View Full Version : Hilary Duff
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
12-26-2004, 02:15 PM
DO you like her or not? I personally like her, bt that just my opinion
12-26-2004, 03:06 PM
don't like her very much. dont think she has much talent , not fun to watch.
Her and that Lindsay Lohan. UGH
12-26-2004, 09:33 PM
I like her, I think she's a good actress and a good singer. I enjoyed A Cinderella Story and Cheaper by the Dozen. Some of the other movies she is in are okay too, in my opinion.
12-27-2004, 12:54 AM
I don't really care for her myself.
I've heard some of her music, and she doesn't seem to have much vocal control. If you listen, she doesn't do riffs (where the singer hits a bunch of notes very quickly, staying near the 'real' note), and she has to resort to a cutsy "little girl breathing" sound a lot.
I have yet to see her act though :).
12-27-2004, 01:51 PM
I like her in a bubbly, teen blonde sort of way. Lizzie Mc Guire is a favorite of the kids so thats about all I know of her. I did see her on MTV the other day as she got punk'd in her driving lesson! :D
12-27-2004, 02:00 PM
she's cute... haven't seen any of her movies i can recall though :)
12-28-2004, 09:40 PM
No i dont like Hillary Duff and i dont think shes attractive... I even sat through the entire movie of hers, i think it was Lizzie Maguire is that the one where they go to Rome...
Her and that Lindsay Lohan. UGH
BOOOO! take that back Lindsay Lohans awesome. :D
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
12-29-2004, 05:56 PM
I totally agree Millane, Lindsay lohan is cool! I like Hilary Duff, except when she's trying to be something she's not. God that bugs the crap outta me. ;)
Varda Oiolosseo
12-29-2004, 06:13 PM
I love Lizzy McGuire!! *blushes*
LOL me and my friend are big fans of that programme it's so cheesy lol...and yeah we are pretty sad :P hehe
A Cinderella Story was okay and i don't think i really liked any of her other movies.
Lindsay Lohan is pretty cool too, I loved Freaky Friday :D
12-31-2004, 05:24 AM
Ergh. Sorry, but I can't stand Hilary Duff. My younger sister, however, seems to have an I-Want-To-Be-Just-Like-Her Crush on the dear Lizzie McGuire actress. She owns every one of her movies, and her album, and her single that came out before the album... ugh. It's not stop Hilary/Avril-ness from her room, it drives me insane.
01-03-2005, 07:19 PM
BOOOO! take that back Lindsay Lohans awesome. :D
totally agree!! lindsay lohans great! i musta watched parents trap a billion times lol
on the subject of hilary duff tho i think shes a gd actress btu shud stick to tv. dont do films and def dont do this singing thing shes trying. she just anoys me as a singer.
01-04-2005, 11:55 PM
totally agree!! lindsay lohans great! i musta watched parents trap a billion times lol yes well most of Lindsay Lohans greatness is to do with her being ****ing hot so as for parent trap... ewww :eek:
Halbarad of the Dunedain
01-05-2005, 01:44 AM
Seeing that this thread is tittled Hilary Duff I should comment on her first. I do not like her singing as it is not really my cup of tea anyhow. Can she sing, possibly but the type of music she is singing now I don't think she does very well. Her acting is sub-par in the very few films I have seen her in. Her acting in her television show "Lizzy McGuire" is decent. However saying that is not an incredible complement as it is a Disney kids show and those shows do not require the highest acting abilities. I feel she has a lot of potential and with he right choices and right assistance Hilary Duff can become a great actress in the future. (I don't see that happeneing however.) I do however find Hilary Duff to be very pretty. She has a sort of Joey Lauren Adams-esqe to her, although not as experienced(obviously).
As for Lindsay Lohan I do not find her attractive in the slightest. I have not seen any of her films, and only reluctantly heard her music. I say reluctantly, although perhaps I should say unffortunatly, because Ms. Lohan is being stuffed down the public's throat by conglomerates like MTV. Lindsay Loahn seems, to me, to be an answer to the missing teen bop-ness in recent months presented by and pupeteered by a faceless corporation.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
01-06-2005, 05:53 PM
Lindsay lohan was good inthe days of the parent trap...she was cute-a good little girl ;)- then came the 'Speak' days. i have to say i don't think she sings well. Hilary Duff sings much better. But she acts very well.
01-09-2005, 06:52 PM
lindsay lohan sings? how did i miss this? or shud i be glad that ive missed out?
01-10-2005, 03:22 AM
lindsay lohan sings? how did i miss this? or shud i be glad that ive missed out? should be glad, althought her singing scene in Mean Girls was great, god she looked hot :p
01-10-2005, 03:23 PM
lol! mean girls was a great film..yet apparently i wasnt paying that much attention cos i dont remember the singing scene. her singing in freaky friday was cool.
omg i just got done for the 90 second post thing! i havent had that done in aaaaaaaaaaaages! lol
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
01-10-2005, 06:06 PM
COme to think of it, neither have i. :p. But ya, Lindsya lohan sings. Freaky friday, she sung really good.
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