" (other than health points, :rolleyes: )
03-24-2006, 11:27 AM
Harry Potter
03-24-2006, 02:00 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1-You were trying to make hobbits with genedic siance (you stoped as it was consitered unethnical)
2-Now you're trying to make dragons useing the same method...
3-You always captlese the word "eye".
4-You never refer to Souron by his right name.
5-You think Souron is still out there and the ring being distroyed was just a ilution.
6-So you have a tank(painted with the white tree)
7-You always eat Pop-tarts(Tm) with no filling for breakfast
03-25-2006, 09:33 PM
Visable signs you are obsessed with LOTR:
1-Your room (if not your whole house) is covered in LOTR decorations
2-Your pet is named after a LOTR caricter, as you think it looks it.
3-You have surgicly altered pointy ears
4-You have hairy feet (from hair growth formula)
A few other ways to tell if you a LOTR obsessed:
1-You think cockroches look like moria orcs (rather than the other way 'round)
2-You think you are(obsessed).
trolls' bane
03-26-2006, 01:09 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1-You were trying to make hobbits with genedic siance (you stoped as it was consitered unethnical)
2-Now you're trying to make dragons useing the same method...
3-You always captlese the word "eye".
4-You never refer to Souron by his right name.
5-You think Souron is still out there and the ring being distroyed was just a ilution.
6-So you have a tank(painted with the white tree)
7-You always eat Pop-tarts(Tm) with no filling for breakfast
LOL! But I don't get that last one...
Farimir Captain of Gondor
03-26-2006, 03:14 AM
LOL! But I don't get that last one...
It's lembas bread. ;)
You don't want to get married, not out of fear of commitment but out of fear that you will vanish when the ring is placed on your finger.
Well, your life does disappear even if you don't. :p
03-26-2006, 05:15 PM
You don't want to get married, not out of fear of commitment but out of fear that you will vanish when the ring is placed on your finger.
Well, your life does disappear even if you don't. :p
So I hear :D
Meriadoc Brandybuck
04-12-2006, 06:32 PM
You read part of The Siege of Gondor and The Battle of the Pelennor Fields aloud to your parakeet. And your parakeet enjoys it.
Guilty. :D
04-14-2006, 12:55 AM
If you think that the 7 dwarves from Snow White and the seven dwarves are the same dwarves as the ones who survived from the hobbit to the lord of the rings
06-28-2006, 07:48 PM
You know you're obsessed if:
1:You cannot see a ring of any sort without muttering 'gollum gollum'.
2:You regularly wake up saying 'No! I don't have the ring!'
3:You are never invited to sleepovers because you talk about LOTR in your sleep.
4:Your door has the words 'you shall not pass' on it.
5:Your door has the words (In elvish!) from the doors of moria!
6:You never get invited to camping trips because you only pack unfilled poptarts!
7:You are never invited to costume partys as noone understands what you're dressed as.
(Example: You dress up a legendary elf or something)
8:You have had serjectly altered your ears to be pointy (Everyone thinks you're spock!)
9:You think any book, movie, or televitoin show is a cheep LOTR rip off.
(Examples:Spocks and elf, Star wars seems to copy LOTR, Fiddler on the roof resembles LOTR, ETC.)
10:You think the Ilid is based on LOTR, no one can tell you it was written before LOTR!
06-29-2006, 04:09 PM
I seem to have killed the thread :( .
You know if you're obsessed if:
1:You always say 'cheese' in a gollum voice.
2:You know alot about golums as you keep mistakeing the word 'golum' for 'gollum'
(FYI: A golum is a clay giant made and animated by a jewish preast)
3:You toss any rings you ever find into fireplaces.
4:You have read every book tolkien's ever writen without ever thinking of giveing up this whole LOTR thing.
5:You were a funny hat that resembles Gandalfs
6:When you see starwars and Jar-Jar says 'bombad' you think of Tom Bombadil!
7:You can remember the last names of Arwen, Eowen, Gandalf, Gimli, Gollum, and Bombor, I'm not shure all of them have last names
8:You fear trees.
9:You try to mine because dwarves made it look so easy.
10:When you fill out anything that has 'race' as one of the things to fill out you put down 'elf' or 'hobbit'.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
06-29-2006, 05:55 PM
10:When you fill out anything that has 'race' as one of the things to fill out you put down 'elf' or 'hobbit'.
I should try that sometime! :D
07-02-2006, 10:41 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:If you find a gold ring on the ground (wow) you try to bring it to the nearest valcano and throw it in, being very careful of the rings previus owner.
2:When on a merry go round you yell: DEEEEEAAAAATTTHHHH (And get kicked off)
3:You spend days at a time looking for hobbits (and posably sailing to england to do it!)
4:When two magitians are haveing a fight you never get involved -ever-
5:You dress in a different LOTR costum every day (You made most of them)
6:You are very annoyed that the Gimli post icon(When posting in the Tolkien half of the board look below your unfinished post) looks like a viking
7:You wonder every day if the nasguil have eyes.
8:Everyone you lives nearby you with lawn gnomes puts large heavy fences up with locked gates(You keep stealing lawn gnomes)
9:You are not dedured from they're actions in #8 and clime over gollum stile.
10:And finealy the people in #8 & #9 litter their lawns with plastic rings so you take those insted(It works)
07-04-2006, 11:48 AM
You know you're obsessed if:
1:You think the 4th of july has something to do with LOTR.
2:You send up fireworks that make explotions that look like LOTR caricters.
