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03-22-2000, 02:59 AM
What aromas do you like? I love the smell of chocolate :) . It might sound weird, but I also like the smell of gasoline (sort of :p ), the fresh scent of a newly opened plastic toy, and the smell of those alcohol swabs doctors use on your before giving shots :p .

03-22-2000, 03:55 AM
The chocolate one I understand......but petroleum products and alcohol? Good lord man!

Maybe you should stay away from glue and magic markers. ;)

I love the smell of dirt, wet or dry.

03-22-2000, 04:11 AM
Ponderosa pines, tomato gardens, baking cookies, old books, babies, rosin, lemon cleaner stuff.

03-22-2000, 05:39 AM
Ben, you must`ve been bored. I am tonight so I`ll answer. I love the smell of tulips and hyacinths and also lilacs. And I love when someone cooks with garlic and onions. What a wonderful aroma. And I love the smell of raked leaves on a fall day. But my favorite smell is newly mown grass. Nohing tops that!

Fat middle
03-22-2000, 09:23 AM
The countryside after the rain! and also the scent of books (not only old ones), i often smell the book i´m reading.

But i hate the smell of perfums! especially at cosmetic sections in supermarkets. If i can, i always avoid to pass through :x

03-22-2000, 01:57 PM
I love the smell of spring, when the ice is melting and you can hear the birds sing for the first time each year. There is something special about that smell that comes after a rainfall. I think I like most of the smells associated with flowers and nature. I also like the smell of a good steak :) .

I also agree with fatt middle, on books. I smell them too while reading.

The One Ring
03-22-2000, 10:02 PM
There are certainly a lot of book smellers out there.... I count myself among them. Also, I like the forest after a rainstorm, and the smell of some really good foods, depending I what I feel like eating.

Darth Tater
03-23-2000, 12:55 AM
My absolute favorite smells would have to be dead skunk and goat manure.

03-23-2000, 02:54 AM
I never realized how many other book smellers are out there. :) Anyone else?

Btw, the next time I bury my nose into the spine of a book and inhale deeply....I will think of you two. ;)

03-23-2000, 03:35 AM
You like the smell of old books? The really old ones from the library smell just awful IMO. New books are ok though :) . I never really smell perfume because my mom is very allergic to fragrances, so we have to make sure none of us wear it. So I guess I can safely say I don't like them :p

03-23-2000, 04:18 AM
Life :smokin:

Fat middle
03-23-2000, 06:33 PM
hey Spock, don´t smoke here: this is a thread about good smells! :p

... well i can admit it if it´s Longbottom Leaf :)

03-24-2000, 05:50 AM

03-25-2000, 03:53 AM
:smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

OK, the aroma of incense when you enter The Temple of Heaven in Beijing.

03-25-2000, 03:04 PM
I like the scent of new cars...anything on the BBQ...most foods...and I love the scent of spring :D Gasoline? The alcohol used for shots is ok (;) )

03-25-2000, 07:38 PM
campfires, as long as the wind isn't blowing toward you, and as long as there aren't any plastic forks that silly people have thrown in.

03-25-2000, 08:20 PM
Oh yeah, I like that smell of burning outside, often from campfires, too :)

03-26-2000, 02:02 AM
What a coincident....I am having a bonfire tonight. And I agree...fires outdoors do smell wonderful......ahhhh...I can smell it now. :)

Son of the Suns I
09-25-2000, 02:49 PM
I love the smell of JC Penney's and Pier 1 Imports.. I'm not sure why.

09-25-2000, 04:49 PM
:p I like the smell of books too but only if they're taken care of. I adore the smell of coconut, and thus also that surfboard wax people use. I like the smell of Downy fabric softener sheets and Irish Spring soap and the smell of the beach (except for when there's red tide)

09-25-2000, 07:25 PM
I have a new found love for the smell of English breakfast tea.

dunedain lady
09-25-2000, 07:44 PM
Books, cats, chocolate, baking cookies, rain, freshly xeroxed papers (okay, so I'm weird), cinnamon, nutmeg, molten lead (I do stained glass), incense, my violin.

