View Full Version : Discussion Thread: Nomads from the East
03-02-2004, 11:13 PM
Valandil, being the wise king that he is, suggested that we start a discussion thread. As the self-appointed GM of the thread, I've started one! Yea and fun.
Important Note: Continue posting in character activity for the RPG in the original thread. This isn't the game thread.
I'm sorry Valandil, but we've (okay, I) already set the time to be six months after the war. I think you could still be a member of the Grey Company though, why not?
These Bossy Pants are very comfortable. Anyone else care to try them on?
03-02-2004, 11:19 PM
Players and Characters:
I shall be Pansy! Along with the infamous Cory! ahaha! hope you don't mind. I am quite obsessed.
Character: Pansy Hogswallop
Race: Hobbit
She's from Frogmorton, is Peregrin Took's neice, and rides a black and white attack llama named Cory.
Name: Jan
Race: Muryan
Age: Looks about 18 or so
Hair: Midnight blue w/ streaks of red-gold, brushes his ankles if not held in place at nape of neck with a silver tube, it is also straight
Eyes: Deep, firey gold, fringed by long lashes, arched midnight blue eyebrows
Sex: M [though sometimes mistaken for F]
Height: 6'11"
Apperance: Tall and thin and lightly muscled, very smart and well adapted to the heat of desert and the cold of icey plains, his medium toned skin is lightly tinged with a golden sheen, he has two small horns that protrude from his brow, and long, pointed ears, and his voice is like faded harp music
Weapons: Very adept with a bow and sword, but is also able to conjure either pitch blackness or fires
Personality: Mysterious, blunt, charismatic, and cold, he likes to keep to himself. If forced upon others company, he will bear it. But if the person is too hyper, bouncy or preppy, he will take off as soon as he can He occasionly will smile at someone, if the do something correctly.
Name: Boin
Age: 27
Race: Easterling
Gender: Male
Hair: black, shoulder length
Eyes: Emerald
Other: Wears a black tunic and cape. The hood on his cape hides most of his face. He is secretive and mysterious. He holds a grudge against all Gondorians but has never told anyone why. He is normally out in the forests hunting or riding his horse, Blackheart.
Family: He has a twin sister, Aleah, but has not seen her for many years. Also, he is ten months married to Ka'ana and has a little boy, Tyren.
Name: Akkar Anagrim
Height: 6'0"
Race: Haradrim
Age: 37
Occupation: Captain in army.
Appearance: Thick, shoulder-length black hair, which he always wears tied back. Chocolate brown skin, smooth except for the occasional thin scar. Brown eyes. Plain face. Muscular and lean.
Family: He has a wife and three young children. He had misgivings about fighting for this unknown Sauron, but had no real choice in the matter (like most Haradrim). His brother was also in the army, but was killed, leaving his wife and teenaged daughter.
Skills: Fighting with sword, dagger and bow. He can control a (non-enraged) Oliphaunt. He also can cook over a camfire, and make arrows. He is also a good herdsman, though out of practice.
Short Bio: Before he joined the army when he was 18, he was a goat herder. He is quiet, and his men trust him and his long experience in the army. He acheived the rank of Captain after 6 years in the army, but lacked the ambition to rise higher.
Also playing 5 mercenaries, captained by Akkar: Farkad, Aranek, Greyson, and the brothers Hamish and Hamid. The brothers are friends with the shape shifter Callinya, and only Hamish is allowed to call her Cal.
Devak: Hi peoples *waves*
Short bio: Taught by sauron... Don't ask or ask me latter... Changed sides after the fall of sauron in the first war, But when the ring was found sauron forced her to side with him agian, so let's say she's very bitter heh heh heh very very bitter... she has decided to use the powers that sauron had given her for good or at least what she thinks is good...and what she thinks is right is not always right. Sauron had given her the sister ring to the one ring. She tries to refrain from using her powers lest it bring the nine back (or so she thinks...) She seems to have an affinity for language so she only has to hear a new language once and she is able to speak it forever. *deep breath* She has one weapon Anasta, Given to her by sauron when she was young. Also she has no idea what she is, (she has no clue who her mother or father was)
*pats anasta and is thinking about the old days* *sigh* Things where so easy then, you did what you were told and you lived another day *sigh* Ha, I don't miss it at all...
*an orc appears*
Orc: my lady? we have been looking for you... *sees other people* My lady? Who are these people?
Devak: Friends Tiji, Their friends...
Tiji: *nods uncirtenly*
Devak: It's alright my friend *pats Tiji* They won't hurt you...
Name: Callinya
Race: Hadrim shape shifter (come on you know you konw love it)
Bio: Not much to tell. She's not very talkitive and she's mystrious. Carries a dagger in her boot but for fighting she mostly relies on shape shifting.
