View Full Version : Of Wraiths and Kings, and Friends and Rings (Calling All Nazgul)
The Witch-King of Angmar
08-19-2005, 11:58 AM
This is a new RPG featuring an obscure future-king (Valandil, who has ever heard of him?) at the University of Southern Arnor. Oh, and a handful of future-nazgul too. What is Middle-earth coming to these days?
The discussion-thread of this game can be found here ( The second discussion thread can be found here (
A thread with all the information necessary for playing can be found here (
09-02-2005, 08:18 AM
Descriptive Post:
Well - actually, Valandil already IS King and the Nazgul already ARE Nazgul. :p
This story begins in early September of year 49 of the Third Age. Wasn't all THAT long ago that the Last Alliance of Men and Elves gathered to defeat Sauron and his forces, when Elendil and Gil-galad fell in mortal combat with Sauron himself, and when Isildur cut the One Ring from the finger of their dread foe.
Nowadays, things are much more peaceful. Aging veterans tell stories about the war in inns up and down the lands - but war and strife are already distant things to most people who didn't see them - especially those who were too young to understand - or not even born - at the time.
It looks like the Third Age will be a glorious one for Men. Exiles from among the Faithful of the Numenoreans hold sway in two great kingdoms; Arnor in the north (where the High King over both kingdoms rules) and Gondor in the south. Although somewhat ravaged by war, these two allies (ruled by first cousins, no less) have no major enemies and no rivals. They both seem poised for greatness.
The Elves are still mighty, but definitely a fading force. They seclude themselves in their realms and sing about times long past. Their greatest stronghold is in Lindon, where Cirdan has taken over leadership of Gil-galad's kingdom. Elrond has his followers in Imladris, where he plans ambitious building projects - like adding at least one major addition to the place every 144 years. There are also Elves in places like Lorien, Greenwood and Edhellond, and a few other Elves wander about, but rather discretely. They mostly don't seem inclined to take part in whatever events may come.
Of the Dwarves, the Longbeards are thriving the most - expanding their realm in Moria - but they keep mostly confined to their underground homes, and don't grow in number as swiftly as Men do.
Nobody has heard of Istari or Hobbits - for it's about 1000 years before any of them will come into history.
Of Sauron's minions, the Orcs suffered some major setbacks and keep themselves pretty well hidden in out-of the way places. Dragons and trolls and fierce things like that have faded into vast wilderness areas and are rarely, if ever heard about - already seeming no more than 'fairy tales'.
Sauron and his greatest servants are gone - or thought to be. But in fact, the Nazgul have begun to stir. They are much weakened, and have their own liabilities, but still... they ARE Nazgul. And now they are free from Sauron, and the control he had over them by the One. But say... where IS the One now? Did anyone see Isildur take it? And Men talk as though he is dead - but has anyone seen a body? Is it all a ruse? And now Men are ruled by Isildur's young son - these great Men ruled by one who was too young to fight in the War - how DOES he command their respect?
Yes - the Nazgul are somewhat at peace, like everybody else - but their peace is troubled by thoughts of the One. What if someone else comes forward wielding it, to make them slaves once more? What if... unthinkably... Sauron was not ultimately destroyed in that mortal combat? What if... each one must think... what if I could be the one to find it, and take it as my own? And... they get these visions sometimes, and wonder if the One calls out to them... something that seems like a 'river'...
So - now we have Valandil taking courses at the University of Southern Arnor in Tharbad. The gossip-mongers of both kingdoms had a hay-day with this one, since the place has a 'party-school' reputation (perhaps because it IS a coeducational institution, quite rare for its day - but there's another in Pelargir and a couple others in less hospitable climes), but the official palace response was that it was the royal family's opinion that 'one can find whatever one is looking for, wherever one goes' - and Valandil always has SEEMED to be a serious student. But frankly, he has a lot of other things on his mind, as you'll see.
Valandil will be 60 later this year, which seems rather old to us people today, and those who were not of Numenorean stock then, for the histories tell us he would live to be 260! He hasn't even had to think about 'settling down' yet - although that may come in a few decades. But he has come to Tharbad, here on the southern edge of Arnor; to relax, to distract himself, to pursue a mystery. He must take care lest another mystery overtake him!
Players may be nazgul or their associates, Men or Elves, with maybe a Dwarf.
09-02-2005, 08:27 AM
Starting the Game:
Valandil sat at his favorite table at his favorite outdoor pub in Tharbad. It was beside the Greyflood River, which flowed steadily behind him - and very near the bridge, which was just downstream. It was also close to the riverfront house he had moved into, along with his entourage (some of whom were with him now - his Chamberlain, his Tutor - and his friends Ray and Marty). He was reading the latest issue of "Palantir Gazette" (a newletter, carefully copied by a scribe) - dated earlier this year - 49 Third Age. It was late on a Friday afternoon and the sun would soon be setting, but he was trying to find some way to take his mind off his classes... and girls. Or to think about the girls... he wasn't really sure.
Officially, he was in Tharbad to study - USAT (University of Southern Arnor at Tharbad). He had a rather heavy load: Ship-building I, Bridge-building II, Commerce, Embalming III and Wine-tasting. It was just early September, but he was already behind, and there was probably no way his 'keepers' would let him go to the big game tomorrow, much less play in it. Royals were expected to do the best in everything - but truthfully, even being in Tharbad, like reading the paper - was just meant to be a distraction.
Oh - he had really embarrassed himself that spring. His mother always wanted to go visit "Uncle" Elrond, so they had gone there once more. Only this time, in addition to having to endure his rather obviously aged mother making eyes at the Half-Elven, he had espied Celebrian... WOW! Of course he was quite taken (even her mother was HOT!), but she was quite cold toward him. He thought she'd've been more appreciative - she and her folks were like "Homeless Elves" (though not Houseless) - and they could have all come back to Evendim with him (where they said they had once dwelt - why couldn't they just say 'lived'?).
Well - you may know how this one came out. Turns out they were all making an 'arrangement' about Elrond and Celebrian - so Valandil and his mother, after a bit of an embarrassing scene, had slipped away and headed back for home. But he had been listless the rest of spring. Finally - in summer he decided to come to Tharbad and enroll for graduate-level classes in the Fall. But he chose Tharbad because of the stories about Nin-in-Eilph - and the mysterious Elf Maiden who was said to live there. His mother had insisted on him bringing enough 'advisors' to keep him under a pretty tight watch, but he had still managed to slip out a few nights before classes began, to go to the place of swans. He even thought he had seen her once... but he wasn't sure - had his eyes only been fooling him?
And then the rest of the students had begun to arrive. The campus was abuzz with the word that the High King was studying there, and most of his classmates were tripping over themselves to try and make his acquaintance. And the girls... eye-yie-YIE!
Anyway - if this would be strictly study, it would be a long 2 months before the 4-month Yule Break (followed by a month of Spring Semester, a month of Spring Break and then the second month of Spring classes). The moon would be a little past full tonight. It would be dark at first, but later there would be light to see by. He wondered if he could slip out again, before the moon rose - and then make his way back across the river.
A butterfly came fluttering about, breaking his thoughts. First he just watched it, then tried to catch it, but failed. This seemed to anger the thing so it danced madly around his face. He swatted at it, missing again (to the amusement of his companions) and then watched it fly away, toward the river. "Sigh," he thought. "Well - summer is ending and your days won't be much longer anyway, my pretty friend."
The serving girl came out with hot fresh bread and cheese and apple cider. The place began to fill up and the other patrons - a mix of students and townies - kept making furtive (what IS 'furtive' anyway?) glances his way. Perhaps it was time to leave.
09-03-2005, 01:40 PM
"And now, my boy, bring me a big piece of strawberries-and-cream cake and a HUGE glass of Dorwinion '13!"
The loud woman's voice on his right interrupted Val's musings. His eyes caught a blur of red and green, and his nose caught a whiff of exotic flagrance, as the woman passed his table. Turning his head, he beheld the most amazing creature he has ever seen in his life. The first thing he noticed (and in fact the first thing any male seeing Lily registered) was that she was really BUXOM. She also had generous hips and a ridiculously tiny waist. The emerald green dress she wore had a low-cut neckline (far too low for a mid-day visit to a public place, thought Val automatically) and an intricate golden belt with a tiny dagger attached to it. The woman drifted among the tables, swaying her hips and letting her mane of rich red-gold hair sway in tune. She finally chose a table not far from Val and sat down, stretching her delicious long legs before her. Her huge green eyes, bold and impudent, turned to Val and slowly traveled all along Val's body from his head to the tips of his cartefully polished stylish boots. Val felt himself to be assessed and apprized and somehow found wanting. Val blushed, but still watched transfixed. The woman stretched lazily, like a big predatory cat, and licked her lips with the tip of her rosy tongue. She was so beautiful, so unusual! Val was used to willowy beauty of Elven ladies and pure-blood Numenorean maids. The woman sitting before him now was exotic and thrilling and darkly attractive in a way unknown to the young King.
09-04-2005, 07:53 AM
Deep within the marches of Nîn-In-Eilph, amid the pools where swans drift majestically, stands a little village of pile-dwellings. Here the Reed-Elves dwell, there aren't many of them and they never did anything noteworthy; they certainly took great pains to keep to themselves. So history kindly forgot all about them. It happens, you know.
The Reed-Elves are a rag-tag sort of Elves, having decendants among them of almost every Elven-race and culture that somehow all ended up, like driftwood, in Nîn-In-Eilph. Their lady is, surprisingly, a Sea-Elf, named Eärniel. She wouldn't have been here if not for some unfortunate curse of seasickness, but that's another story entirely and not one she likes to hear being told. Right now she is going over some grievances of her people relating to the University in Tharbad and trying to write a complaint-letter to the University Council.
Normally the university never gave the Reed-Elves any trouble but of late there was a student wandering about their swamps. Nardol and Caladan had been complaining in particular, since the student nearly had caught them swimming. They said they had to hold their breath for quite some time before he went away and they were able to get to their clothes. Clothes? Eärniel raised an eyebrow.
She brushed with the end of her feather-pen against her lips as she was trying to think of a good start for the complaint-letter. Instead she wrote half-absentmindedly 'TO DO: find out where the men go skinny dipping!'
But the snag, she considered, was that this was not just any student, it was said to be King Valandil no less. So shooting a warning arrow in his butt and kindly inform him the next arrow would be a tad higher if he ever showed his face in Nîn-In-Eilph again, was a big nono. The next thing they might see were the entire armies of Arnor laying siege to her marches. No, that was completely out of the question. Pity, really, a strategically placed arrow had proven a very effective means to keep the peace in her marches in earlier times.
Eärniel glanced again at her letter, now adorned with the mention of skinny dipping, and decided this was perhaps not the right way to solve the problem. No, she would have to go there herself and sort things out once and for all. And she might be able to learn something useful while she was at it. She leafed through the University brochure. 'Advanced Ecology of Swamps and Marches' sounded promissing, so did 'Swan speach I'. And she might be able to take up basket-weaving for extra credit...
Her mind made up, she went to pack her things and make sure the Reed-Elves behaved in her absence. Within a day she would be in Tharbad and she'd better go prepared.
09-04-2005, 08:21 AM
The sound of the horse's hooves echoed in the otherwise quiet street. Valandil, covered with a deep blue cloak and riding a black horse, had made his escape. A small coin to the porter with a motion to keep quiet about the episode was all it took to get out the front gate, and now he was out into the city - and the moon had not yet risen. And he was alone... no chancellor, no tutor, no Marty or Ray.
He recalled the stunning redhead from that afternoon. Once she showed up at The Red Herring his 'friends' had just about physically removed him, but he had been able to pause for just a moment and give her a nod of acknowledgement. Why were they always so worried about keeping him out of trouble? He had never really gotten in trouble anyway... not REALLY!
He came to the first crossroads and paused. A right turn would take him toward campus proper - and maybe a frat party. But he really had no desire for that. Still... SHE might be there. But, he sighed - his greater curiosity bore him several more streets south, and the left - toward the bridge.
The bridge of Tharbad was long and low. Above it the river rushed more swiftly, broken here and there by rocks, although it was navigable by hardy boatmen who brought good on up the river. Just below the bridge was a spillway of a ranga or two (about 1 to 2 meters), and beyond that, the Greyflood was a whole different river. It was wider and deeper and slower - so that ships could travel up it from the sea. There were all the piers and wharves - the waterfront which brought shipping commerce to Arnor. The city there was low, but much larger, and behind the levees, canals and streets both criss-crossed the more densely populated quarters of the city, a maze to any newly-arrived, as he was.
The guards of Arnor who manned the west gate of the bridge recognized him and let him pass without a word. He made his way slowly across, the horses clip-clopping against the sound of water pouring over the spillway almost beneath him. At the west gate, the guards were not so quiet about it, but it didn't matter any longer. These guards were from Gondor, and they maintained an outpost here. Valandil had begun to think that presumptuous, as they held no real sway in the lands from here to the Isen, but his cousin Meneldil ever seemed an ambitious one. And the guards always seemed a bit sarcastic when they called him, "Oh great High King" - smirking and winking to themselves. He would have to speak to Meneldil about them.
On he went, north east now through the smaller section of East Tharbad, which already slept. The moon crested over the horizon as he reached the outskirts of town - just a short way to the lands of Nin-in-Eilph.
He rode slowly at last through the trees, brush and marshes of his destination, eyes searching about for any sign of what he sought. It was some time later, and deep into the woods there, that he thought he saw a figure in the distance - glimmering, silverlike, and seeming to dance through the distant trees. He dug his heels into his horse's flanks to find out what he saw.
Before his horse had made even a furlong in this manner, its foot struck a tree-root and down they fell - horse and man, separating and rolling on the ground. Valandil tried to get up, but his ankle seemed to be twisted. He was able to examine the horse, who was really none the worse for it, but then he held onto the reins and let the horse drag him over beside a tree, against which he leaned his back to rest, so that his ankle could mend.
"That was foolish!" he said to himself, staring absently at the deep dark pool of water beside him. "To go galloping through a dark marshy wood under the light of a fading moon." Then he wondered if he would have to spend the night here - and also if anyone might come along and find him...
But he was tired, so he yawned, stretched out his arms then closed his eyes and tried to catch a little sleep.
09-05-2005, 05:55 AM
Lilly stormed through the busy Tharbad streets hissing in frustration. She was not used to the prey getting away from her. Such an affront and from a suckling baby as this "King"?!... There was something wrong with this one. Or was it with herself? Lilly was used to rely on her charms and sex-appeal, perhaps years have at last taken their toll on her?
She soon reached a magnificent old palace, situated in one of the most respectable districts of Tharbad, that she and Five bought three weeks ago. Five would have preferred something simpler and closer to the pubs of the riverside, his favorite haunt, but Lily had been adamant. She loved lofty places. Money was no problem, so Five bought the palace for her.
Slamming the heavy carven doors behind her, Lilly rushed upstairs, where master bedrooms and her boudoir were situated. Knocking over a delicate little console, Lilly rushed to a mirror and peered into it. But, as usual, the mirror remained empty of her presence, revealing only a whiff of dark mist, obscuring a part of the reflected room. Lilly swore viciously. Gripping a golden pot of rouge, she smashed it into the centre of the mirror and swore again, uttering a long and intricately woven curse in the Black Speech. Lilly's skill in swearing caused many an orc to turn green from envy, back when she was in charge of the Sixth Level of Barad-Dur.
A merry laughter from the corner interrupted her ravings. Lilly turned her head, but saw only a glass of wine suspended over a comfortable armchair.
Giving her Ring a mental order to switch her into the Spirit World mode, Lilly beheld Lord Buzukkumarz from Rhun, called simply "Five", as no tongue, either living or undead, could utter his name without breaking in the process.
"Five, you damned horse-boy!" cried Lilly. "What were you thinking when you laced my corselet this morning? You thought it was a saddle strap or what? I am virtually unable to breath!"
"You don't really need to breath, Lil, and you know it full well," replied Five good-naturedly. Drawing a Morgul knife from his sleeve, he turned Lilly around and cut the tight corselet strings. Lilly breathed fully for the first time since the late morning. It has somehow improved her mood.
Turning to face Five, she asked, fluttering her long golden lashes, "Five, tell me honestly, how do I look?"
Five's eyes suddenly blazed, and he replied in a husky voice, "You look SO sweet, Lil, anyone would wish to swallow you whole!"
Lily melted and arranged her red lips in a pretty pout for Five to kiss.
09-05-2005, 05:08 PM
As Lily waited, an unexpected sound came into her ears. Whistling! Not someone whistling at her (a common enough sound, and never unexpected at all) - but the absent-minded sort of whistling that some folks make as they walk along the street.
Lily leaped to the window and peered down into the street below. She saw two fairly young men walking along, laughing, talking, joking and ... whistling.
She recognized them right away of course... two of the companions of that King Valandil from the Red Herring... what were they calling each other... 'Marty' and 'Ray'...???
Hmmmm... friends of the king...
09-05-2005, 05:41 PM
Beautiful Boomerang paused for thought. The moon washed him with it's hazy silver beams.
It was always a pleasure to rest on a reed by the beautiful tranquil pools and to listen to the chattering of the dragon-flies, to breath in the fresh night air and watch the dark ebony rippling pools morphing reflections of reality so gently.
Boomerang was deep in thought: the tidings of the swans and the rumours of the air were disturbing indeed.
Never before had the Butterflies been interested in the doings of those that go on two legs. Except of course for the mysterious one, maybe, and then only rarely. Old Bombadil of course was well respected and was a good friend to beast and Butterfly ... but it was many a metamorphosis year since any of the Butterflies had sought his counsel.
Legends in the Annals of Flight said that once there was friendship with the Ents in days when the forests were larger ... and certainly round these parts the elves manage the woods and pools and reed-pools well for his kind.
But beautiful Boomerang, now Wing leader to his folk was concerned....
It had been many years since he had been sat on by a rude Southern Gondorian soldier ... whilst he prayed to Airiel in the sacred Spirit grounds...
he had been suprised indeed to come back as an undead Butterfly, even more suprised since Sauron's fall to find he could take physical form again... though not perhaps as suprised as the Soldier who was subsequently bitten by mosquitos at every opportunity for the rest of his life.
Boomerang laughed at the recollection ... just then noticing a human form some way off through the reeds ...
09-05-2005, 06:11 PM
All thoughts of spending the next couple hours in the master bedroom abruptly left Lilly's and Five's minds. Business was first.
Throwing away the ruined corselet, Lil re-arranged her dress as best she could. Five put on a dark cloak with a hood. Silent and invisible to all eyes in the World of Light they rushed into the street and followed King's friends.
Rey and Marty were heading unwaveringly into the dirtiest part of the city, near the riverside docs. Laughing and whistling and talking nonsense they entered the Rotten Cod tavern, notorious for its bad reputation.
Stepping in a shade around the corner, Lily turned her visible charming self and entered the tavern after the two friends. Five, still invisible, quietly followed.
09-05-2005, 06:12 PM
Eärniel steered her raft through the canals and pools of Nîn-In-Eilph. She had her bags packed, things sorted out back at the Reed-Elves' village for her absense, she had managed to get a map with the way by river to the University and...
"Will you please get out of my way?" she snapped at the swan that was swimming before her raft for the last few minutes. "I don't want to run you over but by Uinen's foam-veils, I will if you don't move your feathered butt out of the way!"
The offending swan did no such thing. Instead it kept giving her meaningful glances and kept nodding with his head to the right.
Eärniel paused. Either this swan had a dead wish or he really wanted to show her something. She glanced around furtively and then quacked. It wasn't perfect but at least understandable. The swan gave her an encouraging, yet pitying smile. Eärniel steamed inwardly for being looked at that way by something that was at least 3 steps below her on the evolutionary ladder. Tssk, no swan would even have been intelligent if the Valar didn't think them to be such cutiewootsie libble birdies.
The swan responded and nodded again with his head to the right. Someone's in trouble? It couldn't be any of her Elves. So who could that be, Eärniel wondered, as she steered her raft in the side-canal the swan had indicated. In the mist she could see the outline of a great horse a little ahead. I might have know, she thought sourly.
"You are far from your palaces and courts, Son of Isildur!" She called. "And far from Tharbad where, methinks, you ought to have stayed tonight." She added as afterthought.
09-05-2005, 07:43 PM
Boomerang had no more time to ponder the mysterious figure seen through the reeds, he heard the soft splash and rustles of a boat moving through the pools and thrusting through the vegetation ...
"waaaa?" said someone in oddly phrased Swan.
Boomerang was intrigued ...
"You are far from your palaces and courts, Son of Isildur!" came the clear voice of an Elf.
"And far from Tharbad where, methinks, you ought to have stayed tonight."
Alighting softly Beautiful Boomerang fluttered high above the pools suddenly very interested indeed...
"Son of Isildur" eh? ... thought the Wing leader.... alone in the Elven pools... and the Nazgul gathering from afar: he had sensed they had answered his wraith call and had felt their presence growing stronger in the North these last few days.
It mattered not to Boomerang that their agenda was different from his or his people's: there was a certain union of the undead, and if nothing else the Butterflies were nothing if not in union together and with others of the insect and natural world .. sometimes he wished his wings were not so democratic in their ways ... brother butterfly 'purple heart' was a militant old soul for sure ... a stickler for the cocoon-like teachings found in the the 'ways of Air and earth' but that was neither here nor there just now thought Boomerang ... but he was a butterfly first and from what he had heard in the Red herring INN recently ... he was most interested to see this youngish King for himself .... from a distance!
09-06-2005, 05:37 AM
Marty and Ray fought their way through the crowded Rotten Cod tavern through the heavy atmosphere of smoke and the inimitable scents of ale and the Rotten Cod's house special: raw pilchards and onion drenched in garlic and cod liver oil dressing - towards the low hung highly unpolished heavily pitted beer-stained oak bar.
Marty, a tall muscular Dunedain with one eye and and a penchant for singing while he brawled (another unusual trait for a minder was his notoriously short temper and his fondness of wine, women and song...) looked around ... mmm some sort of nautical place this he thought... best try and blend in....
Ray, his close friend was somewhat shorter but stocky and agile: Ray was a good friend in need and a highly skilled warrior, ray was also the less mentally agile of the pair ... he looked around at the assembled denziens of this Dockside bar ... an unruly bunch of cut-throats, thieves, farmers and locals ... with his sharper eyes he noticed the sign above the bar: "No sailors, fishermen or Pirates"
Marty was in a fine mood and up for a fun night in tharbad: he wanted to get to know some of the people and get a feel for the city .... he was hell bent on winning some new friends and knowing some 'eyes on the street' ...
Marty pushed his way to the bar and with a winning smile and his one eye popping out:
"Aha! shiver me timbers, up the old sea dog and down with the land-lubbers' eh me hearties?" he beamed doing a little sea-shanty jig and smiling....
09-06-2005, 08:12 AM
Valandil slept a sleep troubled by dreams - but they were joyous dreams, for in them, the fair Elf maiden of Nin-in-Eilph came to him, as if in a beautiful vision. They had not spoken in his dream, but she had leaned over him, closer... closer... until their faces almost touched. Then he had heard a faint sound, as if in the distance but growing louder. Incongruous as it might seem, it sounded like QUACKING! At these sounds the Elf maiden turned, and then as Valandil struggled into wakefulness, she faded and the sounds became more distinct... it WAS quacking - or something that sounded a lot like it.
He was still drousy when it ceased, and thought that perhaps his senses had been playing tricks on him, when out on the pond, up came a small craft, manned - well, hardly the correct term in this case - only by a wonderful apparation of an Elf - a female Elf. He had to pinch himself to try to assure himself that he was not still dreaming, for even the moonlight filtering through the trees showed her to be lovely beyond even the vision of his dreams - beyond even the legends about her.
And this one spoke to him:
"You are far from your palaces and courts, Son of Isildur!" She called. "And far from Tharbad where, methinks, you ought to have stayed tonight."
He tried to compose himself as best he could, given the circumstances of just waking up, lying against a tree trunk with a twisted ankle, and having just beheld perhaps the most beautiful thing in all creation, and to uncloud his mind from sleep and gather himself for the best response.
"If you mean that I am outside the bounds of my rightful kingdom, I know it well. Yet this land borders on my own, and neighbors should be friends, should they not? I seek the Fair Lady of this land, that I may meet her and speak with her, for the desire to do so has long been upon my heart."
"And if I must depart speedily from this land, it will be in sorrow - and yet with a contrite heart if my coming here has been undesired. Yet... departing swiftly may not now be so easy - for I rode my horse too hard in the dim light of this moon, he tripped on a root and I have injured myself in the fall. Therefore I have taken rest under the branches of this tree that my ankle may be rested and mended."
"But I would speak the the Lady of this land, if that is permitted. Do you know how she might be found, and if she would deign to see one such as I?"
He swallowed hard to keep from continuing his question with, "...and is she as beautiful as thou art?" thinking it best to keep all that his heart would gladly spill within himself for a bit longer. But he wondered if she perceived it nonetheless.
09-06-2005, 10:00 AM
Eärniel cursed inwardly but her face didn't betray any of it. She wished she had kept her hood on, even though it obscured her vision somewhat when steering her raft. The king's words were fair and friendly but the last thing she needed now was the High King of Annúminas making puppy eyes at her. (A little persistant thought in the back of her head stated he was still unmarried.) But no, Galadriel would never let her live it down if she heard about it.
"The Reed-Elves of Nîn-In-Eilph have withdrawn themselves from the world's cares and courts. This is an age of Men, not of Elves." Eärniel responded as she brought her raft near the riverbank. "The Elves here have little wish of being sought out, our lady included. Although she might have made an exception for the King of the Northern Kingdom, had she known he desired to speak with her."
"You also have chosen your time to visit poorly, as you would not find the Lady of Nîn-In-Eilph in her house, should you by chance have stumbled by it tonight. She has left the swamps on business of her own."
Eärniel's initial displeasure slowly faded into slight amusement. A little of it crept in her voice. It wasn't often one came across the most powerful man in Arnor in such an unusual and precarious postion.
But," she continued as she jumped lightly ashore. "You may not have run entirely out of luck tonight. For had I not chanced to pass this way tonight you may have sat there until your beard had grown longer than that tree's roots. Would you like me to have a look at that ankle, my lord?"
09-06-2005, 12:33 PM
A rider on a dark horse watched as a fair elven maiden jumped ashore to try and heal the ankle of a Man. One who she called 'The Son of Isildur'. This greatly interested the Rider as he rode closer, yet stayed out of eyesight of the two. He watched as the elf leaned over the man for a few minutes before lifting her head, as he stood up.
09-06-2005, 12:44 PM
Lilly picked her way between the drunk and smelly customers of the Rotten Cod Inn. She adapted her most innocent and slightly frightened look, but couldn't prevent her hips from moving in the most engaging fashion and her ample bosom from heaving, could she?
Naturally, all the eyes in the Inn soon riveted to her. Many a whistle sounded, and lewd remarks were exchanged. Lilly's progress towards the counter was interrupted abruptly when a big, sweaty and drunk giant of a sailor grabbed her around the waist. "Now, what have we here, boys? By Eru, that is the fanciest piece I have seen in my life!"
Lilly twisted her sensitive nose at the putrid breath, and fought the urge to react in her usual way, by kicking the offender into the most vital spot, causing permanent damage. Instead, she gave a frightened squeak and fought back weakly in the most helpless and womanly fashion.
"How fortunate, my orcs can't see me now," thought Lil, "they would have spilled their guts laughing at me..."
Raising her beautiful voice, she cried for help again, trying to sound desperate.
09-06-2005, 03:29 PM
The barman and many of those around Marty did a quick double take ... he didn't look like a sailor ... or a pirate ... not even like a fisherman?
The momentary confused silence was broken by the sound of a gir'ls squeak ....
Flashing another quick suspicious glance at Marty the landlord whipped around suddenly and noticed both the Sailor and the Girl .... he noticed the Girl several times in fact... before rapping his ample Knuckles loudly on the "No sailors, fishermen or Pirates" sign, ... he pointed an arm at the Sailor... still speechless ...
09-06-2005, 03:47 PM
"Oi! Brucias! Get us another round, will ya?!"
A motley crew of professional bar-spongers at the corner table were eager for more free drinks, courtesy of the cross-eyed sailor in question, and eager to impress both them and the beauty, Brucius nodded their way and squished Lilly even tighter against his stinky side.Marty and Ray, observing all this with growing righteous indignation, were exchanging glances that meant they wanted to step in and rescue Lilly together - but they hesitated a fraction of a second too long.
At this point, the barman had decided it was about time to pull rank on the little situation before things started getting out of control. Right as he was about to ask the generous sailor to pay his huge tab and beat it, an unseen force imperceptively whooshed her stealthy way into Brucius's pockets, and deftly stole every penny, paper, and valuable he had on him. When the barman asked for the tab, and the obnoxious lush could not find his money, his pawing of the redheaded bombshell ceased at once while the poor man frantically began pawing himself, trying to find his stuff.
Someone had altered the balance of the situation in aid and defense of Lilly, but it hadn't been some valiant man or obvious poser. It had been the sisterly, slick assistance of a then invisible Viniglaen, but as yet no one could know this except Five, and later Lilly herself.
09-06-2005, 04:54 PM
Lilly felt the situation getting out of control.
Being in the World-of-Light mode, she failed to recognise the invisible Viv, who, for all Lilly knew, was thousand of leagues away. Lilly wrongly assumed all this to be one of Five's silly pranks, that he adored so much. Making a mental note to kill him afterwards, Lilly made the only thing possible to save the day (or the night): she fainted slowly and theatrically. Lying on the dirty floor, she observed Rey and Marty through her long golden lashes.
The invisible Five, for his part, saw Viv clearly. Quickly overcoming his surprize, as a true Nazgul should, he grabbed Vivvie and carried her outside for a talk.
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 06:31 PM
Ray and Marty had yet to see where the red head Lily dissapeared. Marty, being the quicker of the two (and the one more into the Be-Buxomed woman) got out of his seat and yanked Ray up as well.
"What on earth?! Ray, you saw what I think I saw?" Ray and Marty had darted to the corner nearest the door. Ray was still scanning the crowd for the redhead.
"Friend, I think I saw what you didn't. I think that redhead lifted the pockets of that sailor as a distraction." Marty nodded his head to the departing sailor, with whom the landlord was bickering and waving a menacing looking club at.
"I dont know about the pickpocketing part, but I do know that the woman Dissapeared! Just plain gone! Where did she go?"
"Now how do you expect me to know? She went invisible, that means you cant see her or where she goes. Wait, there she is, she fainted!"
Marty shoved Ray in annoyance, for in truth, he wasnt all to pleased that they had hesitated and not rescued the woman outright. That and having failed to miss Lily's bit of fainting. "Well, that was a golden opportunity as any to get acquainted with said woman...Stay here, I am going to go help her up and see if she is alright."
The attention of the denizens of the bar had shifted to the impending fight between the landlord, the sailor and the cut throats they had first noticed. Marty made his way over to where Lily lay sprawled, Ray taking a lookout should trouble break out.
"uhm, Madam? Are you alright?" He asked as he knelt next to her.
09-06-2005, 07:27 PM
Boomerang caught the updraft and glided above the moonlight scene by the pools of Nin-in eliph ...
he could hear the swans chattering elegantly among themselves
"funniest accent i ever heard" said one ...
"maybe it was a ventriloquist?" said another.
"never seen so many of the walking folk round these parts this time o' night..." quaked a duck passing by and joining in.
beautiful hovered, delighting in the sensation of floating in the night air - listening to the the conversation of the walkers below he was suddenly aware of the oddly concealed presence of a wraith closing in ... scanning the reeds below he saw a dark horse riding stealthily towards the king and the Elf...
they were coming one by one he pondered, distracted momentarily... they had answered his wraith call to come North ... each with their own reasons no doubt ...
"The Reed-Elves of Nîn In Eilph have withdrawn themselves from the world's cares and courts. This is an age of Men, not of Elves."
"The Elves here have little wish of being sought out, our lady included. Although she might have made an exception for the King of the Northern Kingdom, had she known he desired to speak with her."
Beautiful Boomerang focused in on these words ...
"You also have chosen your time to visit poorly, as you would not find the Lady of Nîn In Eilph in her house, should you by chance have stumbled by it tonight. She has left the swamps on business of her own."
mmm thought Boomerang, what is afoot here? why does Eärniel speak so guardedly, he wondered... looking closely now at the heir of Isuldir he noticed the glint in the man's eyes as he beheld the Elf Lady ... he noticed too the body language of the Elf .... how the man's eyes noticed her hair glistening and blowing slightly in the gentle breeze ...
09-07-2005, 04:18 AM
Valandil was hardly surprised that she knew who he was - Elves have this uncanny thing about knowing your name, even if you wouldn't know them from Beor. He wondered about who SHE was, and subtly bent his mind toward her. It was harder to 'read' an Elf like this than a fellow Man, certainly without turning it into a struggle of sorts, but he sensed regality... an ease with giving commands. Could this indeed be the very lady he had sought? Even her speech might indicate so, for the Elf maiden had spoken haughtily at first:
"The Reed-Elves of Nîn In Eilph have withdrawn themselves from the world's cares and courts. This is an age of Men, not of Elves. The Elves here have little wish of being sought out, our lady included. Although she might have made an exception for the King of the Northern Kingdom, had she known he desired to speak with her."
It took great effort to focus on looking at her EYES... not to allow his gaze to drift... there, oh goodness, the wind had blown her hair about just a bit and the movement had drawn his eye... hopefully she could tell that this was where his own gaze had gone. Her eyes... her EYES...
"You also have chosen your time to visit poorly, as you would not find the Lady of Nîn In Eilph in her house, should you by chance have stumbled by it tonight. She has left the swamps on business of her own."
Then her tone had lightened. She seemed perhaps pleased with herself, or amused by the situation - or maybe decided to take note of his plight.
"But," she continued as she jumped lightly ashore. "You may not have run entirely out of luck tonight. For had I not chanced to pass this way tonight you may have sat there until your beard had grown longer than that tree's roots. Would you like me to have a look at that ankle, my lord?"
Valandil smiled slightly and extended the leg with the sore ankle. They had a bit of difficulty removing his boot, due to the swelling, but then she knelt on the ground and bent down over his leg - the left one - holding his ankle gently and turning it slightly this way and that in her intent examination. Her touch had made him start at first... but as she maintained contact, her touch began to soothe him, and somehow the pain and swelling seemed to lessen swiftly.
'What a large foot... he is quite tall though, but not like his grandpa. Let's see...' thought Eärniel, 'Men... men... which part of this needs to relax again? What's that the Loremasters among our people say about them:'
'Once you've had Man,
You'll rejoice at the Ban!'
'Oh wait... not THAT!' (applies Elvish mind bleach) 'I mean our Elven loremasters of Healing' her thoughts continued, with a smile of her own.
Her mind continued to drift, nonetheless, and the smile vanished from her face as she imagined what her long-departed mother might say (unless her mother had remained here houseless - and spoke thusly to her spirit unbidden): 'Yes, yes... I know I always told you... NO MEN... but that was many yen ago. Time is passing by honey, and before you'll know it you've started to fade. Now sure he'd be short-lived, but at least this one is a Numenorean. And with his lineage, instead of 24-72 good years, you've got a good chance of a full YEN (144 years) of FUN!!... lots more fun than with an Elven man honey, believe you me!'
Those crazy thoughts continued, 'Besides, even Elrond is now spoken for, and there are not many others left worth speaking for, since Amroth has set his intentions elsewhere and Thranduil... well, nobody is certain about him anyway...'
Valandil noticed that her face had gone from intent examination, to amused smile, to seeming lost in thought - and now it relaxed and turned back toward him - and his eyes returned to her face. How many hours had they sat there? Or was it only moments?
"There, how is that now, our guest?" she asked him.
"Feels as good as new... really it does! Thank you... thank you!" Indeed, he felt no more pain - it was as though it had never been hurting him.
"Perhaps you've learned your lesson about riding into this land regardless though?" she continued, smiling once more.
"Well... I did what my heart bid me to do. Besides... when I have sent small companies of 6 or 8 men to bring emissary to the people of this place... well, they all ride forth, and certainly all return, but most are unable to ride again for several weeks - or months - thereafter. I thought it required my... attention. And then... the stories of this land, and She who rules here... those stories drew me, that I might see for myself what truth lay in them."
09-07-2005, 06:15 AM
Lilly waited, still "unconscious", permitting Marty to slap her cheeks lightly, to carry her to a bench, to pour some wine down her throat and to make a deft and a well-practiced move to unbutton her green dress.
At this point Lilly's lashes fluttered, and a heavy sigh left her heaving bosom. Marty watched spellbound. Lilly gave a weak cry and sat upright, drawing the cloth of her green dress over her chest. She looked frightened and shy.
"Do not be afraid, fair maid, nobody here will harm you. You are under our protection now," said Marty, not really sure he was dealing with a maiden, for no maiden in her right mind would enter the Rotting Cod at night. But he decided to flatter the girl. Moreover, she did look noble, and her velvet dress, despite being torn and dirty from the fight, was of the finest workmanship, as were her golden belt and her tiny dagger of foreign design.
"I am called Marty, and here is Rey", said Marty, bowing his head slightly.
"We are King's men and students of the University. May we learn your name, and what was your business in this dirty tavern at night?"
Lilly looked at Marty and started to cry. "My name is Lilaenwen, we came here recently from Rhun, my brother Penny and I. But he went away last night and never returned! I was dead worried, so I decided to visit his favorite pubs to look for him... I hope he is still alive!"
Lily's face was wet from tears, her eyes, pools of green light. Even while being a mortal, back in the Second Age, she had a Gift to cry at will and in a most engaging fashion.
"That was most unwise to come in a district like that at night, all on your own, Lady Lilaenwen," chided Marty.
"You can call me Lilly, you know", breathed Lil. "My late father, the hero of Dagorlad, used to tell us that in the West, among the noble Dunedain, no woman will ever be maltreated, be it at night or in the light of Arien. Is that not so?"
09-07-2005, 08:06 AM
"Ah... um.. right," Eärniel replied, momentarily caught of guard. She did remember those parties, she also remembered the satisfaction with watching them leave, some sitting very awkward on their horses, most of them walking beside their mounts.
"Oh, those were emissaries?" she said quickly. "We would never have known. But I eh.. guess they didn't really had much time to tell us that. But when the first party ended up in the middle of a group of unsuspecting swimming Elves and since most of those Elves tended to be female and rather keen on their privacy, I suppose the arrows started flying pretty soon... And such eh.. habits are established rather quickly around here. But I wager your emissaries didn't go into that much detail when they reported their adventures to you."
Eärniel decided to change the subject. "I would not put pressure on that foot right now." she said.
"What? What foot?" Valandil asked.
"The one you twisted a little earlier?" Eärniel suggested. She half suspected he had been putting more effort in looking at her than actually listening to what she was saying.
"I've taken care of the pain." she explained. "But your ankle isn't entirely healed yet, that might take another day. I would also suggest that happens in a slightly drier environment than these marches."
09-07-2005, 12:09 PM
The Rider decided it was his time to make an appearance before the two left.
"Hello friends. I'm looking for the University of Southern Arnor in Tharbad. I've been offered the vacant Seat for Professer of Oriental languages," said the Rider in a clear voice.
"Yes. I myself am taking courses there," replied Valandil. "It is this way Professer. I'm headed back in that direction myself, I could show you the way."
"That would be much apreciated. I am Galadannun, and you are?" said the Rider.
"I am Valandil son of Isildur, King of this Realm," answered Valandil proudly.
"King you say? So you father is dead. I am so sorry, I would like to have met him myself," said Galadannun.
"Yes, he died almost 50 years ago." replied Valandil.
"Sorry to break up this ride down memory lane, but you need to get home and rest your ankle," said Eärniel cutting in.
"And who is this fair elf maiden," said Galadannun flatteringly.
"I am Eärniel," she replied unflattered.
"Well Eärniel, I will see that The King returns hom safley and rests his ankle," replied the rider.
09-07-2005, 02:14 PM
Valandil was intrigued. The stranger spoke fluent, but heavily accented Adunaic, he had dark looks of an Easterling and clearly came from afar, as the news of Isildur's demise has not yet reached his ears. Yet he produced the letter of invitation signed by Lord Ilmenzor, the Chancellor of the South Arnor University. What possessed the Chancellor to invite such a man?
Valandil has not yet met the Chancellor; actually the official presentation was scheduled for Sunday evening. Val was well acquainted with the former Chancellor, charming old Maldegil, who used to come to Annuminas to visit his numerous sons and daughters. But the old man died three years ago at a respectable age of 210, and now a new Chancellor was elected, a famous scholar from Osgiliath University. Valandil, as the High King of the realm, had to sign the official papers himself, but he had not hesitated, as Lord Ilmenzor was his third cousin, a great-grandson of Lord Amandil's younger brother. It was clear that the standards of education in Tharbad University improved greatly in the last two years. Actually, it was one of the reasons Valandil was in Tharbad now.
But right now Valandil was in no mood to dwell on State or University problems. He could not tear his gaze from the fair elven Lady.
09-07-2005, 03:22 PM
beautiful Boomerang normally would have been annoyed at so much activity in these normally quiet pools: most times when he had time to be here (and he liked to come here when he could) was quiet and tranquil ... a perfect place to rest and think ... barring the odd distraction of bathing elf maids, their soft supple skin shining in the moonlight glistening ... and the odd arrow in anger .... how he had laughed!
but this night's encounters were interesting indeed ... he noticed the rider observing as the Sea Elf tendered to the King ... but against his best instincts he heard the chatter of the swans... and something caught his attention ...
" ... the rider? ... well he asked me who was speaking up yonder ..." the elegant swan had said.
so, thought Boomerang, this cunningly hidden rider, a wraith who was almost hidden even to a wraith ... Boomerang paused to think yet again ... mmm... he can speak SWAN fluently? he must be a master of languages? ... I must be careful of that one ... till i know how he will deal with my people...
beautiful boomerang made a mental note to alert the wings and to put the word out through the Insect insurrectionists to quietly watch this wraith!
Just then the Rider spurred slowly forward ... beautiful dropped and landing quietly on a near-by branch observed this strange meeting of Elf lady, King and wraith ...
09-07-2005, 03:45 PM
Five carried Viv out of the Inn and put her down on the dirty pavement a good distance from the Rotting Cod. They were invisible, but their voices could still be overheard.
"Hi, Vivvie", he said cheerfully, "nice to meet you again, little one. What were you thinking hindering Lilly like that? Back to your old tricks, are you?
Indeed, Viv had a little hobby. The Dark Lord Sauron used to call this hobby by an Elvish word "kleptomania", but only the Morgul Lord and Gordis knew what it meant and never told the others.
"Why are you here anyway?" prompted Five.
09-07-2005, 04:00 PM
" I've decided to go to school, B," she sheepishly responded, looking at nothing in particular off to the side, to avoid Five's eyes. It was true, she really HAD decided to get her degree at last; she had been so young when she'd been 'wraithified', and hadn't had a chance to get a normal Numenorian college education. However, that wasn't the full story behind her appearance in Tharbad. Viniglaen was unsure as of yet whether she was allowed to speak freely on the truth of her "summons."
"An education! Very good, Viv; very good. I'm pleased to hear you're putting that fine little mind of yours through some extra refinement. Now, off you go; I have things to take care of right now but we shall most certainly speak in full later on." With that, Five whished back toward the Rotten Cod, to supervise Lilly and her new victims, making a mental note to himself to keep a close eye on Vivvie. She DID require someone to take care of her, even if she WAS one of the most enigmatic and secrectly powerful of the wraiths to have come out of Numenor - specifically, Andunie - in quite some time. There was something endearingly childlike about her, the little half-crazy tomboy master thief. But she could be a real handful when she got willful.
"O.K., see you then! Gonna go sort through this stuff I 'found...'" Viv responded to the already gone figure of Five.
09-07-2005, 04:10 PM
Boomerang thought back to that wild storm tossed night: he had been in ascendant wraith mode under the full 'butterly' moon, a moon and occurence that according to the Annals of Air comes but once a millenuium ...
both wings and heart pumping and circling round three times amdist the mounting winds, lashing rain and sudden stark lightning rent skies ... at the very epicentre of the sacred spiritual burial grounds of the butterflies... he had made the urgent wraith call to come North ...
thinking now... he had obviously been successful for in ever growing numbers they were answering the call ... though what had attracted so many to the north he knew not ... he suspected they had other business than his here ...
The last sane person
09-07-2005, 08:31 PM
Ray spoke up, being the more affected by Lily's fountain of tears. "Worry not, no harm shall come to you while we are here!" He glanced at the bar and the ruffians still shouting at each other and the bar keep and co. " valient as two dunedain such as us are...I think it was to leave while the time allows. Those ruffians do outnumber us a good deal..."
Lily fluttered her tear stained eyelashes at them, "Oh how brave, and thank you, I dont know how long I would have lain on that floor or been trampled. It makes sense that two valient young men like you are the King's Men!"
Marty snapped out of it. "oh, yes we are! Good friends and comrades of his!," he shoved Ray towards the back door "Okay, Ray, go see if the way is clear and we will escort the lady out!" Ray moved but looked a little confused.
"Lady, is there a place that you have in this city? We will escort you there, for it is an unsavory time for someone as..." He fumbled a bit "gentle and distraught as you to be down here. There are more worrisome people than that drunken sailor to be found about!"