09-25-2000, 09:22 PM
In no particular order...



a real fresh tomato

rich, freshly dug soil

a healthy lake or pond


pipe tobacco

my kitchen at anytime

fresh sheets off the clothesline


magnolias (eat your hearts out, Yankees & Canadians!)



fresh cut grass (if someone else did it)


the sea

the piney woods


hot fresh-baked goods right out of the oven

the Mrs' hair

Diamonds or Passion by Elizabeth Taylor (or whatever else the Mrs wears, she makes 'em smell better than in the bottle!)

sandlewood incense (other varieties, too)

a new car!

Shanamir Duntak
09-26-2000, 01:10 AM
A warm and windy fall day when your near the woods... like today...

My girlfriend personnal scent, steak, !!!poutine!!!

aryne took
09-26-2000, 04:12 AM
burning wood & paper, definitely. also rain on a field, & this one smell that sort of permeates Heidelburg, Ger. - sort of wet & fresh & old at the same time. it just smells like what i imagined Europe would be. (awesome city, btw). also hyacinths, just after an entire flower stalk is opened. it's fresher that way.

Ben, i know what you mean about gasoline - i like it too. (of course, i'm also one of the few people who likes the smell of magic markers...)

aryne *

09-26-2000, 08:32 PM
Gas :p
Boot Rubber
Burning wood

Shanamir Duntak
09-30-2000, 12:13 AM
POUTINE I tell you!
I can smell it miles away!

09-30-2000, 12:14 AM
Popcorn, chocolate, fresh mountin air, leprechauns

10-28-2000, 01:18 AM
home baked bread just before it comes out of the oven, hickory smoke from the grill, sassafras and lavender. Also, it may sound odd, but the smell of a horse :)

Johnny Lurker
10-28-2000, 04:25 AM
You guys do know that gasoline fumes are 1) addictive and 2) carcinogenic, right?

dunedain lady
10-28-2000, 10:24 PM
Another one to add...the smell of Mr. Ring's room. It's the room we have forensics meetings in, and it has its own distinctive odor of books, papers, unmentionable sticky stuff stuck under desks, a great deal of dust, and the interesting combined odors of our forensics teammates.

10-30-2000, 04:25 AM
yes, i do know that about gasoline fumes. but i figure that with the way the world is going now, i'll get cancer at least once, so it's futile to be paranoid about it.

aryne *

11-20-2000, 02:54 AM
It's scary how many people like sniffing gas...

My faves are:

Cats (Marlu is in my lap right now), chocolate, vanilla, toffee, strawberries (What? So I like swwet things!!), burning wood/paper, just before rain/Rain/Just after rain, smoke (just keep the plastic away!), old books (once I borrowed a book that smelt like chocolate!), the sea, rainforests, nature in general, insence and sandlewood.

11-20-2000, 04:22 AM
my cats feel better than then smell - feelings of warmth & fuzziness & catlike is preferable to the scent of catfood & the strange personal odor of one of mine.

aryne *

X Rogue
11-20-2000, 04:40 PM
In no order, red pepper, olive oil (good olive oil!), cedar, baking pizza, fresh french fries (taters,hehe),lemon oil furniture polish, (the oil itself, not the stuff in the can w/ propellant, and chocolate. Good chocolate.
Shan, what does a poutin actually smell like? I've never even *seen* one.

11-20-2000, 11:41 PM
Poutine is LIKE cheese fries, but is NOT LIKE cheese fries.

Shan will give you a lecture about it.

X Rogue
11-21-2000, 02:07 PM
Ya, I know what it is, cause I saw a previous thread that talked about it. Shan had a lot to say.;)

11-22-2000, 04:00 PM
I love the smell of bensin.

(Don't get me wrong, though. :lol: )

Some books smell nice as well.

Elbreth of Carhouth
11-24-2000, 05:43 AM

dunedain lady
11-24-2000, 10:19 PM
SahanaElf, you've been to the rainforest? Nifty!
That's another one of my favorite smells I need to add to my list. Sort of a warm, wet, furry, green smell.