Name: Celian Malede
Height: 5'11"
Race: Elves - Male ( Of which kind, not known )
Age: 1023
Occupation: Wondering Explorer
Appearance: Not the most tidy elves, as he often lives rough, and does not have the luxeries of an every day elve. Wears coats and cloths of a Brown and Gold Nature, bearing unque markings, of which resemble Elvish. Dark long hair, with a single lock in the rear center, bound with black ribbon.
Family: Little is known of his family, as is known, he is a explorer, and it is thought he has no things 'tieing him down' at home, wherever home might be.
Skills: Obviously great skill with the bow, saying that, his Bow is said to be crafted for him only, by a highly renound blacksmith in the depths of Mirkwood.
Name: Rorin
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Appearance: Rather Dwarf-ish..... (trying to keep this short)
Personality: Taciturn, yet slightly grumpy.
Last Child of Ungoliant:
My name is Faligorn
I hail from Lebennin, but now live in the rebuilt osgiliath
my father, Feregon, fought as a soldier of Gondor in the war of the ring
Information revealed later:
Name: Faligorn
Race: Men part Numenorean
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'-10"
Occupation: Lord of Lebennin, 2nd council to King Elessar
General Description: very long brown hair and brown eyes, fairly tall, healthy complexion, looks regal
Clothes / Weapons: Silver and Steel armour, long black cloak with hood, carries 2 long swords, 4 short knives, 2 daggers (in boots) and a bow and quiver of arrows
Skills: skilled at many things, accomplished warrior, diplomat, tracker
Short Bio: Son of Feregon, who fought in War of the Ring, always rides with his personal guard, of 10 men, Azgarron, his lietenant, Ninphal, his messenger, and the 8 captains of Lebennin Legion of the Royal Gondorian Army, he rides a large black horse named Firefoot
personal info regarding faligorn and his men;
they each carry 2 long swords, a bow and quiver of arrows 4 short bladed knives and 2 daggers, hidden in their boots
His personal guard has been following him, but not especially following the other members of our company
03-02-2004, 11:22 PM
(1000 apologies if I leave anyone out or forget something important.)
Our tale takes place ten years after the War of the Ring, and we begin at an inn just south of Ithilien.
The Haradrim (Akkar, Farkad, Hamish, Aranek, Greyson, and Hamid), Callinya, Pansy, Devak, Rorin, and Jan casually formed a group at the Sandy Forest Inn, and began a jouney to Harad.
Callinya and Devak had news of trouble in the capital city of Harad. Callinya, being a shape shifter, gathered accurate and detailed intelligence on the enemy.
We received a message from an Elf, Celian, who seemed to have some mysterious and important information. Farkad left the party to meet him at Dunharrow.
Meanwhile, we met up with Faligorn, a man from Lebennin, on the road. He joined our party because he's looking for his brother who is in Harad - we have a common goal.
Callinya returned and reported that over 900 000 enemies of unknown origin are beseiging the seaside capital. They are content and well provisioned.
Faligorn added that he met Dwarves, who lived near Rhun, who had trouble with an enemy from the East. We suspect this is our enemy.
Rorin, the taciturn dwarf, is still travelling with the party.
Boin plans to meet us on the road.
It has been revealed that Jan is actually the Muryan leader, as Farkad continues to journey to Dunharrow.
After the group forded the Anduin, they met up with Boin. They journeyed south-east under Jan's direction.
Farkad arrived in Dunharrow.
(I'll reserve two more posts for future updates. More than that and we'll just have to be more consice. :D)
03-02-2004, 11:24 PM
Recap place holder.
03-02-2004, 11:25 PM
Day 1: Pansy, Jan, Callinya, Rorin, and Devak met up with the Haradrim at the inn The Sandy Forest.
Day 2: The group journeys south, towards Harad and the Muryan - their possible allies. They receive a message from a mysterious elf at Dunharrow - Farkad leaves to investigate.
Day 3: At dawn, they are attacked by a party of orcs. Devak took one prisoner, killing him later. Later in the day they forded the Anduin and met up with Boin.
Day 4,5: Journeyed south-east under Jan's direction.
Day 6: Farkad arrived in Dunharrow. The group continues south-east.
(I think this may be useful.)
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-03-2004, 01:06 AM
I'm very confused, I though Rorin was already with you guys.... Oh well!
I can't post right now, I've had a REALLY bad day and my brain is fried, (not to mention the mother of all headaches that has been plauging me!) and I'm stressing over speech. *shudders* I'd rather be doused in steak sauce and locked in a cage of starving tigers (this is not a hyperbole, it's the truth), rather than get up in front of people. But if I didn't do my speech, I'd be off the computer for a month or more (which I seriously considered).