3:You are scared of black squirrels.
4:You act like Gimli at the fireworks.
5:You were a grey cloke, a silver scarf, a fake beard(or maybe a real on) and a strange blue hat while setting off fireworks :D
07-05-2006, 05:16 PM
You know you're obsessed if:
1:You cannot see a ring of any sort without muttering 'gollum gollum'.
4:Your door has the words 'you shall not pass' on it.
6:You never get invited to camping trips because you only pack unfilled poptarts!
8:You have had serjectly altered your ears to be pointy (Everyone thinks you're spock!)
9:You think any book, movie, or televitoin show is a cheep LOTR rip off.
(Examples:Spocks and elf, Star wars seems to copy LOTR, Fiddler on the roof resembles LOTR, ETC.)
10:You think the Iliad is based on LOTR, no one can tell you it was written before LOTR!
No.1 is great...I only wish I had my own ring...
I don't have a sign that says "You shall not pass", but I do have one that says "Hostel del Muerto" :o
What's no.6 about? :p
The last three are just top notch;)
07-05-2006, 06:38 PM
#6 is about unfilled poptarts, they look like lembras :D
07-05-2006, 07:22 PM
if you're currently very excited about that survey that is possibly happening... :D
Meriadoc Brandybuck
07-07-2006, 09:52 PM
if you're currently very excited about that survey that is possibly happening... :D
Survey? What survey? *gets excited* :D
07-07-2006, 10:00 PM
goodie! check the thread within this forum than. :D
07-14-2006, 01:38 AM
You're know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
You dream that you're standing in a hospital with Arwen, who has bubonic plague, and you notice nine tall guys dressed in robes wandering menacingly towards you and Arwen.
Arwen flips out and tries to run, but the nine tall guys are just trying to keep her in the hospital because she's sick, so they're actually all right.
But Arwen still escapes and makes it to a park outside the hospital, where she falls to the ground, still trying to escape from the nine tall guys. But she's dying and she can crawl only so fast, see, so the nine tall guys are gaining on her.
But suddenly YOU'RE Arwen and you need to write your full name in the grass before you die. You scrawl "Arwen Varda," but can't remember the first name, which starts with a "D."
So you die and wake up. And you realize that the initials of Arwen's name (DAV) are also the first three letters in your name. You therefore conclude that you are really a half-elven princess trapped in the body of a 21st century male who needs to get a life.
And that's a true story, by the way.
07-14-2006, 11:46 AM
Dreams can be quite a jumble...
You know you're obsessed if:
1:You nodice that your name starts with the same letter as a caricter from LOTR (Doesn't everybodys?)
2:You call your uncle 'Bilbo'
3:You have nearly every atempt at makeing a LOTR movie (I've seen some older trys in librarys)
4:You have a dream about LOTR every night (It helps that you read it every night!)
5:You re-read LOTR every few days.
07-24-2006, 08:24 PM
Here's another one: You know you're obsessed with LOTR if every time you go up a flight of stairs you say "Up, up, up the stairs we go!"...
I just did that, first time I've ever done it :D
07-24-2006, 10:07 PM
You can't think about certain numbers the same any more- seven automatically brings Feanor's sons to mind, nine the fellowship or perhaps the nazgul, etc.
I once decided to kill time by naming the beads on my friendship bracelet-took about ten seconds. "Well, if there's 7, naturally it's Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, and Amras." :rolleyes:
07-24-2006, 10:10 PM
You're know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
You dream that you're standing in a hospital with Arwen, who has bubonic plague, and you notice nine tall guys dressed in robes wandering menacingly towards you and Arwen.
Arwen flips out and tries to run, but the nine tall guys are just trying to keep her in the hospital because she's sick, so they're actually all right.
But Arwen still escapes and makes it to a park outside the hospital, where she falls to the ground, still trying to escape from the nine tall guys. But she's dying and she can crawl only so fast, see, so the nine tall guys are gaining on her.
But suddenly YOU'RE Arwen and you need to write your full name in the grass before you die. You scrawl "Arwen Varda," but can't remember the first name, which starts with a "D."
So you die and wake up. And you realize that the initials of Arwen's name (DAV) are also the first three letters in your name. You therefore conclude that you are really a half-elven princess trapped in the body of a 21st century male who needs to get a life.
And that's a true story, by the way.
wow...a shame that it's a princess, though...just...don't get an operation, eh? :eek: :rolleyes:
07-25-2006, 11:21 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:You have been known to build treehouses without stop.
2:You can clime trees better than anyone in town (And conclude you're an elf)
3:You never eat anything that isn't mentioned as food in LOTR
4:You have dug pits and put lawn gnomes in them, you say their dwarves :D
5:You're guilty of everything ever shown on this thread and it's preisesor :D
07-25-2006, 11:55 AM
That obession test was dumb! I say the more obessed the person was the more hasty he is. They should have used more hasty and more powerful creatures to represent the greater obsession. I love the books but I don't love the actor aspect of it.
07-26-2006, 08:35 PM
Obsessed with LOTR don't be so hasty ms. Hourn (Hahaha)
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:I don't have to explain the lembrass/ unfilled poptarts jokes to you :D
2:You think all the caricters in childrens shows have been brainwashed by Souron!
3:You have a Gollum stuffed animal (CREEPY!!!)
4:You eat LOTR themed cookies
5:You do not say any words that were not in LOTR, if it wasn't in LOTR you don't think it's a word.