Elbreth of Carhouth
11-25-2000, 05:46 AM
I've thought of two more, don't know how I missed them the first time...

Lilacs, my favourite flower...
And woodsmoke

10-06-2002, 02:28 AM
Hmmm... what an interesting topic.

Let's see... I love the smell of a new car, the smoke of burning leaves on a fall day, fresh cut grass, and rain. But I think the dirt smell that you get after plowing peanuts is probably my favorite. I guess that's just the farmboy in me. :)

durin's bane
10-06-2002, 11:50 AM
freshly washed sheets smell nice...and fresh pepper corn sauce. and fruit loops. that cereal smells good.

10-06-2002, 12:08 PM
OOOH! Khamul, I missed this, thanks for digging it up. I go straight for the primal sense of smell. Another way to "time travel"! I haven't read all of these, I will though. I have youngsters breathing down my back to "hurry up! mom" and get off the computer. I love the smell of my grandma (she's dead, but every now and again, I'll smell a smell that reminds me of her), Sometimes if you go upstairs in an old house, the second floor will have a warm from the rising heat smell, that is reminiscent of old days, third floors are even better! Also, babies heads, the baby scalp smell, especially "your baby", is heaven, puppy breath, that sweet happy smell of puppy chow, blown and licked all over your face by a wiggly puppy. I also like the smell of people I love, their signature scent, you know, my mother's perfume, (Paris), my husband, my little boy's "blankie" etc... mmmmmn, smells! :)

10-06-2002, 02:39 PM
OOOH! Khamul, I missed this, thanks for digging it up. I go straight for the primal sense of smell. Another way to "time travel"!

If I'm correctly smells can trigger a lot of memories. :)

As for me:

chocolate (off course! :))
our spice cupboard: I don't know what sorts of spices are in there -I bet lots- and I certainly don't know their names in English but the combination of all those spices smell wonderful. It's difficult to describe. It reminds me of a warm summerday and the same time of a cosy hearthfire in winter.
our garden after rain: It's sweet and fresh at the same time and it's such a rare smell, you don't get it every downpour. Just once in a while.
my pillow: when I smell it, I remember all those hours I spend being smugly curled up in my warm cosy bed at mornings when the sun is making the curtains glow, especially those times when you don't have to mind the alarm clock.

sigh...*dreamy look*

Treebeard's apprentice
10-06-2002, 02:46 PM
bananas and/or oranges
any girl's hair
books (did you know that a newly opened deck of cards smells very similiar to a new book?)
my house (especially the basement)
new-car (I heard not too long ago that if you drive around too much in a new car with the windows rolled up, it can make you sick. Too many cleaning chemicals)

As a rule, I generally dislike any non-natural smell, like potpourri, air freshener, or cologne unless its covering up some other nasty smell.

Also, after working on a farm near my house a few years ago, I've become used to the stinky cow smell. It actually reminds me of that summer I worked there, which was kind of fun in a way.

10-06-2002, 03:31 PM
"Nothing smells as good as a new book, especially if you get your nose right down in the binding, where you can still catch an acrid tang of the glue. The only thing close is the peppery smell of an old one. The odor of an old book is the odor of history, and for me, the look of a new one is still the look of the future." ~Stephen King

I couldn't agree more. :)

Other smells I love: freshly photocopied papers, my pillow (for the same reasons as you, Earniel!), warm cookies, my dog when she's just woken up from a nap (I know it sounds crazy but she just smells so wonderful!), Snuggle laundry sheets, vanilla, my Mango Mandarin body splash from Bath & Body Works, baby powder (the real stuff, not the scent that deodorants use), lemonade on a warm summer day, my favorite sheets when they've just been washed, Pleasures for men :D, apple cider/butter, Craker Barrel biscuits, curry and rice being cooked

10-06-2002, 05:06 PM
Mowed lawns, hair, *some* cooking smells, daffodils in spring (now!), the smell of the ocean after a storm, puppy smell, a good wine, that slightly tangy smell that men get combined with aftershave, my shampoo, freshly ground coffee beans, yeasty bread from the bakery, pine trees, my perfume (BLV), my folio copies of LOTR (!), a good balsamic vinegar (drool), fresh sheets and clothes just out of the wash, the spring buds on trees, tree sap, the smell of cows and cow manure....

