View Full Version : Kuat Drive Yards Victory class Star Destroyer

trolls' bane
01-24-2004, 08:54 PM
Was the 1st. Kuat Drive Yards' Super Star Destroyer built in the drydocks on Kuat, or was it assembled in space?

Note: I just wondered: this is not a [TB?].

The Ben
05-26-2004, 07:37 PM
Probably assembled in Space.

trolls' bane
06-21-2007, 07:38 AM
I've got the answer to my own question, answered by reading and experience.

I don't remember if Lusankya and Executor were the first two, but I suspect so. If that be the case, well, they were assembled simultaneously in two locations, each independent and unsuspecting of the other. I don't remember where Executor was built, although the planets Ord Mantell, Dathomir, and that planet where the ysalmiri come from ring a bell. Meanwhile, Lusankya was built secretly under the surface of Coruscant.