View Full Version : Why Legolas?

05-13-2004, 10:02 AM
When reading LOTR itself, it seems no big deal that Legolas is chosen to represent the Elves in selecting the nine members of the fellowship of The Ring. However, after reading 'The Silmarillion' and getting an understanding of the Noldor, the Sindar, etc - and understanding a little about their differences from the Silvan Elves, or Wood Elves... makes me wonder why Legolas of the Silvan Elves should join this fellowship instead of a Noldor or Sindar. The latter had much more prior involvement and investment in the history of the Rings and the wars with Morgoth and Sauron. It almost seems to me that a Noldor or Sindar going along would be to help in handling their own 'unfinished business'... 'cleaning up their own messes' so to speak. But instead they send a Silvan Elf... whose people really had nothing to do with all that ring stuff.

Any ideas why? I think I know what Olmer will say! ;) Any others?

(EDIT: but Olmer, you are welcome to go ahead and say what you will about it. :) )

05-13-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Valandil

Any ideas why? I think I know what Olmer will say! ;)

He-he, I wonder what do you think I will say?
But you are right , I have some explanation.

Rosie Gamgee
05-13-2004, 10:43 AM
Maybe the Silvan Elves wanted to make their mark on history, or get into the story of the Ring somewhere. Maybe the fact that the Silvan Elves hadn't been involved with the Ring was reason for believing that a Silvan Elf might not be as attracted to the Ring, and therefore present a lesser threat to the Ringbearer and the Quest. It seems that the more 'earthy' (forgive the term) that a being is, the less sucseptible they are to the power of the Ring. Tom B. wasn't fazed by it because he's the very essence of nature. The Ents don't care about it because they are a part of nature. Hobbits are very resilient to it because they are so in-tune with nature- stands to reason that a Wood-elf would be less likely to want the Ring than the Noldor or Sindarin Elves.


Radagast The Brown
05-13-2004, 11:03 AM
Elrond was the one who made the fellowship.
Maybe he thought another elf would join the fellowship, but then he was persuaded that Pippin is a better choice and could'nt tell L:egolas that he's not part of it,. since he was already in.
Maybe, because Legolas was a prince he chose him. A prince would represent the Elves better than a 'regular' Noldo.
Maybe Legolas was just skilled, more than most Elves, even Noldor - so Elrond chose him.
Maybe, as Rosie said, Legolas would be less tempted to take the ring than most of the Noldor because he does not will to rule others, as a simple Green Elf.

05-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Olmer
He-he, I wonder what do you think I will say?
But you are right , I have some explanation.

Probably that the Noldor didn't want to 'get their hands dirty' this time, so they picked a chump Silvan Elf to go! :p

05-13-2004, 11:46 AM
Chump Elf?! Hey now, what's wrong with Legolas? :p ;)
Why not send him? He was there at the council and so was already involved. He's highly skilled and capable, plus, not to mention, of royal blood. :D

05-13-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Probably that the Noldor didn't want to 'get their hands dirty' this time, so they picked a chump Silvan Elf to go! :p
A you reading my mind?:confused:
That 's the main idea!!
Don't have time now.Will go into details in the evening.

05-13-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Probably that the Noldor didn't want to 'get their hands dirty' this time, so they picked a chump Silvan Elf to go! :p

Oh no!!! Your mind has been poisoned!!!!!!!!:eek:

Tuor of Gondolin
05-13-2004, 12:28 PM
Good point by RTB. Elrond was probably going to select two elves in addition (Glorfindel? His sons? Arwen?:D). And selecting so would have given a more "balanced membership:

"There remain two more to be found," said Elrond. "These I will consider. Of my household I may find some that it seems good to me to send."

05-13-2004, 12:30 PM
My own take has been similar to others, though I still wrestle with the question.

But the plan behind the 9 Walkers was to represent all the free peoples of Middle Earth. Technically the Noldor are no longer of Middle Earth though they dwell there for atime. The same can not be said of the Sylvan elves who never left. Thus Legolas is a more appropriate member of the group than Glorfindel. Add to that his age, his royal blood, their involvement in the holding of Gollum and so on. Sure, there are holes in the position, but there it is.


