View Full Version : Dr Who returns!
03-19-2005, 09:54 PM
Well just a week left to it returning. As a kid I can just about remember the Patrick Troughton version, grew up with the Jon Pertwee version but most enjoyed the Tom Baker version.
Anyone looking forward to it? Christophe Ecclestone is a great actor (and the other half fancies him), Billie Piper might not be a great actress but I quite fancy her, and apparently they've spent a few quid on special effects for a change.
Me, I always thought the cybermen were scarier than the daleks. But I still remember the Sea Devils too, and the Pyramids of Mars, and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stuart, and the invasion of the unconvincing green crinkly things, etc
I am looking forward to it, but, I dont think anyone could out do Tom Baker. Tom Baker is the only Dr. Who that matters. He is the only one who looks like a timelord. He's got the white 'fro goin on. Plus, he had the hottest "assistants".
03-20-2005, 07:43 AM
certainly looking forward to it, the reviews have been good and the FX decent looking (wonder if that in a nostalgic sense a good thing?).
Tom Baker best Doc of course! Is there going to be another Brigadeer i wonder? yeah im very hopeful for it. :)
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2005, 11:13 AM
My roommate e-mailed this review to me last week.
I know we won't get Doctor Who here in the States for quite some time, but it's something to look forward to. I first saw the Tom Baker episodes and loved them (cheesy effects and all...) and thought that Colin Baker was the best Doctor.
Herewith is the review:
March 09, 2005
Doctor Who - The first review
By Nigel Kendall
It's a funny feeling. When the dum-de-dum, dum-de-dum starts, and the
new-look title sequence begins, the hairs on your arms stand up, and a
smile fixes itself, rictus-like, to your face. This warm feeling alone
enough to transport you blithely through the first five minutes of the
Doctor Who before any critical faculties kick in. And when they do, you
realise that you're enjoying yourself.
Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is a sharp-tongued northerner with a
line in fast patter, prone to endearing bouts of incredible
while Billie Piper makes a great Noughties assistant, a can-do girl who
doesn't need to carry a baseball bat to prove her point.
For me personally, the storyline of the first 45-minute episode
have been better chosen. The living showroom dummies that are the
scared the hell out of me when I was a child, and it's gratifying that
their 2005 digitally enhanced counterparts remain delightfully creepy.
then, what I think doesn't count. For the new Doctor Who to succeed, it
needs to invade and capture the playground, not the office.
It's a challenge that the show's main writer and co-producer Russell T.
Davies (best known for Queer as Folk and the current Casanova)
with characteristic flamboyance. As well as the requisite monsters, the
first episode is dotted with sight gags and in-jokes, and is set in a
recognisably modern Britain. "If I can make schoolkids frightened of
wheelie-bins on Monday morning, I'll have done my job," Davies has
The chances of him succeeding are impossible to gauge on one episode
since so much exposition is required - meet the new Doctor, meet the
assistant, meet the sonic screwdriver, tour the Tardis, explain what a
timelord is - that defeating the evil, mannequin-controlling blob of
that's come to wipe out humanity is almost incidental.
In fact, the show may have benefited from a good, old-fashioned
ending, but in the brave new Doctor Who, only four of the 13 episodes
be two-part adventures, the remainder being self-contained 45-minute
laden with special effects from the London-based company that won an
for its work on Gladiator, and tailed with a 30-second preview of the
scariest bits of next week's show.
I recently asked a 15-year-old boy what he thought about the return of
Doctor Who as a regular serial. "I know what it was," he told me of the
show (that was axed before he was born), "but I've never seen it."
I'll be setting the video for every episode of the new series, and
through it all. Not sure about him, though.
Nigel Kendall is Deputy Editor of The Eye, the weekly film, music and
television supplement in The Times every Saturday
New BBC Dr Who Episode Leaked Onto Internet
Mike Slocombe
08 March 05
An episode of the new series of the sci-fi drama Doctor Who has been
onto the Internet, three weeks before the series is expected to begin
BBC One.
The 45 minute episode was being downloaded from at least three bit
sites yesterday, although is unclear whether it was the final cut or
mid-production 'rushes'.
Dr Who was first shown on BBC1 in 1963 and its cheap'n'cheerful props,
tech production values and less-than-convincing monsters managed to
several generation of viewers.
Under a hail of protests from its hardcore fans, the series - the
longest-running science-fiction television programme - ended in 1989,
a one-off movie reprise in 1996.
Reuters are reporting that the BBC is looking into the possible today,
"This is a significant breach of copyright which is currently under
investigation," a BBC spokeswoman told Reuters. Commenting on where it
from, they said, "The source of it appears to be connected to our
co-production partner," she added, referring to the Canadian
In 2003, Dr Who was voted the show people would most like to see back
on TV.
