View Full Version : Was Asfaloth immortal?

05-25-2004, 09:21 PM
Wow, it has been sooo long since I have posted in a Tolkien thread.

Anyway, was Asfaloth immortal?

Lefty Scaevola
05-25-2004, 10:23 PM
No reason to assume that. The Horse brought from Valinor by the Noldor and their descendants (the linkly history of this one) were long lived, powerful, and inteligent, compared to other horses (but similar to Rohan Mearas, likely descended for simlar stock, perhaps left in ME by Orome) but not immortal.

05-26-2004, 12:16 AM
I no longer have any of my Tolkien books * waits for gasps of shock to die down*

Is it stated that Asfaloth IS from Valinor or descedant from Valinor.

If he returned to ME with Glorfindel in the 2nd age IIRC circa SA1600 that would make his over 4,500 years old.

05-26-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by afro-elf
I no longer have any of my Tolkien books * waits for gasps of shock to die down*

Is it stated that Asfaloth IS from Valinor or descedant from Valinor.

If he returned to ME with Glorfindel in the 2nd age IIRC circa SA1600 that would make his over 4,500 years old.

Are we told when Glorfindel returns? I had wondered if it was in the Third Age... maybe along with the Istari...??

Do you get the implication though that Asfaloth was always Glorfindel's horse? From the time he came over to Middle-earth? I guess that's possible, but I never picked up that notion.

(btw - are you back stateside yet? soon? how's everything going?)

05-27-2004, 01:37 AM
I'll be back in the States at the end very of of July or the very beginning of August.

As for Glorfindel return to Middle Earth there is a article here:


The important section of it is : "he returned to Middle-earth to help Gil-galad prepare for the wars with Sauron"

Do you get the implication though that Asfaloth was always Glorfindel's horse? From the time he came over to Middle-earth? I guess that's possible, but I never picked up that notion

That is something that I truly never gave much thought to. That really makes me curious as to whether it is stated that Asfaloth IS from Valinor or descedant from Valinor.