05-13-2004, 02:30 PM
My own thought is that the main reason he went was that he was already "out" -- traveling away from home. Certainly he wouldn't have felt right just heading back home with the message that "they're going to destroy the evil Ring, and we're just going to have to see what happens." Being that he was already far from home, it would make sense for him to represent the elves on the trip, although more might have been helpful, too. (I mean it's not like they couldn't have had a couple of more along, just because it wouldn't have mirrored the number of Nazgul. ;))

Also, maybe the Green elves had more at stake -- they weren't leaving like the others, were they?

05-14-2004, 12:11 AM
It is time for a little shock treatment for Legolas-lovers.;)
Why exactly a Grey- elf ?
Let Lothlorien leave out for a while , but Rivendell has not lesser warriors then Lorien. Even better...take Glorfindel for example… Nevertheless with Frodo goes an unsophisticated wood-elf from the Mirkwood.
Did you notice how in time the representatives of all races turned out to be present in Rivendell under some or other lame excuses? Seems that an invitations had been sent beforehand .
Legolas says that Gollum’s escape is the reason of his appearance at the Counsel. But it’s not the reason, it’s, most likely, the consequence. Why such message-boy job was given to the prince of Mirkwood?
By the way, don’t it look odd to you, that Thranduil’s son not even once had visited his kinsman Celeborn’s realm? They used to be friends, allies, one race, at last, simply good neighbors…
Lorien is closed, you will say, and will be damn right. Closed especially to any plebeians who didn’t see the Eternal Light of Valinor, and the main thing, was not being a vassals of Lady of the Light.
Legolas mission allowed Thranduil a unique opportunity to step over snobbery of the Lords of Golden Wood, to get on the same level with them, and maybe even higher. At decline of their existence in Middle-earth elves at last got the real chance to a final unity and this chance was created by Gandalf. Elrond was in complete solidarity. Galadriel under present circumstances had no opportunity to provide with her own candidate, and had to reluctantly agree on steps , chosen by Elrond and Gandalf .

(“Let it be a man not from our area”…- from the movie discussion of two well respected men about picking up a kidnapper)
Aside from being a symbol of unification, Legolas had to undertake one more task, not so romantic - the control over Men. The main reason why he, but not somebody from Elrond’s household has been chosen to join the Fellowship was in his belonging to the Wood- elves, who were …different from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous an less wise.("The Hobbit”) and their magic was strong . If in the process of mission, say, Boromir, or , especially Aragorn, will get his own ideas concerning the Ring , Legolas would find some spell to put him “at once into a dreamless slumber" (FOTR) which was healing all illnesses, including a powercraving. Rivendell's elf would not rise his hand on Aragorn (his respect in Rivendell was very high), but sindar from the Mirkwood will make all quickly and without hesitation. (Another thing that during the trip he grew to love and respect Aragorn .) And what is important, that the responsibility for it will lay down only on Thranduil, Elrond will save both : his face and friendship with Dunadains.
But certainly, such outcome was assumed by organizers of a campaign as the extremest , because , after all, with group went an overseer - Gandalf.