10-06-2002, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Khamûl
Hmmm... what an interesting topic.

Let's see... I love the smell of a new car, the smoke of burning leaves on a fall day, fresh cut grass, and rain. But I think the dirt smell that you get after plowing peanuts is probably my favorite. I guess that's just the farmboy in me. :)

Hey, Khamûl, mah daddy's frum Etlanna, Jawja (Atlanta, Georgia for those that can't speak southern :D ). There's lots of good smells over there from good Southern cookin'! I'll have to ask him if he has ever smelled the "plowed peanut" smell. I think my aunt knew a relation of Jimmy Carter's, speaking of peanut farms.

Do y'all over in Alabama use the expression "make a picture"? My aunt always says "y'all come over heah so I can make your picture next to your daddy". That expression always makes me smile. It may just be a generational thing, however, because she is in her 70's. BTW - I'm going to see "Sweet Home Alabama" in a few hours, I'll look for you :D Will you be wearing your black cloak, boots, etc. and riding your black horse, as usual?

BoP - the smell of cows and cow manure??? Why? Did you grow up around them? Now I would say I like horse smells, even horse manure doesn't smell bad to me (I've shovelled plenty of it) because I grew up around them, but I sure don't like cow smells!! Oh well, glad someone likes them, I'm sure you made many cows happy by your post! :D I kept my horse's halter for many years after I had to sell him, and would just occasionally smell it to bring back all the nice memories....

10-06-2002, 06:29 PM
One of the girls in my dorm has a bread maker...mmmmmm
I also love the musty smell of autum leaves

10-06-2002, 06:35 PM
Oh, bread - how did I not think of that!! Yum!! I have a great biscuit recipe from my Southern grandmother.

10-06-2002, 07:18 PM
Aaah, the south, 'tis a wonderful place, no? :D My Yankee cousins from Misourri always make fun of me for saying y'all a lot, and I simply say that it's a perfectly legitimate word - you+all = y'all! It's a contraction! :D But anyway, back on topic...

I also like the smell of fall - the crisp leaves, the air turning cooler, it's wonderful! And the smell of new carpet - anyone else like that? I don't know why, it's just so fresh and crisp!

10-06-2002, 07:26 PM
Lizra: I love the way babies smell, too

10-06-2002, 08:09 PM
*Shrug* I just like the way cows smell. I didn't grow up on a farm or anything, but my parents had a lifestyle block, and sometimes we'd have cows. I love cows. They're big, and friendly. Generally. 'Cept when they used to chase my mother. :D

10-06-2002, 08:19 PM
Books, absolutely, inscense, candles, pine trees, walnuts, woddsmoke, HORSE!!!!, rain, apple pie, Leslie Barn smell (ok I know that doesn't make any sense but believe me it sure smells good!!!) uhh, steak smell, pizza, I guess the smell of my room, this great saddle cleaner stuff I had...

10-06-2002, 08:59 PM
christmas trees, cinamon, spice cookies, hot cocoa, this neat herb tea I have called 'english toffee'

10-06-2002, 11:19 PM
lol Elenka, horses definitely, and i have this saddle soap that comes in this orange pot, it smells all lemony, i love that! I love the smell of my olive tree in the spring, lilacs, rain, fall, cloves and chai tea, and coffee, and my new pencil case, and pencil shavings...

10-07-2002, 02:04 AM
I really like the smell of petrol. I don't go and sniff it, but I really like getting a whiff at the petrol station. I also like the smell of my dog, the air just before it rains and yummy food. Sometimes I catch the smell of chicken or sasauges cooking and I think it smells yum and then I remember I don't eat meat. :rolleyes:

10-07-2002, 02:08 AM
Ugh. Chicken smells. Don't do anything for me since I've worked in KFC, and a supermarket churning out 100 of them a day. Yuck.