07-26-2006, 11:32 PM
My post ended up in the wrong thread. I was wondering where the post went. Anyways it was meant for the personality test thread.
All contribute some to this particular discussion.
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1. You name your dog Gollum.
2. You think a quaking aspen is a Mallorn.
3. You sign all your letters with your name in Elvish
4. You eat your fish raw in imitation of Gollum (groossssss!)
5. You put Ent and Huorn faces on all the trees in your yard.
6. You name your trees after Ents in the story.
7. You put Rogaine on the tops of your feet to make them furry like Hobbit feet.
07-26-2006, 11:37 PM
if you masquerade as a huorn, balrog, :p :D
10-17-2006, 03:28 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:You talk like Gollum all day, and then Gandalf or somebody the next.
2:You think you know Gandalf.
3:You are convinced that sevral governments are hideing evadance of hobbits.
4:You have made a map of middle earth in your backyard, populated with lawn gnomes.
5:You think you are Gandalf.
10-26-2006, 11:36 AM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if:
1. You tell everyone you are a hobbit in all but stature (Unless... never mind)
2. You forge things out of metal that look like they're from LOTR, and you break them.
3. You tell everyone you are a character from LOTR.
4. You have run everyone out of town who doesn't like LOTR
5. You set up a protest about Peter Jackson not includeing Tom Bombadil or Ragast the brown.
11-01-2006, 02:29 PM
(Note: If you don't like lawn gnomes do not read this post)
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if:
1: You are known to raid shipments of lawngnomes passing through your town ("ELVES!")
2: You have build hobbit holes in your back yard and put lawn gnomes in them...
3: You have sent several rowboats full of lawn gnomes off drifting ("the elves are leaveing middle earth!")
4: You are known for giveing lawn gnomes little bows with arrows...
5: You read LOTR to lawn gnomes (Whom you think are elves, or maybe dwarves...)
Meriadoc Brandybuck
11-03-2006, 01:23 AM
You're playing an elf in a Christmas play and you wonder why they call them "short".
Anyone who likes LotR is immediately a friend.
Thain Peregrin Took I
11-06-2006, 03:36 PM
You have a shirt that says "I love LOTR".
11-13-2006, 07:22 PM
You freak out a coworker with the Gollum voice
trolls' bane
11-14-2006, 12:38 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1:You talk like Gollum all day, and then Gandalf or somebody the next.
2:You think you know Gandalf.
3:You are convinced that sevral governments are hideing evadance of hobbits.
4:You have made a map of middle earth in your backyard, populated with lawn gnomes.
5:You think you are Gandalf.
You bring this thread back with an all new wave of obsessions.
(Of which, if I may say so, was a great bump. ;) )
11-15-2006, 03:13 PM
You know you're obsessed if:
1: When someone even mentions lawn gnomes you start going on about Tolkien...
2: You have yet to find out why some people don't like LOTR... And the've told you!
3: You are scared of killer whales (Orcas :D )
4: You run around randomly in the forest for days on end pretending you're in middle earth.
5: People are always warned by your friends and family to not mention LOTR or you will talk about it endlessly...
11-28-2006, 08:38 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
7-You go looking for dragons to kill and take their tresure.
.That is from The HOBBIT!!!
11-28-2006, 08:41 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if:
You set up a protest about Peter Jackson not includeing Tom Bombadil or Ragast the brown.
would...but only 10 yrs old
trolls' bane
11-29-2006, 12:39 AM
What's that got to do with anything?
I'm only five years older, and so far I've staged countless massive publicity stunts, three revolutions, and an almost successful coup d'etat on another board, and I am currently running for President of Entmoot 2008.
(Vote Tabby! :D)
11-29-2006, 11:49 AM
That is from The HOBBIT!!!
I know, but so you'd realy have to be obsessed to read through all of tolkiens works and then act in such a way... You get it? (And it's funny!)
11-29-2006, 09:29 PM
You're obsessed with LOTR if you want your Senior Ring to look like Narya!
11-29-2006, 09:47 PM
You know you're obsessed with LotR if you recite the "One Ring to Rule them All" poem when proposing (and hopefully delivering your engagement ring) to your girlfriend:p
trolls' bane
11-30-2006, 12:43 AM
Of course, you're even more obsessed if you don't.
11-30-2006, 12:23 PM
Of course, you're even more obsessed if you don't.
True;)...but hopefully you wouldn't be that greedy.
11-30-2006, 08:13 PM
You know you're obsessed if you have made a LOTR movie with nothing but a video camera, a few scripts, and your friends (and/or familey)
I'd like to do that, maybe I'll start work on a script soon...
Thain Peregrin Took I
11-30-2006, 09:53 PM
You know you're obsessed with LotR/Tolkien if you act all excited around your friends that they're going to make the Hobbit a movie, and they're not surprised that you're excited since you obsess about Tolkien all the time.
trolls' bane
11-30-2006, 11:54 PM
You know you're obsessed when you rarely talk publicly about Tolkien and slip small copies of the "Abriged Book of Westmarch" to potential members of your secret Tolkien society.
12-01-2006, 11:47 PM
You know you are obsessed if you have read all these posts and said "hey! I've done that!"
12-07-2006, 12:55 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if you think Tolkien didn't wright the LOTR books and just made another edition of there and back again and the red book of westmark...
