View Full Version : Teens
05-10-2004, 09:21 PM
Ok, I know the Moot is made up of alot of adults and this forum is (no offense meant) dominated by them. Meaning, most of these books probably(sp?) don't interest most of the teens or younger participates of the Moot. I'm not one of them, I love this thread because I get insight on the books that might be slighty over my head (Dune for instance and authers (Russian ones jumping to mind)).
That said, please know that books written or authers that write (more or less) specificully for my age group I'd like to read more about on the Moot. I've waited for a thread like this but (to my knowledge) it has yet to rear it's ugly head (hey I'm aloud a little humor no matter how bad) so I'm taking matters into my own hands. This there has been a thread like this please don't hate me.
That said, (said that before, hehe) I've got a reading list and lots of books with authers I'd like to more about so I'll kick a topic out there...AHA! I've read some of Tanith Lee's things (Black Unicorn) and it was really good. I'm looking for the companions to it (Gold Unicorn and Red Unicorn). But I also have the first book in her trilogy (atleast I think that's all it is) Wolf Tower and I'm working on getting the other two (Wolf Star and Wolf Queen). If you like her or even if you don't tell me what you think, none of my friends know who she is.
OH! I just read The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause. She has another one I've a read an excerpt from called Blood and Chocolate. And it seems like it's going to be really good. But if The Silver Kiss and the excerpt I read are anything to go by then she is an excellent writer.
Enjoy my thread please!
Starr Polish
05-13-2004, 03:57 PM
I read Blood and Chocolate and Silver Kiss when I was fourteen. Pretty popular books for that age group.
I suggest Laurie Halse Anderson. She wrote Speak and Catalyst. I've kind of gotten away from teen books, though. Should be, I'm eighteen, almost out of the teenager years. Yay.
05-22-2004, 03:27 AM
erm, who do you consider defining authors for the teen genre?
05-22-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
I read Blood and Chocolate and Silver Kiss when I was fourteen. Pretty popular books for that age group.
I suggest Laurie Halse Anderson. She wrote Speak and Catalyst. I've kind of gotten away from teen books, though. Should be, I'm eighteen, almost out of the teenager years. Yay.
i read speak and catalyst last year, i loved Speak, but i didnt like Catalyst as much. But Laurie Halse Anderson is a very good author!
There are four books in the Wolf Tower series so far, Wolf Tower, WOlf star, WOlf Queen, and Wolf Wing. iv read them all exceot wolf wing, which is only out in hard cover and im waiting for it to come out in paperback. i was obsessed with that series in 8th grade. they are really good books. :)
Lady Ravyn
05-22-2004, 02:40 PM
yes, speak and catalyst are 2 very good books. i might also suggest cut (about a cutter in rehab) , beauty queen (about a girl with a drug problem- this might be sort of adult-ish, though it was written as a teen novel), a great and terrible beauty (i LOVE this book! it takes place in the 1860's or around then in england; it has a few fantasy-like elements in it, and is very good!), green angel (this book is written beautifully in a style that is very poetical) tithe (very good; a modern faerie tale)
all of those are excellent teen novels :D
05-22-2004, 04:03 PM
i really liked Cut, i read it at th ebeggining of this year, when a bunch of my friends started to, well, cut.
A Great and Terrible BEauty is the best book! its a little melodramatic at times but i still LOVE it! its a really good ten novel! :p
05-22-2004, 10:53 PM
Well, I've never heard of any of those. But wiht such great reviews I'll have to look them up.
Lady Ravyn
06-06-2004, 02:10 PM
to add to the list, i'm reading a new book called An Earthly Knight it's about a girl who's father wants her to marry an earl who has a very bad temper, and though she wants to help her father gain standing in the Scottish court, she doesn't want to marry someone she hates. there's also a twist involving faeries; so far, it's very good! ;)
EDIT: actually, i just finished the book and while the beginning and middle was good, the end left something to be desired. it was very abrupt and predictable. i was sure there'd be a bigger fight scene at the climax of the book, but it was kinda lame. oh well. the storyline was good. :)
Lady Ravyn
06-09-2004, 10:12 PM
just read Blue is for Nightmares. very good suspense/sci-fi kinda story. the plot kept you guessing all the way through. and the action started at the beginning, so it was one of those books where i couldn't put it down! :)
06-23-2004, 03:53 PM the fantasy genre, one of my absoute favorite writers of all time is Diana Wynne Jones. I recommend anything by her, literally. Some of it is written for younger kids but I still liked them; and most of it is for young adults. Some adult books, too. I can find a list somewhere, I'm sure...
