View Full Version : The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Arien the Maia
09-09-2005, 04:19 PM
what does everyone think? will it be good? I'm going tomorrow to see it...I can't wait!!!!!

09-09-2005, 04:23 PM
I have no idea - who's in it, Arien the Maia? and who's the director?

Arien the Maia
09-09-2005, 04:25 PM
I know Laura Linney is in it...here's the website
Emily Rose (http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/exorcismofemilyrose/site/)

09-09-2005, 04:44 PM
Checked out that link - no way, this kind of movie's not at all my cup 'o tea. For one thing I generally dislike girls who come across like Laura Linney does, and also I can't stand Tom Wilkinson, and thirdly that storyline is SO boring - I know the entire story now, after just having spent 45 seconds reading that link. I can't stand quasi-horror religiously-mystical baloney. And it looks so friggin' COMMON, just another friggin' hollywood cash piece that has nothing at all to do with art OR with the activity of thinking.

There you have it. I sure hope you yourself aren't actually one of this film's cast & crew! I'd hate it if I discovered I'd insulted you unwittingly. :( It just now occured to me, I was thinking 'What if Arien the Maia's actually Laura Linney, here in the moot?' :D :) If that's the case, then please, I beg of you don't take it personally! ;) :) :)

Arien the Maia
09-09-2005, 04:53 PM
:p no I am not Laura Linney although I wish I made as much $$$$ as she does!

I do, however, think it looks interesting. I am WAY into anything that has to do with posession/demons...I just find it fascinating. The fact that it was based on a case of possesion in a German girl makes it all the more interesting to me :) but to each his own I suppose!

09-15-2005, 01:57 AM
And it looks so friggin' COMMON, just another friggin' hollywood cash piece that has nothing at all to do with art OR with the activity of thinking.

Having seen the movie, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there. I went in expecting to see just another mindless, popcorn movie that you forget you've ever seen a week later. I left really liking it.

The trailers are misleading. They make you think that it's going to be a straight up horror flick. I'll admit, there are a few freaky parts, but horror isn't the focus of the movie. The central question in the movie is "What do you believe?". Two opposing viewpoints are presented -- was she possessed or was she epileptic? Evidence is presented for both sides. It's up to you, the viewer, to decide where you stand. On another level, it's also about the defense attorney's struggle with her agnosticism. Probably the most accurate way to describe it would be that it's a courtroom drama horror movie.

I was really impressed by it and would recommend seeing it. If you're expecting The Amityville Horror, this ain't it.

After saying all that, if you don't like Laura Linney or Tom Wilkinson, and don't want to see the movie because of them -- that's cool. I understand not seeing a movie because of the actors. :) (However, all the acting is good :D) It's just that after seeing it, I don't think I would dismiss it too quickly.

09-15-2005, 02:05 AM
I replied to this thread, but it doesn't seem to have bumped it up to the top of the forum. Odd... Let's see if this does the trick.

Edit: That did it. :)

Arien the Maia
09-15-2005, 10:14 AM
I loved it!!!! I was completely scared! although the whole courtroom scenes sort of give you a break from the scariness. But I SOOOOO want to see it again...although it will have to be without my dear huby...he was too freaked! lol

09-15-2005, 08:08 PM
I loved it!!!! I was completely scared! although the whole courtroom scenes sort of give you a break from the scariness. But I SOOOOO want to see it again...although it will have to be without my dear huby...he was too freaked! lol
There you are Arien! i wondered where you'd gone...

I thought it sounded very interesting form the review...my sis said she thought it looked too much like The Exorcist. Bah.

Arien the Maia
09-15-2005, 09:56 PM
There you are Arien! i wondered where you'd gone...

I thought it sounded very interesting form the review...my sis said she thought it looked too much like The Exorcist. Bah.

yes, the Sun has shown her face again!

I , too, thought that it was going to be alot like The Exorcist but it really isn't...IMO I thopugh it was better.

09-16-2005, 02:36 PM
yes, the Sun has shown her face again!

I , too, thought that it was going to be alot like The Exorcist but it really isn't...IMO I thopugh it was better.

And so has the old avvie!

Well, it has a great four 1/2 stars in our paper.
And I'm eighteen now, so I don't need an adult ;) to go...

Arien the Maia
09-16-2005, 02:51 PM
go ASAP! you'll love it!

09-17-2005, 12:32 AM
Well, it has a great four 1/2 stars in our paper.
And I'm eighteen now, so I don't need an adult ;) to go...
*pssst* It's only PG-13... :p