Radagast The Brown
05-14-2004, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Olmer
It is time for a little shock treatment for Legolas-lovers.;)
Why exactly a Grey- elf ?
Let Lothlorien leave out for a while , but Rivendell has not lesser warriors then Lorien. Even better...take Glorfindel for example… Nevertheless with Frodo goes an unsophisticated wood-elf from the Mirkwood.
Did you notice how in time the representatives of all races turned out to be present in Rivendell under some or other lame excuses? Seems that an invitations had been sent beforehand .
Legolas says that Gollum’s escape is the reason of his appearance at the Counsel. But it’s not the reason, it’s, most likely, the consequence. Why such message-boy job was given to the prince of Mirkwood?
By the way, don’t it look odd to you, that Thranduil’s son not even once had visited his kinsman Celeborn’s realm? They used to be friends, allies, one race, at last, simply good neighbors…
Lorien is closed, you will say, and will be damn right. Closed especially to any plebeians who didn’t see the Eternal Light of Valinor, and the main thing, was not being a vassals of Lady of the Light.
Legolas mission allowed Thranduil a unique opportunity to step over snobbery of the Lords of Golden Wood, to get on the same level with them, and maybe even higher. At decline of their existence in Middle-earth elves at last got the real chance to a final unity and this chance was created by Gandalf. Elrond was in complete solidarity. Galadriel under present circumstances had no opportunity to provide with her own candidate, and had to reluctantly agree on steps , chosen by Elrond and Gandalf .No invitation was sent - Elrond says it himself. ("That is the purpoe for which you are called hither. Called, I say, though I have not called you...")
I believe Legolas was snet to Rivendell because Thranduil knew important decisions will be made. He probably didn't think Gollum escaping was very important, from Legolas reaction when Gandalf talks about him.
I don't understand why would Thranduil want to have an elf in Lothlorien, as you say he would.

(“Let it be a man not from our area”…-a discussion from the movie of two well respected men about picking up a kidnapper)
Aside from being a symbol of unification, Legolas had to undertake one more task, not so romantic - the control over Men. The main reason why he, but not somebody from Elrond’s household has been chosen to join the Fellowship was in his belonging to the Wood- elves, who were …different from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous an less wise.("The Hobbit”) and their magic was strong . If in the process of mission, say, Boromir, or , especially Aragorn, will get his own ideas concerning the Ring , Legolas would find some spell to put him “at once into a dreamless slumber" (FOTR) which was healing all illnesses, including a powercraving. Rivendell's elf would not rise his hand on Aragorn (his respect in Rivendell was very high), but sindar from the Mirkwood will make all quickly and without hesitation. (Another thing that during the trip he grew to love and respect Aragorn .) And what is important, that the responsibility for it will lay down only on Thranduil, Elrond will save both : his face and friendship with Dunadains.
But certainly, such outcome was assumed by organizers of a campaign as the extremest , because , after all, with group went an overseer - Gandalf. You say Legolas went with the fellowship, for that if Aragorn/Boromir will want to take tthe ring he'd stop them.
Why do you think a Noldo wouldn't protect Frodo and the ring, and, if needed, attack Aragorn? The Ring was without any doubts mor important than the love to Aragorn, and I'm sure Glorfindel for example, knows it, and will do what is needed.
Besides, I'm sure Elrond didn't think Aragorn will take the Ring.

Tuor of Gondolin
05-14-2004, 09:48 AM
I, personally, believe Olmer is serious at least 30% of the time.
So to comment on one part:
The reference in LOTR to how they all came to be there in time for the Council of Elrond is one of the occasional brilliant allusions to the providence of Iluvatar with Middle-earth.

"What shall we do with the Ring, the least of rings, the trifle that Sauron fancies? That is the doom that we must deem.
That is the purpose for which you are called hither. Called, I say, though I have not called you to me, strangers from distant lands. You have come and are here met, in this very nick of time, by chance as it may seem. Yet it is not so. Believe rather that it is so ordered that we, who sit here, and none others, must now find counsel for the peril of the world."

05-15-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Tuor of Gondolin
Called, I say, though I have not called you to me, strangers from distant lands.
You are right, Elrond did not invite everybody.
The representatives of some races showed up quite unexpectedly and , yes, literally in the nick of time, to find out that they almost missed the matter of big importance. Elrond had nothing else to come up with, but to make it look like that everyone who already knew of this Ring matter has come also by providence of Iluvatar.
In my HO the appearance of Dwarves and a representative from Gondor could be credited to Sauron’s interference, otherwise they would be left overboard.

But OF COURSE I’m not 100% serious about all my postulates, after all, I ‘m just trying to explain in sensible way some things in the book, which seems have no sense..
Tolkien's book, like the Bible, full of hidden meanings. The fun began when I started discover them in his text , plainly written: just use your deduction, put two and two together and … you will see the real, not so fairy-talish world of Middle-earth. Something, which look more closer to the Silmarillion world then to the world from “The Hobbit”.

