View Full Version : Hector Berlioz-The Man, his Music, the Romantic.

03-06-2004, 03:01 AM
I'm wondering how many of you had heard of Berlioz before you knew me on this board.

I'm going to post a link to my favorite Berlioz site, so you can all familiarise yourself with him.

I also urge anyone, anyone to find music by Berlioz.


and here are some others.


this is where you can read about someone's collection of 43 recordings of the Berlioz requiem.




why am I having such a heart attack right now? its because of the decline of Classical Music's popularity.
Such devoutly devoted classical music publishers, such as NAXOS, spend all their money on recording not to well known works of not to well known composers.
they do a lot, and its sad that they hardly get a profit out of it.
yet they continue, and hope for better times as people's music tastes change...hopefully torward classical.
classical music is not at all a boring thing. in fact it is the most exciting and wonderful of music genres.
I am 16 years old, and now why would a 16 year old be so into classical music?
because i breached the wall: the wall that reads: "classical music is by three guys; Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. classical music is for losers."
Actually I came in through another passage; film music. thank you Mr. John Williams, I dont listen to your music much anymore, but thank you, thank you.

please help to rid the world of stupid, mindless, money making/money greedy, unnecessary pop singers like Britney Spears.
please support your local symphony orchestra if possible.
please pick up classical music, at least once in a while (if not ALL the time :p).
the reason you dont like classical music(if this applies to you) is because you havent heard classical music.

03-06-2004, 08:46 AM
Oh Hector! That is so fine of you. :) I never heard of him till you. I'll peruse the links when I have a little free time. Your cause is sincere, and admirable! :)

Fat middle
03-06-2004, 08:49 AM
I've listened a lot of times the Phantastical Simphony (is that its name in English?) and it's awesome, though the impact I've received is different depending on the performance of the orchestra.

But the work by Berlioz that I've liked more has been The Trojans, although I have only heard it once (by radio). I suppose that seing it on stage must be very impressive.

03-06-2004, 09:04 AM
Who said classical music was for losers!?! Let them come to me and say that!!!:mad:

I love classical music. And I also got into it through John Williams movie soundtracks. So I supose I should thank him for that. (There's something I thought I'd never say!:eek: ;) ).
I've just recently turned 17 and I've been into classical music for about a year now. So I'm supporting classical music through the younger generation.
A 17 year old goth who listens to classical music... who'd have ever thought it?!;):)

Now I'm going to have to look through these links. (Coursework can wait:p):D Thanks Hector.:)

03-06-2004, 09:15 AM
Coursework can wait? :eek: ;) Laundry maybe.....:)

03-06-2004, 09:24 AM
Who am I kidding! I never do my coursework - until the night before it's due in....:o :p :D

And don't even get me started on laundry....:rolleyes: :D

03-06-2004, 11:41 AM
Same here, Lalaith_Elf...
I didn't and still don't know any Berlioz. You know why? Because of what Hector was saying: classical music isn't cool anymore. However, at camp there was a practice hut called Berlioz. (they're all named after either composers or ....oh....I can't spell it. You know, Shake-a-spear.) I'll check out the links! Thank you Hector! (This could be hard talking about the real HB. I'm gonna get confused, I know it. :)

03-06-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I'm wondering how many of you had heard of Berlioz before you knew me on this board. No! :D

But I was familiar with some. Last summer I had the chance to see Yngwie J. Malmsteen perform in Austria. Sadly, I was only there as part of a youth group, and that was impossible. :( But we did see Mozart's birthplace.

Listening to it on a normal basis, however, I don't do. I like it, but I prefer other genres, not to mention the incredible pain it is to change the station on my radio. It's good for the car, but ussually ends up irritating me because the composition will always be too long, and it won't end until after we get to where we were going.
Sorry, Hector.

I'll check out those links now anyway.

03-06-2004, 01:27 PM
bah! radio? radio sucks for classical newbies.
you need to find cds first.

here are some newbie beginner cds...

