View Full Version : The Bird's Song

08-05-2004, 04:40 PM
the bird's song

a gilded cage, self-imposed
the bars, iron-hard; the door latched closed.
outside the cage the sun shines bright --
but the bird's frail heart is in fear of the light.
no one sees the tears that fall
behind the brilliant painted wall.
the knives that flash, the blood that flows --
hidden away so no one knows.
all they see is a cheery face...
a bright facade...
every feather in place.
a pretty song, and nothing more --
her life, a whisper; hidden, a roar.
no one asks what lies beneath...
under the surface...
buried deep.
beneath the feathers and fluttering wings,
in spite of the pain,
the broken bird sings.
so she sits on her perch for another day more,
waiting for someone to open the door.
and all the while, the song never ends --
as the little bird slowly forgets how to depend.....

Rosie Gamgee
08-05-2004, 04:44 PM
Looks good! Flows nicely, and the feeling gets across. I like it.

08-05-2004, 04:47 PM
I'm glad to hear that. The bird's sad song :)

Lief Erikson
08-12-2004, 03:31 PM
Nice one, Falathion. It flowed better than the last one, as I seem to remember of the other one . . . this one was quite nice, indeed.

08-14-2004, 04:32 PM
Nice poem! I really do like this one, although of course my 'angst-o-meter' leads me to not like it as much as I might :p.

Some day I'll see someone from entmoot write a cheery poem... :p.