View Full Version : Favourite Television Series
08-06-2005, 02:40 AM
I have found that the best way - by FAR - of enjoying a TV series is to rent (or buy) the entire season or seasons on DVD, and just watch them like that. I have no patience for normal TV; I cannot abide the constant deluge of advertising or the annoying tendency I'll get to flip channels forever. So, I get them all at once on DVD and THEN it's fun.
Lately, it's been "Alias", such guilty fun! Last year, it was all about "The Sopranos", which I am unashamed to admit I am thoroughly addicted to. Anyone else have any faves that are noteworthy?
08-06-2005, 03:54 AM
Easily "Lost". It has Locke in it. Yeah. (
08-06-2005, 06:10 AM
I was actually contemplating buying Smallville seasons 1 - 4, but then I got thinking: How many times will I actually watch them?, they are rather expensive you see, nearly 800 SEK per season, and that's a bit much for a bunch of dvd's.
My favourite tv-series are these:
the first 100 ep's of Friends and the first - fourth seasons of Gilmore Girls and the first - third seasons of Ed. And, of course, Charmed.
CSI, CSI: New York, Navy CIS, JAG.
Midsomer Murders, Morse, Frost and Murder City.
08-06-2005, 11:58 AM
The thing is, Grey Wolf, you can go into any large-chain video rental store and just rent the episodes, rather than having to buy them. I have no idea what you've got available to you there in Sweden, but here in L.A. there's quite a few; the place I've got a membership is blockbuster video which is a great place for stuff like new releases & TV shows. It's a terrible store for classic films and foreign stuff, though; I go to a small independent video rental store for the more eclectic, artistic or cerebral stuff.
08-06-2005, 12:00 PM
I used to love the show JAG! Those CSI shows look kinda interesting - probably a little gruesome, what with all the autopsy/forensics shots, though.
08-06-2005, 04:51 PM
I used to love the show JAG! Those CSI shows look kinda interesting - probably a little gruesome, what with all the autopsy/forensics shots, though.
CSI is a pretty good show. The characters are interesting and the forensics aren't too terribly gruesome or I wouldn't be able to watch it.
08-06-2005, 05:02 PM
Does anybody happen to know when they're going to show a new season of "The Sopranos"? It hasn't been on in AGES, and I'm going through some lengthy, painful withdrawal symptoms, waiting for a new episode.
08-07-2005, 07:41 AM
The thing is, Grey Wolf, you can go into any large-chain video rental store and just rent the episodes, rather than having to buy them. I have no idea what you've got available to you there in Sweden, but here in L.A. there's quite a few; the place I've got a membership is blockbuster video which is a great place for stuff like new releases & TV shows. It's a terrible store for classic films and foreign stuff, though; I go to a small independent video rental store for the more eclectic, artistic or cerebral stuff.
Perhaps I could get hold of Smallville somewhat cheaper somewhere else (I do have, quite close from where I live, a department store which is pretty well stocked. Perhaps one can order the seasons from them. I will check.)
08-08-2005, 02:03 AM
Three Christmases ago I got a 16-disc box set of three full seasons of my favourite television programme, that being the old British spy show The Avengers. After several years, I'm finally only an episode away from the whole collection.
I love the trend of entire series being released on DVD, though. It's also good if you want to find out more about a series that isn't on television often, as you can go rent a whole season and watch it sequentially. I did that yesterday with Samurai Jack, which I now think is one of the best series I've encountered in years.
08-08-2005, 09:07 AM
I did that yesterday with Samurai Jack, which I now think is one of the best series I've encountered in years.
i agree... awesome show!
i don't watch tv much these days, but with the kids it's always cartoons when i do :p
08-08-2005, 09:36 AM
DVD boxsets are a godsend for those of us who love US programmes and hate UK scheduling. The West Wing is hardly ever on terrestrial here, but I've got series 3-5 (5 hasn't even been shown here yet, and probably never will be...). Ditto Seinfeld, which I never would have seen if they hadn't started releasing the early series on DVD. Other favourites: The OC (guilty pleasure :o), Friends, Frasier, Inspector Morse and Midsomer Murders (mainly because they're set in and around Oxford), The Simpsons, etc. Loved the new Dr Who series too.