Anyway, look her up--she has a wonderful turn of phrase, lovely characters, great books. Every one of them.
Also His Dark Materials series (there's a thread for those).
Elanor the Fair
08-09-2004, 07:48 AM the fantasy genre, one of my absoute favorite writers of all time is Diana Wynne Jones. I recommend anything by her, literally. Anyway, look her up--she has a wonderful turn of phrase, lovely characters, great books. Every one of them.
I agree. "The Power of Three" is very good, also her Chrestomanci series. These are all most suitable for teen readers.
There are several Australian authors who write terrific books for teen readers. John Marsden has a series of 6 or 7 (I can't remember accurately) books called "Tomorrow When the War Began". They are action/suspense/thrillers with a huge human element. The main characters are older teenagers and the books are enjoyed by ALL who read them.
Jackie French is another fabulous teen writer. Her books encompass a wide variety of genres. Particularly good are "Somewhere Around the Corner" "Walking the Boundaries" and "Tajore Arkle".
My children are older teenagers. I have always encouraged them to read widely, so I always read lots of teen books so I can determine the suitability - I also just love reading good literature and most authors who write for teenagers are good writers. If you want some more suggestions for suitable books or authors just let me know!!
08-13-2004, 04:40 PM
I read both Cut and Speak this year. I enjoyed them very much.
Another "teen book" which seems to come to mind is Lullaby by Chad Palanhuik (sp.?). Gorgeous stuff. I need to read more of him.
I read Beauty Queen, but that was a long time ago. I was probably ten or something, so I don't remember it well.
There is a fantasy series for "young adults" called... The Song of the Lioness Quartet. Easy reading, but fun all the same. If you've got a spare two days, you should pick them up and have a go.
Lady Ravyn
08-14-2004, 03:10 PM
the song of the lioness quartet is by Tamora Pierce; my seconf fav series of books!!! :D
two easy reading books are Bloody Jack and The Curse of the Blue Tattoo by someone-or-other Meyers. about a girl who disguises herself as a boy on a british naval ship; again, easy, but good
i'm in the process of reading White is for Magic which is the sequal to Blue is for Nightmares; so far, it's as good as it's predecessor ;)
hey as a teen on entmoot I've read alot of the books u've mentioned, I loved blood and chocolate, Tithe was a really good book, holly black is a very good author. I also like the xanith novles by Piers Anthony, they were easy but they are a good read. i personaly like the fantisy books, and fiction. anyone have any other books that r good reads?
Lady Ravyn
08-26-2004, 09:47 PM
i highly recommend reading any book by Amelia Awater-Rhodes (Demon in My View, Midnight Predator, Hawksong, etc.) she wrote In the Forests of the Night when she was only 13, and has published around ten book since then! her writing is simple, but intriguing. mostly they're vampire books and magic stuff. they're awesome, though. short (VERY short) but awesome :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
01-26-2005, 09:43 PM
i read Lev Tolstoy's 'War & Peace' when I was 12,
it makes for a very interesting read
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas is also brilliant for teenagers,
I read that when I was 10, but have read it many times since
01-28-2005, 06:15 PM
You know, it's kind of strange, but I've been in a "young adult" mood as of late. Here are some additions to my suggestions:
Luna by Julie Anne Peters.
Invisible Monsters (and just about anything else) by Chuck Palahniuk.
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.
America by E.R. Frank.
and This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen.
Starr Polish
01-29-2005, 03:06 AM
Stargirl is awesome.
02-06-2005, 05:39 PM
There is no real barrier between adult and teenager literature. I read LOTR when I was 11.
At the moment I am reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.
There are no teenage books. u read what u are old enough for
02-13-2005, 01:34 AM
yes, speak and catalyst are 2 very good books. i might also suggest cut (about a cutter in rehab) , beauty queen (about a girl with a drug problem- this might be sort of adult-ish, though it was written as a teen novel), a great and terrible beauty (i LOVE this book! it takes place in the 1860's or around then in england; it has a few fantasy-like elements in it, and is very good!), :D
those are all great books! is also recomend of mice and men, if u like mysteries, faye kellerman does some excellent ones
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