Lily fluttered her eyelashes and gave a little cry, but seemed some what hesitant to leave. Ray had waved his arm that the coast was clear for them to get while the getting was hot. Decided, Marty helped up and pushed forward Lily just as the first blow was thrown, and out they escaped into the backstreets.
Ray tugged Marty a little bit ahead telling Lily to stay behind while they scout the allyway a bit further up, "What are we doing exactly?"
"Why, we are helping this Lady on her way home! It's the only thing two gentlemen would do! I mean, she might have lost her own brother...gets pawed by a sailor -I wish it were me-...and faints! What else were we supposed to do?"
Ray kind of halts, "'We'? I don't know what 'we' are doing but I do know that *you* are the one that's gonna get the credit, and perhaps the score with said chick! I am *always* the one that goes on the look out! The one who gets the wine...and I am better looking! I mean come on, yeah it's the right thing to do, but thats not ALL you are thinking about now is it?"
"Okay! Okay, its not but I mean come on!Look at her, and you know what parts of her I mean to look at! You arent the Pure-As-Driven-Snow Chaste Warrior type, now are you? You are thinkin' the same as me pal! And another thing that I am thinking about that you most certainly are not is the PR! Chancellor will be bound to make us official guards to the king if we manage to rescue a Noble woman from such attrocities!"
"Pff, how will that story look with out tainting the three of us? What were we meritous students doing in the Rotting Cod? And what was a noble woman doing there? And I am still probably going to be relegated to the noble side kick spot..."
"Oh cool it. History is not written if not by the hands of the conquorers! We could just be passing by and see this helpless lady being attacked! So what, we could mull over a few tidbits... and the deal is I will make sure it says you did all the rescuing." Marty turned back to get Lily, calling over his shoulder "and you are NOT better looking than me."
Ray trotted up besides him, "the deal sounds fine, but as for who gets the girl, its still up to her, no?" He took off to reach Lilaenwen. "I am much better looking than you, one eye!"
They reached Lilaewen in a huff, "my lady the way is safe and clear, where is it that you would like to go?"
09-08-2005, 05:57 AM
the old wharfside and slightly crooked oak-beamed building that was the unofficial news-desk of the Tharbad gazatte, i.e the Widow Watching's cafe was quiet at this time, she was just about to close the shutters outside when she noticed two handsome and slightly rougish looking Noble gentleman escorting a beautiful lady ... what was more they must all be new in town, for she did not know of them...
09-08-2005, 07:23 AM
"I am Eärniel," she had said.
So she was INDEED the very Elf Lady who ruled this place. Or at least the one of whom legends spoke. Valandil paid little attention to the rest of what the two were saying, but turned and began to walk toward his horse.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." said the Elf Lady suddenly.
"Nonsense... you underestimate your power of heali..." replied Valandil, as he set one foot forward, and quickly found that this was indeed a mistake, for he began to tumble forward headlong, his ankle giving out beneath him.
Between the two of them grabbing his cloak from behind, Valandil's somehow reaching forward to grab his horse's mane and his own efforts to shift his balance and get his weight on his good foot, he somehow managed to avoid falling facedown on the ground. His two helpers then assisted him up onto his horse, and by the time they had said their farewells and departed, the sky had lightened to show that dawn was near.
Well - no way he would be slipping back in discretely THIS morning, he thought. Would have to say he had gotten up for an early-morning ride to keep himself fit.
Later, after reaching Tharbad and pointing Galadannun in the right direction, Valandil stopped off at The Red Herring for a late breakfast by himself before returning home. A couple eggs, a bit of bread and some meat - and something hot to drink. It was Saturday and few were about. He had missed last night's bonfire, but on this ankle, wouldn't have been able to play in today's game even if his advisors weren't insisting against it. Still... maybe he could manage to go watch... if he even cared to.
He sat glumly - picking at his food and letting half his breakfast get cold, thinking of the events of last night... and the Lady of Nin-in-Eilph. He wondered if there was an 'Elf Lord'... if so, the legends were silent about him. Valandil had asked if he would ever see her again, and she had said...
09-08-2005, 08:45 AM
"Only the paths of the stars and the sun are fixed." Eärniel replied. "The paths of mortal and immortal folk are left to their own devices, so who can tell? It will be a while before I return to Nîn-In-Eilph again, so have a care should you have the desire again to visit these marches soon."
She turned to Galadannun. "Congratulations with your new position, Professor. And thank you for your aid. Farewell...for now."
She nodded to the two men as a sign of goodbye and turned around towards her raft. She jumped aboard and her feet lightly hit the reed-bottom of the boat. The pressure was just enough to jar the raft loose from the vegetation at waterside.
Eärniel pushed the raft further away on the open water using a long reed-stem. When she looked back, she noticed the two men were still looking at her.
"It is often said by Men that Elves can never say anything without being confusing, regardless of their intent to be so or not." She called back. "Should my words not have been clear, my lord, know then that this path," she indicated the water ahead her with her arm, "leads to the University of Tharbad."
After that she turned around and did not look back until she was well out of view. As she almost absentmindedly steered her raft through the marches and reeds she pondered her late-night-encounter. Perhaps she should have used her other name instead of Eärniel. She had noticed that the High King had clearly recognised it. But it was too late to change that now.
Curious also how that lore-master Galadannun had suddenly turned up. He had gone far off the commonly used paths to have become so lost in Nîn-In-Eilph. There was something... not quite right about him, but Eärniel wasn't sure what. Something wrong apart from the fact that he had turned up out of the blue in her swamps.
Eärniel grew mildly annoyed. She hadn't even left her lands and already she had run into two men, wandering on their own in her territory. Nîn-In-Eilph was a swamp, a very inconvenient and bothersome place unless you knew how to live here, like the Elves did. Why would anyone want to go blundering about this place? Was this a swamp or a bloody market-place?
"Too much is changing," she muttered to herself. "Changing too fast as well. We're not even fading and Men are already knocking at our doors to explore our lands. An age of Men indeed...."
But she would counteract that by make some changes of her own.
She paused. She now had reached the end of the wetlands of Nîn-In-Eilph. She hadn't left these lands..., well,... in yen basically. She shrugged. Some changes were inevitable. And she was curious how Tharbad would now look.
A low whistle made her look up. One of the Elves that hid in the trees above her waved to her. They would monitor the road from now on. No one would enter Nîn-In-Eilph anymore without the Reed-Elves knowing it. Changes she should have made long before.
More things would change in the swamps during her absence as well. There would be no paths or trails anymore that led deeper into the swamps. It would be more difficult to venture into Nîn-In-Eilph, by horse or on foot. The Elves would see to it. Uninviting measures they were, but Eärniel could not let the people of Tharbad encrouch any further on her domain. The peace of her people depended on it.
She moored her raft to the side. Here the road towards Nîn-In-Eilph began, or ended, as the road did not go any further in the wetlands. She saw the hoof prints indicating Valandil and Galadannun had already passed this way. Good. She would be able to follow these tracks from now on and reach the University somewhere during the morning.
09-08-2005, 09:04 AM
Curious also how that lore-master Galadannun had suddenly turned up. He had gone far off the commonly used paths to have become so lost in Nîn In Eilph. There was something... not quite right about him, but Eärniel wasn't sure what. Something wrong apart from the fact that he had turned up out of the blue in her swamps.
OOC: sort of 'looks fair and feels foul', perhaps? :p
09-08-2005, 04:16 PM
Lilly followed the two men and laughed silently to herself. Her acute nazgul hearing enabled her to overhear all the funny conversation that Marty was having with Ray.
What a pair of fools! You are my victims now! You will lead me to your King as surely and inevitably, as day follows night...Now we shall become your best friends, my "brother" and I. Lilly stiffed her laugh and willed more tears to spill out of her huge green eyes.
Having agreed between them to be Pure-As-Driven-Snow Chaste Warrior type, the men returned to Lilly. "My lady, the way is safe and clear, where is it that you would like to go?"
Lilly knew, she could be proud of her address. "We live in Orrodel, by the Governor’s Palace. I pray to the One that we find my poor brother there... Oh, Penny, Penny, my dearest Penny, where are you?" wailed Lilly.
Lilly's acute ears picked a stiffed laugh coming from behind. Five clearly followed. Concentrating on her ring, Lilly sent him a silent message to turn visible and to meet them at the door.
Marty and Ray were really impressed. That was the choicest part of the city. Soon the dark outline of a huge house, looking more like a palace, loomed before them. The windows showed no light.
Suddenly a tall figure rushed to meet them. Ignoring Marty and Ray, the stranger grabbed Lilly and shouted in her face "Where have you been in the middle of the night, you stupid fool?" Lilly cried incoherently and buried her face in the stranger's coat.
"A brother or a lover?" mused Marty to himself. "Perhaps a lover after all. He does not resemble her, that is sure".
Turning to Ray and Marty, the man asked menacingly: "Who are you to lure my poor innocent sister out of her house in the middle of the night?
“We are honourable men, no brigands or ravishers,” replied Marty coolly. Your sister, Master PENGOLOD, was looking for you in the riverside taverns at night. We saved her from a vile assault and now we are taking her home”.
“It’s the truth, Penny, cried Lilly, they saved my honour and my life! You should be grateful to them. Lord Marty and Lord Ray are noble Dunedain and King’s Men!”
Pengolod bowed stiffly. Ray and Marty nodded in return. Keeping his face solemn and grave, Penny said: “I am in your debt forever, my lords. We were born in the East and follow some of eastern customs. From now on my house is your house, my horses are your horses, my wives are your wives, my brothers are your brothers and my sisters are your sisters. Welcome to our house, let us celebrate our meeting and our newfound friendship.”
R*an walked slowly along, her long, dark hair ...
Darn it, if I can't have long hair in RL, I'll have it in an RPG!!! ha HA! *thumbs nose at fate*
... trailing behind her in the gentle breeze. What was she to do? Where was she to go? She cursed her half-elven heritage - sometimes it was such a blessing to have ties to both worlds, but sometimes it was so difficult ...
She saw a tree leaning over a stream, and nimbly climbed up, her bare feet rejoicing in the familiar feel of smooth tree bark. A butterfly brushed past her upturned face ...
09-08-2005, 07:25 PM
Pengolod and Lilaenwen brought their two victims - er, guests into the huge, elegantly furnished living room, and Pen bade them make themselves comfortable, while settling himself down in one of his huge chairs by the window for a nice smoke of his secret-stash pipeweed. Lilly went off to the kitchen to find serving dishes, snacks and drinks to give to Marty & Ray, muttering under her breath with extreme agitation at having to do the work of a servant, and made a mental note to herself to get a good chief household minder as soon as possible.
The two guys were quite comfortable in the house's surroundings. Having been raised in the courts of kings, they were both most at ease in the atmospheres of opulence. They didn't notice Viniglaen at first, and when Ray spotted her sitting in the corner with a huge book on her lap, peering at him with extremely critical and unsettlingly vivid eyes under a shock of wavy dark hair, he was startled almost out of his skin.
The last sane person
09-08-2005, 08:31 PM
Ray had an uncomfortable feeling the moment they headed out of the tavern to make their escape. "Nay, I had this soon as I looked into Lily's eyes....Something isnt all what is it seems this night.." But he shook his head, and continued on walking behind Lilly and Marty, acting as rearguard. The night was unusually still, and after a few minutes, the noise of the brawl outside the Rotting Cod had subsided into the blackness of night. Utterly silent, but in a way, the heaviest and more noise some sensation than the din of battle.
It was driving Ray Insane. "Just dont think about it! Start humming or something! What's the matter with me? Marty doesnt seem to be affected at all." He glanced ahead at his friend, leading the way to Orroder street. "But then again, Marty always seems to act wierd around the ladies. Now he seems as though bewitched."
Ray tapped his temple with the palms of his hand and started humming old tunes to drive off the silence. "I'm going to speak to Marty when tommorow, when our heads are clear and he isn't around her." The humming seemed to work, it drove that nagging feeling to the back of his skull, and all seemed well until they reached the house and a cloaked stranger grabbed Lily.
Ray darted to Marty's side with his hand on his dagger, but Marty's cool attitude and Lily's confirmation smoothing things over before they began. Marty shot a smile towards Ray, and nodded with his head to the elegant digs. Ray was impressed, obviously these people had power and wealth, and were not meek in showing it.
Ray remembered something of Lily's father being a hero of Dagorlad. Perhaps this "brother" ("sure doesn't look like her, I'll be bound!") knew something of the wars. Perhaps he had been in battle besides his father at Dagorlad. Ray found new respect for Pengolod. Faith in a fellow warrior, eastern traditions or not, is a strong thing. It put him to easy as he sat down in their house.
That ease was knocked right out of him as he suddenly beheld a small woman in the corner of the room, gazing at him with the most amazing eyes he had seen that had not belonged to an elf.
"GOOD GRAVEY!" He cried as he was startled almost out of his skin, and completely out of his chair. The woman laughed and caught Marty's attention as well. He started too, but regained himself lighting fast, Marty bowed to the woman, and Ray followed suit. She put the book aside and inclined her regal head.
"Lady, I am Raendil Son of _________, this is my companion, Marthalion Son of __________. We are friends of Lady Lilaenwen and Kings Men. It is an honor to meet three such noble people within the spce of an hour!"
Ha, Marty doesn't get to do *ALL* the smooth talking....that wasnt that bad if I do say so myself..though I ought to have toned down the 'gravey!' bit...I think the problem is I haven't had enough wine tonight...."
OOC: Better than nothing
09-08-2005, 08:56 PM
The widow Watching, or old mrs W as some called her, shut up her cafe and deciding to follow her natural instinct for a story followed discreetly the three nobles new to Tharbad ...
she followed them to the doors of a great house in an opulent part of Orrodel ...
by now her nose for a story was twitching like an emmisary rider on his saddle coming back from Nin-in-eliph ...
maybe there was something for the Tharbad gazette here?
The night was waning and dawn approached in the swamps...
Beautiful Boomeang watched as first the wraith posing as a man and the King rode off, followed by the Elven lady Earniel.
Boomerang had much to consider and many flyers to send out this day...
making a sudden decision he flew off in the direction of tharbad...
just as he was drawing near the City outskirts he was suprised to see a mysterious woman, or was she an elf? lounging in a tree, long dark hair falling languidly over the murmuling stream below ...
09-09-2005, 02:21 AM
After her gentle yet subtly sarcastic head nod, Viniglaen picked her book back up and, before ducking back into it she let Marty feel the full force of one of her end-statement looks. For the moment, it rendered both himself and his best friend paralysed with mute fascination. Then, without a word, she shook her sexy dark hair back over her forehead, and re-immersed herself into what she had been reading. Pengolod, of course completely nonplussed by Viv and the reaction she'd garnered, puffed away and proceeded to open up a gentlemanly conversation with the two young visitors from the palace.
"I hear the new season's player selections for King Valandil's ball team have primarily been chosen from the extreme north-east of Numenor, friends; is this true?" he tried, as he exhaled a leisurely mushroom-like poof of smoke. Pen was deftly putting on his most forward portrayal of the man-about-town in the know.
Nazgul, for all that's said about them, DO definitely try. And rarely fail.
09-09-2005, 08:15 AM
While Valandil sat moping in front of the remnants of his breakfast, the serving girl leaned over him to remove the dishes and set before him a sweet roll and a fresh mug of hot coffee. As she did so, she brushed lightly against him, which got his attention. He turned to look at her.
"I didn't order this."
"Oh - it's on the house. You've become a 'regular' around here already - and looked like you weren't interested in the first dish any longer... maybe something a little... sweeter!"
She smiled and Valandil looked for a moment into her face.
"You know... you look familiar. Maybe I've seen you here before, but... are you in my Commerce class?"
"Yes - I am."
"Well then... why are you working here?"
"Oh... well, I have to work my way through school. I take classes when I can and work here evenings and weekends. The owner lets me stay in a small bedroom upstairs, and I get in my studying when I can."
"Really... what an intriguing idea," said Valandil. "Why don't you just stop working and go right on through school?"
"Can't afford to. My mother... well, her dad was a minor country thane in Minhiriath, but she married a sailer and they moved here. He left for good soon after I was born. She re-married, so I've got a couple step-brothers, but then my step-dad left too, so she moved back in with her folks but I decided to stay here and fend for myself... try to make a better life."
"Really?" said Valandil. He hadn't thought about the possibility of someone having to work AND go to school. He pondered it for a moment and decided it fit well with The Red Herring... the place was pretty unpretentious, and he liked it more than the upscale Eight and Twelve where the local nobles and social climbers hung out. Even though they all knew here that he was the High King (he had managed to avoid that getting out on his first visit here, but it was too widely known on his second) - they made less commotion about him here than among the upper classes.
"What's your name? And do you ever get time off to go to a party? Or a game or something?"
She smiled. "My name is 'Annawen'... and I was supposed to get off work soon, but R*an hasn't shown up yet. She's not a student, but manages to spend her off-hours climbing trees and such. Well... even if I DO get off work soon, I'll probably need to study..."
Valandil looked back at the newspaper he had picked up before coming in. "Oh really. Hmmmm... there's something in here... a job listing. But really, it sound more like a full-time job even than this one. I'll leave it here for you to look at... or maybe this R*an who works here would find this sort of work more interesting - and the inn-keeper here can find a girl he can count on a bit more than her."
Valandil pointed out the job listing to Annawen and then turned to his sweet roll and coffee. He wondered if R*an was the one they called 'half-elven'... the concept of 'half-elven' fueled his hopes at the moment...
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 02:12 PM
A ragged, beggar-like figure stepped through the door of the inn, causing shocked murmers to come from several of the polished, silky haired elves inside.
The beggar was another elf! There were supposed to be no poor in this kingdom.
The old, thin fellow was heading straight for the king. "Your highness, please hear my tale and read the following petition."
He drew a scroll from under his ragged outer garment and passed it to Valandil. The young king's eyes widened as he saw over a thousand names squeezed onto the parchment.
"The Greyflood may seem here to be flowing steadily, but in truth it is drying up!" the elf exclaimed. "We have sung to the waters day and night, but they will not heed us. The water is many feet below what it should have been. Because of this, our irrigation systems are failing and the farms that once poured out grain are becoming worthless. We need royal aid to get us out of this crisis."
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 02:26 PM
The peace R*an enjoyed as she perched on her lofty height was interrupted by the thundering of hooves. These hooves fell with force such as she had not heard before. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw two horses the size of elephants dragging a fine gold and satin covered coach forward. The driver was an orc near the size of a troll, dressed awkwardly in a green, yellow buttoned vest, tight scarlet shorts and an ugly, sandy colored wig. The orc's face had been extensively doctored with make-up and white powder, but this attempt at the appearance of civility only served to heighten the grotesqueness of the bizarre picture.
The orc didn't notice R*an, but the passenger did. A sort of twisted, sugary whistle came from inside, and the orc tugged the powerful horses to a halt.
Through lacy silk curtains a massive, pudgy hand the size and dimensions of a basketball emerged. Fingers stuck out of the blob of flesh like pins from a cushion, but they were shrouded in rings and jewels, and the fleshy hand was obscured by a lacy frill coming from a delicate sleeve.
A voice, deep as the ocean floor and sickening as a healthy infant's burp arose in a cloying, groping fashion.
"Oh, friendly elf chick," the . . . human? purred. "Is this the way to the city Tharbad?"
09-09-2005, 04:13 PM
In the fresh dawning day amdist the well kempt and leafy surroundings of Orrodel, old Mrs W had sidled up to the door of the Large palatial house before her (via of course a "journalistic" - others might have said "vouersitic" - detour to the window) ... now Old mrs W new a thing or two about unsolicited calling on houses such as this, and how to put her best foot forward as it were, ... she always wore steel toe-capped boots for one thing ...
as she knocked the shockingly (she noticed) unpolished knocker ... a hideously wrought gargoyle in brass ... she heard with delight in her heart the first chirpings of the dawn chorus...
old wise Widow or experienced reporter or not, she failed to notice the beautiful butterfly fly past her ... if she HAD noticed she may have idly wondered at it's sudden arching and hovering for a momment above her ...
luckily for boomerang most of those of the 'walkers' and two-legged folk rarely took any notice ... he smiled and wondering briefly what old Mrs W was about ... he flew on towards the university and to a chat with the USAT Squirrel Clan ... almost he sighed in anticipiation of the crazy chat he was likely to have that morning ... but young Walnut son of Acornagorn was quicker and sharper than most and he could spring to the top of a tree and hoard his nuts whilst chattering 'bushy tail' like no other Squirrel leader he had met before ... of course the squirrels had never been ones for choosing leaders on merit anyway ... big bushy tails usually did the trick!
R*an stared in disbelief at the apparition below her - below her both literally and figuratively, she couldn't help thinking! Why didn't she keep more still and hidden in the tree? Time alone was precious to her. There was so much to think about. But that butterfly had been so interesting ... there was something different enough about it to jar her from her thoughts of Gondolin ... and that takes some doing! Gondolin ... and her mind dwelt on the fountains again, and the dark-haired figure beside her ...
An explosive belch coming from below made the fountains and her companion disappear again and brought her back to the situation at hand. "Friendly elf-chick"?!?! She rolled her eyes.
"Ridiculous humans!" she thought in disdain, then remembered that those ridiculous humans (but the nicer variety, not like the one below) fulfilled a part of her being in a way that no elf ever had.
She toyed with several response options for an instant - what was most important, preserving dignity or getting rid of the thing? - then decided on the latter.
"Yes," she answered, "just keep on this road, and you'll be there soon."
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 06:13 PM
The thing below seemed to sense the truth in her voice. "Mmm. Innocent. I like you, elf maid."
A shadow emerged behind the lacy curtain, the shadow of a huge being within the coach. Distinct features could not be seen on the body, from that angle. The size of the creature indicated it might have been able to ride the elephantine horses, were it of the right bodily structure.
An odor of perfume was rising from the coach in waves. It made a nauseus feeling in the pit of R*an's stomach, but the worst and heaviest affect was in her mind, seeming to cloak her thoughts in heavy sluggishness.
Tiny twin pricks of yellow light appeared before R*an for an instant, where the face probably was. They might have been eyes- or a trick of the light.
"Your kind are good for me," said the voice, appreciatively. "Healthy."
The flashing treasure-studded blob of flesh disappeared back into the coach, and the enormous body changed direction, looking away from R*an. It was as though a heavy hand lifted from her as the coach passed by, leaving only the faintest vestiges of its powerful and sickly sweet perfume behind.
In a final flash of gaudy gold and scarlet, the coach had disappeared up the road toward Tharbad.
R*an shook her head and gasped for breath. What had just happened? She blinked her hazel eyes hard to make the ground stop spinning. She felt an urge to dive into the clean, fresh waters of the river - she felt as if that ... lady? ... had left a sort of slimy film on her that only Eru's water could remove.
"Humans!" she thought in disgust, as she wrinkled her nose.
"Humans..." she thought again, and her mind wandered back to the other day when she caught a glimpse of the young king. Some humans were more elven than others ...
She shook her head again, and gazed at the sun. It was late, and she knew it was time to get back to the inn. With a sigh, she climbed down from the tree.
09-09-2005, 06:32 PM
Eärniel leafed through her papers as she walked through the still, rather empty streets of Tharbad. It was light already, but still early in the morning. It was a cool morning so she had kept the hood of her cape on. As she walked, she mentally checked off the items she had taken care of already.
She had nearly rang the clark at the university out of his bed but she had managed to enroll for the classes she wanted and then some. She would have some catching up to do but that wouldn't pose too much of a problem. She had found lodgings with a family of distant relatives of hers. It was not too far from the University so that was a bonus as well.
She sniffed the morning air. A city smelt very differently from a swamp but they both had their pleasant and less agreeing smells. Right now she caught the smell of freshly baked bread and realised she was hungry. Maybe breakfast was in order, she decided. And it would be an opportunity to see a little more of Tharbad before going back to the university.
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 06:53 PM
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 07:00 PM
The last sane person
09-09-2005, 09:48 PM
Ray was as taken by this new woman as Marty was taken by Lily. Only this one looked like she was harder to get! The woman dived back into her book and Ray settled down into his chair, all other thoughts put aside except how to get acquainted with the sexy dark haired lady. "Ah, I think I am in heaven! Tharbad has had an explosion in the number of sexy and availiable women! I hope she is availiable that is....." He went into a brooding mode on how to approach said lady.
Pengolod puffed away and asked, "I hear the new season's player selections for King Valandil's ball team have primarily been chosen from the extreme north-east of Numenor, friends; is this true?" Marty nodded and responded,
"For the most part, in numenor, the reigning champions and many of the best players originated from there. It only makes sense to bring in the best, from the best areas. But the rumors are exagerated, there are about 8 spots still wide open, last I checked." Marty picked up a friendly discusion with Pengolod, talking of the atributes and faults of each player, and which positions they would be best suited for.
"I fully agree friend, he would be great as a foreward! But why was he stuck as a wingman?" Pengolod had to refil his pipe.
"I haven't a clue, but I guess he just wasnt playing his best on the tryout day. I know he would have done better. You sure do know quite a bit, have you ever played on a team?"
Before pengolod could answer, the door was knocked on and Lily stood up to get the door. "I'll get it, you have had quite the adventure tonight lily, not to mention you serving us, I will answer the door."
"Oh, but we can't ask you to do that, why, its a servants job!" Lily made to get up, but Ray laughed. "My lady, today, I am your servant!"
Ray got up and headed to the front door, and greeted the old lady.
"greetings Madam, this is the residence of Lileawen and Pengolod, how would you be helped."
OOC: what the heck type of ball game is this, exactly? And I am mentally pooped, so CS or Lotesse, can you write for the badgering old lady?
R*an ran swiftly back to The Red Herring .
"So there you are! It's about time!" Annawen said sternly, but with a little smile, for she rather liked the girl. "I sure hope you enjoyed your trees, but I rather think I had something better to look at!"
"Do tell!" smiled R*an, as she joined Annawen in clearing the table.
Annawen paused for effect, then said in a mock-casual voice, "Oh, only the young king! Then dropping all pretense, she squealed, "And R*an, he's just the cutest thing! He's in my commerce class, and I declare my grades are really suffering - I just stare at the back of his head and hardly hear what the teacher says! I think he even put out a feeler to see if I might go out with him - he asked if I ever have time off for parties. I wanted to say, "I'll go anywhere with you!", but I restrained myself and acted calm and collected but still encouraging. I sure hope I didn't act TOO cool towards him!"
"Well, good luck, and I bet he'll be back here soon!" said R*an encouragingly.
"Oh, by the way, I know you're not wild about this job," said Annawen, "and, um, Valandil" (said with a blush) "saw a job opportunity in the paper here. I saved it for you." She handed the paper over to R*an, and then the two girls said their goodbyes.
R*an read the part that Annawen had indicated. "Housekeeper at Orrodel," she mused. "Well, I think I might look into that. It's in a nice part of town, with really lovely grounds." She carried the dishes into the kitchen, then came back out to take the order of a young couple that had just arrived. As she took the order, she noticed with a start that the young lady was wearing a very artistic shirt with a picture of an Ent on it! "How odd," mused R*an, "How did she know what one looked like?"
Later on that day, a slender girl with long, dark hair could be seen making her way up to Orrodel - that is, if anyone was watching ...
09-10-2005, 06:39 AM
"My! what a handsome Man!" purred old Mrs W, unashamedly eyeing up Ray ...
with a winning wink and a quickly offered hand she shook his midly amused hand
"the Widow Watching, proprietor of the best wharfside whelps and Society reporter for the Tharbad gazette ...."
She was in and past him before he began to reply "Ray, King's man and ..."
OOC: ask Valandil about the game: it is in either in tales of V or letters of firiel, it is a Northern numenorean custom a kind of end to end no rules scrum of a game like what they do in Derbyshire, UK ..maybe in future i'll post a link to the real life version ...
i hope too very much either CS or lottesse might post some mrs W for me while i am away ...
09-10-2005, 02:47 PM
Pengolod, Viniglaen and Lilaenwen simultaneously bristled with alarm and agitation at having a reporter walk right into their midst, unannounced and uninvited. Reporters! This situation needed delicate handling, and fast.
Viniglaen put her book to the side, got up and was in the old woman's face before another step was taken. Putting on the innocent act as deftly as putting on shoes, Viv coyly yet firmly gripped the Widow W with her undeniable eyes, immobilising her on the spot.
"Why, I have been brought here by my guardians, " at this she gestures to Lilly and Pen, "to begin my studies here at University of Southern Arnor!"
Old W found she had been stricken momentarily mute.
"I am majoring in World History, and have also signed on for courses in Art History and Applied Structural Engineering. Is that newsworthy?"
Viv's silky voice belied a twinge of an edge, but was cleverly enough presented to seem absolutely benign.
The old woman suddenly found her tongue, and she could not explain to herself why she felt so excruciatingly uncomfortable there, but on the surface she decided that there was no news to print coming out of this genteel household, and turning around, making for the door, she said:
"My, my; how very sweet! It's wonderful to see the young taking up such important studies as our history, yes, ye - "
Slam! went the door after poor Widow's back, when Viv couldn't resist a tiny display of her temper.
As the reporter left the premises and scurried back to her office as fast as she could, she thought to herself, 'something is very, very off about that situation; I shall have to keep my eyes and ears open as the semester gets underway. Why do I sense something; what is it with that household?'
Lief Erikson
09-10-2005, 03:54 PM
The blob in its coach sighed thoughtfully as it eased the flabs of its body into a more comfortable position on the dozens of cushions that surrounded it. He was a male. He might have once been entirely human, but he plainly now was more closely related to some other species. Something inanimate. Jello, maybe, though certainly no one could claim that he wasn't organic.
The pasty flesh of the creature was a slightly pale pink. His vast bloated body was nearly as wide as it was tall, and this was saying something, as the being was slightly over six feet in height. Somehow he managed to squeeze through narrow openings when needed.
Intensive surgery had replaced many of his bones with heavy metal beams, and various strange chemicals ran through much of his body in place of blood. Various tubes and instruments were constantly attached to his slowly decaying heart to keep him from failing him.
The man's eyes could scarcely be seen as layers of flesh on his forehead sagged down over them. Squint little fragments of yellow light gleamed out from under the fat, however, hinting at a voracious appetite and ruthless personality. The nose hung down the face like a hot dog suspended on string, but the mouth seemed as large as a small cave. It could extend to eight inches when fully opened, usually releasing vats of saliva and revealing teeth like walrus tusks. The ears were large, though certainly not in comparison with the nose or mouth (they looked small indeed when taken next to them), and they were keen. Perhaps it was the chemicals from surgery, or perhaps it was some elven blood in his heritage, but the beast had hearing to match with that of the elves, and an uncanny ability to sense danger or problems before his physical senses caught up with them. This ability was particularly helpful when the monster needed to make a quick get-away, or when coping with the problems raised by a frustrating business opponent.
A few bristles of hair remained on the top of the gluttonous beast's head, and his flabby feet and hands lay like sausages out of the sleeves of his huge, thick white overcoat.
This . . . fellow . . . was dressed in white and blue from top to bottom. Golden chains hung from around his neck and about his behemoth torso, and twin, tiny golden daggers hung at his waist.
The chap's jaws seemed to leak a kind of black sewage slowly, one drip at a time, and he idly wiped these away with a silken handkerchief. He placed that back in one of the pockets of his overcoat, knowing that it would come out completely clean again when he next needed it.
The being glanced out the window as his coach rumbled along the road toward Tharbad. This morning he intended to make a cry he had only learned through the spiritual powers of darkness, an echo of the twisted spiritual nature that existed behind his own bloated form as well. The creature was a creation of Mordor, one used to a life of luxury. He had peace on his mind, as he headed toward Tharbad, however. No real damage. He was mending his ways, ready to be helpful, for a change.
09-10-2005, 04:16 PM
At the door of Penny, Lily and Viv there was yet another knock. Viv moved towards the door, her fists clenched but was surprised when she opened it to find a tall dark figure standing there. Lily ran towards the door and hugged the dark figure.
"Boyfriend?" said Ray loudly.
"Brother," replied the figure. "I'm Galadannun. I was recently appointed Head of riental Languages at the University and was delighted to find that my younger brother and sister and moved up here. However I am surprised to see my little cousin Viv here. I haven't seen you in seven years."
09-10-2005, 04:36 PM
"You, too, Galad! What a nice surprise! Did my cousins tell you I'm starting school?" Viv responded, after she'd given Galadannun a polite double-kiss on his face, and showing him to an easy chair next to Pen's favourite spot in the room.
"Yes, little one; Pengolod's told me all about it! That was one of the deciding factors for me to accept this teaching position, you know. That, and the opportunity to spend some quality time with my family here. Viv, I will personally see to it that your education is well-rounded and accurate."
Marty and Ray didn't quite know what to do immediately; all the new introductions of such cultured and obviously powerful richies had come on strong that morning. They looked at each other, wondering whether to stay, or to take their leave. They both wanted to stay. Before they could voice their conundrum to their elite hosts, Lilaenwen piped up as if reading their minds.
"DO stay, dear gentlemen of the King's house," she graciously and sexily cooed. "And if you all will excuse me momentarily, I shall check and see if we have brought our reserve of Miruvor - it IS already noon, isn't it?" Her golden eyelashes mischievously fluttered. "Such occasions call for the best of drinks to toast with!"
The last sane person
09-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Ray and Marty arched their eyebrows at Viv's fast acting and seemingly benign dismissal of that snoopy old lady. Neither of them had missed that little display of temper with the door. But how could they blame her? Reporters were the bane of many royals.
Marty resumed his seat and Ray moved closer to the window. "Well, at least she was worth somthing, Marty. We now know this young woman's intent on being here in Tharbad and her relation to our two friends!" Ray fiddled with his pipe, Marty took a sip of his wine. "Indeed, Though we still do not no said woman's name, at least we now know why she is here...In part." Marty grinned at Ray over Viv's head, who -to their surprise as well as hers - turned an oh-so-slight shade of pink.
She tried to hook Ray with that full power stare, only to find that he met it eagerly with a small grin of his own "once fooled and startled, not so easy the second time around...I think I am starting to know that little trick of hers...Damn, those are beautiful eyes!" ray thought unto himself as the little staring match continued for a moment longer, before he spoke. "Now, my lady, since we are to be friends of your guardians, it is only befitting that we have your name, seeing as you are a person and not some beautiful acoutriment of the room!"
Neither of them had desinged to look away from each other and neither had blinked. Marty was silently shocked, "Sauron's Balls! Ray can FLIRT! Why, that brick, I never knew he had it in him...and he is doing a damn fine job of it too! With quite the woman to tangle with no less!" He continued to sit back and watch this spectacle, as had Lily an Pengolod and the new found brother.
Viv graced Ray with a small smile, and thought about the words she would say.
09-10-2005, 04:44 PM
"Viniglaen," she replied instantly, apparantly unaffected by Ray's flirtatious mien. "My name is Viniglaen, or if you prefer to speak fewer syllables, you may simply call me 'Viv.'"
The last sane person
09-10-2005, 05:02 PM
"Forgive me for seeming bold Viniglaen." Ray looked down and gave a small bow. "I'm sorry Lily, but the mirouvor will have to wait for me at least, I must go." Ray got up from his seat and bowed to all those present, "it has been an honor to meet all of you, this has been a very...fortunate day." He walked towards the door, Marty threw him a questioning look, and Lily asked, "Why must you go? Is something troubling you?"
Ray laughed, and Pengolod offered "If your mind is troubled I can show you around the grounds, if you wish to walk to soothe your mind?" Ray bowed again but gave a small wave of his hand. "My mind is....perhaps troubled, yes. But it would take a walk around the world twice over ease my troubled mind. But more over, I am a King's Man. Where is my king?" Marty and Ray shared a look, and Marty got up as well, fetching his cloak. "my friend is right, what shoddy guardsmen are we. We have not seen our king in almost a day and a half, with no clue as to where he is. I too bid you a good afternoon."
Marty gave a bow and donned his cloak as they left the manor, stepping aside for a pretty half-elf who was comming up the way. Ray was putting on his gloves, both were thinking "What has gotten into me today?" But marty was smiling, "What a good day was this! So many beautiful women! Aii! Comming to the University might have been the wisest choice I've made!"
"Right. Our king, where might Val be?" Marty and Ray looked at each other, knowing the answer. They made way to a more wholesome and less pretencious pub that Val liked to frequent. They would start their search there.
09-10-2005, 05:55 PM
When the two victims of Penny and Lil's oriental hospitality left the house unsteadily, the four wraiths sat for some time in silence, eyeing each other warily. Lilly was worried, her mind racing frantically. What was Khamul doing in Tharbad? Did he feel the same silent mysterious call as she and Five did? Apparently so… Indeed it must be so, as Vivvi was there also. So... were all the others coming too? WHO has called them and WHY? Or were they also after the Ruling Ring? At this thought, a cold shiver ran down Lilly's spine. Will we have to fight each other over the Ring? There was no friendship in the shadow of the One. Only fire and pain and madness...
Five, as well as Lilly, has not seen Khamul or Viv since the fall of Mordor, for almost 50 years now. He felt uneasy, seeing them now coming out of the blue on the same night.
Five opened the conversation saying, "Well met, My Lord Khamul, welcome to Tharbad. Where are you coming from, and what are you planning to do here, if I may ask?"
Khamul gave his characteristic sarcastic smile, never reaching his cold black eyes. " I learned that my brother and two sisters were left all alone without guidance. As a big brother I am duty bound to look after you. So, my dears, I will stay here. Please, go look after my horse, Lord Buzukkumarz, I left it at the gate. Is there not a single servant in this place?"
"I have not had the opportunity to hire servants yet", explained Lilly nervously.
"Do so today. And don't forget a stable boy." ordered Khamul.
Saying that in his usual I -am-the-master-here tone, Khamul yawned and went to the Master's bedroom, Lilly's favourite abode. Without bothering to take off his boots, he stretched on the rose feather bed and soon drifted away on the paths of undead dreams.
R*an walked up the lonely road, with thoughts as dark as her long hair. She was still a little shaken - it was a long time since she had felt such a strong sense of repulsion and evil as she had felt when that thing in the coach addressed her. But remembering the "elf-chick" comment made a smile break through on her fair countenance, and a laugh soon followed - what a ridiculously incongrouos comment coming from that blob! - and soon she had shaken off the cloud that had hung over her since that chance encounter.
She came around the last turn in the road and Orrodel stood before her, large and stately, but a little run to seed. "They sure DO need some help here!" she thought. "Maybe my rather thin resume won't matter as much as I thought it would!"
She lifted up her chin, went up to the main door, and knocked. The door was opened by a rather amazing-looking lady, and R*an blinked in surprise, but managed to not gasp out loud. "How in the WORLD is that dress staying on her?" she wondered. "She must use some type of adhesive!" Putting aside these totally irrelevant (but interesting) thoughts, R*an announced, "I have come in response to your ad that I saw in the paper today," then wondered why that feeling of repulsion and evil, which her laugh had dispelled earlier on the road, had somehow returned when the door opened ...
09-10-2005, 07:58 PM
A sweet smile that graced Lilly's face when she opened the door instantly disappeared when her eyes beheld ... a she-elf? She smelled like one. And, sure, she had pointy ears. And she had no decency to hide them! Ugh!
Lilly hated elves all her life. Disgusting, haughty, foul-smelling creatures.
What in Angband was this one doing at her door, blinking at her? Lilly fought the urge to grip the thin elven neck and squeeze... hard, really hard.
Meanwhile, oblivious to her peril, the she-elf announced, "I have come in response to your ad that I saw in the paper today."
"What is an Ad?" asked Lilly in a raspy voice. The smell of elven blood cloyed to her nostrils. Lilly stopped breathing entirely to be able to fight the temptation to spill it.
"This advertisement", explained the elf patiently, showing Lilly a tattered newspaper. Lilly recognised it. Yesss, the housekeeper.
Normally, Lilly would have never allowed an elf in her house. But Khamul has given an order to settle things this very day. Lilly slowly moved aside to let the elf in.
Rian looked around in wonder. Sure, this house needed a housekeeper badly. And a lot of servants to boot. Exquisite furniture was covered in layers of dust, windows seemed to be washed an Age ago, things were lying everywhere in disorder.
Lilly led the way to the sitting-room. It was empty, though Rian had a strange feeling of unseen eyes following her very move. With shaking hand she produced the letter of recommendation from the tavern she worked in.
Lilly glanced at the letter, but made not a single comment. Instead, she sat in a big armchair and with a curt gesture indicated a chair for Rian to sit.
"Now, uhm...Rian, I want to hear your story. Why an elf wants to be a housekeeper?" asked Lilly, piercing her with her huge, cold green eyes.
Lief Erikson
09-10-2005, 09:51 PM
The vast coach rolled to a stop at the city gates, and the guards immediately called "halt!" The lieutenant stared in disbelief at the bizarre sight before him, and then motioned down to his men with one hand. "We'll need the king's decision, about this one."
"I wish to talk with your king!" the rolling, somersaulting voice below fizzled out of the coach. "There is much business for the two of us to discuss."
09-11-2005, 02:48 AM
While his big brother was asleep, Penny sat down by the fire and poured himself a hefty drink. Meanwhile, Lilly was still chattimg with her new elfin helper.
09-11-2005, 07:12 PM
Turning invisible, Viv ventured into the sitting room and had a good look at the new housekeeper. The elf was telling what sounded like a boring personal story, Lily was listening rather impatiently, playing with a tiny knife at her belt.
"Hmm, what is Lily thinking hiring an Elf?", mused Viv silently... Our “patient” Lily! Viv grinned mischievously. But then, Lily had no options. Khamûl was really UNPLEASANT, to put it mildly, if his orders were not carried to the letter.
Wandering aimlessly through the big house that she had as yet no opportunity to see, Viv came to the front door. The post box was overflowing with newspapers. Viv was curious by nature, so she decided to have a look at them and to see what was happening or was about to happen in the noble city of Tharbad.
Grabbing the pile of newspapers, she carried them to a dusty round table. The uppermost one happened to be this Saturday morning issue of Tharbad gazette. The headline of Society section read “HM High King Valandil will attend the Reception at the University on Sunday”.
“I must show that to Lilly!”
Viv jumped up, knocking down the pile of papers. Lying in the midst of the spilled newspapers, Viv noticed two, no, three letters. Picking them up, Viv saw that one was addressed to "Lady Lilaenwen, daughter of Aldacar", the other to "Lord Pengolod, son of Aldacar" and the third… no, it was simply impossible…she came to Tharbad only last night… but it was addressed to "Lady Viniglaen"!
Frantic now, Viv opened her letter and read it. Then, forgetting all else, she rushed upstairs.
Hearing Viv’s running footsteps even in the midst of his dream, Khamul woke instantly, gripped his sword and rushed out of the bedroom. Five was already at the ready with a long knife in his hand. Viv ran into the room, the news on her lips, but had to stop abruptly at the sight of the drawn blades. At this point, she was almost knocked down by a taller and heavier Lilly, who left her guest and came upstairs in a rush.
“What’s the matter, Viniglaen? asked Khamul, after checking the staircase for attackers.
“We are summoned to the Arch-Chancellor of the University, this very evening, Lily and Five and I,” replied Viv, turning the envelopes in her hand. "How in Mordor could they learn about me??"
“And you made such a fuss for so little?” asked Khamul angrily. “Every new student is summoned to the Chancellor, that is the custom here. It is a formality, no more.”
“But that is in three hours! What shall I wear??” wailed Lily.
Viv rolled her eyes.
R*an finished straightening up the kitchen. What a mess! Maybe the inn wasn't such a bad place, after all! But once she set her hand to something, R*an liked to see it through. And this place certainly was not going to be boring!
She thought back to the interview. She replayed Lilly's question in her mind. "Why WOULD an elf want to be a housekeeper?" She had answered honestly that although elves aren't known for taking in interest in human affairs, especially recently, she was different. There were those, like Finrod, who did take an interest in humans, and even lived among them, and she was just one of that minority. She had heard of Tharbad being an interesting place and decided to come take a look for herself. And being without friends or family in the place, she needed to provide for herself by taking employment. She had worked at the inn now for some time, and wanted to try something new.
"I know my references are rather light, but I also can see that you need help as soon as possible, and I'm available this very minute. I am sure my work will give you satisfaction..." she broke off and looked around, thinking that someone was entering or leaving the room, but apparently not; she must still be jumpy from that encounter earlier this afternoon! She repeated, "I know my work will give you satisfaction, and in return, I shall expect to be treated with respect, and to have regular time off."
Lilly, fingering her dagger, looked torn between taking offense at the subtle insult and grabbing at the domestic lifeline. In the end, apparently the latter urge was the stronger, and R*an found herself in the possession of the household keys. "All except these," said Lilly, and she hastily grabbed the large set of keys back out of R*an's hand and wrenched a few off. "Now go and take care of the kitchen!" she said as she thrust the keys back at R*an. And with that, her new employer left her and ran up the stairs.
Annawen re-read the note from R*an. "Well, she's a fast worker!", she thought with a smile. "I'll sure miss her!" But as she pictured R*an's lovely dark hair, slender elven form and fair elven face (but with that something just a little different, altho she couldn't put a finger on it), she reconsidered; what if the young king should come by again? It would be nice to have the field a little more clear...
As she went to pack up a few items that R*an had asked her to send up to the castle for her as a favor, she heard a rumbling noise, and looked up to see a gaudy coach roll past, accompanied by a palace guard, no less! "Well, what a day it's been for wonders!", she thought in amazement. "What's next?"
