View Full Version : VS. (for lack of better name)
04-17-2004, 12:36 AM
Ok, there have been so many threads about blah blah vs. blah blah who would win? I'm going to post the ones I've looked up and put some new ones down. Keep in mind I have researched lots of old threads for this and I couldn't find some of them so I'm going to have to do some of this from memory.
Shelob vs. Aragog- Shelob got most (aka. all) of the votes.
Harry vs. Gandalf- Gandalf won most of the votes.
Cave troll vs. HP troll- Cave troll obviously won this one.
Gollum vs. Yoda vs. Doby- Yoda won this wiht a lot of speculation.
Gollum vs. blah blah I'm going to break it down some. Keep in mind all of the above are open to disscusion and if I've left out any let me know and I'll edit this. For the simple fact that this is the HP thread lets keep SW vs. LOTR out of it. (i.e. Gollum vs. Yoda) This next list will be divded into two lists.
1. Doby vs. Gollum
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron
3. L. Malfoy vs.Sauromon
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf
6. Harry vs. Frodo
7. Ron vs. Sam
8. Hermione vs. Gimli
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas
HP vs, SW
1. Dopy vs. Yoda
2. Voldemort vs. Emperor
3. L Malfoy vs. Mace Windo (it's not spelled right I know)
4. D Malfoy vs. Count Dooku
5. Dumbldore vs. Darth Vader
6. Harry vs. Luke
7. Ron vs. Anakin
8. Hermione vs. Leia
9. Sirius vs. Obi Wan
10. Remus vs. Qui Gon
List one: Gollum has the one ring, as does Sauron, and Frodo. Gandalf has his ring. Sam has his frying pans and little hobbit knife. Aragorn has Anduril. Legolas and Gimli same weopons and all have the advantages of their race. The students have up to the 5th year knowledge of magic. The Malfoy's, your in this thread so I shouldn't have to explain that. List one is open for discusion, please I have numbered them for a reason, when you post about one use it's number.
List two: I did the best I could pairing them up. If you think you have a better suggestion please post it and I will edit if everyone else agrees. This one is not open for discussion yet, as I thought it best to do one group at a time. The same qualifisations for the magic people and all others have the force. Anakin will be young and not a master s okeep that in mind same with Leia she got good but she was never up to par with Luke, Luke is a master here. Obi Wan is a master as well.
Lots of work in this. I thought it would be fun and different from some of the other stuff we've done. Please post even if it's just to tell me this ways a stupid idea.
04-17-2004, 12:01 PM
Let's see...
1. Dobby vs. Gollum- Gollum. Dobby does have his weird house-elf magic we don't know much about, but I guess that would be a little harder to do if someone's got you by the throut, right? And I have no doubt that Gollum would sneak up behind him and do just that.
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron- Voldemort. Sauron is just a disembodied eye.
3. L. Malfoy vs.Saruman- I don't know...
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz- Why is it that I don't know about the Malfoys?
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf- I think they're pretty evenly matched, but I'm leaning towards Gandalf. No idea why.
6. Harry vs. Frodo- Harry. Yeah, Frodo's got Sting and the ring, but he doesn't want to use the ring and Harry could get rid of Sting with an easy Expelliarmus, and then Frodo would be pretty defensless.
7. Ron vs. Sam- Umm... If Ron or Ron's allies (namely Harry or Hermione) had hurt Frodo, I say Sam would win. Otherwise, I'm going for Ron.
8. Hermione vs. Gimli- Gimli. That was the immediate thought I had when I saw this one, and I'm sticking with it.
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn- Aragorn. He could beat anyone up, and would probably be smart enough to get Sirius's wand away from him quickly.
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas- Remus in wolfy form or in Remmy form? Wolfy form, I say Remus wins, Remmy form I say Legolas wins.
Let's see, that's 3 for LotR people, 3 for Harry Potter people, 2 I don't knows, and 2 that go either way, depending on the situaton. So I think that LotR people are tied with HP in this case.
And I don't know anything about SW, so I'm not even going there.
04-17-2004, 10:16 PM
For number two, Voldemort vs. Sauron I said Sauron had his ring, whic hof course means he's got his body. I agree wiht you on number three, what was I thinking? On number five, well, I'd have to go with Gandalf becasue he's got his ringy poo and his awsome bleached self would blind Dumbldore. That's about all I have to say on it...unless some clever mooters think up loop holes, as I know sevral of them probably will.
04-17-2004, 11:06 PM
Oh, well if it's Sauron with his body, I might have to agree with you there. And I still think Dumbledore would win. Look how awesome his fighting was in OotP. And he wouldn't have fallen in Moria, since a simple "Wingardium Leviosa" would fix that.
04-18-2004, 07:26 AM
You can't simulate any of these battles without specifying who has the home-field advantage, since the three universes are governed by remarkably disparate physics models.
04-18-2004, 10:12 AM
That's true... well, how about them not taking place on any of these worlds, but an entirely different one? No home-field advantage there.