12-26-2006, 07:34 PM
You're obsessed when you buy each film the day they come out then turn around and buy the Limited Edition of the films
01-01-2007, 12:23 AM
the fact that you spent all of new year's eve waiting to see the sun and moon in the sky together, and a secret keyhole open....:p
01-01-2007, 12:26 PM
I believe that merits an ROFL. :D Although it's technically from The Hobbit...
You're obsessed're at a party and you ask the DJ to put on the Green Dragon Inn song.
01-01-2007, 02:12 PM
oh, i konw it was from the hobbit, but it seemed appropriate, no? :D
01-01-2007, 07:56 PM
I believe that merits an ROFL. :D Although it's technically from The Hobbit...
You're obsessed're at a party and you ask the DJ to put on the Green Dragon Inn song.
If you ask someone if they have ever had a mug at the Green Dragon :D
01-08-2007, 05:31 PM
1: You traval to new zeland to see the hobbits :rolleyes:
2: You hide in a tree for days as people try to convince you that Mt. Saint Helens is not Mt. Doom.
3: You do not think Mt. Doom sounds a little like a roller coaster
4: You insist that the mountens (or just the high hills) in washington are the mysty mountens
(Fitsm doesn't it? All the fog, and the lenth, and the orcs...)
01-08-2007, 06:17 PM
everytime you see a creature that even a mother couldn't love, you say "That's a weird looking orc"
You think the Urguls in the movie verson of Eragon are orcs.
01-09-2007, 12:50 PM
You start thinking the rings of power are real... careful frodosampippinmerry! ;)
01-09-2007, 01:07 PM
everytime you see a creature that even a mother couldn't love, you say "That's a weird looking orc"
You think the Urguls in the movie verson of Eragon are orcs.
Urgals do fit the Orc archtype... But Urgals have antlers... Like raindear or something...
Anyway to stay on topic:
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if:
1: You never want to go to washington because it reminds you to much of the withered heath.
2: You have locked in a insane aslilem with a computer and have learned to type with your toes - All becuase of LOTR
01-24-2007, 06:22 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if you go up to people on the street and give them a gold ring which you convince them to a nearby volcano (Or large mounten)
01-29-2007, 06:42 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if you refer to your wedding ring as "The ring of doom" and your spouse knows what you are talking about. :rolleyes: :D
02-01-2007, 06:27 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1: You go to one of those midevil reenactment thingys and ask everone if they know any elves.
2: You are the main source of income for the town blacksmith, not so much because of buying lots of metal things but from constantly breaking them!
3: You are always suspishus of forests.
4: You think Eragon is a big LOTR rip off (All of it, not just the elements that are rip offy)
5: You randomly call people names of charictars from LOTR.
6: You can pronounce "LOTR" and do so rather than saying "The Lord of the Rings"
7: You find nothing strange with nameing a book after its villen.
8: Once, you got lost in the woods for a week and when they found you, you said that you had been staying with the ents. :rolleyes:
9: You think vulcans are elf rip offs.
10: Useing a small digital camera and self made finger puppets you made your own vertion of the LOTR movies.
02-17-2007, 05:54 PM
You know you're obsessed with lord of the rings if you are currantly in jail after a dare that you couldn't resite all of the lord of the rings books and movies from memory...
You could and that's why you're in jail... :rolleyes:
(Note: This is purely from my imagenation as I haven't done that.)
04-23-2007, 07:43 PM
You're obssesed when:
1) You can recite the entire LotR EE from memory.
2) you try talking to a tree.
3) You tell your family and friends said tree is an Ent.
4) You tell anyone who tries to cut down said tree that they will incure the wrath of the Ents if they do.
5) You've asked an assosiate at an organic food store if they have Ent drought.
btw , me, why would you be in jail?
04-25-2007, 01:00 PM
Copyright infringement, wouldn't reciteing all of LOTR have copyright problems?
04-25-2007, 07:42 PM
I think if you recorded yourself and sold it it would. Someone correct me if im wrong
05-31-2007, 04:54 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
4: You think Eragon is a big LOTR rip off (All of it, not just the elements that are rip offy)
Guilty :D
06-16-2007, 03:53 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if you eat shired eggs every day because they have the word "shire" in them, dispite not even likeing them.
07-11-2007, 08:03 PM
You know you're obsessed if somehow a discution about healthy food that you are involved in (No matter how many else are in it) allways turns to LOTR one way or another (Like Gollum likeing raw fish, the elves lembras, the cram of the men of dale and the many refrances to cakes)
08-08-2007, 01:43 PM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if:
1: You sucsessfully watch all LOTR movies in one day
(And this isn't something you'd do with any other movie trillogy)
(I tried and failed but I'd do it with any movie trillogy I like - given time)
2: People discribe you as "That guy behind the Lord of the Rings book" regulary.
3: Eye drop ads freak you out becuase of the greatly red eyes.
4: You consider dragons a rather obscure part of fanticy due to them haveing a very small part in middle earth.
5: You often jokeing yell "Shire! BAGGENS!!!" when somebody tickles you.
08-10-2007, 12:00 PM
You and a few others refer to each other with your LotR names
Kevin McIntyre
09-11-2007, 07:46 PM
I knew I was obsessed when I embarked on rendering the Map of Middle-Earth with a scale of 1 inch = 3 miles. I never did complete it but worked on it for two years and had over 300 square feet done. This was over twenty years ago but my enthusiasm for the story has never wavered.
09-28-2007, 11:41 AM
You know you're obsessed with LOTR if you regularly find yourself huming one of Tom Bombadill's songs. (Happened to me once)
11-13-2007, 05:04 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if you allways refer to bacon as "Nice crispy bacon", even when raw!