Berlioz: symphonie fantastique
Beethoven: symphony no. 9
Borordin: symphony no. 2
Dvorak: symphony no. 9
Prokofiev: peter and the wolf

as for length, I'd say you're just used to hearing 15 minute cds. or it could be an impatience problem

03-06-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by katya
Same here, Lalaith_Elf...
I didn't and still don't know any Berlioz. You know why? Because of what Hector was saying: classical music isn't cool anymore. However, at camp there was a practice hut called Berlioz. (they're all named after either composers or ....oh....I can't spell it. You know, Shake-a-spear.) I'll check out the links! Thank you Hector! (This could be hard talking about the real HB. I'm gonna get confused, I know it. :)
I didnt say clasical music wasnt cool. I said it wasnt popular;)

03-06-2004, 02:19 PM
Of course classical music is cool - along with folk music!

Haven't seen you for a while Hector, so Hello.:D :p

03-06-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
bah! radio? radio sucks for classical newbies.
you need to find cds first.

here are some newbie beginner cds...

Berlioz: symphonie fantastique
Beethoven: symphony no. 9
Borordin: symphony no. 2
Dvorak: symphony no. 9
Prokofiev: peter and the wolf

as for length, I'd say you're just used to hearing 15 minute cds. or it could be an impatience problem
:p I will look into them. And by that I mean I'll get them, because I have a wallet full of of music and CD store gifts certificates but only use my stereo. :p

03-06-2004, 03:34 PM
Go buy Ludovico Eiauldi (sp)..... he's mint!!!!! Especially his new album Le Onde;) :p

And Prokofiev's peter and the wolf is good - used to listen to that when I was a kid... at least I think it was that.

03-06-2004, 03:36 PM
I have found what I think is the definitely essential recording of Peter and the Wolf.
the conductor is Claudio Abbado, the pulisher is Deusche Grammaphone, and the narrator is STING.

03-06-2004, 05:25 PM
i'm a huge chopin fan... i love the romantic-style solo piano music

especially his first ballad... it's like a story unfolding when you listen to it

i've never been quite as interested in symphonic stuff but i will give hector a listen

03-06-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I didnt say clasical music wasnt cool. I said it wasnt popular;)
That's what I meant. :)
Excuse me, but isn't there already a thread about classical music in general?

03-07-2004, 12:43 AM
yes, but this isnt about classical music. its about saving lives, and its a memorial thread for Berlioz.

03-07-2004, 02:24 PM
Saving lives? Ok, I think I understand.

03-07-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by katya
Saving lives? Ok, I think I understand.

03-07-2004, 04:25 PM
'Tis true... I don't know where I'd be without Classical Music to help me relax or sleep:)

03-07-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
yes, but this isnt about classical music. its about saving lives, and its a memorial thread for Berlioz. ROFLMAO! :D You can't even know how hard it was to not spit soda onto my computer while reading that post. Ah, I know it's not even that funny... that's my kind of humor I guess...

Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
'Tis true... I don't know where I'd be without Classical Music to help me relax or sleep:) Maybe closer to the Entmoot's Top 10 Posters' List.

03-08-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Bombadillo
ROFLMAO! :D You can't even know how hard it was to not spit soda onto my computer while reading that post. Ah, I know it's not even that funny... that's my kind of humor I guess...

Maybe closer to the Entmoot's Top 10 Posters' List.
oh, accuse people of spamming and then turn around and spam yourself!:eek: you are a devious one Bombadillo:p (and so am I)
ok! stop! must stop this spamming....for real;)

03-16-2004, 11:21 PM
Did you know some of Hector Berlioz's music was used in video/computer games (such as the Fate of Atlanits, when you enter the Colossus) and movies?

03-16-2004, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Mercutio
Did you know some of Hector Berlioz's music was used in video/computer games (such as the Fate of Atlanits, when you enter the Colossus) and movies?
thats neat.
also, part of his symphonie fantastique was in the movie "Sleeping with the enemy" with julia roberts.

03-17-2004, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Mercutio
Did you know some of Hector Berlioz's music was used in video/computer games (such as the Fate of Atlanits, when you enter the Colossus) and movies?