08-08-2005, 09:43 AM
DVD boxsets are a godsend for those of us who love US programmes and hate UK scheduling.Hah. A buddy of mine in London mentioned that Lost is starting only this week. The second season should be starting in a few months in the States and elsewhere, IIRC.
08-08-2005, 01:04 PM
*sings* The Simpsons..... do do do *cough* sorry but hands down my favorite is the Simpsons.. I grew up watching them! hehe
08-08-2005, 01:43 PM
Yeah! The Simpsons do definitely rock - all those wry philosophical statements and that inimitable tongue-in-cheek satire!
08-08-2005, 11:33 PM
I did that yesterday with Samurai Jack, which I now think is one of the best series I've encountered in years.
Samurai Jack rocks. I was considering buying some of the DVDs. I love how they can tell a story with almost no dialogue.
08-08-2005, 11:48 PM
Three Christmases ago I got a 16-disc box set of three full seasons of my favourite television programme, that being the old British spy show The Avengers. After several years, I'm finally only an episode away from the whole collection.
I adored Mrs. Peel. Wanted to be just like her - strong, smart, and beautiful! :)
08-09-2005, 12:01 AM
Ahh, yes, Emma Peel! I have read about The Avengers, and the Peel character. Wish my video store had this show available on DVD to rent; I'd love to check it out.
08-09-2005, 08:34 AM
'Edge of Darkness' by a light year. If you haven't seen it I envy you cos you can go and buy the DVD and watch if for the first time. The best plot, the best script, the best acting and the best score for a TV series I have ever seen. After seeing it the last 20 years have been quite a televisual anticlimax to be honest.
08-09-2005, 01:10 PM
I've got both seasons of the Lonesome Dove TV series, though I am partial to the seond season. I also got the trhee seasons of Tour of Duty, but they had to change the soundtrack due to royalty issues. I'm glad I still have my old wornout but very much playable VHS tapes I made back in the day. I'll have to master my own to DVD when I get the proper computer equipment and software.
I got Secret Agent Man, and The Prisoner.
If they come out with the new Kojack series first season I'll get that.
08-09-2005, 10:30 PM
Yeah! The Simpsons do definitely rock - all those wry philosophical statements and that inimitable tongue-in-cheek satire!
I feel if the Simpsons haven't made fun of you, you're not in... lol "What do you have to drink?" "Crab juice or Mountain Dew" "EEWW!! I'll take the crab juice!!" :D
08-16-2005, 05:55 PM
My two favorite TV shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Veronica Mars is also a good show that I try to watch regularly. Friends, The Simpsons, and Family Guy are also my favorites.
08-16-2005, 06:01 PM
Samurai Jack rocks. I was considering buying some of the DVDs. I love how they can tell a story with almost no dialogue.
Is it me or do you have a very big Avatar!? :eek:
08-21-2005, 04:44 PM
I was actually contemplating buying Smallville seasons 1 - 4, but then I got thinking: How many times will I actually watch them?, they are rather expensive you see, nearly 800 SEK per season, and that's a bit much for a bunch of dvd's.
My favourite tv-series are these:
the first 100 ep's of Friends and the first - fourth seasons of Gilmore Girls and the first - third seasons of Ed. And, of course, Charmed.
CSI, CSI: New York, Navy CIS, JAG.
Midsomer Murders, Morse, Frost and Murder City.
I watch NCIS. I'm just waiting for it to come out on DVD. I've been missing it since I started this job I'm at. :(
12-28-2005, 03:33 PM
I've just gotten into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and have been buying up all the seasons on DVD. I'm up to season 7 now. Best way to watch shows, IMO, is on DVD. I've also been picking up early ER on DVD (didn't start watching it until season 8 or 9?). Love DVD marathons, particularly since I am on holiday for the next 2.5 weeks. :)
Hasty Ent
12-28-2005, 04:00 PM
I've been watching the first five seasons of The West Wing on DVD for the past few months. I agree with BoP and Lotesse, watching a series on DVD is the way to go!
Other favorites (although I have yet to buy any of them): Prisoner, Avengers, Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, Doctor Who (Tom Baker and before), Upstairs Downstairs, MASH, Hill St Blues, every single PBS Mystery import: Inspector Morse, Sherlock Holmes (with Jeremy Brett), Poirot, Inspector Lynley, Miss Marple, any and all PD James dramatizations.