10-07-2002, 03:13 AM
I like the smell of freshly cooked oatmeal or pancakes... Mmmmmm..... :rolleyes: :D

Eruviel Greenleaf
10-07-2002, 05:02 AM
trees, apples, the ocean, old books...

10-07-2002, 06:26 AM
Oh yes, pancakes smell good too. (mmm, I'm getting hungry)

Another smell that I like is sandalwood. I've got this fan that's made out of small slices of sandalwood and it smells so good. I keep it in a box so the smell doesn't evaporate too quick and from time to time I take it out and get 'sandalwoodhigh'! :)

10-07-2002, 12:04 PM
Galadriel88 - yes, y'all is a great word, so much nicer than "you guys", which is what we usually use out here. But I don't use y'all out here, you get too many strange looks.

I liked the smell of the earth after a summer rainstorm in Georgia, which we would watch sitting on the porch swing. Her house isn't there anymore, though - it got demolished to make way for the Atlanta airport expansion. My dad had the porch swing packed up and sent out to California. He said nothing else fit him like that porch swing. My sisters and I will fight over it when my dad is gone, I'm sure! Lots of good memories.

10-07-2002, 12:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Erawyn
[B]lol Elenka, horses definitely, and i have this saddle soap that comes in this orange pot, it smells all lemony, i love that! I love the smell of my olive tree in the spring,

Are those Russian Olive trees? They have a small silver gray/white fuzzy type of leaf, and tiny white flowers in the spring, which smell wonderful. I planted two of these around a bench in part of my garden for this very reason! SMELL GOOD! :) Or do all olive tree smell this good!

Elfmaster XK
10-07-2002, 12:26 PM
I love old books, the salty sea, petrol (sorry to admit that but it's true...) and people. You know how people you know well have a smell, and when you're near something of thiers (like a jumper or T shirt) you know it's their's....ahhh....:rolleyes:

Bread, and fire also smell good! Mmmm, smoky smell...

Treebeard's apprentice
10-07-2002, 03:18 PM
Here's one I forgot:

The beach!! hahaha!

Has anyone ever seen that Seinfeld episode? Good stuff.

10-08-2002, 06:48 PM
[personaly i like the smell of wet dog!] no i like eggs!

10-08-2002, 09:39 PM
Are those Russian Olive trees?
Yep! Aren't they beautiful? I love that smell, although the pollen makes me sneeze!

Has anyone ever seen that Seinfeld episode? Good stuff.
yes I have!! gotta love Kramer :p

10-08-2002, 09:50 PM
chocolate, the ocean (and the smell of the beach), lilacs, clean hair, cloths in the dryer, rain, fresh turned earth, new mown grass

10-09-2002, 10:54 AM
Cinnamon bread/rolls, those big, warm, soft pretzels they make at the bowling alley, bacon.....

10-09-2002, 12:10 PM
corriander, the first cut grass of the spring and [edited] :D

10-09-2002, 12:13 PM
Ground nutmeg--but maybe that's been covered under "Christmas"? I love the smell of my cranberry scented candle. Musty books in used bookshops. Hot chocolate. New tennis balls (but don't sniff the container...:eek: )

10-09-2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Sween
corriander, the first cut grass of the spring and [edited] :D

I didn't want to be the first to say it.:D

Treebeard's apprentice
10-09-2002, 02:41 PM
[edited] :D

But seriously, how can you like that smell?!! That's disgusting. I hate [edited].
They shed hair & dander all over the place and poo in a box right in the damn house for anyone to smell! And don't get me started on cat-breath (although that might have something to do with that dry cereal-food that are forced to eat:)).

