View Full Version : Josh Groban
07-23-2004, 01:30 PM
I'd always heard that he was a 'male soprano' (Oh I'm sorry, I mean 'counter tenor' ;)) so I was very shocked to found out that he's a baritone just like I am.
I can't believe what a voice this guy has! On MSN they have his whole CD 'closer' up, and after hearing it I'm definitely planning to buy it. If you want to hear it, here's the link: (titled as "listen to "closer"")
The first song is really, really amazing. I've never been a big fan of that 'classical' sound (IMHO Pavarotti's voice is awful, although I know a lot of people love his voice). Josh seems to keep a hold on that slightly 'classical' sound, but doesn't push and strain with it.
I'd almost rate him as "The male version of Celine Deon", except he's a little less 'pop' style than she is. Plus I think his voice is better :p.
07-23-2004, 10:50 PM
Oh I love Josh Groban!
Recently he's all I want to listen to. His music and voice are amazing! Quite beautiful :D
And I'd say he's a male version of Charlotte Church imo :)
Starr Polish
07-24-2004, 07:11 PM
What Josh sings is considered "pop opera" or "popera."
He is MUCH better than Charlotte Church, especially in technique (meaning his vibrato isn't forced or fake).
And he's lovely. :D
07-24-2004, 09:25 PM
"Popera"... I like it!!! ;)
I love the first song on his "Closer" Cd. I think it's called "Oceana" or something like that :).
07-24-2004, 09:28 PM
He's quite hot. And can sing--really well.
07-24-2004, 09:49 PM
*cry* I just found out he's a Tenor.
Oh well... I still like his voice :p.
07-25-2004, 10:34 PM
I've been reading write-ups on him. They flop between tenor or baritone. But he's definitely not a bass.
07-25-2004, 11:39 PM
No indeed! A Bass he is not ;).
Rosie Gamgee
08-09-2004, 02:48 PM
I love Josh Groban's voice. It's so rich. He also doesn't slur words like almost all singers out there. His music is very refined (perhaps that's not exactly the right word, but it'll suffice), passionate, but somehow gentle. My favorite song that he does is 'Starry Starry Night'. It's what first got me hooked on his music. I do, however, like a lot of the songs on Closer (unfortunatly who can remember all those funky names?) :p
08-13-2004, 02:35 AM
I had heard his voice before, but never really paid attention.
Luckily! I'm dancing to his song "You Raise Me Up" for my lyrical solo. So, I've bought the cd and listen to it incessantly (sp.?). I mucho dig his voice, whether it be baritone or tenor.
08-21-2004, 01:01 PM
I love it! I only listened to the first few seconds of Closer. lol. But I am in a hurry now. More later! Reminded me for a second of Andrea Bocelli (sp?!). My dad loves Andrea Bocelli. Maybe I should get his a Josh Groban cd since I missed his b-day. :(
09-10-2004, 12:49 PM
Wow, I can't believe that there is a thread about him.
I love his voice. I have absolutely no clue about singing and technique but I know that his songs are great.
I don't have the new album, but an older one, not sure how it is called.
But "To where you are" and "You're still you" are on it and I love those songs.
He's definitely a guy who awakes in me the interest in classical music.
09-10-2004, 11:20 PM
I love listening to Josh Groban. I could listen to him for a long time. I introduced his music to a friend of mine and she was impressed that he could sing in french with a very good accent.
09-11-2004, 07:04 PM
I've heard from a few people (who should know) that his voice is just so-so, and they sort of lump him and Charrlott Church together. Gah, I don't care much for Charrlott, but I highly disagree about Josh. I've noticed he doesn't have the vocal control a really, really good singer would have (anyone else notice how he kind of 'wavers' on some of the high notes until he flips into vabrato?), but I enjoy the style he sings.
Hehe, I pointed out that I dislike how heavily some of the operatic singers sing some songs, and one guy was about to jump on me but the other one actually agreed with me. Hehehe... Gotta love those music people... so subjective.
