View Full Version : A Real Celebrity Survivor?

02-01-2004, 11:02 AM
What if they made a Survivor with real

Demi Moore
Elisabeth Perkins
Geena Davis
Tom Cruise
Sylvester Stallone
Russell Crowe

Courteney Cox
Uma Thurman
Sharon Stone
Kevin Spacey
Kevin Kline
Clint Eastwood

Matt Damon
Samuel L Jackson
Kurt Russell
Kathleen Turner
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Madeleine Stowe

Al Pacino
George Clooney
Mel Gibson
Rosie O'Donnell
Drew Barrymore
Nicole Kidman

...What say ye? Would it be watchable?

02-02-2004, 11:08 PM
That would be great if they did it with real celebrities. It would make it a lot more interesting because they would be even more helpless!
Also, the idea that you already know the people would make you want to watch it even more.

02-03-2004, 02:48 AM
well, we don't really know any of them.

real celebreties as opposed to fake ones?

Are you refering to like "I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here! " or whatver, those are real celebs, just washed up ones that no one really cares about anymore and are no longer making any money, but most people will still recognize their names.

The other reality tv ppl have been turned into celebs.

The winners of the survivor games and runner ups are definitely celebs now. Not as famous as the ones you listed, but still.

People off the streets will recognize them for years to come and they are rich.

Hmm for the people you listed to be on a show like survivor - it would never happen. It would be more fake than usual, they could never handle it, and you would have to pay them millions each to even get them to consider doing it.

02-03-2004, 12:52 PM
yah, but still. It would be great to see some REAL actors out there deserted on an island and see how they will survive without anyone there to help them. The people they have ont eh show are ordinary people with at least some life skills. Actors and actresses would have no idea what to do! That is what would make it interesting.

02-04-2004, 04:20 PM
That would be cool though it coudn't ever happen. Like HOBBIT siad, you'd have to pay millions to get them to think about and even if it did happen, most likely, the celebs would just sit around and mope.