01-07-2008, 04:48 PM
You know you are obsessed with LOTR if you have "modded" every computer game you own with LOTR stuff.
01-19-2008, 08:40 PM
What if you think you are an elf? I'm 34 and look about 18. My ears are slightly pointed, I'm obsessed with Gil-Galad, and I have an abnormal love of trees!! :D
01-19-2008, 08:42 PM
If you're really obsessed go here and get your elvish name!!
I did. My name is Belwen Ar-Alyanis of Nargothrond. :D
01-22-2008, 06:36 PM
You're obsessed when you buy a kitchen table and chairs just because they are hand crafted and remind you of elvish handiwork. Guilty!!
05-20-2008, 02:29 PM
My name is Belwen Ar-Alyanis of Nargothrond. :D
My name is Belwen Ar-Alyanis of Mirkwood, Is everybody's name Belwen Ar-Alyanis?
The last sane person
05-20-2008, 02:48 PM
Only people who frequent Name generator sites...
05-20-2008, 06:25 PM
What does Ar-Alyanis mean anyway?
trolls' bane
05-22-2008, 12:04 AM
You're obsessed if you've created such a name generator site!
05-22-2008, 08:26 AM
Actually, if you're really obsessed, you know that the names given to you by name-generators offer a horrible un-translatable, meaningless mixture of Quenya and Sindarin which would get you laughed out of any half-way decent Elven kingdom. :p
05-22-2008, 01:47 PM
You know you're really into LOTR:rolleyes: when you discuss global warming and you start mentioning magical forests and Ents and Fangorn... :o *guilty*
trolls' bane
05-22-2008, 09:25 PM
Actually, if you're really obsessed, you know that the names given to you by name-generators offer a horrible un-translatable, meaningless mixture of Quenya and Sindarin which would get you laughed out of any half-way decent Elven kingdom. :p
*misses the joke entirely* LOL!:cool:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
05-22-2008, 10:40 PM
You know how to spell everyone's name in Dwarf runes and give an elf name as your actual name to other people. (I know 3 sisters who do this. It's frightening.)
trolls' bane
05-22-2008, 11:04 PM
You know how to spell everyone's name in Dwarf runes and give an elf name as your actual name to other people. (I know 3 sisters who do this. It's frightening.)
HIHI, we say on the radio.:D
05-27-2008, 04:00 AM
Only people who frequent Name generator sites...
Yep, anyone who frequent them ends up with Ar-Alyanis, which wouldn't translate to jack-squat. If it did translate into proper Sindarin, it'd probably mean this...
You're obsessed as hell with Lord of the Rings if you go to a university and one of the people going there goes to class dressed like Gandalf, wearing COMPLETELY accurate clothing, carrying COMPLETELY accurate props (staffs, hat, Glamdring, etc), but somehow you're only 5'6" which is probably around 6 to 8 inches shorter than Gandalf. My fiance's sister is in college and she had taken a picture of this guy who had dressed up as Gandalf. And the thing is, this guy goes to class everyday dressed as Gandalf. The unfortunate part of this, and this is sad, is this sad person is a friend of my fiance's sister. Hell, if I was in college now, I'd probably even poke some jokes at this guy. Back when I was in college though, this one guy dressed in a cape and held a red pitchfork every once in a while, but that doesn't even come close to some one dressing as Gandalf every day.
Apparently this guy even did a presentation in front of a class dressed as Gandalf, and my fiance's sister says this guy almost sounds like Gandalf, probably because of the beard.
But hey, it's what make the world turn around. If everyone were status quo 24/7/365 then it'd be an awfully boring world, and on such a small world, you need a lot of interesting stuff going on.
Like Captain Janeway said on an episode of Voyager, "you're in Starfleet, weird is part of the job!"
trolls' bane
05-28-2008, 09:59 PM
Yep, anyone who frequent them ends up with Ar-Alyanis, which wouldn't translate to jack-squat. If it did translate into proper Sindarin, it'd probably mean this...
You're obsessed as hell with Lord of the Rings if you go to a university and one of the people going there goes to class dressed like Gandalf, wearing COMPLETELY accurate clothing, carrying COMPLETELY accurate props (staffs, hat, Glamdring, etc), but somehow you're only 5'6" which is probably around 6 to 8 inches shorter than Gandalf. My fiance's sister is in college and she had taken a picture of this guy who had dressed up as Gandalf. And the thing is, this guy goes to class everyday dressed as Gandalf. The unfortunate part of this, and this is sad, is this sad person is a friend of my fiance's sister. Hell, if I was in college now, I'd probably even poke some jokes at this guy. Back when I was in college though, this one guy dressed in a cape and held a red pitchfork every once in a while, but that doesn't even come close to some one dressing as Gandalf every day.
Apparently this guy even did a presentation in front of a class dressed as Gandalf, and my fiance's sister says this guy almost sounds like Gandalf, probably because of the beard.
But hey, it's what make the world turn around. If everyone were status quo 24/7/365 then it'd be an awfully boring world, and on such a small world, you need a lot of interesting stuff going on.
Like Captain Janeway said on an episode of Voyager, "you're in Starfleet, weird is part of the job!"
Yay! *applauds*
Captain Janeway and Gandalf are two of my role models.
