View Full Version : OT: One Ring Celebration January 14-16, 2005 Pasadena, Ca.

11-02-2004, 02:00 AM
Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Brad Dourif, Bruce Hopkins, and John Rhys-Davies are all confirmed to appear at the One Ring Celebration, and we anticipate many more to come! Click here to read about our guests and keep up with new additions!

We will be screening, from DVD, the complete Extended Editions of all three films!

Fan Film and Video Screenings
Aspiring Tolkien filmmakers will be able to showcase their work in our fan film and video screening room. The best of these submissions will be shown at the convention.

UPDATE: Guidelines for fan film submissions are now posted!

"Create a Little Piece of Middle Earth at Home"
This track will present several techniques on fashion recreations for the many races of Middle-earth. Costumes, armor, prosthetics, and general design themes from the movie trilogy will be discussed. Come see how you can transform yourself into your favorite LOTR character!

Middle-earth Fashion Show and Costume Contest
If you have a MIddle-earth costume, we want to see it. The rules and registration info will be posted soon, so make sure you find that perfect trim and bring your costumes with you.

Yes, there is something for the kids!
Bring the kids and let them learn how to apply Elf Ears, create Tolkien themed arts and crafts, read some of Tolkien's classics out loud, and participate in a Sing-a-long with TORn's very own Singing Gandalf!

LOTR Art Show
Are you artistically inspired by the world of Middle-earth, or the characters that dwell within it? ORC will feature a comprehensive Tolkien themed Art Show. Get out your easels and be prepared to share your passion and creativity. All forms of art will be welcomed, including 3D, sculpture, and others.

Dealers Room and LOTR Exhibit
We will have exhibitors from around the world featuring arts, crafts and licensed Tolkien and LOTR merchandise. Sideshow Weta Collectibles will display their beautiful line of LOTR collectibles as well as their awesome full size recreations of Gollum, ORC warriors and more- don't miss this!

Middle Earth Breakfast and Charity Auction
A charity auction will be held Sunday morning for select fans with a silent auction benefiting several charities.

The One Ring Awards Celebration
Join us for the first annual awards show for all things Tolkien. In a similar tradition to the previous Golden Gandalf's, 'The One Ring Awards' will incorporate art, literature, film and the spirit of Tolkien. More details will be announced shortly.

This is just the beginning, there is so much more planned that we are still working around the clock to organize it all. Fan fiction, gaming, music, 'Ringers: Lord of the Fans,' Elvish lessons, and Tolkien Academia to name just a fraction of it all. Watch this website over the coming months, or sign up for the mailing list, and learn what else we'll add to the mix.

Questions? Join the Yahoo Group: OrcInCa

Website: http://www.oneringcelebration.com
Thanks and we hope to see you in sunny Pasadena, California
in January.

11-02-2004, 09:50 PM
That sounds awesome!

*is so jealous*