05-18-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Forkbeard
Oh no!!! Your mind has been poisoned!!!!!!!!:eek:

Not to worry... I thought I knew what Olmer would say... but I don't necessarily believe that myself. :)

05-18-2004, 08:16 PM
To summarize previously mentioned points and maybe add a tidbit or two:

1. Elrond trusted to Ilúvatar that those destined to participate in the Quest were among those who showed up providentially at the Council.

2. Legolas, as the King’s son, aptly represented the Elves of Thranduil’s realm who had, however inadvertently, allowed Gollum to escape; a situation that could have significantly endangered the success of Frodo’s mission. Legolas may also have born personal responsibility in the chain of events that led to Gollum’s escape.

3. Legolas represented the Silvan Elves, who at the end of the Third Age were probably the largest population of Elves ME; for all but a small remnant of the Noldorin and Sindarin populations had departed by that time. The Silvan Elves could rightly be considered one of the Free Peoples fighting to preserve their homeland, since most of them would be remaining in ME permanently.

4. Elrond intended to fill the remaining spaces on the Fellowship with Noldor Elves, but Gandalf urged him to allow the Hobbits to go when they protested being left behind. Elrond trusted again to Providence and also to Gandalf’s foresight and wisdom in the matter, leaving Legolas alone to represent the Elven kindreds.

5. Though it is not mentioned, Gandalf may have had a say in recommending Legolas as well, as the Wizard enjoyed a standing invitation to the Elvenking’s Halls.

Tuor of Gondolin
05-18-2004, 10:26 PM
Legolas eventually left Middle-earth, with Gimli. Did any
Silvan elves then have the option of leaving, and if not then why could Legolas do so(who was not a ringbearer)?

05-19-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Tuor of Gondolin
Legolas eventually left Middle-earth, with Gimli. Did any
Silvan elves then have the option of leaving, and if not then why could Legolas do so(who was not a ringbearer)?

I think any of the Silvan elves had the option of leaving...ever since they were first invited not long after the Awakening.

05-19-2004, 01:13 AM
After the War of Wrath, the option to sail West was open to any Elves that chose to go.

So, yes, the Silvan Elves could leave, just not as many were interested in doing so. Some did; I think the Lay of Nimrodel gives an example. And some could have gone with Legolas, but Tolkien neglected to mention if any did. Legolas seemed to think that few if any would accompany him on that journey; he anticipated “lonely sailing” in his Song of the Sea in RotK.

Ithildin55 *(

05-19-2004, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Ithildin55
2. Legolas, as the King’s son, aptly represented the Elves of Thranduil’s realm who had, however inadvertently, allowed Gollum to escape; a situation that could have significantly endangered the success of Frodo’s mission. Legolas may also have born personal responsibility in the chain of events that led to Gollum’s escape.
I had forgotten about Gollum's escape. In that light Elrond may have added Legolas to the fellowship as a sort of letting him redeem the Mirkwood-elves for letting Gollum escape.

Or perhaps something a little more politically tinted like: "Okay, so you Mirkwood-elves let Gollum escape but we'll still trust you, see? We're sending your prince on a mission of great importance."

05-19-2004, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Eärniel
I had forgotten about Gollum's escape. In that light Elrond may have added Legolas to the fellowship as a sort of letting him redeem the Mirkwood-elves for letting Gollum escape.

In the light of events, which happened in the Moria and after, I would say that Gollum escape was intentional and planned ahead and it was nothing to redeem, because an order, probably, was given by Elrond himself or Gandalf.

05-19-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Olmer
In the light of events, which happened in the Moria and after, I would say that Gollum escape was intentional and planned ahead and it was nothing to redeem, because order, probably, was given by Elrond himself or Gandalf.

Which order? "Release the orcs!"??? :confused:

;) :p

05-19-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
Which order? "Release the orcs!"??? :confused:

;) :p
Orcs are heresay.
They simply let him out of of corral on a signal shot and whistled afteward to make him run faster.:D
I told already (in previous discussions) that devision of the Fellowship was inevitable, and Gandalf, as a good chessplayer , thought on many moves ahead.
Golum was needed for protection Frodo and the Ring. And he even been told where he has to wait for company's arrival.

