View Full Version : bb, introduction to master tater

09-30-1999, 12:05 AM
Episode 1 a brand new hope a long long time ago, in bb far far way... the three administraters bmilder, ryan, and tater turned a once thriving bb into a bb of evil and destruction. with there combined strengths, they conquered the bb and slaughtered the great defenders, also known as the potatoe race. with no one to stop them, the bb is surely doomed. althought the administraters believe that the potatoes are extinct, there is still one in hiding. he is the only remaining hope for the revival of this bb. now that he learned the three administraters are arriving to taters empire planet aboard the secret ship, he knows it is time to strike. it is time for master tater to strike... try to imagine this with the main sw theme

09-30-1999, 12:07 AM

Darth Tater
09-30-1999, 12:13 AM
You obvioulsy know that I'm the real Tater. I hope you're not trying to impersinate me, because that won't be accepted. Otherwise, you can go about your business.

09-30-1999, 12:41 AM
So, master tater, you ready to be made into tater tots too? :) AND NO USING MY NAME IN A SILLY POST! Thats a new rule-i just made it *flex* Well i guess that rules gone now...

Darth Tater
10-01-1999, 08:51 PM
Ryan that's an interesting rule. I'd make it too, but I'm the Emperor, and I'm silly.

10-03-1999, 03:07 PM
How dare you impersonate Lord Tater! You will pay!

10-03-1999, 08:18 PM
Well then!

Young Tater
10-04-1999, 12:18 AM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I have finally resurfaced, more powerful than you can ever imagine!!!! As i had promised, i would be part of a great empire (thanx master tater) to wipe out yours, darth tater. Nobody can stop me now!! Not even the dark lord tater!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

10-04-1999, 09:04 PM
i hav an acustion to make: ryan is really a kid named roman who goes to my school. apearently, he nd ben hav kept this a secret from me, but at last i hav figured it out!!!

10-04-1999, 10:33 PM
This guy is strange! Is there something wrong woth him?

10-04-1999, 11:18 PM
if ryan is roman, then who is tater?identify yourself tater! what is your real name? ben said he did nt know, but i think he is lying. he would not make someone an administrater with out knowing there name. identify yourself!

10-05-1999, 12:20 AM
er um...roman? No....i'm really a guy named Ryan. And I don't go to "woodrow wilson", much less know where it is in the first place. Stop making up lies, plz.

10-05-1999, 08:32 PM
i know its u roman. i know. u even suggested it to me with that stupid smirk on your face when i asked you in english class today! btw master tater, i know who that idiot darth tater is: larry!!! dont deny it. u even suggested it to me with that stupid smirk on your face when i asked you during lunch today!

Darth Tater
10-05-1999, 10:55 PM
Well, greg and jae, now you guys know the truth. I must say this whole thing is very childish.

10-05-1999, 11:03 PM
I'm not sure that they believe the truth. I just hope that potential users aren't turned away by this whole thing...

Young Tater
10-06-1999, 08:17 PM
ok, i believe u guys. anyway, lets get back to the point of this section: the potato takover of the (edited) Darth Taters empire. Lets get started.

10-06-1999, 08:20 PM
I'm closing this for obvious reasons. (I've always wanted to say that :D) </td></tr><tr><font color="green"><td valign=top bgcolor="tan">Ryan6233 (server3.ezboard/uryan6233.showPublicProfile) (I forgot the time)344.34.345.345</td><td bgcolor="blue">Re:bb, introduction to master tater<hr>Ok, since I can't add a post to this anymore, I decided to edit bens post and add me a new little part of the table :) Hope you don't mind, ben :). Anyways, I want to make this clear-I'm NOT roman..and I DON'T go to WWM(although it might be nice, cause then i could beat your @$$) hehehe..and if your gonna make me someone else, be sure to pick someone cool :) OH MY GOD I MESSED UP THIS WHOLE BOARD....AGAIN! </font> [b]Many appologies for the many edits-i needed to get this right :)

Darth Tater
10-21-2000, 09:01 PM
this is called bringing up a scandal ;)

The One Ring
10-21-2000, 09:17 PM
Oh no.... I'm having flashbacks to a year ago. For a moment I thought that this whole ugly matter had resurfaced again, but I suppose it's just an annual memorial service.

10-21-2000, 10:11 PM
TOR!!! Where in Middle-earth have you been?? Welcome back! :)

Johnny Lurker
10-22-2000, 04:37 AM

10-22-2000, 12:55 PM
It is just one of the examples of the antics that can get you banned for life from Entmoot. :)

Darth Tater
10-22-2000, 01:26 PM
That was a long night.

The One Ring
10-23-2000, 12:04 AM
anduin: Busy. See my "I have returned!" thread for details.

10-23-2000, 11:16 AM
Hehe, yeah I saw that right after I made my post. Glad to have you back. :)