05-29-2008, 02:55 AM
I agree! Ingwe got me into Voyager a lot and from seeing just aboutt every episode, I gotta say Janeway is a great role model. Janeway's one of those who doesn't let the Prime Directive get in the way. She creatively "uses" it to her advantage and spoils the fun for everyone else. Nobody but Janeway could have gotten that ship through 7 years of total danger. I'm not too sure about Kirk because I haven't seen many of the older Trek. I'm very much not old school in that way.
Gandalf, Galadriel, Arwen, and Captain Janeway are all just the coolest. Gandalf is your unbiased God-like figure and Galadriel, Arwen, and Janeway show that girls can kick butt more than pretty much anyone ellse. Picard was too polite and had plenty of opportunitties to steal stuff from the Borg but never did. Janeway had pllenty of opportunities to steal from the Borg and well she did, and evven improved upon it! So if Janeway and Gandalf went up face to face in a battle in a cross-universe way, it's just my opinion, but they'd both be quite evenly matched, until Janeway took Gandalf's powers and improved upon tthem.
Her ship was so great it spawned shuttles out of nowhere!
Anyway, if I was going to be on topic, which I should because I've been an administrator on my Ingwe's site for a while and usually kill people for going off-topic, then I'd havve this to say ....
You're addicted to Lord of the Rings if you know who Denethor's father, grandfather, great grandfather, and the exact years that they reigned as steward, when they were born, how long they lived, the names of their wives, and the names of other siblings of their heirs.
You're obsessed as hell with Lord of the Rings if you go to a university and one of the people going there goes to class dressed like Gandalf, wearing COMPLETELY accurate clothing, carrying COMPLETELY accurate props (staffs, hat, Glamdring, etc), but somehow you're only 5'6" which is probably around 6 to 8 inches shorter than Gandalf. My fiance's sister is in college and she had taken a picture of this guy who had dressed up as Gandalf. And the thing is, this guy goes to class everyday dressed as Gandalf. The unfortunate part of this, and this is sad, is this sad person is a friend of my fiance's sister. Hell, if I was in college now, I'd probably even poke some jokes at this guy. Back when I was in college though, this one guy dressed in a cape and held a red pitchfork every once in a while, but that doesn't even come close to some one dressing as Gandalf every day.
Apparently this guy even did a presentation in front of a class dressed as Gandalf, and my fiance's sister says this guy almost sounds like Gandalf, probably because of the beard.
But hey, it's what make the world turn around. If everyone were status quo 24/7/365 then it'd be an awfully boring world, and on such a small world, you need a lot of interesting stuff going on.
Actually, I've seen this guy around myself. When visiting my sister up at college this past winter, I noticed this guy dressed as Gandalf and I think it was the same guy my sister was talking about, unless the place is full of Gandalfs.
A funny piece of information. My sister came up with a name for the syndrome that makes people dress like Gandalf everyday. It was something like "Gandalfylitis". It's described as an inflammation in the part of the brain that deals with trivia regardingg things like TV shows and movies but more specifically targets the area of the brain responsible for memorizing how Gandalf talks, how he dresses, the staff he holds, etcetera. :D
With some people, everyday is Halloween, or opening night for Lord of the Rings in that case.
06-28-2010, 02:07 PM
1. Your mum is going to the grocery store and asks if you need anything. You reply by kneeling, clasping her hands and saying, "I would have gone with you 'till the end."
1.5)You know you're an even bigger nut when you've trained her to respond, "I know." instead of throwing you in the nuthouse.
2.When your gerbil Frodo dies, you hold him to your chest and cry, "Not asleep - dead!"
3. Your mum wander into your room looking for the scissors and you look at her and say, "I cannot give you what you seek!"
4. Your best friend, who has never seen the movie, knows every plot twist and surprise ending, and can recognize every actor and character by sight. (You give her the box set for Christmas ;) )
06-28-2010, 02:34 PM
1. Your mum is going to the grocery store and asks if you need anything. You reply by kneeling, clasping her hands and saying, "I would have gone with you 'till the end."
1.5)You know you're an even bigger nut when you've trained her to respond, "I know." instead of throwing you in the nuthouse.)
These are perhaps the most excellent thing I have ever read. :D Welcome to Entmoot!!!
06-28-2010, 02:49 PM
These are perhaps the most excellent thing I have ever read. :D Welcome to Entmoot!!!
Why thank you :D This place is awesome - so inspirational!
06-28-2010, 11:10 PM
You know you're obcessed with LOTR if:
-your life's dream is to collect every book by/concerning Tolkien/ME/LOTR/Elfs
-you argue tirelessly with your uncle over whether santa's elves are really Elfs (they're not!)
-you get mad every time someone spells "Elfs" "Elves" because Tolkien prefers first spelling
-you have The One Ring and wear it secretly tucked into your shirt
-you have The One Ring and haven't put it on because you're afraid the Nazgul will come
-you have argued with your teacher whether Gandalf is a wizard and uses magic or an Istari who uses the power given to him by Illuvatar.
-you own three copies of LOTR-one very nice version for display-a paperback version for actually reading-and an extra copy in case you lose any of the others
06-29-2010, 12:39 AM
You start quoting from the movie as part of regular conversation.
You've crammed up your computer's memory by downloading every single screensaver from
You hate it when Elves are only thought of as 'Santa's little helpers' and have tried to explain the difference between Santa-elves and Sindarin Elves to your 5-year old cousins.
You refer to regular elephants as oliphaunts.
You have a replica of The One Ring.
You actually managed to read the Silmarillion without being tempted to give up on this whole middle earth malarkey.