12-30-2005, 08:59 AM
I was actually contemplating buying Smallville seasons 1 - 4, but then I got thinking: How many times will I actually watch them?, they are rather expensive you see, nearly 800 SEK per season, and that's a bit much for a bunch of dvd's.
My favourite tv-series are these:
the first 100 ep's of Friends and the first - fourth seasons of Gilmore Girls and the first - third seasons of Ed. And, of course, Charmed.
CSI, CSI: New York, Navy CIS, JAG.
Midsomer Murders, Morse, Frost and Murder City.
To add to the thriller-segment cometh:
The Mysteries of Inspector Lynley, which 4th season is being showed on Swedish Television now.
12-30-2005, 01:21 PM
The Sopranos!! And guess what - the show's FINALLY starting it's new season, starting in March. :) YAY!!!
E, LoR
12-30-2005, 09:55 PM
ive been addicted to that show since i was like 7.
01-03-2006, 12:34 PM
And of course ER. Me and mum are watching it (we're at '03 or '04 now) Monday to Friday.
01-07-2006, 01:43 PM
Lost,Smallville and Macgyver do old shows count?i just recently watched all of Lost until the latest episode i cant wait until next week they are going to have a new episode of both Lost and Smallville!
01-08-2006, 04:22 PM
Lost,Smallville and Macgyver do old shows count?...
Of course they count! :) Especially Macgyver :D One of MY all time favorites/
01-09-2006, 02:39 AM
I had such a HUUUUUGE crush on Richard Dean Anderson when I was growing up (Macgyver!). :D Ah, who am I kidding - he still tickles my funnybone. ::leer:: ;)
01-09-2006, 06:35 PM
My most watched/enjoyed DVD television shows include the complete series of Farscape, complete series of Firefly, and most of StarTrek TNG.
I'd like to get all of the original Law & Order but it's just sooo big. Plus they still show about 5 episodes a day on TNT so it's not really worth it yet until it starts to go off the air.
Oh and Aqua Teen. So friggen funny.
Finrod Felagund
01-19-2006, 07:58 PM
E, LoR
01-19-2006, 08:53 PM
I don't really like lost, personally, I don't think I watch enough of it to get addicted. It had the guy who plays merry from LotR in it though!!!!!!!!!!
01-19-2006, 09:45 PM
Current shows on TV still running:
-Lost (great show)
-Battlestar Galactica (great show)
-My Name is Earl (great show)
-The Office (USA version, has its moments)
-Stargate Sg-1 (im loyal... in 9th season)
-Stargate Atlantis (spinoff of sg-1, its ok)
-South Park (sometimes genius)
-The Daily Show with Jon Stuart ( great show )
Shows from the past that I liked or am liking right now
-Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager
- Highlander
- Firefly
- Seinfeld
01-19-2006, 10:18 PM
The Simpsons! and Family Guy is hilarious. Lost SUX. American Idol SUX. The Daily Show with Jon Stuart is the bomb! Love that show. Curb Your Enthusiasm is always so much fun to watch. Did I mention The Sopranos?
OH - and there's this new show that I see every once in a while, I think it's called Prison Break but I'm not sure. Anyway, the lead actor on that show, I really like that guy.
Bernie Mac! I met him a couple times, because I used to do extra work and stand-in work for his show. In some of those episodes, you guys can see me! He is a wonderful person. We had this long talk this one day, in between takes, about truth in art. He's pretty awesome.
Entourage! Entourage is a killer show.
The L Word is cool, too. It really drags you in; it's "engrossing" I think is the word. Full of beautiful, hip dames. ;) Eye candy. :D
E, LoR
01-20-2006, 09:29 AM
Law and Order is facinating, i think, and ER can be kind of disgusting but very very interesting. Ghost whisperer is a little farfetched, but i like it. Seinfeld is funny :D
01-21-2006, 12:23 PM
I think Verliebt in Berlin!