The eagerly awaited new series, filmed in Wales, features the well
respected actor Christopher Eccleston as Dr Who, with former teen pop
singer Billie Piper as his assistant.
Naturally, we wouldn't get involved in illegal downloads, but reports
suggest that the new series has lost none of its kitschy appeal, with a
bizarre plot involving man-eating dustbins and animated mannequins.
Apparently, the Doctor is still flying around the Universe in his
Tardis, although the interior has changed with a darker interior and
hi-tech gadgetry.
In one scene, the Doctor watches the Kennedy assassination - a knowing
reference to the first-ever episode of the series, which was screened
that fateful day.
Some American sites who have viewed the episode are already giving it
than flattering reviews, but we suspect that's as much to do with the
cultural differences as anything else.
After all, if you haven't grown up under the threat of the evil Daleks,
could you ever expect anyone to 'get' Dr Who?
:cool: :)
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2005, 11:15 AM
I am looking forward to it, but, I dont think anyone could out do Tom Baker. Tom Baker is the only Dr. Who that matters. He is the only one who looks like a timelord. He's got the white 'fro goin on. Plus, he had the hottest "assistants".
Hmmm...methinks Beor is a Leela fan... :D :D :D
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-22-2005, 08:54 PM
i never liked dr who, and won't watch the new ones, but tom baker is the best
also, in a star trek episode, deanna troi is looking at a list of names on a computer screen, and all of the names are the names of all the dr who actors :eek: gene roddenberry was a huuuge dr who fan, apparently
The Beor is a Leela fan. ;)
03-23-2005, 01:21 AM
Tom Baker? Ye buncha heathens... clearly the only Doctor worth watching was Patrick Troughton's! :mad:
Ach, now I've said me piece, I'm going back into hibernation. :rolleyes:
Good! Git on, ya Tom Baker hater!! Git on!!!
(Whats up, Beard?)
03-28-2005, 02:04 AM
i watched the leaked first episode weeks ago, thought it was very mediocre.
05-27-2006, 02:56 PM
Well, this is a pretty old thread, considering that in the UK we're now in the middle of the second new series. I know the first one has reached the US now too. So any thoughts?
I've never seen any of the old Dr Who episodes (I think I was three when it ended...) but with nothing to compare it to I like the new ones. I'm still a little unconvinced by David Tennant - sometimes he's great and sometimes just way over the top. Maybe it's meant to be like that though :D
05-27-2006, 03:41 PM
I watched the first new season very diligently, and I watched the first ep for the David Tennet series, but I've been a bit lax in ... acquiring... the following episodes. Nothing against David Tennet as he was great in the xmas special, but the first episode of the new season was a bit off-putting.
05-28-2006, 03:52 AM
I'm really enjoying the first new season that they are finally showing in the US. Rose is great. It's too bad that the new Doctor doesn't seem to be as good as Ecclewhat'shisname.
but I've been a bit lax in ... acquiring... the following episodes. BearofPants
This scares me. If Anna doesn't like it then the second season must really suck. ...Wait, that didn't sound right. I mean that Anna has a good nose for quality and if she can't be bothered to "aquire" the new episodes then that doesn't bode too well.
06-03-2006, 03:26 PM
I watched the first new season very diligently, and I watched the first ep for the David Tennet series, but I've been a bit lax in ... acquiring... the following episodes. Nothing against David Tennet as he was great in the xmas special, but the first episode of the new season was a bit off-putting.
The one with the cat-nuns? I was put off that one by the "New New York" rip-off from Futurama (there's homage, and then there's just unoriginality :rolleyes: ) and the heavy-handed metaphor about cloning/genetic research. Some of the episodes are better than that though.
06-11-2006, 12:09 PM
When anyone complains that a particular Doctor isn't like another of their personal more beloved ones, I think... Well that's the point of being a Time Lord isn't it! Change.
03-14-2008, 04:17 PM
Soon, soon, soon we'll have the fourth series!:D Been re-watching season 1 and 2 with a poor friend who has missed them (lucky me, being forced to watch them again!), and we'll try watching season 3 before this new one begins..
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-17-2008, 06:39 PM
Nerdanel, when does it come out?
03-17-2008, 06:57 PM
Nerdanel, when does it come out?
From what I've heard, within a month. I can't find the exact date, not even on their webpage, so I guess it's not official yet. But anyway, around the second or third week of April, I'd say.
I so look forward to that.. :D
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-17-2008, 10:56 PM
From what I've heard, within a month. I can't find the exact date, not even on their webpage, so I guess it's not official yet. But anyway, around the second or third week of April, I'd say.