She knew what she hoped would be next...
09-12-2005, 02:13 AM
Five or Pennie had, in invisible mode, walked around in the house hoping to catch some interesting sights. But there not being any returned to the fireplace and his unfinished drink.
09-12-2005, 02:45 AM
(slight rewind in time)
Just when Valandil thought his day could NOT get any worse...
First there had been the midnight ride, the fall and twisting his ankle... he had fairly botched his big chance of a first encounter with the fabled Earniel, had let his breakfast get cold, and now this waitress was making eyes and smiling at him all the time (had a little conversation given her THAT much encouragement?)... and hadn't even STUDIED... like he was SUPPOSED to be doing. And tomorrow... he had to have that meeting with The Chancellor!!
And now... THIS guy had found him again. How on Arda did he KEEP finding him? And WHY on Arda did he keep imagining that Valandil was an Elven King??
"Your highness, please hear my tale and read the following petition." the ragged, beggar-like figure said as he drew a scroll from under his ragged outer garment and passed it to Valandil.
Valandil feigned shock as he looked at the same old parchment he must have seen a thousand times.
"The Greyflood may seem here to be flowing steadily, but in truth it is drying up!" the elf exclaimed."We have sung to the waters day and night, but they will not heed us. The water is many feet below what it should have been. Because of this, our irrigation systems are failing and the farms that once poured out grain are becoming worthless. We need royal aid to get us out of this crisis."
Mental illness is sad among any of the free peoples of Middle Earth, but somehow it seemed particularly tragic among Elves... perhaps owing to the great majesty they could have... or perhaps the fact that they were culturally in complete denial over the whole mental illness thing anyway... sad indeed.
At least it gave him a break from Annawen's perpetual gazes.
A sudden inspiration struck Valandil.
"You know... I think you're on to something there. Here... I've thought before that we should get the BEST MINDS in the Kingdom working on this right away... but now it seems so clear... what better mind to solve this puzzle than YOUR OWN! Now... go to this address and ask for the High.. Lord.. Chamberlain. Tell him that you're to be given charge of an entire orchestra... complete with choir, that you may seek for the right notes, or the correct tune or tempo... and solve this problem once and for all!"
"But... your Highness..."
Just then, a guard arrived, seeming somewhat nervous. He bowed low and said, "My King... an unusual carriage has arrived at the northwest gate to the city. They request admittance, but the guards were uncertain what to do and have sent me to bring you, that you may judge what is best."
*That I may judge?!?? thought Valandil. What on Arda kind of idiots were they posting at the city gates these days? If it doesn't belong, you don't let it in... that's been The Rule from time immemorial... at ANY place! Who is the genius who wants to send for the High King and ask HIM to play porter every time an outlaw or Dwarf dairy farmer comes along?*
*Still... this might be a timely diversion..."
"Oh see there now? A King's work is never done! I am needed at the northwest gate and most procede there forthwith. Go straightaway to the address I've given you while I see to this new pressing development," (and Valandil tried to suppress a mischievous smile... no need to bother the REAL Lord High Chamberlain about this... good thing he had remembered the address on the 'Help Wanted' ad for the household servant). "As for me, I must be off! Guard... show me the way!"
With that, Valandil was off and on his way.
09-12-2005, 03:09 AM
(slight rewind in time)
Just when Valandil had begun to wonder if his day could possibly get any worse.
First... there was the midnight ride, the fall and his ankle, botching his big chance of a first meeting with the fabled Lady Earniel... then letting his breakfast get cold and this waitress continually looking and smiling at him (had the bit of conversation given her THAT much encouragement??). And on top of all that, he was SUPPOSED to be STUDYING... and had to meet with the Chancellor tomorrow!
And now this.... THIS fellow! How on Arda did he keep FINDING him? And WHY on Arda did he always think that Valandil was an Elven King, despite having it all patiently explained to him on so many occasions.
"Your highness, please hear my tale and read the following petition." said the ragged, beggar-like figure as he stepped through the door of the inn.
He drew a scroll from under his ragged outer garment and passed it to Valandil - who feigned surprise at seeing a blank piece of parchment he felt he must have seen a thousand times already.
"The Greyflood may seem here to be flowing steadily, but in truth it is drying up!" the elf exclaimed. "We have sung to the waters day and night, but they will not heed us. The water is many feet below what it should have been. Because of this, our irrigation systems are failing and the farms that once poured out grain are becoming worthless. We need royal aid to get us out of this crisis."
Mental illlness was a sad thing among any of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth, but somehow it was particularly tragic among the Elves. Maybe it was the majesty they could reach in their heights... or maybe it was just the cultural denial they had about mental illness itself... sad indeed.
And didn't the old chap realize that it was his irrigation that was most likely bringing down the water levels?!?!!?
He was about to respond as he always had before, when a sudden inspiration struck him.
"Yes... that has been much in my thoughts lately. And while formerly, I would have scoured my very realm to get the BEST MINDS working on it, the answer now seems so clear to me. You... YOU would be best suited to solve this matter!"
"But my Lord King... I have no..."
"Never mind about that, now go to..."
Suddenly, another interruption. A guard nervously approached, knelt down and said, "My Lord King... the guards at the northwest gate... something unusual has arrived and they are not certain of what to do. They request your judgement in the matter."
Of all the lame-brained, idiotic things he had heard, this beat them all. From time immemorial, The Rule has always been - if it belongs, you let it in, if it doesn't belong, you don't let it in. Now what was so hard about that? Who in their right mind sends for the High King to play porter when he can't decide what to do with an outlaw or a Dwarf dairy-farmer? Ah well... in this case, it just MIGHT be a welcome interruption.
"See now... a King's work is never done! Must be off right away... to the gate you know! But here... go to this.. address.. and ask for the Lord.. High.. Chamberlain. He will see to it that you are equipped with the best orchestra and choir which may be found, that you may sing to the river as pleases it, until it rises to the proper levels (don't overdo it now... flooding is an ugly thing... and we'd hate to see it happen to Tharbad)."
Valandil smiled - and hoped that the mischief didn't show through. No need to bother the REAL High Lord Chamberlain... good thing he had remembered the address from the 'Help Wanted' ad.
Then Valandil departed with the guard, stumping along to his horse, then riding briskly to the northwest gate.
The last sane person
09-12-2005, 04:10 AM
OOC: double posty?
Ray and Marty fairly flew towards the bar when they saw Valandil mounting up and riding north. "Hey! Val! Wait for us!" Valandil turned around in his saddle and gave a lopsided grin and waved them over to where his horse stamped the ground.
"Hey guys, whats up? I take it you don't believe in riding horses anymore? Come, borrow the horses in the stable. I've got to get to the gate, some addlepates don't know what to do with something."
"...We didn't think we would need to ride ass over teakettle anywheres." Marty looked Val up and down, and noticed his swamp stained clothes and somewhat muddied horse. "Wow, I was going to tell you of our adventure over the night and morning, but it seems you have had some adventures of your own. Whats the matter with the leg?" He had noticed the way Val was holding his foot in the stirrup.
Valandil grumbled, "Went for a morning ride, and the fog concealed a root and my horse and I took a tumble. It's nothing. Tell me about what happened to you guys on the way to the gate." Marty arched his eyebrows, knowing that there was more than what Val was letting on, but mounted up all the same when Ray brought the horses. They set off at a goodly pace.
09-12-2005, 06:17 AM
Washing dirty dishes (several weeks worth) piled in the sink, Rian heard footsteps of several persons coming from the upper floor. Lily was not a single inhabitant of the house, that much was clear. The conversation with her new Lady ending so abruptly suited Rian well, at least there had been no time to tell her story in full. One thing bothered Rian, though. She had no opportunity to raise the crucial question of salary.
Upstairs the preparations went full swing,
Lilly scanned through her dresses, and has finally chosen a bright yellow, almost golden one, with a long train and practically no sleeves. Five, or Penny, as Lilly now called him to get used to the name, was summoned to lace her corselet. He had been doing that particular task daily for three weeks now, and has become quite an expert. He has grown fond of the task as well, as his feelings for Lil were far from brotherly.
This time, however, Khamul ventured to help Penny, so, between them, they laced Lilly so tight that it almost crushed her ribcage. Her weak attempts to breathe made her D-sized breasts swell above the corselet, threatening to jump out of the dress entirely. But Lilly didn't mind at all. She was quite happy with her 15-inch waist.
“Now, Vivvie, could you put some kohl around my eyes to accentuate them?” pleaded Lilly. She could not do it herself, as she was unable to see her sunny countenance in a mirror, and no man was clever enough to be assigned that delicate task.
“Uhm, Lil”, came Viv’s muted reply from her bedroom, “I an kind of busy myself right now. Why won’t you go and ask this new elf-servant of yours?”
“Good idea”, cried Lilly in relief. “But you will check how it looks later!”
09-12-2005, 06:50 AM
Eärniel just turned around the corner by the Red Herring as she saw the three riders take off in the other direction. She couldn't see their faces but she was sure she had recognized the horse of the first one. She had the feeling she would run into him again. Still, at least it was better that it happened in Tharbad than in Nîn-In-Eilph...
She looked up to the sign of the Red Herring. It looked quiet and decent enough. This was just what she was looking for.
As she entered, the serving girl looked up expectantly. Her expression fell when she saw who entered.
"Are you open?," Eärniel asked, thinking she had entered at the wrong time.
The serving girl blushed. "Oh, yes. Yes, come in," she said hurriedly. "I was just... eh... expecting somebody else, that's all."
"I see," said Eärniel with a smile. She remembered who had just left this establishment. It would seem the High King of Arnor was quite a heart-breaker...
She ordered her breakfast and sat down at one of the tables. She was going through her papers again when Annawen brought her her food.
"Oh, you're also a student at the university?" the serving girl asked as she recognized the papers.
"Since this morning," Eärniel replied. "You too?"
"Yes," said Annawen. "Say, you wouldn't happened to follow the Commerce class, would you?"
"No, I don't think I signed up for that. Is that a problem?"
"No, no problem. I was just wondering," said Annawen with a smile before she left to serve the other clients, leaving Eärniel to ponder the significance of that Commerce class. Annawen had almost seemed relieved to find out Eärniel wouldn't be following those classes. Eärniel couldn't help but wonder why.
With a shrug she turned to her papers again and opened the invitation from the Arch-Chancellor she had received with her enrollment papers. It was for tonight.
Lilly leaned over the stairrail, almost falling out of her dress in the process, and called down in a shrill voice, "R*an! Get your little pointy-eared ... *cough* ... could you please come up here and help me with my face?" She thought to herself, "MUST restrain myself!!! These elves can get rather shirty, and I don't want to lose a potential source of amusement!" Her mind ran on some thoughts that the gentle reader would probably rather not join her in.
R*an came running up the stairs, thinking to herself that she was glad that she never picked up this particular female human habit of face-painting. She smiled to herself, and looked for her reflection in a mirror to smile back at her, but although the stairwell was covered in frames, they all enclosed landscapes or portraits - there was not a single mirror among them. That was certainly strange, she thought, for a house of one who was apparently so interested in her looks ...
She gave a light knock on the door and entered the room...
09-12-2005, 06:32 PM
The room, which was meant to be a lady's boudoir, looked like a battlefield, or more like a pigsty: dresses, underwear, hairpins, jewellery, unwashed glasses and empty bottles lying everywhere. Rian's eyes were drawn to a beautiful golden-framed mirror, the first one she has seen in the house, smashed to tiny fragments. Pieces of glass were everywhere.
Rian shivered in disgust. She was a neat creature and could never imagine noble humans living like that.
The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar, allowing Rian to see a pair of muddied boots belonging, obviously, to a man lying on the bed.
"Lilly's husband" thought Rian. "He might at least come say hello".
Lilly interrupted her thoughts by shoving a tiny brush into her hand.
"Does she really think her eyes need accentuating?" thought the elf.
"My lady", started Rian, putting the paint on Lily's eyelashes and in the corners of her eyes. With the dark paint on, Lilly looked like a dragon, magnetic green eyes filling half of her face. "My Lady, we have not yet discussed the amount of my salary and my duties".
Would thirty gold coins be enough? asked Lilly impatiently.
"A year?" asked Rian.
"No, a month, dearie" replied Lilly to dumbfounded Rian. The sum was enormous.
"What will be required of me, my Lady?" asked Rian at last. Dark suspicions started to plague her anew. But one doesn't run away just because her employer offered too much!
"I have told you already", snapped Lilly. "You must get this house running smootly. You are to hire the servants. A kitchen maid, a butler, a couple of house servants and a.. no, two stable-boys".
"Is that all?" asked Rian.
"Yesss", hissed Lily, "I hate servants getting underfoot".
"What about a lady's-maid?" asked Rian. Lilly surely needed one, she thought.
"Uhm, yes", replied Lilly, twitching her nose at Rian's smell. "But she must be human, not an elf."
Before Rian had time to take offence, Lilly added, "No more elves here. No mirrors, no singing, no drinking, no coming upstairs unbidden, no talking with outsiders. Be discreet, Rian, be DISCREET!"
09-12-2005, 10:56 PM
(pics of Viv's necklace & dress, but Viv doesn't look like that model; Viv's a young Bacall w/ dark hair)
As the afternoon wore on, and the six-o'clock hour loomed nearer, the Orrodel household was stirring and buzzing with preparations for the evening's Arch Chancellor meeting.
Viv wasted no time getting prepared. She tugged a beautiful little black dress over her head, and snapped one of her favourite diamond and mithril necklaces round her elegant, slender neck, then quickly brushed her tousled hair and splashed cold rose-and-MorgulValeflower infused water on her face, to freshen up. Throwing a few favourite belongings in her big black traveling bag, she slung her strappy shoes over her shoulder and ducked out of her room, to see how the rest of the "family" was getting on.
Viniglaen sought out Lilly; the young wraith wanted to see her "cousin" in private for a moment for a little "sisterly" advice; Viv was a bit nervous about this Arch Chancellor thing.
09-13-2005, 06:57 AM
Lily laced her golden sandals nervously, still disturbed by a lingering elf-stench in her nostrils, listening to Viv.
"Morgoth's pelt, what are you trying to say, Vivvie? Why are you so nervous about this Arch Chancellor thing?"
09-13-2005, 02:53 PM
"How can they know I am here?" asked Viv. "I am here since this night, and the letter was sent two weeks ago. It's unnatural!"
Lilly was not the brightest of the wraiths, so Viv's worries did not trouble her. Lilly was lost in her own pleasant thought, purring softly to herself an orc-march tune, en vogue in Barad-Dur.
"What you are up to now?" asked Viv suspiciously. She has had plenty of time to learn Lilly's moods. That was the excitement of a cat ready to jump on an unsuspecting mouse. "Why all that fuss with the dress? What do you want with this Chancellor?"
"He is a man, isn't he?", purred Lilly. "And a young man, the King's third cousin, I heard. The only king's relative, as it goes, here in Tharbad at least"
"I thought you were after the King himself?" inquired Viv. Lilly was incorrigible.
"Well, one must always have a second choice", explained Lilly with a flash of her green eyes. "Moreover, his advice will weight much, when the King starts to consider marrying me".
Viv rolled her eyes. Lilly always made her do it repeatedly.
R*an put the finishing touches on the now-almost-unrecognizeable kitchen and hung up the last towel. It was a lot of work, but with the lovely view of the forest through the window, she didn't mind. Indeed, it was an ideal set-up - tasks to keep her mind just busy enough, and a lovely view to refresh her. Sometimes she found that with too much free time, unpleasant thoughts resurfaced. Some sorrows, apparently, never quite heal, at least in this world - but she wasn't ready to leave this world just yet, either.
She stood still, the breeze though the window gently lifting her long, dark hair, and looked at the faces again. So many killed, at the eve of Tarnin Austa, long ago ... but worse than the memory of her friends that had died was the memory of those whose fate she did not know. The lovely trees, dancing softly in the wind, grew blurry.
She stamped her foot and turned away from the window. Yes, this was a good place for her to be in, at least for now. Now what else was there to do here?
Remembering the pile of crockery on the small table outside Lilly's door, she headed quickly upstairs, making no sound with her feet, as was the elven way.
What she heard, unintentionally, through the door, made her almost drop the dishes ...
09-13-2005, 04:12 PM
"I thought you were after the King himself?" asked a melodious woman's voice.
"Well, one must always have a second choice", Rian recognised Lilly's slightly shrill voice, though now Lilly was almost purring.
"Moreover, his advice will weight much, when the King starts to consider marrying me".
Shocked, Rian forgot about the broken pottery and descended back to the kitchen to think.
09-13-2005, 04:12 PM
Penny, yet again in invisible mode, had sauntered into the ladies room and overheard the conversation.
'What's this about a Chancellor?' he thought, yelously, almost having in mind to make a sudden wrathful appearance.
09-13-2005, 04:57 PM
The USAT Squirrel Clan were the chattering classes of the university Grounds ... of all the Campus creatures the best source of information... thought Beautiful Boomerang
young Walnut son of Acornagorn had met Beautiful B high on the branches of a stately tree close-by the inner University cloisters.
Beautiful Boomerang had been busy on his flight over Tharbad, the Wings were now out. As he had flown into his meeting word had come in from old purple heart of the sighting of a mysterious and gaudy carriage approching the City's northwestern gate .... and of the unease of the City guards ...
Boomerang smiled .. this was a currency that Walnut would like ... fresh news indeed and intruiging ...
And Indeed he had.
Boomerang had learned much in return from the bushy tailed Squirrel Chief: among other things of an upcoming and much anticipated event at the university ... and obscure rumours regarding the New Arch-chancellor ...
09-13-2005, 07:33 PM
At last everyone was ready. Khamul saw his “family” to the door, grinning evilly. He certainly had some private joke to amuse himself, but nobody dared to ask.
The Main building of the University and the Chancellor’s Palace were two blocks away from the Orrodel house, so the company went on foot. The University was build a century ago at the place of a smaller college, existing from the times of the Numenorean colony in Tharbad. Several inner cloisters contained famous old gardens, with plants and flowers from all the Middle Earth and from the drowned Numenor. At half-past-five, Penny proudly led both his beautiful “sisters” up the steps to the huge doors with the sigil of Arnor inlaid in mithril.
A small crowd of new students, many of them from Arnor, some from Gondor, a few from Harad, Khand and Rhun waited in the ornate hall. The carven doors to the Chancellor’s office were still closed. Among the students, Lilly noticed several girls and eyed them critically. Dresses of all possible colours were proudly displayed along with jewellery; many wore precious stones or their brow or flowers in their hair. Men sported jewellery as well, along with ornate weapons. One student even donned a dented helmet, the legacy of the Last Alliance. Five wondered whether he fought in the war himself, but no; he was too young for that. It was his father’s helmet probably.
Viv noticed a beautiful she-elf dressed in green with long flowing hair, waiting in the crowd and a poorly dressed girl waiting alone in a corner.
Suddenly Ray and Marty appeared and bowed before Lilly and Viv, resplendent in dark velvet tunics embroidered with gold and silver. Marty started to tell a funny story, something that has happened at the gates, but Lilly interrupted him impatiently.
“Tell us about the Chancellor, please. We know nothing, I only heard he is called the Ice-Chancellor, and that he is much feared and respected here, but that’s about all. Is he really King’s relative? How old is he? Do you know his story?”
Marty was happy to show that he was privy to the gossip at the court. Indeed, the story of Lord Ilmenzor was well known to all in Annuminas, and was quite interesting to tell.
“Well, the Chancellor, Lord Ilmenzor, is the King’s third cousin. He is the great-grandson of the younger brother of Amandil, our King’s great-granddad. But though he is of the same generation, he is older than our King and fought in the War. His father was Captain of Minas Ithil, under King Isildur. When the War started, the enemy sacked the City in his first stroke. King Isildur barely escaped, but the Captain and his family were not so fortunate. They perished, defending the Citadel to the last man. Lord Ilmenzor was King Isildur's esquire at the time, and they fought their way out, but Ilmenzor was the only one left of the whole family, and wowed to make the Nameless Enemy pay for it. When Lord Isildur went North to seek help from his father, Lord Ilmenzor remained in Gondor with King Anarion. Many assaults had he led on the Moon city, but the accursed Ulairi held it fast.”
By that point in the story, Mary noticed that almost all the students in the hall were listening to his story with abated breath. The stories of the Great War, or the Last War, as it was often called, were always popular, and Marty was a good storyteller.
“The enemy’s strength has already waned, when Lord Ilmenzor led his last assault on Minas Ithil. They breached the Gates and fought in the streets. But the accursed nazgul pushed them back; few could withstand their power and terror. Lord Ilmenzor was wounded and taken captive. Many long weeks he was tortured in the dungeons of the city of Dread. When the forces of the Great Alliance came at last to the Gates of Minas Ithil in great strength, the Ulairi departed, vanishing into the shadows, cowardly orcs ran in all directions, and the Moon city was abandoned. Lord Ilmenzor was rescued from the dungeons, but he was close to death and spent many long years recovering from his injuries. After the War, he travelled far and wide even to the Far Harad, where the stars are strange, and to the East, to the borders of the Eastern Sea. At length he returned to Osgiliath and dwelt there, teaching at the University, as he is a famous scholar, and his knowledge in all sciences is vast and deep. Foe three years now, he is the Arch-Chancellor of the USAT, and rules the University with iron hand.
A respectful silence followed Marty’s tale. It was broken by Lilly’s shrill voice asking,
“And is he married?”
09-13-2005, 08:08 PM
Viv gave Lil a sharp little kick on the ankle. "Lil," she half-whispered, half growled, "calm down!"
"Tsk," Lilly snatched her foot away from Viv and re-composed herself. "I have my priorities, little one, now COOL IT, and let me do my thing!" Lil responded to Viv out of the corner of her mouth, then pasting on a deceptively sweet and innocent smile, she rephrased her question with elegantly contrived honey-tones.
The last sane person
09-14-2005, 01:25 AM
OOC: IS he married? *shrugs*
Marty grinned. "Sorry milady, but I think he is already taken! Though I can see your intrest, he is a great man." Many people nodded in agreement. Lily looked downfallen for a breif moment then regained her composure. "But of course, one can hardly expect a man like that to go unwed for long...." The group stood and waited as the list of names were announced. Raendil and Marthalion occasionally pointing out their friends and other notable people from the list.
09-14-2005, 06:13 AM
Listening to Marty's tale, Annawen left her corner and joined the main group. She loved tales, and the storyteller was a close friend of the King. Annawen sighed at the thought of the King. Kings and Chancellors and such like, will any of them even glance at such as herself, a country wench, earning her bread working in a tavern?
Annawen has heard the story before. She was from Tharbad, and, in the last few years, the Icy -Chancellor and his beautiful daughter had been the main topic of gossip in the City and in the University, before King Val came to get his share of it.
Then an overdressed readhead (oh, it was the same one that flirted with King Val in the "Herring"!) asked
"Is he married?"
The King's friend muttered something in reply that sounded like "yes".
Annawen couldn't stand it. The desire for gossip overwhelmed her.
Blushing furiously, she began in a shaking voice:
"If I just may say, I am sorry if I am too bold, but the Chancellor's wife died in Gondor some years ago. It was a tragic accident, a fire, and the poor Lady was burned beyond recognition. Lord Ilmenzor moved here after her death, as he could not stand living in Osgiliath after that, poor man. They say, Lady Isilimë was uncommon beautiful, kind and noble, and the Chancellor's daughter, Aiwendis, is exactly like her. She is the first beauty of Tharbad, Lady Aiwendis, she is. Happy will be the man she will choose to marry, that's what they say, begging your pardon, lords and ladies."
Annawen stopped lamely. However, she noticed the hum of approval, and the green-eyed readhead looked at her kindly and smiled.
"Thank you, my darling", said Lilly, obviously pleased.
"A widower", thought Lilly. "Better and better!" A prowling cat's smile appeared on her face and the green eyes flashed hungrily.
09-14-2005, 08:42 AM
(earlier that same day)
Valandil rode through the winding streets of the city toward the northwest gate - the gate serving the main North Road which went up into the heart of his kingdom. The guard rode beside him, Marty and Ray right behind.
The thoughts kept pouring through his head. Why couldn't he get away from matters of state for a bit? He was here to study... to learn... or at least, to observe... but he kept getting distracted.
When they neared the gate, there was an obvious disturbance in the street ahead of them - people screaming and running in all directions. Suddenly an enormous, ornate coach rolled into view.
"My Lord," said the guard, "the very coach for which you were summoned here!"
Of all things... the driver was an Orc! Only he wasn't driving. He sat slumped in his seat, with an arrow in his shoulder. The great beasts pulling the coach seemed to be panicing. With much effort, Valandil and his companions got control of the situation, stopping the coach. Valandil leapt to the door, flung it open and looked inside.
The coach was empty.
"Was THIS what they called me about?"
A squad of guardsmen came running up from the gate, and Valandil soon learned that the Orc had been distracted by an odd butterfly, that his movements to shoo it away had triggered the beasts of burden, and that one of the guard had fired upon the driver, attempting to stop the coach, but that had only worsened things.
Strangely enough, Valandil also found the Orc driver to be somewhat POLITE! From all he knew, Orcs were mortal enemies... ALWAYS to be killed on sight. This orc wore a heavy steel collar, chained to the coach, and was dressed in ridiculous attire - similar to that of a court jester, for those who favored such things.
Valandil sent a group of guardsmen to take the coach to the governor's mansion. He drew the arrow from the Orc himself and dressed the wound. At the Orc's request, he bid him be released after a couple days to heal and given something a little less obtrusive to wear - and commanded that he be given provision and escorted by six guards a day's march away from the city... toward the Misty Mountains, but avoiding the swamps of Nin-in-Eilph to the south.
Valandil was tired. He told Marty and Ray that he planned to head home for an afternoon nap.
Too bad about the game... wonder how it was going?
09-14-2005, 08:44 AM
At last the golden doors of the Chancellor's office opened, and a clerk, dressed in silver-and-blue livery of the University, called out the first name:
"Annawen, daughter of Andubel".
The poorly dressed girl, who has just brought Lilly the best news in the whole day, stepped timidly forward. Lilly smiled at her encouragingly, she liked plain, poorly dressed women. However, she hardly expected to see an obvious commoner take precedence. But Lilly was in too light mood to take offence. Pleasant thoughts flashed through Lilly's head.
"Yess", she thought, "If the King proves difficult, I can marry this Chancellor... He is the King's relative, and if the King dies... perhaps this Chancellor will be his heir. Or, perhaps, not him, but that little upstart Meneldil. But, Morgoth's balls, he has already got Gondor! No way he will be getting Arnor as well! I will see to that. Valandil, of course, will have to die. Sorry, King Val. Too bad you escaped my hook at the "Herring!"
Lost in pleasant thoughts, Lilly saw the poor wench leave the office. It has barely taken two minutes to deal with her.
09-14-2005, 10:41 AM
Annawen entered the room, her knees shaking. The room was big and elegantly furnished. Sweet smell of exotic flowers drifted through an open window. Annawen noticed a large table, strewn with papers and maps, and tall bookshelves full of books. But she was unable to see details of the room, as, right in front of the window, stood the Arch-Chancellor. She never saw him that close. He was younger than she thought, as his face was unlined, but his long dark hair was streaked with silver. Numenorean of the royal kin - his appearance confirmed it. Perfect features, grey, almost silver, eyes; very tall, lean and broad-shouldered he was.
Annawen bowed low, wondering if she should have fallen to her knees instead.
The Chancellor’s cold and deep voice spoke. “Welcome to the University, Annawen. It is commendable that even the commoners seek Knowledge. What exactly do you wish to learn?”
Annawen had difficulty finding her voice. “Commerce, My Lord.”
“Commerce?” repeated the Chancellor, his silver eyes piercing her very soul, like sharp icicles.
And his gaze she couldn’t endure.
Annawen shivered and hung her head feeling she was the lowliest and stupidest creature on Arda.
“Very well, Annawen, you may attend the Commerce”, said the Chancellor at last. Annawen thought he sounded slightly amused.
Annawen bowed again, while the Chancellor nodded slightly in dismissal.
09-14-2005, 02:34 PM
Viniglaen gracefully whisked herself over to the young woman exiting the chancellor's office; now THIS was a brain she wanted to pick.
"Annawen, is it," Viv extended a hand to the trembling Ann, and gently guided her to the refreshments area of the room. "I'm Lady Viniglaen; my family's from Andunie but I come from Osgiliath. May I call you 'Ann'? How are you holding up?"
"F - f - fine, and - and yourself?" The poor girl was having a shivers attack, and was obviously feeling nauseous from all the glossy excitement of her surroundings, and from that ArchChancellor encounter, and now this unsettlingly intense blue-blood was actally SPEAKing to her, to HER! But Viv realised the magnitude of the effect she could have upon mortals, especially "normal" mortals, so she tempered down her Nazgullian spirit a great deal so as not to overwhelm Annawen. Viv found herself strangely enough actually taking a liking to this modest, unassuming young woman.
"Here, have a drink," suggested Vin, handing Annawen a flute of Nurn '68 champagne, while deftly snatching herself a snifter of miruvor from the passing tray of a server. "It'll settle your nerves a little. Believe me, these functions are no picnic no matter WHAT your bloodline happens to be!" Viv flashed Ann a comforting little wink and friendly smile, then threw back the contents of her snifter, and surveyed the room.
09-14-2005, 03:36 PM
The clerk glanced at his list and announced:
"Lilaenwen, daughter of Aldacar."
Lilly bit her lips to make them redder, and entered the room swaying her hips most enticingly. The Chancellor stood near the window looking in the garden and seemed lost in thoughts. Lilly couldn’t see his face, but eyed his tall muscular figure of a seasoned warrior appreciatively. Nonplussed by the lack of attention, Lilly scrutinised her host, coming to the conclusion that the marriage to the Chancellor could be fun in itself.
“Decidedly,” thought Lil, smiling wantonly, “I like my second-best choice more and more. He must be great in bed, much better than that baby-King.”
The man at the window interrupted her pleasant thoughts saying:
“No King in his right mind will ever marry you, Lilly. As for me, I lost interest in your charms very long ago”
Hearing that voice, Lilly was stunned and lost control of her Ring completely, turning suddenly invisible. The Chancellor, however, lost no time and followed her to the Realm of Shadows. Lilly looked through the swirling white mist and saw him clearly again, the tall pale King with a gleaming crown on his head. Bright eyes gleamed with cold amusement.
“My…My Lord Captain” croaked Lilly at last.
“Well met, Lilaenwen, answered the Chancellor. “Would you mind if we return in the World of light? I need to check some papers.”
Lilly found herself back in the light facing the Chancellor Lord Ilmenzor.
“But…HOW?, What are you doing here, My Lord?” piped Lilly
“It is not the time and the place to talk, Lilaenwen” replied the icy voice. “I see, you wish to study Bridge-building, Ship-building, Commerce, and Wine-tasting. I don’t need to ask your reasons for such a choice, as they are plain to see. I think you can excel in the Wine-Tasting, Lilly. As for the Commerce, that class is really going to be most amusing. Melkor be praised, I will not teach it.”
“But I will not let you attend Bridge- and Ship-building, as I am teaching those classes myself, Lilaenwen, and you can hardly count to ten.”
“That is not true, I can count!” cried Lilly. “And what has it got to do with counting anyway?”
“And you, what do you know of ship-building?”, asked Lilly acidly.
The great ancient King Tar-Ciryatan, the Shipbuilder, merely laughed.
09-15-2005, 07:06 AM
Viniglaen saw Lilly finally leave the Chancellor's office. Lilly was visibly shaken, angry and distressed, red spots on her cheeks plain to see. Viv tried to contact her silently via their rings, but got no reply, only the feeling of Lilly's confusion washed over her.
"I was right, something is wrong with that Chancellor", thought Viv. All her sences on alert, Viv approached Lilly to talk. But Marty was there before her.
09-15-2005, 10:47 AM
Eärniel was slightly overwhelmed by being plunged into a sea of Men all of a sudden. I have burried myself too much in Nîn-In-Eilph this aera, she mused. I've forgotten how it feels.
She kept to herself at the reception, trying to get used again at so many people so close by. None approached her on their own volition either. Eärniel supposed perhaps they didn't get many Elven students here. She'd have to overcome that barrier if she didn't want to be all by herself during the rest of her studies but that was something to worry about later. For now she was content to stand apart and observe the crowd.
She heard a group to her right discuss the Chancellor's history. Eärniel thought she recognized the voice of the waitress of the Red Herring but too many people stood in her way to be certain. She smiled to herself. Gossip still seemed a mayor human past-time, that much at least hadn't changed. But judging from one woman in yellow she had seen in the crowd (everyone must have seen her by now, that dress was certainly... eyecatching) modesty did seem to have changed somewhat during her years of absence. Eärniel decided this was a fashion she herself would not be following during her stay in Tharbad.
Then a clerk started to call students' names to meet the Chancellor privately. Eärniel noticed that every student leaving the Chancellor's office afterwards, seemed rather upset or shaken by what had passed behind those closed doors. It would seem the Chancellor lived up to his reputation. Meeting him would definitely be... interesting.
"Eärniel, daughter of Eitheldur" the clerk announced next.
Ah, Eärniel thought as she put down her glas and turned towards the Chancellor's office. Show time. Let us see who the man is that made such an impression on those other girls.
The Chancellor looked up from the window at her entrance. Eärniel bowed slightly. "Lord Chancellor, well met."
"Well met, Lady Eärniel. It is seldom Men of Tharbad are graced by the sight of a visitor from Nîn-In-Eilph, far less of their Lady herself." The chancellor replied courtiously. "Is that not so?"
Eärniel smiled. "Aye, indeed it is, Lord Chancellor. But I am not here in my official capacity. I wish to follow these courses at your university as any normal student would."
"Nevertheless, my lady, you are entitled to receive the respect and courtesy due to your station. I am... surprised to meet you today. Surely my clerks would have given you an invitation for tomorrow."
"No, my lord, the invitation I received was for today," Eärniel said. "Although I suspect that may have had something to do with the clerk's reaction when I enrolled. He said the most peculiar thing when I stated my name and lineage. He said: "Sure you are, love, and I'm Túrin Turambar." It seemed such an odd thing to say, considering Turin has been dead for quite a while but at the time I was too pre-occupied with filling in those papers to pay notice."
A smile played around the Chancellor's lips at that explanation. For the rest, his face remained unreadable. "Yes," he said at last, "I can see now where the error occured. But let me rectify it immediatly."
He sat down at his desk and wrote a new invitation which he handed to Eärniel. When she came closer to the desk to take the envelop Eärniel could not help but thinking that this Man read more into her than she would have liked. She could see why this had ennerved the other girls so.
As she took the envelope with the new invitation their hands briefly touched; and in a flash Eärniel was reminded of her earlier meeting with the new Professor of Oriental languages. Yes, there was something about the Chancellor that she had felt around the professor as well, something not quite right. But it was less palpatable here than in the swamps.
The Chancellor's words interrupted her line of thought.
"Now, I understand you wish to study Swamp Ecology, Art History, Irrigation and Swan Speech?"
"Aye," Eärniel said, trying to re-focus on the conversation. "I would have liked to take Basket-weaving too but I've heard that course won't be taught this year. I've been suggested to follow Commerce instead. It seems a quite popular class."
The Chancellor's eyes lit up with some hidden source of amusement, one that Eärniel didn't quite understand.
What was is with people and that Commerce Class, Eärniel wondered. Everywhere it was mentioned, people would react so strangely to it. Had, during her years in Nîn-In-Eilph, the word 'commerce' suddenly taken on more amusing meanings than merely 'trading'?
"Commerce, a good choice. Very well, you may attend all five." the Chancellor concluded. With a nod of goodbye he indicated the audience was over.
As she left the office, Eärniel shook her head in an effort to shed her unease. Yes, she thought, it has been too long since I've spent time among Men.
But if being among mortal folk made her feel like this, Eärniel was uncertain she wished to spend a long time among them.
09-15-2005, 12:23 PM
Galadannun arose from his bed in Orrodel soon after the others had left. As he left the room he heard a voice singing downstairs. He quicklyjumped back inside the room and drew a long blade from a black sheath near his cloak. Silently walking downstairs hheard the voice clearer. It was an elf's voice. He quickly made his way to the kithen door. What was an elf doing here, in his house, without his permission.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in his ouse," he said clearly, stepping out into the doorway pointing the blade at the elfs throat.
09-15-2005, 05:34 PM
The young man stationed at Chancellor Ilmenzor's door pulled out his scroll, and officiously called: "Lady Viniglaen, of Osgiliath, by way of Andunie."
"That'd be me, " Viv said, quickly setting her empty snifter on a passing tray, straightening her necklace, and smoothing down the front of her dress. "Well - how do I look?" she queried her new mortal friend, half sincerely wanting to know and half to help put the girl at ease.
"Ready," Annawen replied, "You look ready, my lady."
Mustering up her inner reserves of trained dignity, she strode toward the Chancellor's door, all cheeky elegance.
The door was opened, and her preparatory smile and pre-thought-out introduction fell flat on its proverbial face. Without saying a word at first, Viv instinctively shut the door firmly behind her, took a step forward, and curtsied, bowing her head.
"My Lord and Captain," she spoke, without missing a beat, although it WAS quite a shock to see him standing there in that office.
The Ice-Chancellor's eyes belied a hint of a warm twinkle at Viv's formal curtsy.
"Little Viniglaen!" he exclaimed. "So, you've decided to study what you love to take, my dear?" The punnish double entendre was hard to miss. "I see here you want to learn all there is to know about jewelry design and antiques."
"Yes, my Lord. Indeed I do, for I have a deep love of all that is art in this middle-earth, and would someday like to build an art museum of sorts."
"Of sorts?" A quizzical and not-terribly-amused eyebrow went up on the Ice-Chancellor's face. "Perhaps a 'monument to art & culture,' my dear?"
"Yes, y-yes, like that," Viv tried to respond but realised it was going to be futile trying to be duplicitous with her answers to her powerful Captain.
"We'll see, little one. You are more than able to handle the course load you've chosen, but this, this -" he looked down at Viv's application form, "This 'Bridge-Building' is a bit off your interest chart, isn't it?" He removed his eyes from the form, and fixed Viv with a piercing peek into her soul.
"Ah, well, I - I - "
"Save it, my dear. Bridge Building you may not take. Your other requests will be granted, though, Viniglaen. Military History of Middle-Earth, Art History & Art Theory, Modern Western Philosophy, hmm ... Structural Engineering," at this he couldn't resist a tiny smile to himself at what he could clearly perceive Viv's intentions were going with THAT choice, "and Wine Appreciation. Very well. You may go now, Viniglaen. I will be watching you, young lady, so stay in line," he added, as Viv politely backed away and then exited the room.
09-16-2005, 06:21 PM
Boomerang had arrived late. Following his enlightening talk with the Squirrel chief, Walnut the young ... he had flyer after flyer sent out and had them report to him throughout the day.
The king had rushed out of the Red herring earlier to that mysterious and ostientatious coach ... acting very oddly when he had got there ... by all reports Red Admiral had been by the wharfside and overheard some puzzling gossip from the Widow about the new owners of the House at orrodel ...
Later on the visiting team of Rochdol players had all retired to the now very lively 'Stinking swordfish' where the Ale was flowing ...
Finally beautiful boomerang had alighted on the Bookshelf in the Arch-chancellor's room. Making himself comfortable by a half open book on growing marrows in northern Climes, he watched as the door closed and he was alone with the morgul Lord.
Arch-Chancellor Ilmenzor's aura seemed to be glowing, a particularly amused tulip red he thought.
With his back still to Boomerang Lord Ilmenzor's penetrating voice called him over.
"You are late, my friend"
"Wotcha!" replied beautiful B mischieviously as he turned.
The Morgul Lord smiled, he found Butterfly minds almost impossible to read, they were so diffrerent from those of men or Elves.
"What news from the air? from Tree and leaf? ..." he began : but stopped at a loud knock on the door.
Boomerang retired to his position by the opened book 'Marrows in Northern Climes' as the Arch-Chancellor turning swiftly and silently, barked the command "Enter!"
R*an's hand slipped inperceptibly to the handle of her dagger, hidden from sight by the table which separated her from her unknown assailant. A blade of the Gondlothlim, it was slender and small, but of a metal that was quite capable of holding its own against bigger blades.
"I might ask the same of you," she replied warily, but with a slight smile on her lips in an attempt to defuse the situation - after all, there was no reason to automatically assume that this was anything but a misunderstanding. This was a large house, and she had only seen a few occupants - there might be several more that she hadn't met yet. And if they were anything like Lilly, then they wouldn't be overfond of elves!
"However, I see no reason not to answer. And my answers will come more quickly if you lower your blade."
Galadannun weighed the pleasure of stabbing an elf versus the pleasure of satisfying his curiosity about a strange situation, and decided to listen to the she-elf - at least for the moment. One could always stab after listening; the other way around didn't work as well! And he liked spunk - always more interesting than those who went quietly! He smiled an evil smile as he remembered other elves to whom he did not grant the option of talking, and then moved back slightly and re-sheathed his knife. "Well?" he inquried imperiously.
"My name is R*an, and I am here at the desire of the lady of the house, in order to manage her household affairs for her; which, I might add, were in dire need of being managed. I have only arrived today; apparently she has not told you about me. So if you would please tell me who you are, then I will be on my way, for there is much yet to be done."
"R*an?" said Galadannun. "That is an odd name for an elf ..." His mind considered the various languages with which he had come into contact, but this name didn't quite fit into any of them, for the Gondlothlim were a secretive people and their dialect was not familiar to many who were now living. "Where do you come from? Who are your people?"
"My time belongs to the Lady Lilaenwen - at least a portion of it - but my history is my own," she replied, and suddenly she looked down, her eyes veiled by her long, dark lashes, and her hair falling in profusion about her slender form.
Galadannun decided that perhaps the house did need a manager ...
The last sane person
09-16-2005, 08:40 PM
Marty was hanging around Ray and a few ball players in the corner, talking about whether or not the game had been cancelled. "Look, even the altheletes needed to be sorted into classes. I am sure the game was rescheduled for some time in the first quarter, once things and schedules are under way!" Ray was also a very decent ball player and had something of a stake in playing the game as well. "I hope so....You guys are probably right." He seemeed much relieved at his fellow player's explination. Just then the page at chancellor's door boomed out "Marthalion of Arnor".
Flashing a grin to his buddies, he straighten his tunic and schooled himself into the cool court demeanor that befitted one of his station. He stood tall and strode to the office, opened the door and closed it behind him. He turned around and bowed to the chancellor, "Greetings Milord Chancellor." He looked evenly at the ice-lord, trying not to avert his one good eye.
"Well met, Marthalion. Take a seat." Marty bowed his head, still not quite used to having his full name announced. He mustered all the grace he possed and took a seat at the chair indicated. It seemed the chancellor's gaze effectively pinned him to the seat. "so, you would wish to take these classes?"
"Yes, Lord Ilmenzor. I wish to take defensive building 210, seige tactics 117, philosophy 210, Wine tasting, Sword Smithing 325 and Commerce. If that is all well."
Ilmenzor looked as though he were scanning Marty, and Marty keenly felt the power of this nobleman across from him. Whew! And to think Val is related to him! I dont want to be either man's enemy. especially when Val developes his powers further! He already gives me one hell of a time. I hope I can get these classes, especially commerce. Val needs some protection from all those ladies...."
The chancellor leaned back and seemed fairly amused. "It seems that the commerce class is by far perhaps the most sought after... and what you are choosing is quite the course load. Very well, you may take those classes"
Oh thank the Vala!
With a nod, Marty knew he was dismissed. He rose, bowed again and headed to the door. Once he was out, he was pleased to note that neither his voice nor he had shaken or gone weak, intense though the short interveiw was. He walked over to the refreshment table and poured himself some champaign, and made his way over to his friends.
"Well how was it?" Ray was interested.
"Well, put it this way: I know how the fish feel once they've been fried! And val gives us little battles when he tries his mind bending stuff on us, this fellow blew me away...."
"Good lord, and to think that we are going to have to see him for every registration!" Ray whislted.
It took a while and finally Ray's name was called. He straightened up, looked resolute and ready for mental battle. He too came back slightly shaken after a period of time, Marty grinned at him. "See what I mean?" Ray nodded, poured himself a drink and smiled wainly. "no kidding....But I got all my courses, almost the same as you save that I have ship-building as opposed to your Defensive structures. As well as picking up a spare jewlers class." Marty then took notice of a rather distressed looking Lilly, he nudged Ray and nodded towards her.
"She doesn't look to pleased...I wonder how her audience went?"
"Perhaps we should go and ask?" To them, it seemed the wisest course of action, and they brought an extra drink for Lily. "Lily, You dont look to well, is everything alright?"
09-17-2005, 07:54 AM
"If you are here as House Manager, your time belongs to me, not Lady Lilaewen. I am master of this house, so it would be wise on you part to re-sheath your own knife if you want a hand to weild it with," replied Galadannun harshly. "I am Galadannun, Proffeser of Oriental Languages at The University and good friends with the Arch Chancellor."
Rian looked at him for a moment. There seemed something strange about him. He seemed similar to others of the house, yet more powerful. Finally she re-sheathed her own knife.
"Why are you here? I thought this house was her's and her brothers?" she replied cautiosly.