But it is German... :D :D :D
01-21-2006, 12:50 PM
Yesterday when I was at Herrods I finally got hold of the fabulously funny series Coupling on DVD all four series. :) I'm looking forward to viewing them. :D :D
Halbarad of the Dunedain
01-23-2006, 04:50 AM
I have a few main shows which I keep switching my main focus on, the top three are Lost on ABC, Nip/Tuck on FX, and The Shield on FX. I of course still make certain to watch Family Guy and Futurama on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network but those don't really count in this thread.
Right now the most important show for me is LOST.... i absolutely can't wait for every Wednesday to finally come!
I also completely agree with the original post about the irritating adds and broken up story, I often find myself getting bored as add after add comes on, eventuall I'll change the channel and find something that catches my interest then when I realize my show is back on I have missed over half of it!
01-23-2006, 11:50 PM
Easily "Lost".Ditto
It has Locke in it.Ditto
Yeah. ( :eek: :confused: :D
My dad got the first season of Lost for Christmas, and I just finished it, coincidentally. Locke is by one of the best TV characters I've ever seen, and then there's Hurley too. I'm watching it and I just keep thinking that Locke and Hurley together would equal me, totally. And as for Jack the leader, he's just a crybaby and an idiot. I can't wait till the rest of the survivors start to realise that it's really all about Locke.
Lost is the prime example of a show that you have to watch on DVD to enjoy it. You definately cannot watch out of sequence. Same with Farscape, another of my favorites, but to a lesser extent. My brother got the old Batman animated series and Batman Beyond too, but I've only watched a few of those episodes. Those and CSI (original, I'll settle for Miami, not NY) are at the top of my "watch this" list.
Actually, the only shows I watch that are on TV now are CSI, Law & Order, Simpsons (infinately better than Family Guy, forever), Seinfeld, Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien, and Frasier. If I had cable, then I'd also add Myth Busters, the Shield (I saw the 1st season box set), The Daily Show, History Channel in general, and Star Trek TNG if that's even on anymore.
01-24-2006, 02:37 AM
Of all the CSI's the New York one is the BEST :D :D
01-24-2006, 08:04 PM
No! Well, OK I watched just one episode, but it was so superficial. A woman pretended that her husband beat her once so her brother actually stalked and killed him in cold blood. It was such an unrealistic motive.
I like Grissom anyway. :p
01-25-2006, 03:32 AM
I *hate* all the CSIs. :p Seriously though, they're all freakin' borin'. :evil:
01-25-2006, 04:16 AM
This evening TV4 begins to show the next segment of LOST. What annoys me is that they divide the seasons into two parts all the time. It would be better to show them all in one go. Now me and mum as time passes have forgotten what happened in the previous episodes, except for the shooting of Shannon.
Rev. Justin Timberlake
01-25-2006, 06:09 AM
Favourites: Lost; Prison Break.
Runners up (will not miss an episode): House, Desperate Housewives, CSI (original, not NY and certainly not Miami), Nip Tuck, and Smallville (embarrassed to admit).
01-25-2006, 06:26 AM
I love CSI (Las Vegas, not New York, Miami, or the ill-conceived NCIS).
I love Futurama, and am excited that Fox is bringing it back. I'd like to rent the earlier seasons and watch them some time.
I also enjoy The Gilmore Girls a great deal, but I'm afraid our relationship is on the rocks. I have so much hate for the Luke's long lost daughter storyline.
I watch TV just a little too much. I watch CSI and Futurama whenever I can. I often watch The Simpsons (though I'm disappointed in the relative recent quality) and Family Guy (even though I think these episodes have gone down a bit in quality too).
edited because I have teh st00pid fingers
02-02-2006, 05:36 PM
i want to add Star Trek Tng to my list
Farimir Captain of Gondor
03-02-2006, 10:39 PM
I love CSI (Las Vegas, not New York, Miami, or the ill-conceived NCIS).
I agree. the New York one isn't all bad but the NCIS is awefull!
I love Futurama, and am excited that Fox is bringing it back. I'd like to rent the earlier seasons and watch them some time.