Really?! As in the Lucasarts game? Cool. :D

Beruthiel's cat
03-17-2004, 02:25 PM
I have a question for you, Hector...

I seem to recall reading that Berlioz was rather...eccentric...(I mean this in a good way...!)

In my reading about composers of that era, I recall that there was a composer that had numerous cats and was extremely fond of them. I want to say that it was Berlioz, but I don't remember. It was someone in that romantic/impressionist time period.

I'm just curious, as I have this need to know all things feline...:)

Thank you!

03-17-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
I have a question for you, Hector...

I seem to recall reading that Berlioz was rather...eccentric...(I mean this in a good way...!)

In my reading about composers of that era, I recall that there was a composer that had numerous cats and was extremely fond of them. I want to say that it was Berlioz, but I don't remember. It was someone in that romantic/impressionist time period.

I'm just curious, as I have this need to know all things feline...:)

Thank you!
I wish I knew:D ....

Beruthiel's cat
03-18-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I wish I knew:D ....

Thanks anyway! :) :) :) :)

04-20-2004, 01:47 PM
Heyo everyone-check out the progress I'm making on my Berlioz site :)...


04-20-2004, 01:52 PM
great start prez :D

BC, i believe claude debussy once said that he preferred the company of cats to that of people

04-20-2004, 10:47 PM
It is thanks to such great Conductors like...Eugene Ormany


04-20-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by brownjenkins
great start prez :D

BC, i believe claude debussy once said that he preferred the company of cats to that of people
I think I once said that I preferred the music of The Beatles to the music of Debussy:p ...I dunno, I just dont like that guy...especially since he is considered the greatest french composer (:rolleyes: greatest french composer my foot...maybe the best worst french composer though :p ).
According to Naxos.com, Debussy is no. 1, and Berlioz is only no. 2!!:mad: *throws a sharp dart at a portrait of Debussy* (which by the way is already filled up with darts...cant really tell it was Debussy:p ...).

04-20-2004, 11:07 PM
Ever heard Debussy's Children's Corner Suite? Really cool music...such as Golliwog's Cakewalk. Go to amazon.com and check out a sample.

04-20-2004, 11:13 PM
I heard that was a very dark piece of music...describing how and why the child must stand in the corner for days on end...no food or water...Debussy is said to have been a father whowas like that torwards his children, and decided he liked the idea for a piece of music....

Or Not:p :p

04-21-2004, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I think I once said that I preferred the music of The Beatles to the music of Debussy:p ...I dunno, I just dont like that guy...especially since he is considered the greatest french composer (:rolleyes: greatest french composer my foot...maybe the best worst french composer though :p ).
According to Naxos.com, Debussy is no. 1, and Berlioz is only no. 2!!:mad: *throws a sharp dart at a portrait of Debussy* (which by the way is already filled up with darts...cant really tell it was Debussy:p ...).

debussy was said to be quite arrogant... it may very well be that the cats were to only ones who enjoyed his company ;)

Last Child of Ungoliant
04-21-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I'm wondering how many of you had heard of Berlioz before you knew me on this board.

I of course knew of Hector Berlioz.
I have always liked classical music, baroque music, romantic music, impressionist music, in fact i like any form of music EXCEPT talentless pop bimbos, like Ms B Speers, and Ms C Aguileera (sp.).

When i say i like classical, and then go on to say i like heavy metal and gothic etc etc i always get funny looks. Is it not possible that someone may like many different forms of music? Is it not true that all music can trace itself back to classics? I know what you mean about the 'wall', hector, although Mozart is one of my favourite composers, i know the depth behind that 'wall', and i like all sorts. Two composers i am enjoying at the moment are Georges Bizet (i love Carmen!), and Boccherini, especially Boccherini's String Quartet in E

04-21-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
I of course knew of Hector Berlioz.
I have always liked classical music, baroque music, romantic music, impressionist music, in fact i like any form of music EXCEPT talentless pop bimbos, like Ms B Speers, and Ms C Aguileera (sp.).