One moment *yells at sister* please turn off that country music!!!!!!!!
Okay, back to complaining. Where was I? Oh yeah, speech. Evil stuff.
btw, great to see you, Last Child of Ungoliant! We meet again!
If you guys want to move on right now, meet up with Rorin or something. Not that you guys would ever godmod *cough* Nurv *cough*:)
03-03-2004, 01:11 AM
Lol :D What me? Godmod? ;)
No worries Gulio, I hope you feel better soon. Post whenever you have the chance.
By the way, I shouldn't insist that the story be set 6 months after the War of the Ring. (It's not that much to change, I should just suck it up. :D) Someone suggested 10 years after, does that work for you Valandil and everyone?
03-03-2004, 02:45 AM
oops! I didn't see this thread. Sorry. School does things to you, especially with tests almost every day! :)
03-03-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
By the way, I shouldn't insist that the story be set 6 months after the War of the Ring. (It's not that much to change, I should just suck it up. :D) Someone suggested 10 years after, does that work for you Valandil and everyone?
I can really work with either one, but prefer 10 years - so things have had time to 'settle down' a bit before this latest trouble. ALSO - if we're only 6 months after the end of the War, say late September 3019, Gandalf and the Hobbits have only made it as far as Rivendell - the Shire hasn't even been scoured for goodness sake! Ten years later and things have been established for awhile, Gandalf and the greatest Elven Lords have departed (though Radagast might still be hanging out about the southern part of the Forest of Greenleaves...).
So what would 10 years be... March (like NOW!) - would it be Year 7 or Year 8 of the Fourth Age? Or Year 6? I think it's Year 7, but I'd need to check to be sure.
03-03-2004, 02:41 PM
That's true about the six month thing. And I can just say that my characters were in southern Ithilien, and not home, because they were just on a mercenary job, rather than having done that in the past.
They can reflect on the war, and how being conscripted affected them still. This could even have led to their becoming mercenaries. This can work on a fairly flexible timeline, as long as it means they were the right age to be in the war, if that makes sense.
Ten years would also work for PippinTook's character Pansy, Pippin Took's neice.
03-03-2004, 08:34 PM
Works for me too.
Just ignore my last post, I'll come in some other way.....perhaps I could be at someone's house or something like that. Or I could still be waiting on the road. Hmmmm...oh the possibilities!
03-03-2004, 08:51 PM
Okay, so we should disregard the post that we accidentally disregarded? :D
So 10 years, what does everyone else think?
03-03-2004, 08:59 PM
03-04-2004, 11:10 PM
Don't worry Twista, Farkad will be at Dunharrow in two more days. Do you think that's reasonable, to go from southern Ithilien (still on the north side of the Anduin) to Dunharrow in three days of riding?
03-04-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
I'm very confused, I though Rorin was already with you guys.... Oh well!
I fixed the synopsis, Rorin did join us at the inn.
We can just say he doesn't talk much. Whenever you have the chance to post, no worries.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-04-2004, 11:51 PM
Thankkies! I am feeling better, thank you! 'Cept I wounded my hand in practice (so my posts are going to be short - very difficult to type with one hand. How did Beren survive?). I DID get a new hat, and I am now addicted to kumquats.:D
03-04-2004, 11:59 PM
oops, sorry I haven't posted in a while. its getting confusing with al these people. lol. 10 years works better for me, like nurv said, cause that way, Pansy's story would make sense. I will try to post, but if I can't sorry.
03-05-2004, 03:34 AM
Okay, 10 years it is then. :) (Unless that completely doesn't work for anyone.)
Don't worry about posting guys, just try not to miss all the fun! :D
03-05-2004, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
Don't worry Twista, Farkad will be at Dunharrow in two more days. Do you think that's reasonable, to go from southern Ithilien (still on the north side of the Anduin) to Dunharrow in three days of riding?
I don't know... didn't it take the Rohirrim 4 days from Dunharrow to Minas Tirith? And they were going downhill. It's another day, or nearly, to Osgiliath... then a matter of just how far south in Ithilien we are.
Hey - you know that movie 'Hidalgo' - starring Viggo? I saw something on 'History Channel' last night... about the TRUE STORY of Hidalgo. Anyway, they mention that in the first race this rider entered, he won it in 31 days... it was an 1800 mile race from Galveston, TX to somewhere in Rhode Island. Anyway, I wonder if 60 miles per day could be a nice maximum for sustained horseback-riding (and maybe 40-50 at a moderate pace??). Any riders out there who would know better about that?
03-05-2004, 07:15 PM
Farkad could travel faster, being alone, so maybe I should make that a 5 day trip, because of the uphill factor.
