View Full Version : It's awfully quiet here

10-12-2000, 12:34 PM
Where are Gil and Shan? They seem to have left us. I hope it's only temporary...

Fat middle
10-12-2000, 01:40 PM
aren't they in the RPG?

but yes, this is very quiet. i think it's time for a one worder or a name game...

or maybe not :p

10-12-2000, 04:35 PM
Shan is back to Univercity so he dosen't have as much time as during this summers

10-12-2000, 05:35 PM
Oh, yes, there is something called school. I almost forgot that. ;)

Darth Tater
10-12-2000, 06:15 PM
School. It screws with us all.

10-12-2000, 06:34 PM
Yeah :(
I haven't been posting as much due to school as well.

10-12-2000, 06:47 PM
Yeah, I had thought of that. But I thought Shan already was at school, and was just posting anyway... Haven't been reading RPG.

Elbreth of Carhouth
10-12-2000, 07:02 PM
Shan and Gil have both been quiet as of late. And I know Gil isn't in school! :)
They've not been at the RPG lately either, it seems all the boards are quiet. It must be that time of year when everything starts again and everyone's busy.
I've not been able to post as much either.

Ghost of Gilthalion
10-12-2000, 09:26 PM
I've been completely occupied with a heavy shipping schedule (lots of testing), the presidential and vice presidential debates, tie dyeing for a niece's birthday party, my radio show, buying & building a propane space heater, etc.

I've also been working on an RPG at ENCHANTING CAMELOT.

I'm just catching my breath today, this very minute! (And since another ship is in port, I'll stay busy for another week!)

I think my last post had been about whether or not to embroil the LOTR movies in the current anti-tobacco hysteria.

And with that, the little hobbit sniffed and wiped an eye. The sentimental old (not too old for school, Elbreth! :p ) fellow was moved that folk noticed his absence...

Shanamir Duntak
10-13-2000, 08:18 PM
At least, I know I can't just walk away with nobody noticing! :) I think I'm flattered to see I brought life here! As Xivigg said, new semester at university, so i need to adjust my new schedule. It may be hard at the beginning, but it will come back in place! There's the fact that I restarted reading of LOTR (hobbits currently at Rivendell!) and don't have that much time now.

But, I love coming here and just can't quit the habbit! (or the hobbits! :lol: )

10-13-2000, 10:22 PM
Well, we can tell when you come back. Instead of just 3 or 4 new posts in General Messages, there are more like 15...

Shanamir Duntak
10-14-2000, 05:22 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well... I tend to post massively... why do you think I was the first Lord anyway?!

10-14-2000, 07:53 PM
Oh, I noticed, and realized it was your secret. You seem to have a compulsion to respond to every topic on the board... I'm catching on. Just a few more to go!

Now if I could only learn to stop making typos. I know how to spell, I really do, I just can't type!

Shanamir Duntak
10-15-2000, 01:49 AM
You got it! And it's addictive! :lol:

10-16-2000, 12:00 PM
Well I've been busy with school, but last weekend I was at home and this weekend my parents came in town for {arents Weekend, so my timehas been kinda filled up :)

10-18-2000, 07:03 PM
What happened to juntel

Johnny Lurker
10-19-2000, 01:28 AM

dunedain lady
10-19-2000, 08:04 PM
HA! Yes! I'm back on the Internet!!!! :rollin:

I've been exiled because of homework, and I've finally got a chance to be back online!

Sorry, that was random, but I'm happy! :) :)

10-20-2000, 12:20 AM
Good for you :)

Shanamir Duntak
10-21-2000, 02:00 AM
Yeah... WHAT happened to juntel? Did you kidnap him Eruve?

10-21-2000, 02:10 AM
I was thinking the same thing... but about you Shanamir!!! Curious you are the first to point fingers

Shanamir Duntak
10-21-2000, 02:40 AM
Well, Eruve is the nearest to Juntel... I'm like 2h30 from Them in car... But if you ask so, yes, Juntel is in my basement, ankles and hands tied.