When i say i like classical, and then go on to say i like heavy metal and gothic etc etc i always get funny looks. Is it not possible that someone may like many different forms of music?
Not at all! Actually, one time I bought a Tchaikovsky CD and a Korn CD at once! :)

04-21-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I heard that was a very dark piece of music...describing how and why the child must stand in the corner for days on end...no food or water...Debussy is said to have been a father whowas like that torwards his children, and decided he liked the idea for a piece of music....
Or Not:p :p

Very funny...

Seriously, have you heard or heard of the Children's Corner Suite (solo piano)? If not, you should.

04-22-2004, 07:00 PM
no, actually I havent heard it:D

by debussy i have...

Trois chansons de bilitis (songs:rolleyes: ...not too original...)
Images for Orchestra (quite good actually :))
Claire de Lune (umm....its boring:D...and I'm usually very patient and enduring...so far I havent listened to all of this short piece).

04-23-2004, 07:45 PM
Did Hector Berlioz have a middle name? I haven't been able to find one anywhere!

04-23-2004, 11:11 PM
Hector Louise Berlioz :)

04-24-2004, 05:34 PM
Really...your sure?

Last Child of Ungoliant
04-24-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Mercutio
Really...your sure?

as in the french form of the name Lewis, i would imagine
not sure about 'e' on end, shouldn't it be Louis?

04-24-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
as in the french form of the name Lewis, i would imagine
not sure about 'e' on end, shouldn't it be Louis?

Yes. Its Hector Louis Berlioz.

05-02-2004, 10:24 PM
Check out hectorberlioz's site (http://www.hectorberlioz.org).

Its been updated and added to recently...including why he thinks H. B. is the best composer ever! ;)

Beruthiel's cat
05-10-2004, 02:23 PM
Hector, Hector ---

Your new sig is quite extraordinary!!!

"she sings like a cat, but what can I do, I love her"-Berlioz, on his second wife Marie Recio

Perhaps his cats sang like his wife???

:D :D :p :p

05-10-2004, 03:16 PM
Yup:D when I saw that quote I loved it for more reaons than I can count...
I knew you would like it;). you can go ahead and put that in your siggy too:) it'd be cool if you did:D

05-17-2004, 12:00 AM
not too much, but a nice bit of progress on my site!:)


05-19-2004, 10:05 PM
Fantastique (http://www.hectorberlioz.org/fantasticsymphonie.jpg)

this is a very strange picture that I found....

website going good:)

05-27-2004, 01:28 PM
I really need help with ideas for my site. I'm at a tough point right now, with the pics not working on there, and with a few bad page links.

Beruthiel's cat
05-28-2004, 10:01 AM
Hector, my dear child, I got something very interesting via snail mail yesterday. I thought you'd find it interesting...

My father lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is a subscriber to the Santa Fe Opera. He put my name on their mailing list (no doubt to entice me to visit more often...) and I received the brochure for the 2004 season, July and August of this year. Do you know what one of the operas that is scheduled to be performed is????

Beatrice & Benedict by Hector Berlioz!!!!

The performance dates look to be July 17, 21 and 30 and August 4, 10 and 16.

Their web addy is www.santafeopera.org. They also have an 800 number.

So why not pack up the family and head out west for a little opera???


05-28-2004, 10:45 PM
Great Albaqureque!:eek: you are so darn lucky!:D.
Dang it! invite me invite me!:D

05-29-2004, 07:39 PM
I love Much Ado About Nothing. We'll have to make an Entmoot meeting out of it!

05-29-2004, 11:50 PM
We can even start a forum for it:p. I'm the Prez now so I can get Ben to do whatever I want:p....not.

05-30-2004, 02:27 PM
By goodness! Don Giovanni too!:D B Cat, you have to see them all!:p

Beruthiel's cat
06-01-2004, 09:13 AM
I wish I could go, Hector, but my dad lives there, not me. He and my stepmother ususally go to a performance or two during the season, however.

At least I know which one to encourage them to go see!!! :D ;)