Methinks we need to advance the story line so we can bring in Twista's character. IOW, someone could go, "After they arranged with Jan to talk to the Muryan, they rode south for four days. That afternoon, Farkad arrived in Dunharrow."
03-05-2004, 11:45 PM
Random ideas: Do you want this to be an advance party to an army of orcs? We wouldn't have to deal with them - they could be attacking Minis Tirith. "Sequel possibilities". Or, they could just be a band of random orcs, but we could have "sequel possibilities" helping the Gondorians erradicate the rest of the orcs.
What do you think? We don't really need to decide anything yet since this is way in the future. :)
03-06-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant - in the RPG thread
ooc: hmmm, there are times when we seem to hog the thread, aren't there
i hadn't realised the haradrim were on horseback, though
it is most likeley 'rorin' that would need assistance
though i dont know what gulio has to say on that
I agree with that assessment, but I also don't think it would be unreasonable for Rorin to ride a pony. Yep, depends what Gulio says.
We are thread hogs eh Chrys? :p I'm the super hog Bossy Pants wearer of this thread! :D
03-07-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by PippinTook
Last Child's horse
Nurv's horse
Pansy's uhhhh...
"Would you like a carrot?" Pansy asked the newcomer. She wanted to make a good impression, and evil people don't give carrots.
ooc; yeah, so that was meaningless
These links are absolutely brilliant! We just need one for Flare now.
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-08-2004, 10:28 AM
sorry i havent posted here, forgot about this thread
ten years works perfectly for my character, dad fought in war etc
flat out, i'd say about 4 days for osgiliath to dunharrow,
dont forget when theoden etc rode south, they travelled through the forest of druadan, so couldnt have gone fast anyway
if it was an advance scouting party to an army of orcs, we'ed need
to be quite far south by the time they attack minas tirith not to be affected
had tirith been renamed Minas Anor by this time, will check appendices to RotK to see...
03-08-2004, 03:36 PM
picking me up yet? lol
03-08-2004, 08:55 PM
Day 1: Pansy, Jan, Callinya, Rorin, and Devak met up with the Haradrim at the inn The Sandy Forest.
Day 2: The group journeys south, towards Harad and the Muryan - their possible allies. They receive a message from a mysterious elf at Dunharrow - Farkad leaves to investigate.
Day 3: At dawn, they are attacked by a party of orcs. Devak took one prisoner. Later in the day they forded the Anduin.
Val and I decided that 4 days was a reasonable time to go from South Ithilien to Dunharrow, so Farkad will pick you up on day 6. (That's what you get for starting in Dunharrow! :D) If you're bored, you can play one of the Haradrim. If you have fun, you could even take over the character permanently.
03-08-2004, 09:38 PM
might as well post a picture too :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-08-2004, 09:42 PM
ee, that's a grand oss, Aewionen
still i like the one that Pip chose for me better!! :D
03-12-2004, 04:24 PM
Idea's for Valandil's character (from the PM I sent him):
There's a couple opportunities for you to bring your character in right now. Farkad (on of my characters) and Celian (Twista's character) just met in a pub in Dunharrow. If you want to play right away, work it out with Twista that you guys are travelling together.
If you want to join a little later, you could come aboard when the rest of the party, who are in South Gondor, come to Jan's (Legoles' character) people, the Muryan.
Either option lets you play any character you want. If you want to be evil, you could be whoever is in charge of the army invading Harad. Endless options abound.
If you have another idea to bring in your character that's fine too.
I'm keeping the recap and timelines updated, so refer to them whenever you need!
03-12-2004, 05:52 PM
Thanks Nurv... tried to PM back, but it bounced! Here was my reply:
- - - - -
Thanks Nurv... I'll see if I can come in with 'Celian'... or maybe you guys otherwise bump into me in Dunharrow... I'd probably be the only other stranger there (why Dunharrow? It's QUITE off the beaten path you know... it'd be us and a bunch of strawheads! :D ) I guess I'll have to name my character and give a description now... sigh! :)
- - - - -
Shall I become the object of a minor 'disturbance' in the pub?
03-12-2004, 06:42 PM
I know! It took my character ages to get there. You'd have to ask Twista why he picked it. Have you decided what character you want to play Valandil? Want a hand?
EDIT: And I emptied my PM box, sorry about that.
03-12-2004, 06:50 PM
The one alternate... one of the younger companions of Halbarad in the Grey Company... I'll say he and his father were both in the group and that his father is now 'Warden of Arnor'... and sent him with a message to King Elessar (dratted palantiri... if we only still HAD one up north, these messages would be so much easier... that's better than email!). On his way, he detoured through Dunharrow... not sure if it was for simply sentimental reasons (boy... I remember that WILD RIDE from 10 years ago like it was YESTERDAY!), or if he felt 'compelled' in some strange way...