10-09-2002, 02:46 PM
not that kind of [edited], My cat bloddy stinks

10-09-2002, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Sween
not that kind of [edited], My cat bloddy stinks


why did this not surprise me:D

favourite smell:confused: .......... erm probably fresh coffee, a good brandy or when I open a new book:) I do like a lot of smells that remind me of when I was a kid tho'..........vanilla ice cream.....pine trees (christmas), that old-fashioned face powder only grannies wear..........that kinda thing:)

10-09-2002, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by osszie

why did this not surprise me:D

favourite smell:confused: .......... erm probably fresh coffee, a good brandy or when I open a new book:) I do like a lot of smells that remind me of when I was a kid tho'..........vanilla ice cream.....pine trees (christmas), that old-fashioned face powder only grannies wear..........that kinda thing:)

oh my gf got this perfume that makes her smell of vinilla ice cream :D . Its the daddy i must find out what it is and buy her lots.

oh and the smell of christmas that kinda piney smell. know what i mean? I love a smell that reminds me of people i love dearly. the smell of brandy will allways remind me of my sadly departed grandad bless his alcholic ways :D

10-09-2002, 10:42 PM
Keep this a PG-13 discussion. There are young members that visit here and we want to keep it appropriate for them.

10-10-2002, 01:06 AM
My favourite smells are rivers and forests, fresh coffee, and new books.

10-14-2002, 12:17 AM
Autumn, Jasmine, Lilacs, Strawberries.

03-28-2003, 10:03 PM
strawberries,pancakes,when u get a new pink eraser and other rubbeers & sometimes gas (from the gas station)

03-28-2003, 10:12 PM
THE NEW CAR SMELL!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! My mom (or mum) got a new car and I spent all of my time in it that I could! Then again, that was BEFORE I found the Moot... I know, it's really weird (the smell, not being addicted to the Moot);)

03-28-2003, 10:58 PM
Mmmmm.... I love the soap I have at the moment. It's called snow flake, and it smells of almond/marzepan (I know, marzepan is gross, but it smells nice...)

Elven Archer
03-28-2003, 11:37 PM
naming man made smells i like would be pointless cause there's so many and they keep coming up with more. although i will name one-cucumber melon.

One of my most favorite smells it when the honeysuckles are blooming and you walk outside and..mmmmm...smells so good!
and that smell of spring when the sweetgum trees have those little flowers on 'em and all the other stuff is blooming and it all blends together and it smells really good.

03-29-2003, 01:39 AM
I like alot of odd smells...

unlit menthol cigerettes
freshly lit matches
gasoline (not to get high, bad)
burnt chocolate (I know, you ask how chocolate can burn)
cooking rice
cherry juice
rasberry soap
teen spirit (I know, you're thinking way gross, but it smells clean)

03-29-2003, 10:24 AM
I love the smell of vannilla! Vanilla extract, candles, anything! Also I love the smell of rubbing alchohol, cooking pasta, incense, and of course the smell of spring and flowers!

03-29-2003, 11:09 AM
Me, too!! I absolutley LOVE the smell of anything vanilla. And my sister has this wonderful incense called Zen Garden and it smells AWESOME!!!:p

Jesus Freak
03-29-2003, 10:33 PM
peppermint patties
chocolate chip cookies on the oven
money (paper bills)
cherry blossoms
after a rain or fog
ocean air
fresh coffe or coffe beans
herbal tea
moist dirt out of the garden
paper back books
fresh sheets and pillowcases
my rabbit
fresh water mountain stream
wood chips...
:rolleyes: sigh

Lady of Rohan
03-29-2003, 10:36 PM
The smell of a nice clean horse barn.

Elven Archer
03-29-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Lady of Rohan
The smell of a nice clean horse barn. i miss the smell of a leather sadle,hay,sweet feed, and a horse to go with it. well not all horses smell good.