04-18-2004, 01:22 PM
Darn it all! Why must you people undermine my logic?! Good point though. See we can turn this into a very nice like the lotr forums have had for a long time. I'm trying to bring a little argument ot the it working?
Hmmm.....must get more coments on my choices for Hp vs. Sw...
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-25-2004, 02:56 PM
1. Doby vs. Gollum - Gollum
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron - Sauron most likely
3. L. Malfoy vs.Saruman - Saruman is my guess, but I'm not sure
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz - Probably Malfoy
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf - Gandalf probably.
6. Harry vs. Frodo - Frodo
7. Ron vs. Sam - Probably Ron
8. Hermione vs. Gimli - GIMLI!
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn - I'm not sure
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas - Probably Lupin, but Leggy might be able to pull it off under certian conditions.
For number 6, Frodo would most likely win because he could put on the Ring (making him invisible) and then sneaking around and stabbing Harry in the back.
For number 10, Lupin would win a duel-style fight, but Legolas could win if he pulled a Haldir and was hiding in the trees.
04-26-2004, 05:26 PM
1. Dobby vs. Gollum - i'm gonna say gollum... he's a tricky little bugger.
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron - hmm, sauron with the ring? yeah, i'll say sauron.
3. L. Malfoy vs. Saruman - umm, no clue. saruman's my guess.
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz - lurtz. draco malfoy is all talk... :rolleyes:
5. Dumbledore vs. Gandalf - gandalf first thought.
6. Harry vs. Frodo - harry. mainly because i think even if frodo has the ring... he can't really control it. and, even if he did put it on and was invisible, harry might have the sense to use a shield spell or something.
7. Ron vs. Sam - ooh, no idea.
8. Hermione vs. Gimli - gimli first thought.
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn - you know, i've been pondering this, and i think it all comes down to whether or not sirius could dodge a sword. hmm, i'll say sirius! (who wouldn't want to see him win??) :rolleyes:
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas - i'll go with lupin.
you know, what this all boils down to in my mind, is whether or not sheild spells will block only spells, or if they will block physical weapons as well...? (perhaps someone knows the answer to that?)
05-16-2004, 07:44 PM
1. Doby vs. Gollum- Gollum. With the ring, oh yeah!
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron-Sauron, with the ring he would be able to win.
3. L. Malfoy vs.Saruman- Hmmm...I'll say Saruman because he seems more....wizardy to me.
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz- I agree with Goldberry, Draco is all talk.
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf- Gandalf....why? He knows magic and he can use a sword.
6. Harry vs. Frodo- If Frodo was evil, he might win, but I'll say Harry.
7. Ron vs. Sam-Sam, if he was protecting Frodo. I mean, come on, he has the Mighty Pan of Justice!:D
8. Hermione vs. Gimli-Gimli, chop and it would all be over.
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn-Aragorn...but then again, Sirius is already I guess Aragorn would win Mwahahaha! :D
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas-Depends on what time of the year it is....:D
05-22-2004, 10:34 PM
Well...since everyone else has been given his/her ultimate power...I think it's only fair we say that it's the full moon. If it weren't Legolas could sneak up on Remus and kill him before he knew he was there, magic is great and all...but it has it's limits. I'd probably still say Lego though...because werewolves can't be all THAT smart can they?
1. Doby vs. Gollum - Gollum ;)
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron - I think Sauron
3. L. Malfoy vs.Saruman - Öhm...Saruman
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz - Of course Draco Malfoy
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf - I don't like Dumbledore, so Gandalf
6. Harry vs. Frodo - Frodo
7. Ron vs. Sam - Sam
8. Hermione vs. Gimli - He ist funny.... yes, I think Gimli :D
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn - difficult... but...Sirius
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas - difficult too... ähm...Legolas
HP vs, SW
1. Doby vs. Yoda - Yoda
2. Voldemort vs. Emperor - Voldemort
3. L Malfoy vs. Mace Windo - Lucius Malfoy
4. D Malfoy vs. Count Dooku - Draco Malfoy
5. Dumbldore vs. Darth Vader - Darth Vader *hehe*
6. Harry vs. Luke - Harry
7. Ron vs. Anakin - Anakin
8. Hermione vs. Leia - booth ^^
9. Sirius vs. Obi Wan - difficult... öhm... booth again :D
10. Remus vs. Qui Gon - Qui Gon is dead... so... Remus Lupin
05-28-2004, 10:17 AM
Who is Lurtz? Oh yeah - the ridiculous creation of the hack Jackson - I forgot. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Who is Lurtz? Oh yeah - the ridiculous creation of the hack Jackson - I forgot. :rolleyes:
Lurtz killed Boromir in FotR
05-28-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Sono
Lurtz killed Boromir in FotR
yeah - in the ridiculous FotR MOVIE. I know. He doesn't appear in the BOOKS at all. He is a creation of the hack Jackson. I know who ridiculous Lurtz is - I was being sarcastic.