Now I just need to name him. :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-12-2004, 06:52 PM
how about 'valandil'
or 'lidnalav':D
03-12-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
how about 'valandil'
or 'lidnalav':D Hah! There's a little joke about 'Lidnalav' - but I'm not sure if any of those in the game are in on it... Artanis and Linaewen are for sure. I'll tell you about it some other time! :p
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Hah! There's a little joke about 'Lidnalav' - but I'm not sure if any of those in the game are in on it... Artanis and Linaewen are for sure. I'll tell you about it some other time! :p
well, i just sort of thought it's like, your name, backwards ...
03-12-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
The one alternate... one of the younger companions of Halbarad in the Grey Company... I'll say he and his father were both in the group and that his father is now 'Warden of Arnor'... and sent him with a message to King Elessar (dratted palantiri... if we only still HAD one up north, these messages would be so much easier... that's better than email!). On his way, he detoured through Dunharrow... not sure if it was for simply sentimental reasons (boy... I remember that WILD RIDE from 10 years ago like it was YESTERDAY!), or if he felt 'compelled' in some strange way...
Now I just need to name him. :)
Great idea Valandil!
What about Ciryandil, Atanatar, or Rómendacil? Your parents could be history buffs, makes sense for Dunedain.
Lidnalav lol! :D Is the inside joke more complicated than your name backwards? ;)
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-12-2004, 09:04 PM
i just thought of another name
Tar-Minyatur, in honour of Elros
03-12-2004, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
Great idea Valandil!
What about Ciryandil, Atanatar, or Rómendacil? Your parents could be history buffs, makes sense for Dunedain.
Lidnalav lol! :D Is the inside joke more complicated than your name backwards? ;)
A little bit... I'll bring the source back around within a few weeks... it's overdue! ;)
I just picked the name 'Celebreg'... a bit of a shortening of 'celeb + ereg' = silver thorn... I like the shortened version better and we'll say it came about as languages condense words over time.
Off to the game thread to introduce myself... but can't linger tonight... :)
03-13-2004, 06:19 PM
Great first post Valandil! I'm excited! :D
Don't worry about your comp Gulio, we won't let your character die or get left behind. Just post when you can, no worries. :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-13-2004, 08:51 PM
right, i can fully introduce my character now
faligorn son of feregon
is lord of lebennin
and a council of the King Elessar
His personal guard has been following him, but not especially following the other members of our company
the guard consists of:
Azgarron, his lieutenant
Ninphal, his messenger
and the captains of the 8 companies of
the Lebennin Legion, a legion of the
royal Gondorian Army
03-13-2004, 09:12 PM
Hey, cool Chrys! :cool: I added it to the character bios at the beginning.
Now we just need Valandil's character information. :)
03-14-2004, 12:39 AM
What if the Ents of the forest were actually Entwives? To non-Ents who had not seen both together, the mistake is certainly possible. This could work unless it messes up any other ideas Legoles might have had for them.
We could do a future plotline for them. Like Pansy could mention something to Pippin, and he would remember what Treebeard said. So what do you think Legoles and everyone?
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-14-2004, 02:41 AM
Sweet. I'll be gone most of next week, so godmod away! Rorin doesn't say much, anyways.
03-14-2004, 05:13 AM
No worries, check the recap when you get back and you'll be all set. :)
Good luck!
03-14-2004, 09:17 PM
How about both ents and entwives? Whoo queen of comprimise!
03-15-2004, 04:35 AM
Sure! :) (Hail the Queen.)
Where did the Ents come from? Are they another race of Ents Treebeard didn't know about?
I was thinking the Entwives could be the ones that were driven from the Brown Lands. They could have met up with the other group of Ents.
03-23-2004, 11:30 AM
OK, I threw a new twist ;) ;) into the scene at Dunharrow! :D
And Nurv, here's my character summary for your update:
Name: Celebreg
Race: Men - Numenorean descent
Gender: Male
Age: 45 (but should live another 100 years, +/-)
Height: 6'-6"
Occupation: In the service of King Elessar, under his father, who is the Warden of Arnor
General Description: tall, slender, dark brown hair and gray eyes
Clothes / Weapons: varies by time and place - comfortable with most weapons of the time, usually carries a sword - when traveling, often wears gray cloak of the Northern Dunedain, with rayed star for a brooch
Skills: tracking, riding, fighting (pers combat + strategy & tactics), construction, administration
Short Bio: One of the 'Gray Company' of Rangers who rode with Halbarad to meet Aragorn in Rohan, along with his father and one of his brothers. His father is now 'Warden of Arnor' - in charge of re-building the old northern kingdom. Celebreg is third oldest among his brothers, so sees little prospect of 'inheriting' his father's station - and feels the need to distinguish himself otherwise. Still un-married, not unusual for a Ranger of his age.