Single ads with the description," short plump and big hairy feet" seem much more appealing.
You know The LoTR history better then your family history.
You know everything about Middle Earth geography, but you can't get someone from your house to the ice cream parlor. Now the nearest movie theater, that is a different story.
You change your name by deed poll to a Tolkien character and seriously consider naming your children after LOTR characters.
You cannot see a beer without blurting out "It comes in pints? I'm getting one!"
You now referring to your friends as your 'Fellowship' and insist that you have epic adventures.
You start keeping a LOTR Journal to write poems and inklings in.
You face every difficult decision with the thought "now what would Gandalf advise me to do?"
You know what Entmoot, Ent draught, or an Ent is for that matter
You actually get these jokes and post them on Lord of the Rings Websites.
I'm am so guilty of all of these! Especially blurting out, "it comes in pints? I'm getting one!" My friends and I say that every time someone says the word beer! One to add:
-you spent the past year stalking Christopher Tolkien just to get his email and home address to be able to write him...and yes, I have them both!
06-29-2010, 11:57 AM
-you own three copies of LOTR-one very nice version for display-a paperback version for actually reading-and an extra copy in case you lose any of the others
... in English, and then the same in your first language if this isn't English
Gwaimir Windgem
06-29-2010, 09:42 PM
-you get mad every time someone spells "Elfs" "Elves" because Tolkien prefers first spelling
Wait, Tolkien preferred "Elfs" to "Elves"? Where is that from? Or did I misunderstand you? :confused:
06-29-2010, 10:26 PM
-you own three copies of LOTR-one very nice version for display-a paperback version for actually reading-and an extra copy in case you lose any of the others
This reminded me of this:
06-30-2010, 01:36 AM
Wait, Tolkien preferred "Elfs" to "Elves"? Where is that from? Or did I misunderstand you? :confused:
Yes, he preferred the first spelling rather over the second...still rummaging through my folders of letters and essays I have of his to directly quote it...will report as soon as I find it ;)
06-30-2010, 09:58 AM
Would that be 'Elfs' for Shakespeare-type fairies, with Elves for the Eldar?
He certainly preferred Dwarves for Dwarfs for his own creations, with Dwarfs as the term for the fairy-tales ones ...
06-30-2010, 04:32 PM
Except when he preferred 'Dwarrows,' that is. ;)
Gwaimir Windgem
06-30-2010, 06:29 PM
Or Dwerrows, don't forget. :p
08-02-2010, 03:17 PM
Fer sher! Dwerrows... But hey, question - is everyone satisfied with the chosen cast for the movies, or would you have liked someone else? (i.e Aragorn should have been played by ________)
Gwaimir Windgem
08-02-2010, 03:40 PM
Not Stuart Townsend, that's for sure. :p
08-02-2010, 04:09 PM
Yes, he preferred the first spelling rather over the second...still rummaging through my folders of letters and essays I have of his to directly quote it...will report as soon as I find it ;)
Huh, I'd be interested to see that. The only thing I found (through googling) was that he prefered 'elf' to 'fairy'. I could've sworn that in all of his stories he used the word 'elves' over 'elfs'.
Gwaimir Windgem
08-02-2010, 04:41 PM
Certainly, he used it the vast majority of the time, which would be strange, if he preferred elfs (given that he showed no qualms at using dwarves over the more common dwarfs). Elfs is such a rare occurrence that intuition wants to make of it an out-right error; even the MW ( doesn't seem to recognize it, though the OED ( lists it as a form (and provides the interesting tidbit that originally, "elf" was masculine and "elven" feminine).
Of course, scarcity of usage was never something to scare JRRT away, so that doesn't really show much. :p I would be interested to see the citation, though.
08-03-2010, 04:55 AM
When every essay you hand in to your English Foreign Language teacher, no matter what the topic, is about Middle-Earth (yes, I'm looking at you, Tina Chen.)
08-12-2010, 05:05 PM
-you own three copies of LOTR-one very nice version for display-a paperback version for actually reading-and an extra copy in case you lose any of the others... in English, and then the same in your first language if this isn't EnglishLOL! Good one! (goes off to check on her 3 copies)
08-12-2010, 05:09 PM
When every essay you hand in to your English Foreign Language teacher, no matter what the topic, is about Middle-Earth (yes, I'm looking at you, Tina Chen.)
Are they any good? :D
08-13-2010, 02:48 AM
Are they any good? :D
Considering she's a high-school kid writing in a second language, quite good- though of course, she does have a great teacher, one who's always willing to give her the correct spelling of Elvish names :D
08-13-2010, 11:32 AM
Of course! :D
How fun to know that there are Tolkien lovers all around the world :)
I've always regretted not following thru on an idea I had while I was traveling in the mountains of Ecuador a few years ago - I was going to write some Tengwar on a stone and just throw it into the jungle as far as I could throw it ... kind of cool to think that there was some Tolkien there ... but I ended up getting quite sick on the bus and was too tired to do it. I wish I had ... :(
08-14-2010, 10:05 AM
-you own three copies of LOTR-one very nice version for display-a paperback version for actually reading-and an extra copy in case you lose any of the others
... in English, and then the same in your first language if this isn't English
LOL! Good one! (goes off to check on her 3 copies)
And then another one because you notice the first ones don't have the appendices and you really want those runes and tengwar.
(Why the Dutch translator didn't bother with exactly those appendices, I'll never know.)