"She is my sister and this house is mine."
09-17-2005, 09:49 AM
Valandil rolled over onto his back, stretched out his arms and opened his eyes. He felt like lying there longer, but knew it was better to get up for a few hours before going back to bed for the night, so he forced himself to rise.
His window faced east and a little south, over the river, so he could not see the position of the sun, but the lengthening shadows and tone of the sky told him that it was late afternoon. He splashed a little water on his face and wondered whether he should try to get in a little study, or just sit by the fire with Estelmo and Oreturion and see what Marty and Ray had to say about the afternoon. For one - he was hungry - so that clinched it.
*ouch* He knew he shouldn't have jumped on that coach like he had, not with the bum ankle. He heard a thumping out in the hallway... that would be Estelmo, so he called to him, "Lord Estelmo!"
"Yes, my King?" came a voice through the door.
"Have you a spare walking-stick I may borrow for the evening? I have twisted my ankle."
The thumping sound continued on down the corridor outside and soon returned, ending with a light rapping on the door.
In came Estelmo, walking with the aid of a cane in one hand, while in the other he carried a spare - which he held out toward Valandil. "Watch it my King... you'll be like me before your time." he said, with a twinkle in his eye.
09-17-2005, 09:52 AM
That evening, back at The Red Herring, as Annawen waited tables, swept floors and cleaned dishes, wondering if HE would come, her mind kept drifting back to the old fable of Sindariel... with the wicked step-mother and the evil-step sisters... and an ancient Prince of Old Pelargir... and a glass slipper.
She thought of the upcoming mid-semester ball, in a few weeks - right on the Eruhantale, and she smiled.
09-17-2005, 10:29 AM
At dusk, his hunger now satisfied, Valandil sat before the fire with Estelmo, for the evening was growing cool as the last of summer faded into autumn. He sipped on a warm concoction that Estelmo swore by - and the two sat for some time, Valandil quizzing Estelmo for stories of ages long ago.
Estelmo was his Chief Loremaster and tutor. His position was largely to honor him for his long service to the family, but he was competent enough in any regard, although some thought his tongue had grown a bit too loose with age. Still, times were peaceful and no harm had ever come of it - only a little embarrassment now and again. He was a rather large man, not as tall as Valandil, but had grown thicker the past 40 or so years. Many Dunedain shaved their beards, as Valandil did, in token of their association with Elves - Estelmo had grown a beard for as long as Valandil could remember, though men said his face was always shaven before Gladden Fields.
Estelmo's story was well-known among the Dunedain. He had been a scribe in Old Numenor - an orphan boy of 14 (his parents having been among the Faithful sacrificed by Sauron) when the deluge came. He had been on the island - in fact, chasing after Queen Miriel up the Meneltarma when the wave struck. He was the last to see her alive, for she was caught up by it before his eyes - and he was caught up as well and saw no living thing for the next three days - though he himself survived, clinging to a tree uprooted by the force of the waters.
On the third day, morning showed him close to several ships, and they hailed him. Elendur, eldest son of Isildur and Valandil's oldest brother (though he was but 20 then - just 6 years older than Estelmo), had caused a line to be tied about his waist and secured to the ship, leapt into the raging seas and swam to Estelmo - rescuing him when they were hauled back into Isildur's ship. From that time on, Estelmo had departed from his studies as a scribe and swore his eternal allegiance to Elendur and his house. Elendur had accepted him, and he had become his personal servant and, after sufficient training in arms, his esquire. Thus he was with him every day for 124 years - growing older than other esquires, but refusing all opportunities of advancement to roquen, for he only desired to serve Elendur and not be separated from him to make a name for himself. He stayed where Elendur stayed and went where Elendur went - going north to Arnor with him and the rest of Isildur's family after the fall of Minas Ithil, returning with him to Gondor in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men - always fighting at his side.
And then, after the war - the decision to return north to Arnor to dwell, the march up Anduin and... Gladden Fields. It was Estelmo who heard the last known words spoken between Isildur and Elendur - and many puzzled at their meanings - and at the form of Isildur's escape. Estelmo thought he would surely die - and indeed he fell, but he lived. And when Men gathered quickly from the villages and farms about, and drove off the remnant of Orcs, they found him, alone - living but wounded - and one of them took Estelmo into his home.
That was late in the year - and it was there - in a woodsman's cottage, that young Valandil and his search party had found him, early the next year, after Ohtar's arrival in Rivendell. From that time, Estelmo had stayed in the service of Isildur's house, for the presumed widow of Isildur wished to honor him for his long service to her son, and for his own valor as well. With his damaged leg, he was no longer suited for arms, so he returned to the pen and the scroll and quickly surpassed most of Arnor's remaining loremasters of that time (for many of their brightest young men had fallen on the field with Estelmo's master that day).
Thus he was now 185 years of age. He had taken no wife - though he had opportunity enough in his early years in old Gondor - and even in his later years the young ladies of Arnor's court found him intriguing; for his stories and his wit and the mystique that surrounded him. Or maybe his smile and his laughter and the twinkle in his eye - and the kind words he inserted into his conversation - all the more when his listeners were young ladies.
As they spoke, Valandil asked Estelmo if he had heard news of the game. At that moment, in walked Oreturion - his Chamberlain, who answered the question himself.
"Your audience with the Chancellor, my King, is tomorrow - but all the other students have been required to visit with him today. Thus the game was postponed until tomorrow. So you see... you will have no opportunity to play in it anyway. And... will you be taking another midnight ride tonight?"
09-17-2005, 11:23 AM
Oreturion seemed as different from Estelmo as two men could be - at least two men who were both fit for Arnor's court.
He was born a younger son of the house ruling Arnor's Principality along the River Lhun. He had caught Elendil's eye as a young man, and his father happily agreed to send him back to Annuminas with the first High King - where he became an apt pupil to Elendil, whose sons and grandsons were all far from him. When news of war in the south came, he made ready and went forth with the other men, and he served well - but always his gifts were of insight and perception, rather than in personal combat in arms - and he had learned to know the hearts of men, and to guess at their minds. He was intensely loyal to the House of Elendil, and he served with no need for recognition or reward, but he was a valuable man to have. After the fall of Elendil and war's end, Oreturion had returned as quickly as he could (just after his master Elendil's burial) and had married a young lady of Arnor - grand-daughter of Elendil's old Chamberlain.
He was a little shorter than Estelmo, but still just right about man-high (OOC - from UT, what we would call ~ 6'-4" ~ 193 cm, I think). He was compact - fit and trim, clean-shaven, his hair pulled back, still dark but beginning to gray and his features hard and stern. All his movements seemed brisk and energetic. He never laughed, rarely smiled, and only spoke when asked or at great need - but he always perceived when his insights were needed, and shared them with the King as discretely as he could.
Oreturion was now about 130 years old - a Dunedain in his prime, and he understood well about power, and how and when it should be applied. He was still happily married, by all appearances. His family had remained home in Annuminas for now, but he intended to send for them soon if it appeared that this 'Tharbad Adventure' would go for more than one semester; his wife, his young son of 15 - who Men said was just like his father, and a young daughter of 30... a very strong-willed young lady and sharp-tongued at times. Valandil's occasional thoughts of taming her were tempered by the strains this might place on his relationship with her father... and he would know... for he knew all that went on in the court, it seemed.
Oreturion had proven his value to Valandil early, for the young King, on assuming the throne, had heeded King Meneldil's requests for aid in rebuilding and restoring Gondor after the War. For many years, gifts had flowed down to the southern kingdom from the north, always against the advice of Oreturion. Many of the men who delivered them never returned, for they often became enamoured of Gondor and married widows - or daughters - of Gondor's fallen, and inherited rich, fertile lands, and great estates of grain and orchards and flocks and herds - and they came to love the milder climate. Finally, Valandil saw indeed that Gondor was less in need of these things than Arnor - and that the poorer had been giving generously to the richer - and he shut off the flow of supplies and made Oreturion his chief advisor, and began at last to listen to him - and to learn from him.
Oreturion had begun to train Valandil in the use of his mind - in the abilty to read the thoughts and hearts of other men, and to screen his own mind from those who had this perception themselves... just as Valandil's grandfather had once taught it to him. This was useful for the High King in his continual dealings with Meneldil - and Meneldil grew frustrated, for at first the young King was an open book to his mind - a fruit ripe for the plucking, but with Oreturion's tutelage, Valandil soon became the stronger, when they convened at their palantiri. Once Valandil had surpassed him, Meneldil had begun to come to the palantir less frequently - and had forbidden others than himself to converse there with the High King, lest they reveal some knowledge he would as soon keep guarded.
Oreturion was the loyal, trusted, insightful servant that every king like young Valandil would want.
09-17-2005, 12:14 PM
Oreturion pulled up a chair at the fire and joined the two other men. Each had reasons to anticipate their meeting with the Chancellor on the following day, whether with expectancy or apprehension.
To Estelmo, he was a companion from his younger days - and a friend's son who was tragically scarred by fearful captivity.
To Valandil, he was an unmet cousin - not a first cousin, but not too distant either - and one who had personally served Valandil's own family - who had known his father, and mother and brothers. He had, like Estelmo, returned to the quest for learning after the war - and had traveled south and east afterwards, while Estelmo went north and west. But he had returned an accomplished loremaster - his knowledge all the more valued because much of it came from foreign lands and was unshared by those of the Arnor-Gondor academic community.
To Oreturion, he was unknown, but not unguessed. It seemed odd that he would leave his chair at Osgiliath - the center of the two kingdoms' brilliance and achievement since the fall of so many at Gladden - for the relatively backwater place of Tharbad. Perhaps there had been trouble internally - Oreturion knew well how rugged academic politics could be - and maybe Ilmenzor wished to escape that. Or maybe he just wished to leave the high-pressured environment for one that was more relaxed... or to be more exalted (as he was here) and less challenged (as one was likely to be at a place like OU).
But still... the timing of his coming to Tharbad had aligned, more or less, with Valandil's mastery of the palantir communication with Meneldil. Oreturion couldn't shake the suspicion that Meneldil was behind this 'opportunity' of USAT to grab OU's highly-regarded Chancellor.
Alternately... King Meneldil was ambitious enough himself, as were almost all men of like birth. If a first cousin to King Valandil might be as ambitious as Meneldil, it should not be surprising if a third cousin was just as ambitious himself. And Meneldil had a veritable stable of children, nephews and even a grandson born last year - while Valandil had no wife, no heir and was the only surviving decendant of Elendil in all Arnor. And... if Ilmenzor did not mean to make an attempt to destroy, dispose of and supplant Valandil on his own, there was a lovely daughter (and Oreturion knew well the allure of lovely daughters on any young, single king like Valandil - *sigh*)... with whom Ilmenzor might try to make an arrangement. She was a third cousin-once removed - certainly far enough to be acceptable - and near enough to be of notable birth - a descendant of Numendil was she.
All these things troubled Oreturion, for tomorrow's meeting between Valandil and Ilmenzor was important - and Valandil must guard himself and establish himself. For Oreturion, it was his testing... as a teacher.
"Gentlemen," he said, "It is yet early, but I suggest that after only one more drink and a little more talk, that we retire for the evening. Tomorrow will be an important day - and we must be prepared to greet it."
09-17-2005, 04:39 PM
Penny stepped in thru the doors to the Audience chamber.
"Lord Penlogog, of the East, here to seek an audience with thou, Chancellor."
said the announcer.
09-17-2005, 08:09 PM
Penny entered and closed the door behind him. He knew already what to expect, as Lilly, after some time, managed to collect enough of her wits to send him a silent message.
The Chancellor sat at the table, the register open in front of him. He looked exactly like Penny remembered him, same arrogant, clear-cut features and beaky nose, only his dark hair was now streaked with silver, and he wore a midnight blue robe instead of his usual sable one.
Penny bowed deeply and muttered "My Lord Captain".
"Ah, Buzukkumarz", said the Morgul Lord, unsurprized. "Still following our Lilly everywhere?"
Penny shifted uneasily.
"Bridge Building", "Siege Strategy", read the Chancellor, "Well, following those courses may do you some good. But I am definitely against you attending "Wine Tasting". I don't want you drinking more than you usually do around here.
And..."Commerce?" the Chancellor seemed much amused.
"What is wrong with "Commerce", my Captain?" asked Penny, "Lilly is taking it.."
"Commerce is not for men this year", replied the Captain enigmatically. "You may go".
R*an thought for a moment, feeling like there were unknown dangers all around her and she had better watch her words until she found out more.
"Well, I wish the Lady Lilaenwen had given me a little more information about who was to be staying here when she engaged me, but she seemed in quite a hurry and it must have slipped her mind. I am willing to stay on and manage the household for the same terms that she and I agreed upon, if that is agreeable to you. I have already sent notes to some good people I know to fill the other household positions, and hope to hear back from them shortly. Shall I stay, or shall I leave now?" She paused, then said with a slight smile, "Either way, you end up with a clean kitchen!"
She looked at him cautiously as she awaited his response, wondering just what exactly it was about this household, and especially this man, that made her rather hope he would chose the latter option.
09-18-2005, 03:25 AM
"Aye, Sire. your wish is my command." Penny said."Bridge Building B and Siege Strategy C it is then." he remarked, looking over the Courses listed in a book lying on a table by the Audience Chamber door before he left.
09-18-2005, 08:36 AM
After a long silence Galadannun stepped back and sighed.
"You may stay on, but you have three days to employ the rest of the staff. If this is not acomplished I shall find someone more reliable," he replied.
09-18-2005, 12:54 PM
Lilly was still fuming from the Chancellor's biting comments, and not a little afraid. The shock of seeing her Captain ruined her carefully laid plans. He is after the Ring, that much is clear, thought Lilly, biting her lips. What else may he want in Arnor, unless it is the kingdom itself? He will not let me marry Val, he will not let me have the Ring. He wants all for himself, as usual. "
"You dont look too well, is everything alright?" asked Marty, concern in his voice.
"Oh, Marty", wailed Lilly, "he was SOOO unpleasant!"
09-18-2005, 01:04 PM
Viniglaen walked up to Lilly, and handed her a glass of miruvor, to calm her down a bit. It was obvious to Viv that this time poor Lilly actually wasn't acting; she really WAS distressed.
"Here, have a drink, Lil; it'll help a little," Viv said, handing Lil the snifter, light concern in her eyes.
" Viv," Lilly snapped, "is your answer to EVERYthing a drink?!" She snatched it anyway, and threw back the contents of the glass, sniffled, then immediately felt bad for having snapped at little Viv. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, " Lil said, already warm and fuzzy inside from the delicious miruvor.
Viv, having never taken offense in the first place, just smiled. Lilly was SO dramatic!
09-18-2005, 01:26 PM
"A drink is really an answer to EVERYTHING", said Penny, approaching the group. He just left the Chancellor's office, but seemed almost unperturbed.
"Don't cry, little sister", he said to Lilly, kissing her cheek in the most brotherly fashion.
"Please, come to our house, now that the interviews are over" said Penny, addressing Marty and Ray. My big brother Galadannun brought a goodly flask of the finest Dorwinion wine. Let's go and drain it!"
09-18-2005, 01:41 PM
Once her interview was over, Annawen left the Chancellor's palace at the first opportunity. Such lofty guilded halls were not for such as her. Her lowly place was in the tavern among drinking and chewing customers. What a fooloshnes was this idea of studying Commerce! Tears were running down her face, but she payed them no heed. She wanted to see a friendly face in this sea of strangers, she needed to talk to Rian.
The last sane person
09-18-2005, 02:41 PM
"we gladly accept your invitation. I hold the same opinon! Our audiences were little better." They bowed and stayed around the little "family" of easterners chatting aimiably and deciding later to go over to their house. Playfully hinting at dragging the young Val along with them.
Marty and Ray then parted company to go refresh- meaning taking a nap- and dress themselves. And maybe flirt with a girl or two on the way.
09-18-2005, 05:12 PM
The reception has finally ended. After having dismissed the last student, the Arch-Chancellor sat at the table and consulted the register. Yes, definitely, the Commerce class was going to be interesting. There were 9 girls, King Valandil and his two friends, Martalion and Raendil.
The Chancellor’s silver eyes scanned the register further. "Embalming III". There was no one but the King. A wintry smile lit the Chancellor’s face. Yes, Aiwendis should deepen her learning on the subject. They will be alone in this class. Let the other girls study Commerce…
09-18-2005, 08:31 PM
As Marty and Ray took their leave, and the ballroom's buzz edged back into the streets and homes of Tharbad, Pengolod, Lilaenwen, and Viniglaen mutually agreed it was time to take the party back home. Viv was wondering how Galadannun was doing, all by himself at home in Orrodel tonight, then she remembered - he couldn't be alone, the new maid was probably there. 'Even worse,' she thought to herself, 'if he's woken up by now and found her there, well that's all we need is another newbie wraith to deal with.' Then she grinned wryly to herself, musing upon Khamul's fiercely attractive ruthlessness, and tried to put a damper on her rising lustful attraction for that cold and powerful Nazgul. She'd always had a thing for him, though not a soul, living or unalive, could have perceived her secret fascination.
Five was in high spirits, shoulder-hugging the beautiful, weepy yet giggling Lilly as they lightly play-chatted with one another during the lovely, moonlit walk home. But Viv was lost in her own little thought world. What to do, what move to make next. She tried to shut her greedy little mind off of that beautiful bracelet she had spotted on some nobleman's wife, and those rings! She'd seen beautiful rings everywhere, on all sorts of hands. Antiques, one-of-a-kind family heirlooms, even crown jewels set upon a dainty finger here and there.
Having seen and spoken with her revered Lord and Captain had straightened her focus out, however; and her old and strong singular resolve burned anew. 'I must secure my future, and make concrete my dreams,' she thought fervently. 'I must acquire that Ring.'
R*an checked the smart come-back that was aching to get out, thinking it wiser to be on the safe side with this man. Hasty words had landed her in trouble before, and this man didn't look like one to fool around with! Still, she didn't have to work for her living - she was very capable of living off the land, and had done so for many years in her wanderings - and she had a note of pride in her voice as she bowed her head very slightly and said, "That condition is agreeable to me, Professor Galadannun. I think you will find me a very capable household manager. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do." She turned slightly and left quickly out a side exit, thus avoiding walking by the man - after all, daggers sometimes have a mind of their own...
As she headed into the pantry to check the food supplies, she remembered his remark on her name. Perhaps she should have given the Sindarin form of her name, but usually humans, who do not typically have the language-love of the Elves, never noticed the uniqueness of her name, and it didn't occur to her to do that. When she met with Elves on her travels and wasn't in the mood to discuss her half-elven heritage or her past life in Gondolin, she would give them her name in Sindarin form to stop the inevitable questions that arose when they would hear her father-name (which was the one she preferred), which reflected both her father's human heritage and the flavor of the speech of Gondolin.
Looking around the pantry, she was pleasantly surprised - apparently these people had some money, and luckily they had ordered a large supply of foodstuffs. Perhaps they liked entertaining, she mused. As she turned over some ideas for meals for the next day, she was surprised to hear a knock at the door. "Now who is it?!" she wondered, "another brother? or perhaps a cousin? I wish it was one of my friends - I could sure use someone to talk to!" She was still very concerned about what she had overhead earlier that evening about the young King, and wasn't sure what, if anything, she should do about it.
She came out of the pantry, saw gratefully that Galadannun (and his dagger) had gone, and headed towards the door. She opened the door and gasped - before her stood a lovely elf maiden with long flowing hair, dressed in green...
09-19-2005, 03:13 AM
Eärniel had left the party as soon as her interview was over, there was no one she had to wait for. On her way out she passed the serving girl of the Red Herring, talking to another woman. The poor girl seemed nearly in tears. The Chancellor must have made an enormous impression on her, Eärniel wondered what he could have said to have distressed her so.
The evening was cold but Eärniel hardly noticed it. The street-cobbles still glowed with the warmth they had received from the sun during daylight. She could feel the warmth through her light shoes.
She heard a well-known cry overhead and looked up. Above her, in the shadowy sky she glimpsed a vague, white form circle. Se smiled and called to the gull in its own tongue. Gull-speech, thank the Valar, was a language Eärniel spoke fluidly from her years of living at the coast. It still irked her that she couldn't pick up Swan-speech as easily.
"Good wind and gentle sea to you, Faénn, what brings you so far from your cliffs?"
"Bright sky and steady wind to you, Seachild," the gull Faénn greeted. "There is not much food out at sea, so we move inland from time to time. But I also bring news, I saw something that might interest you."
"Oh?" Eärniel's curiosity was woken. "And what would that be?"
"An old friend of yours. R*an. Saw her here in Tharbad."
"R*an!?" Eärniel cried in surprise. Memories flooded in so quickly that Eärniel nearly staggered under their impact. Images of fear and fire, of a long dark path and of a beautiful woman with long dark hair.
"Is she here?" she asked breathlessly. " But where is she? Faénn, please bring me there!"
The gull looked pleased that its news was appreciated and took off to the sky.
"Follow me!" It cried as it flew across the street, its white shape like a beacon to Eärniel in the falling darkness.
She ran after it through the streets. The gull led her to a part of town Eärniel had not yet explored fully and finally it settled down on the roof of a big house. Flushed with excitement, Eärniel knocked at the door.
09-19-2005, 05:04 PM
The small nazgul family parted company with Marty and Ray who promised solemnly to return as soon as they could, and even hinted, that they might bring King Val along. Cheerful Penny started whistling an orc-tune, anticipating the party, before Lilly kicked him. She was still distressed.
R*an and Eärniel were still embracing at the door, laughing through their tears of joy, when a lovely butterfly flew in through the open door and alighted on a nearby chair.
"Wotcha?!" thought Beautiful Boomerang, "The sea-elf and the tree-elf?! I think I'll be a fly - or a butterfly - on the wall for a bit here..."
09-21-2005, 03:44 AM
"Come in! " R*an said, wiping away her tears. "I can't leave you standing at the door like that. Come."
Eärniel followed her in and R*an led her to the kitchen. Eärniel looked around in some surprise. The house looked like it had been uninhabited for many years, and only recently someone had been making an effort to clean things up. A strange place to find an old friend.
"I gather you have guessed by the look of it that this isn't my house. I'm hired as a housekeeper," R*an explained. "And the master of the house is a little... testy today so we better stay somewhat out of his way. But here, in the kitchen, we can talk."
"I don't want to get you in trouble!" Eärniel protested. "I know I dropped in a little unexpectedly..."
"Nonsense," R*an interrupted with a laugh. "I'm not going to let you slip away now that we've finally met after so long! Sit down, Eärniel, I have so much to tell you."
"And I would like to hear much of what you have been up to these past yén." Eärniel said, smiling.
09-21-2005, 03:58 PM
At this moment Rian and Earniel heard a loud banging on the door. Telling Earniel to stay in the kitchen, Rian rushed to open. By the time Rian reached the entrance hall, the door shook and threatened to collapse.
Soon a merry family was home.
"Hey, you, pointy-eared... uhm, Rian, bring a couple dozen bottles of Dorwinion upstairs, and something to eat as well!" Ordered Lilly.
"And lay a table for seven!" added a handsome young man with a dark moustache Rian has never seen before. With that, he grabbed Lilly by the waist and dragged her upstairs laughing.
Another young woman of a rather stunning appearance followed chuckling softly.
09-21-2005, 04:14 PM
"This oughtta be fun," grinned Viv to herself. " I hope Marty and Ray show up, and I really hope they drag that king of theirs along with him. Wonder what HE's got in his pocketses." Vivvie often had odd little thoughts like this.
As she mused upon these things, and others, she slipped down to the wine cellar to nick a bottle of miruvor, and went into invisible mode so as to avoid being seen by the new house help. What she saw on her way to the cellar gave her a slight start, and she wondered if Khamul had any idea that this second elf-woman was here in their home. Then she shrugged a tiny invisible shrug, and decided to let events play out amusingly, as events in lives like this so often do.
09-21-2005, 04:31 PM
Boomerang hearing the newcomers took flight for a clearer view ... fluttering up and out of the window he noticed a Gull perched on a nearby tree.
landing gently he spoke courteously to the Gull.
"Good wind and gentle sea to you ..."
"Fair flight and nectar a-plenty be yours" replied the Gull.
For a short while they sat there high up on the rustling branches, as the dusk deepened and the stars began to sparkle.
below, the house at orrodel was becoming busy, lights being lit, lanterns placed down the short gravelled and tree-lined drive ...
"Faénn" announced the Gull quietly, who had been studying the Butterfly with some curiosity ...
"Beautiful Boomerang, at your service" replied the equally curious Butterfly Leader.
"How fares old 'fish-eye' the Gull Lord? Many a harvest moon since i talked with him"
"He rides high and swoops low still, ... you are long-lived indeed for a Butterfly if you have seen so many Moons?"
"Aye, Faénn, tis' true. If you should meet with your lord, tell him beautiful Boomerang now rules the brotherhood - and sends his regards to him and to your kind."
Suddenly new arrivals at the house caused both flyers to observe the walkers below ...
"what know you of this strange household, Faénn? And of the Sea Elf? Did i not see you fly before her on the way here? ... and guess rightly you know of the lady Eärniel and her infamous Hair?"
The Gull laughed for a momment ... Eärniel's hair was indeed famous ... the gull's still told stories of it's natural splendour blowing in the salt washed breezes of the coasts.
"A strange household eh?" thought the gull ...
09-21-2005, 05:26 PM
The masters of the strange household settled in Lilly's boudoir, giving Rian time to prepare the dining room downstairs and bring the food. Rian had no time to clear the mess upstairs, but nobody cared.
Lilly climbed in Penny's lap and downed half a bottle of Nurn in one swallow.
"Look, Vivvie", started Lil seriously. "You know what's strange? Eh? The Captain is here, but Gordie is not. Isn't it unnatural? Doesn't she have an eon-old crash on the Morgul-Lord?
Lilly giggled merrily, she loved juicy gossip and that was Barad Dur's choiciest piece.
"I bet, she is here somewhere, as well!"
"What do you think, Viv?"
09-21-2005, 05:28 PM
Viniglaen pulled the big cork out of the cognac with her teeth, and cooly poured Khamul, Pen and Lil a snifter each of the smooth liquor. She delicately removed the cork from between her teeth, and replaced it back in the neck of the crystal etched bottle.
"Well," she began carefully, "yes, it IS odd that. I don't know WHAT to think, you guys, to tell you the truth."
Penny said nothing, he was too busy trying to have a conversation with Lilly's breasts.
"Aren't you gonna have a quick drink with us, before people start arriving?" Lilly queried, trying not to be distracted by her lover's playful advances.
Sitting near the bed at the chaise lounge facing the window was Galadannun - Khamul, who could have cared less about Lil and Five's sexual antics; he was busy perceiving Viniglaen's thoughts and approving of them. He always liked Viv's sneaky little ideas.
"No," Viv said, "I'm gonna go down to the cellar and chill for a minute, and put together some bottles for the party. I don't really trust that new elf-maid in our cellar."
"She's not a maid, she's my Major Domo, young lady, so show some respect." Lil answered, half-tipsily. "But you're quite right to be on point, little one! Just don't stay down there forever, will you?"
Viv was already half way down the stairs, shifting into invisible mode as she went, in order to avoid any more interruptions in her quest for a moment alone with her precious miruvor.
09-21-2005, 05:41 PM
As Viv rummaged around in the cellar, putting together a nice assortment of liquor choices for the anticipated guests, she caught the whiff of an elven conversation from the kitchen area above the cellar. Her hearing pierced the ceiling that divided the cellar from the kitchen above her, and she tuned in to the talk like a bat tunes into its prey. It was bound to be fascinating intel, to be sure, so Viv carefully set the case of the evening's beverage selections down at the outer entrance of the cellar, and softly pulled the cellar door closed. She poured herself a snifter of her private reserve miruvor, and settled back into the drinking chaise-lounge to have a little listen. 'Nobody's going to miss me down here just for five minutes,' she thought, as she took a sip of the absinthe-like liquor.
Just then, she heard the door being opened, causing her to instinctively revert instantly back to invisible mode. She'd forgotten about that elf-maid! 'Major Domo,' she sarcastically corrected herself.
09-21-2005, 05:46 PM
Lilly giggled and slapped Five's prowling hands that attempted to undo her bodice. She finished the bottle and addressed Galadannun:
"Khamul, dearie, why didn't you tell us about the Chancellor? Did HE invite you to Tharbad?
Khamul's lips twisted in an evil smile: "I kept it as a surprise,Lil...
I came to report on a mission he gave me thirty years ago".
"I suppose that is also a secret, Lord Khamul?", said Five, burying his hand deep in Lilly's skirts.
"Well, well", said Lilly wriggling, "at least, Lord Khamul, tell us, have you seen Gordie?"
Khamul smiled enigmatically.
R*an and Eärniel talked swiftly and joyfully, eyes shining, of the things that had happened to them since they had seen each other last. Many names and places were spoken of that had not been mentioned for many risings of the sun. All too soon, they were interrupted by a demand for some food and wine. "Quick, hide in here for now - I'll explain later!" said R*an, and she quickly guided her friend into a secluded area in the pantry and moved swiftly to take care of the food and wine needs.
As she approached the wine cellar, she saw a basket with some liquors in it. As she stopped to look at it, she thought she heard a noise, but when she looked around she saw nothing moving. Perhaps someone was in the cellar? Finding the correct key on the household keyring, she opened the cellar, but saw nothing but the dusty bottles enjoying their quiet repose. Pondering over what drinks her strange employers might like, she thought she felt a slight draft - how could there be a draft in a wine cellar? she wondered in the back of her mind, but she was in too much of a hurry to get back to her friend to think about it properly. She added a few bottles to the selection in the basket and took it upstairs, then quickly prepared the dining area.
Duties done, she returned to her friend.
"Eärniel, I have so much more I want to tell you, and so much more I want to hear from you - but, my dear friend, as much as this would please our hearts, I think we need to put aside the pleasantries of friendships to discuss some serious matters." R*an quickly told her friend about the strange household happenings, and of the conversations she had overheard, and then Eärniel followed with a summary of her own doings that might have a bearing on the situation.
"And now they have just returned from an evening at the University, and I'm afraid that they might be planning some more things that it might be well to be informed of," R*an continued. "Eärniel, what do you think we should do? Or do we just leave the humans alone? The elves have done that before, to their regret."
"And I," she added quietly, "cannot ever quite leave humans alone; they are in my blood, in more ways than one."
The two women thought quietly for a few minutes, R*an softly smiling when she caught traces of the young girl, whose hand had held onto hers so tightly on that fearsome flight, in the face of the beautiful woman now seated before her.
"Eärniel," she said after a few moments, "you were always swift and silent, and skilled at climbing. I taught you well!" and they both laughed as they remembered the many trees that they had climbed together, and the few they had fallen from, when the competition was fierce to see who would reach the top first. "I need to stay in sight, but they don't know you're here - do you want to climb near their window and try to listen to their conversation?"
09-22-2005, 07:53 AM
Valandil was roughly shaken out of a particularly pleasant dream, voices calling his name: "Valandil! Hey Val... wake up!"
Valandil sat up quickly, trying to gather his wits. It was dark in his bed chambers, but there before him he could see two figures... Marty and Ray.
"What is it?"
"It's... a... PAR-TAY! Par-tay for Par-tay Mar-tay!"
"Yeah... and Par-tay, uh... Ray!"
The two laughed at their own cleverness and Valandil groaned and threw himself back down on his soft bed.
"Not tonight guys... really. You go on without me. I'm tired, my ankle is sore - and tomorrow I have to go to this big reception with Mister Chancellor... plus tomorrow I've got to get going on a three scroll paper that's due later this week in Commerce! I hardly slept last night... and really need the sleep tonight!"
"Ah... c'mon man... you know that babe with the red hair, in the green dress? She's gonna be there, if ya can't guess!"
Ugh... what was with the rhyming?
"Sorry guys... another time maybe..." and Valandil rolled back over. After a few further pleas, met with silence, Marty and Ray departed.
Valandil slept for awhile and then woke up again. The fading moon had just come up and was visible through his window - and there was much more light to see by. 'About midnight' he thought... 'a little before or a little after'. He realized that his ankle at least felt better (between Earniel's attention, a bit of rest, soaking in athelas-water and Estelmo's concoction), and he had gotten SOME sleep... but still...
'Nah... nah!' he thought, and rolled over once more.
09-22-2005, 09:18 AM
"I do not think it is wise to listen in on their conversation now," said Eärniel after some thought. "I have an ill feeling about attempting it."
And indeed, despite R*an's presence and their previous pleasant conversation, Eärniel did not feel completely at ease in Orrodel. She supposed it might have something to do with having to hide in somebody else's house. It was not of her habit. Besides, this house was far from comforting itself; it had a forlorn, abandoned quality about it that unsettled her. And above that it was drafty.
"If they hear me, we might end up having to explain more than we'd like. And I do not wish to get you in trouble so soon after being employed, my friend. No, let us not be hasty as the Orodrim say, and let us observe things for a little more. There are more maidens than these two in Tharbad that hope to ensnare a noble or the young High King himself in marriage these days," Eärniel continued, thinking of the serving girl at the Red Herring.
"Yet I must admit you've landed in a very peculiar house hold! Although..." "Eärniel grinned. "You always knew how to get into interesting places."
She paused again to collect her thoughts before continueing.
"I do admit I too am weary of ending up with having your mistress Lilaenwen as High Queen of Arnor. Whether this is an aera of Men or not, it might be wise that Elven eyes keep an eye on these matters also. So this is what I would suggest, R*an. Let us watch for now, you here at Orrodel and I will keep my eyes and ears open at the University. And in time it may be wise to appraise the King's councellors of this... development."
09-22-2005, 10:29 AM
Discovering that Rian has taken her wine basket upstairs for her, Viv slowly ascended the stairs on unseen feet. So, the House-Elf had a friend... Interesting...
At that moment a polite knock on the front door was heard. Guests have arrived.
Rushing to the window, Lilly peered down and saw Marty and Ray. The King was not with them. Uttering a couple of choicest curses in Black Speech, Lilly approached Viv.
"Ugh, Vivvie, help me with my dress, please, it has become crumpled somehow...and is askew as well. Don't know how it happened, added Lil, grinning drunkenly".
Viv helped her adjust the yellow dress, and Lilly preceded her family downstairs. Khamul wisely pushed Five to the back of the procession. Penny was still somewhat agitated and his "brotherly" behavior towards Lilly had yet to resurface.
Khamul quit his travel-stained clothes and was now dressed in a sumptuous red-and-gold robe with a wide golden belt. A short curved oriental sword inlaid with emeralds and rubies hung at his waist, which was somehow incongruous for a Professor.
Lilly, Penny and Viv remained in the same garb they wore for the Chancellor's reception.
A demure smile on her lips, Lilly greeted Ray and Marty and lead the company into the dining room.
09-22-2005, 12:28 PM
"Welcome back to our home, gentlemen."
Viv greeted Marty and Ray with a snifter of cognac, a crooked little smile, and a wink of a violet eye. As the others milled around the beautifully laid dining room, animatedly chatting, Viniglaen subtly steered Ray over to a sprawling settee in one of the huge living rooms off to the side of the foyer. The giant crystal chandelier overhead looked like it contained the hearts and souls of a thousand licks of candleflame; obviously Rian had already taken care of the dusting!
Viv perched herself on the edge of another plump, stuffed velvet chair, and fixed the transfixed Ray with the most disarming and charming of her famous looks. He got the oddest sense that his entire life and character was as visible to this young beauty as the painting hanging on the wall over the cavernous, unlit fireplace. But he didn't mind, no, not at all! Ray the King's Man felt completely at ease.
" Here's to new friendships, new classmates, and new surroundings, " toasted Ray, somewhat awkwardly but gaining confident momentum with each new syllable he uttered. The two of them clinked snifters and sipped.
" Tell me about Tharbad, " ventured Viv, kicking off her strappy sandals and running her free hand through her glossy dark hair. After all, this was a man who undoubtably knew this city's every nook and cranny. "Where are the art galleries, the museums; where's the best place for breakfast?" She sipped her cognac again, waiting for a reply, gazing steadily at Ray over the rim of her cognac snifter with those enormous, mischievous eyes.
09-22-2005, 04:19 PM
"Oh, fair Lady", replied Ray, I am not born in Tharbad, "I came here only a short while ago with my King". King Val usually eats at "the Red Herring", a nice place for sure, and a quite one. As for Marty and myself, we prefere some riverside taverns".
"Like the "Rotten Cod?" asked Viv innocently.
"Oh, Sau's balls, No!" cried Ray. Viv arced her brows at that, as it was still strange to her to hear her old Master's name invoked so lightly in swearing.
Ray naturally concluded that the beautiful Lady didn't approve of swearing and apologized.
At that time Lilly's sunny read head appeared in the doorframe: "Vivvie, Ray, we are waiting for you!"
The table was magnificent. Viv took place between Ray and Galadannun, while Lilly sat between Galadannun and Marty. Penny seemed distraught if not angry and followed Lil and Marty with a burning gaze.
"What the hell is with this guy?" thought Marty pouring Lilly some more wine.
Does he consider me too lowly for courting his sister?"
Galadannun, on the contrary, was most affable. Over the meal, several bottles of Dorwinion were consumed, the quantity drunk by the two ladies leaving Ray and Marty aghast. "We were drinking with them all the previous night, thought Ray. Lilly and Viv hardly slept two hours over the last 24, and nevertheless they are as fresh as roses drinking and merrymaking over the next night!"
R*an nodded. "I think you're right, Eärniel. I don't know what came over me - it's just that strange things have been happening to me ever since ... " - she thought for a bit - "ever since I saw that butterfly in the tree the other day ..." Her voice trailed off, and there was silence between the friends.
Standing up, R*an said, "Well, Eärniel, I was your advisor once, but it looks like you need to advise me now! Perhaps I fell out of one too many trees! If I get any other strange ideas, I'll run them by you first. Now, can you stay a bit longer, or do you need to get going? And how is it best for us to keep in contact?"
09-23-2005, 04:12 AM
After all that exhausting breastogling with resultless attempts to fondle, Penny retired to his chamber for some serious studies of his assigned subjects
09-23-2005, 09:47 AM
As Penny sat down by his desk there came a soft knock on the door.
"Enter." said Penny.
And in came Viv and Lilly.
"We were wondering where you got to. We were getting a bit tired of the frat boys and longed for a real man." A seductive light shone in eyes of the two lovely women.
"To hell with this." Penny said and abandoned any attempt at studying.
09-24-2005, 07:32 PM
Ray and Marty watched surprised how Penny suddenly got up, muttering darkly, and banged the door behind him. Lilly and Viv looked at each other anxiously, gave a hasty apology to their guests and followed.
Ray and Marty were left alone with Lord Galadannun who started to tell a long and incredibly dull tale about some obscure tribes in the East. He droned on and on. The young men haven't slept the last night and the exhaustion was showing. Their heads were heavy, their eyes felt as if there was a lot of sand in them. Strange buzzing filled their ears and the world dissolved before their eyes into a misty swirl.
With a cruel smile on his handsome face, Khamul the Black Easterling delved deep into their thoughts and memories searching, always searching for some hints to the Lost Treasure.
09-24-2005, 07:52 PM
"Oh, HONey, what's wrong, eh? What's wrong, baby?" Lilly was tugging at Penny's jacket, sensuously petting his chest, secretly thrilled that he'd gotten so jealous.
Viv rolled her eyes.
"I can see this is best left between the two of you - now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta check on our dinner guests before something happens down there."
They hadn't heard a word Viv had just said, so she shrugged and turned to go back down to the dining room. As she descended the steps, the closer she got to the dining room the more acutely she sensed Galadannun's mind-search powers going to work on the Kingsmen.
"Well!" Viv announced noisily, as she re-appeared. Marty and Ray snapped out of their reverie, like two shocked monkeys. "Shall we go for an after dinner stroll, men? The moon tonight is just lovely."
Ray looked rather keen on the idea, but Marty had more sense.
"I'm afraid, my Lady, we must take your leave at this point, even though it is a very appealing idea to promenade around with such a gracious beauty as yourself!" Viniglaen suppressed her knee-jerk eye-rolling response.
"After all, it is getting so late, and our King will be wishing us back. We've got a big day tomorrow - well, he does, anyway!"
Rian had come back to the dining room, clearing the empty plates and such. "Would you like me to get your cloaks," she asked the guests.
Marty liked the major domo. He'd not taken much notice to her at first, but upon second glance, he realised what sublimity the young elf had, and secretly wondered what her story was.
And that wrapped up the evening. Viv went upstairs to her boudoir, and tried to shut her ears off from the amorous noises emanating from her "cousins" room a few doors down. She buried her nose in a book about the history of ring-making, and fell asleep, with her black evening dress still on.
09-25-2005, 04:07 AM
Meanwhile, Penny and Lilly were alternately smooching and chatting.
"Mmmh, Lilly honey, what do u say about a nice stroll in the moonlight and after that some more wine and cheese."
Penny asked.
"Sounds lovely, Penny dear, let's go." said Lilly and off to the garden they went.
09-25-2005, 04:44 AM
Rian looked out of the window into the moonlit garden. It felt so peaceful and beautiful. Her mind drifted back to the days long forgotten by mortals.
Suddenly she noticed a pair in the garden. A man and a woman were kissing passionately. Rian was sure she recognised Lilly. No one else she had ever met wore such revealing dresses. But the man? Rian could not see his face, but she thought she knew him. Master Pengolod? But it cannot be!
Shocked, Rian sat at the edge of her bed to think.
09-25-2005, 06:25 AM
After having given R*an the address where she was staying, Eärniel sneaked out of Orrodel, right before the guests started leaving. It was dark now and she hurried back to her lodgings. There, however, waited one last surprise.
"Nardol?" Eärniel asked surprised, recognizing the Reed-Elf standing in front of her door. "What in Uinen's name are you standing here for?"
"Looking for you. We...erm... we've ran into a little problem in Nîn-In-Eilph, Lady Eärniel."
Eärniel sighed. "I have barely left two days, surely you can do without me so long?"
Nardol didn't reply, he just looked apologetic. She sighed again.
"Very well," Eärniel said, "come inside. I can pack while you explain me why it is so important I go back home."
Eärniel unlocked the door and an anxious Nardol followed her in. Fifteen minutes later the lights went out in the house and two Elves could be seen leaving. They took the road to the swamps of Nîn-In-Eilph.
R*an sat on the edge of her bed deep in thought, but not the type of thoughts she thought she would be thoughting - er, thinking. She had taken this job in order to keep her body busy enough to keep her mind just the right amount of free - free enough to enjoy the many pleasant memories in her long life, but occupied enough to keep out the memories she didn't want to remember. And now all these odd things happening here! Really, that butterfly must have been some type of sign! If it was just one odd thing, she wouldn't mind - humans are odd sometimes! (She tended to think of herself as an elf.) But all these little things just kept happening. Little enough by themselves - but taken together, surely ...?
She shook her head and walked back to the edge of the window, cautiously looking out at the figures in the garden again. The clouds parted, and the moon shone down brightly on the two figures below. Looks like the dress adhesive is wearing off! she thought wryly, and then turned away from the window again.
Seeing the couple below reminded her of the man at the table who seemed to have his (literally) eye on her with more than just a casual interest. Hmmph! she thought with a pout and a toss of her hair, He sure wouldn't have a chance with me! She remembered the eyes of another, and the night he had given her a gift, under the stars above Gondolin ...
She paced back and forth restlessly, then drew forth a small pouch from her "woman's pocket" and poured out the contents on the bed. She selected a delicate, intricately-made ring and slipped it on her finger, then closed her eyes and ran it softly against her cheek. She stood still for some time, and the moon came out from behind the clouds again and shone on her hair.
She came back to Orrodel with a sigh, replaced the contents of the pouch (minus the ring), then put the pouch back into its hiding place. Turning swiftly towards the door, she quietly left the room. She needed to get out of this castle and into the clean night air, under the stars of Elbereth. Maybe then she could think more clearly.
She stepped outside and walked the opposite direction from where she last saw the couple from her window.
(edited out - no longer applicable to rpg :D )
09-26-2005, 05:27 AM
Meanwhile, in the Arch-Chancellor's palace.
Aiwendis, the Arch-Chancellor*s daughter, walked through the moonlit garden. Tall trees, growing outside the confines of the cloister, screened the light, casting it into drifting patterns on the winding path. The sweet smell of jasmine hung in the still night air. Aiwendis was tall and beautiful; her lithe figure moved noiselessly between the flowerbeds. A wave of dark hair covered her shoulders and reached down to her slim waist.
She loved her garden. After a thousand years in the Dark Fortress, where the very air reeked of ash and fumes, of orc stench and human misery, the moonlit cloister felt almost like home. The home that was no more. The accursed Powers spared nothing and nobody, as Elenna went down into the sea, with all its children and its wives and its maidens and its ladies proud; and all its gardens and its halls and its towers, its tombs and its riches: they vanished for ever. Soon they will be the last ones to remember the Land of Gift, given and taken back on a whim of the Powers. The last Nine Men to remember and to grieve.
Aiwendis stopped in a patch of moonlight near the fountain. Looking at the crescent of the Moon, she moved gracefully in a slow dance. Warm moonlight caressed her skin and flowed through her being, filling her with power.
