View Full Version : Webcomix
02-01-2005, 09:31 PM
What are your favourite webcomix, and why?
I personally try to keep up with far too many...:p
Greyling...The best and most confusing prolly of the comix I read. I <3 Fern!!
Something Positve....a sarcastive humor that can get you through any kind of depressing situation and the dissappointing reality of life.
Shaw Island...a comic about the san juan brother just recently introduced me to it...Ah, I miss the San Juans...
Friendly Hostility
Girly...odd humour...and situations...but entertaining....and a squishy cat...
Megatokyo....I mean...what could be better...a comic that started out as a couple of gamer friends making fun of themselves now has become a shoujo style comic. With the violence and gaming references left in.:D
Penny Arcade...yet more gamers making webcomix
My life in blue...Dealing with highschool and being gay or transgender...but really a fun comic, not heavy or sad.
(this is my shorter list...:D)
02-02-2005, 03:28 PM
Player vs. Player ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!! :D
02-02-2005, 03:36 PM
I pledge my first born child to Keenspace :p
Someday soon, my webcomic will be available...and put all those nancy one-a-week-updaters to shame! Heh heh...i love them anyways.
02-02-2005, 03:42 PM
someday soon as in when? and what would it be about??
02-02-2005, 03:50 PM
someday soon as in when? and what would it be about??Soon as when I finish inking the first chapter and takes time to make stuph that actually looks good....
let's just say...lots of things. I'll post the link when it's on the web....and you can read for yourself...or, if you want, pm me and I can send you the first couple pages...
02-02-2005, 07:01 PM
Hey Embladyne, did you not lift this from a certain other message board? ;)
I will eagerly await the web link EarthBound! :D
My favourite comics are...
8-Bit Theatre (
Dragon Mango (
The Seraph Inn - Inverloch (
Kevin and Kell (
Applegeeks (
Ozy and Millie (
Ctrl+Alt+Del (
Blade Kitten (
Earth Bound (
Role Call (
Chugworth Acadamy ( (An adult-themed comic)
I read webcomics a lot... :o
02-02-2005, 09:13 PM
Hey Embladyne, did you not lift this from a certain other message board? ;)Actually, no. I just really love webcomix. But, if there is a board devoted to them...please direct me there!
I like Role Call too,....heh heh....and you guys have mentioned some I've never read....that just means I need to procrastinate on my HW more. :D
02-03-2005, 12:53 AM
I like Role Call too,....heh heh....and you guys have mentioned some I've never read....that just means I need to procrastinate on my HW more. :D "Embladyne, why don't you have your HW done?"
"Umm... it's Feanor's fault!"
02-03-2005, 02:33 AM
"Embladyne, why don't you have your HW done?"
"Umm... it's Feanor's fault!"
Well... if not for Fëanor there would be no Silmarillion, if not for the Silmarillion, I wouldn't have been on this site almost 24/7. If I had not, Embladyne would not have started wondering how I could be so obsessed, and if she had not wondered, she would not be on the site now, and if she hadn't been on the site now, she would probably be doing her homework instead!
So yes! It is Fëanor's fault! :D ;)
02-03-2005, 04:02 AM
Player vs. Player ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!! :D
I love PVP!!
02-03-2005, 10:31 AM
Heh, yeah. I started reading it...
"I love enormous posteriors and I cannot prevaricate."
from here (
02-03-2005, 06:06 PM
"Embladyne, why don't you have your HW done?"
"Umm... it's Feanor's fault!" :p Heh, I've never tried that excuse before...
Actually, webcomix don't really take up all my's more trying to work on my own that prevents me from doing any work...that's why I'm working ahead this semester...hope it keeps up... ;)
Has anyone seen Red vs. Blue, season III ? I heard it was available, but haven't yet watched...I assume it's just as wonderful as the first two... :D
02-04-2005, 01:20 AM
Ze hard core.
Hmm. Is that Ian from Machall chewing on those erasers?
Pretty Good
Occassionally funny. Nothing to write home about.
I notice none of you mentioned several of the best comics out there. Heathens.
02-04-2005, 01:40 AM
I notice none of you mentioned several of the best comics out there. Heathens.Meh. MacHall is good, but in my eyes, there are others that work for me better. Namely, Greyling (
Yeah, it's confusing and inconsistant...but I like that.
02-04-2005, 02:49 AM
Hey now. I commented on a certain resemblance between characters in This Comic ( and This Other Comic ( If you took that in concert with unrelated comments by me to indicate a value statement about either of those comics, I'm afraid you're in error.
Mrrr. Still lame.
You know, that reminds me. I need to finish updating my Linklist.
02-04-2005, 05:36 PM
I think the misunderstanding resulted from the lack of links in your post, or naming of comics that you were commenting on....
I don't argue about webcomix...I just ignore ones I don't care for.
It might have helped if you mentioned your list of several of the best comics out there.
02-04-2005, 06:38 PM
Yeah, that's probably it. The comments just follow the list of comics people have mentioned so far... so you should be able to match them up with a little work.
I didn't post 'my favorites' because, as I alluded to, my Webcomic Listing is currently undergoing an overhaul. I'll probably post it when I'm done.
For now, go read Schlock Mercenary (, Sluggy Freelance (, and... Oh, Star Crossed Destiny ( All three get five stars out of five.
02-04-2005, 07:22 PM
For now, go read Schlock Mercenary (, Sluggy Freelance (, and... Oh, Star Crossed Destiny ( All three get five stars out of five.
I've read SF, and it's pretty cool...I'll have to check out the others you
Ultimately, though, it's up to the individual person to decide the "goodness" of a comic. The one's I like I tend to identify more with. And the ones that bore me are badly drawn....:p
About's actually okay to write comics/x with an "x" OR "cs"
I prefer the x, 'cause it's fun. ;) and a few other reasons.
02-04-2005, 08:43 PM
Ultimately, though, it's up to the individual person to decide the "goodness" of a comic. The one's I like I tend to identify more with. And the ones that bore me are badly drawn.... Yeah, well. Those of us who rate comics according to a five-star system that takes into account five seperate values can be forgiven for thinking highly of our own opinion on the subject. :D :rolleyes:
You're right though. Well-drawn comics are much more entertaining than badly drawn ones. And there's absolutely nothing more infuriating than a 'comic' that just posts pages of text *cough (* *cough (*. I mean, good grief! Either draw a comic (or 'graphic novel), or write a story with occassional illustrations. Don't flip flop between the two!
Another killer is update frequency - if Howard Tayler can manage ro update one strip every day, and three on sundays, in full color, every day for five years, while holding down a full time job for most of that time and taking care of a family... It really doesn't say much about the guy who can't even manage one update a week with regularity.
Hmm. So anyway... not really any chance of being able to upload a 512k XML file onto entmoot, is there? :p
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