Jesus Freak
03-30-2003, 08:52 AM
espesially dead ones

lol lol:D

03-30-2003, 06:22 PM
good one

03-31-2003, 08:58 AM
I love the smell of fresh bread, cinnamon & ginger, hot coffee, the smell in the air just before & after a good Highveld storm, babies after they'd been bathed, my shampoo & perfumes, biryani, braai, sweet peas & daffodils (not very fond of roses), Hugo Boss (the original) on men (or Havanna - still does it for me, I love that spicy masculine smell), freshly washed & dried clothes, ripe tomatoes, fresh herbs (rosemary, sage & thyme) and cherry tobacco (and certain herbal stuff), leather shoes, new car smell, sugarcane, liquorice, jelly babies.................the list just goes on & on

03-31-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Elven Archer
i miss the smell of a leather sadle,hay,sweet feed, and a horse to go with it.

I miss horses - wah! :( I kept my horse's halter for many years after I sold him, and would occasionally just smell it....

Also, I liked the feel of the oat bin - burying your hands in the oats and letting them run thru your fingers.

03-31-2003, 03:36 PM
I read the first 2 pages of the thread and felt compelled to admit that I, too, am a book-smeller. I have to do it descreetly when I am shopping for books.:)

04-01-2003, 02:21 AM
I love the smell of the hay field on the summer couple of days after the hay has been cut.

Hasty Ent
04-01-2003, 04:12 AM
lilacs when they're blooming in my garden (budding now!...)
very old Calvados
wine -- all kinds, but especially a fine Austrian reisling, mmmmm
jasmine tea
bread baking
one of my curries slowly simmering
rain, especially the first five minutes after a spring shower, standing on my wet lawn barefoot

12-13-2007, 12:35 AM
Mmmm I like a Savingon Blanc, the ocean breeze, the smell of a well run fish tank, sushi, marinera sauce, soy sauce.

A diverse grouping, yes.:)

12-13-2007, 04:57 AM
Funny, I was thinking about how many different smells I was wearing each day the other day and here a smell-thread pops up.
I like the smell of cinamon, vanilla and apple. The smell of a clear morning after frost, the smell of forest no matter what the time of year or day, my almond-handsoap and my sunflower-shampoo and off course the white tea/verbena soap I have.
I also like the smell of rabbit, when they come from a clean cage that is.
Kittens and puppies also smell nice. And babies. :D
O.o I wrote too much.

12-13-2007, 05:06 AM
I love the smell of a warm, wood heated sauna.. And yes, I agree, the ocean - not much can beat that. A warm sauna at the ocean, maybe?:)

And Pomerol.. I'll never forget that smell. *sigh* And cumin (the spice) really awakens my apetite, such a nice smell!

12-13-2007, 05:12 AM
I like the way my dog's fur smells. My family doesn't care for it, and I dislike how most dogs smell, but I love the way my dog smells. I know, it's weird :p.

Other than that, the usual suspects... vanilla, soap, old spice cologne... all that jazz :D.

12-13-2007, 05:56 AM
Rain & mint leaves.

12-13-2007, 01:39 PM
Good Golly Mrs. Molly! It's Rudhaglarien.


How are you? :D

The last sane person
12-13-2007, 06:53 PM
Holy! It's been a while since you've been here! Glad to see you back, Rûdhaglarien.

Personally, I like the smell of well kept leather and horses (heh, and the two go very well together), cedar, pine, the smell of rain. The smell of fat little cockatiels named Rosie.

Thain Peregrin Took I
04-29-2008, 10:45 PM
*revives thread*

I like the smell of sheets after you take them out of the dryer when you used a dryer sheets. (The smell of dryer sheets is better when it's been used on something, I think). I also like the smell of chocolate, rain, cookies, some perfumes (the kind from Bath and Body Works :D), butterscotch extract, and almond extract.

04-29-2008, 10:48 PM
I've found I like the smell of Ozone....something I didnt realize about myself.

04-30-2008, 07:53 AM
The smell of a spring night. Yes they smell different from a winter night or a summer night ;)

Gwaimir Windgem
04-30-2008, 08:10 PM
Jasmine. Orange blossoms. Mint. Nice wine. Stick incense. Church incense (if it's high quality; otherwise it smells awful). Hookah smoke of the jasmine, rose, or blueberry flavour.