Singing softly, almost inaudibly, Aiwendis approached the fountain, where a silver goblet stood on the mossy rim. Red wine in it seemed black in moonlight, the wine mixed with spices and some magic herbs of the far South, unknown to mortals. With a small sharp dagger, she cut the palm of her left hand, letting nine drops of blood fall into the goblet. The wine suddenly shone with a faint greenish glow. Dancing around the fountain and singing in a long-forgotten tongue, Aiwendis weaved the Spell of Love.
In the large palace, built around several cloisters, nothing stirred, not a single window showed light. Everyone was asleep. Aiwendis knew, however, that it was not so, as, like herself, her Lord needed little sleep, if any. Now was the time when they could meet undisturbed by prying servants. The spell was completed. Aiwendis lifted the goblet from the rim of the fountain and carried it inside.
09-26-2005, 05:32 AM
Holding the goblet tightly in her hand, Aiwendis ascended the winding stair to the second floor. The stair was concealed in the thick wall and never used by servants. Paying attention to make no noise, she unlocked and opened a heavy door, concealed by a bookshelf from the other side, and entered a moonlit corridor leading to the Chancellor’s private chambers.
Creeping at night like a thief around her own house was frustrating to no end. Aiwendis bit her lip, remembering her elegant house in Osgiliath, where she could move freely day and night, as no one would question the Lady of the House if she wished to see her husband in private.
Not so with a daughter. One mistake, and tongues will start wagging. Aiwendis sighed. Over the years, she has grown used to personify the Chancellor’s beautiful and virtuous young wife, Lady Isilien, loved and admired by all. But now her Lord decided she would be more useful to him as a young maiden, a highly desirable match for any royal. So, there was that fire…She remembered weeping at her own funeral, now playing a role of a daughter of the charred woman that lay in a closed coffin in the lush tombs of Osgiliath. Aiwendis loathed doing this. But her wishes and feelings were of no importance, it were the desires of her Lord that mattered.
09-26-2005, 06:58 AM
Aiwendis pushed the heavy door of the Chancellor’s bedroom and closed it tightly behind her. Her Lord sat in a low chair near the fireplace, looking at the dancing blue tongues of fire, magic fire that only licked the logs, giving no warmth and only little light. Aiwendis stood entranced, watching light and shadow play on his handsome, chiselled features. He seemed lost in thoughts, but Aiwendis knew that he was intensely aware of her approach, ever since she stepped into the corridor.
He offered her no greeting, but asked coldly in the silent speech of mind to mind he used when alone with her, “Is the potion ready?”
“Yes, My Lord”, came the silent reply.
“I am concerned about the Moon. You should have weaved the spell while the Moon was full. Now it is waning. It is good for death spells, but surely not for love potions. Let me see it.”
Aiwendis approached and offered him the goblet. With a slight nod, the Morgul Lord took it, sniffed the wine and sipped a small mouthful.
“I wish it could work on you!” thought Aiwendis wistfully.
Her mind open and in tune with his own, the Morgul Lord intercepted her thought at once. Aiwendis felt his amusement. “You must have made me drink what amounts to a bucketful of this potion over the years. The taste is so familiar.” He laughed softly, placing the goblet on a low marble table.
“Nothing works on you”, said Aiwendis bitterly.
“I love you well enough as it is”, replied the Chancellor in a cold voice, surveying her with chilly, bright eyes. “But now we need this Kinglet, son of the Finger-Slicer, to fall in love with you. We need him to loose his head completely.”
Moving silently and gracefully, Aiwendis approached her Lord and sat down on the thick carpet at his feet, leaning her head on his knee. He stroked her thick dark locks distractedly, like one pets a cat. They watched the flames in silence.
“What will you do if he asks my hand in marriage?” asked Aiwendis after some time.
“I will grant him his request, perhaps”, replied Lord Morgul slowly. “But the bride-price will be high, very high… yes, almost as high as Thingol set for Luthien.” Aiwendis heard his soft laugher in her head again.
“And what about me?” she asked in a trembling voice.
“It will not take long, Aiwendis,” replied the Morgul Lord. “Even if you will have to stay with him till the end of his pathetic mortal life, it is but a moment of your existence.”
“But he will feel that I don’t love him!” cried Aiwendis.
“You must learn to love him”, said the Morgul Lord sternly. “We of the Royal Line are perceptive. You can’t fool him entirely. Discipline your mind. You have almost married my great-grandson once, you have been my mistress for many years: surely you find men of the Line of Elros attractive. He is not that different, Aiwendis.”
“But I can’t”. Tears rolled down her cheeks now. “Why not let Lilly have him? She is more attractive than me. She will get the Ring and give it to you!”
The hand in her hair tightened painfully. “Don’t be a fool” hissed the Morgul Lord. “Lilaenwen is unreliable. Besides, he will never marry her. Not a single King of our Line was ever ruled by a mistress, not even one of the accursed traitors of Andunie!”
Getting up in a fluid movement, he pulled her to her feet. “You will do as I say, Aiwendis, for I am your Lord. Don’t forget it.”
She lifted her head to look into his bottomless silver eyes. “I will do as you say, My Lord.”
She turned to leave, and added almost inaudibly, “Because I love you”.
09-26-2005, 09:04 AM
After having a long romantic walk in the garden, stopping for intermediate smooching now and then, Penny and Lilly went back inside for some invigorating wine and cheese.
09-26-2005, 07:18 PM
It was the middle of the night, perhaps even very early morning, when Viniglaen awoke out of an inspirational dream. Her big book dropped to the floor with a muffled thump, and she rubbed her sleepy face and clumsily pulled herself up to a sitting position. "I forgot to wash my face, and get out of this dress," she thought fuzzily to herself, and then she remembered what her dream had been.
Snapping into focus, Viv tumbled off her bed and went to her wardrobe closet, and as she awkwardly tugged off her somewhat crumpled black velvet evening gown, she thumbed deftly through the hangers for a more practical outfit to change into. "This'll do," she mumbled to herself, slipping a hunting day-frock off its hanger and pulling it over her bed-tousled head. Perfectly tailored to fit her athletic figure, and coloured a gently innocuous woodsy green, the long cashmere hunting-dress felt soft and made no sound as she easily moved within it, wriggling her frame to get the dress to fall all the way down. She snatched her black riding-cloak off her bedpost on the way out her door, and carefully and quietly pulled the bedroom door shut.
"I've got to tell him what was in my dream," she thought to herself as she soundlessly glided down the long, pre-dawn gloom of the upper passageway of Orrodel, straight towards Khamul's bedroom.
09-26-2005, 07:37 PM
Viv tapped softly on Khamul's chamber door, and put her hands behind her back respectfully, awaiting a response. Not two seconds later, the huge mahogany door swung open inward, and there stood Khamul, with a look on his face teetering between harmless annoyance and distracted thought.
"My Lord," Viv said, as she gave a polite compulsory look toward her black kidskin-suede clad feet. After all, Khamul WAS her superior, and as such she'd always had the utmost respect for him. It can even be said that at times, her respect has shown a twinge of girl-like infatuated fancy. She'd heavily deny this if confronted, though, as would any lady caught in the throes of young admiration.
"Urm," mumbled Khamul with a great deal of uncharacteristic clumsiness. He held the door open wider, to let her in. Like an obliging ghost, she swiftly entered, and he steadily clicked his door shut, and gave her and her mind a brief searching glance.
"I had this dream," began Viniglaen, not knowing how else to start.
09-27-2005, 11:45 AM
"Oh Viv. You really do pick your moments," Khamûl said before she could carry on. "Do you not think that me and you becoming an item would be a little strange. Remember I am your Professer and brother. If anybody found out it blow both of our covers sky high, not to mention those of Penny and Lily."
"But..." begain Viv.
"Yes I know that Lily and Penny have been off on little romantic walks, but that doesn't mean that we can. It's there problem if they're cover get's blown, I'll think something convincing up to cover us, but I very much doubt that Lily or Penny will, be able to convince King Val of their innocence. Neither of them posses the power to protect their own minds, like Lord Ciryatan has taught me," replied Khamûl, pushing the door open as Viv walked slowly out.
"Oh, and Viv," said Khamûl. Viv turned around with an eager look on her face.
"Yes M'lord," she replied.
"Next time you try and chat someone up, don't use such an obvious line."
09-27-2005, 03:31 PM
Viv turned around and headed for the stairs, and as she descended, she shook her head with bemused confusion. It was a total shock to her that Khamul had not only assumed she was "feeding him a line" without having even bothered to read the contents of her mind at all, but that he'd pass on such a brilliant opportunity to work with someone like her in finding the One Ring. Her dream had been almost prophetic, and she sensed deeply that it foretold a future event, and she'd wanted to collaborate with her Lord and friend on discovering its meaning. It was just too bad, she thought, that even as Nazgul, men's pride and arrogance would cut them off from opportunities such as the one she'd just made avaliable.
Viniglaen held her cloak close to her neck as she walked. Having left the House of Orrodel, she was now out soundlessly speed-walking the streets of Tharbad, building in her mind her next plan. "This time," she vowed to herself, "I will trust no one, and I will collaborate with no one." The pre-dawn air was pregnant with grey dew, and as she walked, the dew settled on her face. It resembled a countenance of tears, for indeed, the look on her haunting face was heartbreaking.
09-27-2005, 03:54 PM
Having had their fill of wine and cheese, Lilly and Penny retired to his chamber where they vigorously and passionately made love all through the night.
09-28-2005, 02:26 PM
Annawen walked through the empty streets of Tharbad. Dawn has hardly colored the sky, when she arrived at a big mansion, the address she remembered so well. She longed to see Rian, to talk to her...
Annawen still felt bad after the receprion at the University. She could not sleep at night, the cold eyes of the Chancellor haunting her. What a fool she had been, thinking that such as herself was worth anyting at all! What silly dreams she used to indulge in! Sindariel, indeed!
Annawen gulped her tears down and approached the house. Coming so early was another folly. How on Arda can she find Rian here...?
As Annawen approached the house, she was surprised to see a young man waiting quietly on a bench near the door. She knew him by sight very well, because she had often deliberately walked out of her way down the street by the blacksmith's shop in hopes of catching his eye. They had never exchanged words, but they had exchanged a few smiles (and a sprinkling of blacksmith's dust made his white teeth and blue eyes shine even brighter), and she treasured the memory. Her friend at the milliners' two shops down had told her his name - Arastûd - and she had often said it softly to herself while doing the cooking and cleaning, to cheer up the long days of work.
The young man rose quickly to his feet. "Good morning, miss!" he said with a shy smile. He was at home at the blacksmith's shop, but felt a little out of place here, and it showed. "Don't mind me; I'm just waiting for some signs of life in the house. I've come to apply for the stable manager job here."
"Oh, isn't that a coincidence!" said Annawen shyly. Brilliant comment, silly! she said to herself. She swallowed hard and continued, "I've thought about applying here, too, to help out my friend R*an!" Well, I've thought about it! she said to herself. "It is a bit early, though, and I don't want to disturb the household ...." she trailed off uncertainly.
"Well," just DO it, you idiot! he said roughly to himself - "um, it IS a bit early, and it would be a bad thing to get off on the wrong foot with a potential employer ... would you like to just stroll down to that little knoll and back with me? I mean, if you wouldn't mind my company or anything! Or if you want, you can just sit here and wait for your friend, and I'll just stand over there a ways off so as to not disturb you."
Annawen blushed and smiled. "No, that's ok, I would like to take a quick walk - it's such a nice morning! And that way, we wouldn't disturb them too early - that's a good idea!"
She was glad to see that Arastûd looked happy at the prospect, and they set off towards the knoll.
"By the way, my name is Arastûd. I've seen you around town before, but I don't know your name ..." he trailed off, leaving it a question. Well, that's a lie, I guess, but I don't want her to know I asked after her just yet! he thought.
"I'm Sinda .. um, Annawen," she said.
Maybe fairy tales do come true, she thought...
09-28-2005, 07:19 PM
"forgive me" said the gull "but i must fly!"
Boomerang watched as the Gull flew off.
Beautiful's antennia twitched in amusement as the Gull flying east did what gulls often do ...all over an ornate carriage, parked in the distance.
As the fading moon this time of the month glowed suddenly bright as clouds passed away overhead ... Beautiful Boomerang heard a nightly "too-all too-whoo, towhit" on the wind ...
"Twittity whoo, towhit?" came a faint reply.
Beautiful's antennia twitched in amusement yet again ... so, old Wise-whit was holding a parliament of owls this night and the full council was meeting ... eh?
Boomerang was very fond of the old Owl leader: his mind nowadays was not so much wise as wandering... but he was a well loved Owl all the same. Word above the street had it his daughter 'Large eyes' would become the new leader ... somewhat controversial with some of the dowdier and excessively bushy-eyebrowed council members ...
Beautiful Boomerang just had to go see this! ... these full council meetings were always held at dawn for some odd owlish reason and could go on all day if anyone could keep an eye open ....
"Twittity whoo, towhit?" rang out on the air again.
Who would it be? chosen to succeed old Wise-whit?
leaping into the air Beautiful Boomerang raced towards the crumbling Bell tower ...
09-29-2005, 01:00 PM
Inside the crumbling Bell tower, the Council of owls were arriving in feathery flurries.
“Twhoo-eee!” went up the traditional and formal welcome for each Council member as they arrived.
By the time wise-whit arrived, last as he was first, all the full council had assembled.
An incredible Owl crescendo of
rent the night air as old Wise-whit slowly glided in and landed on the old Bell, in his place of Honour.
Beautiful Boomerang had fluttered in breathless just behind him … that incredible owl hoot had made his hairs stand up on end…
In the semi-dark tower, the atmosphere was breathless and tense… an air of expectancy hummed throughout …broken by the massed rustles and movements of the Owls …
Large tawny eyes blinked everywhere all around the circular tower from the ground right to the top just below the Bell. Looking down as Boomerang now did the bell tower resembled a live living and blinking peacock’s tail: large hypnotic eyes and feathers merged into a tubular vista the like of which he had not seen before.
“By Moon and Mouse!”
piped up 'Tawny head' the Official Owl parliament ‘speaker’
“ Well met by moon and star this Night!”
“Too-whoooo! well met” echoed back …
The Council had begun … all eyes were looking towards ‘Large Eyes’…. Wise-Whit’s daughter and eldest child …
09-29-2005, 02:24 PM
"Good evening fellow Owls," she began. "I'd just like to start the council today by announcing some news. I have recently accepted a commision from a private party, to be an animal totem and companion."
Feathers ruffled excitedly. This was indeed good news! The owls could well use an ally outside the owl race.
"Who? Who?" the council asked.
"A young Numenorian noblewoman," Large-Eyes answered. "But, fellow night-birds, she is not only a noblewoman, she is..."
Expectant eyes by the thousands held in tense excitement stared at her.
"Who? Who? Who?" interrupted one of the overly amped-up younger councilmembers.
"...a Nazgul." Large-Eyes finally answered.
Well, that befuddled and energised all of them. This was interesting and exciting news, to be sure. Having an alliance with the powerful Nazgul Nine was nothing to shake a dead mouse at, for real.
The council unanimously agreed, after a short deliberation, that this was a wonderful new step for the race of Owls in middle-Earth.
After the meeting was adjourned, Large-Eyes sailed away into the dawn, looking for breakfast and then her new Mistress. She found herself a little field mouse, then, with mouse in beak, she soared over Tharbad, scanning the area for signs of Viniglaen. Large-Eyes spotted her, way down below, having a walk by herself. "Wonder what Mistress is doing out all by herself so early in the morning?" thought Large-Eyes, and she dived down to Viv, announcing herself with a gentle "who-hey" on the way down, and Viv put out her forearm, and her new owl perched.
It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, to be sure.
09-30-2005, 02:14 AM
Penny and Lilly, after having had their fill (that term again, :D ) of lovemaking, cheese and wine went out again for breath of fresh air.
Suddenly a falcon swooped down and landed on Penny's outstretched arm.
It's beak opened and at first only p-kah, p-kah came out but then Penny concentrated and understood what the falcon was saying.
"Greetings, human, I am Falco Rusticolus and may I humbly ask to be your companion, doing thus because we Falcons have decided that now that the Owls of the Guild of Predators have taken up with that other human called Viv we need to be in on the deal as well."
Penny and Lilly was delighted and accepted the proposal immediately.
09-30-2005, 02:40 PM
"I'll call you Lômi," said Viv to her new friend.
"I like that name, Mistress," Large Eyes responded, with a sleepy pleased look on her feathery face. "And I shall call you..." Large-Eyes blinked very slowly, trying to come up with some sort of nickname. She was growing drowsy, as the dawn lengthened into morning.
"Why not just call me Viv?" ventured Viniglaen. "We can keep it simple that way."
"Who-kay, Viv," agreed Lômi the Large-Eyes groggily.
And on they walked. Viv wanted breakfast, and she was looking for that little breakfast nook said to be favoured by the young King himself. She figured it would be best to let Lômi have her day-sleep, and found a nice, thickly bushy fir tree within owl-eye shot of the Red Herring Restaurant in which to set Lômi in, where she could rest safely unobserved while Viv had her poached eggs and tea, and read her morning newspaper.
"I'm so glad I have an owl," thought Viv happily to herself. "Now I won't feel so all alone."
Pulling up a chair at the window seat, with a good view of the tree outside, Viv could swear she noticed Ray and Marty, over by the fireplace table, laughing and enjoying a hearty Tharbad-style country breakfast.
R*an walked back into the house with a pleased smile on her face. In one morning, she had filled all of the positions that had been asked for. The young man, Arastûd, seemed a perfect fit for the head stableman position - she had heard him spoken well of by the townspeople, and he obviously loved and knew how to handle horses. He had suggested his younger brother, Arabud, (there were 5 boys in the family, so their father still had plenty of help) as a good fit for the stableboy position, and she had assented on the spot.
Annawen had asked about the housemaid job, but decided against applying, and had walked back down the hill, escorted by Arastûd, since she had the morning shift at the Red Herring. Arastûd had promised to return shortly, with his younger brother in tow, and start putting the stable in order. Attractive fellow, thought R*an, maybe he'll put the young King out of Annawen's mind!
A young lady came up just as Annawen and Arastûd were leaving, and applied for the housemaid job. R*an looked over her references - they looked satisfactory - hired her for a try-out period, and sent her into the kitchen to finish up the breakfast preparations.
Maybe things would be getting back to normal now! she thought. Maybe there was just something in the air these last few days!
As she passed the great stairway, R*an heard a door opening and saw Galadannun. She paused at the base of the stairway, waiting for him to descend. As he neared the bottom, she said, "Professor Galadannun, I have filled all of the positions that were requested, except for lady's maid. I am working on that, and hope to have it filled by tomorrow."
He looked at her with cold, distant eyes.
09-30-2005, 04:46 PM
"Wonderful," grunted an obviously grumpy Galadannun. "Now, would you be so kind as to bring me some very strong black tea, and a bit of venison sausage with eggs to my study? "
"Right away, Sir," answered Rian, wishing to have no furthur tension between herself and her new employer. 'I'm so glad I got such good helpers so soon,' she thought to herself, 'it looks like we're going to need them! Do we even HAVE any venison sausage?'
Khamul was too wrapped up in his own dark thoughts, and completely missed Rian's annoyance, much to her unbeknownst favour.
09-30-2005, 06:33 PM
Constable BB plodded along whistling. It was a beautiful Sunday morning ... time for a nice hearty breakfast somewhere nice. Triple bacon, extra large fried mushrooms, some fresh toast and a pot of dark Harad coffee. mmm...
Where was the Guv' he thought? Maybe he'll be at the red herring having his usual?
Turning the corner, he almost bumped into a nearly frantic-looking young man ... ahhh! it's young barliaman he thought.
"evenin' all!" piped up Barliaman with a grin, recognising constable BB.
"Mornin'" smiled BB. "what be your rush this mornin' then Barliaman?"
"ahh. tis' me Auntie, widow watching ... she done took a right turn for the worse in the night - couldn't sleep a wink she said , wierd hoots and nightly noises, she said.... like a cacophony of owls ... worried she has a fever Constable, i'm that worried i am ... she do look no better than a squashed pumpkin rolled in manure, as they say!"
"you off to see the good doc, then?"
"aye, that i am .. Sir greyflood's leach is normally up the old sea dog this time a' sunday mornin' ... maybbe he'll come around and tend to her, i'm a hoping "
Barliaman, with a hearty wave, ran off towards the wharfside. Constable BB quickened his step ... a good lad young barliaman, he thought, if over fond of the ale ... mind like a sieve most of the time ... make a damn fine addition to the watch, if he learned to slow down and not run around everywhere!
Having gone to the pantry and seeing that there was indeed venison sausage, R*an instructed Zimra, the new housemaid, to put together the breakfast tray and take it to Professor Galaddanun's room. "But mind yourself around him - he's rather touchy and temperamental!" she warned her.
09-30-2005, 08:03 PM
Lilly hopped down the stairs, rosy and cheerful in an elegant saumon house robe. Even the Elf smell seemed not so offending this morning.
Entering the kitchen, she waved to Rian, "Morning my pointy-eared friend! What is there for breakfast? Have you hired the servants? Have you got a new lady’s maid for me? What is up in the city?"
Rian was slightly bewildered and eyed Lilly warily. The scene in the night garden was still fresh on her mind.
"Good morning, Lady Lilaenwen. I have filled all the household positions, but the one you just mentioned. No one applied for a maid."
Lilly pouted. "But I NEED one! Who is to draw my bath? Who is to help me dress? Who will keep my things in order?"
Rian sighed. "I will try to hire someone today, my Lady"
"Do it", ordered Lilly. And bring me some chocolate croissants and coffee upstairs. And venison and eggs for F.. I mean Lord Pengolod. I will eat with my brothers.
Arcing her brows slightly, Rian piled the requested items on a large tray and herded the new kitchen maid, Zimra, upstairs to Lord Galadannun’s study. Penny was there already reclining on a sofa and waiting for his breakfast. Galadannun looked obviously irritated, and Rian thought she heard him scold his younger brother for something.
Lilly sailed into the study and gave each of the men a morning kiss.
"Who is this wench?" asked Professor Galadannun scrutinising the fresh, rosy cheeked and blue eyed Zimra.
It is Zimra, the new kitchen maid, Professor" said Rian, helping the girl to put the tray on the table.
Zimra’s hands shook so much, she almost spilled the coffee. There was something in this man’s eyes, something cold and cruel and… Zimra blushed and backed towards the door.
"She has NOT hired a lady’s maid for me!", complained Lilly.
Galadannun’s cold eyes never left the girl. "Why won’t you take this one, Lilaenwen? She seems nice enough, if a bit stupid".
"That's a good idea!" cried Lilly enthusiastically. Zimra almost fainted.
"What's up in the city, Rian?" asked Penny, wolfing down his breakfast.
"There is the rochdol game sheduled for this morning, young Master", replied Rian. She noticed that Pengolod didn't like this title one bit. Lilly smirked.
"What is this game, now?" asked Lilly. ""Is it of the king when twenty men run after a miserable rubber ball, for days on end?"
Lilly was not overfond of Numenorean sports. She used to delight in the weekly Barad Dur fights, when every Level of the Fortress presented its best uruk fighter, and they fought to death using swords, knives, maces and, finally, claws and teeth. The winner got a year leave to visit the caves in the Ash Mountains, where breeding females were kept. The Sixth Level was always the winner, as Lilly was personally looking to it that her best fighters were well fed and kept out of harm.
The last sane person
09-30-2005, 08:07 PM
Marty and Ray were feeling much refreshed after parting ways for much needed sleep. It was still fairly early in the morning when they met up at the Red Herring. Both had taken a liking to the Tharbad-style breakfast, which was a heavier fair than that they were used to. Marty had wolfed down his portion with more gusto than usual.
"What are you trying to do? Break the pig-out record, One-Eye?" Marty took a swallow of his warm mead, and mopped his mouth. "No, I to be somewhere..."
Ray raised a critical eyebrow at his friend, taking in every detail. Marty was impecably dressed! Marty had on a dark blue shirt and tunic and dark gray leggings, a silver and blue mixed tunic to go over that, with a black belt, completed with mithril tracery on the buckel. And tall black boots with a long black riding cloak. His short black hair was well combed as usual, but his wolfish apperance had lessened comsiderabley.
Ray for his part was well dressed as well, in order to be fit for parading around with the king and chancellor. His longish black mane was very well trained today, indeed, it was tamed from leaping and sproinging everywhere, as was it's habit. The one lock of very long hair he had at the side was perfectly braided. His outfit was reserved: gray leggings, a pale green shirt, and a loose gray tunic with green detail.
"Aha! There is a woman involved! Could it be our be bosomed friend Lily?" Ray chuckled and finished off the last of his toast. Marty growled something like "It could or could not, I got to go..."
With that he gave a quick grin and dashed off to his great charger (whom, to Ray's noted amusment, was imppecably turned out as well and less scrufy looking than usual). Still grinning at his friend's retreating back, he paid his fare, grabbed his cloak and buckled his sword on. He made his way to the front and happened to pass by the window.
Oh my, I know those eyes! Viniglaen.
"Viniglaen, good to see you. We don't seem to be apart from your family for very long!" He flashed her a grin, which she returned. "It seems that I have lost a comrade to the other side. I have the morning to myself, until time to meet up with Val. Mind if I have a seat?"
Ray knew that he ought to be on best behaviour. And he had been, for well over a year! But now things were starting to nibble at him, to make some fun minor mischief...He had always liked challenges. But now he wasnt so sure, with Viv sitting across from him, if he should...
10-01-2005, 09:17 AM
"Ray!" said Valandil, "Here you are! Have you seen Marty? The big game starts in just a few hours, and with my ankle as it is, I was counting on you both to carry the team. Oh - I can walk on it just fine now... but don't want to risk things with rochdol. Besides... I think our team can handle the Sarn Ford U Stallions without me. Instead of splitting you up, I was thinking to put you both on offense... should shorten the game either way."
"Oh miss... uh, Annawen? Could I have my usual spot? And one of those skillet-thing breakfasts you have here... with something warm to drink... morning seems a bit nippy."
"Anyhow Ray - I was afraid you two had forgotten (and you seem like you've dressed for the reception - not the game - same with Marty, from what the porter told me). I thought I'd sleep in and get a nice breakfast at the house - maybe not come down here until after the game. Remember... we have that reception later. But now that I'm here... Oh-uh, you were leaving though? And forgive me, have I met your... friend?"
The last sane person
10-01-2005, 09:42 AM
Raendil was thoroughly Fizzled. Indeed he had forgotten the game, his mind was occupied with the lady in front of him.
Snapping out of his fizzled-ness, "Jeez, where's my manners? Valandil, this is my new friend Viniglaen. Viniglaen, this is Valandil, high king and all that jazz, also one of my oldest friends. We grew up causeing mischief together!" Valandil bowed a little, as did Viv, they eyed each other for a bit.
"Um, well, that would work fine Val, I think Marty and I can finish off the 'stallions' just fine. They have always been the first and softest team to start each year. I'll, go change....but we still have 3 or so hours, no?"
Valandil nodded his head as his order was served. Ray turned sheepishly to Viv, "I am sorry, but it seems my mornings weren't as free as I thought they were...."
"So, it would seem, my friend. You are a good rochdol player, same as marty as it seems you two are the ones that carry the team?"
Ray turned slightly pink, for he never considered himself more than average. "Well, I don't know, but that is the opinion of a few, and they too are great players..." but there was that mischevious part of him, but this time instead of nibbling at him, it jumped from his brain straight to his tonuge.
"Viv, would you like to come watch, after the reception, I could show you around town, like you were aksing...Y'know, go to the museums, get to know Tharbad? Or if that isn't your thing, or is too late... um, yeah..." Suddenly embarrassed with himself, he wondered why he had asked this young woman so. After all the previous encounters with her, she only just started to act chummy.
Great going, goober brain...Why would Viv even bother? I doubt she cares anything for Rochdol, and on top of that, you made yourself look like a ninny!
10-01-2005, 04:16 PM
'Hmm, I DO like this chap,' Viv thought to herself. The contents of Raendil's mind had been an easy, somewhat quick, and truly enjoyable read. Almost all of his family secrets and life's history and his various personality quirks had been revealed to her, and she summarised to herself what she'd felt from the beginning - here was a bird of her own feather! 'Too bad he's human,' she mused, 'but there's still much we could do together...'
"It's a splendid idea!" Viv finally answered, setting her napkin next to her plate, and taking a last sip of her tea.
"Idea?" Ray said. "Idea! Of course! I mean, ahhh... which one?"
"The part about us checking out the town, silly goose!" smiled Viv, with a sparkle in her blue-violet eyes. "Do you have time right now? We could just walk around for a minute or two, before you go to your game!"
"Yes! Absolutely. Yes, absolutely," Ray responded, as they both rose from their chairs as if on cue. He reached for her cloak, to help her into it, as a gentleman would, but she snatched it first, perceiving his well-meant intent.
"I can clothe myself, Sir Gentle Good Knight," she said with a little grin on her face.
"And this I certainly do not doubt," he replied. "Although one of these days -"
"One of these days, Ray, ' Pow! Right in the kisser! ' "
They both looked at each other and started laughing, which drew the interest of some of the Red Herring's patrons, and Ray could swear he saw his King tilt his head a little quizzically at the two of them, as they made to leave the restaurant.
"Thank you, Annawen," called out Viv as they left together.
"Man, it's such a gorgeous morning! " exclaimed Ray, and indeed it was bright and clear, a perfect day for a ball game.
"Hey - you wanna see my new owl?" asked Viv.
"NEW owl? What, the old one wasn't doin' it for you?"
"No, my - oh, quit it! No, I just made friends with an owl, whom I've taken on as my totem, and she's just lovely! "
They walked across the street, and Viv went under the thick, prickly branches of the giant fir tree.
"Pssst! Lomi! You awake? Let's go, love, we're gonna go on a little walk with a new friend I made. Plus, I have something I need you to do for me real quick. It'll be fun, " she added, and Lomi shook herself awake and peeked down through the foliage at her new mistress.
"Whit? Whit?" asked Lomi, still too sleepy for Adunaic.
"Fun, I say, it'll be -"
"-fun, yes, yes, I heard you, oh... famous last words," whooted Lomi, as she carefully climbed down the branches, and onto Viv's shoulder. Lomi gave Viv a little greeting beak nuzzle in Viv's wavy hair.
"A FROG," whispered Viv into Lomi's ear as they emerged from under the fir tree to meet Ray for the little morning walk. "I want you to find me a frog, but don't harm it, O.K.? A nice, little frog. In a minute, though, not just yet."
"Well, would you look a this! How cool, Viv, you have an owl! What's it's name?" Ray was quite impressed; he'd never seen someone have a pet owl before.
"HER name, she's not an IT, she's Lomi."
"Who. Whoo." said Lomi dispassionately.
And off the three of them went.
"When do I get to look for the frog?" whispered Lomi into Viv's ear as they walked.
"Soon. I'll tell you when," she answered, with a mischievous half-smile on her face.
"When what?" said Ray.
"You'll see," said Viv cryptically. "And oh... it'll be FUN!"
10-01-2005, 09:09 PM
The ride to Tharbad had been a long one. Aramaethor had been months on the journey. He had left much behind him in his halls in the East, but he had felt an urgency to go to the West again. This feeling had been most vexing to him, but it had been incontestable, and so compelled, he had bid farewell to all and rode off.
Upon his back was strapped a sword and shield with the heraldry of a black falcon set upon a silver field. The horse that he rode, a fine gray mare, and the two pack horses which walked behind were showing signs of the strain of the mies. Aramaethor was fortunate, however, losing only three packhorses during the long ride. His mount, the gray mare, had been his own favorite steed back in the East. Though she was fine in build, being a horse bred in the South, she was sturdy and very swift, and she carried his bulk well.
A few months back, he had chanced to meet an old associate of his near the Gladden Fields. He was as surprised to see Khamûl as Khamûl was to see him. Curious as to why Khamûl was there, Aramaethor had casually questioned him about the matter, pretending only a slight interest of course. Khamûl had evaded his questions, saying that he did not have time for "foolish gossip." Aramaethor decided there was no use of questioning him further, but instead he would simply follow him. "Actually," he thought, "even if Khamûl realizes that I am following him, I could always counter him by saying, 'We merely happen to be going the same way.'"
And so Aramaethor had made his way to Tharbad.
A few miles outside the city, he came to a grove of trees and rode into the midst of them where he found a small glade and a brook. "There might be too much stir if the people of this fair city saw my weaponry; doubtless the village louts would take instant notice of that," he thought with some degree of concern. "I must take measures to conceal."
He dismounted. Going to one of the several pouches on the saddlebags, he drew out a spare blanket, and after unfastening the straps of the harness that held his sword and shield, he put them down on the blanket. Pulling the four corners together, he tied them in a knot, a special knot, one of his own devising. "If anyone tampers with this knot, I shall know it, for no one could retie such a knot that I could make," he thought smugly.
Then saying a few words over the bundle, he double-guarded it with a mild warding spell which would make the bundle smell of rotting pig's guts should anyone tamper with it. Now he was ready to make his entry into Tharbad. He considered the garments that he had chosen to wear, a hood and a cloak of deepest navy blue, a tunic of fawn, a white shirt beneath that, and a darker shade of blue for the trousers. His high riding boots were made of the finest brown leather, well-oiled and polished. Upon the middle finger of his right hand set in gold was a deep blue opal clouded with mists of royal blue.
"I must look a bit like a fop," Aramaethor mused, but since he was fond of the wenches, a good impression never hurt. He chuckled.
Aramaethor mounted and took the rope of the packhorses in his left hand and the reins in his right. As he trotted his horse on the road, he thought of why he was there. Back in the East, when he had been sitting in his wooden hall, drinking Dorwinion wine with his vassals, a strange feeling had suddenly struck him. A vague feeling was dawning in his mind, that a certain priceless Treasure might still exist. Realization suddenly dawned on him as to why Khamûl had been near the Gladden. They had both come to the same conclusion! But why was Khamûl heading for Tharbad? He must find out.
When Aramaethor rode into the city, he espied the University at a distance. "Obviously," he thought, "Khamûl knows something. But what?" Of course he would never tell him, but if he kept a discrete watch upon Khamûl, who knows what he might learn.
"Quite a bustling place," he mused as he eyed a quite lovely young lady who smiled at him as she walked down the street. The older woman who appeared to be her companion, her mother, no doubt, scowled at him. He urged his horse into a faster trot and passed by the two, nodding at them politely. First he must find a livery stable where he could stable his three mounts, and then he would pay a visit to the Chancellor of the University and inquire of him about a position on the faculty. Perhaps there was a vacancy and he should have some reason for being in the city, and this would do as well as any.
At last, Aramaethor found a livery stable and left his horses with the ostler. He admonished the ostler to see that all three of his horses were walked and cooled off before they were allowed to eat and drink. He was specific in his instructions about what to feed the three animals. After they had been goomed, they were to be given a ration of oats mixed with a dab of honey, and then bedded down for the night on fresh straw. It was always prudent to take good care of horseflesh, or one might find that if one had to leave a place in a hurry unexpectedly, he would find himself afoot. An unpleasant thought indeed.
He made his way down the street from the livery stable to a crossroads where four streets met and then asked a loutish looking fellow for directions to the university. The man looked at him askance, as though unwilling to tell him anything, and then suddenly he realized that perhaps he had picked up too much of the accent of Rhûn in his usage. He quickly modified that and when he spoke again, the rustic smiled and gave him the information he needed.
"Thank you," he said as he flipped a coin of a small denomination to the man, who deftly caught it with a flick of his wrist. Aramaethor strode on briskly to the university, wanting to get his business settled so he could lodge for the night. Some wine! He really needed some wine to wash the taste of the trail from his mouth, and even a bath. Perhaps they had a bathhouse, with much steam and lovely bath attendants... he must stop thinking about things like that.
He was going to apply for a professorship at the University. He must make some attempt to appear at least decorous. It would be difficult, though, he thought, for he found his thoughts often strayed to a pretty wench. "Ahh, but now I must see about a position."
It seemed like he had to wait an endless time before he was allowed to see the Chancellor, but he did not get irritated at the least, for really his mood was quite cheerful and bright. When at last it was time to see the Chancellor, he walked into his office and bowed. Scarcely could he believe the one whom he saw before him!
"Your Excellency," he said, looking at the Chancellor in surprise, "I did not expect to see you here!"
While Aramaethor was puzzled at the Chancellor, he did not seem very surprised to see him.
The Chancellor replied, "Welcome, Udu. It seems that many now gravitate towards Tharbad. It has been a long time since we have met. Why are you really here?"
"Would you believe it if I said that I have grown tired of the East?" he asked hopefully.
"No," the Chancellor replied, "but I will not question you further on it. You have come seeking a position, have you not?"
"That would be most agreeable, my lord. I am known as Aramaethor now. I have have been too long, perhaps, in the East and am out of contact here in the West."
"Do you not think that is rather obvious and quite a pretentious a name? After all, calling yourself a name that translates into the Common as 'King Warrior' reveals too much," the Chancellor replied matter-of-factly.
Beginning to feel a bit foolish, still he offered some protest. "It did well enough in the East..."
"You are no longer in the East, Udu. Change your name, please."
"Then I will use only Maethor if that agrees with you, my lord."
"Yes, it does," he replied.
Maethor began to wonder if it had been a mistake even coming here, but he was into it now and it was too late to back out. Now he had to go by a name that did not seem right. "Oh well," he thought, "I will get used to it."
"Continue," the Chancellor finally said.
"Do you have an opening for a new professorship? I am proficient in many subjects - campaign strategy, battle tactics, siege tactics, advanced armament and siege engines, the theory of war... let me see... I am also very proficient with the sword, the mace, and the bow, even how to throw a dagger with a great degree of accuracy... Do you scowl?" he asked, looking questioningly at the Chancellor who did not look to be in a good mood at all. "Do you think I sound more like I am applying for the position of a knight in residence in a warrior's hall? Hmm... Perhaps you are right. I sound a bit aggressive. Well, surely these people of Arnor have not forgotten totally the arts of war."
Maethor was not certain how his words were sounding to the Chancellor. "I can also teach horsemanship from the most rudimentary levels to the highest degree of equestrianship, even advanced dressage. Could this University use my services, Your Excellency?" he asked, smiling.
"Your qualifications are quite impressive, Udu, but you make a bit too much of them. How does the position of Professor of Siege Tactics sound to you? There will be accompanying apartments available," the Chancellor answered.
"That would suit me quite well, my lord," he said. "I had been wondering about lodgings and an apartment will take care of that question very well. Just tell me where the classrooms and apartments are located or have someone show me. I assume I will have a week or so to become acclimated to this city again? As I recall, from long years ago, this city was quite... shall we say... interesting. There were some rather good taverns and inns back then, if I recall correctly." Udu began to look forward to this adventure with great anticipation.
10-02-2005, 08:40 AM
Aiwendis wandered to the fountain in the middle of her garden and sat tiredly on the rim, looking into the pool. In broad daylight the garden looked ordinary and flat, it has lost its dreamy quality. The palace was buzzing with activity, servants and maids hurrying, delicious cooking smells emanating from the kitchen. It was still mid-morning, but Aiwendis felt tired and drained. From early morning she was running around in circles from the kitchen to the dining hall, from the pantry to the garden, supervising the preparations for the great evening reception. She went mentally through the list of things yet to do: it seemed endless. Being a Lady of a large household was not an easy task.
Aiwendis followed with her eyes a tiny red fish in the depths of the pool, then frowned, noticing the absence of her reflection on the glossy surface. "I am getting too distracted, that won’t do". Touching the water with the tips of her fingers and whispering a few words under her breath, Aiwendis made her reflection appear. Sure, her hair was a total mess.
Sighing, Aiwendis turned from the fountain and started towards the Palace. She only made a few steps, when the sight of a tall man following Belegar, the Chancellor’s page, made her stumble and stop. Udu!… How on Arda?
Aiwendis needed all the force of her will to stay where she was. Perhaps she was mistaken after all…Hardly. There was no mistaking Udu’s tall frame and the proud set of his shoulders. Anyway, it was unseemly for the Chancellor’s unmarried daughter to run screaming after a stranger. So, she waited patiently in the shadow of the porch for Belegar to return. Letting him pass by, oblivious to her presence, Aiwendis drifted silently into the long corridor leading to the apartments of Guest Professors. The apartment on the right seemed empty, she could detect neither a smell of human blood nor a slightest sound inside.
Aiwendis paused at the door on the left, letting her senses scan the surroundings. Yes, there was someone inside. Udu! She felt his presence unmistakably, her invisible moonstone ring warming at her finger. Hesitating no more, Aiwendis softly tapped at the door.
A second later, the door swung open, and Udu stood there, his right hand resting casually on a hilt of a dagger. Smiling warmly at his surprised look, Aiwendis motioned him to stay silent, stepped inside and closed the door firmly behind her.
"Oh, Udu! I am so happy to see you!" her voice was almost a whisper. "I thought you may be dead, though the Captain said it was not so. Before the last attack came, I saw you lying there at the foot of Orodruin, dead elves heaped about you. Oh Udu, I was so afraid! I thought that was the End of all of us!"
Udu took her trembling hands and bowed his head in greeting. He was surprised to see the usually quiet and withdrawn Gor showing so much emotion. He winced at the memory of the Last Battle. Yes, that was a narrow escape for all of them. Poor Gordie was not much of a swordsman under the best circumstances, and that battle was the worst he has known so far.
"Well met, Gordis. I am glad you are alive", said Udu smiling.
Gordis wiped tears from her cheek. "Don’t call me that anymore, please. I never liked the name the Master saw fit to give me. I know not why he disliked my old one, Aiwendis. I heard that aeons ago, in the accursed Land of the West he knew another Maia with a similar name and disliked him greatly."
"Then Aiwendis it will be," said Udu soothingly. My name is Maethor now.
"It sounds a bit short" remarked Aiwendis.
"Yes, it does" replied Maethor.
"I would be happy to hear what has befallen you since we last met. But allow me to pour you some wine first.". Taking a bottle from a wall cabinet, Aiwendis poured a large goblet of dark read Nurn wine and offered it to Maethor.
"Our wine cellar is at your disposal, Lord Maethor. And all the Professors are invited to this evening reception, so, please, come to the Big University Hall at seven.
You may also wish to use the Palace bathhouse. It is exactly like they have in Khand. Barring the wenches, of course," added Aiwendis mischievously as an afterthought. "Those Faithful are so…righteous."
Aiwendis poured a small glass of wine for herself and sat opposite Maethor looking at him inquiringly. "Tell me something of your story, please!"
10-02-2005, 08:43 AM
Marty crept through the undergrowth with a stealth that would have been surprising to those who knew him. Three team-mates were close behind. Far off to the right and ahead of him there were loud sounds of melee... Ray was apparently providing just the distraction that Marty needed.
Marty liked Ray... he was one of those guys you could count on. Ray would be a Thane one day - he had known Val from their younger days, since he had grown up in the east of the kingdom, along the Mithiethel - not terribly far from Rivendell, where Val was raised. Growing up in the west of the kingdom, Marty had first met Val at the Coronation - and then again at other state functions, until Val showed up with Ray at the U of Elostirion, where the three had done their undergraduate studies and become fast friends. And... while Ray would one day be a Thane, Marty would one day be a Prince. Of course... like Valandil, they owed some of their good fortune to the Disaster of the Gladden Fields. Ray and Marty each had an uncle, older than their father, who was among Isildur's escort that day. Ray's dad had become Thane just after word arrived, for their father (Ray's grandpa) had already died in the first assault on the Black Lands... back in '34, Second Age. And Ray's dad was gettin' old, so he'd be a Thane soon. Marty had to wait until his own grandpa died - and then his father. But he would be a Prince one day... of the Principality of the Lhun.
Oh - he liked Val too... but the guy could be such a stiff at times... such a rube! From when he met him, Marty thought you could best draw a square by tracing the young King's outline. But still, he was alright... on his better days.
Anyway... time to focus on the game. There... up ahead... two or three men from the Sarn Ford team standing around... not joining in the melee just out of view to the east. BINGO... they must be guarding something. Marty halted and twisted around to make hand-signals to those behind him, each nodding and two slipping off to either side, while the third stayed at his back. A couple bird calls moments later (not thoroughly convincing, but the 'guards' didn't seem to pick up on it) declared everyone to be in position, and at a five-count, all four sprang as one toward their marks.
In a few eyeblinks, all three guards were down, Marty had 'the sack' and one of his companions was able to make it up quickly enough to follow him - another seemed like he'd be able to follow in a few more seconds... but the guards were definitely gonna have to take their time.
Then - trouble. There were more than three guards. Three more men jumped out of hiding. Marty and his back-up took out the first two with little difficulty, but the third one picked up a stick, grinning from ear to ear. This wasn't exactly against the rules, since there hardly were any, but it still got Marty's goat. Tossing the sack backwards to his fellow, he dove to catch the fool in the midsection, left arm upraised to ward off the blow.
"Using a stick, eh?" he said to the man who was now writhing in pain. "Well... that's pretty funny 'til someone loses an eye!" and the painful memory made him wince.
- - - - - - - - - -
Valandil stood at the sidelines, at midfield, watching whatever he could of the game. It was an unusual place for him to be - he was ALWAYS playing this game. But no use aggravating his ankle. Maybe next week when the U of Calenardhon came to play...