They're bring that back!? Awesome, I loved that show! I've seen every episode and have been watching the reruns on the Cartoon Network. I think Dr. Zoidberg is hilarious. Hermes always cracks me up to. I've been thinking about getting a bearded dragon and naming him Nibler. :D
The show I watch now that I really don't like to miss is "My name is Earl". That show is so funny and i love the consept of karma and going back to write all his wrongs. Jason Lee is hilarious! I've seen all the movies he's been in and he makes me laugh in all of them. One word: Mallrats. :D His brother Randy is awesome. The big dumb guy with a heart of gold. It's cool he follows his brother in his quest to make his life better.
Conan is the best late night talk show host EVER. :D No offence to Mr. Carson but Conan just makes me smile. He makes me laugh so hard sometimes that it hurts and I have to change the channel to get a break.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
03-02-2006, 11:20 PM
Monk. Mystery and humor put together at last!
Farimir Captain of Gondor
03-02-2006, 11:47 PM
Monk. Mystery and humor put together at last!
I just can't get into Monk for some reason. I really like Tony Shaloub( I know i spelled that wrong, sorry). He was awesome on Wings. Another show I miss and havn't seen reruns for ages.
One show I can't wait to come back to USA is The 4400. I was glad when they decided to make it a series and not just end with the mini-series thing. That show keeps you guessing. Like, how is this person suppose to change the world for the better when all they do is kill people? I can't wait for it to start again. :D
Thain Peregrin Took I
03-03-2006, 12:29 AM
I just can't get into Monk for some reason. I really like Tony Shaloub( I know i spelled that wrong, sorry). He was awesome on Wings. Another show I miss and havn't seen reruns for ages.
You don't like Monk?? :eek: :eek:
I'd have to say that Monk and Myth Busters are my favorite TV series. Both very cool. :cool:
03-03-2006, 01:30 AM
Are Thain and Meriadoc the one & same members? I've been puzzling on that for a few days now... Hmmm...
The Sopranos finally starts its new season, MARCH 12, YOU GUYS!!! :) :D :) :D :)
Hey, also there's this new show starting in a few days on HBO about polygamy, called Big Love I think. A Mormon guy with three competing wives and seven kids; one big happy family. This oughta be interesting. :rolleyes:
Rev. Justin Timberlake
03-03-2006, 02:49 AM
Conan is the best late night talk show host EVER. :D Agreed. He only needs to stare at the camera, and I burst out laughing.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
03-03-2006, 02:33 PM
Are Thain and Meriadoc the one & same members? I've been puzzling on that for a few days now... Hmmm...
We're sisters. ;)
The Simpsons is my favourite. I don't really watch tv that much, but there's some series I like. LOST is one of them. It just started again after a major break this wednesday, and I'm eager to see how it goes.
A new series here in Norway, is one called Supernatural, which is quite cool, though it's kind of dumb as well. Good entertainment.
The last sane person
03-03-2006, 04:00 PM
Hey, also there's this new show starting in a few days on HBO about polygamy, called Big Love I think. A Mormon guy with three competing wives and seven kids; one big happy family. This oughta be interesting. :rolleyes:
Oh hell yeah! At first I wanted to name it "Mullahs in America" (hopes to god I dont get flamed) I was laughing SO damn hard during the trailer they had for it.
Personally, even though I dont like TV, I do like Myth busters!
Rev. Justin Timberlake
03-03-2006, 04:57 PM
A new series here in Norway, is one called Supernatural, which is quite cool, though it's kind of dumb as well. Good entertainment.I've seen every episode thus far. It's a different mini-story each episode, and it tries to maintain an arc, but IMO it moves too slowly. You'd like this if you liked Buffy and/or Angel. The production qualities are much better.
Rev. Justin Timberlake
03-03-2006, 05:05 PM
Personally, even though I dont like TV, I do like Myth busters!They're interesting. I especially liked the rocket-powered Chevy episode.
03-03-2006, 05:21 PM
Everything over here is either 'reality show' or a 'ghost hunt' type show. There must be five or six of each on currently.
I hate mythbusters and am bored stiff by all the 'spiritual hunters'. After all I know Trolls are real and Hobbits so what do I care about anything else. :D
Thain Peregrin Took I
03-17-2006, 12:32 AM
Personally, even though I dont like TV, I do like Myth busters!
Yay! :D
They're interesting. I especially liked the rocket-powered Chevy episode.
I've actually never seen that episode, but it sounds really good! There's not that many that I haven't seen, but those are the ones I really want to see.
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