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-23-2004, 12:03 PM
Name: Faligorn
Race: Men part Numenorean
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'-10"
Occupation: Lord of Lebennin, 2nd council to King Elessar
General Description: very long brown hair and brown eyes, fairly tall, healthy complexion, looks regal
Clothes / Weapons: Silver and Steel armour, long black cloak with hood, carries 2 long swords, 4 short knives, 2 daggers (in boots) and a bow and quiver of arrows
Skills: skilled at many things, accomplished warrior, diplomat, tracker
Short Bio: Son of Feregon, who fought in War of the Ring, always rides with his personal guard, of 10 men, Azgarron, his lietenant, Ninphal, his messenger, and the 8 captains of Lebennin Legion of the Royal Gondorian Army, he rides a large black horse named Firefoot
thought it was about time i posted a proper bio of my character!!
03-23-2004, 10:38 PM
sorry I havent been on in a while, my computer wouldn't work. I hate to say this (because this RPG is really good!!) but I'm gonna have to drop out. sorry! :( I will probably read it though:) Bye!
03-25-2004, 05:38 PM
Hi Nurvi... thanks for posting again... sorry I forgot to get to it yesterday (pre-occupied with my 'Fall of Numenor' posts... reading them?) :)
(EDIT: oh - you can post a bit more if you like - speak for the orphans, name them, etc)
Say... your boxy-box is full - so I sentcha an email! :) Also put this in the 'Messages' thread, but don't think you saw it.
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-25-2004, 05:42 PM
question for valandil:
my character is 2nd council to king elessar, would it b possible that you and me would know each other, when you finally make it to our group?
03-25-2004, 05:42 PM
Eep! I'll clean out my litte- PM box. :D
This is the first place I read your message. It's nice to see people using the discussion thread. :)
I completely love your ideas about the orphans. We can play them together. Actually, I think it would be better if we did it that way - I already have a lot of characters, and if we shared there would be more flow and continuity to the story.
What should we name them? You're good at stuff like that, do you want to come up with some good Rohirrim names? (I liked your backstory btw.)
Where do they want to go? Maybe we could take them to Minas Tirith.
03-25-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
I completely love your ideas about the orphans. We can play them together. Actually, I think it would be better if we did it that way - I already have a lot of characters, and if we shared there would be more flow and continuity to the story.
What should we name them? You're good at stuff like that, do you want to come up with some good Rohirrim names? (I liked your backstory btw.)
Where do they want to go? Maybe we could take them to Minas Tirith.
Orphans: OK - I'll work on some 'Rohirrim' names... as I see it, they could either go to Minas Tirith, try to settle in either Ithilien, back home in the Westfold, or up around Annuminas (those 'land grants' I mentioned)... OR, if we figure out a way to make them useful... maybe they just stay in the adventure for some reason. Whatever.
What were you referring to: my 'backstory'?
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-25-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
question for valandil:
my character is 2nd council to king elessar, would it b possible that you and me would know each other, when you finally make it to our group?
u must have missed my question, val
just bringing it back up
03-25-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
question for valandil:
my character is 2nd council to king elessar, would it b possible that you and me would know each other, when you finally make it to our group?
Yes... I was thinking about that lately, and meaning to ask YOU about it... if you're Second (is 'Consul' a better word?) to King Elessar, that means you've passed either Faramir or Imrahil, right? And you didn't even fight in the War yourself? Hmmm... my character wonders if you're 'putting on airs'! :p
Seriously, I wonder if it would be a bit more realistic for him to be 'stepped-down' a bit socially. That was sort of why I made Celebreg a third son... he feels he's got to prove himself, plus, he's 'expendable' enough that he can go galavanting around the countryside... royal / noble parents were more particular about their first-borns in that regard... had to preserve the heir who was next in line to whatever title.
Just something you may want to think about. I'm willing to go with whatever though. :)
03-25-2004, 05:57 PM
I agree Val. As a general RPG rule, I feel the story is more intersting if people have to "work their way up".
At least nobody is having those ridiculous "No, my sword is larger, see?" discussions. :D
About the orphans Val, all your ideas sound good.
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-25-2004, 05:58 PM
i only say 2nd counsel as lebennin is near to Minas Tirith, but obviously i wouldnt be above farmir, who is steward, and prince of ithilien
but i am too young to have played an active part in the war, i was one of the kids still at minas tirith when pippin and gandalf came, just sort of shooting orcs from the battlements with bow and arrow
although my father feregon fell in war of ring, at battle of cormallen field, outside black gate, that is when i became lord of lebennin
EDIT: but i think my people are a bit stepped down socially anyway, as lebennin is mainly farming area, isn't it?