As with most rochdol fields, this one was very long and very wide, with a good-sized stand of trees at both ends. Players on both sides stayed in various positions, or milled about, awaiting the inevitable action. A few players stood behind him in 'jail' - those who had been captured on the wrong side of the line and physically dragged over to the sideline. With a smile of satisfaction, Valandil noted that the Sarn Ford players in jail outnumbered the Tharbad players, two-to-one. His team was prevailing already. It shouldn't be much longer.
The one odd thing about this field was the slight rise at the midline, making it harder for players to see across the entire field, so watchmen had to be placed where they had a commanding view. Spectators though, had a good enough view of the entire field, minus the wooded parts - if they stood or sat near the mid-line.
As he and the other spectators watched for any signs of action, Valandil looked over the crowd. No sign of her... Most of the student body had turned out to watch, but she didn't seem to be among them. He sighed... of course it was to be expected - being an Elf, she probably held a low view of such games.
Behind him Oreturion cleared his throat. Had Valandil left his thoughts unguarded? He returned those thoughts to the game. He wondered how Marty was doing. Marty was an OK guy, but always seemed to think he had everything all figured out. Oh well... we all have our little foibles.
- - - - - - - - - -
Suddenly, Marty broke through the line of trees to his right, followed by two team-mates from USAT - was one of them Ray? Hard to tell. Marty obviously had a bundle under his arm and was running madly toward the mid-line - it was a long sprint of two or three furlongs. Then - his pursuers broke howling from the woods just behind him, and the rest of the Sarn Ford players began to converge. Ray - looking pretty battered, couldn't keep up, so he hung back and collapsed to the ground. But it didn't matter - everyone else closed on Marty and his lone remaining companion.
'Oh Marty, Marty...' thought Val. 'Grandstanding again... well, your hopes look pretty dim this time... I think there's too many of them left and they're too close to your path'
Marty was still running like mad though, and it looked for a moment like he might make it. But then some of the tacklers, still fresh, struck. First, one or two took out his blocker... then they started to hit Marty. Marty was a big man and strong, so he shook off the first few, but finally he went down about a half a furlong shy of his goal, still struggling to hold onto his burden, scuffling with those piled on top of him.
'Well...' thought Valandil, 'THAT will make things more difficult.' He envisioned Marty getting captured and the yellow sack being returned to a fresh hiding place in the woods beyond.
All at once, a great shouting arose from midfield. There stood Ray... all alone, holding the yellow sack aloft and claiming victory. It had been a feignt! Marty had just pretended to have the sack. Marty broke up laughing at that point and handed a stone from under his arm to his would-be captors. Their team-mates all rushed Ray and held him aloft on their shoulders. USAT had WON!!!
Valandil smiled widely, rightfully proud of his friends - his whole team! And it was early... there would be plenty of time for a celebration at The Red Herring before tonight's reception with the Chancellor. He paused mid-thought on the reception... wondering briefly if SHE would be there.
Yes... she would. She would about HAVE to be!
This was going to be a great day...
10-02-2005, 01:04 PM
Lilly, Galadannun and Penny were finishing their breakfast, when they heard a knock on the front door. Soon Rian announced the arrival of Lord Martirion.
Marty entered the room, resplendent in blue and dark grey outfit with a mithril buckle at his belt. Lilly smiled appreciatively, she liked well dressed and well groomed men. Marthy seemed somehow flashed, and, after bowing briefly and exchanging greetings with the Orrodel family, he offered to take his friends to see the rochdol game.
"Lilaenwen, Lord Galadannun, Penny, , would you like to come watch? Ray and I are one of the main players, and King Val himself will watch! I apologise if it is not in your line…" he finished lamely, noticing a brief glance Lilly exchanged with her brothers at his last words.
"Of course, I Would LOVE to come!" cried Lilly enthusiastically. Then, leaning into the corridor, she yelled "Zimra, you stupid wench, come here quickly! I need to get dressed!".
"I would rather stay at home", said Galadannun slowly, watching Zimra’s plump form pass by the study door. "I have to prepare my lectures for the next week".
"It is unseemly for Lilly to go unattended by one of her brothers!" protested Penny. "I will go with you."
Marty bowed, feeling disappointed and angry. Unseemly, indeed! What have you thought when you made your poor sister seek you at night in the dirtiest taverns of the city?
Soon the trio arrived at the site of the game. The crowd was enormous. Marty led his friends to the places reserved for nobles and relations of the players and waving his hand run to change in the game outfit.
Lilly soon spotted the King sitting in a high chair in the first row, his followers and retainers close behind. She tried to catch his gase, but he seemed completely absorbed in the game. Lilly yawned, covering her mouth with her green and yellow silk fan. Lilly tried to talk to Five, but Penny seemed in a bad mood and only hissed back. Nobody was even looking at her, all peered at the field as if be-spelled. It was utterly boring. Finally, just to have something to do, Lilly decided to follow the game.
It was utterly incomprehensible at first. Lilly yawned again when she spotted Marty. He broke through the trees carrying a bundle under his arm. He was running madly toward the mid-line, his pursuers close behind. To see better, Lilly climbed on her seat and waved to Marty. It looked like he might make it. Now Lilly was thoroughly captivated by the game. "Go, Marty go", cried the spectators around her. But then some of the tacklers, still fresh, struck. Marty went down about a half a furlong shy of his goal, still struggling to hold onto his burden. Lilly could have cried of disappointment, when all at once, a great shouting arose from midfield. There stood Ray... all alone, holding the yellow sack aloft and claiming victory!
The crowd erupted in cheers.
Penny heard a mighty intake of breath from Lilly and, to his horror, suddenly realised what was going to follow. During Black Tower orc tournaments, even the sentries on duty inside the Tower or deep down in the underground vaults could learn of the outcome of the game following Lilly’s mighty shrieks.
Penny dived and grabbed Lilly’s feet just as the first note of the nazgul screech left her throat. Loosing her balance, Lilly collapsed in a heap atop Penny and an old distinguished-looking woman. The cry died in her throat, turning to a moan of pain. All the heads turned in their direction.
King Val looked startled at the moaning heap of ruffled green silks on his right.
"My, this girl screeches almost like a Nazgul", laughed Estelmo. "I hope she didn’t get hurt. She must be Marty’s new sweetheart".
Far away in the University, Aiwendis and Maethor heard a distant short shriek and stopped their conversation in wonder and worry. The Chancellor, working in his study upstairs, rushed to the window, hissing angrily.
10-02-2005, 03:14 PM
Lômi was in a pensive state, bobbing along on Viniglaen's shoulder as the three of them walked along. 'A frog, mmmm,' she was thinking to herself, eyes half closed in memory of the lovely taste of frogs. 'And not HARM it? Oh, why bother thinking about it, nobody cares if I get to eat my frog or not. "Not harm it," indeed! Mmmmmm.'
"And THAT is the Royal Arnor Museum of Contemporary Art," said Ray.
As they'd been walking up the slight slope of the tree-lined, impeccably kept street, he'd delighted in pointing out to Viv all the important town monuments, and the Bibliotecha Arnoria, and the beautiful grounds of the public bath-houses which had been designed by none other than the legendary architect Dairuin the Dwarf, an unusual and influential artist-arcitect from Arnor's history, now long dead. But it was the RAMCA that really got Viv glowing. For the time being, she even forgot about the frog trick she'd been planning, and a new idea to pass the afternoon's time with was brewing in her mind.
"Oh! Oh! Let's stop here, can we?" She excitedly asked. Her sudden enthusiasm caused Lômi to momentarily lose her balance on Viv's shoulder, and little owl feathers flew off her as she scrambled and fluttered to regain her toehold on Viv's shoulder.
"How! HOW!" said Lômi irritably, and "Ow! Ow!" said Viv, as the owl's sharp talons pinched her skin.
"Well, what did you expect, you nearly dropped me!" grumbled Lômi.
"I think you should sleep a little more," Viv said as she walked up to a huge mallorn tree in the sprawling, lush front park of the Museum. Lômi hop-fluttered off Viv's shoulder, and climbed her way up to the top of the tree, sullenly pulling herself up with her beak, softly grumbling to herself as she went.
"She'll be happy up there for a while, I imagine," laughed Viv, "and now I really must tour this museum."
"NOW, my lady? Why now?" Ray wondered who in their right mind went museum-gawking on such beautiful, sunny Sundays.
"Well, for one thing I have an entrance examination due in my Art Theory class on the first day of school, and I haven't even started on it yet," she began to explain. "I'm supposed to write about a work of art which has had the most influence upon me, and why, and who made the piece, and what methods were used , and how--"
"O.K., easy there! Slow down, oh wild one," Ray interrupted laughingly, with his hand up. "I gotta go to the game at this point anyhow, so, I guess this is where we part ways for the time being."
"Yeah, but - what are you doing later on this evening?" she asked.
"I'll come 'round to Orrodel and talk to you then; I'd like to invite you to something but I have to ask if it's o.k. first, you know?"
"Oh, I know," she replied, "I know exACTly how THAT goes. Well," and she gave him a quick hug goodbye, "Good luck in the rochdel game, Ray!
"I don't need luck, m'lady," he repied with a wink, "and if I did, being with you has stocked me up on good luck for quite a while, I'd say!" and with that he was off at a jog, trying to catch up with time lost so he wouldn't be late to the game.
Viniglaen turned and entered the museum, which was empty except for the sleepy-looking old woman at the reception area and a portly gentleman guard inside the foyer who was heavily engrossed in what looked like a romance novel. She left her dark cloak with the reception woman, who directed her to the Late Second age period oil paintings section of the museum, and then off Viv went.
'so far, so good,' she thought to herself as she made her way back. "Now, the private-use-only emergency exit has got to be down this way, I can feel it.'
10-02-2005, 03:40 PM
Udu was quite surprised to see Gordis after so long, but it was very good to see her. First he inhaled the essence of the wine and satisfied with it, drank deeply from the offered goblet. "Very good wine, Gor- Aiwendis! Thank you!" He leaned back in his chair, happy to have this pleasant wine after so many long days upon the trail.
"There is really nothing much to tell. After the, um... unpleasantness at Orodurin, I was rather battered, injured actually. I considered then that while it might be noble to continue the fight, it could be disastrous. I felt it was more prudent simply to turn invisible and depart, and thus I made my way to safety."
"Indeed," he thought, "the wine is excellent."
"Thank you for your generous offer to partake of the wine cellar. I shall have to investigate the shelves sometime. One never knows what one might find, an overlooked vintage, some exotic mystery from other lands. I am sure that your wine cellar shall prove to be quite stupendous." He sipped again.
"After I had put considerable distance between those who would wish me harm, I made my way first south, and then finally north. I had not so much as a cloak to conceal myself. Finally after traveling long miles like this, I was driven to seek garments by devious means. In my meanderings, I found an encampment and entered a tent late one night.
"The master was away, fortunately, and all was quiet. Neither lamps nor torches were lit. I just found what I considered adequate - loose, baggy trousers; long tunics; shoes with curved points; cloaks, scarves; a belt and scimitar; daggers and pouches; even a turban. The turban was quite magnificent in quality, really, but it was set with an inferior stone.
"I was quite pleased with myself and was just looking about to see if I could find any wine. I opened the curtain that divided the tent, and much to my chagrin, I was greeted with the screaming of many women. Much to my embarrassment, I had blundered into the master's harem!
"The poor wenches quickly lit lamps and I found myself circled round about by women who threatened me with many daggers and swords. Surprisingly they were quite good with them. Though I dodged their blows as best I could, several did make strikes. I had to think quickly, because while they could do me little harm actually, they could do some, and I had by that time dropped everything that I had gathered!
"I decided that if I wanted to retain their lord's property, that the only opportune thing that I could do was to throw myself at their mercy. They demanded that I show myself. When I explained that to do so would leave me quite naked, they giggled and murmured amongst themselves." He looked across to Aiwendis and saw that she was listening to his story with rapt attention.
"What could I do, lady? It was not expedient that I should relinquish those items that I had so confidently assumed belonged to me!" She gave him an understanding look and he continued.
"I explained to these women that I was a sorcerer and that was why they could not see me, and requested that they throw me something to wrap about myself. Giggling even more, they watched as one of their number threw me a somewhat tattered sheet. I feigned gratitude and appeared before them, the sheet draped, I thought, adequately to reveal some of my torso. I find that often impresses the girls. They put away their weapons and smiled at me. They did not seem offended in the least that they had forgotten to put on their veils, or much clothing at all. They seemed delighted with me and soon offered me a goblet of wine and their lord's own seat.
"Soon some of them were partaking of the wine themselves as I sat there in their own lord's chair. Then one of them brought some instrument native to their land and began softly strumming it and singing. I was offered more wine, which, of course, I could not refuse, for to do so would offend them. Then some of them, the younger ones, began dancing and twirling to the music, and presented a most graceful performance.
"The entertainment was so pleasant and they were so charming, that I found that I did not leave their abode until nearly dawn. Then they all begged me to return next time their lord was away, and they told me when it would be, and pled with me to be sure that I came back. I left with all the garments and weapons that I had purloined, and more. They presented me with one of their lord's finest steeds and I, having neither gold nor silver, was placed in their debt. When I told them of my poverty, they laughed and said that there were other ways that I could repay them, and implored me not to leave. Their request was so moving that I tarried there the whole day and did not leave until the next.
"I returned many times to that tent. After a while, they began to request that I challenge their lord for them, and to rescue them, for they said he was a cruel and violent man. What could I do?" He looked to Aiwendis. "Leave those poor women to that wicked tyrant who ruled them? Of course not! You understand, I am sure.
"I came back once again, but this time was when their lord and his men were present. I challenged him, and he laughed at me. I issued my challenge again, and they laughed all the more. Their master called me an insolent dog, a heathen, and it was not appropriate to be forced to kill such a wretch as I was. He and his men baited me and taunted me, but I would not leave. Then he, as though it were nothing more than driving a beggar away, accepted my challenge. I bested him of course," he smiled, "and then when his men attacked me as their lord lay wounded on the ground, I turned on them and hacked them to pieces.
"I claimed all he owned, his wives, his property, his riches, his horses, flocks and herds, and promised to care for his wives, his children and heirs. Thus was given to me the responsibility for these people.
"These were nomadic people, moving in seasons to better pastures and water, driving their flocks and herds before them. My cattle, sheep and goats increased, and in a few years I had become a man of wealth. My reputation grew in that land and soon men came to me, asking me to join with them in battles with other tribes. I agreed, seeking to make a place for myself there, and eventually they asked me to be overlord of them.
"Their travels encompassed a great area, coming and going with the seasons. I found I favored the north of that land far more than the south, and after five years of being with them, I built a modest wooden hall to the north. There, I established my summer home."
He looked at Aiwendis. "There, lady, you have my doings. I have had many adventures in these ensuing years. During my wanderings with these people, I made use of my abilities to delve the hidden reaches of ores and stones from the ground and thus added to my wealth. Fifteen years after I had come to that land, I was considered as one of the richest and most powerful of the overlords."
"But why did you leave all this to come West?" Aiwendis inquired.
"I felt a most ardent urge to journey West, and I could not explain this feeling, but it was vexing, gnawing at me. I kissed all my wives and numerous dependents, named my esquire as lord in my stead, said farewell to my strong men, had my gray mare, whose name is Minei in the Sindarin tongue, saddled, packhorses packed with food, drink, supplies and clothing, and set off.
"If I find that I must tarry in this land overlong, doubtless my esquire will feel I am not coming back and usurp my place, claiming all that I have as his own. Of course, I will have to kill him when I get back, even if it means war. I must defend that which I have earned!
"Along the way, I lost one packhorse to lameness and another to accident. I was forced to buy replacements, but my little Minei proved steadfast and seemed to enjoy the stimulation of new places.
"I chanced to meet Khamûl near the Gladden Fields. He was none too glad to see me, I think. When he left, I followed him. Of course, I am sure that he knew I was following him, but I guarded my thoughts and purposes quite well. He went west and after days of following him, I guessed what might be his destination. When he drew on towards the city, I rode into a grove of trees. He does not know for a certainty I was following him, surely. Maybe he thinks I went among the trees to rest and then continued on my journey elsewhere, north perhaps."
He smiled when she urged him to tell more. "That, of course, is not the story I have fabricated to tell others. For them, the tale will be a simple one, that I am a knight-errant of Gondor, the son of a worthy, though undistinguished noble, and that I developed an interest in studying various forms of warfare, including mastery of the techniques of the siege. I shall say that I grew restless and decided to travel to the South and to the East and learn all that I could of cultures and peoples and their methods of war. Certainly, this would be a great interest to the lords of Arnor, who might have in the backs of their minds that these people might someday grow hostile towards them." He laughed. "Among all the peoples whom I have encountered, they are the fiercest fighters. They consider war not so much from a defensive perspective as they do that of conquest, and so they make its mastery an obsession. Some almost worship the horse!"
He took another drink from his wine goblet, emptying it. He sat there smiling at Aiwendis. He considered it impolite to ask for another, but it had been a long time since he had any Nurn red. "Aiwendis, this is exceptionally good wine! Dorwinion is adequate, but nothing quite compares to that of Nurn." He smiled at her in gratitude when she refilled his goblet.
"That is really all there is to tell..."
His words were cut short by the sound of a shriek somewhere in the University and he looked at Aiwendis in surprise. Quickly he put his wine goblet on the table and stood to his feet, touching the hilt of his dagger.
"What in the name of Melkor was that?"
10-02-2005, 04:01 PM
The Royal Arnor Museum of Contemporary Art was situated upon the top of a rolling hill, and from the mallorn tree, Lômi truly had a birds-eye view of the panorama of all Tharbad. She noticed the University grounds were hardly a block away. She noticed the rochdol game beginning. Then, she noticed her new mistress emerge from a side door from behind the muesum, and cocked her fluffy ear, waiting for Viv to summon her.
"Fwit! Fwit!" Viv called, sounding quite bird-like, Lômi thought.
'Well, so much for my nap,' she grumbled to herself, wearily taking flight out of the Mallorn tree and down to Viv. 'Just don't mind me, ohh, Large-Eyes will do it.'
"No, soar above me and follow me," whispered Viv to her owl. "I need you to be my lookout, Lômi; I'm going to do something very important now so this is where your commission to me really begins. You are VERY important, you know," and with that, little Lômi made a very pleased cooing cluck in her feathery throat. A little praise goes a long way with owls.
After Viv finished telling her owl the plan, Lômi took flight and went to her appointed watching area, and in no time flat, Viv was at the outside wall on the other side of which was the King Valandil's University quarters. At this point, Viv was invisible, and she scaled the wall like a cat with sticky paws, and climbed into the huge boudoir belonging to the young King of Arnor himself.
Once in, she made beelines for all the traditional hiding places and concealed areas which nobility liked to keep valuable trinkets in. She found all sorts of beautiful things - a pouch of loose gemstones, three daintily woven lady's rings held together with a blue silk ribbon, a small gold trophy engraved first place to none other than Isildur himself for some rochdel game from ages ago (this belongs in a museum,' thought Viv) a ruby and diamond choker in a gift box (I wonder who this is meant for, she mused), but alas! nothing in that room was even close to what she sought. As she was carefully replacing everything back where she found it, and trying to decide which of the loose gems to keep for herself, she was suddenly frozen in extreme alertness - the CALL! But it was just a blip of a call, cut short. It rattled her, though. 'I gotta get out of here,' she realised at once. So, putting three huge diamonds and one enormous rare ruby in her mouth, she climbed back out the window and dropped to the ground below, silent as a panther.
Viv took off running, off the grounds, and back to the park of the museum. She spat out the gems into her hand, and put them in her inside pocket of ther dress, then quietly re-entered the rear of the museum, and once back into the Late Second-Age Period oil paintings section, she reverted back to visible mode.
Picking her cloak up from the receptionist and thanking her on the way out, she made her way back down the street from whence she'd come, casually calling for Lômi as she went.
10-02-2005, 04:13 PM
An uneasy thought passed through the mind of Khamûl soon after the others had left the house. A kind of disturbance as if something out of place had arrived. Guessing, but still unsure of what he had felt he left the house in search for the Chancellor, heading first for the game.
After five minutes walk he arrived at the stand. After telling security who he was he entered. He saw a few figures running about the field but nothing was happening except a few birdcalls from the Tharbad team. Seeing the Chancellor was nowhere to be seen he quickly left, wishing to avoid the mob leaving the ground. Quickly he made for the University, hoping to find the Chancellor there.
After another five minutes walk he arrived no the University grounds and soon found the Chancellor.
"My Lord," said Khamûl. "I have felt something strange. As if someone was arriving who ought not be here."
"You were correct Lord Khamûl," replied the Chancellor. "Udu has arrived. I know not why yet, but I trust you have a guess. He is at in the end chamber of my guests dwellings."
Whilst making his was towards the Professers apartments Khamûl spotted Gordis walking around the gardens. As he was about to call for her she quickly walked into the block of apartments. Quickly following her he noticed that she to was heading for Udu's apartment. Hanging back wishing to know what urgent business she had with him and wishing not to be seen or felt, he closed his minds thoughts. As he arrived outside Udu's door he heard the two of them deep in conversation.
"I chanced to meet Khamûl near the Gladden Fields. He was none too glad to see me, I think. When he left, I followed him. Of course, I am sure that he knew I was following him, but I guarded my thoughts and purposes quite well. He went west and after days of following him, I guessed what might be his destination. When he drew on towards the city, I rode into a grove of trees. He does not know for a certainty I was following him, surely. Maybe he thinks I went among the trees to rest and then continued on my journey elsewhere, north perhaps," he heard Udu saying.
'Fool. He guards his purposes not well enough anymore,' thought Khamûl. At this point Udu stopped feeling something, but smiled and continued.
After a few more minutes of hearing Udu's ramblings a distant scream broke out which Khamûl recognised almost immediatly.
"What in the name of Melkor was that?" said Udu's voice from inside.
"Lady Lilaewen," said Khamûl, walking through the door suddenly. "So I was right you did follow me. You learned to hide your thoughts well, yet I have improved since our last meeting. I can now read your mind like a book."
10-02-2005, 04:34 PM
When Viv got back to the house, no one seemed home but Zimra in the kitchen. Viv went upstairs to the bathing room to have a cool bath and wash her hair, thinking of her fun and even profitable morning. She stashed her three diamonds and ruby in one of her best secret places, and locked herself in the bathing-room for a leisurely late-morning wash-up.
'I can't wait to see Ray again,' she thought as she lazily massaged wild-rose scented shampoo in her hair, her eyes half closed and a little smile on her face.
After her bath, she dressed in a tomboyish pair of cream-coloured long pants made of linen, pulling a lavender silk-satin tunic over her head and snapping a little amethyst and mithril barrette in her hair. She pulled on her fawn kidskin shoes, and chose a flowing summer-woolen cream cloak to toss over her shoulders in case it got chilly. She was hungry, since by now it was lunchtime, and she really wanted to see her "family," and find out how the game had gone. Most of all she was anxious to find out what that short, interrupted Nazgul screech she'd heard earlier was all about; it had worried her more than a little. Who'd made it, and why? 'Probably Penny and Lilly at it again; one of the must have gotten carried away in one of their 'moments' together and then accidentally screeched,' she thought. 'Well, at least I HOPE that was all it was.'
Lômi the Large-Eyes was comfortably perched up in the branches of a tall, graceful cedar tree right outside Viv's boudoir window, with one foot comfortably drawn up into her feathers, enjoying a much-needed, much anticipated nap at last.
10-02-2005, 06:23 PM
"Lady Lilaewen," said Khamûl, walking through the door suddenly. "So I was right you did follow me. You learned to hide your thoughts well, yet I have improved since our last meeting. I can now read your mind like a book."
"I see you have not yet learned to knock upon a door before entering a room," Udu laughed and relaxed his hold on the hilt of his dagger. "I thought that I smelled something rather unsavory, so I assumed that it must be you who was outside the door," he said sarcastically. "Since you think you can read my mind like a book, perhaps you can tell me what you find there."
Udu was enjoying this challenge. He had never liked the man from the first time that he met him, and continued years of being in his presence had only made matters worse.
"Now tell me, Lord Khamûl, since I do not, for an instant, suggest that I could read a deep, impenetrable mind such as yours, just exactly why Lady Lilaewen was shrieking at the top of her voice." Udu spoke soothingly, and if one did not know, one would think that he was sharing some jest with an old friend.
A powerful presence could be felt drawing nigh to them, and then the Chancellor strode through the doorway. His cold eyes glittered and his words were hard, brittle as glass.
"Why are you not looking about Lady Lilaewen? Do you now have so little to do that you intrude upon Aiwendis and the new professor, Maethor? I expect you to exert some more control over Lilaewen. She is in need of a reprimand. See to it now, Khamûl!" His words were not a request, but an order.
Udu hoped how soon that Khamûl would be gone. Aiwendis had just poured him another goblet of wine and he was looking forward to finishing it.
10-02-2005, 07:00 PM
But Udu’s hopes to finish his glass in peace enjoying a quiet chat with Gordis were thwarted. The Morgul Lord was still seething with anger. Turning his piercing eyes on Gordis, he hissed: "What in Angband are YOU doing here? Have you nothing to do today than to sit here listening to Udu’s tales? Go back to your duties and never enter a men’s room unattended. At least in daytime and fully visible."
Gordis hurried out glad to be dismissed. No one wished to stay near the Captain when he was in such a foul mood.
Udu fully expected his part of it now and he was not mistaken.
"You must be discreet, Udukhaturz. I know you well. You always have sweet words for wenches, but I will not allow you to use your charms on my household. Including the servants." With that, he turned around and stalked out of the room.
10-03-2005, 12:42 AM
"That was a most unpleasant interruption," reflected Udu as he sat, finally sipping his wine in peace. "The Captain did not even give me the opportunity to apologize."
He finished his goblet quickly and considered pouring himself another one, but decided against it. He must consider what he was going to do next.
"Perhaps it was a mistake ever coming here. Scarcely had I arrived and was just becoming accustomed to my quarters when Gor - Aiwendis walked in. Then there was Khamûl with his unchanging surly manner, and Lady Lilaewen someplace at the University with that horrendous shriek. Then for the finale, there was the Captain, who was most wroth with me. Perhaps I should go to the stable, saddle Minei, load my pack horses and return to the East again. My wives, my dependents, doubtless miss me, but not one here, save Aiwendis, perhaps, would even mark my going."
He was beginning to feel sorry for himself, that he knew, and he considered once again the ample supply of wine remaining. "I must decide," he thought, "now while I am still sober." He laughed at himself. "Perhaps," he mused, "I should seek out the Captain and offer him formal apologies, but I do not think I would be welcome at this time. Yes... perhaps it was a great mistake ever coming to Tharbad."
He rose to his feet, looked around at the room, surveying the surroundings. "Most satisfactory quarters, but I will take my leave of them for a while." He noticed the key hanging on a hook by the door, but he had nothing of value here. He was certain that anyone familiar with the place could enter his room, locked or unlocked, if they wanted. He did not bother to lock the door as he went out.
He made his way back to the livery stable and saw a notice tacked to the side of the building a placard announcing a horse auction. Now was the time that he must decide once and for all whether to stay or to leave. He thought again about his wives, his other dependents, his hall, his nobles, his hall, his flocks, his herds and all that he had left behind. He missed his wives sorely and thought perhaps he should have brought some of them with him. "No, no!" he thought. "That would cause quite a stir and I do not want to stand out in Tharbad. I fear I do that too much already."
He walked into the structure and noticing the head ostler, he told him that he would be selling the two pack horses at the auction. He gave the ostler a few coins, paying the board bill for his mare for a month. "I can always buy more pack horses when I leave," he thought.
So it was decided that he would stay, at least a while longer, to see if he could determine why Khamûl was lurking about the Gladden Fields. He saw a groom and told him about cleaning and polishing his saddle and bridle and then rented a small space to store his equipment.
Walking over to where he had left his gear, he put everything into one pack and slung it over his back. He felt much more comfortable knowing his longsword, daggers and knives were inside the pack. Patting Minei on the neck and promising that he would be back early the next day to exercise her, he walked out the door of the stable and began walking back to the University. Thus ended Maethor's first few hours in Tharbad.
R*an smiled as she walked away from the little house. "Well, that's that!" she thought to herself with satisfaction. The oldest daughter of the farmer's wife had been most happy to take the housemaid's position at Orrodel - she was tired of watching her younger siblings, and wanted a change - and a salary! And R*an had been able to offer her a good one. "The Orrodel crowd may be a bit hasty," she thought, "but they DO pay well. And that sure makes it easier to hire good servants!"
"You better watch your manners around me now, Mr. Hasty-With-Your-Dagger, or I'm gone, and your smooth-running house with me!" After she had been at any place for a short time, she usually had the house occupants very willing to keep her happy, because a good housemanager was hard to find these days. And once they wanted to keep her, then she was free to do pretty much as she wished, as long as the house kept running smoothly.
She heard the roar of a crowd in the distance, and decided to check out the rochdel game. Finding a quiet stand of trees near the field, she swiftly climbed to the midway point of the tallest and settled down comfortably to watch the game. "I wish Earniel was with me - she was always so fun to be with, and I am starting to tire of humans a bit!" A small frown appeared on R*an's face as she thought of her friend's mysterious disappearance. What could have made her leave so suddenly?
Suddenly she saw a group of players run under the trees near hers, including Marty and Ray, and watched with interest until they ran off out of her sight again beyond the trees. They reappeared on the field, and Marty almost made it to the line before he was buried under a group of opposing players. But Marty didn't have the right sack, as her keen Elven sight had allowed her to notice! She laughed as Ray, unopposed, made it across the line for the win!
The next second, she was glad she was sitting securely in the "V" between two branches, for the sound she heard made her blood run cold and her body grow limp with terror.
The last sane person
10-03-2005, 01:58 AM
Ray was euphoric! That little trick had won them the game, and it was still early! Granted it required him to take a ferocious beating, he was still happy. Not to mention he was nigh carried off the pitch along side Marty for the sudden upset.
That wasn't the only reason he was happy. He was in his mind planning all the places and mischief to start with Viv, once he saw her. Since it was early, the team, Ray and Marty were storming off to the Red Herring for post game drink off and boast-o-rama.
“Damn, Ray this was one hell of a good day for me! Not only did we win the game, which was a brilliant trick on your part, but I finally approached Lily without being scowled down by her brothers!” Marty managed to shout over to Ray as he was being carried. Even though they were well away from the pitch and approaching the bar, they showed no signs of putting Ray down, which was just as well as Ray wasn’t sure if his knees would support him.
Despite the rating of “soft,” the hard skulls and punches of the Stallion team members were no such thing. “It was a good day for me as well! I don’t think we’ve ever won a game so fast! And I never thought my luck would hold but it did!” Ray was finally deposited on a beer stool, with a hefty pint glass full of the premium fall ale shoved into his hand. Ray was grinning ear to ear, but felt the sides of his mouth tweak and something warm flow down the side of his face and in his mouth. Salty. Blood.
Damn…OUCH! Great, now I feel the cost of winning…cheaters, ha, they couldn’t hit hard enough on their own, so they used rocks…well, I fixed them. Ray thought with grim amusement. For indeed, the certain rock throwers were only at that moment in time after the game found unconscious under a tree. Ray dabbed his fingers in a passing glass of spirits and painfully applied it to the cuts.
After grinning and joking with his friends, and going through two sizable glasses of ale, Ray slipped off to the corner and dragged Marty aside. “Hey, I’m not feeling to well, and I wanna take it easy back in my room, and have my face looked at cause I think I got some nasty cuts. Tell Val when you get the chance, I don’t think my knees will support me if I try to wade through this mess to him.”
Marty eyed Ray, and grimaced at the cut Ray had felt going along his jaw line up to his left ear. “No problem man, that’s a good idea, we cant have you getting any uglier!” That earned him a punch to the chest. “Oof, well, I take it those fellas from Sarn Ford didn’t hit you hard enough! Yeah, I’ll tell him, so I take it you aren’t gonna come to the reception?” Even shouting, Marty wasn’t noticed by his fellows amid all the din. Since all the loud talking hurt his head, not to mention trying not to move his mouth to aggravate his cuts, Ray merely nodded. With that he staggered out the door and onto a horse, flipping the stable boy a coin, he rode off to his rooms.
Rather than live in the dorms, as most students, including Marty had opted for, he preferred having his own small place, close to a small quiet park. Ray was a fairly quite, private guy. He slithered off the mare’s back, and stalled her next to his great, big warhorse, a gift from his father for making it into the U alongside Valandil. He moseyed along up to his room and tiredly striped, and looked into the mirror. He was pretty bashed up. He carefully and very gingerly cleaned out his scratches and cuts, applying what healing arts and herbs he had, and drew himself a hot bath, filled it with salts and relaxed.
I wonder what mischief Viniglaen is going to get up too….? And what’s with the frog? his eyes suddenly lit up. Oh no, she wouldn’t…oh who am I kidding? Yes she would! I like this woman all the more!
He got out of his bath, dried off and got dressed. It was nearing dark, and the reception had well started by now. Ray grinned and donned his best night-sneaking-around-mischief-clothes and saddled his warhorse. “Well boy, we are going to have some serious fun tonight!”
The last sane person
10-03-2005, 02:07 AM
Ray leapt onto Volricom, swaying a little bit, trying to gain mastery over his tired muscles. Managing that, he turned Volricom's head to the direction of Orrodel and Viv. Trying to maintain a dignified pace, it some how wound up into a canter. Raendil's father had chosen this horse carfully, in order for it to be a prefect match. Indeed it was, as the horse was very much like his master, adn equally level headed. But at the present, he was feeding off his master's excited energy and wanted to get moving!
Before either of them knew it, Orrodel loomed above them. Ray vaulted off Volri, and stumbled only slightly. He dropped the reigns and his horse stood stock still, save for the stamping of one hoof. Ray made it up to the house, knocking on the door, he was let in by some new servants that he had not seen the previous day. His eyes caught with Rian's as she was bustling about, he stepped forward. "Excuse me madam, but could you please inform Viv-er, Lady Viniglaen, that Raendil is here...?" Rian gave a slight smiled and headed upstairs.
Ray fiddled with his cloak and waited by the stairs.
10-03-2005, 11:34 AM
Khamûl stormed out of the University annoyed at the Chancellor and Udu.
'So he thinks he can protect his mind from me. Well. I do no expect that the Chancellor will aprove of what he has been up to in the last 50 years,' thought Khamûl to himself. 'This will not be the end of this.'
Ten minutes later he arrived at Orrodel.
"Rian, Rian," shouted Galadannun. "Where are you, stupid elf."
"Sir, she's not here at the moment," replied Lily's maid.
"Not here? What do I employ her for. Round up the rest of the servants and tell them hey have an hour break," barked Galadannun at the slightly scared maid who quickly ran off.
"Hey. Gal, where are they all off to?" said Lily.
"That's Professer Galadannun to you. Now into the living room now."
Lily quickly walked in, not wishing to test Khamûl's patience.
"Now, give me your ring," said Galadnnun.
"What?" said Lily in disbelief.
"I said give me your Ring now," repeated Galadannun unsheathing his dagger and pointing it at Lily. Slowly Lily took off her Ring and placed it into Khamûl's hand.
"The Chancellor wasn't to happy with your episode at the game. Luckily no one guessed anything. But I warn you scream or do anything like that again and your pain will be greater than this will be."
He placed the Ring between his index finger and thumb.
"Never do that again," he said. With that he quickly ran his knife across the Ring.
Lily gasped and held her throat. She wouldn't die, but her pain was as great as it could be for a Nazgûl without death.
Making sure that no body was around Khamûl dropped Lily's Ring and left. He locked the door and slipped the key back underneath into the room, before heading up to his study.
10-03-2005, 01:29 PM
Lilly understood little of what actually happened. One moment she was hopping on a chair enjoying the game and cheering, the other moment she found herself lying atop some kicking and moaning mortals, a sharp object stuck in her side. Bemused as she was by her fall, Lilly’s training made her quickly investigate the sharp thing at her ribs. She found that it was the tip of an umbrella. Slightly reassured, Lilly thought back and remembered Penny’s hands on her ankles pulling her down.
Acting on a first whim, as was her habit, Lilly disentangled herself and turned to Penny. Keeping a sweet smile on her face, she gave him a vicious kick under his right knee. Lilly’s ample skirts prevented the public from seeing this blow, but Five’s eyes clouded with pain, then blazed fiery red for a split second. Penny turned and stalked limping away, without as much as a word.
Lilly muttered a lame apology to the battered lady at her side and turned alone for home. She felt depressed, her hair a mess, her dress torn and muddied by the fall. Avoiding Marty, who was obviously looking for her, while his friends cheered him, she walked to Orrodel.
Her thoughts were far from cheerful. She remembered being reprimanded many times for needless shrieking. Lilly recalled how once she tore off her nail, while dragging a kicking orc down the corridor. When the wails of a nazgul in pain and distress rented the air of Barad Dur, all the Nine rushed to her rescue, even the Master Himself came to investigate. This first time Lilly spent a month locked in a narrow cell, unable to move and deprived of food or water. The experience was most unpleasant.
“O Morgoth, don’t let me be punished this time”, prayed Lilly silently.
Lilly climbed upstairs calling for her maid. Zimra helped her to wash and change into a loose house gown. Alone in the house, Lilly settled to await her doom. Now she was sorry she pushed Penny away.
“Penny, Vivvie”, thought Lilly, “why are you not here when I need you so much?”
Soon she heard Khamul’s heavily accented voice downstairs, dismissing the servants. Lilly shuddered. She would have much preferred to answer to the Captain himself, instead of facing the cruel Second.
"Hey. Gal, where are they all off to?" called Lily, trying to sound unafraid.
"That's Professer Galadannun to you, said Khamul, pushing her into the living room.
"Now, give me your ring," said Galadnnun his eyes piercing holes through her very soul.
"What?" said Lily in disbelief. It was incredible! No one has ever touched her Ring!
But Khamul was not joking; swift as a striking cobra, he had his dagger at her throat before she had time to react.
Slowly Lily took off her Ring and placed it into Khamûl's hand. Now she was invisible, save for her saumon house robe.
Khamul added some biting words, but Lilly had not heard them. Greedily and longingly she watched her ring - the source of her very life - in the Easterling’s hand.
Suddenly, the knife left her throat and scraped across the Ring. Lilly felt the wave of a powerful spell crush against her mind. Fire shot through her brain, and she fell to the floor writhing from pain.
10-03-2005, 05:12 PM
Penny limped along the street lost in the cheerful crowd. Soon he spotted a tavern with the sign of the Red Herring over the door. It was bigger and far more respectable than the riverside taverns, his usual haunt. But Penny’s knee still hurt awfully, he needed a drink badly, so he was not going to limp further down to the harbour.
Choosing a table on the terrace, he waved to a comely serving wench and ordered three bottles of Lebennin ‘24. While the wench was at it, he thought that perhaps this popular place even served Nurn, But it made no great difference to him now. He wanted to get drunk, quickly and completely. He wanted to forget Lilly’s insensibility and scorn.
Annawen watched the young man with much interest, soon turning to pity. She watched how he finished the first bottle almost in one swallow. . It was clear something was very wrong with him…
10-03-2005, 07:21 PM
The afternoon lengthened, and Viv turned to stroll back home after getting her coney-and-herb sandwich at the deli down the street from Orrodel. When she got home, she went upstairs to change. She picked a very dark grey pair of men's style hunting leggings, pretty black polished leather riding boots with the soles muffled for noise by suede on the bottom, and a matching dark grey elven-style fitted tunic made of fine cashmere, with a very scooped neck trimmed with tiny diamonds sewn on, which showed off the fine lines of her collarbones. As she was brushing her hair, she heard Rian calling for her outside her boudoir door.
"Lady Viniglaen, there is a guest here to see you."
"Who is it?" Viv yelled from inside.
"I believe it's the young gentleman Raendil, from yesterday evening," Rian responded.
'Cool, he's here; perfect timing!' thought Viv. "O.K.," she called out, "tell him I'll be right there!"
Viv grabbed her dark grey suede calfskin gloves from her drawer, snapped up her black riding cloak from off the bed, and left her room, skipping down the stairs at double time, but about halfway down, she suddenly felt the most wrenching, twisting pain inside her heart - an EMPATHY pain!! Who had been hurt? Continuing down the stairs carefully, now, and following her senses, she turned the corner, heading for the living room. She saw Ray out of the corner of her eye, waiting patiently at the foyer entrance, but he hadn't noticed her yet, so she ignored him and continued to follow the source of the empathy pain.
The door to the living room was locked from the inside. Viv didn't bother trying to wonder why, she pulled the mithril barette from her hair and in less than two seconds, the door was opened. And there lay Lilly, formless and barely moving. Tears welled up in Viniglaen's eyes, and she rushed down to Lilaenwen and lifted up her weak, invisible head, and held her close to her chest for a second, as her eyes scanned the floor.
"Shh, Lilly, it's O.K., sweetheart, here I am," she whispered shakily to her poor friend, as she tried not to let herself cry too much. Ah! There it is, right there! Lilly's Ring. Viv streched out her hand and snatched it, still holding Lil's head in her lap.
Picking up Lilaenwen's cold and slightly trembling forearm and hand, she guided the ring back onto Lil's middle finger, where it belonged. Immediately Lil came into her form again, but what a wilted form it was! She was almost blue, all over, and so weakened from all that pain she could hardly speak. Her face was greyish white and drawn in exhausted pain, and her lovely fiery hair was in sad tangles.
Viv picked her up gently, thinking it was a damn good thing she was so naturally athletically strong, because Lilly was no feather pillow to carry around, but as it was, the strain and extreme agony of having been ringless for the past hour or so had literally made her a good 20 pounds lighter than normal. She gently carried her out of the living room, and ascended the stairs, taking her back to her boudoir to lay her down for a while, thinking, 'What am I gonna do about Ray? I can't leave Lil like this, not even with Five, she needs me right now. Oh, well, Ray will just have to wait. If he's a true gentleman, which I know that he is, he'll understand.'
Once she got Lilly comfortable, she went back downstairs to get her some milk and miruvor and wine and cognac, thinking, 'She can choose which one she wants to drink, but she needs SOMEthing to make her feel better.'
Before she went to the kitchen, Viv turned to the foyer to let Ray know she couldn't go out with him right away.
"Hi, Ray," she greeted him, "Didn't mean to keep you waiting so long, but I'm afraid something's come up - what happened to YOU?!"
Raendil's physical state wasn't looking so terrific either.
"The game," he answered, in explanation. "You know, I can come back later on this evening or tomorrow, if you like," he said.
"Yes, perhaps that's best," she said, "My sister has fallen ill, and I really cannot leave her side right now."
"I completely understand," said Ray. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Not that I can think of right now, said Viv, "ButI thank you for the offer of assistance. Come back later on tonight, if you can, O.K.?"
They gave each other a brief, almost awkward hug, and as he left, Viv's thoughts went right back to Lilly and her terrible condition.
She got Lilly's array of drinks, plus some fruits to eat, and headed back to Lil's room to take care of her, and in her heart she KNEW it was Khamul who had put Lilaenwen in such pain. 'That miserable cur,' she thought, 'One of these days I will become so powerful, I shall rip his existence right into infinity.'
Who knows, maybe someday Viniglaen will be able to do just that. ;)
10-03-2005, 08:55 PM
After returning from the livery stable, Maethor walked down the long corridor leading to the quarters of guest professors. Opening the door to the left, he went into his sitting room and then his bed chambers. Placing the pack on the bed, he opened it and took out his garments and shook them. Then he went to the wardrobe and hung his outer garments aside. Other items were placed in the small chest.
He set about assembling the portable stand upon which he would store his mail. It took him a while to put the stand together. Once finished, he drew out from his pack his shining halberk of dark rings, one of his prized possessions, and draped it over the wood. His daggers and knives he left in the pack for the time, except one, which he placed under his pillow. He felt adequately protected.
Chanting, he placed his fingertips upon the mail, guarding it with a spell of warding. He thought to himself, "Let the one who touches my mail feel his being stricken as though with poisonous adders." He smiled, pleased. Then turning his attention to his long sword, he unsheathed it and held it up to the light.
"How it gleams most wickedly," he thought, and then sheathed it again.
"Now what to wear tonight for the reception? I suppose that as a professor now, I must appear cultured," and then he selected a black tunic and black breeches, and over it all, he would wear an impressive mantle of deep blue and latch it with a brooch of silver. "A refined set of clothing, perhaps, but far lacking in my own special dash." He frowned, not wanting to wear the black garments. He really should blend in, though, and do nothing to call attention to himself. After all, he did not want anyone to guess that he had never taught one class or given one lecture in all of his long years, save to teach his young men-at-arms the refinements of martial arts.
After dressing, he latched the sword belt around his middle. He considered his appearance, tall with proud, wide shoulders, eyes of dark ashen gray and a short, neatly trimmed beard, a face approaching middle age; distinguished, cultured, he thought.
"That will do," he concluded. When the hour of seven approached, he walked to the Big University Hall. "No doubt this will be a most tedious evening," he thought, dreading it. He would try to refrain from getting drunk too early.
The last sane person
10-03-2005, 11:18 PM
Ray was worried for Lily. What is the matter, I wonder? I hope she is well.... Ray thought that perhaps the few nights of partying had caught up with Lily. But no, that can't be all! She was just fine this morning, I saw her in the stand and waving to Marty. And...I saw tears in Viv's eyes! There is certainly something wrong here...! He was riding back to his house, but suddenly sat straight as a ram rod in his saddle. Volricom felt his master's unease and worry and whinnied, the sound was haunting in this soundless night.