05-19-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Olmer
Orcs are heresay.
They simply let him out of of corral on a signal shot and whistled afteward to make him run faster.:D
I told already (in previous discussions) that devision of the Fellowship was inevitable, and Gandalf, as a good chessplayer , thought on many moves ahead.
Golum was needed for protection Frodo and the Ring. And he even been told where he has to wait for company's arrival.

So those of the fellowship you have 'in the know' are at least Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas. Were Boromir, Gimli and the four hobbits the only ones whose benefit this whole charade was for? Was the attempt to cross the Redhorn Pass a sham?

Sounds like a flimsy argument about Gollum being released intentionally and told where to 'meet up with them'. ;) :p

Tuor of Gondolin
05-19-2004, 12:28 PM
FYI, the question about Silvan elves traveling West was prompted by a discusssion elsewhere (I forget where or by who, short term memory goes first:eek:) which argued that the Mirkwood elves had lost their chance to go to Valinor since they were "refuseniks" before the First Age. I found the argument interesting, but not especially compelling.

And as for Legolas, was his mother a Sindarin elf (like Thranduil) or of other lineage? It is interesting that Thranduil's elves lived in northern Mirkwood, about as far away from the sea as they could get, perhaps to subconsciously keep the "sea longing" that got to Legolas at bay.

05-19-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
So those of the fellowship you have 'in the know' are at least Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas.
Was the attempt to cross the Redhorn Pass a sham?

Sounds like a flimsy argument about Gollum being released intentionally and told where to 'meet up with them'. ;) :p
Gandalf was the Grand Orchestrator.
Aragorn and Legolas knew as much, as they was allowed to know.
Now, let think this way.
Gandalf knew that to filter in the heart of Mordor would be possible only by small and quick hobbits. This why instead of two , say, Elvish warriors, the two additional hobbits was included in group.
But the hobbits, even as braveas they are and masterful in throving stones, not the match to weapons wielding, experirnced in combat orcs.
It means that hobbits , being on unfamiliar territory, could easily get into one of Sauron's traps.
And Gandalf "stitch" Gollum to Frodo. His familiarity with surrounding and natural cunningness will help Frodo to prevent unexpected and undesirable encounters with orcs.
But what is more important - Gollum is an additional protection for the Ring. He will not allow his "precious" return to Sauron. While it's at hobbit's hands he has a HOPE, but Sauron and Hope are not linking together in any way.:) Gollum will defend the ring from orcs with all might he has.
So , Gollum was a crusial addition to the group.
Now let ask the question: where Gollum started to trail behind the group? In Moria.
But why "escaped" Gollum, driven by sole obsession, went to look for the ring in quite opposite direction? Why this little pitiful maniac patiently sits in darkness and waits? Whence he has learned that it nesessary to wait here?
He was put there by the one , who knew the route.
And who is he, who INSISTED on going into Moria right from the beginning? There is a way that we may attempt... I thought FROM THE BEGINNING, when first I considered this journey.FOTR, book II, chpt. IV
This misterious manipulator can be nobody else, but our wise Gandalf.:cool:

Radagast The Brown
05-19-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Olmer
Gandalf was the Grand Orchestrator.
Aragorn and Legolas knew as much, as they was allowed to know.
Now, let think this way.
Gandalf knew that to filter in the heart of Mordor would be possible only by small and quick hobbits. This why instead of two , say, Elvish warriors, the two additional hobbits was included in group.
But the hobbits, even as braveas they are and masterful in throving stones, not the match to weapons wielding, experirnced in combat orcs.
It means that hobbits , being on unfamiliar territory, could easily get into one of Sauron's traps.
And Gandalf "stitch" Gollum to Frodo. His familiarity with surrounding and natural cunningness will help Frodo to prevent unexpected and undesirable encounters with orcs.
But what is more important - Gollum is an additional protection for the Ring. He will not allow his "precious" return to Sauron. While it's at hobbit's hands he has a HOPE, but Sauron and Hope are not linking together in any way.:) Gollum will defend the ring from orcs with all might he has.
So , Gollum was a crusial addition to the group.
Now let ask the question: where Gollum started to trail behind the group? In Moria. How did Gandalf know Gollum wouldn't take the Ring himself? Could he expect what happened, that the hobbits will overcome Gollum and keep him alive, 'tame' him? How did Gandalf could know Shelob wouyldn't kill Sam and Frodo, and that Sam would somehow defeat her?
I don't think it was a well planned, if you're right - and that only luck (or Iluvatar?) helped Gandalf's plan to succeed.
I personally think Gandalf didn't think about it, and couldn't expect what happened.
But why "escaped" Gollum, driven by sole obsession, went to look for the ring in quite opposite direction? Why this little pitiful maniac patiently sits in darkness and waits? Whence he has learned that it nesessary to wait here?
He was put there by the one , who knew the route.
And who is he, who INSISTED on going into Moria right from the beginning? There is a way that we may attempt... I thought FROM THE BEGINNING, when first I considered this journey.FOTR, book II, chpt. IV
This misterious manipulator can be nobody else, but our wise Gandalf.:cool: But then, how did Gandalf could take Gollum? He was in the hands of the orcs - or free. He might've got orders from the orcs, orders from Mordor.

05-19-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Tuor of Gondolin
FYI, the question about Silvan elves traveling West was prompted by a discusssion elsewhere (I forget where or by who, short term memory goes first:eek:) which argued that the Mirkwood elves had lost their chance to go to Valinor since they were "refuseniks" before the First Age. I found the argument interesting, but not especially compelling.

And as for Legolas, was his mother a Sindarin elf (like Thranduil) or of other lineage? It is interesting that Thranduil's elves lived in northern Mirkwood, about as far away from the sea as they could get, perhaps to subconsciously keep the "sea longing" that got to Legolas at bay.

To sail – or not to sail… That is the question…

“Refuseniks” lol! Well, you are right; following the defeat of Mrogoth, “Then Eönwë as herald of the Eldar King summoned the Elves of Beleriand to depart from Middle-earth.” (Of the Voyage of Eärendil, The Silmarillion,) So, all Elves had the right to go if they wanted to.

But I believe their initial choice continued to color their outlook to the point that there were probably very few Avari who chose to reverse that original decision. Perhaps the Elves somehow ‘inherited’ the predilection to a particular choice?

I also tend to think the earlier in the Great Journey a kindred of Elves turned back, the less likely their people were to develop the desire to sail West. And maybe living far from the Sea for long periods of time may have bound them so strongly to the land that they found it difficult or impossible to leave ME?

All Elves still had free-will, of course, and any individual could choose for him or her self, but I think their inherited/cultural tendency and degree of attachment to the land would be major influences.

Tolkien left no clues as to the identity or heritage of Legolas’ mother.

According to UT, Thranduil’s father, Oropher originally founded their kingdom in southern Greenwood and over the ages the Elves gradually migrated northwards to avoid ‘undesirable’ influences. Depending upon which account in UT you read, that could be Galadriel and Celeborn, the Dwarves of Moria, and/or the baddies at Dol Guldur.

But, yes, the Vale of Anduin was a long way from Lindon and the Sea and I think that the Sindarin adventurers that settled there among the Wood-elves had no intention of ever crossing into the West. I expect they thought they were relatively “safe” from the sea-longing there and that it was probably a bitter blow to Thranduil when Legolas decided to sail.

Ithildin55 *(

Michael Martinez’s post describes much of what can be known about the Avari in Entmoot’s The Silmarillion forum: Avari Thread (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/sho...s=&threadid=715)

05-19-2004, 04:11 PM
Perhaps the answer is simply in line with the hobbits as the choice for Ringbearer. The whole story hinges on the fact that the hobbits were the most unlikely of species to arise and deal with the Ring. In the same way, the Silvan Elves were the most unlikely of the elven peoples to be part of the Fellowship. Perhaps Elrond realised that the Fellowship he was choosing ought to be different and less predictable - people who might be expected to do the unexpected?