03-25-2004, 06:00 PM
That all sounds fine to me. Maybe Valandil will think of the appropriate title for that. (Sorry to delegate so much, you're just the appendix expert! :D)
Maybe you could just say that you're one of King Elessar's councillors? You would hold the same sort of rank as say, the Lord of Lossarnach.
03-26-2004, 06:35 AM
Originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant
i only say 2nd counsel as lebennin is near to Minas Tirith, but obviously i wouldnt be above farmir, who is steward, and prince of ithilien
but i am too young to have played an active part in the war, i was one of the kids still at minas tirith when pippin and gandalf came, just sort of shooting orcs from the battlements with bow and arrow
although my father feregon fell in war of ring, at battle of cormallen field, outside black gate, that is when i became lord of lebennin
EDIT: but i think my people are a bit stepped down socially anyway, as lebennin is mainly farming area, isn't it?
Hmmm... again, wonder if you'd want to re-think who you are. For one, Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth would have been VERY high in the counsel of Elessar. For another, if you're actually the Lord of Lebennin, you might be derelict in your duty to be running around the country on a matter like this... with position comes responsibility - and I think the responsibilities of the Lord of one of Gondor's provinces would be quite demanding. All the more so for the King's #2 man. Any chance of being a 2nd or 3rd son? Or a 'dis-inherited' son? Wrongfully accused / shamed / whatever??
For nomenclature, I think either 'consul' or 'councillor' is more appropriate to describe a person - but, sorry Nurv, I'm not sure what the best Gondorian term would be. :)
03-28-2004, 07:09 AM
Not sure eh Val? It must not be in the Appendicies... or is it..?
What do you think Chrys? I hope you don't feel that Valandil and I are picking on you. We certainly don't have that intent. :)
03-28-2004, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
Not sure eh Val? It must not be in the Appendicies... or is it..?
What do you think Chrys? I hope you don't feel that Valandil and I are picking on you. We certainly don't have that intent. :)
Yes - I hesitated to respond a second time because of that... but I went ahead anyway. I guess you're free to do as you like - or at least, subject to some kind of approval from the thread starter. So I was just spilling thoughts on it (Oops! Got them all over you! Sorry! :p ).
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-29-2004, 08:35 PM
i have had a rethink!!
feregon was lord of lebennin at war of ring, he died at black gate
eldest son, also fighting at black gate, becomes lord of lebennin,
he is called Finlorg, and was Captain of Lebennin
Middle son (my character) becomes Captain of Lebennin, on 16th birthday, he is called faligorn
youngest son, is an embassy of the King to Umbar, my character looking for brother, gone missing etc (that part stays the same)
he can be called Forslo
does that fit in well enough, valandil?
my character is not lord of lebennin, but commands the entire lebennin legion as a captain. ;)
i wont go through the RPG thread, and edit all my posts, but will take it as read rom here on, is that ok?
03-29-2004, 08:44 PM
Sorry LCOU... you don't really have to get my approval or anything! Personally, I think what you're now proposing is much more realistic... but all I can apply here is my own subjective standards.
Anyway - I think that's fine - and to me makes more sense in a RPG setting. :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-29-2004, 08:51 PM
ta valandil
dont forget, tho, this is my first RPG ever in here, so i am still muddling throo!
a bit more about my men (i:e i only just thought about it!)
Lebennin Legion
Faligorn - Captain of Lebennin
Azgarron - Lieutenant of Faligorn
Ninphal - Messenger of Faligorn
4 Mounted Companies, with the captains joinng the Personal guard of Faligorn.
50 Men and Horses in each company.
2 Infantry Companies, with the mounted captains joining the Personal guard of Faligorn
50 soldiers in each company
2 Archery Companies, with the mounted captains joining the Personal guard of Faligorn
50 Archers in each company
total =
10 members of Faligorn's personal guard
200 Mounted soldiers
100 Foot soldiers
100 aArchers
Last Child of Ungoliant
04-12-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel in the game thread
OOC: We are where Devak is being held? I've been really busy lately, and not so much time to post.
originally posted by Last Child of Ungoliant in the game thread
ooc: no, nurv, the majority of us aren't,
but jan and callinya flew there just recently.
Ninphal is summoning lebennin legion to the mountains
south of Jan's forest, and hopefully, some more of Gondor' army
will join us. then we ride south to liberate harad
09-17-2004, 07:49 AM
Hey yo! This thread needs a bump. Let's plan how we're going to keep the thread going! (I guess I'm still Controllie McBossypants, bwahahahaha!) :evil:
Anyway, who still wants to play? Should we keep the same characters? If we don't, how would we explain their sudden disappearance. I don't mind playing the same characters. I have the mercenary captain Akkar Anagrim and the mercenaries Hamid, Hamish, Greyson, Aranek and probably somebody else. (I'll have to remember the names of my characters, and how many I have. Waugh!)