08-14-2010, 10:33 AM
*ahem* Don't you also need a copy to loan out to friends? To get other people obsessed? :D
08-14-2010, 04:47 PM
You change the Charles Dickens quote on an award on your wall to a Tolkien quote just to be able to wake up every morning and read his words. :)
09-26-2010, 08:03 PM
I have a massive list of wierd stuff I've done. Unfortunately, it's on my other computer - the one that takes thirty minutes just to turn on. So here are a few off the top of my head -
You take your Gandalf-ish, Tenwar enscribed walking stick with you everywhere (and I do mean everywhere
You scream "Its him, it's him, it's him, it's him, Oh My Valar, it's HIM" in the middle of a public library because you saw a picture of Pippin.
You swear you've seen Peter Jackson walking down your street...even though Peter Jackson has probably never come within a hundred miles of where you live.
You shout "Aiya Elenion Ancalima!" when entering or leaving Wal-mart. (Those security cameras looked strangely like like Black Watchers.
You stare into a bowl of water for hours until you convince yourself that you've seen the Shire. (Actually, I'm beginning to suspect that I fell asleep and just dreamed about Hobbits.)
You believe finding the LotR section in a new library is a Secret Mission. Quest. Thing.
You practice your Gollum/Smeagol discussions in the middle of a college campus.
You wonder why your family is acting embarressed - you finally got your voice to be spitty enough!
You name your pillow Pippin. *blushes*
You try sucking toffes to get over your obsession.
Wow. That's a lot. And I have more where that came from...:)
10-19-2010, 06:17 PM
Every time you spread your butter over your bread or toast or muffin, and it comes up a little bit short, you start to think...
10-22-2010, 10:25 PM
The first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions a Halloween party is.... gotta find me some Elf ears..... :p
10-22-2010, 11:20 PM
The first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions a Halloween party is.... gotta find me some Elf ears..... :p
I was just invited to one and thought that! Do you know where to get some?
10-23-2010, 01:02 AM someone trying to re-ignite the Great Elvish Ears Flame-
Wars? :eek:
10-23-2010, 09:46 PM
Nothing of the like intended! :o It's simply a fact that most people outside the fandom proper tend to think of Elf ears in a certain way... So for Halloween, if you want to come across as an Elf, to most people 'out there', unfortunately the ears are a must. :rolleyes: But i apologize if my post has inadvertently dredged up some past hurts - if you'd like, i can take it down.
10-23-2010, 10:35 PM
Don't worry about it Voronwen - I think he was just playing around. Either that, or HOPING we could start up some New Elf Ear Wars. ;)
10-24-2010, 02:41 AM
Yes, indeedy... after going through those on the old White Council site a dozen years ago, the last thing I'd want to do is re-ignite them- that, and whether Balrogs have wings :eek::eek:;)
11-06-2010, 08:34 PM
You want your first tattoo to be a big red flaming eye all over your back?:evil:
You consider Burj-Dubai to be Barad-Dur
You give rings to your friends and wonder how will you be able to see their thoughts...
01-13-2011, 12:45 PM
You know you're obsessed with LotR when:
Your little brother has learned how to speak elvish from you.
You give ALL of your pets LotR names
You try to draw a map of the mines of Moria, just in case you end up there someday
You draw up charts explaining the difference between LotR Elves and Santa's little Orcs
You run up to random trees and hug them, shouting "Treebeard!!"
You want to knit a scarf just like Pippin's
You refuse to where a coat when it gets cold because "Elves do NOT get cold!"
You giggle madly when you find a Tolkien reference in an otherwise non - LotR related book
You give everyone in your family LotR nicknames - The Shireling, Bombur, Eol, Bilbo, ect.
Your family calls you The Elf
You respond to this name
You are downright pleased by this name
You spend days in a tree, pretending to be Haldir.
You plan out how you are going to feed and entertain the Fellowship if they ever show up in your backyard.
You always manage to bring conversations around to LotR, no matter how they started out.
You shout "A Elbereth Giltthoniel" whenever you see the stars
You call power structures Barad-dur or Orthanc
Eh, these aren't very good - I'll probably think of better ones later on.
02-13-2011, 09:07 PM
Your little brother has learned how to speak elvish from you.
Speaking of which, did Tolkein ever publish a book on Elvish? Wanting to learn, but can't find anything. :confused:
02-14-2011, 07:01 AM
I don't think Tolkien himself ever did. But countless of Tolkien associations and fanclubs have courses and coursebooks on the different languages of Middle-earth.
02-14-2011, 07:08 PM
I don't think Tolkien himself ever did. But countless of Tolkien associations and fanclubs have courses and coursebooks on the different languages of Middle-earth.
Yes. My favorite is Pedin Edhellen, A Sindarin Course. It's by Thorsten Renk and I think there's a PDF version somewhere online. Very informative and educational.
02-15-2011, 10:53 PM
I don't think Tolkien himself ever did. But countless of Tolkien associations and fanclubs have courses and coursebooks on the different languages of Middle-earth.
Well, I have seen the elvish alphabet floating around, but that's less than half of a language. And the cast members in the special features (Like Liv Tyler) have commented about "learning the words" and such...
What did they use in the films?
02-16-2011, 06:15 AM
Tengwar is for writing, not for speaking. I can write a bit of Tengwar because I think it looks pretty, but I barely speak a word of Sindarin (I think they speak this in the movie) or Quenya. But if you do a short search on the forum, you'll find several threads that link to sites to learn Tolkien's languages like this one ( or this one. (
I just wrote ent instead of end.
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