View Full Version : Pirates Of The Carribean Pants game

09-08-2004, 09:51 PM
i was looking at the Starwars and LOTR pants games. and decided to make as Pirates of the carribean one.cant think of any right now anybody have good ones?

Rosie Gamgee
09-09-2004, 12:59 PM
Barbosa- "How the blazes did you get out of those pants?"

Pintel- "Never sat well wif ol' Bootstrap, what we done t' Jack Sparrow- wif the pants and all."

Jack- "It was my intention to commandeer some of these pants..."

Norrington- "You then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase, 'silent as the pants'."

Elizabeth- "So that's it then? The secret, GRAND pants of the imfamous Jack Sparrow?"

Norrington (sorry, can't resist)- "Well I don't see your pants, Captain." :o

I made up another one of these games for PotC. It was the 'shower game', and it would go something like this:

"You spent three days in the shower, drinking rum?!"
"We have to shower them down! We must save her!"
"No! I plan to leave you in the shower with no soap at all...."

:D I thought it was kind of funny, at any rate.

09-12-2004, 05:19 PM
"But...Why're my pants gone??"

:rolleyes: I know, not that funny. Can't think of any good ones...

Rosie Gamgee
09-13-2004, 04:18 PM
No, really funny!

"There's gona be no pants after this."

Well, I couldn't think of anything else either.