I think it might be easier to keep going if we had less characters, and therefore simplify the story a bit. I'm prepared to drop as many as needed. Akkar is gone until Valandil comes back, as his story line is now tied in with Val's character. We could leave that altogether, and have another RPG on it later when he graces us with his presence. :D (kidding Val!)
So who still wants to play, and how do you want to do it? I guess we could add new people to play some of the existing characters if new people wanted to play. (Some of the Haradrim or Muryan maybe.)
Last Child of Ungoliant
09-17-2004, 10:16 AM
I'd say keep same characters
i won't be able to post as often as before, though
my characters are Faligorn,
his imperial guard,
and the Lebennin legion,
if they are still needed :D
09-19-2004, 12:48 PM
Of course they're still needed! We're not going to boot you, just because you can't post a lot. *ponders*
I should study instead of posting a lot, but I still want to play. Here's an idea, but you don't have to do it:
What if you and I shared Akkar Anagrim (the mercenary captain who's out of the picture along with Val's character) and the mercenaries Hamish, Hamid, Greyson, Farkad, and Aranek. Or, you could take some of them and control those guys all the time. What do you think? :)
I'll keep my chars and i'll still post, we just went thru a move so it's been hecktic around here,
09-23-2004, 12:01 PM
Fair enough. We can start slowly, and we'll be sure not to leave any characters behind. :)
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-19-2004, 08:15 AM
What if you and I shared Akkar Anagrim (the mercenary captain who's out of the picture along with Val's character) and the mercenaries Hamish, Hamid, Greyson, Farkad, and Aranek. Or, you could take some of them and control those guys all the time. What do you think? :)
it might get a bit confusing, considering i also have faligorn and his men to order about [has anyone else noticed the similarities of name between my character here, and my character in the forsaken inn?? :D faligorn=galiforn]
01-25-2005, 09:16 AM
Shall we say the questors were killed in a sand storm since theres been no word from them for some time...
01-25-2005, 09:30 AM
lol!! We should write some fitting death for them and give the rpg a proper end... ;)
Val and I might have had a cool side-quest, but he stopped posting. :p
01-25-2005, 11:44 AM
Val and I might have had a cool side-quest, but he stopped posting. :p
You'll have to prod him somewhat then. He's still thinking the Númenor-game is all he has to wrap up. :evil:
01-25-2005, 12:02 PM
You'll have to prod him somewhat then. He's still thinking the Númenor-game is all he has to wrap up. :evil:
no... i know, i know... *sigh* guess i took on too much... :o :(
PS: meanwhile, you got some reading to do, Eärni! :p ;)
01-25-2005, 04:44 PM
OTOH - Nurvi & I sorta got left high & dry in THIS thread...
So in this one, I'm not taking so much blame for the slowdown. ;) :p :D
(and even in t'other - once Beor became unable to post, it got sorta hard for me to keep carrying that whole storyline for a bit) :)
01-25-2005, 06:50 PM
Heh, no worries. I think 2 RPGs is all I can handle at the moment too.
We could always revive two cool RPGs at once - have the Nomads go to the Forsaken Inn... :D
01-25-2005, 07:20 PM
...We could always revive two cool RPGs at once - have the Nomads go to the Forsaken Inn... :D
shhh... don't let Earniel find out about 'The Forsaken Inn' thread too!! :o
my goose will REALLY be cooked! :eek:
01-26-2005, 08:57 AM
shhh... don't let Earniel find out about 'The Forsaken Inn' thread too!! :o
My dear Karl, since I started here as RPG moderator, I kept taps on EVERY RPG, no game here has managed to escape my attention since. I know. :evil:
01-26-2005, 09:03 AM
*gulp!* :eek: :o
01-26-2005, 09:21 AM
*gulp!* :eek: :o
Why are you in trouble? Most RPGs drift to the bottom... :confused:
01-26-2005, 02:01 PM
Why are you in trouble? Most RPGs drift to the bottom... :confused:
Dunno... maybe Eärnie is extra strict on me! ;) :p :D
01-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Oi! Now you're talking nonsense, my dear High King. I just said I know which games are playing and I only suggested once you might want to try a game to find the Entwives after you've finished the Númenor-game because you struck me as someone who wants to finish what he started first before embarking on a new quest.
It says nowhere that I keep you to it. :p
02-21-2005, 07:23 PM
Wow... I really HAVE been gone too long... :( :( :(
What's been happening???
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