Radagast The Brown
05-28-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
yeah - in the ridiculous FotR MOVIE. I know. He doesn't appear in the BOOKS at all. He is a creation of the hack Jackson. I know who ridiculous Lurtz is - I was being sarcastic. JD, really, you're being too aggressive to him. We all know you dislike the inventions of Jackson from the movies, Sono doesn't. :)
Besides, it's not LotR forums... no reason to argue about it here, I'm sure you mentioned him in the movies forum a few times.
05-28-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
JD, really, you're being too aggressive to him. We all know you dislike the inventions of Jackson from the movies, Sono doesn't. :)
Besides, it's not LotR forums... no reason to argue about it here, I'm sure you mentioned him in the movies forum a few times.
I wasn't being mean to Sono - I was just being mean to Jackson. I also think that Lutrz was one of the most stupidest inventions of jackson - next Arwen Xena-elf. I saw Lurtz's name in the list of things - and flames started coming out of my head. I had to state how I felt.
Radagast The Brown
05-28-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
I wasn't being mean to Sono - I was just being mean to Jackson. I also think that Lutrz was one of the most stupidest inventions of jackson - next Arwen Xena-elf. I saw Lurtz's name in the list of things - and flames started coming out of my head. I had to state how I felt. I didn't say you were mean, and I even added a smilie. :p Just said you didn't have to get your anger on Sono.
05-28-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
I didn't say you were mean, and I even added a smilie. :p Just said you didn't have to get your anger on Sono.
Well if anything it was really directed at Fimbrethil for even considering to include Lurtz in the list. :p
06-02-2004, 09:37 PM
1. Dobby vs. Gollum- Well, since Gollum has the ring, probably Gollum, although otherwise I'd say Dobby.
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron- Souron with the ring would kick Voldie's butt, no question.
3. L. Malfoy vs.Sauromon- In both cases, depends what kind of fancy dark gadgets they have w/ them.
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz- Draco knows some hexes that could stop Lurtz before he could get to him, although if Lurtz ambushed him, Lurtz would win.
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf- Dumbledore. Although Olorin could kick Dumbledore's butt, the body of Gandalf has limits.
6. Harry vs. Frodo- mmm...Frodo, since he has the ring.
7. Ron vs. Sam- Gotta agree w/ everyone else who says it depends if he is defending Frodo.
8. Hermione vs. Gimli- Hermione, no question. She'd say a freezing spell before Gimli had even started attacking, plus she'd have the common sence to duck.
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn- They wouldn't fight, they'd become friends :D. If they had to fight, Aragorn, since he has Auduril, Elven Blood, Experiance, ect. All Sirius has going for him is a dog form and a wooden stick. (But he's pretty good w/ the wooden stick, so you never knew.)
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas- mm....probably Legolas.
06-05-2004, 10:03 PM
Hey! It's been a while since I've read teh books and when I was making the list I didn't have either one handy. And I left it open for disssusion esspecially on my character selection. I'll revise if you say the word and give me a character to change it with. Besides I think I can do alot better on that HP SW list.
06-10-2004, 01:31 AM
spits on nearby American flag, for no reason:rolleyes:
1. Doby vs. Gollum - I guess Doby has the magic thing going for him, but Gollums a more treachorous bastard, i reckon Gollum would win.
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron - Sauron.
3. L. Malfoy vs.Sauromon - Saruman. too powerful.
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz - Lurtz, Malfoy wouldnt know a spell to stop a monster of an Uruk-hai, id love to see it :P
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf - Both pretty even skill wise, Gandalfs wiser though...
6. Harry vs. Frodo - Frodo, and if he couldnt Sam would be there...
7. Ron vs. Sam - Sammy would get his battle fury and destroy
8. Hermione vs. Gimli - I have no doubt that Gimli could beat Hermione (and would :D)
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn - The King ;)
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas - Well spells can be dodged, Legolas...
hmmm thats 10 to Lord. and even if HP started to get the upper hand the God's would ride to there aid and destroy (well Tulkas would anyway)
old scholar
06-14-2004, 07:58 PM
1.Doby vs. Gollum - gollum with or without the ring destroys dobby
2. Voldemort vs. Sauron - Sauron- he is the better overal villain
3. L. Malfoy vs.Sauromon - Saruman the malfoys cant compete with LOTR
4. D. Malfoy vs. Lurtz - Lurtz is the winner here
5. Dumblodore vs. Gandalf - I think Gandalf takes it but just by a little
6. Harry vs. Frodo - the hobbit takes it here bya blowout
7. Ron vs. Sam - another blowout for the hobbits
8. Hermione vs. Gimli - Gimli chops her head off
9. Sirius vs. Aragorn - Siriuss does not stand a chance agianst the king
10. Remus Lupin vs. Legolas- Lupin wins if it is a ful moon but if not legolas takes it
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