I so look forward to that.. :D
YEAH!!!!!!! I can't wait! :D
03-19-2008, 07:13 PM
At the moment, I'm showing Doctor Who, season 2 to a couple of friends.. They have some catching up to do. ;) And in the meantime, I'm gettin incredibly impatient. I want the Doctor, now. :D
And where is Draken, who started this thread? I miss him!
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-20-2008, 10:14 AM
I know!!! I need to tie up the loose ends that were left by last season.
03-22-2008, 06:45 AM
April 5th!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-22-2008, 09:37 AM
April 5th!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
03-22-2008, 11:39 AM
03-27-2008, 09:10 AM
Well Torchwood is coming to an end, so it MUST be about time for Doctor Who to start again!
Mixed feelings on the last series. "Daleks of Manhattan" easily the worst thing since they resurrected the series. John Simm a brilliant (if somewhat Simon Pegg-ish) Master in the finale - but otherwise it got all overblown and gushing, as Mr Davies seems increasingly prone to do. On the plus side, "Family of Blood/Human Nature" was excellent and "Blink" was, quite probably, the best stand-alone episode of sci-fi ever televised, anywhere, anywhen.
DT is a great actor, not being used to his full potential yet I don't think, but I still have some serious doubts about assistant choice post-Rose.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-27-2008, 09:13 AM
I have to say that I wasn't a fan of "Daleks of Manhattan" either. But I do think that David Tennent is AWESOME!!!!
03-27-2008, 09:13 AM
And two asides:
1) I can't believe it was three years ago that I started this thread!
2) Put Peri down as my favourite assistant, though admittedly not on acting grounds.
03-27-2008, 03:32 PM
Peri? Hush yer mouth! :mad:
My favourite doctor/companion play off is still patrick troughton's Doctor & Jamie.
I agree re: the finale for season 3 - it sucks monkey scrotums. Davies is overly gushy at the best of times, but that was taking it to a whole 'nother level of gushy-dom. Blergh.
Also agree re: Blink. Good stuff.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-27-2008, 05:38 PM
Troghton? No, no. You want TOM BAKER! He's the man!
05-08-2008, 06:42 PM
For the first time, I'm a bit sceptic about watching the next Doctor Who episode.. >.<
06-08-2008, 02:50 PM
Is anyone else caught up on Series 4 so far? I'm basically loving every minute of it. I wasn't so sold on "Silence in the Library," but the second part ("Forest of the Dead") I enjoyed much more!
06-08-2008, 06:02 PM
Oh, yeah. Steven Moffat is a great writer - Blink in season 3, and now this! Brilliant. Mind ****ing, too. X) I'm loving it.
06-30-2008, 08:50 AM
I cannot wait for the last episode of this season.. The last one just managed to surprise me a million times. And combining three shows in one is pretty scary, I have to say. Nice to see all of them again, though.
And I just love the fact that Dawkins was there, too. :D
07-01-2008, 08:47 PM
I cannot wait for the last episode of this season.. The last one just managed to surprise me a million times. And combining three shows in one is pretty scary, I have to say. Nice to see all of them again, though.
And I just love the fact that Dawkins was there, too. :D
I liked this last episode more than I thought I would. Not familiar with the Sara Jane spinoff, but I admit a guilty addiction to Torchwood, so I enjoyed those scenes. The idea of this mega-crossover worked better than I was thinking it would, and I actually really enjoyed the return of a certain former prime minister. Excited for the end, certainly!
07-13-2008, 02:03 AM
I didn't like the final episode as much as I thought I would... it was all so contrived... I don't know. And Donna's fate was not satisfying. At all. I really grew to like her this season, in fact much more than Rose or Martha, I think, for her being in ways much more mature. Oh well! Still a decent season.
I would spoiler this if I could figure out how, so I'll be vague instead: the best part of the whole episode was the major villain -- I was completely entertained by his presence.
07-13-2008, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I liked the previous episode a lot more than the finale, too. It did tie up some things and explain other things, but in all, everything just went back to the way it was.. I really liked Donna as well, it was a shame that she's out - and as someone said, that was the worst fate thus far for a companion. The Doctor should've just let her die - but I guess he's pretty done with everyone dying.
And even I don't have any kind of addiction to Torchwood, in fact I've watched one episode and was quite disappointed ;), I just loved the Captain's comment after the metacrisis: "I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now." XD That was so like him..
So, now we have to wait until 2010, apart from some specials.. >.< I'll die.
07-13-2008, 07:10 PM
And even I don't have any kind of addiction to Torchwood, in fact I've watched one episode and was quite disappointed ;), I just loved the Captain's comment after the metacrisis: "I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now." XD That was so like him..
Oh it's true, Torchwood is no great series or anything, but I get my sci-fi fix where I can and the zingers from Jack and Ianto make it enjoyable. :D
2010, I know! But, I guess it's good in a way, to make the transition from Davies to Moffatt heading things up a bit easier.
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