05-19-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Olmer
In the light of events, which happened in the Moria and after, I would say that Gollum escape was intentional and planned ahead and it was nothing to redeem, because an order, probably, was given by Elrond himself or Gandalf.


*^the only intelligent comment she knows how to make right now*

Are you saying Gandalf or Elrond gave order to release Gollum? Meaning that the Elven guards were killed on purpose and the whole Council led astray by either the wizard or the Elf lord?

You know, Olmer, the trouble with you is that I never know whether you're serious or pulling my leg... :)

05-20-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by LutraMage
Perhaps the answer is simply in line with the hobbits as the choice for Ringbearer. The whole story hinges on the fact that the hobbits were the most unlikely of species to arise and deal with the Ring. In the same way, the Silvan Elves were the most unlikely of the elven peoples to be part of the Fellowship. Perhaps Elrond realised that the Fellowship he was choosing ought to be different and less predictable - people who might be expected to do the unexpected?
Good point Lutra, I believe that was indeed a part of it, though not so much a part of Elrond’s reasoning as Ilúvatar’s plan in selecting and drawing them there to be chosen. The whole story seems to be about the small, unlikely, unexpected folk doing the great deeds and saving the world right under the big, evil, awesomely powerful bad guys’ noses. The races they represented were in most cases folk that were looked down upon in some way: Though several members of the Fellowship had high lineages within their own people, they were not chosen because of their station, nor did they flaunt their station along the way.

Ithildin55 *(

05-20-2004, 10:27 AM
This mind sound like a crazy idea but...;)

What if Legolas purely and simply put himself forward to go?

Don't forget that the fellowship was initially only created to help the ring bearer make a start on the journey. It would have been convenient for Legolas to travel with the company over the Misty Mountains (from the original route) whereby he could have accessed Mirkwood quite easily. It was only the strength of the fellowship that decided each and everyone one of the companys' (excluding Boromir whose plan it was from the outset to go back to Gondor) decision that they wouldn't abandon Frodo.

05-20-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by azalea

Also, maybe the Green elves had more at stake -- they weren't leaving like the others, were they?

Yes, my thoughts exactly, it is interesting to notice that, as the Third Age ended, the Noldor left, and presumably the Sindar dwindled also, but, as Tolkien says, the Silvan remained in their woods. This may be a possible reason; the Fellowship were of made of those that still had a vested interest in the future.

07-09-2004, 11:36 AM
Oops! :o

Major re-adjustment to the thinking in this thread. I just saw in one of the appendices that Thrainduil was one of the Sindarin Elves who went East to found a kingdom among the Silvan Elves. Therefore Thrainduil, at least, was Sindarin... and Legolas at least half-Sindarin.

So... NOW what do all you guys think about this? :)

07-09-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Durin1
This mind sound like a crazy idea but...;)

What if Legolas purely and simply put himself forward to go?

Exactly. After all, Legolas was a comparatively young Elf who had apparently never done anything, or been anywhere in a time of adventure and intrigue. Moreover, as the time of the Elves in Middle-earth grew short, the opportunities for the son of a king to prove himself dwindled. If Legolas wished to have any accomplishments to his credit before slipping away un-noticed (and forgotten) into the UttermostWest, joining the Fellowship offered one last, best hope to distinquish himself in some noteworthy fashion.

Elanor the Fair
07-10-2004, 06:26 AM
The success of the Fellowship was not to be found in choosing powerful representatives of the Free Peoples of the world....

...in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom. Even if you were to choose for us an elf-lord, such as Glorfindel, he could not storm the Dark Tower, nor open the road to the Fire by the power that is in him.

These words were spoken by Gandalf, who was certain to play a part in the selection of the Fellowship. He could foresee that personal attributes such as loyalty, determination and the ability to empathise and form close friendships would be more useful on this quest than power or wisdom.

I believe that Legolas was chosen partly because Gandalf could see these attributes within him (don't forget, Gandalf is an expert at summing up hidden talents - remember Bilbo in the Hobbit). These talents that Legolas possessed were instrumental in the healing or relations between the Dwarves and the Elves.