Starr Polish
09-12-2004, 01:20 PM
Yes, we music people ARE subjective. :)
Personally, I enjoy Josh Groban infinitely over Charlotte Church. And those who lump him into "not a good singer" don't really know waht they're talking about (in my humble opinion...though not a professional singer or schooled in music theory, I consider myself to have a fair amount of knowledge about singing).
09-13-2004, 10:48 PM
Yeh! More Josh Groban fans! So far the only ones I knew were a few girls my age, my mother, and my youth pastor. (What a combination!) I think Josh definately has cross-generational appeal. That's part of his magic, along with his curly hair and coffee-shop-ish aura. One thing I notice that bothers me: On his English songs, it almost sounds like he's kind of slacking on the emotional expression. Does that make any sense or is it just me?
09-13-2004, 11:07 PM
Hehehe Starr. It's subjective ;).
The people I was talking to... well one is an operatic counter-tenor who makes (made-- before 9/11) big bucks as a stage singer. He's been training pretty muchly since he was a little kid.
The other man is a choir director and was rated (internationaly) the seventh best viola player. He also plays the piano and organ very well and has an awsome bass voice. Singing is pretty muchly in his blood too-- he's been taking lessons most of his life and he's also directed quite a few men & boy choirs not to mention playing background music for quite a few BIG singers. Gah I can't think of their names right now, but some of the super big-time voices from back when (he's not a young guy :p).
But, that doesn't mean either of them has any right to consider themselves the absolute last voice on how Josh sounds ;). Music is so subjective- one man's Motzart is another man's Eminem.
Elvellyn I haven't noticed him slacking, at least not on Closer, but I'll have a listen again tonight and see if I notice anything :D.
Finrod Felagund
09-23-2004, 11:27 PM
Wow...Josh Groban...I can't say enough about this guy...
Firstly, whoever said "popera" that is the perfect description...
Josh Groban has, without a doubt, one of the best young male voices out there.. (I would classify it "baritenor" though not a technical term)
His discoveror, Manager and Mentor, David Foster, has found and written music so perfect for his voice, and he sings those selections with such passion.
In fact, as a professional singer myself (I love being able to say that...makes me feel special), Josh Groban songs are among my favourite to sing.
My personal favourites are "You're Still You", "Canto Alla Vita (feat. the Corrs)" and "To Where You Are" from Josh Groban , and "Remember When It Rained" and "You Raise Me Up" from Closer
And if I may fluff my ego a bit, I have made a number of people cry when I sang both "You're Still You" and "You Raise Me Up" for different occasions...but that is the beauty of the songs...they have so much emotion in the writing, that you cannot help singing with passion...
One thing I notice that bothers me: On his English songs, it almost sounds like he's kind of slacking on the emotional expression. Does that make any sense or is it just me?
In regards to that, I think it is not a lack of emotion on his part, but the fact that English is a much less emotional and melodic language then, say, Italian...IMHO...
P.S. Tessar, I didnt know you sang...
P.P.S. Ha! Other people who love Tolkien AND, I'm in Heaven...oh wait...its just Entmoot...close enough...
10-24-2004, 02:28 AM
I saw Josh Groban in concert at the beginning of September.
My mother is a bigger fan, having seen him live at least five or six times, getting a photograph with him at one tour and getting it signed at another.
10-29-2004, 07:59 PM
If you're a Josh fan, which everyone here seems to be, I have a music recommendation for you. Andrea Bocelli reminds me of him because they are both so passionate and emotional with their work. He's got a great mix of Italian pop and classical music. I know he is coming out with a new album on November 9th, which a friend at universal says was backed by a new creative team to make it more international. If you're curious, here's a site to his CD...
11-05-2004, 12:12 PM
P.S. Tessar, I didnt know you sang...
I HOPE to sing professionaly when I'm a bit older ;). I haven't gotten any voice lessons yet, but I'm planning to start them this year, or very early next year.
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