Ray was quiet, and some what awkward at times. Not seeking the lime light, but staying back and observing more than he spoke, and as such, most people came to the conclusion that he was just a little slow. But that wasn't the case what-so-ever. Ray's mind flew back to the first encounter that they had with Lily's brother, and it was none too gentle on poor Lily. He also remembered the cruel smile he saw on Galadannun's face before he nodded off...
Easy Raendil, son of Matheron... Don't do anything rash, I highly doubt that Penegolod would harm his sister like this...even if she has been flirting with Marty...Speaking of Marty! I can't tell him about this, knowing him he will fly to the house and at all those who stand in his way... Ray relaxed bit, and Volricom shook his mane; as pensive as his master. He stamped his hooves and tried to turn back to Orrodel.
"No boy, I know, I am worried too, but jumping back in might cause problems, not just for Lily and Marty, but for Viv and I as well... It is only a theory, we must be vigilant though...Lets go home and come back later." Volricom nodded his head and picked up his hooves, trotting for home, he seemed pleased with this idea as Ray was.
Raendil was on his guard for any funny business that might be occuring, and wouldn't let himself slip. He was nobody's fool when it came to the welfare of his friends. He stabled Volricom, but didnt take his tack off entirely, just the briddle and loosened the girth. Ray didn't want to go to his room, so he hung out in the stable, patting the young mare that he usually kept at the Red Herring. She whinnied and nuzzled him, as he sat on a bale fo sweet hay, next to her stall.
He absent mindedly took out his sword and started to put an edge on it, with each stroke of the hone-stone, vowing that no harm would come to his freinds. I failed those that I love once before, I shall not do so again! A painful memory jumped infront of his eyes, and his hand slipped. A line of blood brought him back to the present. Nope, I wont fail, death takes me first.
10-04-2005, 12:33 PM
Earlier that day, there was some commotion in the Elvish settlement in Nîn-In-Eilph.
The settlement, which the Reed-Elves called Linthárvar, consisted out of several wooden pole dwellings and stood in one of the larger lakes, deep within the watery marches of Nîn-In-Eilph. No path led to the Elven dwelling and no mortal Man had ever laid eyes on it or could confirm its existence. Apart from the Reed-Elves themselves, only swans knew how to find this hidden place, and they swam calmly between the poles and rafts of the little town, welcome companions to the inhabitants.
The dwellings were decorated and carved with pictures of frogs, swans, fish, waterlillies and reed stems. Only the house of their lady depicted gulls as well. Linthárvar was never without music, even when the Elves themselves were silent, wind-chimes and wind-flutes, fashioned from reed stems, brought forth a faint, enchanting melody. Elegant metal lanterns and lamps hung from ports and walls and bathed the dwelling in a comfortable yellow glow in the evenings, a distant memory of their one-time trade relations with the now perished Gwaith-i-M*rdain smiths of Eregion.
Little hanging bridges and rope ladders connected the various floors of the pole dwellings. Below the pole dwellings, thethered platforms formed their dock where several rafts, canoes and small boats were moored.
It was on one of these platforms that Eärniel climbed out of the shallow water. She tossed a harpoon to her friend Halindel and wrung the water from her hair. Another Elf handed her a towel.
"So," she said, "that makes two trapped beavers and one oversized, dead pike. I suppose that takes care that 'monster' that you told me was jeopardising Linthárvar, Nardol."
Nardol said nothing and looked a bit embarrassed. Halindel shot him a slightly smug look of 'I told you so'.
"We really didn't want to bother you with it, Eärniel," Halindel said. "But we didn't expect Nardol to go and fetch you as soon as we discovered something was gnawing at the poles. I suppose he... eh... overestimated the threat of damage the animals posed to our houses. But it was an exceptionally large pike after all."
"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter, "Eärniel assured her as they walked back to Eärniel’s house. "I'm glad it's nothing serious so that I'm able to return to Tharbad this evening. I missed the Rochdol-game, no doubt. R*an will probably wonder where I was. And I really shouldn't miss the reception at the university this evening."
"You’re going back today already, lady?" Nardol asked, a little too disappointed to Eärniel’s taste.
Halindel had noticed it too and looked sharply at Nardol. "Now out with it, Nardol," she said firmly. "You knew very well we would be able to handle a pair of beavers and a big fish ourselves. So why alert Eärniel? What is there in Tharbad that you desperately want to keep her away from? Apart from the occasional wanderer, we never had any trouble with the city of Men before."
"Valandil Isildurion hasn’t been staying in Tharbad before either," Nardol replied, slightly sulking. "And…."
Eärniel laughed out merrily.
"And you think that if I stay in Tharbad at the same time I will fall head over heels for the charms of the High King and trade the marches of Nîn-In-Eilph for a palace in an instant?" She asked, still laughing.
Halindel chuckled as well and started singing:
"Lady Eärniel of Nîn-In-Eilph, of this fair lady we now sing.
As fleet of foot as any Elf and not afraid of fish or King.
A white gull among the reeds; the marches-wet she walks at will.
Grey-blue eyes as stormy seas, so watch out, young Valan-"
A wet towel suddenly flew into Halindel’s face, cutting her song short.
"That will be quite enough, Halindel," Eärniel said sternly, but with a smile that betrayed her amusement. "Now I am going to change into something drier and more suitable for a reception. Halindel, ready one of the horses, will you? I don’t think I’ll be able to get in time at the reception if I go on foot this time. Oh, and make sure to release the beavers at a reasonable distance from Linthárvar."
Halindel nodded and left. Near their settlement the ground was too unsure to sustain the heavier horses. Therefore the Elves kept their horses near the edge of the swamp, on firmer ground but where they could still be hid from view.
"And as for you," Eärniel said to Nardol, "You can bring my luggage back to my lodgings in Tharbad while I go to the reception and you can bring the horse back to Nîn-In-Eilph afterwards. Then we’re even for you telling me tales of a monster threatening the village."
"Have I told you the King will be present at the reception tonight as well?" she added with a mischievous smile. She left Nardol to ponder that and went inside to finally change out of her wet clothes.
The last sane person
10-04-2005, 04:39 PM
Ray was pacing back and forth in the stable, having tied his hand with a strip of clean saddle cloth. Both the horses looked pointedly at him, Volricom gave a whinny. Ray looked at him, then at his hand and grinned. "You're right you two, lets go back to Orrodel!" With that, he slung his, by now, nearly diamond edged sword on, threw on the tack, leaped up and got out of the stable.
Volricom neighed and reared, happy that his master had chosen the right course of action. "Ha! Easy does it boy! We have one stop to go, before we reach the house!" With that, Volricom broke into a gallop in the direction of the park that he and Raendil oft frequented. The horse hated when his master was upset, and took it upon his horsey self to cheer him up. After a bout of romping, leaping and fooling about, Volricom stopped abrubtly, tumbling Ray off his back and into a clump of very soft moss in the park.
Ray got up laughing, and chucked a clump of sod at the playful stallion. "You prancing pony, you! You great beast, are supposed to be a blood thirsty war horse!" Volricom bounced on his hind legs. Still laughing, Ray made his way to his "secret passage". Ducking under a clump of cedars, he advanced under their dewy boughs, getting annointed with their sweet smell and bits of boughs in his hair, making him look like a young Caesar of Tharbad. He finally advanced into the little clearing that was his meditaion spot, after finding the flowers, he took out a small knife and cut a few.
As soon as he had gotten his acceptance letter, he had come to the school before everyone to find him self a good spot. This place captured his fancy right off the bat. The flowers he was cutting were those of the Morgul Vale, which astounded him when he checked out a plant book, after his first veiw of them.
"How could something from such an evil place be so fair and beautiful? And who had the audacity to plant them here, I am glad they did." he murmered to himself. He turned around, then cut some late roses and a Lilly. To tie it off, he braided three red fronds into a ribbon and finished the bouqeut of flowers. His mind and heart running in the past, when he, Valandil and the other children would have wild romps, adventures and daydreams in the elvish gardens, of times spent with his mother, helping in the garden. Which she so truely loved, and the love and skill passed onto her son.
Though granted, such a love of the flowers and gardening brought him much riddecule of the other boys it also brought him the respect of the elves that frequented the gardens. Not to mention he could hold his own in scuffles and Valandil often backed him up. With those thoughts he ducked back out to the little path, and Volricom nuzzled and sniffed him. "Eh, what's the matter?" He took a sniff of his own clothes. "Hmm, sweet hay and cedar...well, I could smell worse. I hope Viv doesnt mind, off we go boy!" In no time flat did the great strides of Volricom bear his rider to Orrodel, Ray, loosing no time, vaulted off the speeding mount and right to the door.
Knocking and letting himself in, he found Viniglaen comming from down the steps into the kitchen. She whirled around as soon as she heared the door open, a look of surprise graced her face.
"Raendil! Uhm, Ray, what brought you back?" She looked him up, and despite herself grinned. Ray was some what wet from the dew shower, and the crown of cedar made her smile.
"Well, before you shoo me from your door-again- I brought these for Lily. I hope she likes them, and isn't allergic. That would be a bummer." he grinned, and produced the buoqet from his cloak, where it was stored from harm. He handed it over to Viv, and caught a strange, wistful look in her eyes, as she beheld the flowers of the Vale.
"They are beautiful, Lily will love them. Where came you upon these? They...Don't look local." Her voice was somewhat emmotional.
"You are correct,, aren't from around here. I too find them quite beautiful. They are in a small spot that I go to. Its where I go to think. I can show you if you so wish...And should you desire the same, I can show you many such quite places around here." they both smiled, and Viv went to go find a vase for them, Ray followed and lifted his hand to his hair.
He saw the blood stained bandage. Reminded of his silent promise to himself and these people. He stood taller, his eyes stronger. "How is Lily? Any better?"
10-04-2005, 05:41 PM
"She's getting stronger by the hour, I am happy to say, and Penny came home not to long ago - you must have just missed him on your way here," answered Viv, taking another deep whiff of the beautiful bouquet. "Oh, Ray, what a lovely thought to bring these flowers for her! She's going to LOVE them! I know these blooms right here especially will. " She gently fingered the petals of the Morgul vale flowers. "Can you wait here a sec, I'll go check on her and give her these, then we can perhaps be able to get out for a little while."
"No problem!" said Ray, keeping his wounded hand out of sight for the moment.
As Viv turned and ascended the huge, wide, slightly curving red-carpeted stairwell, Ray went over in his mind where to take Viv for the evening.
10-04-2005, 05:51 PM
Aiwendis stood in front of a huge silver-framed mirror surveying herself critically. She was glad she knew a spell to make her reflection appear. At least, she could get dressed all by herself, not relying on her maids.
They left after having brushed and done her hair. Aiwendis decided against wearing it loose in Arnor fashion, instead she asked for an intricate numenorean hair-do, which left her ears and neck exposed. A small diamond barrette held her hair in place.
Aiwendis in white (
After long deliberation, Aiwendis finally settled on a white sleeveless gown, its ample skirt making her waist seem even tinier. She picked a magnificent pendant from Far Harad, and slipped it over her head. Sparkling diamond earrings glowed against her face. She thought for a moment of putting some paint on her face, but decided against. Wearing white always gave her a maidenly innocent look, and she would not loose this advantage.
For a moment she stopped at a mirror to admire her dress. In this gown and jewellery she was magnificent, only her blue-grey eyes looked back at her haunted and sad. But that could hardly be remedied now. She put on a pair of long white gloves and went out to meet her doom.
She passed through endless hallways and stairways, crossed a courtyard and entered the main University building through a back entrance. Soon she approached a set of double doors, guarded by two pages, richly garbed in blue and red. Nodding slightly in reply to their bows, she entered the dining hall, for a last look on the feast preparations. The oblong hall was still empty, save for servants and maids, lined along the walls. Torches and oil lanterns burned brightly, their light reflected in polished silverware on the tables. The main table with sparkling glass and silver stood on a carpeted dais, the other, longer table, meant for guests of lesser rank, stood perpendicularly to it, running all along the hall. Vases with flowers from the garden adorned the table at regular intervals.
Checking that all was in order, Aiwendis passed into the adjoining Reception hall. This hall was even bigger than the Dining Hall, its walls even more richly decorated. Rich tapestries adorned the walls; the treasures brought from many distant places were assembled here exposed in glass cabinets along the walls. Vases with flowers stood on small lacquered tables imported all the way from South Khand.
The noise from the Entrance hall signalled that some guests had already arrived and were now waiting to be admitted. Hearing footsteps approaching from behind, Aiwendis turned, a brave smile on her face, and greeted the Morgul Lord with a deep bow. The Chancellor was resplendent in black tunic enriched with silver, silver-grey shirt and leggings and a long sable mantle, lined with fur. On his neck hung a mithril chain of office, set with sparkling rubies and sapphires. At his side was a sword, its silver hilt gleaming with jewels.
"It is time. Are you ready, Aiwendis?" asked the Chancellor, offering her a hand. She noticed that his grey eyes were sparkling excitedly. He always enjoyed a challenge, and today’s reception was not going to be easy. Nervously Aiwendis took his hand, and he led her towards the entrance to greet the King.
R*an walked quickly away from Orrodel, then broke into a run when she was out of sight of the many-windowed castle. It was good to run - she was starting to feel like a caged bird in Orrodel. The elves had pets, like humans did, but unlike the humans, the elves did not keep them in cages. R*an didn't like cages.
She stopped and looked around her. Her swift feet had led her, without her realizing it (or perhaps her heart drove her and didn't tell her head) right to the road that Eärniel must have taken the other day, away from Tharbad. She toyed with the idea of taking off down the road in pursuit of her friend, then her sense of fair play reminded her that she shouldn't do this without giving fair notice to her employers and trying to set up the house to run well without her. Lying down in the fragrant grass, she ran her fingers gently over the small grass-flowers, and then bent her face to them, enjoying their feel and fragrance. "I bet Zimri could take over soon, with a little instruction - maybe I'll give my notice and stay to train her for a few more days, then set off to visit Eärniel. I'd love to see where she lives!" As she thought of her friend, she looked down the road once more, and was surprised to see someone coming along the road leading a horse. She sat up and waited for them to approach.
"Good day, miss!" the young man leading the horse greeted her. "Good day, sir!" returned R*an, her eyes straying to the beautiful horse pawing the ground. She hadn't seen such a lovely horse in ages! "You have a lovely horse! May I see her?"
"She's a beaut, isn't she? I wish she was mine! Sure, come on down! She's a lively one, but they say the elves have a way with animals," the young man responded. R*an came down the slope and placed her hands gently on either side of the mare's eyes. The mare stopped her pawing and lifted a soft nose to R*an's cheek.
"Do you happen to know an elven lady named R*an? I was told to find her and deliver this note."
"I'm R*an," she said, and rose to receive the note from his outstretched hand.
"Well, I'm glad to see that she likes you, because she's yours now! I was told to deliver both the mare and the note to R*an. Congratulations!"
"Th.. thank you so much!" she answered, dumbfounded.
With a friendly wave and a final pat on the mare's sleek hindquarters, the young man went back down the road.
R*an looked at the note in her hand. On the front was written her name, and underneath was wrought the emblem of the White Wing- the device of the swan, of the house of Tuor...
10-04-2005, 08:14 PM
Maethor stood waiting in the Entrance Hall. Noting the elegance of the furnishings, he looked around appreciatively. He concluded, with a smile of satisfaction, that doubtless there would be many wines and brandies, enough, perhaps, to hold his attention throughout what he considered would be a tiresome evening.
He waited, wondering how long he would have to stand there before he would be given admittance to the Reception Hall. He considered that perhaps he should have brought his own flask, but that would probably be considered rude by his host. He reflected upon what might lay before him, the people he would meet, the probable endless questions that would be presented to him about where he had been and what he had been doing the last years.
In his mind, he deliberated upon what his response would be to the questions. He hoped that the story he had concocted about his whereabouts would seem plausible. He decided that the only flaw in his story would be if someone were present from Linhir who would press him too closely about details of his family there. The only logical thing he could do in that case would be to act as though he were drunk, whether he was or not, and regale them with drunken babblings.
He thought he could bluff his way through that situation, but the one he dreaded to encounter was Khamûl. No doubt Khamûl would try to get back inside his mind and he was not sure he could withstand the Easterling's mental thrusts. He thought of ways to block his attempts. He would try distracting him by filling his own mind with images of the beautiful dancers of the East. "Better yet," he thought, "I will foil him by concentrating on the fact that I now control much of the territory that he once held when he was a warlord over a vast amount of land." If nothing else, Khamûl might feel frustrated enough so that he would lose his temper, making a spectacle of himself in public. "That should distract him enough," he laughed to himself, "and thus he will leave me alone!"
10-04-2005, 11:53 PM
Before she headed for Lilly's boudoir, Viniglaen stopped at her own room. First, she went to her secret hiding place and retrieved one of the diamonds she'd gotten that morning, a huge, almost flawless 40 karat canary diamond. Then she went to her window and opened it, and leaning out, she called for Lomi.
"Phwit! Phwit! Lomi, you out there?" she called, and a great annoyed flutter could be heard from the top of the cedar tree.
"YES, yes, I'm coming, whoot-whit, I'm coming," answered Lomi the Large Eyes, and in she flew, all clumsy agitated ruffling with a funny little grumpy look on her face. "I was GOING to go out for supper just now, but anyway," grumbled Lomi.
"Oh, Lomi," laughed Viniglaen, "I shan't keep you from your supper long! We're going out together right now, but before we do there's some important people I want to introduce you to."
Lomi climbed onto Viv's back, and the two of them went to Lilly's room.
Penny was lying on top of the covers on the bed, smoothing Lil's forehead and hair, and speaking real low to her, sweet words no doubt.
Viv closed the door behind her, and came up to Lilaenwen, holding the flowers before her, the diamond behind her back.
"Look, Lil, look what Raendil has brought for you," she said as she handed the beautiful bouquet to Lilly.
"What - an owl? You brought me - an owl, well, that's so sweet of you Viv but what am I going to do with an owl?"
"NO -" Viv checked herself, lowering her voice, "No, not the owl, THESE," she said, slightly shaking the flowers.
Lil gasped. "OH, Morgul vale blooms!" she exclaimed, and her whole face lit up with happiness. "OH, look Five, look what she brought me! OH!" Lil buried her face in the bouquet.
"I said RAENDIL, Ray brought them for you, but I brought you -" Viv dramatically, slowly presented the diamond, "THIS!"
"Wow," said Five-Pengolod, but Lil was rendered momentarily mute. Her eyes grew as large as the diamond itself. She handed Pen the flowers, and slowly took the stone, turning it in her hand.
"I don't know what to say," said Lil.
"Then don't say anything," responded Viv, "Just get better quick, O.K.? You had me SO SCARED seeing you like that. SO scared. I never want to lose you, Lilaenwen."
Lomi hopped off Viv's shoulder and perched herself on the top of Lil's end bedpost, and Viv went over to the other side of the bed to sit next to Lil for a moment. She half-layed next to her, and kissed her on the forehead.
"Now that Penny's here to take care of you, and I know you're O.K., I'm going out for a little while with Ray, and- oh, I forgot to introduce you to Lomi."
"Of course, nobody mind me," Lomi piped up, much to Penny and Lil's amusement.
"This is Lomi, my new totem and companion," announced Viv. "Lomi, meet Lilaenwen and Pengolod, my family."
Lomi bowed her head regally. "How do you do," she said, in her funny owl accent, her eyes half closed in a look of dignified long-sufferance.
"Why very well, thank you," answered the delighted Lilly.
"Now, we've got to get going, " said Viv, getting up from the bed and putting her arm out, indicating to Lomi to climb on. "But when I get back later on, Pen, I need you to fill me in on what went down today. For now, just take care of my sister, as you always do, and I'll be back in a few hours."
"Ohhh, yes, you KNOW I'll take care of her just right," he answered, giving Lilly a little tickle underneath her beautiful bosom, making her giggle.
"Oh - one more thing, before I forget - you guys, I know I don't really have to say this, but just to be sure, please don't let anyone know you got this diamond from me. Keep it a secret, for now. Especially from Khamul. He will not understand, will he?"
At the mention of Khamul, Lilly tensed and her face became clouded over again with the memory of her anguish. Penny's face became dark with suppressed rage. They both nodded assent, though, and with that, Viniglaen left them alone to have their time together. 'Poor Penny,' thought Viv. 'I bet it just kills him to be unable to confront Khamul about his cruelty toward his love.'
"Ready to go?" asked Ray.
"Yep," said Viv, grabbing her cloak on the way out the door. "Let's go."
10-05-2005, 12:16 AM
10-05-2005, 12:33 PM
Khamûl reentered the house, coming back from a stroll around Tharbad. The Reception was in under one hour, leaving him just enough time to change and arrive.
Khamûl walked up to Lily's door and entered without knocking.
"How is she," he said to Penny.
"How is she? How is she? What do you care. Do you know what you've done to her. She could have died then," replied Penny.
"No she couldn't and if you don't know that then your knowledge of such things is less than I thought. We can only die with the destruction of the One."
Unable to stand his presence any longer Penny drew a short sword and jumped at Khamûl who quickly jumped aside, knocking the blade from Penny's hand.
"Fool. You shall not do that again. You knew she must be punished. After what happened she could have blown our cover and we would have been hunted across the whole of Middle Earth. If Valandil had any inkling of what that scream really was, it would take just one message to Elrond at Rivendell and our cover would have been blown sky high. Our Lord told me to punish her, and I did what I was ordered to do, just as you would have done," said Khamûl, picking up Penny sword and placing it on bed next to Lily. "You knew it must be done." And with that Khamûl left the room and returned to his study.
Khamûl sat in his study listening to the sounds of voices at the door.
Unable to stand the four walls of the room any longer he changed into a black tunic with black leggings. He also took up his sword and had it hang by his side. He left the house without anyone noticing an slowly headed for the Reception.
10-05-2005, 05:09 PM
It was around seven o'clock in the evening, as Viniglaen, Raendil and Lomi set out into Tharbad, looking for something to do. Lomi was hungry, and Viv was lost in thought. Ray kept looking at her, as they walked along. 'She's such an enigma,' he thought, 'and a great sadness emanates from her, even though she's one of the most fun people to be around that I can remember of late, aside from my best friend Marty.' But he didn't want to pry into her private life, he could sense she wouldn't appreciate that, just as he himself hated inquisitivity into his OWN private life. Just being with her, saying nothing, felt right.
Viv was thinking and feeling the same things, and peeking into his thoughts for a moment, she smiled inside. 'Such a gentleman,' she thought, 'and so like to my own heart. Sometimes I wish I could be a normal woman, instead of cursed to this infinite unlife.'
'I wish I had a frog to eat right now,' thought Lomi morosely, as she bobbed along on Viv's shoulder. 'Oh, why can't I find me a frog?'
R*an opened the note and read,
"Fair and lovely as thou art,
Thou hast stol'n my very heart,
I can die - but cannot part,
My lovely lady."
Her breathing quickened, and a warm flush spread over her body.
10-05-2005, 09:19 PM
"Why are we walking," said Ray suddenly, "when my horse is right here?"
"Who-why indeed, when I can be finding my frog, while you ride," added Lômi irritably.
"Here, hop on in front of me," said Ray, as he cradled Viv's tiny foot to mount Volcirom.
The horse whinneyed happily, and Lômi clumsily fluttered off Viv's shoulder as Viv settled herself upon Volci's back. "I'll follow you from the air while I find me a frog," Lômi said as she took flight above them. Ray got behind Viv, and off they went, heading south past the moonlit park grounds of the Royal Arnor Museum of Contemporary Art, and toward the piers.
10-06-2005, 05:05 AM
In Nîn-In-Eilph, Eärniel was finally underway back to Tharbad. Nardol rowed and Eärniel watched the reeds, her mind dwelling on all sort of things but mostly they had to do with Tharbad. Behind her she could hear Nardol singing softly, the Lay of Leithan, she thought.
She had already dressed for the reception: a dark blue dress of a very simple and modest cut. The only decoration it had was white stiching at the hem, resembling foam on waves. Her hair was loose, with a few braids to keep it out of her face. She wore a silver jewel in her hair, in which two white feathers were fastened.
Before her she could hear the faint tones of a reed-flute.
"Sounds like Halindel is already waiting," said Nardol who had heard it too.
Eärniel nodded. Halindel caught sight of them and waved before jumping out of the gnarled tree where she had been playing.
"I've prepared Palensulë for you, Eärniel." Halindel said, "She could do with some good running."
"Thank you Halindel," Eärniel replied while she looked at the horse. The horses of the Reed-Elves tended to be somewhat smaller than the horses of Rivendell, due to their long life in the marches. Their hooves were also broader to be able to walk in the muddy ground but that didn't hamper their speed.
Elves rode bare-back and Eärniel was no exception. So Palensulë only bore a decorative head-gear with yellow and blue ribbons. The grey mare gave the Elf an intelligent look back. Eärniel smiled. "I'm sure she'll do wonderful," she said and lightly jumped on the horse's back.
"Still think I'll go to my doom in Tharbad, Nardol?" Eärniel asked with a smile.
Nardol shot a sideward glance at Halindel who stood at his side. "No, lady. Halindel has informed me many times that you'll be able to handle yourself very well. And as she no doubt will continue to remind me, your choices are not mine to make, or as she put it: None of my bloody business."
Halindel's mouth fell open in indignation. "I never said that! Why you little..."
Eärniel chuckled. "Very well, before you settle that between the two of you, don't forget to collect Palensulë at the university. She'll be much happier in Nîn-In-Eilph than she'll be in the city. But for now I have need of her speed. Goodbye!"
Going slower at first to leave the swamps, Eärniel let the mare race to her heart's content as soon as they reached the road to the city. She hadn't expected to see anyone on the road to Nîn-In-Eilph so she was surprised to see a woman and a horse before her. Her surprise grew even more when she recognized her friend R*an. She brought Palensulë to a halt.
"Well met, R*an! What brings you here? And you didn't tell me you owned such a magnificent horse! What is her name?"
10-06-2005, 02:23 PM
Still running through Penny's assault on him through his mind Khamûl left Orrodel and began the walk to the Reception. He was losing the support and trust of the lower Nazgûl. If he wasn't careful he'd lose their trust completley. First Viv, the Lily and Penny. The only one left was Gordis, he'd have to try and get her onside tonight. Udu was no real problem alone, but if he had the trust and support of all the others, and more important the use of their Rings, then the consequences could be disastorus. Something would need to be done soon to prevent this from happening. He needed to regain the trust of Lily, Penny and Viv and make sure Udu knew about. You never know, even Udu could be tempted!
As he that thought left his mind he arrived at the University. Upon walking through he saw Udu on the far side of the hall. There was his target for tonight, he'd have to be on top form.
10-06-2005, 05:32 PM
Beautiful boomerang had left the Council of owls to a cresendo of twooo-wheee! followed by a round and joyus chorus of
The owls were indeed happy they had Large eyes acquire such a potentially important companion.
Ahhh! Lomi .... thought Beautiful, remembering wise-whit's eldest when she was but a young joyful ball of eyes and feathers .. always inquisitive and always getting her baby claws tangled up in wise-whit's books, especially that one about the funny donkey he recalled ... he also remembered her mother too: she had always been so polite to him as befitted his rank, but beyond that she had prepared the most succulent nectar delicacies he had ever had .... ahhh! fond memories.
Boomerang had flown down from the far north when he had heard of her death, the news coming from no less than the eagle: lord of the guild of predators ... now there was a thought , mused Beautiful Boomerang ...
he had honoured her in the Owlish fashion by bringing the small bones of a rare Northern field mouse to lay at her favorite haunt, in the old southern gate tower. He had laid a feather there too as was the custom and praised the moon for her life. Wise-whit had been in-consolable as he recalled ...
So, the council had ended early, Lomi's coup had strengthened her position as the fore-runner for leader of the owls. Beautiful was pleased ... t'was time to recharge his batteries for a while... at least until the arch-Chancellor's reception.
Beautiful flew off in the early morning air ......
The last sane person
10-06-2005, 05:45 PM
Ray leaped up behind Viv, and started the horse into a calm walk. Ray was glad Viv didn't think him to bold for sharing the horse...It was just that he was still very sore from the game. okay, time to show her the city! hmm....she! And she has got tiny feet! his mind was filled with arbitrary thoughts as they started to ride down to the pier. Moving to grab the reigns from the horn, he noticed the makshift bandage was damp again.
Viv's powerful sense of smell picked up the blood as he reached his hand around to the reigns. "Hey, what happened to you?" He drew his hand back hastily "Nothing, accident, I was being stupid and got distracted while putting an edge on my blade...Its nothing really." Viv was highly skeptical, and descreetly took a peak inside his head...only to find the thought viciously guarded! She backed down, now thoroughly interested in what went on.
"Here, let me at least tie you a new bandage. That one is bled right through." She grabbed his hand in her small, but strong one before he could pull it back under his cloak. Her strength surprised him, but not as much as one would think, my god, there are new things to be learned about this woman around every bend! He relented and gave her his hand, "there are strips of spare cloth in the saddle bag to your right. I never know when I might need some sort of bandage." She applied the dressing in silence, absently making note of how deep it was, what caused it and at which angle it was administered.
Raendil felt mischevious, and Volricom felt it. Cocking one ear back to his master. Ray grinned. He tensed, so did Volricom. Viv just barely caught on. They were suddenly off at a gallop. Viv had little time to gain her balance, but she did, if only barely. Ray gave a whoop and Volricom joined in. Viv just gave a laugh and whooped as well, and they were careening towards a little frequented pier.
"HEY! Lomi! This is where we get the frogs, some big juicey ones!" Raendil shouted up to their winged companion. Lomi hooted with glee, and Viniglaen seemed to really be enjoying herself. When close by, Ray vaulted off speeding Volricom and skidded maybe two feet from the edge of the pier. Viv brought Volricom to a dancing halt, laughing. She adressed Volricom, "I don't think I have ridden such a horse in a long while! You have a marvelous gait, smooth as a river!" Volricom indeed liked the praise, and bounced around. Viv elegantly slide off his back, but he would have none of it. He nudged her as soon as she landed, sending her forwards. Lomi had already caught her dinner frog, and caught another plump on and pawed it over to Ray.
"My lady...Your frog! Who shall receive this....slimey surprise?"
10-06-2005, 06:33 PM
"Why thank you very much, Lomi!" laughed Viv, still breathing a little heavily, her eyes flashing with mischief. " He's not so slimy," she said, "he's just right! "
"Just right for WHAT - what are you gonna do with that blasted FROG?!" Ray laughed, with a heavy accent of curiousity and amusement mingled in his voice.
"Well for now," she said, lifting the flap of Volcirom's saddlebag, "the frog stays in here, until we find someone appropriate down whose back the frog will be wanting to crawl!"
Ray just laughed, and shook his head, and Viv went down to where he was sitting and gaain took his bandaged and bleeding hand in hers. She unwrapped it and re-dressed the wound with the fresh bandages, and as they sat there, with the lazy sound of the frogs croaking in the rushes by the riverbank, and Lomi softly who-whitting to herself from time to time between frog-bites, they both suddenly heard a sound that was out-of-place. Someone was spying on them!
R*an looked up with surprise and pleasure written on her bright face. "Eärniel! Well met, my friend!"
She ran a hand softly down her mare's neck. "This is Hwesta - isn't she lovely? Hwesta, meet ..." she looked up at Eärniel.
"...Palensulë," answered Eärniel, as the two horses touched noses and made the soft whuffing noises that horses do.
"Well, I didn't own this horse until just a few minutes ago, but Eärniel, I'm not ready to talk about it now - I have much to think on," and she thought of the note tucked into her bosom.
"You think too much, my friend!" teased Eärniel. "I think I know just what you need!", and she told her friend about the Chancellor's reception. "I'm sure they would allow me a guest. And frankly, I would appreciate you being there," she ended up in a more serious tone. "You know how irritating humans can be sometimes ... oh! I'm sorry!" she ended up awkwardly as she remembered her friend's heritage.
"That's OK, I get irritated with the human side of myself plenty of times!" laughed R*an. "I agree - humans can be VERY irritating! All right, I'll go and save you from those nasty creatures!" she said with a wink and a smile. "But I need to return to Orrodel to change, first."
"Well, change quickly, because I'm already running late. We'll just have to see if your Hwesta lives up to her name and gets us there like the wind!"
The two girls [OOC - there is NO good English word for this, like "guys" for males! Do I use "maidens", "young ladies", or what?! ] led their sleek horses back up the hill to Orrodel.
10-06-2005, 07:59 PM
Sir Bumbledore doddered somewhat unstably through his dishelved quarters ... accidentily knocking over a half drunk bottle of wine
"mmmph" he weazed
Looking in the full length mirror he scratched his shock of unkempt silvery white hair
where's me britches? he thought
the mirror reflected back one lively percing blue eye (his right) and an odd glass yellow and green streaked marble "eye" snuggled up to his scarred left eyebrow ... he had absently mindedly forgotten where his prosthetic eye had been put that time he had that little accident when juggling daggers one drunken night...
the mirror also showed a wrinkled visage, big blubbery lips and a cheerful complexion enthroned by the mountainous centre-peice of a very large hairy nose!
standing slouchily and somewhat hunched up in his tattered hole-ridden woolen undergarments Sir Bumbledore tried to fasten his badly ironed formal shirt ... never mind the cufflinks he thought ... i think they are in the midden .. he rolled up the sleeves and decided he did not have time to search for his britches, so creakily picking up his dressing gown (well he was used to wearing this at the university ... and it did rather look like a cloak ... he decided "he'd do" ...
forgetting completely to take off his slippers the Proffesor of Commerce and longest standing Professor at the University took his first doddery steps towards the new term recpeption wasn't far but he would probably be a little late (and thirsty) by the time he arrived ...
he was looking forward immensely to a drink with the arch-chancellor - a wonderfully kind man, if he was any judge of character: the arch-chancellor always had a smile on his face when he spoke to him .... of course his reply was usually
"eh? what's that me lord?" as he was a touch the hard of hearing... but still...
The last sane person
10-07-2005, 12:29 AM
Ray was having a ball! Enough so that he was able to ignore the throb in his hand, having laughed at Viv’s antics, with the frog, and Volricom, Ray sat down near the bank, under a young weeping willow. Viniglaen came and sat next to him, taking his damaged hand and tending to it. Raendil stifled any noise that might have come from him, for it brought back memories both painful and happy. He spoke up once he had his mind under his control, “this is a truly beautiful part of the river, since we are near to the expensive side of town, it is unpolluted and clean, but since we are far enough away from everything its really quite private. Also, in the summer and spring, it’s a great swimming hole…” he grinned his trademark sheepish lion grin, “I found that out on accident…was…um compromised in my balance and fell in…”
‘Compromised’ indeed! He had gotten into a fistfight with a few toughs who had intended to cut his purse-if not his throat- and they ended up in a heap and he in the water. He suppressed a guffaw from this memory, though Viniglaen caught it, she had a slight smile on her face. “Though, in the late summer, like right now, the sunsets are truly beautiful. It’s a pity we missed it. When the sun is just about to set, and is over yonder, just brushing the tops of those trees,” He pointed them out to Viv, “It makes the water shimmer in such a way…I guess I’d describe it as, like someone put a layer of gold leaf over the water, and that it was still molten. It dances, red, gold, orange…and its laid out in front of you, so it looks like a road, like in Valinor I’d imagine roads like that…And when the sun is about to sink, it's at an angle that makes the river look as if ablaze! The colors are all reflected around you, it paints buildings, trees, even yourself! It looks as though Mahal had taken his brush and painted you all the colors of his burning forge! But when the moon comes out, which I don’t think it will tonight…it looks like a pool of mithril, and it too flickers about in the shadow, playing between light and dark, like nymphs, i'd imagine....” He suddenly became aware of himself and blushed crimson, but it was dark, so he didn’t think Viniglaen would notice.
Now, if that wasn't dorky, nothing is...I really hope she doesn't mind
He was picking himself up when both he and Viv suddenly sat bolt upright at sounds that didn’t belong there! Someone was spying. Ray caught a glimpse of a face, though it could hardly count as one. It reminded Ray of the half orcs he had fought and seen along side his father and cousins, along in his family’s thanedom. Viv’s glance darted along with that of Ray’s and they both attacked, without thinking, but coordinating their movements.
Viv got to the man first, tugging him out of his hiding spot roughly, aiming a blow to his temple. Luck was with him though, and the momentum of Viv’s throw and him tripping pushed him out of range, so he blow glanced off a tree. The man was lightening fast, but Ray and Viv were faster. The half man brought out a dagger cursing in some strange language, while he had rolled and aimed it at Viv’s unprotected side. Ray’s sword was there first, neatly slicing through the cheap iron of the would-be killer-spy. Seeing that he was thus outclass; the villain chose to up and run, but Viniglaen would have none of it. For a moment Ray was awestruck, for Viniglaen had started to reveal a bit of her true Nazgul temper and power, darting up to the man, and lifting him up, all the while drawing her own dagger. Quickly recovering himself, Ray leapt. Indeed, one could argue that he had flown, to Viv’s side and grabbed her arm before the fatal blow could be given.
Sweet Eru!
Using his momentum, he spun her away and behind him and grabbed the man anew. Dealing him a stunning blow with the pommel of his sword that easily broke his nose and teeth, rendering him out cold. Ray looked around back at Viv, who was still breathing hard, but had sheathed her dagger…trying to regain her calm. He looked her in her eyes, and smiled. “You are one lion of a woman, but I cannot let you kill this man. King Valandil had ordered that all spies and those of that ilk to be held and questioned. There is a guardhouse not far, we will drop him off there and continue, if that is well with you. Or we could go back to your home, if you so wish.” He still wore his fierce battle smile that made one think he was a warrior out of some ancient tale, not a young college boy.
Oddly enough, though wrung and abused, his hand did not bleed. It hurt still, true, but it did not bleed.
R*an and Earniel left their horses to graze on the fresh green grass surrounding Orrodel, and walked up to R*an's room. She had chosen for herself a light, airy room overlooking the most wooded area of the grounds, with a large vista beyond, fading into hazy, only-to-be-guessed-at heights which she was fond of gazing at and letting her mind wander in the waking dreams that Elves can dream. But now was not a time for dreaming - it was time for more serious matters - getting dressed for a PAR-TAY!
R*an had not felt like adorning herself for some time, but since that afternoon in the tree with the butterfly a few days ago (was that only a few days ago?), she had felt an awakening and stirring in her blood, which was only heightened by the mysterious note she had just received, and she now wanted to put on her jewels from the past which she had kept hidden for so long.
Walking over to the armoir, she selected a lovely dress of first-star-in-the-sky evening blue and slipped it on. As she moved about the room, the dress shimmered softly, showing hints of the background color of wet-leaves-after-a-rain green. The blue and green of the dress blended in and out together harmoniously and perfectly matched her deep hazel eyes. Letting her hair down, she brushed it out carefully, taking her time and enjoying its silkiness against her hands.
Setting the brush down, she carefully pulled out her pouch of jewels and poured them out on the bed. Both girls suddenly forgot about the party as they were overcome by old memories, tender and mirthful, joyful and sorrowful, and they exclaimed over the various pieces with many a "Oh! Do you remember ....? Do you remember ... ?"
"Eärniel, would you put this on for me?" she said, holding up a delicate mesh hairpiece, with intricately crafted swans among jeweled waters of green and blue. "Do you remember how to do my hair?"
"How could I forget?" answered Eärniel, and deftly wove the dark strands of R*an's long hair into the intricate and unique patterns that the women of Gondolin delighted in.
"Will you redo my hair for me, R*an?" said Eärniel. "I think tonight is a night for remembering the city that we loved," and she took out from a hidden pouch a hairpiece resembling R*an's, but decorated with images of the water flashing and playing in the fountains of her people. R*an smiled, and taking the hairpiece, quickly and expertly wove it in Eärniel's hair.
R*an finished with Eärniel's hair and stepped back, putting her head on one side to admire her handiwork. "Beautiful!" she said. "You too!" replied Eärniel. "Well, let's go and join the party - and those annoying humans!" she added.
The two ladies slipped quietly out the doors and ran to their waiting horses.
10-07-2005, 07:51 AM
(earlier that same day)
At the post-game celebration in The Red Herring, Valandil had felt a bit detached from the festive atmostphere around him. He took note of this - maybe just because he hadn't actually played in the game, he thought, but he knew there had been a lot more than that on his mind lately. There was a growing feeling of strangeness... perhaps even menace... here in Tharbad. It was something he couldn't quite put his finger on, but things just didn't feel right, that was for sure. He felt he needed to watch himself.
Suddenly, the waitress... uh, Annawen?... plopped a full metal mug down on the table in front of him.
"What's this?" he asked.
"Oh - just something we locals are taking to, of late. Try it." said Annawen with a smile.
"Well... I must keep my wits about me for this evening." replied the King.
She laughed lightly, "Not to worry then - it's not a strong drink. A bit of flavored tea only."
Valandil lifted it to his lips. It wasn't hot tea, as they had in the north of the kingdom on cool afternoons, or cold winter nights. It was cold. And there was some sweet flavoring in it.
"Mmmmm - tastes good. What is it?" asked Valandil.
"Probably a love potion of some kind!" said Ray, with a wink and a wry grin from across the table, where he was surrounded by milling rochdol fans (not half of them male).
"Don't be silly!" said Annawen, laughing once more and blushing. "It's cold tea, as we drink abouts here in the warmer seasons - only this has the juice of crushed raspberries mixed in. It's taken the town by storm this past summer or two!"
Valandil thought he could see why, as he took a second drink. It tasted very good. Nonetheless, he had hesitated first, on hearing Ray's jest, and eyed the drink suspiciously before tasting it. But now even he felt a little embarrassed at what Ray had said, and fought to keep a blush from rising on his own face.
Then all at once, Marty and Ray got up to leave, followed by adoring fans - leaving Valandil alone with Estelmo and Oreturion.
"Don't forget about the reception tonight!" Valandil called after them. He wasn't sure whether they had heard and he returned to his gloomy thoughts, his new drink and the talk with his companions of political ambition and proper preparation for meetings with powerful men who also happened to be related.
He had caught the intent look on Oreturion's face as he noticed his friends leaving. Had the man 'suggested' the departure to them? Those two were oh-so susceptible to suggestions of that nature from Oreturion. Especially if it was something they desired to do, or had taken note of themselves... or if they had enough drink to set their cautions at ease. Perhaps Oreturion wanted to spare him further embarrassment - but more likely it was just to return his focus to this evening.
Willow Oran
10-08-2005, 12:06 PM
'Over a decade of teaching here and these receptions still haven't gotten any more bearable...'
Professor Mahtaliel took another sip of her wine and drew further back into the shadowy corner of the hall that she was most certainly not lurking in. The hall was only just beginning to fill with guests and no one had yet bothered to notice her, much to her relief. Mahtaliel liked to have time to study people from a safe distance before any socializing was called for.
If anyone had bothered to glance at her they would have seen a rather severely dressed lady, unmistakably of the noldor. They might also have seen the barely perceptible lines of aging indicative of someone who had seen too much and lost track of their age millenia ago.
Mahtaliel is currently thinking about the Chancellor. As head of the understaffed art and history departments she had been one of the professors responsible for greeting him; She hadn't been impressed. Oh he was intimidating enough, for a human, but Mahtaliel had spent the first age serving under the sons of Feanor, this human paled in comparison. Suffice to say she, and the Chancellor don't like eachother much, and over the past three years have perfected the art of staying out of eachother's way. The few times they have had, shall we say, encounters, have been memorable. The last time was a month ago, when Mahtaliel had demanded that he increase the budget for her departments, after much argueing He had ended up with a newly dented desk, and she had gotten her budget increase.
She glances down at her now empty wineglass, obtaining more will mean venturing out into the open...
'Might as well, I'll have to leave my corner eventually. Who knows, I might even run into someone interesting...'
10-08-2005, 05:03 PM
The King was late.
It was a quarter past seven, and the Chancellor started to pace along the empty Reception Hall, his eyes gleaming angrily. He always believed in coming on time. Needless to say, over the centuries, all the lesser nazgul became most punctual undead beings, even the empty-headed Lilly. Aiwendis looked at the Morgul Lord and bit her lip apprehensively. Someone was going to pay for it. She silently said a prayer to the Holy Darkness that it would not be her.
"Stop it!" Angry words flashed through her brain, startling her out of her sad musings. "There are too many here who can read thoughts. Keep your mind shielded!"
Aiwendis quickly whispered an additional mind-shielding spell. The Chancellor nodded curtly and, with a wave of his hand, directed Aiwendis to one of the lacquered Khandian cabinets, attached to the wall separating their room from the Entrance Hall. Aiwendis approached the cabinet, unlocked and opened its intricately inlaid door to reveal a small round spy-hole, concealed from the other side by gilded carvings of the university insignia. Putting her eye to the hole, Aiwendis observed the guests.
Sure enough, the Hall was full. Some time ago, Aiwendis sent several maids to serve drinks and fruit to the waiting guests. Now they stood in groups conversing in hushed voices. Aiwendis spotted Udu, standing alone by the far wall, an empty wine goblet in his hand. After a look around, he went to refill his glass, enerringly choosing the most comely of the maids to pour his wine. Aiwendis smiled. It felt good to have Udu here.
Khamul was alone near the window, his piercing eyes following Udu everywhere. Aiwendis frowned. The Second was decidedly up to no good again. At this moment, Khamul felt her gaze and turned his head, scrutinising the wall. The uncanny ability of the Easterling to feel danger almost equalled the Captain’s own. Aiwendis considered briefly sending Khamul a reassuring thought, but that was far too dangerous. Let the bastard worry.
A moment later Aiwendis became happy of her decision, as there, in the shadows of a far corner, was the Old Storm-Crow, Professor Mahtaliel the Elf. Aiwendis tensed.
The Crow stood there, dressed in severe dark gown with no adornments, which made her tall thin body seem even gaunter. For three years Aiwendis successfully managed to avoid Mahtiliel and never talked with her, only bowed politely from a distance. But now the Chancellor decided to send his daughter to study Embalming and Jewellery, so the Crow was bound to become her Professor.
Not only was Mahtiliel cold and stern, but Aiwendis knew, without being told, that the Crow despised and disliked her, perhaps suspected her of something. She could have keener perception than most Elves, being that old and having seen so much…
Several times Aiwendis implored the Captain to allow her to prepare one of her most trusted potions, which would speed the Crow on her way to Mandos, but her Lord had rejected the offer. He said he needed her to teach art and history, but Aiwendis supposed that he just underestimated the danger of this Elf. Aiwendis shivered and closed the cabinet door.
10-08-2005, 05:04 PM
"No, no, I don't feel like dealing with the guards of Tharbad tonight, Ray. They'll keep us there forever, questioning us and whatnot."
Squatting next to the prone half-Orc, out cold and breathing heavily, the thoughts inside Viv's head were aswirl. She had recognised the spy at once - it was Grisznutz, an ardent admirer of her work who had always had an obsession with Viniglaen. He hailed from Gundabad; a sort of loner-orc who had fantasies of being Viv's student. Oh, how he longed for her to mentor him in the skills of burglary, but she, of course, always worked alone and deigned to teach no one. She couldn't help having a soft spot for the guy's persistant admiration for her, though, but on the other hand, there was no way she wanted any attention drawn to her over being associated with orcs in a city like Tharbad, which did not tolerate them in the least.
She disarmed the orc, throwing his dirty old dagger into the river, and as she bent low to his head, she projected a thought into his mind, like a note for him to read whenever he came to. She said: 'Grisznutz, you musn't follow me to places like this; when you awake, get back across this river and get yourself as far away from this city's limits as your stubby legs can take you, because if you do not, I shan't be so merciful next time I see you, and you can BET the guardsmen of the King will be even LESS merciful. Leave and don't look back.'
"Well, we can't just leave him here," objected Ray, oblivious to Viv's thought-projections upon the knocked-out, bleeding prowler.
"Yes, we can," she answered, getting up and brushing herself off. "Let's go to the guardsmen, and inform them that we saw something here. They will come to check it out, and find him here. He's not likely to come to in the meantime. I don't feel like spending the evening dealing with the Tharbad police and this guy."
Ray thought otherwise, but figured she knew what she was doing, so they mounted Volcirom together, the little frog in the saddlebag could be heard making a muffled little 'ribbit! ribbit...' and Lomi, overhead, with her keen ears, heard the poor frog and wondered to herself, 'I wonder if there's a chance I could eat that frog, too.'
And off they all trotted, to the nearby guards post, to report Grisznutz.
"After this," Viv said, "We really should be heading back." She was thinking to herself, 'I must tell Pen and Lilly I saw Grisznutz here, it's important that they know what's going on.'
10-08-2005, 09:25 PM
"Really, this is turning out to be a rather pleasant evening," Udu thought as he smiled his thanks to the serving maid after she had filled his goblet. He considered asking her if she would be busy after the evening's festivities were over, but he thought that might be taken wrong, for this was his first day there. He grinned at her and winked mischievously.
He looked at the dour looking female, Professor Mahtaliel the Elf, and decided if there were any way to avoid speaking to her, he would attempt to do so. "Of course," he thought, "there is always politeness to be considered, and keeping up appearances.
He did not see Aiwendis anywhere, and he wondered what might be keeping her and the Chancellor. Khamûl was skulking by a window, and Maethor spoke a spell of mind-warding and wondered if it would be strong enough to hold Khamûl. He doubted it. To divert him from his thoughts, Udu began humming a tavern song about a drunken barkeeper who made a fool of himself by chasing after a serving girl in the tavern. He took a sip from his wine and looked about the room again.
Willow Oran
10-08-2005, 10:14 PM
Mahtaliel had just retreated back to her chosen corner with her generously refilled wine glass when she experienced the distinctly unpleasent feeling of someone watching her.
Irritated, though not alarmed (they were waiting for the reception to begin after all; besides conversing, what activity was there other than staring at fellow guests?) she turned and made a visual sweep of the hall.
The new professor standing by the window caught her gaze and returned it, full force.
Mahtaliel supressed a smile, and didn't look away. A staring contest while waiting was better than nothing...
The last sane person
10-09-2005, 02:04 AM
Ray shook his head. "No, Viv, I am going to take him in. Stay here, they know who I am and wont keep me." Viv was going to protest, but Ray held up his hand, cutting it off. "I understand, they can be a severe pain in the ass, and want to trump up their worth with questions. But it is a request given by the king, and I am not about to disobey. Stay here with Volricom. It wont take long." Ray had his warrior-ness still lingering, and was a far sight more powerful than usual. Viv secretly liked that, smiling faintly to herself.
With that, he bent down and lifted the half orc and slung him over his shoulder as though it was a sack of flour he was carrying. Ray was strong, adrenaline still in his veins, and righteous fire flowing. After all, as polite and demure as he was, this scumbag tried to hurt Viv. He made it to the guardhouse, and opened the door, depositing the stirring creature on the ground.
"What have we here? What’s the matter citizen?" One of the guards managed to sputter, after settling down his ale.
"This wretch jumped me, by what I smell he is some drunkard half breed. Keep him here until he sobers up, question him, and if he proves nothing more, take him and release him far from the city. I don’t want him coming near Tharbad again."
The head guard was taken aback, "Well, as you wish, your highness ! Who are you to make such demands, we will have to detain you an-" He was cut off by Ray's snarl of anger, he cast back his hood.
"I am Raendil, son of Matheron, one of the faithful chosen, King's Man. I take my orders from the king, and as such, you are thus rendered to obey commands that I give that will fulfill his orders! I have better things to do than answer your questions. You will keep him in the lock up, question, and if nothing else is found, release him far removed from Tharbad. Is that clear?" He glared at the now apologetic head guard.
"y-y-yes, sir, it will be as you say. I didn’t know, it will be done!" He gave Ray a small bow and saw to the incapacitated half-breed. Ray made his way swiftly back to Viv, and grinned, more back to normal. "Well, I guess you were right, they knew who you were?" Ray helped her mount, and leapt up behind her. "No, but they soon did! Viv, do you have a horse of your own? Tharbad is quite large, you will need to be traveling around once semester really gets started."
Viv shook her head no, "no, I don’t, though I would like one. I came in a carriage, and haven’t really had a horse of mine own. If worse come to worse, I could borrow Penny's" She made to turn Volricom to Orrodel, but Ray reached around and steered him elsewhere. "Hey, aren’t we going back to my place?"
"Yes, but we will be taking a slight detour!" It wasn’t long at all till they reached Ray's place, he lead her to the stables, and there was the mare, peaking out at Viv. She gave a great whinny when she saw Ray. "Well, this is Laslech, one of the finest fillies to be bred by my mother."
Viv went and patted her, offering Laslech a handful of oats. The horse nuzzled Viv and happily ate the proffered oats. "She is absolutely beautiful, she looks lively and smooth! I can tell she is intelligent and kind as well. You are lucky to have such fine horses!"
"You Like her?"
"Yes, she is wonderful!"
"Then she is yours!"
Viv looked stunned, and was about to protest, but Ray cut it all off with a smile. Silently he took Laslech out of her stall and tacked her up for Viv.
10-09-2005, 08:44 AM
In his chambers, Valandil surveyed his appearance in the full-height mirror before him. He had just finished dressing for the evening and his attendants stood back a bit as he looked himself up and down.
His father and grandfather had worn black, but Valandil himself preferred a deep, dark blue, and it was in this that he was arrayed. On the breast of his tunic he bore the tri-fold emblems of his house: the silver crown above the seven silver stars over the white tree. A silver-starred brooch pinned his cloak - enough below his neck to be comfortable, and a hood hung behind him, but that should be non-essential this evening. His boots were black, but in addition to his tunic - his cloak, hood, visible undergarments and trousers were all of the same deep blue - some trimmed with bits of silver.
He called for, and took up, the Elendilmir which Elrond had commanded made for him - to replace the one which was lost along with his father. He did not like it for daily wear, and would as soon have left it at Annuminas with his other royal treasures, but Oreturion had deemed it wise to bring it, in case the needs of state dictated a royal appearance - and knowing full well that the first meeting with the Chancellor would demand it.
He now reviewed his final appearance. Sufficiently regal, he supposed - but it would be more fitting when he appeared as a normal man in his 40's or 50's than appearing to have the youth of his 20's (although his 60th birthday loomed near). It was odd to have been King for almost 40 years and still be labeled 'The Boy King' by some.
"What time is it now?" he asked, knowing the answer full well.
"It is now fully seven o'clock" said the servant.
He also knew the answer to his this one, but he was determined to act as though he did not. "Call for my friends, Master Marthalion and Master Raendil."
"Sire - they are not here."
Drats! He had dressed slowly, hoping that they would make it. Where WERE they? Drat Marty, drat Ray and drat Oreturion and his well-meaning interference! He resolved to shield his thoughts this entire night, even from Oreturion! But now - the time had come. As King, he was permitted to arrive a bit late - that all other guests might have come and be prepared for his own arrival. But it would not do to continue dressing beyond the time that the event was to have begun.
"Very well. Call for my carriage. Pass the word to Lord Oreturion and Lord Estelmo to make ready to depart." said Valandil to the chief Butler.
All at once the porter entered in a rush. "My leige..." and in behind him came Marty... looking quite unprepared for this evening - a bit disheveled and having had a bit more to drink than was advisable - before the evening had truly begun.
Valandil turned to the butler. "Tell my Lords Oreturion and Estelmo that Master Marthalion has now arrived, and will require but a moment's final preparation to be ready to join us. The rest of you... get him cleaned up and be quick about it!"
Valandil smiled slightly, but only after he had rebuffed Marty's attempted greeting and turned his face from all who might see it. This was an up-stroke: he would have his friend with him, though Marty might not like to go along in the condition he was in. That would teach him for being unready... and it would teach Oreturion for trying to meddle.
10-09-2005, 08:57 AM
Proffessor Bumbledore had huffed and puffed, creaking his way erratically down the stairs .... these noises caused a stir of excitement and anticipation outside in the cloisters, where in the dark, hundreds of small bright points of light blinked occasionally from the bushes and shrubberies nearby: all at ground level ....
Vamooooz, the new champion tortoise racer was limbering up proudly, slowly and athletically stretching his neck out of his shell and round, slowly lifting one leg, ... and down... then the next!
Time passed .... not for many years had the tortoise's of Tharbad had a champion who had out raced the proffesor over the 20 yard dash of the cloisters track. That year they had been the racing champions of the North!
Anticipation was high...
Suddenly with a dramatic THUD the old proffessor announced his imminent arrival as he careered out of control full on into the door!
Ahhhh! went the sighs in the shrubbery ... he is in haste! This truly will be a race to remember ... Vamoooz will really be a great if he wins this race! Old plodder, whispered to his grandson ... ahhh, it's like 37' over again ... now that was a year for glory .... he trailed off as with a glorious blast of golden light ... the cloister door opened and in a blur the Olympian figure of the Professor appeared blazed in light and speeding headlong forward .... a naked flame of cigar held high in his left hand burning in a trail after him ....
(of course to all but the tortoises, this appeared as a slow ponderous slo-motion kinda moment)
The race was on ... vammooz cheered on by the large crowd, mainly tortoises, but also including a hefty gathering of the squirrels, who had many a wager on this event, and some owls, hooting away happily, ... Vamooz span into action (at least to the eyes of the tortoises) ...
to be continued....
10-09-2005, 09:10 AM
(placeholder for the finale of the race of a generation .... ) *gotta go!*
it will end with Professor Bumbledore having arrived at the reception ... so that does not cause any other's any continuity problems!)
10-09-2005, 12:44 PM
Viniglaen was staggered by such a beautiful, lavish gift as the mare Laslech. As Viv was carressing her ears, and Laslech was snuffling her with her velveteen muzzle, Ray suddenly had a urgent thought.
"Lady Viniglaen," he said, "it has just occured to me that Martalion, my best friend, may need me. It has been too long since I saw him last, and I sense he needs me at this very moment."
If anybody knew about sensing things and people when they were in need, it was Viv. She was secrectly relieved, anyway, because she longed to take her new mare out and ride her through the night. 'I shall train this mare even to withstand my Nazgul mode,' she thought. 'Later on down the line, of course, but I shall train her.'
"I understand," answered Viv, "and I take my leave now, as I really must check back with my sister, and get some prerequisite reading done before classes begin."
Viniglaen easily mounted the mare, who stood at a perfect height for Viv's small frame.
"She's one of the Mearas," Ray told her, as an afterthought, as she made to take her leave. She stopped the mare, and stared him full on, in amazed disbelief, even though his mind at once cleared him of the possibility of it being a lie. One of the Mearas! Wouldn't the others be jealous!!
'Ray," she said in response, "My gratitude to you for this kingly gift is deeper than you could know, and I shall never forget this, never."
With that, she turned and took of into the night. Ray watched her receding form thoughtfully. 'What is it about that young woman,' he mused, 'that drives me nuts with confusion? I could fall in love with her, but she feels so - dangerous, and so incredibly sorrowful. I wonder why.'
Then Ray's thoughts turned to his best friend Marty, and his King. it was the night of the reception, Ray remembered, and he hadn't received a summons from Valandil, but something was telling him to go anyway - he felt needed.
10-09-2005, 05:40 PM
Lilly opened her eyes feeling much better. After swallowing several magic potions prepared by Penny, the objects in the room looked solid again, instead of appearing like pale shadows in the swirling mist. Sure, they still seemed somewhat blurred at the edges, but that was bearable. The headache subsided as well.
"Look, Five," Lilly started determinedly, "I have a plan….And STOP pawing me for a moment, there are no bones broken, you have checked that several times already".
With a long-suffering sigh, Penny withdrew his hands and sat at the edge of the bed, smiling at Lilly. She certainly looked better. There was the usual hard edge in her voice. But her plan… Over the years Buzukkumarz has learned to dread Lilly’s schemes. They always ended badly, especially for Lilly herself.
"What is that about, Lil?", asked Penny apprehensively. "Surely you must understand that neither you, nor I can’t best Khamul in a fight. EVEN if we come at him together, which is not too fair, by the way"
"I am not going to fight him!" Lilly replied. "I am not THAT stupid. There are other ways, you know."
"Such as…", prompted Five. His feeling of apprehension grew, as Lilly looked as determined as she always did, when she attempted her worst shemes.
"Do you have some wax, Five? Can you make a figure? Do you remember the spell? I am sure you do, I was watching you, when you did this trick last time in Rhun!"
Lilly felt excited now. Yes, a wax figure containing a piece of parchment with Khamul’s REAL name written on it, could be acted upon, as if he was here in flesh and blood, weak and unresisting. One can stick a hot needle through the figure’s heart or stomach, and Khamul will feel the pain, strong enough to kill any mortal.
Lilly bared her teeth in a wolfish grin, thinking WHERE exactly she was going to stick this needle!
"Now, Buz, darling, can you help me?" Lilly's huge green eyes, misty from the recent pain, looked at Penny imploringly.
Willow Oran
10-09-2005, 07:45 PM
The Entrance Hall had become decidedly divided. This was due to the fact that anyone trying to cross Mahtaliel or her opponent's line of sight would find themselves most uncomfortable. Mahtaliel for her part, was enjoying the challange of staring down this new professor immensly.
The game had started out casual, two people studying eachother by sight alone... that had quickly changed as they drifted, never breaking eye contact, to stand directly opposite eachother on either side of the room. Those who came between recieved the full force of both their glares, and soon, the other guests had simply confined themselves to whichever side they had started out on.
Mahtaliel was learning a great deal about her new colleague, not by probing his thoughts, no, she was keeping herself tightly shielded, to do otherwise would be terribly impolite.
There were some who would say that you shouldn't judge one just by looking at them, but Mahtaliel had long ago found that if you looked at another person hard and long enough you were bound to see something of interest.
Like the way her opponent was distracted by one of the other guests, his eyes kept flickering minutely, not enough to break eye contact with her, but just enough to indicate that he would very much like to do so.
It was giving Mahtaliel a distinct advantage; her mood for the evening improved further, she liked advantages.
R*an and Eärniel paused before the doors of the Reception Hall.
The ride from Orrodel had been glorious. R*an hadn't felt so alive since she had arrived in Tharbad! Palensulë was more sure-footed over the uneven terrain than Hwesta, but R*an's lovely gray mare outdid her marsh-living cousin on the flats. They had raced like the wind - first one ahead, then the other, then neck-and-neck in a glorious mix of pounding hooves and flying manes and long elven hair - taking a rather long and circuitous route to the Reception, to be sure, but perhaps none of the four were eager to get there!
After a brief cooling-down walk around the Castle grounds, R*an and Eärniel turned their horses over to the stable-boy, giving instructions for their care.
Walking through the ornate grounds to the Reception Hall, R*an asked, "So, has anyone caught the eye of the young King yet? I know of several who are attempting it!"
Eärniel answered, "So do I! But there has been no conquest yet, that I've heard of."
"Well, he seems like a nice enough type, for a human," mused R*an, who tended to forget about her father being one of these strange creatures. But then again, her father was most unusual - she had loved him dearly and missed him terribly. Several richly-dressed young ladies walked quickly past them, giggling. "I sure hope he doesn't get snagged by a treasure-hunter!" continued R*an in a whisper, with a significant glance at the young ladies.
They walked into the room.
10-10-2005, 04:39 AM
“The dour professor across the room wishes to play games with me,” Maethor thought to himself as he carefully guarded his mind to let out only the thoughts that he wished. He had watched her for quite some time, her eyes boring into his, and he knew that she enjoyed the challenge... but so did he. So he stared her back and smiled and hummed a nonsense rhyme to himself, letting the words filter out so that who might wish could catch the drift.
Homeward bound beyond the hill,
Beyond the ridge, beyond the rill
Then over the mountain and to the sea
I find that there it calls for me
And then before the light of day
I find the course a twisted way
Then turning back, alas, alack!
I find that I never can go back!
Then a passing serving maid carrying a tray with some exceptionally good wine on it stopped by him and brushed her arm up against his, not so that anyone would notice, though.
“Please replenish my wine if you would be so kind,” he smiled and kept staring across the room. After the serving maid had refilled his goblet, a smile came to his face but not to his eyes. He repeated the refrain of the nonsense rhyme in his mind, never breaking his eye contact with his opponent. Then carrying his goblet, he walked across the distance separating them and said politely, “Enjoying yourself?” Then he smiled. “Professor... umm.... what did you say your name was? I have a terrible memory. My apologies.”
10-10-2005, 06:18 AM
Miriel and Malaphel hurried excitedly along the paved courtyard of the University grounds following their father, Lord Azrabel, the Governor of Tharbad, and their mother, Lady Nimloth. They were late, and Lord Azrabel, a portly man in his late hundred-thirties, puffed and coughed and dragged his bony tall wife along unmercifully. It was considered rude to be late for the reception, especially on a day like this, when the young King was due to greet the nobles of Tharbad. When they passed the inner gate, a page stationed there informed the Governor that the King had not yet arrived. Slowing down, Azrabel turned his head and glanced at his daughters. They were pretty girls in their early thirties, recently come of age to be admitted to public receptions and barely old enough to start thinking about marriage. Azrabel felt his heart filling with pride. Miriel was tall and noble looking in her orange ball dress, if a bit flat in the chest. Malaphel was smaller and more on the plump side, wearing forest green. They were his most treasured assets, tickets to the great court of Annuminas. Surely one of them should catch the eye of the King. They were noble enough to aspire for a royal marriage. If not of the royal blood himself, Azrabel’s father was a captain of one of Elendil’s ships and was given the South of Arnor to govern.
At this moment two graceful woman figures passed them like beams of moonlight and hurried on, without a backward glance.
“She-Elves”, hissed Miriel. “They fly to Tharbad like vultures to the smell of carrion”.
“I bet, they are also after King Val. It seems, everybody is,” replied Malaphel sadly. “As if having that accursed Aiwendis here were not enough!”
“She is able to catch him right in front of our noses”, sighed Miriel. “We must prevent it by all means”.
The two girls, nicknamed MM’s, were considered to be Aiwendis’s best friends. They were approximately of the same age, and were by far the noblest young ladies of marriageable age in Tharbad. Actually, this friendship with the Chancellor’s daughter was the only reason for their admittance to the reception. MM’s were not a bit grateful, though. Over three years of their acquaintance, they grew to dislike Aiwendis intensely. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful and noble of the three, but that was no reason to be that haughty and condescending. Aiwendis always politely declined the repeated invitations to the Ladies Embroidery Circle or the Music Circle, pretending to be too occupied with her household choirs. There was talk in Tharbad that she never embroidered a single kerchief in her life, and the Governor’s daughters believed it readily. When MM’s called on Aiwendis, she quietly admitted them to her study, filled with books and flowers, but seemed never interested in the latest Tharbad gossip, and grew visibly bored and slightly sarcastic when the talk drifted to discussing possible matches, ways of catching good husbands and “what it would be like to be married.”
But what irked MM’s to no end was her meddling in their attempts to woo the Chancellor. It was a shame that a still young man of the Royal line remained unmarried, especially when he was that damnably handsome as Lord Ilmenzor! Before the arrival of King Val, both girls were determined to remedy to this incongruence. The Chancellor himself seemed much amused by their girlish attempts at flirting, and was not icy-cold at all, when with them. But, whenever any of the girls chanced to meet him alone, which, by the way, required hours of careful stalking and waiting, Aiwendis always appeared on the spot in no time at all, and cut the interview short. MM’s hated the fierce possessiveness the Chancellor’s daughter showed for her father. “Of course, no one wants a step-mother”, thought the girls, but still that was a bit too much.
The huge doors of the entrance hall opened before the Governor’s family, and they joined the guests waiting for the King. Aiwendis was nowhere to be seen, so MM’s drifted to greet the other guests, smiling and curtseying.
10-10-2005, 08:10 AM
The four men boarded the carriage, first Marty - after taking a last draw from his athelas-flavored hot tea (excellent hangover remedy), assisted by a couple footmen, then Estelmo, who sat opposite him. Oreturion took the seat next to Marty and Valandil took the remaining seat next to Estelmo. He would come out first on their arrival so he had to be the last one in.
After they had been settled in for only a few moments, Valandil began to speak to Marty, "Marthalion, I am thoroughly disappointed in you. You know what an important evening this is... for BOTH of us. You nearly don't arrive at all, and when you do - you come like... THIS!"
Marty felt stung. His 'buddy' Valandil had never spoken to him like this before. Any past indiscretions had just been brushed aside with a laugh. Marty struggled to rally to his own defense.
"Look... it's harmless... and maybe it's a big evening for you, but not so much for..."
"Nonsense! If you are to be one day a Prince of the Realm, you must represent yourself well even now. Any action you take is subject to great scrutiny... from your conduct with your peers, your performance in your classes, the state in which you arrive at these functions, even..." and Valandil, who had turned his gaze out the window as he spoke, now turned a very sharp look directly onto Marty, "even... the company you keep!"
"What? Are you trying to tell me with whom I may, or may not spend my time?!" asked Marty, quite incensed.
Valandil held his gaze for a long time, before casually responding, "Only... if you would truly be a Prince one day." and then he again looked away.
There was silence for several minutes. The coach had left the manor grounds and was on its way towards Arandel. Valandil sensed his friend's hurt pride, and sensed approval from the two older men - from Oreturion for sure. But Oreturion had not tried yet to speak with him... with either word or thought.
Finally Valandil turned again to his friend. "Marty, see now... there are some strange things happening in this town, and a strange feel about it. We must all be wary. And we must be careful of unwise... entanglements. I fear that in this case, it may be more than the normal consequences of reputation and honor... although that alone should be enough for we who are of the Faithful. I fear there is something more at stake - and that we must watch ourselves."
'Very good, my King... VERY good!' Valandil heard in his mind. It was Oreturion. He was trying as well as he could to screen his thoughts. Had Oreturion read them in despite? He waited several moments more, then made an attempt himself.
'Oreturion... I shield my mind. Do you read it still?'
'Only that. You have learned well, at just the right time. You have hidden all, save what you would wish to tell. VERY good indeed!'
So he had done it. He had mastery over his thoughts - to keep them screened from even a man like Oreturion - and yet to be able to release a thought in speech. He had made great strides before, confronting Meneldil in the Palantir, but his control then had been partial. Now he felt that it was full.
"Well, I hope the food it good," said Estelmo, as their carriage pulled into the great estate. "I'm STARving!"
The carriage came to a stop before a great pair of entrance doors, flung open wide. At a sign from the driver, a footman stepped forth and opened the doors, while someone called out:
"His Highness, King Valandil of Arnor, son of Isildur Elendil's son, High King of all the Dunedain!"
Valandil rose and stepped forth from the carriage.
10-10-2005, 10:43 AM
Old Grey and White Patch, the Alphas of the Mountain Wolves, at the head of the Pack, ran along the foothills of their mountains en route to Tharbad. Along with them had come half a dozen mid- and low-ranking wolves. They were on patrol here at the command of the Head Nazgûl, searching for enemy agents.
10-10-2005, 11:15 AM
Khamûl sat quitley on one side of the room, his eyes fixed on Udu, not yet probing his thoughts, yet screening his own. He felt another pair of eyes on him, Gordis. She was not yet in the room, yet still looked upon him. Carefully turning his thoughts upon her, he found her looking through a small eye hole. He fixed his eyes upon her and smiled. Yet before he had time to search her mind he felt another pair of eyes fixed upon.
'My' he thought. 'I am popular tonight.'
Turning his head he saw a female elf sitting across the room from him. He returned the gaze expcting her to withdraw hers, yet she did not. He slightly opened his mind and began probing hers slightly, but not releasing his full power as he was wary of others of the same skill in the room. Her mind was well shielded. It would take a strong attack to brake through. Maybe it could wait. He closed his mind yet did not withdraw his gaze. Unpertubed she relented to look away. Khamûl's vision was fixed yet his mind and eyes often wandered to where Udu was standing.
Willow Oran
10-10-2005, 12:03 PM
"I didn't." Mahtaliel answered the man, not looking away from her opponent, "Professor Mahtaliel, and you?"
"Professor Maethor. Do you always hold conversations this way? I've heard it's customary to look at the person one is speaking to."
"Another new one? And not one of you teaching in the Art/History areas either I suspect, education is becoming all about Politics, Money and War. I suppose those subjects are considered more practical these days.
And to answer your question, no I don't. It's simply that our other new colleague is engaging me in contest at the moment, you'll forgive me for not being inclined to backdown."
10-10-2005, 01:54 PM
Upon entering the hall, Eärniel's sharp hearing had not failed to pick up Miriel's poisonous remark but she didn't react, although secretly she would have loved to see the two girls jump at being caught on such slander.
Ah, poor young ones, Eärniel thought sadly. Jealous still? After all these years? So you still begrudge us our gift while making little of your own. Did the fall of Numenor taught you nothing, or was irreversibly tainting the gift of mortality for you all it could acchieve? Pity. Pity too, that you cannot see that one day you will be able to see and go beyond the borders of Arda where no Elf can follow. Did you ever realise that while you envy us, we are not without envy of you?
Eärniel gave R*an a sideway glance. And what fate would R*an ultimately choose? Eärniel pondered her friends choices as they entered the hall. She almost paused on the doorstep. She felt something unusual, not something she had expected on what she had assumed was a gathering of mortal folk only.
"It would seem we're not the only Elves in town after all," said R*an softly. So R*an had felt it too.
"Indeed, and a Fëanorean too." Eärniel replied. R*an wondered whether she had heard the slightest trace of disaproval in her friend's voice. But before she could ask Eärniel about it somebody called at the door: "His Highness, King Valandil of Arnor, son of Isildur Elendil's son, High King of all the Dunedain!"
"What do you know," Eärniel whispered to R*an, amused," he's even later than we were."
10-10-2005, 04:23 PM
Maethor hoped that he was making the dour Elf professor uncomfortable, but he concluded that he was not. He had never liked Elves, and with this sour looking one, he was liking them a lot less.
"It is a privilege to make your acquaintance, Professor Mahtaliel," he said. "I am the new instructor of Siege Tactics. While art and history and all those subjects are beneficial at times, the art of siege tactics may mean all the difference between life or death, and the rising or falling of a kingdom."
He smiled and turned his eyes away from her and let his glance flick over to Khamûl. He girded up his mind with even more mind-warding spells.
"And what do you teach, Professor? Woodcraft?"
Before she could answer the question, he heard someone at the door announce the arrival of King Valandil.
"We must discuss this some other time, Professor Mahtaliel, but now the King approaches," he said as he turned in the direction of the King and bowed.
10-10-2005, 04:28 PM
"His Highness, King Valandil of Arnor, son of Isildur Elendil's son, High King of all the Dunedain!"
At these words both Khamûl and Mahtaliel broke their gaze and turned to the door and saw Valandil enter accompanied by two elder men and one younger of obvious importance and a number of servants.
10-10-2005, 07:45 PM
The Chancellor stood in the middle of the Reception hall, deep in concentration. His anger had abated, as the happenings in the Entrance Hall amused him greatly. He needed no spy-hole to perceive what was going on there. The very air vibrated and rippled from the strain of the mind-contest in the next room.
Yes, Khamul and Mahtiliel…I hope the Easterling will not forget himself to the point to draw the power from his Ring. It cannot pass undetected for those who know such things.
Aiwendis called Mahtiliel "The Crow", but that name was not doing her justice. Instead, she reminded the Morgul Lord of an ageing falcon, battered, but still wild and dangerous.
Little did she know that she was the main reason for his move to Tharbad in the first place. Four years ago he learned of her presence in USAT, and since then sought for a shift to the South Arnor University. The death of the old Arch-Chancellor came as a pleasant surprise, a stroke of good fortune. Like the coming of the King two yeas later. Decidedly, the luck was with him.
The Chancellor smiled. The last of the Mirdain… But for her, they were all dead or gone, their secrets buried in the ruin of Ost-in-Edil. The Elf clearly had no inkling of his fascination with her subject. Jewel-making… Ring-making…The Chancellor professed an open disinterest in the Chair of Arts and History, never visited it and stubbornly refused to increase its budget. Until last month. With a chuckle, he remembered the memorable scene in his bureau, the angry Elf banging on his table with a broken anvil, denting the beautiful mahogany desk.
My fierce tiercel…I would love to have you in my dungeon for some serious questioning.
But the Morgul Lord was a patient being. One day she will be there, and she would wish she knew more. For now, he feigned surprise and unease at her rudeness, and granted her the pitiful sum she wanted.
At this moment, the page at the entrance announced the arrival of the King. The Chancellor nodded to Aiwendis, and went to the double doors of the Hall, now thrown wide open, to greet his Liege Lord and student.
Willow Oran
10-10-2005, 08:50 PM
Mahtaliel was secretly grateful to the High King for making his entrance just when she might have been forced to answer a truly awkward question.
She didn't want it widely known that she taught jewelry making, it might seem innocuous enough to the forgetful, but to those who remembered their history well... the fewer who realized just where she had last employed that knowledge the better.
Given that she wasn't sure why she had ever offered to teach it, it was a dangerous topic which seldom did anything but bring up bad memories and guilt. Her only rational was that maybe, if she taught it in the right way, with enough warnings about the consequences it might prevent history from repeating itself. A little bit of redemption, as it were.
It was when she had thoughts like these that her mood became the most bitter.
She and the professor whom she had yet to be introduced to broke off their staring contest as the King entered, ending it in a draw. She turned and bowed along with the rest of the guests.
As she straightened she took stock of other people's reactions to the newly entered monarch. There would be time enough to study Valandil later, right now she wanted to see what other people thought of him.
What she saw was not reassuring. At least half the girls in the room were eyeing the boy as though he were a prime cut of meat to be fought over and won. Her fellow professors were watching him with an unsettling interest, well disguised, but there.
She didn't have time to look closer, at that moment the doors to the Reception Hall swung open.
I will have to keep an eye on Valandil, she allows herself a grim inward smile, I'll do my best to keep the marriage hunters away from him, as for my new colleagues... their intentions will have to be ascertained first.
10-11-2005, 12:21 PM
As the King entered Khamûl's gaze caught another person, two infact. One was the elf he had met helping the King near the edge of Tharbad. The other was his house maid, Rian. After what had happened with Penny, and the mind resistance offered by the elven Professer Khamûl wasn't in the best of moods, and it wasn't the best time for a servant to be seen by him at a dignitaries Reception.
Quickly standing up out of his seat he walked over to towards the two elves.
"Hello Miss Earniel. How nice it is to meet you again. I hear you are taking one of my classes," said Khamûl pleasently.
"Y.." started Earniel but was soon interrupted by Khamûl, who was now turned towards Rian.
"And what do you think you are doing here. This is a Reception for dignitaries, people of importance, not house maids, wether or not they are of elven lineage."
R*an felt the hot, angry blood rising into her cheeks as she answered icily, "Perhaps you're not familiar with how these types of receptions work? Typically, the people attending are invited, as I have been."
Arching an eyebrow and turning her face slightly away to show her disdain, she added half to Eärniel, half to the world at large, "Humans have such odd ideas of 'importance' ... "
10-11-2005, 03:41 PM
"My lord professor," Eärniel said friendly but her tone carried a slight warning edge, only audible by those who know how to really listen as she was sure professor Galadannûn could, "I fear you are mistaken, do allow me to amend the situation before it would get you - the Valar prevent! - in an awkward position."
"Let me introduce you to my dear friend, Lady R*an of Gondolin." Eärniel went on, "She is well respected among the Eldar and welcomed with open arms in each of the Elven realms. Not only has she saved my life when I was young and she has since then also graced me with her invaluable friendship. She now has done me the honour to accompany me on this event. Surely you cannot object to that."
Before Galaddannûn could interrupt, Eärniel went on smoothly. "But my dear lord, you must forgive my friend for not flaunting her identity. You know we Elves are not unfond of a joke once in a while. And I fear she has tricked you well indeed. And now, if you will excuse us, let us hush. It would be unfit for us guests, or professors like yourself, to disturb the entrance of the High King!"
Eärniel curtisies politely and linking her arm through R*an's she guided her friend a little further off, away from the professor.
"I am truly sorry, R*an," Eärniel whispered to R*an. "I fear I have costed you your job after all."
R*an whispered quickly back, "No, Eärniel, you didn't cost me anything - you saved me from having to find a plausible reason for quitting! Let him fire me - or if he doesn't, I'll tie up loose ends there and then quit - I've about had my fill of my latest "want-to-be-around-humans" fit. Thank the Valar that all humans aren't like the ones that live in that house! Yet ... I don't know, somehow I don't like having him for an enemy."
They both turned back towards the door to await the King's entrance.
10-12-2005, 08:24 AM
Valandil held his head high and walked slowly, regally - as he had long been trained - down the long aisle of the Entrance Hall. The guests had arrayed themselves in lines on each side and they bowed in turn at his passing. He slowly turned his head from side to side, nodding at this one or that one as they looked up and met his eyes.
Occasions like this had been a rarity of late, but Valandil began to feel that he looked the part of a High King this night. His outfit had been completed by the strapping on of his sword. Although this was only symbolic, and of course no combat was expected tonight, this sword was no mere decoration. It was in fact, the very sword of Isildur, recovered from where he had apparently left it on the east side of the Anduin.
As he walked, he slowed further, and turned less from side-to-side, because walking itself became an effort. He began to feel probed, on all sides and by multiple minds. He wished that he could sit, due to the effort of keeping up his defenses. Who here could probe his mind like this? How MANY here could do this? he wondered.
And then suddenly, there came a shout in his mind of "SILENCE! He reads..." and all was silent in his mind, except for his own thoughts, and he heard again more clearly the voices of those around him. And he was then able to return more of his focus to his walk down the outer hall.
The doors at the end now opened before him. There stood two tall figures - this must be the Lord Ilmenzor and his daughter Aiwendis, he all in black, she all in white. They looked noble enough, and he thought surely indeed that they looked to be of full Numenorean heritage. He thought though, that Ilmenzor resembled a bit more the images of Numenor's line of Kings, than those of the House of Andunie, from where they shared common descent - but he was only a third cousin. His face was noble, strong, unflinching... he must have come far from the wreck of a man Estelmo had described last seeing in Osgiliath almost 50 years ago.
Aiwendis was as lovely as tales had told. By the look of her, her mother must have been Numenorean as well. She was said to be from the south and east, so Valandil wondered if her mother had been of the Faithful... or if Ilmenzor had strayed as had so many of their people. Did Aiwendis live as one of the Faithful? Valandil found that he hoped so. Still... she appeared to be sad. Why was this? He would try to discover it soon, but perhaps it was that she loved another, and her father urged her to set him aside and seek after the favor of the High King. She would not have been the first to be in that position.
Valandil turned his eyes back to Aiwendis' father as he drew before them and stopped.
"Greetings, oh High King of the Dunedain, and welcome to this place. It is with great honor that I once more offer my service to thy house. It is my great hope that all will be to your liking. It is with great joy that I finally set my eyes upon another son of Isildur." said Ilmenzor.
Fair words indeed, and on speaking them, Ilmenzor bowed slightly, and Aiwendis made a light curtsey.
Valandil replied, "It is with great pleasure of my own that I at last greet you my cousin. I owe you much for the great service you have already rendered unto my family, in defense of our own. It was with joy that I received the news of your desire to come to this place, and with greater joy that I granted that desire. Long has duty kept me from this moment of meeting, and ever has my heart longed for it. As you welcome me to thy home, I welcome thee to my kingdom, oh son of Andunie."
At that, Valandil introduced Oreturion and Marthalion to the Chancellor - and last of all Estelmo, who stood facing him with a smile of wonder.
'Now...' thought Valandil to himself, 'let's see what kind of a man you are...'
But Ilmenzor's mind was a wall of stone, and his smile grew slightly wider.
"Come," he said. "Let all the guests come into the Great Hall. Let the Grand Reception begin, as we welcome our Great High King into our humble home."
And Ilmenzor led Valandil on into the room, with all the guests following behind.
10-12-2005, 08:53 AM
Oreturion wondered what was going on. Which of these guests had so much power of mind?
There were four main parts to the mind discipline, and Valandil had now gone from mastering the first; hearing and speaking - to mastering the second; shielding. Valandil was able to do some of the third; probing for deeper thoughts, but only to great effect against an untrained mind. The fourth; effectively making suggestions, was a greater discipline still.
Oreturion sensed powerful minds here, and they would have to be careful.
Hmmm... many more Easterners were now on the faculty of the University here, as had been reported. Ilmenzor apparently kept replacing departing staff with acquaintances from his travels to remote and exotic places. This could be good for the learning environment, but still...
Oh - Estelmo had a crowd about him already, speaking animatedly with a drink in one hand and his cane in the other. What was he doing? Recounting that story of the Gladden? Many of the Easterners were gathering to hear it. That was reasonable enough, as the story probably was not widely known outside Arnor or the vales of Anduin. Even here in Arnor many had puzzled at the last words exchanged between Isildur and his eldest son Elendur.
' "...Go!" he said, "Take your burden, and at all costs bring it to the Keepers; even at the cost of abandoning your men and me!" now what kind of burden do you think that could have been? And who are the 'Keepers'?'
'And then Isildur said, "King's son..." ' Estelmo went on. Oreturion noticed that there was a growing hub-bub in thought-speech about the room - growing further as Estelmo's story progressed. Perhaps a distraction was needed, he thought.
"And then... all at once he just disappeared, and cried out in pain! Darndest thing! What was so odd too was that his crown, the Elendilmir he wore - not the one King Valandil now wears but another like it - we could still see it at first, though I was distracted with my fighting of course. But suddenly that disappeared too!"
That traffic was getting louder and seemed very expectant and anxious.
There... nearby stood King Valandil, with Marthalion, Ilmenzor and Aiwendis. Here, following Marthalion's inclinations... yes, done!
Marty turned to Aiwendis and taking her hand, said to her, "You look so down-hearted for one so lovely, oh lady of Numenor. Can not your heart and spirit be lifted by this company?" and Marty raised her hand, dipping his face to lightly kiss it.
"My - that is such a lovely, exquisite ring." continued Marty. "So intricately woven... and such a lovely stone, what is it? Is the ring of Elven make?"
Marty seemed un-naturally interested in this particular ring - and all at once the mental chatter in the room seemed to go quiet. Oreturion wondered if his 'distraction' had been such a wise thing, but he couldn't quite tell why he felt badly about it.
"Now... his is plainer, and has no great stone like yours," continued Marty. "But Valandil has an Elven ring too! Hey Valandil, can you show her your ring?"
At the mention of Valandil having an Elven ring, there was a collective mental gasp in the room. Aiwendis' face had gone from sad, to a bit surprised, to a calm smile. Now there was mental chatter all around. Valandil was saying that he did not have his ring with him. Now Valandil was gently trying to probe Aiwendis' mind, but Oreturion expected he was only finding the same thing that Oreturion had already discovered... that she was a wall of ice.
Estelmo seemed downcast, for his listeners had left him just as he was getting to the good part - about how he had fought to the last defending his master, even after an Orc had broken his leg.
And the Chancellor stood by, looking on with a grim smile.
Willow Oran
10-12-2005, 11:39 AM
Mahtaliel drifted near the King and his companions, unnoticed for now. This reception was turning out to be more of a strain than usual. The same mental chatter that was occupying Oreturion's attention was beginning to give her a headache.
Who would've thought that so many people with such mental strength would be gathered in one room!
Even through her shields the buzz was deafening.
"My - that is such a lovely, exquisite ring." continued Marty. "So intricately woven... and such a lovely stone, what is it? Is the ring of Elven make?"
The overheard conversation caused Mahtaliel to freeze, her previous thoughts stopped in their tracks, along with the thoughts of numerous others in the room, she couldn't help noticing. Hardly daring to look she forced herself to glance, almost imperceptibly, at the ring the man had just complimented.
"Now... his is plainer, and has no stone," continued Marty. "But Valandil has an Elven ring too! Hey Valandil, can you show her your ring?"
Mahtaliel stopped listening, focusing all her concentration on gaging other people's reactions and on tightening her own shields even more. What she saw and what she had just glimpsed was most disturbing.
This year was promising to be unpleasantly interesting.
10-12-2005, 12:26 PM
In dead silence Aiwendis turned her eyes to Marty and said levelly,
"It is an Elven Ring, indeed, and a very ancient one, a heirloom of our house. I also have matching earrings. My ancestor, Lord Numendil, got these jewels as a present from King Gil-Galad, when he visited his realm so many years ago. I know not where they were made, perhaps even in the fabled Gondolin, or Eregion. I see you are expert in jewellery, Lord Marthalion, as well as Lady Mahtaliel here. Please, have a better look."
With that she slipped the diamond ring from her finger and held it out to Marty and Mahtaliel.
Seeng Marty’s hesitation, Mahtaliel took the Ring in her shaking hand. The Ring was of Elven craftsmanship, a work of Noldor. But her worst fears were not confirmed. It was not one of THOSE rings. There was no power in it, none that she could detect.
"It must be the work of Gondolin" she said at last, returning the Ring to Aiwendis. "It is distinguishable by its design of four-petal flowers. It was many years since I have seen such a ring. They are so rare now.".
Aiwendis gave her another of her wintry smiles and turned to the King. Her candid grey eyes searched his face.
"I am very fond of jewellery, My Lord King. May I have a look at your Ring?"
R*an and Eärniel walked over to an ornate table against the wall with some dainty fruits arranged in a decorative manner.
"Did you hear all that?" R*an whispered to Eärniel as she picked up a small plate.
10-12-2005, 03:20 PM
"I try not to," Eärniel murmured.
The reception was starting to become somewhat bothersome. Eärniel had been a little unprepared for what effect the entrance of the High King had had on the majority of young women in the hall. It had seemed the very air crackled with intent and inaudible, gushing chatter. It was also with some irony Eärniel observed that the same girls that had likened all Elven maidens to vultures, looked at the Valandil with the same interest a bird of prey would show in its prey. She nearly pitied the young king.
It had taken Eärniel effort to block the noice somewhat out, she hadn't had to do that in a very long time. She certainly was out of practice. She could still hear some of chattering but it sounded distant and a little distorted, as if she heard it under water. It definitely was more preferable this way.
But before she had shut the voices out she thought she had preceived some extraordinary strong minds. It surprised her that there would still be decendants of Elros with such strong gifts aside from the royal line, but she did not feel like it to drop her mental barriers to search them out.
"Now R*an," she said in effort to forget about all the noice, "Why don't you tell me how the Rochdol game went today? I fear I missed quite some excitement. And feel free to describe some of the players in detail." She added with a small misschievious smile.
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